What are the basic things involved in QA testing?

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Whatar et hebasi c t hi ngsi nvol vedi n QAt est i ng?

Fol l owi ngar et hef i vest epsr equi r edt oper f or m QAt est i ng:

Thedocument at i onandr equi r ement s 1 . shoul dbepr oper l yr evi ewed: The pr oj ect i si ni t i at ed by t he QA engi neer s by wor ki ngpar al l el l yongener at i ngdocument at i on. The document at i on and r equi r ement s ar e bei ng r evi ewedf or : Ver i f i abi l i t y

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Compl et eness

Consi st ency Theobj ect i vei st oanal yz et echnol ogi esandsyst em ar chi t ect ur ef ordi scr epanci es.

Thet estcasesshoul dbe 2. pr epar ed: Whent her equi r ement shavebeenpr oper l ysetup, t estcases need t obepl anned.Theact i onsofQA engi neer sshoul d be pr oper l ydescr i bed i n or dert o make sur et hatt he pi ece of sof t war ef unct i onsaspert hepl an.

Thet estcasesneedt o 3 . bedesi gned: Thei ni t i at i onofr unni ngt het estcasest akespl acebyt he

QA t eam when t he devel opmentst age i sf i ni shed.The mai nobj ect i vei st omakesur ewhet hert hedevel opment oft he sol ut i on i st aki ng pl ace pr oper l yf r om a t echni cal st andpoi nt and t hat t he i ni t i al pr oduct owner ’ s r equi r ement sar epr oper l ymet .

Fol l owi ngar et hekeyQAt est i ngact i vi t i es:

3. 1 :Smoket est i ng The sof t war ei s checked by t he QA engi neer si n or dert o know whet heri t s f unct i onsormodul e ar e wor ki ng aspert he pl anned r equi r ement s.When t he sof t war e has passed t he smoke t est ,t hen t he nex tphases oft est i ng ar e conduct ed.

3. 2:I nt egr at i ont est i ng The di f f er entcomponent s ar e ver i f i ed t o know whet hert hey can f unct i on pr oper l ywheni nt egr at ed

3. 3:Per f or mancet est i ng The syst em’ s or appl i cat i on’ s per f or mance i st est ed under var yi ng wor kl oads

3. 4:Secur i t yt est i ng Thi st est i ngmet hodi sper f or medt omakesur et hatt heappl i cat i oni sf ul l y secur e

3. 5:Cr oss-br owsert est i ng The appl i cat i on i s checked t o know whet heri tcan wor k smoot hl y on di f f er entbr owser s( Saf ar i ,Moz i l l a,Chr ome)and pl at f or ms ( i OS,Andr oi d, Wi ndows) .

3. 6:Regr essi ont est i ng Bugsar ebei ngi dent i f i edi nt hecodet hatwast est edpr evi ousl y.Whennew f eat ur esar eaddedorupdat esar emadet oanex i st i ngsyst em,r egr essi on

t est i ngi sper f or med.

Measur i ngt het est i ng 4 . act i vi t y: When a bug i sdi scover ed bya QA engi neer ,a bug t r acki ng syst em i s used t o r ecor d i t , whi ch i s al so a pr oj ect managementsyst em.Redmi ne orJi r a can be used asbot h ar econsi der edt obehi ghl yconf i gur abl esof t war e.

Thef i xesneedt obe 5 . ver i f i ed: When an i ssue i sf i x ed by a devel oper ,t hen t he QA engi neer sshoul d be i nf or med abouti tso t hatt heycan ver i f yt hosef i x es.

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