2017 price gude

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Pr i ci ng & Pr oduct s Mat er ni t y/Por t r ai tS i t t i ng | £65 I NCL UDES :1hours i t t i ngand1x 8” x10”pr i nt s

Newbor nS i t t i ng | £95 I NCL UDES :4hourNewbor ns i t t i ngand1x 8” x10”pr i nt s

Mat er ni t y& Newbor n | £135 I NCL UDES :1hourMat er ni t ys i t t i ng,4HourNewbor ns i t t i ng and2x 8” x10”pr i nt s

CakeS mas h | £75 I NCL UDES :1& hal fhourMat er ni t ys i t t i ng,Hal fhourpor t r ai t s i t t i ngf ol l owedbyt hecakes mas h.Abas i ccakei si ncl uded i nt hi spr i ceand1x10” x8”pr i nt .I fyouwi s ht ot hemet hecake s mas hanupgr adet ot hecakecanbemadeatanex t r a. Paymenti sdueatbooki ng




i neAr tAl bumsar eabeaut i f ul wayt opr es ental l your i magesf r om yours es s i onst obedi s pl ayedonyourcof f ee t abl e,s hel f ,bookcas eort ogi vet oyourl i t t l eonewhen t heyar eol der .T hef i near tal bum i sbes poket oyou. T heyar ebeaut i f ul l yhandmadei nI t al yt ot hehi ghes t qual i t y.


COLLECTI ONS COL L ECT I ONI| £200 10x10”x8”mount edpr i nt si napr es ent at i onbox .

COL L ECT I ONI I| £250 10i magesf r om yours i t t i ngi nhi ghr es ol ut i on,pr es ent ed onas t unni ngwoodenUS B.Al l copyr i ghti sr el eas edf or per s onal pr i nt i ngonl y.

COL L ECT I ONI I l | £550 10i magesf r om yours i t t i ngi nhi ghr es ol ut i on,pr es ent ed onas t unni ngwoodenUS B.Al l copyr i ghti sr el eas edf or per s onal pr i nt i ngonl y. A5panelwal l ar t(1x8” x 8” ,4x10” x 8” ) S avi ngof£50

COL L ECT I ONI I l l| £450 Al l i magesf r om yours i t t i ngi nhi ghr es ol ut i on,pr es ent ed onas t unni ngwoodenUS B.Al l copyr i ghti sr el eas edf or per s onal pr i nt i ngonl y.

T HES ERENI T YCOL L ECT I ON | £850 T hi si st heUl t i mat eCol l ect i on. Al l i magesf r om yours i t t i ngi nhi ghr es ol ut i on,pr es ent ed onas t unni ngwoodenUS B. .Al l copyr i ghti sr el eas edf or per s onal pr i nt i ngonl y, 10x10”x8”mount edpr i nt si napr es ent at i onbox , 30” x30”Or bAcr yl i cwal l ar t . S avi ngof£235.


S er eni t yEyePhot ogr aphy|

A LA CARTE WAL LART Acr yl i cOr b yl i c Pr oMount edPr i nt s Acr 16” x 12” |£90 20” x 16” |£135 24” x 20”|£159 30” x 20”|£180 40” x 30” |£312

16” x 12” |£150 20” x 16” |£189 24” x 20”|£222 40” x 30”|£570

10” x 10” |£150 20” x 20” |£240 30” x 30”|£435 40” x 40”|£705

Al umi nes cent 16” x 12” |£165 20” x 16” |£189 24” x 18”|£255 30” x 20”|£342 40” x 30” |£570

F RAMEDWAL LART yl i c Pr oMount edPr i nt s Acr 16” x 12” |£135 20” x 16” |£180 24” x 20”|£240 30” x 20”|£285 40” x 30” |£480

16” x 12” |£222 20” x 16” |£318 24” x 20”|£390 40” x 30”|£864

5Panel 1x8” x 8” ,4x10” x 8” |£350


oque F r amedCanvas Bar 20” x 16” |£270 24” x 16” |£306 24” x 20”|£375 30” x 20”|£420 40” x 30” |£645

Mul t i Panel

16” x 12” |£225 20” x 16” |£290 24” x 20”|£375 40” x 30” |£755

3Panel 2x8” x 8” ,1x10” x 8” |£235

A LA CARTE BoxF r ameMont age 10” x 10” |£75 20” x 20” |£135

BabyS howerGi f tVoucher|£130 I NCL UDES :4hourNewbor ns i t t i nganda10” x 8”pr i nt . AL oveBool ux ur ypamperbagwor t hover£50and as upers of tt eddy.Al l pr es ent edi nagi f tbag.

Gi f tVoucher|£5 Eachgi f tvouchercomesbox edand pr es ent edi nagi f tbag.

S l i deS how Pr es ent at i on |£65 Al l i magesf or m yours i t t i ngi nat i mel es ss l i des how s ett omus i c andpr es ent edonas t unni ngwoodenUS B.

GI FTSFOR THEFAMI LY T hankYouCar ds Packof10Car dsandenvel opes |£25 Packof25Car dsandenvel opes |£45

S mal l Pr i nt s Pr es ent edi namount 6’ x 4” |£25 8” x 6” |£35 10” x 8”|£45

L ar gePr i nt s 20” x 16” |£75 24” x 20”|£95 30” x 20”|£125

F ol i oDuo 6’ x 6” |£50 8” x 8” |£65

F ol i oT r i o 6’ x 6” |£65 8” x 8” |£75


S er eni t yEyePhot ogr aphy|

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S er eni t yEyePhot ogr aphy|


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