What is the difference between system and integration testing?

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Whati st hedi f f er ence bet weensyst em and i nt egr at i ont est i ng?

Whati s Syst em t est i ng? I ti sa t est i ng met hod wher eaf ul l yi nt egr at ed

sof t war e pr oductorappl i cat i on i sval i dat ed.The end-t o-end syst em speci f i cat i onsar eeval uat ed. Aser i esofdi f f er entt est sar econduct edsot hatt he comput er -based syst em i st est ed i ni t sent i r et y. Thosecomponent st hathavebeeni nt egr at edar e

t akenasi nput s.I nt egr at i ont est i ngchecksi ft her e ar eanyi r r egul ar i t i esbet weent hei nt egr at eduni t s. Def ect sar edet ect edbyt hesyst em t est i ngwi t hi n bot ht hewhol esyst em andt hei nt egr at eduni t s.

Whati s I nt egr at i ont est i ng? I ti sa t est i ng met hod i n whi ch t he di f f er ent component s,modul es or uni t s of a sof t war e appl i cat i onar ei nt egr at edandt hent hei rbehavi or i s anal yz ed.I ti st he second phase/ st ep oft he Sof t war eTest i ng L i f eCycl e( STL C)pr ocessand i s per f or med af t eruni tt est i ng.When a modul ei s cr eat ed bydevel oper susi ng di f f er encesi nl ogi c pat t er ns,i nt egr at i on t est i ng ensur es t hat t he syst em i snotcompr omi sed.

Di f f er encebet weensyst em t est i ng andi nt egr at i ont est i ng: Syst em t est i ng

I nt egr at i ont est i ng

0 1Itmakes sure thatthe entire system

i s

t est ed and i s abl e t o meet busi ness speci f i cat i ons

0 1Itmakessurethattwoormoremodulesthat havebeeni nt egr at edshoul dbeabl et o per f or m asex pect ed

0 2Itcomesunderbothfunctionaland

0 2Itcomesunderthefunctionaltypeof

0 3Thesystem’sinternalstructureisunderstood

0 3Itobtainsknowledgeandinformationofjust

0 4Functional,incrementalandbig-bang

0 4Usability,regression,sanity,retesting,

non-f unct i onalt ypesoft est i ng

t est i ng

andanal yz ed

appr oaches ar e used i n t hi st est i ng

i nt er l i nkedmodul esandt hei ri nt er act i on

mai nt enanceandper f or mancet est sar et he

met hod

appr oachesusedi nt hi st est i ngmet hod

0 5Onlythetestingteam is

0 5Boththetestinganddevelopmentteam is

0 6Functional,security,reliability,scalability,

0 6Top-down, Bottom-up, Big-bang

i nvol ved

i nvol ved

usabi l i t yt est i nget c. , ar esomeoft het ypesof syst em t est i ng

0 7Themodule’sbehaviorasawholeis t est ed

Toknowmor eaboutourser vi ces pl easeemai lusat

i nf o@t est i ngxper t s. com


hybr i dt est i ngar et het ypesofi nt egr at i on t est i ng

0 7Theinterfacebetweenindividualmodulesis t est ed

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