The Major Arcana (Book 2)

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^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

New beginnings. Taking a risk, young at heart, setting out, Starting in trust, having faith. A spirit in search of experience

The World is at your feet. Completion of the journey, triumph, wholeness, Being aware of the grand design, travel, loving life.

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M

Cliff Edge : Not looking before he leaps: without fear Mountains: Sitting up high in the world : feelings of height Looking up: Intelligent with expectant dream Dog : Companionship bounding in joy, trust and faith Wand on Shoulder : The tool of magic Bag on the end of the wand Few possessions or underlying knowledge Rose Promise of life blooming, abundance Sun : The Illuminated or Enlightened path to and from home

Man : Air Element Bull: Taurus : Earth Woman in centre :

Aloha has looked for an opportunity, receives the offer of a job, accepts it on trust and begins a new life

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Afraid to take risks: ruled by fear, missing new opportunities. A new journey that may have begun through petulance, impatience, without considering others

Nuit has procrastinated, being too afraid to set out In frustration and anger she loses her temper and leaves in a tantrum.

Eagle : Water Lion : Leo : Fire sign Spirit that brings all elements together Laurel: (wreath) , Victory Cloth : Bridge between heaven and earth Red tie Sign of Infinity: Infinite possibilities 2 Wands : Sign of the magus : Ability to manifest in balance Aloha stands in her ultimate power : the connection with her spiritual self and worldly knowledge in perfect balance. She is now free to choose what she wants and know she will get it!

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Working hard and getting no-where. Something missing in life, Feeling resentful, unbalanced life.

Nuit’s journey of relationships has finished for the time, but she has missed a point. A slight feeling of dissatisfaction.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

Symbol of feminine instinctual spirituality, trusting your inner voice, a time for non-action, Wise counsel

Enlightenment. Illumination, Happiness, a strength of purpose, male energy : positive activity, vitality, enthusiasm, assurance, courage

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Horned Diadem with globe on her head: Royal crown of light Crescent Moon at feet The mysterious unknowns Solar Cross : Turning time, spiritual season links & beliefs Scroll inscribed with “Tora”: Greater Law Implied or Spoken / Ancient Knowledge Woman of Light : Spiritual Mother, Listening within / Spiritual communication Black & white pillars : Mystic temple ( Yin and Yang) Aloha is learning to trust her instincts: to listen to her inner-self and trust them to guide her in the decisions she makes. She uses this knowledge to help other people : gives good advice.

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Sun : Consciousness of Spirit, Love, Fulfillment, Happiness Child in Joy : Simplicity and Innocence of Wisdom: Trust Sunflowers : Garden : Life renewed Horse : Our Animal nature I perfect harmony with spirit Aloha has a new sense of determination as she bathes in the light of spiritual enlightenment. She carries the drive and enthusiasm to re-create her life

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Misleading information. Someone who talks as though they know, quotes other people’s theories without knowing the meanings. Inability to get in touch with intuitive feminine side.

Nuit tries to appear wise by parroting other people’s ideas as her own without understanding the meanings of the philosophy she spouts. She has no connection to her own spiritual self or intuition.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Weakness, wishful thinking without action, living in nostalgia, uncoordinated.

Nuit feels enthusiastic but instead of getting and doing, she sits in the energy of wishful thinking! (eg) “ I could do this if I won lots of money!”

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

Worldly Power, Material Success with wisdom, Kingly, Patriarch, Building structures, Law abiding, Strong convictions

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Crowned Monarch on throne : Intellectual and worldly kingship Ram’s Heads: Egyptian symbol of God “Kherty” : Protected By Ra and Partner of Osiris Dual nature of hostility and protection ( Battle or diplomacy) Sceptre : “Crux Ansata” (Ankh) : Key of Life Globe in left hand: The Power of light & the world in his hand Richness of dress: Executive, power Aloha is gaining mastery of her world, has become a trustworthy and sensible advisor and is gaining material success.

The wish card. Hope, inspiration, peace, tranquility, spiritual blessings. Open heart : use the light of the stars to guide your way.

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Naked woman 2 jugs of water : 7 Stars : Large star : Dove :

Youth & Beauty, Truth Unveiled Waters of life freely/Gifts of the Spirit Numerological number of spirituality Guiding light Bird of Peace

Aloha finds peace with herself after the disaster and begins to build hopes and dreams of a new future. She uses her own “high priestess” power and the guidance of her spiritual self to find her way.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

Misuse of Power, Tyranny, Dogmatic male energy, arrogant, uses force rather than diplomacy. Hostility to Authority

Short tranquil period followed by feelings of loss and sadness . Loss of faith

Nuit has become a bully, ruling the people around her by force and tyranny. She gets others to do her dirty work.

Nuit has also felt temporarily more balanced but is unable to sustain it : she does not know how to contact her higher self guidance.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Soul-mate partnership, new or renewed. Courtship, love, romance, passion, marriage, Major choice

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Sun in zenith with winged being: Light and blessings bestowed upon the union; Cupid Naked Male and female: unveiled (truth) before each other. sexual union Tree behind the man with 12 fruits: Growth, completion, 12 the number of Christ energy Tree with serpent behind the woman: Tree of knowledge of good & evil ( traditional Eve symbolism), but representing the Secret law to enable man to complete himself

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Addictions, Violence, slavery to the senses, Bondage, Obsessions. Materialism Force

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Horned Goat Head: Symbol of Christianity’s Lucifer Upside down Pentagram : Wiccan sign of Protection reversed: vulnerability to evil Fire torch facing Earth: Earthly heat, passion Female & Male As Demons, with Tails chained to the base: Bondage through animal desires, (Adam & Eve, post Eden) ; chains of materialism. With surrounding love cards can mean marriage Aloha cannot let go of the disappointment of losing the house and her shadow side becomes angry: the worst side of her comes out.

Aloha is ready to find her soul mate and understands that the choice is important, She meets a young man.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Unrequited love. Unrealistic attraction based in superficial ideas. Blind, foolish action. Inability to accept consequences of own choices.

Nuit has fallen in love with love : she mistakenly believes that a look from a young man means something warmer, then feels betrayed because he doesn’t return her affections.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Not the evil of the upright devil. Pranks and mischief, silly behaviour. Big egos can be brought down a peg. Irresponsibility.

Nuit, in her desire to find balance swings from silly behaviour and childish pranks to feeling sulky. Her ego is out of control.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

Strength is available to achieve everything needed : power tempered and balanced with the softness and wisdom of the feminine

The complete end of a cycle. Accepting the inevitable. Putting the past behind: clearing debris for new beginnings. Can indicate great loss.

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M

Looped “8”: Symbol of Life Woman closing the jaws of a lion: Subdued the force of the lion Lion : The greatest symbol of animal power : Warrior Led by a garland of Flowers: Gentle yoke of Divine law Regarded as one of the 4 Cardinal Virtues

Background: Whole world in Ascent of Spirit Sun rising through Pillars: Immortality Horseman (Skeleton): Movement towards Death/ Rebirth Banner with the Mystic Rose: Life People & Prelate fallen and waiting to fall: Willingness to meet Inevitable death: to accept change

The original strength card was numbered 11 : Rider Waite changed this, to 8, exchanging Justice, quoting” there is no cause for explanation.”

Aloha and her fiancé cannot get the house. The opportunity is irrevocably gone. The lessons they have learned allow them to plan differently for the future

Aloha has gained the balance of strength with compassion to move into the world : she carries herself with confidence, power and gentleness

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

All brawn, no brain. Wasted effort : over-kill. Cowardice. Childishness, tantrums, boasting, living in fear. Playing the victim.

Disaster has been avoided but so may have you avoided change which may be needed. Stagnation and depression may be the result.

Nuit is trying to find what power works from the tantrums to the cry of Neediness in the belief that getting others to do her bidding is strength.

The hope that the relationship will blossom delays the completion of this cycle for Nuit, which can extend it into depression and stagnation

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M

A Turning Point : Change not of your making : Fate. Coincidence, an unexpected opportunity to be grasped quickly. .

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M 4 creatures of Ezekiel (597BC) : God appeared to Ezekiel in a chariot drawn by 4 winged creatures : Man, Eagle, Bull and Lion : 4 directions Serpent : Typhon: Greek : (A monster who made war on the gods) at the will of Gaia ( Mother Earth ): Fate turning down Sphinx : The balance point : Equilibrium Wheel : Inscribed with T.A.R.O and God in Hebrew : Fate in the hand of God. Fluid universe, and flux of human life Devil at the base: Bad luck, unfortunate circumstances

Legal matters : upright is victory. Right will prevail. Karma at work. A good fight. Balanced power.

^xç fçÅuÉÄá M Woman : Representing Astraea :

Greek Goddess personifies justice, innocence & purity Woman as judge : Balance of Power : fight with Wisdom of the Priestess but at a worldly level The sword: Knowing when to use the power of the warrior Scales: Justice in balance : Karma Crown : Authority : good advice Pillars: Institution/ Court House One of the Four Cardinal Virtues

A lucky chance brings a real estate Agent into the arena who has the perfect house for Aloha & her fiancé. A quick decision must be made.

^xç `xtÇ|Çzá M Reversals, a bad time to make decisions, foreboding of bad luck. Resisting change that is inevitable.

Nuit has a feeling of foreboding that misfortune is hers and deepens her worry. She can only wait for the wheel to turn.

Aloha and her fiancé have decided to buy the house. They have worked hard for it : their reward for the good. It is right.

Key Meanings : A delay in the carriage of Justice. At worst, a decision will go against you, depending on surrounding cards. Are you being unjust?

Nuit rails against the world for her situation as things go wrong. She refuses to accept that karma of her actions is in play.

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