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S e r g i o T a s c ó n G u a ñ a r i t a 2 0 2 4


R E S U M E .

Sergio Tascón

(+34) 691 040 476 | stascon ieu2022@student ie edu

Creative and open-minded student, seeking to always interpret situations from diverse angles Proven abilities in teamwork, always understanding how support and companionship are relevant Developed ability to work with difficult situations by always giving a high level of service Passionate about sustainability and technology, continuing learning about an architect´s role in the society

Name: Sergio Tascón Guañarita

Born: 16th May 2004

Birth Place: Cali, Colombia

Residence Place: Segovia, Spain

Languages: Spanish (Native) | English (Fluent, C1) | French (Intermediate, B1)


IE UNIVERSITY (IEU) | Segovia, Spain

Bachelor in Architectural Studies

IE High Potential Award: 75% Scholarship granted

Honors Distinction: Applied Physics in Architecture I Foundation Fellow Ambassador


High School Diploma

6 Academic Excellence Awards (2016-2022)

GPA 9 70/10 00

Best ICFES among graduating class Score: 415/500

Best DELF B1 among graduating class Score: 83 5/100


Rhinoceros 3D AutoCad Photoshop Illustrator InDesign

· Grasshopper

· Revit


HERMÈS ATELIER | Paris, France

Expected: July 2027

Graduated June 2022

· Handrawing

· Model Making

· Microsoft Excel

· Premiere Pro

Selected to be part of the collaboration team from IE and Hermès August-December 2024

Collaboration for the Saut Hermès event at the Grand Palais

BAUWOOD-Architecture and Sustainable Engineering Agency | Madrid, Spain

Participant of IEU Sustainability Lab January-June 2024

Programmed and managed a plan for implementation of the EU Taxonomy as a sustainability consulting experience (Collaborative)


Urban Ecology Initiative | Segovia, Spain November 2023Present)

Wood Craft Workshop | Segovia, Spain April 2024

Tech Tools: Fundamentals of Excel | Segovia, Spain JanuaryMarch 2024

The In-Between

Segovian Tiles Study

Intersectional Behaviours

Case Study-Maggies Leeds Centre

Under the Drapes

“The Metropoly Arises”

IE Campus Underscope

Creating Moments

01. The In-Betweem

2nd Year, Design Studio 3: Experience

Segovia, Spain


What is “the in-between”?

The in-between integrates a series of diverse spaces, between clay exhibition areas and workshops for the public Therefore the name of the project, as it works with enclosed and open spaces that follow a sequence established by the site The environment created "in between" all areas simultaneously incites an atmosphere of massivity and delicacy Delicacy comes from the subtle skin of Flexibrick that's designed along a pattern that allows light to go into the construction, and at the same time frames the amazing landscape Likewise, the enclosed concrete spaces give this sense of massiveness in contrast to the lightness of the brick skin

Site Analysis-Transitional Spaces

There is a transition of spaces created by the combinations of elements, such as vegetation, materiality, distribution, and circulation These create a change in the atmosphere of the site that’s also complemented by the difference in elevation of the terrain and of the walls In a way each level has its unique ambient

Longitudinal Section 1 1:100

Longitudinal Section 2 1:100


The in-between creates an atmosphere that plays with massivity and delicacy. This contradiction of atmospheres is engaging and invites people to explore as they feel intrigued by what the building shows They are attracted to how it merges the landscape, exterior areas, and a composition of materials that talks with the context of the construction What is “the in-between”?

02. Intersectional Behaviours

2nd Year, Design Studio 4: Program Segovia, Spain


Intersectional Behaviours

The project aims to build a new IE Segovia Campus through the lens of intersectional behavior This arises from the research on how spaces in universities are always intertwined between them, and behaviors in the are always collapsing into each The question is how to produce these areas that allow the intersectional behaviors?

Intersectional Behaviours in the IE Segovia Campus

FabLabanalizedinabroadercontext, wheredopeoplecirculatemore?

FabLab’s5differentintersectional behaviour.Unefficentdistribution

ProposalofnewFabLabconsidering variousbehaviours

Weeklyscheduleofpeopledensityonthe FabLab

Cafeteriaanalizedinabroadercontext, wheredopeoplecirculatemore?

Cafeteria’s3differentintersectional behaviour.Efficentdistribution

ProposalofnewCafeteriaconsidering newspacesandvariousbehaviours

Weeklyscheduleofpeopledensityonthe Cafeteria

Event taking place

srooms, patios, hallways. ersecting around this area. n event vs. when its empty?

Empty Refectory

Relatingtheintersectionalbehaviours strategywiththeresearchofviewscapes

Breakingdowntheviewintocategories:Negative/positivespace(winterandsummer),theriver,andthemountains.Howmuchofeach elementcanyousee?

Viewscapes of the Site

Frameworkbasedonthenegativeandpositivespacesinthesite. Programticelementsandbehavioursthatcanbedistinguished fromdifferentviewscapes.

Consideringaspatialgridusingthespacebetweentrees.Groundfloorwouldbea pubicarea.Eleavateduniversityenhencingtheview.
Variabletectonicstofillupvoidsbetweentress,changablegroundlevels.Flowyvs.static program.
Gridedconditionofthesite,thebestwaytoconnectthediverseprograms.Elevated CreativeCampuswithvariabletectonics.
Conceptualmodelingofamimickingsilhouetteofthesite.Mergingideasofelevatedcampuswithvariabletectonics,different programmaticconditionsproposed
Mimicking Silhouette

Programmaticdistributiononthemainspacesinthe campus.

Thein-betweenspacesthatgeneratetheorganic circulationinside

Programdividedintotowmainsectors.Workingareas (left),andstudyspaces(right).


Diagrammaticsectionofdivisionbetweeninteriorandexteriorareasofthecampus,andheightrelationshipwiththebuilt environment.
Shadowsbetweenexteriorspaces,alargeamountof sunlightgoingin.
Shadowsbetweenexteriorandinteriorspaces.Big shadowcoveringgreenpockets.
Shadowsbetweenexteriorandinteriorspaces.Big shadowcoveringgreenpockets.

03. Under the Drape

3rd Year, Design Studio 5: Technique (Collaborative)

Segovia, Spain

2024 (ongoing)

Under the Drape

Collaboration with Hermès based on the Saut Hermès event at the Grand Palais. Developing a Pony Club with a nomadic architecture that needs to travel the world and be adaptable to any site. Under the Drape focuses on the voids (the spaces in between), it is about creating a new catalog of programs for adults and children, between the existing programs that were given to us Thus, our strategy is to maximize the space with a system that is completely adaptable to any site, that is quick assembly and creates new programs that are necessary for a Pony Club

To accommodate the existing program and create the voids we focused on building an urban fabric: streets, plazas, highways, corridors, etc. were our main inspiration to build a “city” for the Pony Club.


The technique focuses on an easy assembly module that has a standardized measurement and that is connected by L-shape steel connectors that allow addition and adaptability at any side possible From every side of the unit, a modular fabric system working as a roof is covering (or not) every void to create the space in between, and the new programs

Cross Section 1 1:100

of the programs “Under the Drape”


Day vs Night experience of the Pony Club The space is enclosed during the night and totally open during the day, this is possible because of our modular fabric system

Cross Section 3 1:100

The Modular fabric system creates the new programs for children and adults, in this way, they can enjoy riding a pony while playing and learning about the brand and their craftsmanship

04. IE Campus Underscope

1st Year, Graphic Communication I Handrawing 2022


Explored a part of our campus through the use of axonometric hand-drawn drawings. Focused on materiality and roof composition and explored layers of ground and building structure.

Exploded Axonometric

05. Segovian Tiles Study

2nd Year, Design Studio 3: Experience

Drawing, AutoCad

Exploded Axonometric

Studying the traditional Segovian tiles that are embedded in their culture and architectural practice when designing the city, they can be easily identified for their upsidedown position leading to form “channels”. The channels help with snow and water flow, making its movement more efficient, it avoids the formation of nests, and decreases the loads applied on the roof

06. Case Study: Maggie’s Leeds Centre

2nd Year, Construction Systems and Applications I 3D Modelling, Digital Drawing (AutoCad), and Physical modelling-(Collaborative) 2023

Connection Detail 1 - Beams Connection


Longitudinal Section

Assembly sequence diagram

Construction Analysis

Analyzing the Maggies Leeds Centre and how by redeploying its components new types of connections can be produced This exercise aimed to think about how to connect successfully the different components of the building using construction techniques

Connection Detail 1 - Beams Connection


Assembly sequence diagram

Longitudinal Axonometric Section

Construction Analysis

Cross Axonometric Section

07. The Metropolis Arises

1st Year, Graphic Communication II Mix Media-Digital drawing (AutoCad), Handrawing, Photoshop 2023

Exploded Axonometric

Alternative reality of the Matadero, Madrid, based on the concept of Instant City, by Archigram. Combination of freehand drawing, perspective drawing, paraline drawing, color theory, and digital techniques, to produce a presentation board with a clear narrative structure that brings the issue of the arise of the metropolis in our society

08. Creating Moments

2nd Year, Design Studio 3: Experience

Mix Media-Digital Drawing (AutoCad), Physical Modelling, and Photoshop

Connection Detail 1 - Beams Connection

Creating Moments-SCAMPER

Using the SCAMPER model to generate more ideas following a series of steps that helped to generate diverse moments and programs through the use of physical models and rendering techniques

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