Cliff House, San Francisco (detail of n°4)
Weekly transmission 21-2017 contents: "San Francisco", one of Maxime Le Forestier’s best known songs (1981) II Weekly Cartoon by Theophile: Building Freedom III 1876, Three Mexican candidates Run for Presidency IV Viaje a los Estados Unidos por Fidel (Guillermo Prieto), 1877 V Hesiquio Iriarte’s 27 lithographs: San Francisco, New Orleans, New York, Washington 1-27,108826.htm
In 1971, the young singer was living in a hippie commune, called "Hunga Dunga", in a blue house situated at 3841 18th Street in San Francisco. The anthemic song was written as a fond tribute to Maxime Le Forestier’s housemates and hippie friends, and the names mentioned in the song refer to real people. These include Phil Polizatto, who recalls with great affection Le Forestier’s stay in the blue house, in a critically acclaimed book entitled “Hunga Dunga: Confessions of an Unapologetic Hippie”. In the summer of 2011, the house was repainted from light green to its original blue, and a plaque dedicated to Le Forestier was unveiled by the French Consul, pointing to the cultural importance of the song in French popular culture. direct link :,108826.htm The e-bulletin presents articles as well as selections of books, albums, photographs and documents as they have been handed down to the actual owners by their creators and by amateurs from past generations. The physical descriptions, attributions, origins, and printing dates of the books and photographs have been carefully ascertained by collation and through close analysis of comparable works. Only painting number 7 is available, price on request.
N°21-2017: SAN FRANCISCO, 1877 Previous transmissions can be found at
Louis Hayet (detail of n°7)
"San Francisco", one of Maxime Le Forestier’s best known songs, begins with the line: "C'est une maison bleue adossée à la colline" (meaning "It's a blue house backed to the hill").
Weekly Cartoon by Theophile: Builging Freedom
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
(François Aubert, Young Porfirio Diaz, c. 1867, Fondacion Televisa)
Weekly Transmission 21
140 years ago, Mexican Presidential Elections 1876, Three Mexican candidates run for presidency in the elections without gaining majority. In the turmoil which succeeds, Porfirio Diaz takes the power, and the two unfortunate competitors, Lerdo de Tejada and José María Iglesias, sail in exile to the United States. Flashback : Following the death of Juárez of a heart attack in July 1872, Sebastián Lerdo de Tejada (1823-1889) becomes president. Lerdo offers amnesty to rebels, which Díaz accepts, taking up residency in Veracruz, serving in the legislature. But the increasing anti-clericalism of the Mexican Republic reinforces the opposition, and labor unrest grows, when a major rebellion of the Yaqui in northwest Mexico challenges central government rule. Díaz travels to New Orleans and Brownsville, Texas to plan a rebellion, which is launched in Ojitlan, Oaxaca, on 10 January 1876 as the "Plan de Tuxtepec" but fails. Díaz, still an outspoken citizen, lead a second revolt against Lerdo de Tejada in 1876. This second attempt also fails and Díaz returns to the United States of America. Several months later, in November 1876, Díaz is back in Mexico and fight the Battle of Tecoac, where he defeats the government forces once and for all (on 16 November). Lerdo leaves Mexico for exile in New York. Díaz and his allies, a group of technocrats known as "Científicos", will rule Mexico for the next thirty-five years, a period known as the Porfiriato.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
After a few weeks in power in November 1876, José Maria Iglesias went to San Francisco in January 1877with a group of Mexican Politicians who where members of his “shadow” cabinet, including Guillermo Prieto who published a relation of the USA trip. Thanks to this lively travel book, no less than 1500 pages of anecdots on hotel, food, women, theaters, we have an evocation of the United States in the very first years of the Cantral Pacific railroad making easy to travel from San Francisco to Cincinnati, New Orleans, New York, Philadelphy, Baltimore, Washington and San Antonio.
Guillermo Prieto (1818-1897) was a major Mexican novelist, short-story writer, poet, chronicler, journalist, essayist, patriot and a Liberal politician. Prieto was born in Mexico City, the son of José María Prieto Gamboa and Josefa Pradillo y Estañol. His childhood was spent near Molino del Rey (King’s Mill), next to the historic Chapultepec Castle, since his father administered the mill and the associated bakery. The political allegiance of Mexico’s national poet to the Mexican liberals allowed him to serve as Minister of Finance and Foreign Affairs under different administrations. Prieto became personal secretary of Valentín Gómez Farías and Anastasio Bustamante and editor of El Diario Oficial. Minister of finance (hacienda) under three Presidents: Mariano Arista, Juan Álvarez and Benito Juárez. Congressional deputy 15 times and a representative of Puebla in the constituent congress of 1856-57. He supported the Plan de Ayutla, proclaimed March 1, 1854 and aimed at overthrowing dictator Antonio López de Santa Anna. For this he suffered temporary exile in Cadereyta, Guanajuato. As minister of finance under President Juárez, he accompanied the president into exile after the coup by Félix Zuloaga. During the subsequent War of the Reform, he saved the life of President Juárez in Guadalajara by stepping between the president and the guns of the rebelling guardsmen (March 14, 1858). The guardsmen backed down and did not shoot. (this story first appeared in the book presented here) After the return of the Republican government to Mexico City, Prieto, again minister of finance, published the decree of February 5, 1861 declaring that ecclesiastical property was property of the nation, and that as a consequence, contracts and other dealings celebrated by the clergy without the consent of the constitutional government were null and void.
Guillermo Prieto in 1877
Viaje a los Estados Unidos por Fidel (Guillermo Prieto)
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
When Congress declared President Lerdo (also a Liberal and supporter of Juárez) re-elected on 26 September 1876, Iglesias, in his judicial capacity, declared the election illegal because of fraud and the constitutional succession interrupted, and he claimed the presidency. At the same time, General Porfirio Díaz proclaimed the Plan de Tuxtepec and rose against Lerdo. Some of Iglesias's supporters were arrested by Lerdo de Tejada, and Iglesias was forced to flee the capital. He went to Guanajuato, where he was recognized as president of the Republic by several Governors. In Salamanca, he issued a manifesto announcing his assumption of the government. He also named a cabinet. By December, the states of Guanajuato, Querétaro, Aguascalientes, Jalisco and San Luis Potosí had recognized him as president. Prieto served as minister of foreign relations in this government of José María Iglesias. Meanwhile, Lerdo de Tejada was forced to abandon the capital after losing the Battle of Tecoac (Puebla) to General Porfirio Díaz. Díaz and Iglesias began negotiations, but when these broke down over the latter's refusal to recognize the Plan de Tuxtepec, Díaz marched against him.
Viaje... 1877, first illustration
Iglesias fled to Guadalajara, where he installed his government on 2 January 1877. His forces under Antillón were defeated at Los Adobes, and he fled with his cabinet and General Ceballos to Manzanillo, Colima. On 17 January, Iglesias with members of his government sailed for the United States. Prieto wrote this three volumes relation of the six months trip without any explicit mention of the political dimension of the periple.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
GUILLERMO PRIETO (1818-1897). Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Fidel (Guillermo Prieto) MĂŠxico, Imprenta del Comercio, de Dublan y Chavez, 1877. 27 litografias por Hesiquio Iriarte. Three volumes in-8, 220x150 mm, IX, 625 p. + 1 nn, portrait and 10 lithographs.; 593 p., 3 nn., 11 lithographs; 532 p. + 2 nn., 6 lithographs, half leather. Decent and pleasant copy of the first edition, in vintage mexican bindings. Palau, 237011. 650 euros
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). San Francisco, Viaje á los Estados-Unidos por Fidel (Guillermo Prieto), 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico. San Francisco was founded on June 29, 1776, when colonists from Spain established Presidio of San Francisco at the Golden Gate and Mission San Francisco de Asís a few miles away, all named for St. Francis of Assisi. Upon independence from Spain in 1821, the area became part of Mexico. Under Mexican rule, the mission system gradually ended, and its lands became privatized. The California Gold Rush of 1849 brought rapid growth, making it the largest city on the West Coast at the time. By 1890, San Francisco's population approached 300,000, making it the eighth-largest city in the United States at the time.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Calle de Kearny, San Francisco, Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos por Fidel (Guillermo Prieto), 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Kearny Street was originally named "La Calle de la Fundacion" by the Spanish. At Kearny and Clay, the first cable car in America, invented by Andrew S. Hallidie on August 2, 1873, climbed five blocks up the Clay Street hill. Landmarks along Kearny Street include Lotta's Fountain at Market Street, where 1906 earthquake commemorations are held; 555 California Street, the city's second tallest skyscraper; the location of the old Hall of Justice at Kearny and Clay Streets now occupied by the Hilton San Francisco Financial District; the Lusty Lady, the nation's first worker-owned peep show.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE. Palace Hotel, San Francisco.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Cliff House, San Francisco (Viaje ĂĄ los EstadosUnidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico. Cliff House has had five major incarnations since its beginnings in 1858. Samuel Brannan, a prosperous ex-Mormon elder from Maine, bought for $1,500 the lumber salvaged from a ship that foundered on the basalt cliffs below. With this material he built the first Cliff House. The second Cliff House was built in 1863, and leased to Captain Junius G. Foster. It was a long trek from the city and hosted mostly horseback riders, small game hunters or picnickers on day outings. With the opening of the Point Lobos toll road a year later, the Cliff House became successful with the Carriage trade for Sunday travel. Later the builders of the toll road constructed a two-mile speedway beside it where well-to-do San Franciscans raced their horses along the way. On weekends, there was little room at the Cliff House hitching racks for tethering the horses for the thousands of rigs. Soon, omnibus, railways and streetcar lines made it to near Lone Mountain where passengers transferred to stagecoach lines to the beach. The growth of Golden Gate Park attracted beach travellers, in search of meals and a look at the sea lions sunning themselves on Seal Rocks just off the cliffs, to visit the area. In 1877, the toll road, now Geary Street, was purchased by the city for around $25,000.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Jardin de Woodward, San Francisco (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Woodward's Gardens was a combination amusement park, museum, art gallery, zoo, and aquarium operating from 1866 to 1891 in the Mission District of San Francisco. Woodward's Gardens was owned and operated by Robert B. Woodward (1824-1879), who became wealthy during the Gold Rush of 1849. Early in his career, photographer Eadweard Muybridge took many photographs of the Gardens.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE. Los Wagones en la Calle de Clay, Clay Street Hill Railroad, San Francisco, 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The Clay Street Hill Railroad was the first successful cable hauled street railway. It was located on Clay Street, a notably steep street in San Francisco in California, and started regular service on September 1, 1873 and was a financial success. In 1888, it was absorbed into the Sacramento-Clay line of the Ferries and Cliff House Railway, and it subsequently became a small part of the San Francisco cable car system. Today none of the original line survives.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Tipos Chinos, Chinatown, San Francisco (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The area was the one geographical region deeded by the city government and private property owners which allowed Chinese persons to inherit and inhabit dwellings within the city. The majority of these Chinese shopkeepers, restaurant owners, and hired workers in San Francisco Chinatown were predominantly Hoisanese and male. Many Chinese found jobs working for large companies seeking a source of labor, most famously as part of the Central Pacific on the Transcontinental Railroad. Other early immigrants worked as mine workers or independent prospectors hoping to strike it rich during the 1849 Gold Rush. From 1870 to 1874, the California legislature formally criminalized the immigrant Asian women who were transported into California. In 1875, the U.S. Congress followed California's action and passed the Page Law, which was the first major legal restriction to prohibit the immigration of Chinese, Japanese, and Mongolian women into America.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Templo Chino, Chinatown, San Francisco (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Kong Chow Temple was founded, in 1849, by members of the Cantonese population of San Francisco. In 1854, the temple was renamed Kong Chow Clan Association, to stress the social activities planned by the temple. The Association provided social welfare and religious needs for the community. Like many buildings in the area, it was destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE. Vistas de las Sierras en el Ferrocarril central del Pacifico (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The Central Pacific Railroad (CPRR) is the former name of the railroad network built between California and Utah, built eastwards from the West Coast in the 1860s, to complete the western part of the "First Transcontinental Railroad" in North America. It is now part of the Union Pacific Railroad. Fifty Chinese laborers were hired by the Central Pacific Railroad in February 1865, then construction crews comprised 12,000 Chinese emigrant workers by 1868, when they constituted eighty percent of the entire work force. The "Golden spike", connecting the western railroad to the Union Pacific Railroad at Promontory, Utah, was hammered on May 10, 1869. Coast-to-coast train travel in eight days became possible, replacing months-long sea voyages and lengthy, hazardous travel by wagon trains.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE. Interior de un Carro Palacio, Pullman Car.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). Calle del Canal, Canal Street, New Orleans (Viaje á los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Forming the upriver boundary of the city's oldest neighborhood, the French Quarter or Vieux Carré, Canal Street served historically as the dividing line between the colonial-era (18thcentury) city and the newer American SectorUp until the early 1800s, it was the Creoles who lived in the Vieux Carré. After the 1803 Louisiana Purchase, a large influx of other cultures began to find their way into the city via the Mississippi River. It is said that the first movie theater (that is, the first business devoted specifically to showing films for profit) will be "Vitascope Hall", established on Canal Street in 1896.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Catedral Francesa, St. Louis Cathedral, New Orleans, 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The original church was destroyed in the Great New Orleans Fire on Good Friday, March 21, 1788. The cornerstone of a new church was laid in 1789 and the building was completed in 1794. In 1793 Saint Louis Church was elevated to cathedral rank as the See of the Diocese of New Orleans. In 1819, a central tower with the clock and bell was added.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Correo y Aduana, United States Customs House, New Orleans (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico. The U.S. Custom House, also known as the Old Post Office and Custom House, is a historic government building at 423 Canal Street. This monumental granite building was begun in 1848 and built over a period of 33 years. Although construction was suspended during the Civil War, the building was occupied briefly by Confederate forces and then by the Union Army after New Orleans was occupied in 1862. It was also used to house captured Confederate soldiers, reportedly up to 2,000 men at one time. The grand Marble Hall in the center of the building is one of the finest Greek Revival interiors in the United States.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Hotel de San Carlos, New Orleans (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The St. Charles Hotel, near Canal Street, was one of the city's two most well-known hotels through most of the 19th and early 20th centuries; it was torn down in the 1970s. (The other was the St. Louis Hotel in the French Quarter, which was replaced in the 20th century by the Royal Orleans.) St. Charles Avenue was the favored site for construction of mansions by the wealthy during the early years of the 20th century. A number of the old mansions were torn down in the mid- and late 20th century, until the area was declared an historic district.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Gran Fuente de Cincinnati, Fountain Square (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). El Niagara, 1877.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Nuevo Capitolio de Albany, New York State Capitol (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico. The present Capitol was built between 1867 and 1899. Three teams of architects worked on the design of the Capitol during the 32 years of its construction. The ground floor of the state capitol was built in the Classical/Romanesque style. Lieutenant Governor William Dorsheimer then dismissed Fuller in favor of Eidlitz and Richardson who built the next two floors in a Renaissance Classical style, noticeable on the exterior two floors as light, open columnwork. The legislative chambers, the fourth floor and roof work were all finished in Victorian-modified Romanesque that was distinctively Richardson's design.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Broadway, New York (Viaje รก los EstadosUnidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm, printed in Mexico.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Casa del Ayuntamiento, New York City Hall (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The architectural style of City Hall combines two noted historical movements, French Renaissance, which can be seen in the design of the exterior, and American-Georgian in the interior design. The building opened officially in 1812. The building is in 2017 the oldest city hall in the United States that still houses its original governmental functions, such as the office of the Mayor of New York City and the chambers of the New York City Council.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). El Parque Central, Central Park, New York (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto), 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. In 1853 the New York legislature settled upon a 280 ha area from 59th to 106th Streets for the creation of the Park, at a cost of more than US$5 million for the land alone. In 1858, Olmsted and Vaux won a design competition to expand the park. The park's first area was opened to the public in the winter of 1858. Construction continued during the American Civil War further north, and was expanded to its current size of 341 ha) in 1873. More than 14,100 m3 of topsoil had been transported in from New Jersey, because the original soil was neither fertile nor sufficiently substantial to sustain the various trees and plants called for and when the park was officially completed in 1873, more than 10 million cartloads of material had been transported out of the park, including soil and rocks.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). Vista Norte del del Cementerio de GreenWood, Greenwood Heights, Brooklyn (Viaje á los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Inspired by Pére Lachaise Cemetery in Paris and Mount Auburn Cemetery in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Green-Wood was able to take advantage of the varied topography provided by glacial moraines. The cemetery was the idea of Henry Evelyn Pierrepont, a Brooklyn social leader. It was a popular tourist attraction in the 1850s and by early 1860s, it became the popular tourist place 2nd to Niagara Falls.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). El Capitolio de Washington (Viaje á los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. By 1850, it became clear that the Capitol could not accommodate the growing number of legislators arriving from newly admitted states. A new design competition was held, and President Millard Fillmore appointed Philadelphia architect Thomas U. Walter to carry out the expansion. Two new wings were added – a new chamber for the House of Representatives on the south side, and a new chamber for the Senate on the north. When the Capitol was expanded in the 1850s, some of the construction labor was carried out by slaves "who cut the logs, laid the stones and baked the bricks". The original plan was to use workers brought in from Europe; however, there was a poor response to recruitment efforts, and African Americans, some free and some enslaved, composed the majority of the work force.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUĂ‘IGA (1824-1903). Camara de Diputados, United States Senate Chamber (Viaje ĂĄ los Estados-Unidos) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. In addition to expanding the space available for the Senate's use, the chamber's designers were concerned that the room have acoustical and line-of-sight qualities comparable to those of a theater. The construction of the chamber began in 1851. The general design of the chamber, a rectangular, two-story room in the center of the Capitol's north wing, includes 100 individual desks on a tiered platform. This platform, semi-circular in shape, faces a raised rostrum, on the chamber's second level, a visitor's gallery overlooks the Senate floor. Because of the chamber's theater-like qualities and size, numerous requests were made and fulfilled to use the chamber for functions other than that of legislation. In 1863, the chamber was used for a presentation of a narrative poem ("The Sleeping Sentinel") about a Union Army soldier, William Scott, who had fallen asleep at his post and was sentenced to be shot. Among the audience for the performance was, Abraham Lincoln, who had actually pardoned the sentinel months earlier. Senators grew tired of the competition for the chamber's usage, and allowed one final lecture on post-Civil War reconstruction.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUÑIGA (1824-1903). La Casa del Presidente, The White House, Southern Facade (Viaje á los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The semi-circular Ionic portico at Château de Rastignac in La Bachellerie, France with nearly identical curved stairs is speculated as the source of inspiration due to its similarity with the South Portico, although this matter is one of great debate about the possible influences of one house on the other. Rastignac was built between 1812 and 1817 following pre-Revolution designs by the architect Mathurin Salat (1755–1822). Though James Hoban, the original White House architect, did not visit the region, the third American president, Thomas Jefferson who had conducted architectural revisions of the White House did visit the region and meet architect Salat earlier, while serving as United States ambassador to France in 1789.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, United States Department of State in the then all new State, War, and Navy Building, Wahington (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos por Guillermo Prieto) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. Located on 17th Street NW, between Pennsylvania Avenue and New York Avenue, and West Executive Drive, the building, commissioned by Ulysses S. Grant, built between 1871 and 1888, on the site of the original 1800 War/State/Navy Building and the White House stables, in the French Second Empire style, is a National Historic Landmark. It was for years the world's largest office building, with 566 rooms and about ten acres of floor space. Many White House employees have their offices in the massive edifice.
Weekly Transmission 21
Thursday 25 Mai 2017
HESIQUIO IRIARTE Y ZUร IGA (1824-1903). Cathedral of San Fernando, San Antonio (Viaje รก los Estados-Unidos) 1877. Vintage lithograph, 220x150 mm. The original church of San Fernando was built between 1738 and 1750. The walls of that church today form the sanctuary of the cathedral, which gives rise to its claim as the oldest cathedral in the State of Texas. In 1868, under the director of architect Francois P. Giraud, the cathedral was considerably enlarged in the Gothic style, the addition forming the existing nave. The carved stone Stations of the Cross were added in 1874.
Viaje... 1877, first illustration, detail.
direct link for San Francisco song:,108826.htm
Serge Plantureux - Photographies Cabine d'expertises et d'investigations 80 rue Taitbout, rez-de-chaussée (Entrée du square d'Orléans) 75009 Paris + 33 140 16 80 80 Number Twenty-First, Third Year, of the Weekly Transmission has been uploaded on Tursday 25 May 2017 at 15:15 (Three days before the election) Forthcoming uploads and transmissions on Thursdays : Thursday 2 June 2017, Thursday 9 June 2017, 15:15 (Paris time) The “cabinet” is open every Morning 9-11 am, Thursday 3-7 pm every other moment by appointment.