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teachtravel.org mMany people (particularly Americans) believe that the French people are rude and unwelcoming to foreigners who do not speak their language. In high school, I took two years of French classes where I learned to say the basics: hello, goodbye, my name is, how much does this cost, where is the toilet, please and thank you. I was so nervous on my first trip to France because I had heard so many stories of impolite French people. I knew that my French speaking skills were limited, plus I knew that I would not properly pronounce the words or use proper grammar. To my surprise, I was given a warm welcome. Often, I heard, “Bonjour, je m‘appelle Celine. Comment allez-vous? Puis-je vous aider.” This is French for, “Hello. My name is Celine. How are you? How can I help you?”

Since that first trip to France, I have returned numerous times and always had a pleasant interaction with the locals. Year later, I went to Siberia and studied Russian. My language class had five French people, in addition to

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