was prompted by a 'funny' copycat of the 1938 Orson Welles Martian attack newscast. The initial panic the alleged newscast had spread in town about Martians marching on Quito while gassing everyone in sight, including the anchorman Leonardo Paez who had collapsed on air, had turned into the “determination to even up the score”. The author of the unfortunate prank, Paez, fled the country unscathed instead of being held accountable2499.
The public may also be bombarded with conflicting and overinflated, ludicrous information, often in a conscious attempt at disinformation that is as valid as any preventive intelligence strategy. Crackpots from all provinces of the political spectrum deny the undeniable and affirm the untenable, thus spoiling legitimate debate.
International interlocking directorates then become the mythicist's scheming clique of consanguineous bankers, policy makers and U.S Presidents all thirteenth degree cousins of both Prophet Mohamed, the Queen of England, Pharaoh Akhenaton and the Rothschild dynasty via the Kings of France and Portugal who -in turn- claimed to descend from Jesus in spite of all dynastic changes.
Mormon co-founder Brigham Young allegedly declared in 1858:”Hidden in the blood of many LDS runs the blood of Israel from numerous directions, including that of the Savior. But it is specifically through the divine blood-right of 2499
Franz no date: lecture 8.
Jesus Christ through Joseph Smith Jr. that all members of the Church are lawful heirs to the promise”. Young had in fact allegedly declared he believed Jesus to have been married, whence the Da Vinci Code connection to Joseph Smith.
In perfect Hindu style, Gautama Buddha is as well described thus:”The ascetic Gotama is well-born on both sides of pure descent to the seventh generation, unbroken, of irreproachable birth. -...-He is a wanderer from a wealthy family, of great wealth and possession.”2500. In Judaism, too, “the seven generations of Cain” are equated with “the brood of Satan” (1906 Jewish Encyclopedia).
Zoroaster is also “a righteous man, blameless in his generation. [He] walked with God”: his lineage traces back 45 generations to the first human, Gayomart (“living mortal”).
The 1890 Meiji Constitution of Japan -as the country underwent modernization in the XIX century- recited:”The Empire Of Japan shall be reigned over and governed by a line of Emperors unbroken for ages eternal”.
Indeed, historically, most of the claims to continuity that are made for it are at best partly specious and often utterly so. -...-In contrast, when states, political parties, and social groups appeal to collective historical memory, their motives are far from trivial. -...-But the reality is that such efforts to mobilize and manipulate collective memory or manufacture it have been made by regimes and political parties of virtually every type.(Rieff 2016:59). Jesus' genealogy is traced back to either Abraham ( Matthew), or Adam
Abhayawansa, BH6103 no date: unit 8:2-3.
himself (Luke). Joseph's father, however, is either some Jacob ( Matthew 1:16); or some Heli (Luke 3:23). Some Christian scholars try to control damage claiming the discrepancy is simply due to mixing Joseph's genealogy with Mary's, and not due to the story being assembled from more or less incoherent bits and pieces. Also, Matthew traces Jesus back to Abraham and David: a thoroughly Hebrew messiah; whereas Luke traces Jesus all the way back to Adam: a true savior of both Jews and non-Jews.
Farcical Da Vinci Code narratives extend Jesus' bloodline beyond belief: is there anything one can be sure of? Professor of Early Judaism Magness begs to differ:
Jesus’s origin in Galilee meant that his descent from David was questionable. Further, his Jewish descent would have been questionable, as well. In fact, Galilee had been Judaized by the Hasmoneans only a century before Jesus’s birth. Therefore, by Jesus’s time, the population of Galilee included non-Jews who had been Judaized, or forcibly converted to Judaism, by the Hasmoneans a century earlier, as well as descendants of Judean colonists.Matthew and Luke take great pains to insert birth narratives into their accounts that not only established Jesus as coming from Judea originally but also established his lineage going back to David, in order to bolster the claim that he was, in fact, a legitimate messiah. (2015:73). Yohanan [ Ben Zakkai, rabbi, 30-90 CE ]thus gave expression to the tension he felt between himself and the Galilean environment. Pharisaic sages were few . Fewer still were those who consulted them. He found in Galilee that none came to seek his learning, and left behind him a bitter curse, "O Galilee Galilee ! You hate the Torah !" (Neusner 1975:64). Had the Khmer Rouge and NSDAP regimes lasted long enough -or had
they been received good enough-, people would probably hear today about Pol Pot's miraculous birth, and about Hitler's divine bloodline. A number of legends have indeed coalesced around North-Korean Communist leaders.
In the myth, Galahad is the illegitimate offspring of Lancelot and Elaine2501 who -in turn, like the later Prester John- supply him with bloodlines coming from both the house of David (=Jesus) and the Grail keepers' -fellowship Joseph of Arimathea banded to guard the famous cup-.
Fantasy bloodlines (“These are the generations of Noah. Noah was a righteous man, blameless in his generation. Noah walked with God. ” Genesis 6:9)2502, and esoteric fellowships are too good a commodity to let go. Chris White (Christian apologist) -in a documentary he explicitly dedicates to Jesus Christ- first accuses mythicist Jordan Maxwell of being
-among other things- a dangerous
Then White drivels on approvingly about some mythical biblical slaughter recounted in Genesis, which he justifies claiming the exterminated ones were sub-human hybrids of foul lineage disposed of so that Jesus' bloodline would pass the test. It's hard to think doctor Mengele might have gotten more enthusiastic, if less incoherent, than White.
2501 2502
In another version, she's the daughter of the Grail King. In perfect Hindu style, Gautama Buddha is described thus, however:”The ascetic Gotama is well-born on both sides of pure descent to the seventh generation, unbroken, of irreproachable birth. -...-He is a wanderer from a wealthy family, of great wealth and possession.” (Abhayawansa, BH6103 no date: unit 8:2-3)
Pseudo-gnostic truths based on quasi-historical accounts of deeds mythologized forefathers performed in a time before time can vouchsafe all politicized stances. Mormon leader Brigham Young had declared in 1852: “Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain [=people with dark skin], the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so”. Some even claim Mormon avengers took care to apply “blood atonement” to those in interracial relationships.
Young there just restyles for Mormon consumption the old Hebrew item of “the curse of Ham” (which Noah had uttered) that was belabored upon in Jewish rabbinical literature, Islam and Christianity in order very conveniently to justify political positions and power hierarchies. Muslim commentators delved into the question of “the curse of Ham” (= more or less a later version of the “seed of Cain” item), whereby Noah would have cursed his son Ham:”May God change the semen of your loins ”2503.
Still in 1929, a Jehova's Witnesses' publication stated that:”The curse which Noah pronounced upon Canaan was the origin of the black race ”. R.M. Price suggests instead how Noah may be the equivalent of the dethroned god Ouranos fighting his titanic offspring Kronus, Titan, Japhetus, Baal-Ammon etc. The Hebrew Talmud keeps echoes of a pre-existing castration of Noah, or eventually a sexual
X century Muslim scholar Balami. After the malediction, people in the country of Ham become Black.
abuse the sons perpetrated against Noah2504.
In Hindu lore, too, shyam-varna (dark skin complexion) as opposed to
gaura-varna (fair skin complexion) represented trials bestowed upon gods, too. Parvati's fair skin had turned dark as retribution for obtaining Shiva in marriage. She engaged in penance, and -with Shiva's help- got her fair skin back.
Fringe mythicists today amuse themselves with tragicomic genealogies including various breeds of outer space ancestors coming to Earth aboard their antimatter or zero-point energy powered flying saucers to copulate:
Jung wrote that the modern myth of unidentified flying objects tells us something of humankind's visionary expectations. People are looking for visits from the outside world because they think our deliverance will come from there. But the space age reminds us that voyages into outer space turn us back to inner space. The Kingdom of God is within us, but we have this idea that the gods act from “out there.� (Campbell 1991:116). According to a racist, eugenic and segregationist version of theosophy (ariosophy), Von Liebenfels (1874-1954) propounded how in a time before time Aryan men-gods had interbred with men-beasts: the NSDAP endorsed such theories in the pursuit of a recovery of primeval men-gods.
In 1864, Ellen G. White (1827-1915), the co-founder and prophetess of Seventh-Day Adventists wrote:�Since the Flood there has been amalgamation of man and beast, as may be seen in the almost endless varieties of species of animals,
Babylonian Talmud, Sanhedrin folio 70a.
and in certain races of men”.
“Amalgamation” was a current equivalent of “miscegenation” in U.S legal and commonplace parlance until the 1960s. Republican U.S President Harding had declared in 1921 that “racial amalgamation there cannot be”.
The maintenance of such distinctions is absolutely essential to race purity in any community when two or more races live side by side. Race feeling may be called prejudice by those whose careers are cramped by it but it is a natural antipathy which serves to maintain the purity of type. The unfortunate fact that nearly all species of men interbreed freely leaves us no choice in the matter. Races must be kept apart by artificial devices of this sort or they ultimately amalgamate and in the offspring the more generalized or lower type prevails. (Grant 1936:222). After these things had been done, the leaders came to me and said, "The people of Israel, including the priests and the Levites, have not kept themselves separate from the neighboring peoples with their detestable practices, like those of the Canaanites, Hittites, Perizzites, Jebusites, Ammonites, Moabites, Egyptians and Amorites. They have taken some of their daughters as wives for themselves and their sons, and have mingled the holy race with the peoples around them. And the leaders and officials have led the way in this unfaithfulness." (Ezra 9:1-2). Many speculate upon White's occult and/or Masonic propensities. It is very common nowadays to gentlemanly exonerate Jewish -and in some quarters Muslim- sources, however, to focus on Christian duplicity and German barbarism to explain ariosophy away.
Traditional Hindu Varna Dharma outlining the four main castes has in fact an undertone of (skin) color, outward appearance as gage of a mythological
social order established in a time before time as mythological Aryan ancestors from the North allegedly invaded India. In Aurobindo's translation of the Gita, varna comes to mean “race�:
The word varna occurs in many places in the family books and usually means light or colour. However. in some passages, it is associated with the Aryans and Dasas. The fact that similar epithets are applied to Dasas and Dasyus. and that both these terms are used to describe certain enemies, indicate an overlap in their connotations. The Rig Veda describes them as a-vrata (people who do not obey the ordinances of the gods) and a-kratu (those who do not perform sacrifices). Another adjective used for them is mridhravacha.This can be interpreted in different ways---as referring to their speech being indistinct, unclear, soft , unintelligible , uncouth. hostile. scornful or abusive. The fact that this epithet is used In one place for the Purus, an Indo-Arya tribe, makes It unlikely that It meant 'unintelligible'. In three places In the Rig Veda, the term Chrishna-tvach or asichni-tvach is applied to the Dasyus. This can be interpreted literally as 'dark skinned' or as a figurative use of darkness. In one passage. the Dasas are described as anasa.Whether this means noseless (i.e. flat -nosed), faceless (in some metaphorical sense) or mouthless (i.e whose speech is incomprehensible) is uncertain. The old view highlighted the supposed physical differences, and described the Dasa and Dasyus as the dark -skinned, flat-nosed aborigenal people of India who were displaced ,and pushed southwards by the fair-skinned Aryans. The references cited above should make it clear that the epithets used for the Dasas and Dasyus can be interpreted In different ways. Whether or not there were stark differences In physical appearance can be debated. What is certain IS that there were a range of cultural differences, including those of religious practice. and possibly in mode of speech, language, or dialect. (Singh 2008:192). For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous, (Leviticus 21:18).
The Western world relishes today dark(er) skin complexions as possibly reflecting the enjoyment of tropical vacations (=lordly oversupply), whereas many 2008
cultures -in east Asia notably- still shun skin tan, the gage of manual labor. Mostly lower classes tilling the fields or working menial jobs would get tan; this line of thought used to be the norm even in Italy until a few decades ago. This modern version of varna dharma is not exclusively tied to more or less preposterous racial purity mythologies.
Genealogies? The squabble between the two halves of nobility in France had in 1716 genealogies of some of the Kingdom's greatest houses exposed in a brief to the regent as fraudulent and manufactured.
Judicial nobility (noblesse de robe) through archival research documents the following in 1716. Les ducs d'Uzès are offspring of some Bastet, in turn son of a pharmacist; les de la Trémouille descend from a court jester under Charles V; les de Bethune rank some Bethon, Scottish adventurer, as their forefather; les Cossé Brissac used to claim illustrious Italian ancestry, but lately have been claiming to be from le pays du Maine; les Richelieu rank some Vignerot as their forefather, minion (perhaps homosexual ) of a cardinal who bequeathed his title to him when he married the cardinal's sister; les Saint-Simon are of very recent establishment, yet fabricated a fantasy genealogy for themselves; les la Rochefoucault are offspring of some George Vert, butcher and stable-man; les Neuville-Villeroy descend from a fish wholesaler under François I; les Boulainvilliers were still unknown just 150 years earlier; les Nouailles descend from a domestic servant of a mere count; les de Mazarin rank a robin as ancestor, in turn son of a pharmacist; les d'Harcourt are
offspring of a bishop's bastard; les Montespan are the illegitimate progeny of a modest chanoisne, and so forth. It is difficult to believe that the genealogies of many of France's great houses in 1716 could be more -or less- artificial and preposterous than the geneaology of any U.S president, Mormon founder, political agitator, French peer, banker or their ilk.
Stretching the fixation with bloodlines to the feasible extreme, even SS leader and brand manager Himmler could not -in spite of all the pomp and bile deployed- ask potential SS members to go farther back in time than mid XVIII century to document their ancestry. Of course, Hebrew sages were not Himmler's preferred patriarchs. Instead, the NSDAP regime preferred elusive atlantean mythologies, and prodigious races hidden at such godly places as Agartha (at the Earth's core) or Shambala (a mystical kingdom hidden somewhere in Asia).
Other mythicists talk endlessly of admiralty law and of people as corporations to denounce oppressive government and unjust laws. Opinions in mythicist circles2505 have it that Jordan Maxwell, a great proponent of admiralty law, and of tricks the common man ought to use to escape from the government's clutch, had his vehicle impounded.
Restraining orders and crippling court judgments were passed against Maxwell through the justice system in spite of his professed mastery in handling admiralty law that ought to render modern government ineffective. Also, Maxwell 2505
Lange no date.
routinely claims a row of business associates defrauded him of his money and/or intellectual property: what about his supposed direct line with almighty extraterrestrials guiding his steps?
Some say powerful world leaders have an agenda to cull 97% of world population, echoing better and less known stories of genocides and ' secret master plans'; the fact that world population still increases voids the entire concept of draconian population control of any credibility. That's the contemporary edition of the pacte de famine, or a 'master plan' that saw -in the French XVIII century- the archetypal trickster (monarchs, nobility, clergy etc) scheming to starve people to death.
Some again urge people to buy only silver and gold to denounce the shady role bank(er)s play anticipating future catastrophes, as if governments hadn't disciplined and restrained the possession of such commodities before, and as if common people could dispose of it without financial institutions acting as intermediaries; or as if ax-wielding warlords of an hypothetical post-apocalyptic world were in any way obligated to bow in front of a powerless hobo and his fifty gold coins.
It almost seems mythicists are paving the way to a better loot by fueling the rush to precious metals before clampdown, a crash in market prices or some other purely coincidental routine accident of history. One finds people on all corners of the political spectrum advocating this doomsday flumadiddle: from U.S 2011
tea party militia men to Swamy Kriyananda in 2012, a lineage holder of Kriya yoga. The net result is that the bath water of all the esoteric gibberish is thrown away with the baby of the real threat posed by unjust laws and other interests at work.
When mythicists discuss many of the same topics discussed here, namely about psychic unity of mankind, they intersperse their narratives -spanning across all provinces of the accuracy spectrum- with blatant nonsense. It shall be properly emphasized how such topics -the row of crucified saviors, astrotheology etc- are by no means a breakthrough by mythicists, new-agers and suchlike, for Victorian scholars had already discussed such similarities in detail ( for example Sharpe's
Egyptian Mythology And Egyptian Christianity, 1863; Graves' The World's Sixteen Crucified Saviors, 1875; Taylor's Diegesis, 1829 etc).
The Dalai Lama becomes “the lamb of god” because a lama is a lamb and Israel becomes the conflation of Isis, Ra and El; sun rays derive their name from the Egyptian god Ra (according to Jordan Maxwell); the Bible has been translated from Arabic; Solomon is the sun in three languages: Sol, Om, On; Jesus becomes the “sun of god”2506, and this wordplay is belabored to death, although it only works in the English language (sole, Sonne, soleil etc nowhere sound like figlio, Sohn, fils ).
At that time people will see the Son of Man coming in clouds with great power and glory. (Mark 13:26). The “new age” of Aquarius is typically announced as either having begun 2506
Statements from the documentary The Naked Truth. Dictionary Merriam-Webster 3 gives the following etymology of “ray”:”Middle English, from Anglo-French rai, from Latin radius rod, ray Date:14th century”.
in/around the year 2000, or soon to begin. As far as astral alignments go, however, the “new age” is indeed coming, yet the time for the celestial switch shall come in a remote future:
The vernal equinox moves backwards along the ecliptic at a rate of about 50′′ per year or one degree every 72 years. Currently the first point of Aries is in the constellation of Pisces. More than 2000 years ago it was in Aries, a period known as the ‘age of Aries’, and in about 600 years we will enter the age of Aquarius. The precession of the equinoxes obviously also affects the direction of the north celestial pole. Although this now points very close to the star Polaris (0.8◦ separation), it was three to four degrees away when ships began to sail across the Atlantic. (Cowan 2010:7, emphasis added). Are those grotesque mistakes truly accidental?
Entire layers of Victorian-Belle Epoque scholarship of considerable insight have simply been discarded because they do not contain the buzz-words, nods and world-view associated with post-WWII scholarship. That allows newagers (the various Acharya S. 2507, Jordan Maxwell, Zeitgeist kind of folks) to simply lift ideas from long forgotten books, simmer them in posh concepts nodding at 'hot' contemporary commodities to create 'new' ideas much as grandmothers during wartime re-fashioned old clothing items into new ones.
Mythicist Jordan Maxwell is typically heavily indebted towards the likes of Blavatsky (=Theosophical Society). In mythicist circles, some contend Maxwell 'stole' content or arguments from M.P. Hall (1901-1990), a popular dabbler in theosophical matters. The final word rests with the readers. 2507
The present writer would label her as “Jordan Maxwell with an Associate degree”.
However, Maxwell's contention2508 that Nebo is the Babylonian lawgiver (=Moses) is possibly a distorted -and largely incorrect- adaptation of Belle Epoque scholarship all the rage before Hall started publishing in the 1920s. Although Maxwell intermittently complains about unsavory third parties “stealing his research�, Maxwell's mention that Moses is in reality some copycat of a mythical Egyptian Mises comes right from a 1887 book, along with other hints from The
Naked Truth or Hidden Truth documentaries:
I must point out in this place that the fierce and persistent partiality of Je-Rem-Jah for the Chaldeans could only have had its origin in or support from religious bias ; perfected as this was at Babylon upon his successors and disciples. The cultus of the saint or deity Nebo was evidently at its height at this period, as attested by the names of NebuChad- Nezzar, his father, and the general Nebu-Zar-Adan, &c. -...But the tomb of Bel-Marduk was shown at Babylon, and he was perhaps considered there as a man-god, yet he may at some other town have been the highest concept of Deity; and the like may be said of Nebo the learned; still, the position and attributes of each of them, as well as Hoa or Ea, are recognized as generally corresponding with the positions of Je-Hoah and Mardechai and Msheh in the Hebrew books, though, as compared with the fierce, intolerant, and bloodthirsty Jehoah,the Chaldean Hoa was a far loftier concept.(Brewer 1910:55-57). Dionysos was, in reality, not an Aryan deity, but of Egyptian origin, having been introduced into Greece at a very early time, either from 'Egypt, where he was worshipped as Mises, or, more probably, from Pheenicia, where he was worshipped under the name of Ies, which accounts for the fact that hero personifications of Dionysos in later times were accorded the designation of Iesous-...-. A very popular deity of the Lower Nile was Mises (drawn from water), the sun-god of wine and mirth, who was born on Mount Nyssa (Sinai), and was found as a babe in a box floating on the Red Sea, and who, by means of his magic wand, took his army dry-shod through the Sea and the rivers Orontes and Hydaspes, drew- water from rocks -...-. Yahoshua 2508
In The Naked Truth documentary (1995).
(Joshua) was the Canaanitish name for the Phenician Yes or Ies, and Egyptian Mises, and became in Latin Josue, or Jesus, according to whether the Romans referred to the Phenician or Canaanitish Bacchus -...-.The Egyptian Mises became also the Jewish law-giver and leader, Moses, and is described in Ex. xxxiv. as being horned like Bacchus (Hardwicke 1887:10,17,24). Another mythicist, D.M. Murdock, recently published a book detailing the overlapping of the Jesus and Horus lore, much as Victorian scholars had done in a bygone age. Be it as it may, that insures the in-fighting, diverse crowd of atheist homo- and xenophiles, Soviet partisans bereft of a cause on the left; reaganites, survivalists and tea party 'patriots' on the right get their daily fix under the tutelage of new spiritual mentors quite in tune with the time's sensibilities.
It shall be noted how this practice is not confined to mythicists and improbable conspiracy theorists. Out of Weber's celebrated three forms of authority in history, only the rational-legal kind could be construed as modestly innovative -and in tune with Weber's times-. The traditional and charismatic kinds could easily find suitable descriptions under the Graeco-Roman categories of mos and tyranny as discussed elsewhere in this writing, with no need for neologisms. Even the rationallegal form of authority, however, found historical embodiments in the great empires of the past (Alexandrian, Roman, Chinese...): more or less professional bureaucracy trained according to impersonal sets of codified rules in adherence to 'top-down' values ( increasingly codified Chinese Confucianism; Roman idea of pax romana based upon codified Roman law etc).
Old wine is circularly stored in new wineskin. Veblen's (1857-1929) 2015
theory -and indictment - of the “leisure class” (absentee ownership; income derived mostly from dividends; contempt for manual labor; waste and/or display of resources as class symbol; cultivating taste for fine things for Bourdieu) had already been deployed -with adjustments the case warrants- in the French XVII/XVIII centuries with the raging debate about dérogeance (which activities cause a nobleman to lose his status), and competing economic schools such as mercantilism and physiocracy debated the role of affluence, (over)consumption, production, State intervention, taxation and so forth.
It is easy to see how disinformation unfolds. Famous for its boutique documentaries high in scholarly content, TV broadcaster Arte aired a baffling pastiche ( Opération Lune, 2002) mixing a grotesque Stanley Kubrick biography with an angle about the landing on the Moon that never happened, with plenty of real-life footage of existing political and artistic personalities. It is easy to ponder the possible legal and political consequences, but it all went smoothly.
Arte was soon back on track boycotting and censoring a documentary that detailed how 'good' post-war German parties financed themselves with tainted NSDAP money (The Octogon System by J.M. Meurice, 2008). Distressed executives with swollen eyes lamented the possible legal and political ricochet to explain their bizarre behavior. What all those filmmakers may be up to is left to the reader to consider, but it looks like a well-defined strategy to blur and misinform.
This happens in all realms of discussion. Many may be familiar with the 2016
age-old contention of mythical Atlantis' existence and location. Several locations have been suggested as the appropriate site, among which Sardinia, the Azores and...a region of Antarctica.
Erudite authors state their case in detail: modern readers may think that the Antarctic option is modern research's offspring, irrespective of any claims to exactitude it's impossible to get into here. Yet in 1894, some G.M. McIver had published a piece of Australian colonial fiction: Neuroomia, or a highly advanced civilization at the South Pole. In the South Pacific, Hiva (Hawaiki) is a lost continent hailed in the lore as homeland of great chiefs: the purported ancestors of various island tribes spread across the Pacific.
In 1881, minister and Boston University President W.F. Warren published Paradise Found, whereby he located the mythical garden of Eden at the North Pole. G.C. Allen (a Boston philologist) reworked the theory in 1921: the pole shifts every 25.000 years, so Eden was located in modern day Ohio.
Marxism did the same with immemorial utopian socialism and the slogans of the bloody German peasant wars that had already dissected the role of civil and religious power in the hierarchy of exploitation, or middlemen's sinister role. Eons before all that, Aristotle had criticized the Communist Constitution proposed by Phaleas of Chalcedon (IV century BCE). Buddhism had already uttered Marxism's core assumptions, too.
Some motifs may even “dive” -or remain quiescent - for a long time before yielding copious fruit. In Ptolemaic Egypt -for example-, novels prophesied the demise of the Graeco-Macedonian elite, and the rise of oppressed Egyptians.
Since they could not imagine such a free society which also contained the whites whom they knew, some depicted the whites as their slaves in heaven, while others consigned all white slaveowners to hell (ibid; 45; 50-51). Some blacks imagined the realization of this great change of status not just in heaven, but in the near future on earth through God’s direct intervention in history as, for instance, through a Second Coming or a black messiah or through God’s support for a revolt (Wilmore, 1983: 3738; Baldwin, 1984: 56-57). (Lang 1995:42). Clarke summarizes thus the general atmosphere, and the impact of one formerly obscure book on the evergreen literary scene of fictional wars to come. Another patriotic and Germanophobic English gentleman starts exorcising the Hun threat as soon as the German Empire is born.
Pamphleteers and minutemen are quick to appropriate the imagery for real-life purposes:
So, without fully realizing the exceptional novelty of the means and methods, he chose to present his fears for the future of his country in a highly dramatic and totally realistic projection. And then, after the excitement had died down, Chesney's admonitory tale of disaster and defeat went on to provide both form and technique for the many forecasts of coming wars and future battles that began to appear in ever-increasing numbers throughout the new industrial nations. British, French, German and Italian propagandists learnt from the English colonel how to deliver forceful lessons on naval policy or warnings about the dangers of military unpreparedness in a pattern of fiction that the middle classes and- later on in the 1890s- the new literate masses could readily comprehend. -...- And yet Chesney was certainly not the first writer to describe an imaginary war of the 2018
future or even a projected invasion of the British Isles. Long before 1871 there had been a succession of occasional pamphlets and satires that had used the description of future wars and battles as a means of propaganda. Few of these attracted more than a passing interest, and not one of them ever enjoyed success on a scale that could bear any comparison with the world-wide notoriety of The Battle Of Dorking. -...- Ten days later, at the German headquarters, one of the French delegates, General de Valdan, signed the articles of an armistice between the two nations [Prussia had defeated France in the 1870 war]. And eleven days after that a distinguished officer of the Royal Engineers, writing from the India Office, sent John Blackwood the outline of a short story. He believed that if Blackwood 's Magazine published his story it would drive home the need for a complete reorganization of the British military system. It was the starting-point for 'that wonderful and stirring romance', as Admiral Colomb called The Battle of Dorking,( Clarke 1992, 2-3,27) This was in the style of the imaginary wars of the future that had become familiar matter in France, Germany and the United Kingdom after the Battle of Dorking had in 1871 given the first international warning of the change in the conditions of warfare. During the last three decades of the century, as the demand for tales of the future went on growing, more and more writers learnt from Verne how to exploit the stock-in-trade of the ambitions of the age. A new race of journalists and popular writers began to provide complacent stories about the wonders to-Come for the mass of literate citizens in Europe and the United States. They traded in the terrors and delights of technological society with their exciting stories of space travel, future worlds, death rays, demon scientists, imaginary wars, flying machines and the rest of the marvels of science fiction (Clarke 1979:103).
Different mythologies obsess different epochs. Confucianism, Chinese folk religion and Taoism posit divine hierarchies -both in heaven and hell- that look exactly like a supernatural doppelgaenger of the bureaucratic networks keeping the Chinese regimes of that day in place through mandatory reporting, intelligence and administrative activities, in turn counterbalanced by audits and rounds of promotion and demotion within the divine hierarchy in what looks somewhat like a joint Belle
Epoque nation State and Santa Claus/Christmas situation in western terms.
The stale, ossified remains or mold of myth-making at some point solidify and give that peculiar feedback-loop, broken record effect. It typically coexists with the 'if...then' strategy that exalts hypothetical 'values' or 'principles' in comparison to which losses, cut corners, inconsistencies and fabrications are invariably trivialized ('the price was worth it no matter how you spin it'); veracity and historicity can be lampooned as accessory details of barely residual value.
It is interesting enough how propaganda could handle the same set of slogans or subjects in order to mean just about anything, without any apparent contradiction: a Rorschach test. Such attitudes as “Right or wrong, it is my country� could be both taught as the 'responsible' attitude towards the 'right' cause, and blamed on the enemy as sign of blind, uncompromising fanaticism that invariably leads to the amoral turning of a blind eye to misdeeds later possibly labeled
atrocities. By the same token, objections to propaganda could alternatively be labeled as the pinnacle of moral maturity (when exposing the 'enemy'), or as morally infantile anti-nationalism (if not treason pure and simple).
It works exactly the same in completely apolitical circumstances. It is possible to argue both that “stupidity is repeating the same course of action over and over while expecting different results” (often attributed to Einstein); and that “I didn't fail; I just found 99 ways that do not work” (often attributed to Edison).
Of course, there are endless variations on these aphorisms, in turn attributed to 'positive' or 'negative' personalities according to the teller's wish to either promote or demote, condemn or justify the attitude in point:”As Danielson noted, the meaning of legends is heavily dependent upon who is telling them”2509.
Hard facts behind glossy inspirational factoids are often much less glamorous in nature:
In 1877, Edison went about searching for a filament that could stay illuminated for a long period of time. After trying nearly 8,000 possibilities, he found one—a carbonized cotton thread. So Edison discovered a way to make a lightbulb work for an extended period of time? Not really. Remember Joseph Swan? Well, he discovered using a carbonized piece of cotton thread would do the trick, too—ten months earlier. In fact, he filed a patent infringement suit against Edison and won. So Edison, living up to his credo that “genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration” became inspired, made Swan a partner in his lighting company, and later bought him out. (Gregory 2007:14). 2509
Koven 2008:123.
Double dealers could either be without honor nor conscience (if serving the enemy), or could be having just found their honor and conscience (if serving 'the good guys'). The 'good turncoat' -or the enemy turned ally who now helps to chase his former kinsmen- is a character dear to political narratives. Formerly a violent racist skinhead, German Ingo Hasselbach transited to the service of minority lobbies. The backbone of 1984 Christian documentary Gods Of The New Age are confessions of former devotees and officials. The votary turns whistle-blower to denounce the threat their group of old poses.
Among fringe mythicists, it is common enough to find people switching sides to and fro the Christian to the zeitgeist (Maxwell, Icke, Tsarion, Murdock...) or astro-theological side enthusiastically championing the side they're in, and alternatively harassing opponents. Chris White (of Chris White Ministries), who now mills Christian documentaries to debunk mythicists and new age thought, admits he used to endorse new-age mythologies.
As this writer contends, the irresistible human mind's penchant to aggressively and militantly believe supersedes the actual objects of belief, much as in other contexts the worship of the hero's sacred blood (corpse, values, journey...) supersedes whose 'sacred blood' people are referring to at any particular moment, subject to change.
The very idea of a generalized collective unconscious (=Bastian's elementary ideas, Hindu marga) overarching humankind, and of localized 2022
manifestations (=Bastian's ethnic ideas, Hindu desi) comes back circularly. Again, the shaking of fists, the gasping for breath, the feeling of oneness, the heartwarming fallacies, shifting goalposts and multiple standards take center stage (=marga=elementary idea) irrespective of who or what are people supposedly at one with, shake fists at or gasp for breath about in that instance, place, historical period (=desi=ethnic ideas).
Naturally, turncoats serving the enemy shall be characterized as treacherous, immoral and unreliable; 'good' turncoats shall be characterized as people once misguided but well-meaning having undergone thorough, heartfelt and irreversible conversion, or the Star Wars good guy ↔ bad guy circular shtick, whereby the good guy becomes a bad one, but deep down he's still good, and he'll find a way to prove it at the last moment:
positive communities are characterized by their guarantee of some kind of salvation of self; and by salvation is meant an experience which transforms all personal relations by subordinating them to agreed communal purposes; negative communities are those which , enabled to survive almost automatically by a self-sustaining . technology, do not offer a type of collective salvation, and in which the therapeutic experience is not transformative but rather informative.Commitment therapies can prove efficacious only in positive communities ; this type of therapy would also be transformative, as in various kinds of religious conversion, when the personality is supposed to undergo profound changes, so that even the name of the subject may be changed. (Rieff 2006:61). That is why the final scene of the famous 'nuclear mayhem' movie The
Day After became so famous: the doctor comes to his dilapidated town to die from radiation exposure, then he first chastises then hugs other sick survivors he catches 2023
'invading' his home in ruin.
Then French ambassador to the Czar described an exemplary turncoat thus on January 7, 1915:
Alexandra Feodorovna is German neither in mind nor spirit and has never been so. Of course, she is a German by birth, at any rate on the paternal side, as her father was Louis IV, Grand Duke of Hesse and the Rhine. But she is English through her mother, Princess Alice, a daughter of Queen Victoria. In 1878, at the age of six, she lost her mother and thenceforward resided habitually at the court of England. Her bringing-up, education and mental and moral development were thus quite English. She is still English in her outward appearance, her deportment, a certain strain of inflexibility and Puritanism, the uncompromising and militant austerity of her conscience and, last but not least, in many of her personal habits. That is all that is left of her western origin. In her inmost being she has become entirely Russian. In the first place I have no doubt of her patriotism, notwithstanding the legend I see growing up around her. Her love for Russia is deep--and true. And why should she not be devoted to her adopted country which stands for everything dear to her as woman, wife, sovereign and mother? When she ascended the throne in 1894 she knew already that she did not like Germany, and particularly Prussia. In recent years she has taken a personal dislike to the Emperor William and he it is whom she holds exclusively responsible for the war, this "wicked war which makes Christ's heart bleed every day." When she heard of the incendiarism at Louvain she cried out: "I blush to have been a German!" (PalĂŠologue 1925: no page). It is quite unsurprising that Alexandra's eccentricities and -broadly put'issues' helped precipitate2510 the explosive situation that brought about the Russian regime's collapse, and culminated with the Bolshevik takeover, and the execution of the royal family. Because 'matters of memory' prove to be fleeting at best, in 1981 -officially in 2000- Russia's Imperial family the Bolsheviks had executed as arch-
When her husband was overseeing war operations at the front, she was left to replace him.
enemies of the Russian people was canonized among Orthodox Saints.
Another exemplary turncoat is Pu Yi. The infant Emperor of China transited to the service of Japan as monarch of the puppet State of Manchuria. After the war, he served as poster boy for Maoist political reeducation rising -with Mao's approval- to the rank of low-key Communist party bureaucrat.
overthrown/discredited regimes is that of having ignored the prophets of doom...which is a virtue (ignore traitors and anti-nationals) for the 'patriot' who shall resist the temptation that befalls mythological heroes (for example Luke Skywalker and the dark side of the force; Hercules at the crossroad etc).
In fact, irrespective of whose armband happens to be 'in' a particular season, the figure of the turncoat raises perplexities at various levels, for it represents the inverted doppelgaenger of the hero-savior.
This explains how Jewish-French Socialist statesman and Freemason (in his own words) Pierre Mendès-France – in the 1969 documentary about WWII Le
Chagrin Et La Pitié - views very critically the entire category of turncoats. Lenin -in turn- was equally unappreciative -in private- of those who elatedly collaborated with the Soviet regime by thus cutting off the branch on which they were perched: he called them “useful idiots”2511. Mussolini, too, had harsh words, and Hitler's were 2511
The wording is actually not Lenin's. It went down into popular political culture as coming from the Soviet world. Insiders alleged Lenin had written the more oblique term of “deaf-mute” instead of “idiot”.
unparalleled (in 1945) in the despisement of the turncoats the regime had embraced after 1933.
More oblique -as his position demanded to juggle contradictory instances-, Petain nevertheless strongly reminded the French on 17 June 1941 (anniversary of the 1940 defeat) how “vous avez la mémoire courte” (your memory is short).
Unlike turncoats, heroes and saviors, in fact, are famous because their honor is eminently non negotiable; because they keep their current beliefs, and remain very vocal about it. In spite of all possible prohibitions and negative reactions, they keep getting back for more down to their supreme sacrifice.
They circularly hurl themselves to the crowd so that the Zoroastrian choice between absolute good and absolute evil may take place in concrete terms by either consecrating or desecrating the savior-hero's mystical body:”You can shut Him up for a fool, you can spit at Him and kill Him as a demon; or you can fall at His feet and call Him Lord and God.”.
Interestingly enough, that's the same path savior-heroes, and compulsive gamblers (alcoholics and other addicts) take: going back for more in spite of failure or apparent discomfort so that a supposed manifest destiny may unfold; of course, this regime's savior-hero is another regime's terrorist, mass-murderer, vandal or rabble-rouser:
Risk-seeking behavior is often inefficient. If someone is truly risk seeking over monetary gains, then he or she can be exploited. He or she will be willing to take bad bet after bad bet, much like the pathological gambler who can’t walk away from the table. (Huettel 2014:48). The common man is also urged to imitate the ghosts of myth: the last five relationships or investment portfolios ended in a disaster a judge eventually settled at the participant's high personal cost, but this new one (political party, stock market portfolio, romantic partner...) is a keeper: even Edison failed all the way to success, right? As money keeps changing hands, regulators and parties with vested interests rub their hands gleefully.
If you’ve been at the track for the last several hours, you have almost certainly lost money and are likely in a loss frame of mind. In that state, you realize that when the track closes, you will have locked in those losses, and because you are human, you hate that. Thus, you become risk seeking, picking riskier bets in hopes of producing the larger wins you need to return to the black. (Hamilton 2016:151). People are terrible at figuring out odds—and, even knowing the odds, making good decisions based upon them. (Chen&Krakovsky 2010:32). Huettel2512 explains that scholarly analysis of scores of online poker games revealed people who won more also lost the highest amount of money. Huettel likewise describes how human brains are wired (rewards prediction error) to count as positive events small wins (in that situation), and losses as bad events. One big loss, however, negates the advantages of a score of small wins, which is not factored in by the system. 2512
2014:Reference Dependence.
Edison may have failed all the way to success, but the field of intellectual history is littered with innumerable unknown names -not necessarily less skilled than their famous counterparts- who failed -or even succeeded- all the way to penniless oblivion.
Del Pretto was an Italian who had in 1903 published a theory similar to Einstein's relativity. Manzetti was another Italian who -starting from 1850, and according to articles in print in 1865- had invented a “telegrafo vocale” (vocal telegraph), or a version of telephone allegedly pre-dating Bell's and Meucci's. In a situation that involves countless other people, both Manzetti and Del Pretto are today known only to a handful of novelty seekers and antiquarians on the fringe.
At Rome (December 9, 20132513), a diverse mob of indignados, hecklers, left- and right-wing political radicals clashes with police while protesting against various kinds of inequities. Politicians in their palaces pull strings either lionizing or censoring the event trying to cash returns on image.
At some point, members of the security forces take their helmet off as a gage of common humanity as the crowd had requested, while the mob cheered “siete come noi” (=you're like us=we are one): deference and demeanor at work. “Psychotics who identify themselves with the mythological image” online hail a new edition of Risorgimento. The 'spontaneous' rise of the have-nots, or another political machination? 2513
La Repubblica.
Such protesting crowd (nicknamed movimento dei forconi, pitchfork movement) presents itself as silent majority's voice, a rag-tag rabble uniting havenots, the unemployed, farmers on the brink and so forth. (Un)surprisingly enough, Calvani, one of such protest's leaders, arrives at Rome aboard a fancy Jaguar car 2514 with five bodyguards: “non è mia” ([the car] doesn't belong to me) says Calvani, who is allegedly behind with welfare payments to the State. Is he a meek victim of circumstances (as he claims), or a tax evader (as others claim)? In his past, Calvani also belonged to a left-wing political group, whereas -at present- some accuse him of flirting with right-wing radicals.
Various politicians (Berlusconi, Obama, Bossi, Grillo...) at times either announced, or let it be known, that they were going ahead undaunted in spite of security warnings about possible threats to their lives. Will Job keep his faith in Yahweh in spite of tribulations? Will one's chosen girl/boyfriend prove worthy of matrimonial bonds? The same knee-jerking emotional truth applies to all and sundry.
Like anybody, I would like to live a long life–longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He's allowed me to go up to the mountain. And I've looked over. And I've seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land! (M.L. King, 1968). In 19912515 documentary The Hidden Truth, M. Chandler2516 -who The car results distrained under judicial order after changing several owners in a row. Filmed in 1989 before the collapse of East Germany that appears mentioned in the footage. 2516 Michael Chandler tries to foster an image of himself that very much matches Jordan Maxwell's; for example, Chandler claims to have spent about 30 years researching the roots of religion. Interesting enough, Maxwell 2514 2515
tapes/broadcasts around 1990- claims to go ahead undaunted on the moral high ground in spite of possible violence that those his campaign might offend could use against him.
In May 2013, Pope Francis I emphasizes the importance of the apostolic mission St.Paul epitomized:
The Pope told Christians it is better to be “annoying” and “a nuisance” than lukewarm in proclaiming Jesus Christ. “If we annoy people, blessed be the Lord,” (Pope 2013: no page). Of course, that is at odds not only with political correctness, but with the secret cause shtick as well. There is a special reason, insider's report, explanation, eye-witness account and so forth that prophets of doom -or the like- try desperately to get out. The meek 'misguided but always well-meaning' masses shall invariably change opinion upon hearing this fabulous explanation, counter-cultural truth and so forth. Now Pope Francis I -and so many other sources- claim exactly the opposite. NSDAP, Jacobin, CEKA-NKVD and Khmer Rouge thugs were possibly doing just that: butterfly effect, indeed.
'Great men' thus enter the myth. Karna (in the Mahabharata) honors his word out of gratitude, even if that means fighting against his own brothers. Roman Attilius Regulus (III/IV century BCE), a prisoner of the Carthaginians, is sent to
went on to enjoy a career as truther, whereas Chandler virtually disappeared. As well, internet searches reveal no trace of Maxwell -and Chandler- before 1989-90.
Rome on parole to negotiate a peace; he (=hero=defiance=best of all causes) urges his compatriots to fight, instead. He then chivalrously returns to Carthage, where he is tortured to death:
They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid. Again he took the Twelve aside and told them what was going to happen to him. We are going up to Jerusalem," he said, "and the Son of Man will be betrayed to the chief priests and teachers of the law. They will condemn him to death and will hand him over to the Gentiles (Mark 10:32-3). The 'fire in their minds' is irresistible, and they are supposed to suffer bodily whenever they are not living up to 'the great ideas', proclaiming 'the best of all causes' and so forth (for example Jeremiah 15:16ss). Martin Luther King wrote in 1963:�so am I compelled to carry the gospel of freedom beyond my own home town�2517. As Quintilian very well put it: the same words may be received as signs of folly, freedom or pride on the sole basis of who is uttering them.
'Great men' confront those judging them with spite and defiance, not appeasement:
Misunderstood! It is a right fool's word. Is it so bad then to be misunderstood? Pythagoras was misunderstood, and Socrates, and Jesus, and Luther, and Copernicus, and Galileo, and Newton, and every pure and wise spirit that ever took flesh. To be great is to be misunderstood. (Emerson 1841, cit. in Myerson 2000:325). It is disturbing to note how similar the opposing ends of the socio2517
Emphasis added. It is enough to ponder the shift in public acceptance or recognition as the various Faurisson, McGowan, Richwine, Zemmour, MacDonald, Zundel, Churchill try their luck at the very same game pastor King played.
politically acceptable might be. Sociopath Breivik – a Freemason and right-wing fanatic who murdered dozens of young leftists at an Oslo youth rally in 2011-, Cuban leader Castro, Communist leader Ceausescu, and Jewish-French statesman Mendès-France -and a row of other war resisters- denounced the courts in front of which they were summoned as illegitimate on moral high-grounds: a Norwegian court for Breivik; a tribunal under the Batista regime for Castro; a Fascist Vichy tribunal for Mendès-France; an insurrectionist tribunal for Ceausescu.
Socrates, Jesus, Mandela, De Valera, Codreanu, Degrelle, Walesa, Havel, Chavez, Khomeini and a host of other leaders from all provinces of the political spectrum plotted the exact same trajectory:”History will tear to tatters the verdict of this court” said Hitler as he was being sentenced to prison for a failed putsch in 1923. Bakunin had similar words for a French minister who had exiled him. Socrates famously urged the jury to award him the honors of an Olympic winner for his services: even those who might have accepted exile as a compromise voted then to put him to death.
'Great men of history' are in good company:
In 2005, John Rigas, eighty-year-old founder of Adelphia Communications, and his forty-eight-year-old son, Timothy Rigas, were convicted of securities fraud and conspiracy and for bilking investors in what the judge described as one of the largest frauds in corporate history. -...-The responses of the Rigases were revealing. “I may be convicted and sentenced,” said the elder Rigas, “but in my heart and conscience I’ll go to the grave believing truly that I did nothing but try to improve conditions” for the company and his family. His son, Timothy Rigas, told the judge that, “Our intentions 2032
were good. The results were not.” (Babiak&Hare 2006:187). One of the most famous is a quotation from Chicago's sadistic Prohibition gangster, Al Capone [in 1927]: "I am going to St. Petersburg, Florida, tomorrow. Let the worthy citizens of Chicago get their liquor the best they can. I'm sick of the job-it's a thankless one and full of grief. I've been spending the best years of my life as a public benefactor." (Stout 2005:50)2518. Bernard Madoff, in prison for the biggest pyramid scheme fraud in Wall Street history, says that in reality he made a lot of people rich and that he suffered alone. (Financial Review, 1 March 2011). Psychopaths -...-they’re also pretty handy when they find themselves on the receiving end—when fate takes a swing and they’re the ones in the firing line. And such inner neural steel, such inestimable indifference in the face of life’s misfortunes, is something that we could all, in one way or another, perhaps do with a little bit more of. (Dutton 2012:113). I am beyond good and evil. I will be avenged. Lucifer dwells within us all. That's it (sociopathic serial killer Richard Ramirez, “the night stalker”, 1960-20132519). The sole object of my efforts is to do you good (Robert Owen, British utopianist, reformer and industrialist, in 1817). And you know that Jesus came to take away our sins, and there is no sin in him. (1 John 3:5). Anarchists had no respect for human life, he said, because the bourgeoisie had shown none. “We will spare neither women nor children because the women and children we love have not been spared,” Henry continued, making it clear that he was directly blaming the complacent classes for the misery that existed on the other side of the Gilded Age’s shocking social divide. “Are they not innocent victims, these children, who in the faubourgs slowly die of 2518
A similar statement was attributed to U.S Jewish-American fraudster Madoff, who stole US$ 20 billion from investors in a financial con-job that had been on since the 1980s. According to news site Fin24.com, Madoff declared in 2011:”All of my friends, all of, most of my clients, the individual clients, are not net losers. I made a lot of money for them. I was making 20% returns for them ”. A con-man sentenced for multi-millionaire fraud told the present writer once how the countless people he had benefited had been exploiting him all along, but that he nonetheless wished everybody well. 2519 The San Bernardino County Sun, August 31, 1990.
anemia, because bread is rare at home; these women who in your workshops suffer exhaustion and are worn out in order to earn 40 cents a day, happy that misery has not yet forced them into prostitution; these old men whom you have turned into machines so that they can produce their entire lives and whom you throw out into the street when they have been completely depleted?” He understood that he and many other anarchists would be killed, as Ravachol and others had been killed before him, Henry told the court. “But what you can never destroy is anarchy. Its roots are too deep, born in a poisonous society which is falling apart; anarchism is a violent reaction against the established order. It represents the egalitarian and libertarian aspirations which are opening a breach in contemporary authority. It is everywhere, which makes anarchy elusive. It will finish by killing you.” (O'Hehir 2009:no page). After all, theirs is the 'best of all causes', in whose name one never goes far enough, so 'great men' are not amenable to meeting foes half-way, nor to any significant compromise: consensus bias2520. Offered release from prison by the Botha administration in exchange for a ban on Black political violence, sublime Mandela refused to acquiesce: he was as superb as Zulu King Cetshwayo, who had defied British ultimatums thus starting the Zulu wars in 1879.
Arthur Seyss-Inquart2521 may have been an equally bumptious political terrorist: the lack of political authentication casts him in a very different light, however, because he was a right-wing extremist. Fascist “refusals to acquiesce” brought ultimate doom onto Axis countries: quite a different story, isn't it? Mandela's fist clenched in the Communist salute epitomizes the righteous pariah 2520
Thinking the first comer into a dining hall, for example, will home in onto the single dessert serving we happen to like among many. For example, to a cheesecake lover it appears unthinkable how the first comer would not make a beeline for the cheesecake serving...whereas the first comer may be a carrot cake connoisseur. The same applies to all aspects of life, from sports to politics. A Berlusconi (right-wing) or Obama (left-wing) enthusiast will be just unable to grasp how another person refuses to acknowledge that 'the great man' is buongoverno (good government, Berlusconi) or “change” (Obama) incarnate on earth from seventh-heaven, and not another power-crazed, narcissistic demagogue. 2521 Austrian chancellor and NSDAP high official sentenced to death at Nuremberg in 1946.
fight against inequalities; Seyss-Inquart's roman salute mocks the countless victims of barbarous Fascist regimes.
As blockbusting A-ha 1987 hit (and James Bond soundtrack) goes:�Life is in the way we die�, which closely mirrors one of the ordenanzas (ordinances) of the Mexican believers in Santa Muerte (holy death): para poder vivir, hay que saber
morir (one has to know how to die in order to live). Popular culture just repackages what a row of philosophers and litterateurs have been arguing about death all along, for example Heidegger, Tolstoy, Sartre and others.
Takna Jigme Zangpo (the Tibetan activist) was imprisoned in China for 37 years; his sentence was periodically increased as he shouted his slogans in favor of a free Tibet in the face of the ruling Chinese. Naturally, to know whether it is time to dedicate an equestrian statue, or time for harsher clampdown or 'lawfare', suffice it to check the perpetrator's armband for compliance. Readers shall individually decide what to make of these seemingly irreconcilable, conflicting cosmic priorities the human mind seems to bask in.
Euhemerus' theory (IV century BCE) wanted gods and their ilk as historical characters (sages, scientists, military leaders...) who underwent transfiguration.
psychological and/or moral categories is common occurrence.
This has been documented a number of times: Japanese sage Kan Shojo
(died 903 CE) transfigured into a deity (Tenjin) of learning; legendary Egyptian architect -of the fabled Saqqara pyramid- and vizier Imhotep, who served King Djoser in the XXVII century BCE, transfigured into a powerful deity, possibly a son of god Ptah.
Chinese sage and founder Confucius, too, has been the object of religious devotion ever since. By Chinese imperial decree in 1906, Confucius received the rank of “co-assessor with the deities”. In contemporary Japan, founders of jumbo multinationals also attract(ed) god-like reverence as sort of kami: only divine status could explain their worldly achievements. Ninomiya Sontoku (1787-1856) the Japanese agriculturalist, and Maresuke Nogi (the Japanese military chief, 1849-1912) are also especially revered as kami.
The lore has it that Confucius, like Jesus and suchlike figures, was of noble descent as the son of a reputed warrior, and that supernatural wonders, dragons and spirits greeted his birth. An “annunciation” also took place: after a dream in which she had intercourse with the Black Emperor, Confucius' mother found out she was pregnant. He, however, was the son of a concubine, thus regarded as illegitimate by his father's descendants. A life of poverty in exile awaited Confucius: the hero as “man of sorrows”.
Gilgamesh, the great Mesopotamian hero who was 2/3 divine, is also reputed to have lived historically as the V King of Uruk around 2700 BCE. Yoruba god Ogun was also identified as the I King of Ife, ancient Nigerian city. Ziusudra 2036
-the so-called Sumerian Noah (=Akkadian Utnapishtim/Atrahasis)- was presented as a mythical X King who ruled Shuruppak as a flood allegedly struck around 3.000 BCE. Likewise, Romulus -I King of Rome- was regarded as having ascended to heaven as the god Quirinus. If a great king may be(come) a god, so a god like Osiris -or Ogun- can be the first king of either Egypt or Ife. There is furthermore the issue of “king Jesus”, another fabulous, folkloric, god-like hero alleged to have been a real-life “King of the Jews”, albeit a failed one.
Events plot the same trajectory: a war possibly fought at Troy -according to archaeological evidence- could be euhemerized into a grand narrative of a cosmic clash fought by human demi-gods -such as enemies Aeneas and Achilles – supported by divine counterparts (for example Poseidon, Hera, Hermes and Athena on the Greek side; Aphrodite, Leto, Artemis and Apollo on the Trojan side).
The same can be said about the Mahabharata, the mythical war on Indian soil that saw various gods appear on the scene (Ganga, Shiva...) as an epochal battle between supernatural sets of cousins takes place. Even WWII fought in contemporary times sees forces of light battling forces of darkness. Aurobindonian circles explicitly referred to Fascist forces as Asuric (=demonic): the sweet human soul rises enraptured.
In spite of alleged ”commonplace incidental couplings”, systematic and deliberate plagiarism, or “ bestial sexual abuse of women ”, M.L. King came to be associated with supreme integrity, righteous indignation and just causes. Another 2037
icon of the period, President J.F. Kennedy, did not exactly shine in matters of integrity, whether personal or in foreign policy: he's nevertheless hailed as providential man of a golden age by millions eager to whitewash 'the great man'.
Paraphrasing Berger, one might say that they “helped people to believe”. ”[The public] only wanted one thing from [a given public figure]: a story. He told it so well that we forgave him almost everything. ”;”We want -...- original content regardless of its validity. We're here for the scare, not for the plausibility”.
In common parlance, Hitler -though not Stalin, Pol Pot, Mao or any other such figure- came to be associated with absolute evil.
Students didn’t get rid of the bands because they were old, or because they didn’t work anymore, the students abandoned the wristband because they wanted to avoid looking like a geek. People diverge to avoid being misidentified or communicating undesired identities. -...- Misidentification is costly. -...-Misidentification leads us to miss out on desired interactions and endure undesired ones.-...- The greater the dissimilarity, then, the greater the cost of misidentification.(Berger 2016:62, emphasis added). Localized versions also exist, such as various African dictators (Amin, Mobutu, Bokassa...). The image of Filipino dictator Marcos and his clan was usually associated with that of aswang, a terrible demon of Filipino folklore. Former Peruvian President Fujimori also came to embody unrighteousness in the local psyche.
Professor of Buddhist psychology Priyadarshana 2522 examines various 2522
ME6210:chapter 6.
phenomena that go under the umbrella of demonic possessions that afflict women in rural Sri Lanka, which are treated in the lore with a colorful array of ceremonies and rituals.
Priyadarshana concludes how such 'demonic possessions' are simply the reflection of societal pressures and oppression that afflict women in rural Sri Lanka. Powerless women are left with the outlet of demonic possession as a way to act their distress out so that society at large might provide at least some solace:“culturally constituted projective system�.
What happen in backward rural Buddhist Sri Lanka also happens nearly verbatim in modernizing Muslim Malaysia, a wealthy country on a steadfast route to modernity. Only details vary in the reason why people may want the horde to pay them attention:
The sanitized environments maintained by multinational corporations in Malaysian "free trade zones"' are not immune to sudden spirit attacks on young female workers. Ordinarily quiescent, Malay factory women who are seized by vengeful spirits explode into demonic screaming and rage on the shop floor. Management responses to such unnerving episodes include isolating the possessed workers, pumping them with Valium, and sending them home. -...- In the current changing political economy, new social conditions have brought about spirit possession incidents in modern institutional settings. I believe that the most appropriate way to deal with spirit visitations in multinational factories is to consider them as part of a "complex negotiation of reality" (Crapanzano 1977:16) by an emergent female industrial workforce -...- [enduring a] profound sense of status ambiguity and dislocation. -...-Before the current wave of industrial employment for young single women [from rural areas], spirit possession was mainly 2039
manifested by married women, given the particular stresses of being wives, mothers, widows, and divorcees -...-.However, it is Malay spirit beliefs that explain the transgressions whereby women (more likely than men) become possessed by spirits (kena hantu). Their spiritual frailty, polluting bodies, and erotic nature make them especially likely to transgress moral space, and therefore permeable by spirits. -...-The fear of spirit possession thus created self-regulation on the part of workers, thereby contributing to the intensification of corporate and self-control on the shop floor. Thus, as factory workers, Malay women became alienated not only from the products of their labor but also experienced new forms of psychic alienation. -...-The manager claimed that after the exorcist rites, spirit attacks occurred only once a month. (Ong 1988:28-9,31,35,38). In the area of Salento (Southern Italy), women toiling away during harvest fell often in a state of possession tarantulas had triggered as they allegedly bit them under their garments. A folk dance ( pizzica) and a collective exorcism ( in St. Paul's church at Galatina, Lecce) cured them of their illness.
Western readers may scoff at the above as nonsense clueless 'savages' amuse themselves with. The Belle Epoque, however, featured hysteria as the favored middle-class illness that plagued repressed women, and jump-started a young Freud in his discovery of psychoanalysis and its sexual undertones:
Culture shapes the expression of traumatic stress. -...-As long as a memory is inaccessible, the mind is unable to change it. But as soon as a story starts being told, particularly if it is told repeatedly, it changes—the act of telling itself changes the tale. The mind cannot help but make meaning out of what it knows, and the meaning we make of our lives changes how and what we remember.(Van Der Kolk 2014:145,148). The West itself, however, has its list of reified demons. If in Sri Lanka or Malaysia a malevolent spirit lurks behind every aberrant psychosis, or under any 2040
stone left unturned, so in the West there is a '...ist', '...ism' or other flapdoodle relating to propaganda of wars long past, equally presented as absolutely evil just as the demons of folklore are.
Alternatively, every transgressor has been raped, or suffered indignities, as a child. M.L. King also endorsed the same chicaneries:”to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community -...-is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.”. Italian 1979 GLBT song
Tango Diverso urges that “contro l'ipocrisia dare scandalo è l'unica via” 2523: culturebound syndromes, to which the public responds like a well-trained lab animal each and every time”we are definitely programmed to be agreeable when it's possible to us ”. J.B. Peterson connects this to the left-wing obsession with equality and political correctness.
Like a doting mother, one rushes to defend a supposedly imperiled “foundling”, “artificial kin member” etc who may be biting and kicking the rescuer. A 2010 panel of UCLA psychologists agreed that “social pain” is lessened in people who take the role of comforter2524.
Democratic presidential candidate Howard Dean has a vision of where he'd like to take the nation. It turns out to be the 1960s. -...[Dean said:”]That if one person was left behind, then America wasn't as strong or as good as it could be or as it should be. That's the kind of country that I want back. “ (Washington Post, December 28, 2003). 2523 2524
Against hypocrisy, the only weapon is to stir up a scandal. The Science...2010.
A felon in the dock grabs a sick bucket; a corrupt politician caught red handed discloses the indignities he suffered as a child; a bankster is daddy to three sweet children, one of whom happens to be sickly; a shady wheeler-dealer soils his Versace suit trousers as he shakes uncontrollably in fear of impeding retribution: poor man... One can almost hear in the background the sad Lonely Man theme from
The Incredible Hulk series (1978-82).
Shouldn't people prove they are “merciful and compassionate” like Allah by letting the culprit off the hook in sentimental rapture?
It has also been suggested that emotional contagion is a form of empathy, as happens when one person shows fear and others (witnessing their facial expression) “catch” the same feeling of fear or when one baby cries in a maternity ward and triggers other babies to start crying.(Baron-Cohen 2011:38). They aren’t crazy, but they are greedy or guilty enough to be dishonest. (Feldman 2009:9). Just as it turns out to be the case in rural Sri Lanka and Malaysia, these chicaneries are tools of societal dialogue and manipulation by mythological proxy:” emotions are strategies”2525;”just the simple act of donning a mask indicates that a performance is about to take place”2526;”the explanation is that good people will let pathetic individuals get by with murder, so to speak”;”it’s increasingly difficult to determine what’s a real attempt to connect and what’s performance.”;”an attempt to hotwire a connection” (Alice Williams). 2525 2526
Solomon 2006:Emotions And Responsibility. He cites Sartre. Meineck no date-1:121. He discusses ancient Greek drama, but his conclusion may be aptly extended to any situation that may involve “psychological truth” or emotional chicanery.
Livy (59 BCE-17 CE) already rationalized the Roman version of the virgin birth, followed by the child abandoned to the waters' mercy 2527 etc motifs:”The Vestal Virgin was raped and gave birth to twin boys. Mars, she declared, was their father – perhaps she believed it, perhaps she was merely hoping by the pretence to palliate her guilt. ”2528.
Cicero the intellectual punched holes in the traditional vision of life after death, the underworld etc as “hobgoblins of poets and painters -...- self-same fables”2529. Yet Cicero the statesman/politician enthused his audience with the tangible otherworldly rewards (Scipio's dream) awaiting the patriot:”but you who have poured out your last breath in victory have won the seats and abodes of the pious. -...- the memory of life nobly resigned is everlasting. ”2530. Bernstein summarizes:” The authors discussed in this chapter [Polybius, Cicero, Livy, Lucian] agree that holding common beliefs about the afterlife binds a society together and enhances its propensity for virtue ”2531.
In a variant, Semele abandons baby Dionysus in a basket floating atop the sea. Dolphins rescue him, and he's washed ashore at Vrasies (today's Leonidio). Princess Ino -just as an Egyptian princess had raised Moses- raises him, and he plants a fig tree at the entrance of his cave, just like Moses is associated with another tree: the burning bush. To this day, a fig tree can be seen at a cave's entrance, which is equated with Dionysus' mythical tree and dwelling place. Ino (daughter of King Thebes, in Roman myth as Mater Matuta, Dawn) was associated in this variant with her son Palaemon (the Greek equivalent of Baal-Ammon), a sea demi-god who rescued seafarers in distress astride a dolphin. 2528 Livy 1960:33-51, emphasis added. “For some say that [Romulus] was a son of Aeneas and Dexithea the daughter of Phorbas, and was brought to Italy in his infancy, along with his brother Romus; that the rest of the vessels were destroyed in the swollen river, but the one in which the boys were was gently directed to a grassy bank, where they were unexpectedly saved, and the place was called Roma from them. -...-Others say it was Roma, a daughter of the Trojan woman I have mentioned, who was wedded to Latinus the son of Telemachus and bore him Romulus; others that Aemilia, the daughter of Aeneas and Lavinia, bore him to Mars; and others still rehearse what is altogether fabulous concerning his origin. ” (Plutarch, Life Of Romulus, Perrin trans.). 2529 Tusculanae Disputationes, Cicero in Textual Sources 2010:62. 2530 De Re Publica, Ibid.:63. 2531 Textual Sources 2010:242.
With or without ritual dismemberment, many dynasties plotted the same course towards divine status, notably Hellenistic Kings -such as the Seuleucids and the Ptolemies – who succeeded Alexander. For a while -especially as Alexander's son was still alive-, they played the role of faithful administrators running their provinces in the name of the King of Kings, or the lineage of Alexander deified.
Later -as civil wars ensued between the successors- they proclaimed themselves -or allowed themselves to be proclaimed- Kings, appropriated and/or displayed the attributes of divine monarchs (for example the lore of divine Pharaohs in the case of the Ptolemies). In keeping with psychic unity of mankind, even Cambodian Khmer Kings (IX-XV century CE) at some point adopted the title of
devaraja (=god-King).
The Christian Gospels also plot a similar trajectory as they progress (a possible order is Mark, Matthew, Luke, John), whereby Jesus becomes more divine as time passes, culminating with John and his hyperbolic praise of Jesus' divinity.
Sinking into the achronotopos, though, all superhuman figures can coexist, engaging in similar if not identical courses of action: the “dreaming time” of Pacific island cultures, populated by “ancestors” that include a composite array of founders, heroes and Saints from East and West. In some versions of the myth, Dionysus was said to have been contemporary of Lycurgus and Perseus; or to have introduced vineyards in India. The foster-mother of Romulus and Remus Acca 2044
Larentia had been -according to Meineck in her incarnation as Fabula- a lover of Hercules.
In the constellation of Barlaam&Josaphat stories of the medieval and modern age, Gautama Buddha is transfigured to become an actual Christian (both Orthodox and Catholic) Saint. The Portuguese docking in Sri Lanka related in 1685 that what locals referred to as the worshiped idol Budhu (or any other spelling that was in turn used) was no other than St. Thomas Apostle in the first decades of the common era, who had also converted heathens in Southern India. Heroes and saviors -whether real or imaginary- co-exist in a metahistorical mist that transcends chronological time: duration wins over linear time.
A Chinese tradition suggested that Lao-Tzu, the legendary and supernatural founder of Taoism, migrated to India as he disappeared from China astride a water buffalo. In India, Lao-Tzu would have taught a rudimentary version of Taoism under the name of Buddha.
Venerable Wuling2532 establishes on open superposition between the systems of Confucianism and Buddhism, which she considers above all sterling educational systems. Austere Roman King Numa (753-673 BCE) is said to have been Pythagoras' (570-495 BCE) disciple, although both lived centuries apart.
Herodotus reports that Zalmoxis (a Thracian/Dacian dying-and-rising
Chinese Pure Land Buddhist monastic on April 23, 1999.
god of light and sky) was also believed to have been Pythagoras' slave. The Jesus
Sutras are scrolls -VII to XI century CE- that expound a mixture of Nestorian Christian, Confucian, Daoist, Mahayana Buddhist doctrines in Chinese milieus.
It is highly interesting to note how ancient historiographers such as Diogenes Laertius (III century CE) and Pliny the Elder (I century CE) situated Zoroaster between the year 6.200 and 6.400 BCE:
Zoroaster was thus the first to teach the doctrines of an individual judgment, Heaven and Hell, the future resurrection of the body, the general Last Judgment, and life everlasting for the reunited soul and body. These doctrines were to become familiar articles of faith to much of mankind, through borrowings by Judaism, Christianity and Islam ; yet it is in Zoroastrianism itself that they have their fullest logical coherence, since Zoroaster insisted both on the goodness of the material creation, and hence of the physical body, and on the unwavering impartiality of divine justice. According to him, salvation for the individual depended on the sum of his thoughts, words and deeds, and there could be no intervention, whether compassionate or capricious, by any divine Being to alter this. With such a doctrine, belief in the Day of Judgment had its full awful significance, with each man having to bear the responsibility for the fate of his own soul, as well as sharing in responsibility for the fate of the world. (Boyce 1979:29). Zoroaster the Magus, who lived, so they record, five thousand years before the siege of Troy (Plutarch, De Iside, de Jong Trans.). The stale allegory never stops paying dividends: Central-African dictator Bokassa (in power 1966-79) loved all things French: he called French statesmen DeGaulle “father”, and D'Estaing “cousin”. In Italy, Berlusconi clearly sees Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher as his antecedents, whereas Renzi sees Tony Blair as his role model:”This is the genealogy of Jesus the Messiah the son of David, the son
of Abraham” (Matthew 1:1).
In December 2013, political patriarch Berlusconi (born 1936) showers newly elected secretary of Partito Democratico Renzi (born 1975) with compliments, and anticipates how he had recognized Renzi's potential in a meeting in the distant past: “ a leader since the beginning” 2533. Buddha Dipankara in a bygone age had recognized Gautama's potential as future Buddha. Endless votaries, from ordinary hobos to celebrities, claim to be awestruck as they meet or approach the XIV Dalai Lama: “that's no ordinary person indeed”.
Italian PD's secretary Renzi is also hailed as leader since the beginning as a scout in elementary school:”I didn't know he was the one, but when God sent me to baptize with water, he told me, 'The one on whom you see the Spirit descend and rest is the one who will baptize with the Holy Spirit.'”2534. Patriarchs (seers, holy men, kings, astrologers...) in the lore foretell the future greatness of such heroes as Guru Nanak, Jesus, Gautama Buddha, Krishna...
In 2017 Matteo Renzi's father Tiziano is under judicial scrutiny: he allegedly is a powerful, shady wheeler-dealer busy chaperoning political minions in positions of power to reap benefits remotely controlling public contracts. Perhaps Written on Tablet I of the Mesopotamian Enuma Elish (possibly XVI-XVIII century BCE) about the god Marduk. Readers may easily compare this with Hebrew Genesis:”The Nephilim were on the earth in those days--and also afterward--when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.” (6:4). The Hebrew Aramaic Book Of Giants (II century BCE) mentions Gilgamesh (a fallen angel) and Humbaba. The Book Of Giants was part of the Gnostic Manichean canon. Gilgamesh cycle materials find their way into such works as Claudius Aelianus (II century CE in Greek), and the Alexander Romance from late antiquity. 2534 John 1:33. 2533
son Matteo's political ascent wasn't as “providential” or “god-given” as groupies might want to believe.
A dying Stan Laurel is supposed to have been personally paid respects by future stars such as Dustin Hoffman (names vary). Although some contend the move wasn't Michael Jackson's original creation -but
had been performed since the
1930s-, the moonwalk dance step brought the supreme Afro-American artist accolades from an arch-patriarch of the genre: Fred Astaire. Of course, details vary wildly: Fred Astaire would have called Jackson in May 1983; alternatively, Astaire would have spontaneously risen to a standing ovation during a live performance:
When the men came to Him, they said, "John the Baptist has sent us to You, to ask, 'Are You the Expected One, or do we look for someone else?'" -...-And He answered and said to them, "Go and report to John what you have seen and heard: the BLIND RECEIVE SIGHT, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, and the deaf hear, the dead are raised up, the POOR HAVE THE GOSPEL PREACHED TO THEM (Luke 7:20-22). So for the sake of Supprabuddha, the leper, the Master [=Buddha] preached a sermon -...-Then, just as a white cloth, free from stains, is ready to receive the dye, even so in Supprabuddha, the leper, as he sat there in that very place, arose the pure stainless insight of the Truth -...-So seated he said to the Exalted One, "Excellent, O Lord, Excellent, O Lord, just as if, Lord, one should lift up the fallen, discover the hidden, point out the way to one bewildered, show a light in the gloom -...-.Unfortunately it came to pass that a young calf flung the leper Supprabuddha down and gored him to death. (Buddhist tale told by B.R. Ambedkar). As this writing contends, myth(ologie)s can coalesce. The passing of the patriarchal mantle can be applied to all and sundry, for example to 'matters of memory' as old witnesses entrust memorialization to younger generations. No 2048
matter how much sense this does (not) make, society at large is busy recycling petrified allegories and obtuse mythologies while elated masses rise to a standing ovation.
The mantle to be bequeathed can be of a spiritual nature. Like Gautama Buddha, or Sudhana of Buddhist lore, Justin Martyr and Augustine (Church fathers and Saints) had first met representatives of different philosophical schools before settling for 'the great ideas'; and so did Sikh founder Nanak in his legendary travels from Sri Lanka to Arabia. V century Christian Bishop Palladius was apparently familiar with Indian asceticism.
Eminent Buddhist nun, author and speaker Pema Chodron admits that in the aftermath of a painful divorce
But in any case, it took me a good year not to be over it. I wasn't over, I'd say, for about five years. But a good year for the pieces to sort of start coming back together. And in that time, I looked everywhere. Different therapies. All the different spiritual disciplines. I lived in an ashram. I did, you know weekend intensives in scientology which I didn't last very long in that. ( Bill Moyers...2006:no page). Distinguished professor of religious studies Ehrman explains how his academic study of the original sources led him from a fundamentalist Christian to an agnostic position. Mussolini went from maximalist Socialist honcho to Fascist founder. A majority of NSDAP activists in Northern Germany used to belong to leftwing movements.
Various truthers shuttle to and fro Christian and mythicist perspectives after discovering this, that or another heterodox truth or source. NSDAP groupies swiftly transited to the service of Communist East-Germany as 'community builders' with no sense of irony or shame. The turncoat eager to sit in the winning section of the audience gets ennobled as a truth-seeker.
It goes without saying that this journey to meet one potential spiritual master after another is but a restyling of the hero's journey that lends an amount of credibility to 'the great ideas' that grows bigger with each master, school or party 'the great man' leaves behind. As in a malt liquor or espresso coffee infomercial, the choice has to be based upon heightened taste and discrimination, not upon iffy matters of chance.
This mytheme of the many teachers 'the great man' studied with is typically inserted apocryphally in other narratives, such as Jesus' life, whereby he would have been to India, Persia or some other place: a thesis embraced not only by rascals on the fringe, but also by contemporary lineage masters such as Kriya Yoga Swami Kriyananda;”The myth of a teacher who goes past all teachers is a standard motif.”2535. Not only do 'great men' study with or meet many accomplished masters, but are sterling practitioners at every turn:”[Saint Paul wrote]as for zeal, persecuting the church; as for righteousness based on the law, faultless.”2536
Rather than welcoming the highly uncomfortable truth about psychic 2535 2536
Campbell 1991:123. Philippians 3:6.
unity of mankind, zealots, groupies, enthusiasts -and the hierophants who lead the dancing chorus- dodge the dilemmas relativism poses by magically teleporting 'the great man', and/or by having supernatural agents 'reveal a secret' to him.
A Chinese tradition suggested that Lao-Tzu, the legendary and supernatural founder of Taoism, migrated to India as he disappeared from China astride a water buffalo. In India, Lao-Tzu would have taught a rudimentary version of Taoism under the name of Buddha. Mormon theology posits that Jesus appeared in the Americas to minister to mythical pre-Hispanic civilizations after his resurrection:
The book was first published in France in 1894 as La vie inconnue de JĂŠsus Christ, by a Russian war correspondent named Nicolas Notovitch. Almost immediately it was widely disseminated and translated. In one year it appeared in eight editions in French, with translations into German, Spanish, and Italian. One edition was published in the United Kingdom, and three separate editions in the United States. -...In 1887, he was allegedly traveling in India and Kashmir, where he heard from lamas of Tibet stories about a prophet named Issa, the Arabic form (roughly) of the name Jesus. His further travels took him to the district of Ladak, on the border between India and Tibet, to the famous Tibetan Buddhist monastery of Hemis. While there he heard additional stories and was told that written records of the life of Issa still survived.-...- When Notovitch inquired about the stories of Issa, the abbot agreed to give him the full account. He produced two thick volumes, written in Tibetan, and began to read them out loud to Notovitch, in the presence of a translator who explained what the texts said, while Notovitch took notes. -...- [according to which] When Jesus was thirteen, according to the account, he joined a caravan of merchants to go to India to study their sacred laws. He spent six years with the Brahmins, learning their holy books, the Vedas. But Jesus was completely disenchanted with the Indian caste system and 2051
openly began to condemn it. This raised the ire of the Brahmins, who decided to put him to death. Jesus fled to join a community of Buddhists, from whom he learned Pali, the language of Theraveda Buddhism, and mastered the Buddhist texts. He next visited Persia and preached to the Zoroastrians. Finally, as a twenty-nine-year-old, armed with all the sacred knowledge of the East, he returned to Palestine and began his public ministry. The narrative concludes by summarizing his words and deeds and giving a brief account of his death. The story of his life was then allegedly taken by Jewish merchants back to India, where those who had known Issa as a young man realized that it was the same person. They then wrote down the full account. -...-Although the narrative of The Unknown Life of Jesus Christ may sound like a rather secondrate novel, it was published as a historically factual account and was widely believed as providing the key to the questions that Christians had long asked about the lost years of Jesus. -...-It was not long, however, before scholars interested in historical fact began to question the account and to expose it as a complex hoax. -...-In 1894 an English woman who had read the Unknown Life visited Hemis monastery. She made inquiries and learned that no Russian had ever been there, no one had been nursed back to health after breaking his leg, and they had no books describing the life of Issa. The next year a scholar, J. Archibald Douglas, went and interviewed the abbot himself, who informed him that there had been no European with a broken leg in the monastery during his fifteen years in charge of the community. Moreover, he had been a lama for forty-two years and was well acquainted with Buddhist literature. Not only did he never read aloud a book about Issa to a European or to anyone else; he was certain that no such book as The Unknown Life existed in Tibet.(Ehrman 2011:280-2) This happen to this very day. Mythicist Michael Chandler tries to foster an image of himself that very much matches Jordan Maxwell's; for example, Chandler claims to have spent about 30 years researching the roots of religion. Interesting enough, Maxwell went on to enjoy a career as truther, whereas Chandler virtually disappeared.
Furthermore, internet searches reveal no trace of either Maxwell -or Chandler- before 1989-90. Should readers assume there is no trace of them before a certain date because they were visiting Persia, India or another planet in the company of their extraterrestrial mentors?
In other words, mystic journey, epiphany or teleportation narratives are expedient in order to make sense of the fact that most of these 'great men' said mostly the same things, and/or conveyed mostly the same 'lessons'.
Even the defiant words that resilient 'great men' uttered in front of those condemning them look as if one single individual had uttered them. Yet history tells us that Breivik, Faurisson, Mendès-France, Socrates, Jesus, Mandela, Codreanu, Buozzi, Degrelle, Walesa, Havel, Chavez, Hitler, Khomeini and so many others had nothing in common but the frail human mind and its irresistible mythological baggage.
In the Chinese (Buddhist) tradition, the moments are reversed. Sudhana -and young Jason in No Retreat No Surrender- shall for a time accept only the teachings of Manjusri Bodhisattva (Wisdom deity) – or Bruce Lee's ghost-:
the story of the youth Sudhana and his travels in search of the Dharma. When Sudhana heard Manjusri preach, the aspiration to realize enlightenment arose within him. To put the teachings of Samantabhadra into practice, Sudhana traveled and visited fifty-three teachers. Finally, he received Samantabhadra's [=Universal Worthy Bodhisattva] teachings and realized enlightenment and the dharmadhatu (Hirakawa 1990:282).
Both King Solomon (X century BCE) of Hebrew lore ( 1 Kings 3:16ss), and a Zen (Ch'an Buddhism) Chinese master called Nansen (VIII century CE) appear in a very similar story. Two prostitutes (Solomon) and the temple's eastern and western halls (Nansen) fight over a child (Solomon), or a cat (Nansen). Solomon and Nansen put the disputed object2537 at risk while asking questions with philosophical undertones (motherly love for Solomon; the nature of Zen for Nansen). In the end, Solomon delivers the child to his mother, whereas Nansen kills the cat because no monk could grasp the nature of Zen2538: beyond pairs of opposites.
Did Herod persecute Jesus as an infant, or did he sentence him to death as an adult (Gospel Of Peter2539)? Did Herod persecute John the Baptist as heavenly child, instead? Christian Saint Irenaeus of Lyon (130-202 CE)
among others
believed Jesus had died under Pontius Pilate, whom he (incorrectly) places under the Emperor Claudius2540: was Jesus executed under Claudius, then, around 42 CE? 2537
The imperiled, frail, scared, diminutive creature motif. Shouldn't sweet human souls not ride to the frail creature's rescue? Isn't that an opportunity to delve into the “we are (not) that kind of person” conundrum that obsesses the human mind? 2538 Later that day, however, the returning monk Joshu impressed the master who uttered that had Joshu been there, the cat would have been saved: the Solomon shtick merges with the 'if only...' shtick. 2539 “And then Herod the king orders the Lord [=Jesus] to be taken away, having said to them, 'What I ordered you to do, do.' ” verse 1 (R. Brown trans.). 2540 This error was common in early Christianity:”We have another letter allegedly from Pilate to a Roman official, but this time it is supposedly directed to the Roman emperor Claudius, written to explain Pilate’s role in the death of Jesus, the Letter of Pilate to Claudius. It may seem strange for Pilate to be writing to Claudius, in particular, given the fact that it was Tiberius, not Claudius, who was emperor when Pilate condemned Jesus to death -...-. One of the places the letter is preserved for us is in a fabricated account of the missionary activities of the apostles called the Acts of Peter and Paul. In this account we are told that years after Jesus’s death, the apostle Peter and the archheretic Simon the Magician, whom we met earlier, appear before the emperor Nero, evidently in the early 60s CE. When the emperor hears about Christ, he asks Peter how he can learn more about him. Peter suggests that he retrieve the letter that Pilate had sent to his predecessor, the emperor Claudius, and to have it read aloud. He does so, and the letter then is quoted in full.” (Ehrman 2011:173-4). Irenaeus writes:”For Herod the king of the Jews and Pontius Pilate, the governor of Claudius Caesar, came together and condemned Him [=Jesus] to be crucified ” (The Demonstration Of The Apostolic Preaching , par. 135). The crux of the matter of course is which detail did Irenaeus get wrong: the Claudius Caesar or the Pontius Pilate bit? R.M Price suggests a parallel with comics. Superman (a fictional character by all accounts)
Did -according to Jewish Talmud- some Pinhas -a contemporary of Moses, hence over a thousand years before Roman times- really kill Jesus? Which “Jesus” are sources referring to anyways?
Was godly Indian prince Iodasaph (Josaphat) just a(nother) mythological transfiguration of Gautama Buddha in the capacity of a Christian Saint? The story (Barlaam and Josaphat) was widely translated and available in the Middle and Modern age in vernacular (from Yiddish to Italian, French, German and Icelandic) as well as Latin and Greek (since the VIII/X century in originally Georgian or Greek sources).
In 1571, the Doge of Venice presented a St. Josaphat's relic to the King of Portugal. In 1583, Pope Sixtus V authorized a Barlaam&Josaphat Saint day. Still in 1874, a church at Palermo (Italy) bore the inscription divo Josaphat. Not a small accomplishment for imaginary characters2541. Although an obvious Christianization was supposed to have come to Earth in the 1910s when the comic strip was introduced. With the Christopher Reeve movies of the 1970-80s, Superman arrives on Earth in the 1950s to keep the character in tune with the times. Irenaeus might have had clues, for ( John 8:57) the Gospel recites:”"You [=Jesus] are not yet fifty years old," they said to him, "and you have seen Abraham!"”. A Jesus who's almost 50 surely would have died in Claudius' reign (41-54 CE), or even later. Irenaeus ( Against Heresies, ch. XXII) unambiguously writes:”but from the fortieth and fiftieth year a man begins to decline towards old age, which our Lord possessed while [Jesus] still fulfilled the office of a Teacher, even as the Gospel and all the elders testify; those who were conversant in Asia with John, the disciple of the Lord, [affirming] that John conveyed to them that information. And he remained among them up to the times of Trajan. [emperor 98-117 CE] ”. It is generally believed that the issue of circumcision became relevant as Christianity spread, but not before Paul's times (a few decades after Jesus' death). Yet the Gospel Of Thomas has Jesus say something that is extremely unlikely in an orthodox Jewish milieu:” His disciples said to Him, "Is circumcision beneficial or not?" [Jesus] said to them, "If it were beneficial, their father would beget them already circumcised from their mother. Rather, the true circumcision in spirit has become completely profitable." ” (no date no page n.53). Such stances seem to address concerns of a later age by having Jesus address a concern (= the conversion of groups of gentiles who didn't wish to be circumcised) that would not be present until several decades after Jesus' death. 2541 Barlaam -the Christian sage who converts Josaphat- is possibly an entirely imaginary character; although modeled after Buddhist sources describing Gautama, Josaphat never existed as such:”observations misinterpreted through projections from the human psyche ”.
of equally self-evident preexisting Buddhist sources had taken place, only from the 1850s would western scholars gradually awake to the glaring similarities:
The invention of Josaphat was not a deliberate forgery; it was the result of human error. The story grew and spread, moved from one region to another, and was translated and retranslated until Christian hagiographers mistakenly set it in literary stone. (Moss 2013:51). 949 BCE, 881 BCE, 486 BCE, 368 BCE 2542,
are all dates different
authentic Buddhist traditions present as the 'historical' date of Gautama Buddha's death. In 1799, in a volume of scholarly Asiatic Researches, Abu'lfazi's – a Muslim traveler under Akhbar- account is mentioned, which situated Buddha's birth in the year 1366 BCE: the myth ought to have become fact.
That is not mere trifle. 949 BCE as date of the Buddha's death was instrumental in the doctrine of many important Japanese denominations coalescing in the Kamakura period (1185-1333). Leaders of the new sects could claim -just as their Chinese VI century Tiantai predecessors - to be the savior of people living the the Age Of Degeneration of doctrine Mahayana texts posited 2.000 years after the Buddha's passing.
A cursory exam of popular Google Books reveals countless possible dates for Buddha's death proposed in research: 544 BCE, 487 BCE, 483 BCE, 477 BCE, 468 BCE, 384 BCE... In the Christian canon coming from supposed eye-witness testimonies, Jesus is crucified either after noon the day before Passover ( John 2542
Somaratne, ME6101 no date:The Buddha.
14:16;18:28); or mid-morning the day after Passover (Mark 14:12;15:25).
Whether this series of disparate dates looks like fact rather than myth is left to readers to consider2543:
Finally, in the late 1990s, the Shroud [of Turin, allegedly Jesus' burial cloth] was radiocarbon dated; it produced dates ranging from 1260 to 1390 CE, just about the time the Shroud appears in historical documents, and long after the death of Jesus. (Johnston 2010:54). How promote? Lies that promote truth. What if you don't have authority? Christians need apostolic truth to back up your point of view, we don't have it. So invent it, write a forgery claim to be Paul, James, promote truth by telling a lie. It was widely seen as lying and deception, but some Christians thought worth it to achieve a greater good, then OK to lie to tell it. Some were a noble cause. (Ehrman 2010:36). If it is reasonable to entertain doubts about legendary heroes, saviors and founders of bygone ages, the contemporary world presents much of the same dilemmas. Huo Yuanjia (1869-1910) died in 1910, yet Bruce Lee's Chinese
Connection (1972) -a supposed account based upon real life events- lionizes Huo, and presents his death as taking place in a meta-historical China that looks more like the China of the 1930s than that of 1910: in Lee's movie the culprits are the occupying Japanese. Also, Huo's portrait in the movie shows an old man, whereas the historical Huo died at about 40yo.
History and memory are often the harlots of politics. In another of his “proudly Chinese� movies, the Bruce Lee character confronts smug Japanese who 2543
The fact that modern scholars struggle to correctly decode ancient calendars and archaeological evidence still doesn't explain this wide array of possible dates.
taunt him at the entrance of a Shanghai public garden:”no dogs and Chinese allowed”. That's another politicized minestrone: the 1917 sign 2544 simply read that “the gardens are reserved to the foreign community” and that “dogs and bicycles are not admitted”. The “no dogs&Chinese allowed” soundbite, however, entered popular culture as another 'true story'.
Huo Yuanjia follows an obvious trajectory:
But keep in mind that contemporaneous, trustworthy accounts of Huo's life are non-existent. -...- the book does not retell any of the stock stories of his life -...-, or any of the other stuff in the Bruce Lee/Jet Li movies. -...- In both Chinese and English retellings of the Jingwu legend, the centerpiece of the story is usually the "foreigner fights" that Huo Yuanjia engaged in. -...-The third complication is that the legend of the foreigner fights was probably a creation of Chinese journalists. The turn of the century was a time of pulp journalism both in the West and the East. Inflammatory and exaggerated stories were the norm, and journalists knew that any story with a racial aspect would ad "fuel to the fire" and increase newsstand sales. The point we are driving at is that turn-of-the-century newspapers are a very dubious source of information. Turning to the issue of "fights," part of the confusion about the Huo legend has to do with the meaning of "fight." Are we talking "worked matches," which were the mainstay of turn-of-the-century stage-fighting all over North America and Europe. A "worked match" was scripted and had a predetermined winner. Since worked matches often tied in with gamboling fraud, another word for a worked match is "a fix." -...-The bottom line is, from a historian's standpoint, it is quite hard to say which fights were worked matches, exhibitions or real fights. -...-Further clouding matters, none of the foreigners involved in these fights have names that are traceable by modern historians. -...-we are not saying Huo never fought a foreigner or even several; what we're saying is that it cannot be historically verified. And that makes it a legend. [sic] (Kennedy no date: no page). In the movie Dragon (1993), an hagiographic Bruce Lee biography, Bruce Lee suffers 2544
a serious back injury after foul play on an opponent's part. In reality, Lee injured his spine in 1970 as he lifted weights in the gym.
Although in the lore Gautama Buddha died at age 80, he's always represented as a young man. While Gautama Buddha is mostly portrayed as a man of normal body type, in Italy it is possible to say that someone is “fat like Buddha� and bonzo (Buddhist monk, French bonze) means an overweight or chubby person.
It turns out the 'fat Buddha' (also 'laughing Buddha') typically is an incarnation of alternatively the celestial Buddha Maitreya -or another Saint- in the form of the fat monk Budai, or Gautama himself. Although the image recurs in both Hinayana and Mahayana countries, it is discarded -if not vehemently criticized- in some Buddhist milieus. Buddha is also portrayed as a skin and bone figure on the brink of death when he practiced harsh penance before enlightenment and the discovery of the middle way.
Santa Claus, this gift-bearing doppelgaenger of some (semi)omnipotent father-god figure (Pai Natal, Babbo Natale, Père Noel...), is also typically portrayed as a laughing, overweight old man with a flowing beard donning a scarlet costume. According to Prothero and others, Jesus, too, was restyled as a laughing man:
it is not the ' real ' Jesus who is crucified, but only his eidolon, or image. The 'real' lesus is represented as laughing whilst his apparent nature suffers. The wonderful figure of the laughing Jesus is the Western equivalent of the laughing Buddha. Both represent the discovery of joy and the transcendence of suffering through ceasing to identify with the separate self -...-The laughing Jesus symbolises the 2059
state of lucid living in which we are able to love life even when we are suffering (Freke&Gandy 2005:160). The somber image of Jesus was shattered by a line drawing of Jesus laughing in the January 1968 edition of Playboy Magazine. However, images of Jesus finally broke out of the mold of the "Man of Sorrows," a dominant image of Jesus since the 14th century, 1987 Catholic monthly Liguorian's publication of Ralph Kozak's drawing of "Laughing Jesus. " From this drawing of a Jesus with his head tilted back in unstrained laughter, evolved radically novel images of Jesus that appealed to different subcultures in America. (Leader 2010:75). A big belly is coterminous with great knowledge. Hebrew traditions forbid studying mysticism and the Kabbalah to those under 40 years of age, unmarried, and without a “full belly” of previous studies in normative Judaism. Hindu god Ganesha has a big belly (lambodara) as well, for he is the leader of Shiva's retinue (ganapati, “lord of hosts” just like Hebrew Yahweh 2545); lord of beginnings; husband of wisdom (just as Zeus swallowed pregnant Metis); remover of obstacles (vigneshwara ), and “lord of discipline” (=one without a master, vinayaka): he “straightens the crooked” (vakratunda).
“Pictorial representations of psychic processes” recur everywhere in fossilized form. The “tall poppies” story2546 is told with Periander of Corinth (627587 BCE) as main agent2547; or the Roman King Tarquin (535-496 BCE)2548. Jewish
Mishnah may attribute the same saying to different rabbis: 2545
Mythologist Daniélou wrote in 1964:”The principle of all the classifications through which the relations between different orders of things, between the macrocosm and the microcosm, can be understood is called the lord-of-categories (Ganapati) ”. Incidentally, Hebrew Yahweh is often referred to in the plural: Adonai, Elohim... 2546 A tyrant instructs his disciple or emissary to cull a community's most eminent members, whose influence is threatening. 2547 For example in Herodotus 5.92. Periander allegedly built the Diolkos, a sort of paved trackway that went between the Corinthian and Saronic gulf allowing boats to be moved overland. 2548 in Livy's account.
I suppose the most important myth associated with this trickster is that of the flood, the North American Indian flood. The story will start with all the animals on a raft with old man who is a humanized aspect of coyote. After a certain time he sends a diving animal down, a muskrat, or a diving bird-a loon or something like that-to get a little piece of mud off the bottom and bring it up. The divers bring up the mud, and then the old man takes it and puts it on the water and makes some magic, and it gets bigger and bigger and bigger. Then he sends a fox or some other animal to run around the world to see if it's big enough, and, on the third or fourth time, it is big enough and there we are-creation. The theme of the old man on the raft is a little different among Northern Siberians, the Finns and the Laps. Here, the diver is the shadow of god. In these stories the deity sends a diver down-it's known as the earth diver motif-and he comes up with a little bit of mud but he doesn't give it all to the deity. After the deity has put the mud down and made a perfectly orderly world, this other one spits out the rest of the mud and that makes mountains and difficulties. In later traditions where the cosmic order has been recognized-the round of the stars-very often the planetary deities are regarded as tricksters because they introduce disorder. They move a different way and anything that is a disordering principle is associated with a trickster-the diabolical as opposed to the demonic. (Campbell&Boa 1989:89-90). As Koester2549 aptly points out, the Book of Revelation presents a myth (the woman giving birth to the divine child while a dragon threatens her) that is nearly identical to that of Leto on the run from the dragon Python seeking to prevent her from giving birth to Zeus' children, the future gods Apollo and Artemis2550.
Apollo later slays Python to restore order in the cosmos 2551. Koester aptly points equally out the image was commonly associated with figures representing 2011: The Dragon And The Power Of Evil. Often identified with the Sun (Phoebus Apollo) and Moon (Phoebe Diana). 2551 In the American-Indian myth of the twin war gods, a woman gets miraculously pregnant (=virgin birth) while bathing (=water connection). She gives birth to a son by the Sun god, and another by the Moon god, just as Diana and Apollo. Just as Apollo and Diana, these American-Indian heroes embark on a journey with the purpose of slaying monsters that threaten their mother. 2549 2550
supreme power; Roman Emperors were typically identified with Apollo heralding the new era of Roman peace, and civilization. Official poet of the Augustan regime, Virgil wrote in the Eclogue IV:
the great roll-call of the centuries is born anew: now Virgin Justice returns, and Saturn’s reign: now a new race descends from the heavens above. Only favour the child who’s born, pure Lucina, under whom the first race of iron shall end, and a golden race rise up throughout the world: now your Apollo reigns. (no date: no page). The young Mother keeps him hidden in her body, the Youth, the Prince, and gives him not to his Father! (Rig Veda 5.2, around XV century BCE or older)2552. “And if you remember that we, as ordinary beings, cannot recognize a bodhisattva among other people, we must beware of harming anybody as who knows, if he is a bodhisattva, the result of our wrong action towards him or her will be devastating for us.”2553. A popular story (in Ovid with Mercury and Jupiter, the Greek Hermes and Zeus) relating how gods visited mortals in disguise to test them in order to bestow boons or retribution upon them was readily applied to St. Paul and Barnabas as they preached and worked miracles in Lystra. Even Satan (“the adversary”) is originally a “son of god” in charge of “testing” people lest god be mocked.
Right where Hermes and Zeus had appeared, in Phrygia, “Barnabas they called Zeus, and Paul they called Hermes because he was the chief speaker. ( Acts 14:12)”. Paul and Barnabas – like Hermes and Zeus- want people to make the 2552
Readers here see echoes of the struggle between fathers and sons Freud wrote about: Kronos in fact devoured his children. 2553 Terentyev, ME6217 no date unit 3:6.
Zoroastrian choice right away, upon which their judgment shall rest at a later date; Paul and Barnabas, however, minister to a new god: Jesus of Nazareth.
Using mythology as political tool was very common:”images are psychotropic”2554. A terracotta relief from the Palatine Temple of Apollo shows the fight between Apollo and Hercules over the tripod, mythological proxies of Octavian and Marc-Antony.
Myths can trickle down into popular culture with unexpected success. Even in contemporary Italy, a marcantonio (Marco-Antonio= Marc-Antony) is an exceptionally big and apparently strong man: the myth of Marc-Antony as Hercules survived through the ages. Nero made ample recourse to mythological metalanguage to reach out to the public:” For Nero, the golden key to the story of Orestes was not that he was a matricide, but that he was a justified matricide ”2555.
Roman optimates and autocrats loved to build their abodes in the pseudo-mystical image of miniature worlds -often including temples- with seas, lakes, fields, grazing plains etc in the way people of the far East celebrated Hindu or Buddhist cosmologies building colossal city-temples in the images of a mandala (Borobudur), or of mount Mehru (Angkor, Prambanan).
Roman Emperor Domitian (51-96 CE) privileged the myth of Arachne and Minerva2556 to epitomize the social ethos he embraced:”[myths] often serve 2554
Moore 1989:part 7. Champlin 2003:97. 2556 A myth whose significance prescribes deference towards the gods irrespective of any flaws or transgression on 2555
more faithfully to celebrate than to explain”. Speaking of Domitian, Suetonius2557 portrays him thus:
At the beginning of his reign he used to spend hours in seclusion every day, doing nothing but catch flies and stab them with a keenly-sharpened stylus. Consequently when someone once asked whether anyone was in there with Caesar, Vibius Crispus made the witty reply: "Not even a fly." In North-Western Italy to this day it is possible to tell someone off -in dialect- by urging one to “go and catch flies”: Domitian's myth also survived through the ages.
The choice of myths and the grandfathered license they afforded always threads on the edge of bad taste and excess invariably triggering political failure, which befell Caligula, Domitian, Nero, Commodus, Elagabalus and others.
At any rate. when Antony [Marc-Antony, Roman general and statesman, 83-30 BCE] made his entry into Ephesus. Women dressed as Bacchantes and men and boys as satyrs and Pans marched in procession before him. The city was filled with wreaths of ivy and thyrsus wands. the air resounded with the music of harps, pipes, and flutes. and the people hailed him as Dionysus the Benefactor and the Bringer of Joy. Certainly this was how some people saw In’m. but to the majority he came as Dionysus the Cruel and the Eater of Flesh. for he stripped many noble families of their property and gave it away to rogues and flatterers. (Plutarch, ScottKilvert trans.). Even autocrats had to be careful about hitting the wrong nerve of public sensitivity to myth-making perceived as going against Roman
mos and religio,
which were inductive2558 by nature ( the Roman fides opposed to the Greek pistis ) their part, which is not supposed to be even brought up. Arachne was a skilled weaver who in her selfabsorption dared to defy Minerva, being thus turned into a spider after a weaving contest. 2557 Life Of Domitian 1914: no page. 2558 Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning makes broad generalizations
and best epitomized by deified qualities: Pietas, Constantia...
Commoners are even more prone to making the same mistakes. There is but a thin line between Charlton Heston characters on one hand, and
Abbott&Costello or Laurel&Hardy characters on the other.
For every 'big Eichmann2559' (psychopathic supervisor, employer, genocidal warlord etc), there are countless 'little Eichmanns' (groupies, abetters, enablers, co-dependent, accomplices...) in one's movement; on the road; in the next cubicle at work.
Psychotherapist Susan Forward puts in her “co-dependency checklist”:”I protect him from the consequences of his behavior. I lie for him, cover up for him, and never let others say anything bad about him. -...-I pretend that everything is fine when it isn’t.”2560. Over-stressed people (for whatever reason) are virtually indistinguishable from people with diagnosed mental illnesses.
One 'big Eichmann' may be thrown to the mob in the tabloids, fired, indicted, driven out of business once in a blue moon to buttress the comedy of innocence that obsesses postwar regimes, whereas most -if not all- 'little Eichmanns' from specific observations. "In inductive inference, we go from the specific to the general. We make many observations, discern a pattern, make a generalization, and infer an explanation or a theory," WassertheilSmoller told Live Science. "In science there is a constant interplay between inductive inference (based on observations) and deductive inference (based on theory), until we get closer and closer to the 'truth,' which we can only approach but not ascertain with complete certainty.". Even if all of the premises are true in a statement, inductive reasoning allows for the conclusion to be false. Here’s an example: "Harold is a grandfather. Harold is bald. Therefore, all grandfathers are bald." The conclusion does not follow logically from the statements.(Bradford 2015:no page). 2559 NSDAP war criminal famously tried in Jerusalem. 2560 Forward&Buck 1989:31.
roam free and unscathed because:
Some may be sociopaths, or even psychopaths -...-, but most are probably ordinary people trying to function and survive in a competitive environment. (Babiak&Hare 2006:118). The way we usually interact with one another makes it very difficult to be completely honest.-...-Shulman writes:“Workplaces generate social pressures and situations that help people to overcome proscriptions against lying, just as everyday social niceties encourage ‘white lies’ to help people preserve the peace in routine interactions with family and friends.” -...-In effect, in order to be what we normally call a “professional,” one must put up a front. (Feldman 2009:105). If head honchos in the countless Madoff and Enron-style economic crashes have been berated, what about all the harmless 'mommies of two' and 'daddies of three' peddling junk bonds and Ponzi scheme subscriptions to gullible investors newspapers articles had worked into a frantic belief? Is the friendly financial op-ed writer another little Eichmann, too?
Should the public wish them nasty encounters in a public prison bathroom just as it does the “lottery” or “boiler room” scam artist caught red handed? Is there a great difference between the lottery scam artist and the bank clerk peddling Enron- or Madoff-like financial “investments”?
When empathy is switched off, we think only about our own interests. When empathy is switched on, we focus on other people’s interests too. (Baron-Cohen 2011:16). Branden posits this as the crucible of self-esteem: the congruence between what we profess, what we know and what we do. For example, the 2066
precious 'daddy of three' or 'mommy of two' who is a 'Jesus freak' (a 'social justice freak' or what have you) sells to clueless elderly retirees an investment portfolio in Levantine currency s-he knows has slim chances to make it but pays higher commissions (the boss pressures one into selling or what have you): s-he embodies the failure of self-esteem. Politicians, clergymen, celebrities and public figures in general exemplify self-esteem abominations in spite of enthused groupies and accomplices who want one to believe otherwise.
Mythic metalanguage proves to be very flexible: it may come to mean something or its opposite, like a revolving Rorschach test. Revelation therefore turns tables on the Roman order, now identified with demonic and oppressive powers: the divine child is not a Caesar but Jesus. Jesus is saluted as the “prince of peace”; yet, decades before Jesus' supposed ministry, Octavian Augustus was also saluted as “prince of peace”. In Mormon scriptures, Melchizedek is likewise hailed as “prince of peace2561”.
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte exalted the Empire with the words: “L'empire c'est la paix (Empire equals peace)” in 1852 with an imagery of domestic uplift, unending public works and conciliation Mussolini would borrow decades later: Louis-Napoleon, the “prince of (imperial) peace”. As an election approaches in 2018, Italian politicians Salvini and Berlusconi promise drastic tax cuts and huge subsidies under the sign of pace fiscale, the “peace” between the common man and the 2561
“and Melchizedek did establish peace in the land in his days; therefore he was called the prince of peace, for he was the king of Salem; and he did reign under his father. ” (Alma 13:18).
Fascist Italy mingled the two versions (imperial and Christian) with Mussolini acting as proxy: the “prince� of the 1938 Munich peace agreement. In our time, Obama is the blessed (=Barak) prince (=President) of the (Nobel) peace (prize):
a light will shine through that window, a beam of light will come down upon you, you will experience an epiphany ... and you will suddenly realize that you must go to the polls and vote for Obama (Obama in 2008). Akin to the messiahs of lore, Obama can wield a rod of iron as well: he sends his armies to fulfill manifest destinies the world over: there are 'good invasions' and 'bad ones' as party liners very well know.
Well before Christian preachers humbled Kings in the presence of the almighty, Dio (Discourses, 1) addressed the Emperor Trajan saying Kings ought to be virtuous, for kingship derived entirely from Zeus, source of all goodness. It is a long tradition Confucius embraced, too.
Upon invitation from the Queen Mother, Bossuet chastised his pupil King Louis XIV of France: he indirectly compared the King's luxury and pomp -in times of famine and warfare in the country- with the ragged austerities Jesus practiced. Centuries later, one representative of the Gandhi foundation celebrating the Indian activist's 100th birthday in front of Persia's Shah - and forewarned to avoid offending the monarch- pronounced a short speech in which he listed
Gandhi's scant list of modest possessions: it never stops paying dividends.
The King of Kings imagery -of clear Egyptian/Mesopotamian 2562 inspiration- can be extended to one's favorite ruler -such as a slew of Mesopotamian, Hellenistic and Roman monarchs -, god and/or savior-hero. The Hebrew god can option the position ( Deuteronomy 10:17;Psalms 136:3); or Jesus (Revelation 17:14 as the lamb; 1 Timothy 6:15).
After all, do devotees not carry their gods during a procession often in a sort of high sedan chair, just it like it was the case with Chinese Emperors, Ottoman Sultans, Russian Czars, Japanese Emperors, the last (semi)omnipotent rulers? Until 1910/11 (China), 1917 (Russia), 1922/242563 (Turkey), 1945 (Japan), 1979 (Persia) the ruler was not only (semi)omnipotent, but he was also either (semi)divine (China, Japan); or invested with special religious authority (Russia, Turkey, Japan, China, Persia2564).
Popular prayers such as Ave Maria look -with minor adjustments- like ritual compliments paid to monarchs as a matter of routine still in the Belle Epoque.
The first to have the titles of divus (semi-divine, to be deified at death), King of Kings and Lord of Lords was possibly Sargon's grandson, Akkadian ruler Naram-Sin (XXIII century BCE). Akkadians (+/- Bronze age) also established the first bureaucracy (standing armies, a network of scribes and administrators in charge of local governance and exaction of tributes). Akkadian (Bronze age) Kings also seemingly adopted the allegory of the shepherd-King. Just as the first state bureaucracies coalesced, religion started to reflect the same with characters of divine organizers (such as Mesopotamian god Enki) and scribes (such as Egyptian gods Thoth and Seshat, Lady Of Letters, Mistress Of The House Of Books ). 2563 The last Sultan left the country in 1922; in 1924 the Caliphate (=religious authority) was abolished following the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923. The Sultanate had been abolished in 1922. 2564 The Shah was considered a protector and champion of Muslim Shiite faith not only in Persia, but -as a matter of lore- across the Muslim world as spiritual descendant of sheikh Hussein, Mohamed's grandson, whom Sunnite leaders murdered in 680. 2562
Readers be the judge whether the carousel of seraphim and cherubim ministering to Hebrew Yahweh is what a Saint witnessed when he ascended bodily to heaven; or a simple transposition in heavenly terms of ceremonial enshrouding earthly monarchs.
In 603 CE, Japanese lawgiver Prince Shotoku established a new system of government based upon twelve positions (each assigned a cap to wear), each associated with a virtue such as “greater” or “lesser” virtue, humility, decorum, faith, knowledge, righteousness. Just as it was the case with celestial Yahwah and his
seraphim, virtues made flesh ministered to the heavenly Emperor of Japan.
After all, “as above so below” (attributed to fabled archetypal sage Hermes Trismegistus) just means that a supposed heavenly order has to be mirrored on Earth:
Toxic shame is consciously transferred by means of shaming rules. In shame-based families, the rules consciously shame all the members. Generally however, the children receive the major brunt of the shame. Power is a cover-up for shame. Power is frequently hierarchical. Dad can yell at anyone. Mom can yell at anyone but Dad. The oldest can yell at anyone but Mom and Dad, etc. The youngest tortures the cat. (Bradshaw 1988:39). However, it has been reported that some Taiwanese describe the political hierarchy of the gods as being like that of the Kuomintang regime in Taiwan, with a president and ministries (Jordan, 1972: 40). (Lang 1995:42). In today's increasingly agnostic world, trumpets, parades and musical bands begin to play as dignitaries, Presidents and other contemporary almighty ones 2070
approach just as it was the case with a carousel of supernatural beings that ministered to Yahweh:
Homer has made ‘the gods men’, as the ancients observed, but above all because the social relations of his mortal world have been projected onto the relations imagined between the gods in heaven. The gods’ company is a magnification of the social world which Homer and his oral predecessors knew and absorbed in real life. The gods are aristocrats enlarged: they tend to treat mortals as aristocrats treat the lower classes. Like aristocrats they value ‘honour’; they ‘give to the one who gives to them’, but like aristocrats they do not always give in return; like aristocrats, too, they have their favourites and also their loves. On earth, Greek sons divided their inherited property by casting lots for separate shares of it. In heaven, therefore, the gods do the same, without any need for a Babylonian ‘influence’. On earth, Greek aristocrats met in a council or a ‘gathering’ (assembly): in heaven, therefore, Greek gods do the same. It is irrelevant whether or not the gods of Near Eastern sources also met in assemblies and councils. The Homeric imagination of the supernatural arises from earthly Greek society, as experienced in a largely pre-literate age. (Lane Fox 2008:259). Another key metaphor for relations among the gods was the political assembly in which leaders of each city in the Sumerian coalition met, gathering in the holy city of Nippur to appoint a king during military crises. The gods thus came to be seen as a political and juridical assembly that appointed or dismissed kings and decreed the fates of cities in war. The gods themselves were imagined as kings, warriors, and judges. They rode out in battle and judged appeals that were brought to them, ruling on cases involving other gods as well as humans. The wild and arbitrary powers of storm and flood in nature were fused with the devastating violence of war, both represented by gods. Before these arbitrary powers, humans could only weep and lament, hoping to avert divine wrath, but ultimately were forced to bow to the fate that the gods decreed. (Ruether 2005:46-47). Man in his arrogance thinks himself a great work worthy the interposition of a deity. More humble, and I believe truer, to consider him created from animals. (C. Darwin in 1838). God has taken his place in the divine council; in the midst of the 2071
gods he holds judgment (Psalm 82:1). The fixation with one's savior-hero and/or god of choice being the real deal becomes explicit in Revelation (19:16):”On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS. ”. Confucius, too, was born with an inscription on his chest that foretold his excellence as a scholar. Alternatively, the glorified Jesus (Revelation 2:8;22:132565) is described in terms that closely recall the Egyptian Book Of The Dead: the departed soul is assimilated to Osiris2566.
While Hinayana Buddhism keeps this, and the yonder shore, samsara (the round of rebirth based upon pairs of opposites, greed, hatred, delusion, sloth, doubt and torpor) and nibbana (heavenly bliss, ending of the rebirth process and defilement) separated, Mahayana Buddhism mixes the two: the accomplished practitioner realizes this and the yonder shore, samsara and nirvana, hells and heavens are one (=emptiness).
Campbell2567 also links the appearance of images of the Buddha to the rise
To the angel of the church in Smyrna write: These are the words of him who is the First and the Last, who died and came to life again -...- I am the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End. 2566 “"I am Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow, and I have the power to be born a second time;I am the divine hidden Soul who createth the gods, and who giveth sepulchral meals into the denizens of the Underworld of Amentet and of Heaven. I am the rudder of the east, the possessor of two divine faces wherein his beams are seen. I am the lord of the men who are raised up; the lord who cometh forth out of darkness, and whose forms of existence are of the house wherein are the dead.” cit. in Campbell (1949:217). The departed soul -just as the Hebrew Adam was created in god's image- lists every body part as the body part of a god:” My two hips those of Anubis, ”;”My hinder parts are those of the Eye of Horus, ”;”My feet those of Ptah, ” (Le Page Renouf trans.). Campbell (1989:Pharaoh's Rule) also mentions the origin of the (once) Catholic custom of eating fish on Fridays to commemorate Jesus can be traced back to a fish who ate Osiris' genitals as Set had torn Osiris' body apart in order to scatter its pieces all over. 2567 1989:The Way To Enlightenment.
of the doctrine of Buddha-nature. Some suggest that the Buddha's iconic representation, which was hitherto absent, started around the time of the rise of Mahayana, however difficult to pinpoint:
Before the period of Mahāyāna Buddhism, the Buddha was never depicted. Hence, in the illustration of the Buddha’s life on the early stūpas, there are only symbols of the Buddha—his footprints, an umbrella, a sun disk—because the Buddha is one who is identified no longer with his ego but with total consciousness, and consequently, cannot be depicted. He’s like the sun that has set, and you don’t depict what is not. As a result, in early depictions of the Temptation of the Buddha, the temptation is rendered—on one side of the throne are the posturing daughters of Kāma, Lord Desire, and on the other, the ogres of Māra, King Death—but nobody is in the throne. Well, there was nobody there. He was not identified with this personality. (Campbell 1991:133). In the apocryphal Gospel Of Thomas they wrote:
His disciples said to Him, "When will the Kingdom come?" <Jesus said,> "It will not come by waiting for it. It will not be a matter of saying 'Here it is' or 'There it is.' Rather, the Kingdom of the Father is spread out upon the earth, and men do not see it." ( The Gospel Of Thomas no date: n.113). In Buddhism, also, there is the question whether women can reach the supreme illumination as such. Some traditions seem to deny it, requiring a masculine form, whereas other schools affirm gender is not important 2568. So does Jesus in the Gospel Of Thomas:
“In commenting on this episode, scholars of the Tiantai school in China, held (1) that for a woman with deep insight into emptiness, change of sex is not necessary in order to attain Buddhahood, or (2) the dragon king’s daughter was already a tenth stage bodhisattva on the very brink of Buddhahood. They thus held that a woman could attain Buddhahood in her present life without change her female form. This idea is confirmed in the Vimalakīrtinirdeśa Sūtra, according to which an irreversible bodhisattva goddess is challenged by Śāripūtra to change her female form. In reply, she says that she has sought ‘femaleness’ for twelve years, but has not found it, for it is empty, an illusion.” ME6208:Buddhist Attitudes Towards Gender.
Simon Peter said to Him, "Let Mary [Magdalene] leave us, for women are not worthy of Life." Jesus said, "I myself shall lead her in order to make her male, so that she too may become a living spirit resembling you males. For every woman who will make herself male will enter the Kingdom of Heaven." (The Gospel Of Thomas2569 no date: n.114). Then the bhikkhuni Soma, having understood, "This is Mara the Evil One," replied to him in verses:"What does womanhood matter at all When the mind is concentrated well, When knowledge flows on steadily As one sees correctly into Dhamma. One to whom it might occur, 'I'm a woman' or 'I'm a man' Or 'I'm anything at all' – Is fit for Mara to address."Then Mara the Evil One, realizing, "The bhikkhuni Soma knows me," sad and disappointed, disappeared right there. (Buddhist Soma Sutta2570). In order to prove definitively the spiritual power of Mahāpajāpatī [who first petitioned Buddha to accept nuns], the Buddha asks her to demonstrate her miraculous powers to the skeptical crowd. -...-she walked on water as on land, without breaking the surface. Crosslegged, she flew like a bird across the surface of the sky [in Theravada Buddhist Gotamī-apadāna ](Scott 2010-11:497). Woman is a servant of hell, excluded for all time from any hope of attaining Buddhahood. She may have the gentle outward appearance of a bodhisattva, but her inner heart is that of a demon (Japanese version of writings attributed to Vasubandhu, IV/V century CE Buddhist scholar). The Christian martyr Perpetua of Carthage recounts a dream, in which -prior to her sacrifice (203 CE)- she was stripped naked, and had thus become a man. Mythical medieval female Saint Wilgefortis2571 in order to preserve her virginity ends up as the androgynous figure of a bearded woman subjected to 2569
In its format, this extracanonical gospel resembles Confucius' sayings insofar it includes a series of sayings attributed to Jesus without any narrative framework. 2570 Thousands of years before Marxism, gender studies and radical cultural pluralism, Buddhism had already identified sexual identity as a form of social and mental construct because the nun Soma can hardly be construed -as in infantile Christian martyr stories- to have changed the shape of her sex organs. Rather, Soma has awaken to the adventitious nature of mental and social constructs: dependent co-arising. In other words, while the nature of sex organs exists, what one does with it, and the conclusions one draws are heavily dependent upon adventitious influences such as societal or mental constructs with no inherent existence. 2571 Virtuous, Christian daughter of an impious/domineering King, at times depicted as pagan and Portuguese.
In Moravian (Protestant/heretic Church going back to Jan Hus and the XIV century; very active in the XVIII century) circles, Jesus, too, assumes feminine characters:
Moravian belief focused greatly upon the state of Christ’s body during the crucifixion and specifically on the miraculous nature of the sidewounds; the wounds are metaphorically described as the womb through which the church was born and the place through which worshippers must enter in order to reach salvation. Yet, Christ himself is portrayed as the husband of the congregation. These descriptions create multiple gender roles for the figure, as they operate in both feminine and masculine positions, allowing members to connect to whatever version of Christ they needed at the time. Historically, critics make the argument for either the feminization or masculinization of Christ, addressing the state of Jesus as mother or examining his role as the “bridegroom” of the congregation. (Ellison 2007:1-2). Contention arises in Christian doctrine about the fact some accounts seem to indicate women mourned/worshiped Jesus' dead body first, and first saw him after his resurrection. At the first Buddhist council 2572, Ananda (the Buddha's closest disciple) was reproached for having allowed women to worship first Gautama Buddha's dead body.
Isia were festivals in Isis' honor: women loudly mourned deceased Osiris: a proxy for mythological Isis and Nephtys. Roman author Minucius Felix (II/III century) attests the cult's popularity among Roman women who attended en masse. Adonis and Thammuz were other gods, whom women mourned as part of an 2572
Following Gautama Buddha's death, hence at varying moments in time according to different traditions.
established religion with a liturgical calendar. Catholic nuns “marry Christ”, whereas priests “marry the church”: matrimonial hallucinations.
Alternatively, the woman can act as godly doppelgaenger of the male counterpart, often in charge of systematizing/archiving the master's teachings and of bearing witness. The woman may also be the very first -or among the very first- to recognize the hero in his mystical dimension (for example Jesus after his resurrection; Mohamed in his call to prophecy...). Mohamed's wives; Tibetan Buddhist female Saint Yeshe Tsogyal (Padma Sambhava's consort, VIII/IX century); St. Paul and St. Thecla; St. Francesco and St. Chiara; Jesus and Magdalene; Aurobindo and the Mother (as in many Hindu ashrams, the chief male philosopher has a female counterpart) are possible examples.
In myth, even deities often have a (fe)male counterparts: Aphrodite and Eros; Kwan Yin alternatively considered as male or female; the (male) god of war Mars and his (female) Roman counterpart Bellona...
Santa Muerte’s [female] gender identity places her in a class by herself. Guatemalan Rey Pascual and Argentine San La Muerte, of course, are her only counterparts from Buenos Aires to Vancouver. But like the traditional Grim Reaper, these two saints of death -...- are unmistakably male figures. The word “rey” in Rey Pascual means “king,” and the “san” in San La Muerte is the masculine abbreviation of “saint.” (Chesnut 2012:60). Heroes and sociopaths alike in myth(ologie)s have female counterparts like Kali, Sekhmet, Procne, Medea, Agave and so forth are as ruthless and merciless as their male counterparts. 2076
Popular culture is never far behind: if Karate Kid was a male hero, The
Next Karate Kid (1994) saw a heroine. If the revenant executioner is a hero in The Crow (1994), in Frankenstein Created Woman (1967) the same story-line sees a female executioner. If the plethora of Clint Eastwood, Charles Bronson and so forth vigilante movies saw heroes “burning with determination to even up the score”, 1981 Ms. 45 or 2011 Hannah saw a heroine on a frantic quest to avenge ultimate offences. Martial artists who go behind enemy line to rescue captives are typically males, yet In The Blood (2014) sees a hit woman. Frail little creatures who turn tables on bad guys are typically male, yet in Carjacked (2011), a woman does it.
Some might not be interested interested in movies from the 80s. 2011
sees another female -this time an ethnic character- as vigilante
executioner. Stale myths are not the only ingredient in Colombiana, of course:”Rated PG-13 for violence, disturbing images, intense sequences of action, sexuality and brief strong language ”.
Western movies often featured nameless male itinerant executioners; in French 1990 La Femme Nikita the nameless, itinerant hit-man is female. If TV detective Columbo (1968-2003) was male, Mrs. Columbo (1979-80) was obviously female. The Six Million Dollar Man (1974-8) was first, then The Bionic Woman (1976-8) provided a female version of a U.S government spy with robotic parts untangling international intrigue. The 1980s and 90s, too, saw a barrage of bionicthemed TV movies and botched telepicture attempts.
In popular cartoon He Man And The Masters Of The Universe (1983-5), the hero is a male muscle-head; in She-Ra, Princess Of Power (1985-7), the doppelgaenger is a female superheroine who -like He-Man- protects a wonderland planet from a devilish foe and his demonic hordes: examples are just too many.
In a version of NSDAP lore, the party's flag had been spontaneously assembled uniting a red flag seized from political foes, the white of royalism, and the swastika; a mourning mother who grieved over her son lost in a riot with the enemy actually supplied one of the elements.
Esoteric Hitlerist Serrano sees in the NSDAP flag the apex of alchemical transformation: nigredo (the black swastika), albedo (the white circle), rubedo (the red background), in turn corresponding to the gunas (temperaments) of the Hindu
Gita (sattva/albedo; rajas/rubedo; tamas/nigredo).
Icon of the U.S masculinity movement, even Robert Bly presents a male's optimal evolutionary parable as going through a red, then white and finally black stage in his Iron John.
But I wonder if in fact we do not have a genuine biblical parallel in the story of Jesus and John the Baptist. Consider the bearing of the Baptist after all. He appears in the wilderness, a locust-eater clad in a hair shirt. Fortuitously, he is even named John! And this hairy wild man is even found in the water! If Iron John lurked in the lake, John the Baptist wades in the Jordan. A king, Herod Antipas, sends troops to apprehend him, just as a king sent men to capture Iron John. In the Iron John myth the role of the initiator begins at this point, once the king's son meets Iron John, whereas in the gospel John's initiator role precedes the arrest. Jesus is initiated by 2078
baptism in the Jordan while John is still at liberty. But it is only after the arrest of John that Jesus launches his own movement, carrying on the work taught him by his mentor John the Baptist. And just as the prince in the story invokes Iron John's aid from time to time, so does Jesus frequently cite the example of the Baptist to authenticate his own actions (Matthew 11:7 ff; 17:9-13; 21:23-27). Does John the Baptist ever graduate from Wild Man to Sun King? His pupil Jesus does (see the Transfiguration story and the Resurrection subsequently, in some versions of which his countenance shines like the sun). But the Baptist himself did, too, as his disciples eventually concluded that he, too, had risen from the dead (Mark 6:14) and was the Light of the World (I take seriously Bultmann's suggestion that the Logos hymn of John chapter 1 was borrowed from the sect of the Baptist and originally referred to him, not Jesus, as "the Light that enlightens every man"). (Price 2017b:no page). The distraught (grieving, crying...) woman is an ever-present element, at times institutionalized as in southern Italy (and elsewhere, such as carpideiras in Brazil/Portugal ), where the now waning custom of hiring third-party, professional female mourners (piangitrici, wailers) subsists.
In China, wailing (ku) is also provided courtesy of professionals ( ku sang
ren). Female wailers also pay ongoing homage to deceased North-Korean Communist leader Kim Il-Sung inside his mausoleum:â&#x20AC;?lamenting the dead was an extremely important way to honor them [in ancient Greece]â&#x20AC;? 2573. It may be compared to the chorus of third-party singers/readers supplied for a Catholic funeral, that is a group of people accustomed to regularly providing such services regardless of whose funeral it is.
The fact that some 'lessons' kept coming back over and over and over 2573
Garland no date.
again hadn't escaped Plutarch: he derived them from both Greek and Roman personalities. The storyline of the Greek Actaeon 2574 myth (=the hunter becomes the hunted) recurs also in Mesopotamian and Buddhist lore, whereby (Dhammapada 125) a hunter who mistakenly harassed a wandering Buddhist monk is finally torn to pieces by his own dogs. Books exist detailing “parallel sayings” by Jesus, Buddha, Lao Tzu and Krishna.
Epictetus (Greek thinker and stoic philosopher, 55-135 CE), Gautama Buddha and St. Paul all exhort the faithful -on the committed path towards philosophy, nirvana or god's kingdom- to renounce the household life (wife/children) as source of distraction and worldly attachment; St. Jerome exalts virginity.
The item does not come without dissent. Among the religions that openly incorporate -and consider themselves as offshoots of – Judaism, Mormonism encourages marriage -and the begetting of children-: the highest celestial rewards are said to be open to married people only. And so does Islam:”And marry the unmarried among you” (Quran 24:32).
During a pilgrimage to Buddhist India in 2016, Geshe Tenzin Zopa advised teacher Miles Neale how the Tibetan Buddhist community ought to take care of those among them who “had no partner to go home to”: inclusiveness as a priority. Society always tries to reabsorb or lure runaways back. The Mahayana 2574
Great hunter who chances -in one version- to see the virgin goddess Artemis naked. She curses him, he turnes into a stag, and his own dogs tear him to pieces.
“Bodhisattva vow” is an excellent example. Assuming the Buddhist spiritual model (karma, reincarnation, nirvana...) is correct, one willingly foregoes ultimate liberation in order to “right wrongs” for all eternities for people who -Buddhism also teaches- may not have the werewithal or affinities to be “saved” 2575: the ascetic Upaka scoffs at Gautama's bombastic proclamation of Buddhahood, and takes a bypath.
Cross-cultural themes are not uncommon. The Mahayana Bodhisattva path – according to Perfection Of Wisdom sacred texts- is akin to baking a clay jar, for an unbaked clay jar is very fragile. A story circulating in Spanish ( la tacita, the little tea cup) in different versions also emphasizes the first-person predicament of a small tea cup molded, baked and painted by a demiurge finally likened to the Christian god bestowing tribulations upon us for our own ultimate good.
In turn, it goes as back as images of potter-gods in Mesopotamian, Chinese2576 and Egyptian lore. Egyptian pottery was often in the shape of either a god, or an apotropaic figure (such as a pregnant woman for a jar of medicine expectant women could use):
Pottery also is seen as humanlike and is formed and decorated accordingly. -...-. Three archaeologists, Nicholas David, Judy Sterner, 2575
For example, no matter how many radical agitators are exposed as infiltrators security forces fielded to run a sting operation, some people are always going to rise to the bait. No matter how many court cases are pending, the next lovelorn quixote is going to wire money to some elusive Dulcinea he “met online” in order to live happily ever after, with matrimonial bliss, legitimate children and all the rest. The last three investment portfolios crashed, but this one is a real keeper: the 20% net return on investment shall come this time. 2576 Mythical Chinese founder Fu-Xi ( XXIX century BCE ) married his sister Nuwa: they created the human race acting as potters. Both pottery and incest link back to Egyptian myths.
and Kodzo Gavua, recently have noted that African pottery may be anthropomorphized. Pertinently for my theory of religion, their epigraph is from Paul Tillich: "he who can read the style of a culture can discover its ultimate concern, its religious substance." However, they think anthropomorphism is peculiar to pottery and that pots are seen as people because they are transformed by heat as humans are transformed by culture. (Guthrie 1993:120). If Catholics said “ laborare est orare” ( work is equivalent to prayer), Zen Buddhism wasn't far behind:”Before Enlightenment chop wood carry water, after Enlightenment, chop wood carry water ”; the Zend Avesta (sacred book of Zoroastrianism) and the Sikh religion also present such concept as laborare est orare.
Laborare est orare (connecting action in the secular and spiritual worlds) is a translation of the Hindu concept of life as sacrifice (=religious act):
Sacrifice (yajña) is not a ritual but a universal law of life from which there is no escape. Each of us being part of this universe is bound by the law of sacrifice, which says that unless one gives one cannot receive. It is the influence of our ego that considers itself at the centre of the universe, and expects surroundings to be appropriate to suit its taste and need. -...- [Krishna in the Gita says in Aurobindo's translation]“Foster by this the gods and let the gods foster you; fostering each other, you shall attain to the supreme good. Fostered by sacrifice the gods shall give you desired enjoyments “ (Savardekar in MAISI014 no date:lecture 3:7). An identical moral lesson is drawn from Buddhist Uraga-Jataka with the bodhisattva2577 as main character; in Francis Bacon (1561-1626) with Epictetus; and from Taoist philosophy with Chuang Tzu (369-286 BCE):
For if a man’s mind be deeply seasoned with the consideration of the mortality and corruptible nature of things, he will easily concur with 2577
Gautama Buddha's previous incarnations in this context.
Epictetus, who went forth one day and saw a woman weeping for her pitcher of earth that was broken, and went forth the next day and saw a woman weeping for her son that was dead, and thereupon said, “Heri vidi fragilem frangi, hodie vidi mortalem mori.” extnote (Bacon, no date, no page). Here too the Master in the same way went to the man's house, and after saluting him as he was seated, asked him saying, "Pray, Sir, are you grieving?" And on his replying, "Yes, Reverend Sir, ever since my son's death I grieve," he said, "Sir, verily that which is subject to dissolution is dissolved, and that which is subject to destruction is destroyed2578 (Byles Cowell 1973:107). When Chuang Tzu's wife died, Hui Tzu went to console with him and, finding him squatted on the ground drumming on the basin and singing, said to him: "When A wife has lived with her husband and brought up children and then dies in her old age, not to wail for her is enough. When you go on to drum on this basin and sing is it not an excessive and strange demonstration? Chuang Tzu replied, "lt is not so. When she first died, was it possible for me to be not affected by the event? But I reflected on the commencement of her being : not yet born to life, she had no bodily form ; not only had she no bodily form. she had no breath. During the intermingling of the waste and dark chaos there ensued a change, and there was breath: another change, and there was bodily form: another change. And there came birth and life. There is now a change again, and she is dead. The relation between these things is like the procession of the four seasons from spring to autumn, from winter to summer (Bishop 1985:53). In the Epic age, when the Ramayana and Mahabharata were composed, Gautami accepted the vagaries of samsara with grace: Gautami’s son died of a snakebite. A hunter caught the snake and brought it to Gautami. “Let it go. Killing it will not get my son back. Serpents bite and people die. Such is the way of samsara,” she said . Mahabharata (in Pattanaik 2000:80). Again, let's compare Gautama Buddha in the Kasi Bharadvaja Sutta (Suttanipata) and Diogenes in Dio's (Discourses, 8): “Yesterday I saw a fragile thing who broke into pieces; today I saw a mortal die”. (note of this writer). Uraga-Jataka n.354. Epstein relates a lesson from noted Thai Buddhist meditation master Ajahn Chah. Holding up a crystal glass, the master explained that to him the glass was already broken (it might fall to the ground at any moment), which made every minute with it all the more precious.
extnote 2578
Pleasure also brings divers and deadly vipers into being, and other crawling things that attend constantly upon her as they lie about her doors, and though yearning for pleasure and serving her, they yet suffer a thousand hardships all in vain. For pleasure, after overpowering and taking possession of her victims, delivers them over to hardships, the most hateful and most difficult to endure. -...- "This is the contest which I steadfastly maintain, and in which I risk my life against pleasure and hardship (Diogenes in Dio, Discourses, 8, no date, no page) [Buddha said:]Conviction is my seed, austerity my rain, discernment my yoke & plow, conscience my pole, mind my yoke-tie, mindfulness my plowshare & goad. Guarded in body, guarded in speech, restrained in terms of belly & food, I make truth a weeding-hook, and composure my unyoking. Persistence, my beast of burden, bearing me toward rest from the yoke, takes me, without turning back, to where, having gone, one doesn't grieve. That's how my plowing is plowed. It has as its fruit the deathless. Having plowed this plowing one is unyoked from all suffering & stress. St. Paul in his letters -some of which are generally regarded as forgeriesdiscusses views on -to name just a couple- paying taxes to overlords; on the right way to pray, and on which foods are permissible. Some authors take this as proof the “Jesus myth” was still in a fluid state, being assembled from bits and pieces.
If “true God of true God, begotten and not made; of the very same nature of the Father, by Whom all things came into being” (=Jesus) had already given clear instructions (“give to Caesar”2579, the Lord's prayer2580 and “Nothing that enters a man from the outside can defile him ”2581) to settle those issues, why would Christians ask a late comer like Paul to adjudicate?
Mark 12:17. “One day Jesus was praying in a certain place. When he finished, one of his disciples said to him, "Lord, teach us to pray, just as John taught his disciples."” (Luke 11:1). 2581 Mark 7:19. 2579 2580
Some evince the “Christ myth” was still bring formed, and that early followers had no memory yet of an “historical Jesus” walking in the flesh, which came to be the party line for later Christians:”fictions that can never be verified other than by the force of the conviction that they convey”.
What makes [source hypothesized by scholars] Q distinctive and important is that it consisted almost entirely of Jesus’ teachings and had no story of Jesus’ passion and resurrection. Moreover, since Q probably was compiled in Palestine circa 50 CE, about two decades before the oldest gospel (Mark) was written, Q puts one closer in time to Jesus than does any other source. (Keck 2582 2001:66, emphasis added). Sages of bygone ages are not the only target of mimeographed stories:
One of the more enduring hoaxes has been the falsified account of the death of Dr. Charles Drew, a black physician credited with developing their blood bank system. According to the hoax, Dr. Drew bled to death following a 1950 automobile accident because a white-only hospital refused to treat him. This unfounded tale was repeated by National Urban League director Whitney Young in a 1964 syndicated column, and black historian, William Loren Katz, wrote of the spurious incident in his 1971 book, Eyewitness: The Negro in American History. Katz has since acknowledged the error. Dr. Charles Mason Quick, also a black physician, has said he wants to stamp out this "perpetual lie" about Dr. Drew. Quick says he personally saw three emergency room doctors work for two hours trying to save Dr. Drew’s life. Drew’s injuries included brain damage and he died in the emergency room.-...-The Drew story is strangely similar to one told about blues singer Bessie Smith. -...The alleged incident, which occurred in Mississippi in 1937, was even the subject of a play by Edward Albee (Wilcox 1994:30-1). The figure of the meek savior-hero has already been discussed:
But, as Joachim Jeremias argued long ago, even the seemingly earlier 2582
Professor of Biblical Theology.
Lukan version reads like half of the rabbinical parable of the taxcollector Bar-Maâ&#x20AC;&#x2DC;jan, who tried to enhance his reputation by inviting the local gentry to a feast, only to be chagrined when no one showed up, then giving the food to the beggars. This single act of charity resulted in God rewarding him with a well-attended funeral, though with nothing in the afterlife. Jeremias envisioned Jesus using the story as it was already circulating. But Jeremias forgot what Bultmann remembered: who remembers the great man quoting somebody else? If it is found elsewhere, with a different attribution, then the attribution to Jesus here (as to anyone else elsewhere) is arbitrary. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Sounds good! Jesus must have said it!â&#x20AC;? (Price 2011:275:6, emphasis added). During the subsequent centuries, many more were produced. Jataka tales are presented as the former lives of the Buddha, but the material for the tales is frequently taken from Indian folk tales and fables. (Hirakawa 1990:268). The circumstances seem changed but the cliche is in one's psyche (Campbell&Toms 1988:vol. 4). The achronotopos (the non-time and non-space) materializing when say gods and humans lived together in an enclosed, plain garden (of delight, between mountains/rivers, etc, experts disagree on the exact etymology), or the paradise of Eden, also involves narratives the world over explaining how mankind lived as one, speaking one language, sharing one origin (Atlantis, Adam and Eve and their ilk).
These narratives often include the building of towers or similar devices (such as Bellerophon riding the flying horse to reach the gods' abode, and being thus hit by Zeus' thunderbolt) to reach the sky. The ensuing wrath of a supreme arbiter (gods, quintessential spirits etc) explains the confusion and strife in the form of different people with different languages: the original state of blissful oneness gets shattered.
Eliade contends2583 that even the tearing apart and resurrection of the savior-hero represents the neo-orphic interplay between unity and multiplicity; Hindu god Ganesha breaking off his tusk to use as a pencil to write down the
Mahabharata can be seen as a commitment to break away from duality as well; Parsifal in his quest for the Grail Castle can also be understood as Perceval (=through this gorge): beyond pairs of opposites.
Inquisitive monarchs may at times probe into human mind's primeval vortexes in order to find out which language might be appropriate for man's original state. Experiments in language deprivation with different outcomes are ascribed to Indian Muslim Mugal Emperor Akhbar (XV-XVII century); to Christian Emperor Frederick II (XII-XIII century), and -in Herodotus- to Egyptian Pharaoh Psamtik I (VII century BCE, possibly a conflation of different rulers under one name).
Often there may be conflicting achronotopoi, one good (ours, 'the good guys''), and one bad (theirs, 'the bad guys''). In the WWI and WWII period, the (emasculated) malingerer of the patriotic imagery was replaced by the analysand of the medicalized Freudian imagery. In 1881 eminent French academic Soury published a work known in English as Morbid Psychology: Studies On Jesus And
The Gospels.
Lefties, progressives, judeophiles and atheists of later decades simply borrowed from the medicalized imagery Soury -the judeophobic nationalist- and 2583
others had engineered.
Actually, this medicalization and psychiatrization-and, more generally, this technicization-of personal, social, and political affairs is, as has often been remarked, a pervasive characteristic of the modern, bureaucratic age. -...- to recapitulate: In contemporary social usage, the finding of mental illness is made by establishing a deviance in behavior from certain psychosocial, ethical, or legal norms. -...- I have tried to show that the notion of mental illness has outlived whatever usefulness it may have had and that it now functions as a myth. As such, it is a true heir to religious myths in general, and to the belief in witchcraft in particular. It was the function of these belief-systems to act as social tranquilizers, fostering hope that mastery of certain problems may be achieved by means of substitutive, symbolic-magical, operations. -...- We call people physically ill when their body-functioning violates certain anatomical and physiological norms; similarly, we call people mentally ill when their personal conduct violates certain ethical, political, and social norms. This explains why many historical figures, from Jesus to Castro, and from Job to Hitler, have been diagnosed as suffering from this or that psychiatric malady. -...- The first option, religious conversion, constitutes a socially accepted form of deception. People agree to call something by a new name for purely strategic reasons-in this case, to secure a better life for the renamed. This is exactly what was involved in the renaming of malingerers as hysterics: their "conversion" secured for them the rights and privileges of the sick, just as the conversion of German and Austro-Hungarian Jews secured for them the rights and privileges of full-fledged citizens -...- while Jews could remove themselves from Europe and migrate to America on their own effort, malingerers could move from the area of criminality to that of medicine only with the active assistance and formal approval of the medical profession.(Szasz 1991:5,17,22-3,52-3) Electioneering mountebanks, 'engaged filmmakers', jingoist clinicians, and paid pen-jockeys were soon also spurred by pharmaceutical industry honchos in search of greener grass:
Aggressive marketing encourages and indeed, in part creates, the biomedicalization of common problems-in-living: the increasing number of people labeled â&#x20AC;&#x153;mentally ill.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;As with other 2088
conditions like ADD [attention deficit disorder], recent revisions of the DSM have widened the definition [of social anxiety disorder] — expanding the number of social situations a person can fear to qualify for the disorder, and removing the need for avoidance of those situations as a strict criterion” -...-”An insured American suffering from one of these problems is grateful to have a medical remedy — purchased with the tax-advantaged status of a health care transaction — that did not exist 10 years ago. (Gambrill 2012:68,70). The
scrimshanker/coward/malingerer of the patriotic imagery is born with a debased body; this largely reflects the Victorian divide across germ theory and contagionism. Luminaries such as Koch, Lister and Pasteur were busy documenting the germ theory in their laboratories (1860ss), yet
Only Koch’s discovery was promulgated in the British press, and even his impressive work did not meet with immediate acceptance by the medical profession. Many continued to insist on the ‘‘seed and soil’’ metaphor: both the seed, or bacillus, and the soil—a body predisposed to receive it by a tubercular constitution, poor general health, or some other chest disease— were necessary in order for the active illness to develop (Carpenter 2010:65-6). Along the same line, the analysand of Freudian taste is a victim of his own violent feelings and compulsions:”However, in the social or human sciences, where language is used not only descriptively but also promotively -that is, to communicate not only how things are but also how they ought to be”2584.
Mental health's assessments are often traded as token damning or absolving political friends or foes as circumstances dictate 2585, thus replacing the 2584 2585
Szasz 1991:49. Friends -for example- may be 'insane in a good sense' and thus deserving prompt forgiveness under extenuating circumstances; foes may be 'insane in a bad sense' and thus deserving to be done away with
waning power of religious damnation and forgiveness within the broader momentum of the medicalization of erstwhile sins:”what the law considers crime or mental illness is a matter of moral convention.”2586.
Already in the Victorian era -well before Freud- doubts subsisted regarding the inner logic behind mental health assessments. A physician had shared his evidence with the British government in 1859, later gaining support from the governmental board of the Commissioners in Lunacy:
Seeing that a Bill is submitted to Parliament to amend the law of lunacy, I beg permission to draw your attention to a point which possibly might otherwise escape it. ‘It is that certain proprietors of asylums have adopted the corrupt practice of obtaining patients for their establisments by bribes offered and paid to the family doctors who will send their lunatic patients to them. Advertisements have been inserted in the medical journals by such proprietors offering to pay 20 or 30 per cent out of the monies paid for the board and care of the patients to the medical men through whose interest they may obtain them. (Wise no date:no page). In case doubts persist, Claudio Mencacci, president of the Italian Psychiatric Association (SIP), lobbies 2587 so that a law should be passed to limit strongly the recourse to psychiatric examination in order to “ giustificare qualcosa di ingiustificabile” (justify what is unjustifiable). Mencacci not only denounces the artful recourse to simulations of mental illness and psychiatrist's reports in order to dodge or camouflage criminal responsibilities, but also raises perplexities about the grounds on which expert panels convene, and the credentials of experts thus promptly to shelter the horde in fusion from contamination. Szasz 1991:95. 2587 Perizie 2013:20. 2586
While many messianic expectations revolved around the comeback or re-edition of individual historical figures such as Emperor Redbeard, some regimes pledged to revive the entire golden era of the achronotopos: the rhetoric of recapture of bygone times:” Klansmen sometimes explained the meanings of their costumes to their victims. Klansmen frequently claimed to be ghosts of the Confederate dead; this was probably Klansmen’s most popular disguise.”2588.
Among the puppet States the I French Empire created, one could find the ephemeral Kingdom of Etruria (modern day Tuscany) and Provinces Illyriennes (former Venetian Dalmatia): immemorial designations going back to Roman or preRoman times. Napoleon I himself wanted to revive Charlemagne's majesty. Mohamed Reza Pahlavi, Persia's Shah, saw himself as ideal heir to the Achaemenid kingdom, and Cyrus the Great's ideal successor.
Some regimes also used the achronotopos as grandfathered license vouchsafing their current goals. This may unfold either as proof of manifest destinies, and/or as compensation for mythologized deprivations/wrongs (=Debord's “tort absolu”=being irreparably wronged) the great group (illustrious nation, ancient race, hallowed religion, nurturing gender...) suffered in a more or less mythologized past:”burnin' with determination to even up the score” 2589.
2588 2589
Frantz Parsons 2005:820. Lyrics from Rocky IV soundtrack Hearts On Fire.
Instead of an individual mythological thrown-away recovering his innermost identity and true allegiance (for example Moses raised as an Egyptian prince becomes the leader of the first captive, then wandering Hebrews ), a whole community, race, gender or country may recover its presumed primeval identity. Popular culture is never far behind: how many divided loyalty movies (telepictures, novels etc) are there? Ben Hur is a classic example.
Fascism interpreted imperialism as compensation for vittoria mutilata (botched victory) and mani nette (empty hands) demo-plutocracies had imposed upon proletarian Italy after WWI. NSDAP imperialism coalesced as revanche after German defeat in WWI, a script the French had already staged after their 1870 defeat at Prussia's hands.
Those are 'memory battles' as well: “instead of Yerushalmi's 'terror of forgetting', the danger of remembering too well, too vividly and too passionately is what should preoccupy us.”2590. This, that or another group, tribe or blessed minority finally puts the wheel of progress in motion by establishing or recapturing its own State:”What makes civil liberties cogent and persuasive -...- is in fact an apocalyptic process”2591.
Divine irony, after decades of struggle against the occupying Portuguese, what the ruling Neto faction in the newly established Social-Communist Angola did was interning members of opposing insurrectionist factions with all ensuing 2590 2591
Rieff 2011:104. Williamson 1995:Meet The Beast.
misdeeds as civil war erupted.
It is the circular covenant mytheme, whereby a series of successive charismatic figures pledge to bring back the virtues, laws and ensuing greatness of yore in a slightly modified form, as both Octavian Augustus and Machiavelli would approve of. Illud Tempus often goes hand in hand with the “lost”, “expurgated” 2592 or “restored homeland”2593 mytheme.
Cato the Censor, Seneca, Mussolini, Himmler and Gandhi alike pined for a return to more austere, rural, autarkical customs. Gandhi urged to spin one's own clothes; Himmler bought a farm to go back to ancestral customs in keeping with esoteric teachings Guido Von List imparted, who had adapted for a German(ic) audience broader and transnational theosophical themes such as Blavatsky's.
Fascism promised to bring to new life the Roman Empire's majesty; an idea -so argue some- Mussolini borrowed from his then mistress, the Jewish-Italian maecenas Margherita Sarfatti. Well before Fascism, Victorian Britain had styled itself the Roman Empire's modern ersatz:”the eighteenth- and nineteenth-century European elite’s obsession with Greece and Rome was its centrality to the selfconception of the British Empire.”2594.
The recapture of empires from the mist of time can be associated with The NSDAP regime wanted both to “restore” a “lost homeland”, and “expurgate it” from Jews and Chandala in general. 2593 Moore (1989b:part5) casts “the homeland” as a recurring and universal myth. 2594 Rieff 2016:17. 2592
the revitalization of obsolete and/or merely literary languages -such as Hebrew in Israel, Greek in Greece or Catalan in Catalonia-, or the distillation of existing languages, such as dropping foreign terms in favor of domestic Italian neologisms under Fascism:
In a recent study, my graduate students and I showed that the practice of repetitively replaying your happiest life events serves to prolong and reinforce positive emotions and make you happier. So think about one of your happiest days-commencement day (Lyubomirsky 2008:196). The regime (of the day) and its (preposterous) myth(ologie)s prove therapeutic. Contemporary western mass-democracy hails diversity as the key to a future of affluence. The NSDAP regime promises (as in Mein Kampf) to turn the debased man into a godly sun-man (Sonnenmensch)2595, a term very popular among new agers of the 1980s2596. Hitler harangued the Nuremberg crowds from a “Cathedral of light”, a special effect produced with dozens of anti-aircraft searchlights: solar connections to state-of-the-art.
Restored Israelites shall inhabit a restored Israel. Christianity offers to everybody who accepts it the privilege to call oneself “son of god”, a privilege formerly reserved to Kings of Kings and demi-gods of lore.
As R.L. Moore points out2597, every tribe that elaborated a worldview saw According to Chinese alchemist Wei Po-Yang (I century CE), that is Chen-yen, the “whole man” harbinger of individuation for Jung. 2596 People on the “religions are all one” bandwagon identify as “sun man” a series of religious figures -such as Jesus, Buddha or Krishna- from different traditions. Readers may appreciate the solar connections. 2597 1993. 2595
that as the “zero point” of humanity, not as the creation of another (artificial) kin group among many equally viable. Whether a restored mongrel nation shall inhabit a restored rainbow country after the melting pot utopia triumphs through progressivism, or restored Whites shall inhabit a restored White America after an all-out race war is purely matter of iffy political partisanship:
Pour retrouver leur identité, les romantiques catalans se tournent vers le Moyen Age. Ils sont bien conscients que l’image de la Vierge de Montserrat comme symbole de la Catalogne s’est forgée à cette époque. Les racines de la Catalogne sont aussi profondément chrétiennes et ce sera tout l’enjeu du XIX esiècle. -...-On fixe traditionnellement le début de la Renaixença en 1833 avec la parution de l’Oda a la Patria de Carlos Aribau qui identifie la langue et la patrie et lance ainsi une idée clé du catalanisme. C’est aussi à cette époque que la bourgeoisie commence à occuper une place de premier plan et devient le principal soutien des artistes catalans. D’autres publications en catalan voient le jour et des Jeux Floraux sont organisés à partir de 1859. Les premières revues en catalan paraissent, bien que le castillan reste majoritaire : il faut attendre 1880 pour que le catalan sorte d’un cadre littéraire archaïsant. (Impériali 2008:no page). the conflagration and the destruction of all beings is generated, after stated periods of time, by the planets, when they come back, both in longitude and latitude, to the same sign in which each one of them was at the beginning, when the world was first shaped. Then, from the start the world is restored anew. Since the stars are brought back similarly, everything which occurred in the previous period is accomplished, without any change. There will be again Socrates and Plato and every man, with their friend and fellowcitizen. (Nemesius2598, De Natura Hominis). One of the most startling cases described in the book is that of the Highland tradition in Scotland, particularly in its sartorial expressions such as the kilt and “clan tartans.” The former appears to have been invented in the 1720s by an English Quaker from Lancashire, Thomas Rawlinson, while the latter did not exist in 2598
IV century Christian bishop and philosopher.
their modern form until the 1750s.(Rieff 2016:24). The Mormon faithful are “Saints of the latter days”. The schizophrenic -and schizogenic- dissociative fugue that at any moment could have become a failed hero journey ends in triumph thanks to a nanny regime. For the sake of boosting sales, Lakhani confirms:
Never stop praising [customers or adepts] for their commitment. Be sure that you always acknowledge the value of the following you ’ ve created. By acknowledging their commitment and importance, you make them feel even more valued and a part of what you are all creating together. (2008:165). Contemporary crooners like Fears love to see the USA play the same role in our day. Fears is not alone:
With keen insight, Professor Madden explores the notion that Rome was actually not a ruthless empire of conquest built by conquering legions and vainglorious Caesars, but an agrarianbased republic with an isolationist desire to be left alone by the outside world. Both states built the rarest form of empire, an empire of trust. This empire, made up of free states bound together into alliances, was based on the widespread trust that the allies had in the responsible use of military force by the dominant power. Madden’s lectures lay out the parallel developments in the histories of both empires that led them first to expansion and then to world hegemony. He also discusses the problems that both states had with religious terrorism and the eventual fall of the empires. These lectures not only describe the ancient past, but make it immediately useful for understanding the turbulent present. (2008:5). In order not to clash with the socially or politically acceptable under the Fascist regime (1922-1943/5), the vast cinematographic production of escapist movies in Italy chose meta-historical abodes -such as Hungary- as backdrop for its 2096
romantic or melodramatic stories. The lore has it that Belgian Fascist leader (and
Waffen SS general) Degrelle wanted to restore Lotharingia, a X century Frankish kingdom often associated with Burgundy.
The NSDAP regime preferred an Atlantean mythology based upon warring deeds and a fabulous genealogy:
and under Hitler, the Nazi party transformed itself into perhaps the largest cult the world has ever seen (Stevens and Price 2000, 96): â&#x20AC;&#x153;. . .Nazism had its Messiah, its Holy Book (Mein Kampf ), its cross (the swastika), its religious processions (the Nuremberg Rally), its rituals (the Beer Hall Putsch Remembrance Parade), its anointed elite (the SS), its hymn (the Horst Wessel Lied), excommunication and death for heretics (the concentration camps), the devils (the Jews), its millennial promise (the Thousand Year Reich), and its Promised Land (the East)â&#x20AC;?. (Polimeni 2012:187). This is what I call the pathology of mythology: when the appeal to the inward life is translated into a giving of credentials to this, that or the other group by interpreting the spiritual symbols historically (Campbell&Toms 1988:volume 1). Modern Zimbabwe borrows the name of a medieval African kingdom in that region. In 1989, Burma changes its official designation to Myanmar, possibly as a nod to ancient local lore. The Gupta Empire in India (III-VI century CE) chooses Hindu epic Ramayana as founding text. Places from the epic are identified with places in the kingdom (such as the capital Ayodhya), including Rama's (=Vishnu's incarnation from a time before time) birthplace. Kings of Thailand in the reigning Chakri dynasty adopt(ed) the name of Rama as well: since December 2016 the ruling monarch is Rama X. 2097
The recently Christianized Roman Empire overhauls Jerusalem in order to build a pageantry of churches over the supposed places that witnessed Jesus' passion and burial.
In Ethiopia, Christian King and Saint Lalibela builds an
eponymous city according to a blueprint he gleaned as he ascended to heaven to meet god: a replica of the heavenly Jerusalem. Saddam Hussein takes ancient Mesopotamian rulers as example to claim modern Iraq's legacy; bricks with Saddam's name are inserted into the restored walls of mythical Mesopotamian high places such as Babylon.
The Communist Khmer Rouge regime pledges to revive the glory of Cambodia's powerful Khmer Empire, and its bounty of agricultural overproduction. In 2016, U.S millionaire turned politician Donald Trump vows to “make America great again”, and he's elected president:”Find something to set you apart from the rest. Give them something to remember you by.”2599;”Finally, develop opinions. They can be similar to others in your field or dissenting. One thing all gurus have in common is opinions they can call their own.”2600;”Always already under a kind of erasure, the past becomes an evacuated space ready to be filled with wonders, ghosts, and other signs of the counterfactual and pathological”2601:
The second problem is that the origin of this tradition is Semitic. The Semitic people come from the desert, and one of the characteristics of the Semitic religions-whether it's Babylonian or Accadian, Hebrew or Assyrian-is that the main deity is not a personification of the powers of nature, but of the principles and 2599
Boothman 2000:114. Lakhani 2005:70. 2601 Uebel 2002:48. 2600
ethics and history of that society. -...- Rather you get a basic exclusivism not only from nature but also from your neighbors. There's a contention against the neighbors who are nature religion worshipers, who are worshiping wrong gods, false gods, and all that kind of thing. And this exclusivism is built right into us because it is fundamental to the Judaic-Christian tradition.(Campbell&Boa 1989:26-7). We see this often, as [ psychiatric] ex-patients analyze their motives in all situations when they feel anxious: "this must be penis-envy, this must be incestuous attraction, castration fear, Oedipal rivalry, polymorphous perversity," and so on. -...-trying to live the motivational vocabulary of the new Freudian religion.(Becker 1973:272). Poetry, which is among other things the native language of myth, facilitates long memories, while prose -...- helps shorten them. -...-Of course, myths, like the proverbial wires, can become crossed, allowing the legends of the distant past and the ideological needs of the present to blur into each other.(Rieff 2016:55). The best example of this schizophrenic -and schizogenic- quote and image mining across historical frames of reference are NSDAP colossal popular parades, which some have aptly described as mid-way between a Viareggio carnival, and a Roman imperial triumph. The same could be said about the parades and costume exhibits Persia's Shah organized to celebrate the Persian monarchy in Persepolis in 1971.
Another way of putting this is that the nation always chooses mythcodified in remembrance over history (Rieff 2011:20).
Americans as the “chosen people” : The first settlers from Puritan England saw themselves as “chosen people” who had made a mutual “covenant” with God and who would have a special role in establishing a “new Israel.” As one prominent Connecticut clergyman put it in 1777, “We in this land are, as it were, led out of Egypt by the hand of Moses.” Over the next 225 years, this concept has kept 2099
recurring, whether in its original religious form or in a more modern, secular guise. In 1900, during the Senate debate over imperialism, Albert Beveridge would declare that God “has marked the American people as His chosen nation to finally lead in the redemption of the world.” In 1917, Woodrow Wilson called America “the greatest hope and energy of the world.” Bill Clinton’s secretary of state Madeleine Albright regularly described the United States as “the indispensable nation.” And in his 2002 State of the Union address, George W. Bush declared that the United States had “been called to a unique role in human events.”. Americans as having a moral or religious mission : As the “chosen people” in their “unique role,” Americans have seen themselves as having a special mission in the world. Jefferson envisioned Americans forging an “empire of liberty,” Jacksonian Democrats talked of “manifest destiny,” and Franklin Roosevelt and later Ronald Reagan spoke of a “rendezvous with destiny.” (Judis 2004:14). Here is Yadin in Masada in 1963, addressing an IDF armored corps graduation ceremony: “When Napoleon stood among his troops next to the pyramids of Egypt, he declared: ‘Four thousand years of history look down upon you.’ But what would he not have given to be able to say to his men: ‘Four thousand years of your own history look down upon you.’” (Rieff 2016:72). Benjamin’s decision to carry the montage principle over into critical historiography implies that historical fragments, like the actual physical stuff of the Surrealists, can be constructed by removing them (via historical research) from their embeddedness in a particular context (in which they are recorded only insofar as they are insignificant, the “trash of history”), and “mounting” them in a series of textual juxtapositions – informed by a so-far missing principle of construction – such that the juxtaposed fragments constitute a constellation. And this constellation, in turn, forms an image, not in the intuitive sense of a visual image (which would be, in the field of art, a mosaic and not a montage), but precisely in the sense of a new, necessary interpretation of the fragments’ relationships with one another. Finally, this interpretation would also have the shocking consequence of obliging an entirely new interpretation of the material culture from which they were wrested, and the relationship of that material culture to the present moment. The formerly insignificant fragments, rescued and redeployed in a critical text, would shatter the “philosophy of history” that determined them as insignificant. The methodology of “constructing” dialectical images, then, stands at the crossroads of a Marxist-inspired insight into the dialectical nature of 2100
the commodity structure, on the one side, and a notion of montage and its implicit revaluation of the world of the devalued material object on the other. (Pensky in Ferris 2004:186-7). Through a strategic montage, in which the neglected debris of history is put into a new grammatical constellation, a true revolutionary image emerges. (Richter in Ferris 2004:233). In a fireside chat in 1933, Roosevelt called for a great Mussolini-style "summer offensive against unemployment." Hollywood did its part. -...- Johnson's favorite means of promoting compliance with the Blue Eagle were military parades and Nuremberg-style rallies. -...-This was the biggest parade in New York's history -...- A member of the British Independent Labour Party was horrified by such pageantry, saying it made him feel like he was in Nazi Germany. The New York parade was no isolated incident. Similar spectacles were held in cities across the country, where marchers typically wore the uniforms of their respective occupations. -...-Hence some in the black press said the NRA really stood for the "Negro Run Around," the "Negro Removal Act," and "Negroes Robbed Again."(Goldberg 2007:90-91). Mythical Viking Queen Asa -from the Ynglingatal saga- emerged from the mist of legend as her mortal remains were possibly uncovered at Oseberg mound (near Oslo) in 1904. The Queen had been entombed in the IX century in accord with the saga that located her in that time period.
Acclaimed U.S academic Fears2602 elatedly rhapsodizes about “America being the most generous, the most magnanimous, the most willing to forgive of all the empires that have passed across history”. In 2018, R.M. Price recycles the same tripe nearly verbatim as he elatedly hails Donald Trump's election.
It is not a semi-literate jihadist from a dejected Palestinian shanty town but esteemed academic Fears who unfazedly claims that the USA are “a chosen 2602
2011: Davy Crockett And The Myth Of The Frontier.
nation, chosen by god to bring liberty to the world” following the examples of Biblical Israel, Greece and Rome. Fears also commends Davy Crockett's writings as the best accounts he has ever read. No wonder such composite jumble of history, pseudo-history and tall tales as Crockett's writings proves irresistible to people committed to the production of 'scholarship' in the same league as Crockett's masterpieces.
A more or less stretched historical relationship isn't necessary, either. Descendants of African slaves may easily adopt a mystical Islamic, Hebrew, Rastafarian or even Buddhist identity. In one blurry, dilettante documentary on the internet (Ancient Black Buddhists Of Asia), some Eugene Adams from Bronx (New York, USA) makes this clear since the first sentence:”the art, science, music, literature, drama...the whole culture, particularly the religion, of all the peoples of Asia can be traced directly to the Africans of Asia”. As widely reported in colonial literature, for example Jones' 1786 Third Anniversary Discourse,
the mountaineers of Bengal and Bahàr can hardly be distinguished in some of their features, particularly their lips and noses, from the modern Abyssinians, whom the Arabs call the children of Cúsh; and the ancient Hindus, according to Strabo, differed in nothing from the Africans, but in the straitness and smoothness of their hair, while that of the others was crisp or woolly; a difference proceeding chiefly, if not entirely, from the respective humidity or dryness of their atmospheres Others contend pre-Hispanic Olmecs were Black Africans; the ancient people of China and Japan were Africans as well. Some -of course- contend Whites (Aryans or whichever other variation) were first: ...ist crackpots spreading false 2102
teachings, who deserve to be dealt with in a court of law.
Turkey – which Asian hordes of Muslims depicted with oriental traits once invaded- under Kemal's leadership started tooting the horn of Europeanness, which soon became the norm among the shocked population after the disastrous WWI defeat, which led to years of foreign occupation, civil war and unrest:”identification and psychological proximity, rather than historical accuracy let alone political depth.”.
Alternatively, the antecedent of our day's nanny and welfare State could be identified with ancient Egypt's and ancient Rome's networks of public granaries, and free distributions of foodstuff. In late IV century Rome, between 120.000 and 200.000 people – out of a population of possibly 700.000 to 1,6 million- received free bread provided by about 350 pistrinae -or public bakeries -2603.
The Inca Empire wasn't allegedly foreign to certain redistributive practices, and featured an impressive network of storage facilities. Even Buddhism advocated since the beginning the role of a (compassionate) nanny State busy redistributing wealth:
According to Buddhism, it is the responsibility of both the state or the government and the individuals to take the action to eliminate poverty which leads to moral degeneration. -...-The state mediation in all economic ventures is a necessary condition for the well-being of the citizens in respect of their economic prosperity. The discourse points 2603
Wikander 2002:130-1. The figures in the book are ambiguous and wide on purpose. In spite of what many scholars may claim to the contrary, our knowledge of the past -especially a past so remote- is bound to remain sketchy and fragmentary to say the least.
out the way how the state should support the relevant parties involved in economic ventures (Abhayawansa, BH6103 no date: unit 6:4) Using ancient history as a blank check to vouchsafe contemporary sociopolitical objectives under the grandfathered license ancient history and remembrance afford (logos) may alternatively constitute buffoonery, the greatest crime, or the unfolding of a manifest destiny ( pathos) depending on who's doing it (ethos):”Identification and psychological proximity, rather than historical accuracy let alone political depth.”.
“Psychotics who identify themselves with the mythological image” can thus deny their pandering to their minds' private obsessions and pet theories (= personalization=dispositional traits) in favor of the depersonalized image of the scholar or scientist unbiasedly delivering long lost evidence: too bad for those who irrationally object.
The same chicaneries are at work in all the provinces of the political spectrum. Italian party Lega Nord for a while in the past recruited the historical figure of Nero, who professedly set Rome ablaze, the accursed symbol of the Italian copycat Jacobin centralized State. Sade (ab)used references to real or imaginary civilizations to buttress his improbable pornographic dystopias, or Enlightenment utopian nowheres. Harrington's utopia Oceana/Seven Models (1658)2604 was taken
The models were ancient Israel, Sparta, Athens, Rome, Venice, Holland.
into account while drafting the constitution of Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Jersey. (Some) Italian right-wing intellectuals and nostalgists recruited Emperor Julian the Apostate, the last great pagan Emperor.
On the Mythinformed Podcast2605, an atheist show host melts in rapture as he contemplates how healthcare was “free” in the Roman Empire, and how unreasonable today's U.S Christian right is as it doesn't accept a “single payer” model of healthcare. Atheist scholar Richard Carrier has to correct him as things in antiquity weren't exactly as he supposes. Carrier also endorses healthcare in Roman antiquity as a sort of “liberal” model with sliding scales and all the rest.
Historiography is the harlot of politics (religion, one might add), one might surmise. Lewis, De Baets, M.E. Price and other historians consider “abuses of history” as function of “questions of legitimization” 2606 (“I want my guy/ whoever happens to be on top at the moment to look just great”):
Do you believe that the successors to the Prophet Joseph Smith were and are prophets, seers, and revelators; that revelation from heaven directs the decisions, policies, and pronouncements that come from the headquarters of the Church? Have you come to the settled conviction, by the Spirit, that these prophets truly represent the Lord? Now, you obviously noted that I did not talk about academic qualifications. Facts, understanding, and scholarship can be attained by personal study and essential 2605 2606
June 19, 2017. As discussed elsewhere in this writing, readers may consider mass religious conversions embraced with opportunistic goals. As Weber aptly put in 1905, many people embraced protestant ethics in order to facilitate capitalist goals. Merchants in ancient India converted to Buddhism so that they could mingle and trade with people irrespective of caste. Chinese people converted to Christianity in Belle Epoque China so they could court favors with European masters, and escape the sociabilité épaisse (Muchembled), the layers of duty and solidarity of traditional Chinese society.
course work. The three qualifications I have named come by the Spirit, to the individual. You can’t receive them by secular training or study, by academic inquiry or scientific investigation. -...-It may be that you will lay your scholarly reputation and the acclaim of your colleagues in the world as a sacrifice upon the altar of service. They may never understand the things of the Spirit as you have a right to do. They may not regard you as an authority or as a scholar. Just remember, when the test came to Abraham, he didn't really have to sacrifice Isaac. He just had to be willing to. (Mormon Apostle B.K. Packer in 1981, emphasis added). Professor Handlin, of Harvard, was reached and was asked whether he agreed that standards should be different. -...-. He did not know details of errors alleged, but noting that the book had been extensively reviewed, he said: “The historians say, ‘Well, the anthropology must be correct,’ and the anthropologists say, ‘Well, the history must be correct.’ But if you add them together there are a lot of interesting elements which raise the question of how a book like this became successful. A fraud’s a fraud -...- Historians are reluctant cowardly about calling attention to factual errors when the general theme is in the right direction. That goes for foreign policy, for race and for this book [ Roots, 1976]. I think it's a disgrace. I said this about eight years ago, and it's gotten worse.”. Prof. Edmund S. Morgan of Yale, author of “American Slavery, American Freedom,” suggested that “errors about the location of the village are not very important—nobody will deny there was a slave trade.” -...-Professor Morgan described “Roots” as “a statement of someone's search for an identity,” and added: “It would seem to me to retain a good deal of impact no matter how many mistakes the man has made. In any genealogy there are bound to be a number of mistakes. -...-You can point out errors to your heart's content and it won't affect people's attitudes. It'll just make them mad.” ”” (in Shenker 1977:no page). The storytellers assume that the true facts of each case lie just one or two informants back down the line with a reliable witness, or in a news media report. -...- Expressions in this oral text such as “it was reported” and “presumably” suggest the background of the story in loose, vague, free-floating rumors, perhaps influenced by half-remembered newspaper stories. -...-statements like “I read this somewhere in a newspaper,” (which may often be true) are now as much verbal formulas as 2106
“Once upon a time” or “ ’Twas in the merry month of May” were formerly in traditional folklore.(Brunvand 1981:9,53,87, emphasis added). FDR's aide Harry Hopkins told an audience of New Deal activists in New York, "that we are not afraid of exploring anything within the law, and we have a lawyer who will declare anything you want to do legal." (Goldberg 2007:93)2607. Acclaimed anchorwoman Bettany Hughes melts as she describes the regime of ancient Sparta2608. In spite of widespread slavery, infanticide, militarism and so forth, Sparta seems to make Hughes' point as she extols the unparalleled freedom Sparta (allegedly) afforded women. Historiography becomes a clumsy travesty to serve pathetic political ends: a political pamphlet disguised under academic regalia.
Debates rage over whether the Inca Empire constituted a Socialist State; a hot commodity for adjudicating the Cold War without ballistic missiles:
By looking at information from various sources it can be seen that many elements of the Inca Empire were socialistic. The most noticeable are the communal ownership of some land by the ayllu in rural communities, and the requirement for the communities to take care of the sick and elderly. However, when looking at the Inca system as a whole it can be concluded that the Inca Empire was not a purely socialist state and that it even had elements of other social and political systems such as a monarchy. Socialism is a modern term that was invented in the 18th century, well after the fall of the Inca Empire. The Inca system was very unique and cannot be classified in any one modern political term. The Inca system stands alone and needs to be classified as its own political and economic system, “Incaism” perhaps. (Harris no date:60).
2607 2608
The same motto is attributed to insiders during the progressive Johnson administration. TV broadcast The Spartans (2002).
The Inca Empire presented many institutions able to appeal to today's marching and rioting pariahs seeking liberation: servinacuy (Hispanicized Inca language: mutual services), or concubinage as a form of trial marriage (from a few months to years in duration). If the marriage on a trial basis didn't unfold nicely into a sacramental marriage, the woman would go back to her home, keeping eventual children with her, yet with no moral stigma attached. The indigenous population in remote areas of Peru practices to this day some sort of servinacuy.
The same imagery presents itself in everyday life as aging people try hard to recapture bygone times by -for example- buying the same model of car they either used to drive as youngsters, or desired â&#x20AC;&#x201C; but could not afford- when they were young.
Vintage music serves much the same effect. Events where only music from the 1960s, 70s, 80s etc is played cater to an aging constituency relishing to recapture -at least somewhat- their youth. Former Soviet block countries are in fact an Eldorado for old glories of Italian music of the 1960-70-80s catering to elated, aging aficionados who relish the ongoing recapture of Italian Rivieraâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s capitalist bonanza that used to be such a forbidden dream back in the Iron Curtain's good old days. Ordinary nobodies can thus relish being 16, 20 or so year old again. Like Zoroaster, Mahavira, Jesus, Nanak, Gautama Buddha, the hero is always portrayed at around the age of 30: duration wins over linear time.
Such events may also extend to clothing, whereby attendees not only 2108
listen to music from the 1970s, but also dress in keeping with the era's dress codes. Studies that recreated a simulated atmosphere (for example the 1950s) could show a physically documented rejuvenating effect on participants who 'let themselves go', and embraced the simulation, thus going back in time.
(Collective) fantasies of recapturing bygone times can range from lost kingdoms (various dictatorships), elusive mystical religious identity (various minorities), the 'groovy seventies' to more subtle allusions:
I would also mention the belief that ancient societies, particularly in Europe and the Near East, were organized around female power. These beliefs don’t just suggest that women had greater status than they do in some modern societies, but rather that they were “matriarchies,” that is, that women ran them. The evidence cited for this idea is in the form of female figurines and other artistic media that are interpreted as representing women. If women are commonly represented, particularly more so than men, then it indicates that women had greater power in society. Such an idea often also goes with a vision of society that is peaceful, environmentally sensitive, and generally a better place to live since women are in charge. So what happened? Women lost their power when men realized that they could take over society through warfare, and that’s the way it’s been ever since. But if we understand this history then perhaps we can return to the way it was.-...- The power of this particular interpretation of history seems to be the idea that if women had higher status in the past, then that is a basis on which to reclaim it now. (Johnston 2010:61). Jewish academic R. Eisler barely escaped ultimate doom as her family fled from NSDAP in the late 1930s. She aggressively pushes a social agenda based upon cosmic healing and interpersonal partnership models (=”we are one” but in so many more words) that she opposes to equally mythologized patriarchal domination patterns – of which NSDAP was a quintessential example to her-. 2109
For Eisler, the golden age of such female-oriented nurturance utopia did indeed unfold well before recorded history. It's up to us to reawaken the glory that once was: illud tempus. Gender-based utopias, and not only pseudo-mythological creeds, races or nations, can thus equally thrive “somewhere” in a “time before time”: the ancient myth of the Amazons being a forerunner to all those feminine utopias.
Naming is of great importance. Egyptian goddess Isis acquired great power as she mastered the secret name of the Sun god Ra 2609: the quintessential female trickster.
Inanna’s ambition for an enlarged sphere of rule is also portrayed in a second myth, which involves Enki, patron of the city of Eridu. In this story, Inanna sets out to visit Enki in Eridu. He welcomes her, and the two settle down to a prolonged drinking bout. In his drunken state, Enki proceeds to promise Inanna a series of me,cosmic spheres of power such as rulership, religious o‹ce, descent and ascent from the underworld, sexual arts, powerful speech, musical arts, military power, crafts, and others. Inanna gathers in each group of me, amassing a total of fourteen groups. She then takes them all and departs in her boat to return to her city of Erech. Enki, recovering from his drunken state, realizes what he has done and tries to prevent Inanna from reaching her city by sending a series of monstrous beings to stop her. But Inanna defeats each attack and arrives home triumphantly, thus justifying the restoration of her city to its supremacy in the Sumerian coalition. Enki ends by conceding the regained supremacy of Erech. (Ruether 2609
In the Papyrus of Turin 1993 (about 1200 BCE), a snake bites Ra who, in agony, invokes Isis' help. She heals him in exchange for his secret name. God refuses to tell Hebrew patriarch Jacob his name precisely because knowing a god's (secret) name would allow people control over the same. The Rig Veda ( XV century BCE or older) mentions:”the secret Name of the luminous herds of Knowledge”. Set wanted to kill his brother Osiris because Osiris had inadvertently produced a son with Set's wife Neftis (the jackal god Anubis). Set therefore acquired Osiris' exact measurements, then had a magic coffin manufactured. At a reunion of the gods, Set put the marvelous coffin up for grabs in case anyone could fit perfectly therein (=Cinderella's crystal shoe). As soon as Osiris is in the coffin, Set's henchmen seal it, then spirit it away, and dispose of it on the Nile. Just as Romulus&Remus, Moses, Sargon, Karna etc, Osiris was set adrift on the Nile.
2005:46). In Spain, Saint Iago as a warrior can be both Matamoros (the slayer of Moors) or Matajudios (the slayer of Jews). In Nordic cultures, naming the land -such as Icelandic Landnam- meant settlement.
After suffering the humiliation of a retributive U.S air-raid in 1986, Libyan dictator Gaddafi added “great” to the country's official designation. In Italy in 2017, nativist party Lega Nord is fined euro 10.000 in court: they referred to immigrants from Africa as “clandestini” (= illegal immigrants). The court argued that constitutes discrimination: such people must be addressed as “refugees”. From particular name to no name at all. In Madagascar, Vezo tribe children are instructed never to call a deceased parent's name out again.
A new geiko (=geisha) also typically chooses -or is given- a new name, much as it is the case with religious ordination, or spiritual quests (for example, dharma names in Buddhism). Mormons receive a mystical “Temple name” during the Endowment ceremony, which has to be remembered but kept secret. One of the founding events of Catholicism consists precisely in a name change:
And Jesus said to him, "Blessed are you, Simon Barjona, because flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build My church; and the gates of Hades will not overpower it (Matthew 16:17-8). “Psychotics who identify themselves with the mythological image”
indulge more or less mild dissociative fugues as they -online, for example- forge entirely new identities for themselves, just like professional entertainers routinely do (singers, actors, politicians...):
Sometimes, there is an actual ritual enactment of a simulated death and you come up with another name. You are now Brother Felicitas instead of Mike Jones. The name is changed. The old characters are left behind and a new spiritual self is born. (Campbell&Boa 1989:79). Many Jews took more than one last name, because they did not want to be identified. For instance, there was a rule in the Russian army that it never took a boy who was an only child or only son. A Jew who had four sons gave each of his four sons a different last name. Each brother had an entirely different family name. That way each was an â&#x20AC;&#x153;only son.â&#x20AC;? A last name meant nothing to the Jews. It could be changed like a piece of clothing. Many people never knew what their last name was. Jews went to great length to avoid registration, to avoid being identified. -...-Certain Jewish communities would copy every name from the tombstones in the cemetery, and when the government came to town looking for people, they would tell the officials the person they wanted was dead. Then they would take them to the cemetery to prove it. In one town, everybody was dead. The next town over had tombstones without graves. (Wein 2014:no page). Adolf's father Alois had been born an illegitimate child to a waitress named Schicklgruber. Only at about the age of 40 had Alois been legitimized into the Hiedler (also spelled Huettler or Hittler) family, transcribed Hitler on the updated parish papers that reflected a convoluted family history fraught with village scandals.
Martin Luther King (the civil rights leader) was born Michael King; he changed his name -not legally, some contend- to reflect his father's choice. King's
father -another Afro-American preacher- had changed his name to honor the German reformer.
David Koresh was born Vernon Howell: he underwent a legal name change in order to accommodate his new role as messiah and cult leader having allegedly ascended bodily to heaven: David Cyrus (=Koresh=Cyrus the Great). Leader of Black maximalist group Nations Of Islam Louis Farrakhan was born L.E Wolcott, and enjoyed a career as a calypso singer in the 1950s under yet another apt name: The Charmer. Italian nativist leader Umberto Bossi was also active (under the pseudonym Donato) as a fringe singer and poet in the 1960s. 'Authentic leaders' prove irresistible no matter what they may be up to.
Even among atheist Social-Communist agitators and resisters in the 1920-40s mystical names (combat names, pen names, legal names) were common: Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Lenin, Stalin (the man of steel), Willy Brandt (WestGerman chancellor), Ho Chi Minh (leader of Communist Vietnam), Tito (Yugoslavian Communist leader)...all assumed names. In Mormon circles, founder Joseph Smith is simply referred to as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Josephâ&#x20AC;? with no trace of family name just as it was the case with Old Testament prophets such as Elijah, Job, Obadiah...; Aurobindo Ghose, the Indian thinker and activist, is simply referred to as Aurobindo (Sri Aurobindo among devotees).
It is again difficult to part the schizophrenic with multiple personalities from the dashing cultural hero-trickster busy delivering the ultimate boon while 2113
scoffing at collateral damage:
Pema Chödrön might be entitled to the name if she had assimilated herself into the Buddhist cultural context. I teach Buddhism, too, in a Western academic setting. I need to be neither an Asian nor a Buddhist to do that. But I do not offer Buddhist spiritual counsel, nor am I competent to do so. When I learn that someone positioning herself as a Buddhist sage with the name Pema Chödrön is really Deirdre Blomfield-Brown, I think of the too-prolific paperback author Lobsang Rampa, actually Irish plumber Cyril Henry Hoskin. Why the stage name unless it’s a schtick? (Price 2008:36, emphasis added). Not everyone who wears a turban is a released spirit (Campbell&Toms 1988: vol. 3). Scholars typically claim that these books cannot be considered forgeries, because writing them pseudonymously was all part of the task; the literary genre requires them, more or less, to be written by someone who would “know” such things, that is, someone highly favored by God. But I think this view is too simplistic. The reality is that ancient people really did believe that they were written by the people who claimed to be writing them, as seen repeatedly in the ancient testimonies. The authors of these books knew it too. They assumed false names precisely because their writings would prove more effective that way. This relates to the single most important motivation for authors to claim they were someone else in antiquity. Quite simply, it was to get a hearing for their views. (Ehrman 2011:37-38). Of no import whether by a gnostic, political or spiritual standpoint, the bamboozled sluggards of the networked society follow suit: multiple cellphone numbers, monikers, online IDs and matching identities...
A small group of people decides what will be on television and puts it there. This group became a little bigger with the advent of cable and infomercials in the 1980s and ’90s, but it was safe to say that not everyone could have their own TV show. With YouTube, now you can. With the advent of MySpace and Facebook, everyone can 2114
have their own Web page. On Second Life, you can have your own virtual reality. -...- the self-branding of Internet uniqueness has created new ways to stand out as an individual in our increasingly narcissistic culture. Cell phones allow everyone in the family to have his or her own phone. Teenage siblings no longer have to fight over the phone line or nervously ask their crush’s father, “Is Jacob there?” You can also customize your phone with rhinestone bling, a unique ringtone, and the screen wallpaper of your choice. Technology also allows us to customize our media experiences. My Yahoo! allows you to choose your news sources, stock portfolio updates, sports team scores, and horoscope. (Twenge&Campbell 2009:118-19). Another peculiar lot is busy pursuing the same strategies: mister Issar Danielovitch Demsky, mister Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez, and mister Bernard Schwartz among others are better known under their sanitized screen names: Martin Sheen, Tony Curtis and Kirk Douglas. It is no surprise that 'great men of history', politicians, conmen and professional actors all pursue the same strategies: entertainment oblige.
This, that or another minority controls the conversation as they browbeat academic cronies and legislators into adopting their naming of choice:
The name expresses the deepest sense of the personality, and this is true not only of human beings but also of the gods. The names are the essential expression of the very essence, the core of what we would think of as the personality and the consciousness of a person (Holland 2005:Egyptian Myths Of The Underworld.). The name Baal Shem Tov is Hebrew for “Master of the Good Name.” It was bestowed on various Jewish holy men who were thought to have special, mystical insight into the nature and reality of God (who was called, reverentially, “the good name”). Such a person was a “master” of the name because he knew how to use it to perform miracles. (Ehrman 2016:51).
Who decides the line of demarcation? Who successfully names who? Naming is the ultimate political act because it determines how to deal with the one being named. -...- Kari Palonen is light to stress that "Politicization thus refers to the act of naming something as political, including the controversies surrounding the acceptance of this naming. There is no politics 'before' politicization" (2003: 182). Depoliticization is an attempt "to end the inevitable contention over concepts by decontesting them, by removing their meaning from contest" (Freeden 2003: 54). Repoliticization is an attempt to reproblematize issues and concepts. -...- Naming is the first game of politics. It determines if you're taken seriously as an equal, opponent or friend or disregarded, acted upon, exterminated even (Thorup 2006:49,57,61). Jacob said, "Please tell me your name." But [god] replied, "Why do you ask my name?" Then he blessed him there. (Genesis 32:29). Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth ( Philippians 2:9-10, emphasis added). As [ Chinese Pure Land 9th patriarch ]Great Master Ouyi wrote, â&#x20AC;&#x153;This sutra expressly teaches the wonderful practice of mindful Buddhaname chanting, so it makes a special point of explaining this name. This is to enable people to deeply believe that this great name, which is endowed with myriad virtues, is inconceivable, so that they would single-mindedly chant the Buddha-name with no more doubts.â&#x20AC;? (Wuling, January 15, 2017, emphasis added). Isn't the pivotal scene of The Neverending Story (1984) about the child bereft of his mother who undergoes trials by proxy, and is then summoned to give a name to the child empress of some fantasy world darkness is inexorably engulfing?
The shrewd mountebank, the poker-faced policy maker, the cohort of contractors, bank-rollers and their ilk may see only occasions for business, contracts, litigation, extension of government rule and new legislation in turn occasioning
more business, litigation, clampdown and contracts, or what French litterateur Muray described as “l'envie du pénal”:
Il n'y a pas de petites illustrations. En Suède, tout récemment, un type saute au plafond d'indignation dans un film de Bergman qui passe à la télé, il vient de voir un père donnant une gifle à son fils! Dans un film? Oui, oui. Un film. À la télé. Pas en vrai. N'empêche que ce geste est immoral. Profondément choquant, d'abord, et puis surtout en infraction par rapport aux lois de son pays. Il va donc, de ce pas, porter plainte. Poursuivre en justice. Qui n'approuverait cet homme sensible? Le cinéma, d'ailleurs, regorge d'actes de violence, de crimes, de viols, de vols, de trafics et de brutalités dont il est urgent de le purger. On s'attaquera ensuite à la littérature. -...- Toutes les répressions sont bonnes à prendre, depuis l'interdiction de fumer dans les lieux publics jusqu'à la demande de rétablissement de la peine de mort, en passant par la suppression de certains plaisirs qualifiés de préhistoriques comme la corrida, les fromages au lait cru ou la chasse à la palombe. Sera appelée préhistorique n'importe quelle occupation qui ne retient pas ou ne ramène pas le vivant, d'une façon ou d'une autre, à son écran de télévision -...- Toutes les délations deviennent héroïques. -...-L'ennemi héréditaire est partout depuis qu'on ne peut plus le situer nulle part, massivement, à l'Est ou à l'Ouest. -...-Toutes les propagandes vertueuses concourent à recréer un type de citoyen bien dévot, bien abruti de l'ordre établi, bien hébété d'admiration pour la société telle qu'elle s'impose, bien décidé à ne plus jamais poursuivre d'autres jouissances que celles qu'on lui indique. Le voilà, le héros positif du totalitarisme d'aujourd'hui, le mannequin idéal de la nouvelle tyrannie, le monstre de Frankenstein des savants fous de la Bienfaisance, le bonhomme en kit qui ne baise qu'avec sa capote, qui respecte toutes les minorités, qui réprouve le travail au noir, la double vie, l'évasion fiscale, les disjonctages salutaires, qui trouve la pornographie moins excitante que la tendresse, qui ne peut plus juger un livre ou un film que pour ce qu'il n'est pas, par définition, c'est-àdire un manifeste, qui considère Céline comme un salaud mais ne tolérera plus qu'on remette en cause, si peu que ce soit, Sartre et Beauvoir, les célèbres Thénardier des Lettres, qui s'épouvante enfin comme un vampire devant un crucifix quand il aperçoit un rond de fumée de cigarette derrière l'horizon. (1992: no page). The layman, however, might see in -to name just one- the tantalizing idea of world government a longing for the mythical times and their oneness that 2117
was celebrated well before so-called scientific Socialism, Rosicrucianism 2610, Catholicism, and so forth.
Over time, a diverse cohort of theosophists, Freemasons of conflicting persuasions2611, mythicists, religionists of all flavors, Darwinists, filo-American and filo-Soviet
agitators, governmentalization 2612 advocates and their govern-
mentality2613, U.N propagandists and philosophers enthusiastically boarded that train across ethno-cultural lines (Jews, White Europeans, Chinese, Hispanics, Hindus...).
For the thirty-eight-year-old prophet Joseph [Smith], the American presidency was only the beginning. His publicly stated motivation for seeking the presidential chair was to facilitate compensating the Saints for their losses—of life, land, and property— during years of persecution in Missouri and their subsequent expulsion from the state. 2610
A Rosicrucian manifesto-documentary (Alptekin 2002) still extolled the credo of making the world a better place by making ourselves better people. Of course, the documentary preached world governments and other 'solutions' typically associated with the Freemasonic worldview, as they identify Freemasonry as an emanation of the much older Rosicrucianism, in turn tracing its roots back to mystery religions of antiquity. Yet, it is not difficult to see the same alchemical imagery NSDAP, too, embraced. 2611 As the present writer suggests elsewhere, theosophical, occult and freemasonic circles significantly overlapped during the Belle Epoque era. One might indifferently encounter pro-English, zionist, panslavic, pangerman, anti-French, racist -displaying judeophobia, racial or cultural supremacy- and anti-racist attitudes. Freemasonry plays a role in the consolidation of prominent new religions such as Mormonism and Jehovah's Witnesses. Founders Smith, Young and Russell were allegedly high-ranking masons. The Christian Science Church (established in 1879) also carries the Masonic cross-and-crown in its symbol: founder Baker Eddy had probable ties with Freemasonry (her first husband was a Mason); the Church kept close connections with Freemasonry (for example opening Churches within Masonic Temples), an affiliation the credo officially permitted. Freemasonic symbols have also been present in the three new religions. 2612 “ We live in the era of a 'governmentality' first discovered in the eighteenth century. This governmentalization of the state is a singularly paradoxical phenomenon, since if in fact the problems of governmentality and the techniques of government have become the only political issue, the only real space for political struggle and contestation, this is because the governmentalization of the state is at the same time what has permitted the state to survive, and it is possible to suppose that if the state is what it is today, this is so precisely thanks to this governmentality,which is at once internal and external to the state, since. it is the tactics of government which make possible the continual definition and redefinition of what is within the competence of the state and what is not, the public versus the private, and so on; thus the state can only be understood in its survival and its limits on the general basis of governmentality.-...- The pastoral, the new diplomatic-military techniques and, lastly-, police: these are the three elements that have made possible the production of this fundamental phenomenon in Western history, the governmentalization of the state.” (Foucault in Burchell et alii 1991:103-4). 2613 A term French philosopher Foucault coined to denote peculiar ways that make government possible, in turn supported by local classes of technocrats and bureaucrats enamored of the dominant govern-mentality.
His private vision (initially made known only to a select inner circle of confidants) was even more ambitious. He prophesied the demise of the United States government within his own lifetime and proclaimed that his political Kingdom of God would ultimately overthrow all earthly regimes in fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy. Smithâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s dual political agendas were managed by a secret Council of Fifty, organized as the nucleus of a new world government. (Wicks & Foister 2005:1, emphasis added). A philosophical attempt to work out a universal history according to a natural plan directed to achieving the civic union of the human race must be regarded as possible (Kant 1784-1: no page). the respective adherents of the four living higher religions might come to recognize that their once rival systems were so many alternate approaches to the One True God along avenues offering diverse partial glimpses of the Beatific Vision. (Toynbee 1985:118). Aurobindo Ghose (the famous Indian thinker and activist) believed in an approaching ideal of world government as well:
The third dream was a world-union forming the outer basis of a fairer, brighter and nobler life for all mankind. That unification of the human world is under way; there is an imperfect initiation organised but struggling against tremendous difficulties. But the momentum is there and it must inevitably increase and conquer. Here too India has begun to play a prominent part and, if she can develop that larger statesmanship which is not limited by the present facts and immediate possibilities but looks into the future and brings it nearer, her presence may make all the difference between a slow and timid and a bold and swift development. A catastrophe may intervene and interrupt or destroy what is being done, but even then the final result is sure. For unification is a necessity of Nature, an inevitable movement. Its necessity for the nations is also clear, for without it the freedom of the small nations may be at any moment in peril and the life even of the large and powerful nations insecure. The unification is therefore to the interests of all, and only human imbecility and stupid selfishness can prevent it; but these cannot stand for ever against the necessity of Nature and the Divine Will. (MAISF001 no date:ch.1). Everyday's bandwagon appeals and the pathetic register also cater to this 2119
longing to be one with the horde:
The principle at work here is that people tend to 'rationalize' their religious and other affiliations to reflect and reinforce social attachments such as family and friendship. 'In effect, conversion is not about seeking or embracing an ideology, it is about bringing one's religious behaviour into alignment with that of one's friends and family members' (Cooper no date:32, emphasis added). Depressed following a heart attack, a fifty-two year-old businessman looks back on a life of frantic ambition to constantly make more money and rise ever higher in the corporate hierarchy and finds it meaningless. After long reflection he realizes that he has been driven by a need for approval from a domineering, constantly critical mother; he has almost worked himself to death so as to be finally successful in her eyes. Risking and transcending her disapproval for the first time in his life, as well as braving the ire of his highliving wife and children, who are reluctant to give up their expensive life style, he moves to the country and opens up a little shop where he restores antique furniture. (Peck 1978:138). an impatient-looking man stood up in the back of the room and shouted over the heads of his fellow analysts. “Shawn, I know you’re from Harvard and everything, but isn’t this all a huge waste of time? Isn’t positive psychology just common sense?” I felt my heart drop into my stomach. I hadn’t yet been in the consulting business long enough to know that being publicly challenged like this comes with the territory. Still, I gathered my wits and did my best to address the inquisitor head-on. -...- Clearly, though, this guy just wasn’t buying it. He sat back down with a smug look, and I moved on to the next question, trying to accept the fact that you just can’t win them all. Not until after the session, as I sat with several of the analysts over lunch, did the significance of this encounter reveal itself. “Do you remember that guy who stood up during your talk?” one of them asked. I said that I very much did. Another analyst leaned in close. “That guy is the most unhappy person here. It’s like a rain cloud follows over his head all the time. We can’t put him on any teams because he’s toxic.” (Achor 2010:136, emphasis added). [The] Dean of Sarah Lawrence who was herself a Catholic. [told me]"[Joseph Campbell] is a lapsed Catholic," she said to me before the meeting, "who has turned black about all that he was raised with. I would not argue with him about the color of a rose!" ” (Friedman 2120
1998:397)2614. The peer group becomes like a new parent. Only this parent is much more rigid, and has several sets of eyes to look you over. (Bradshaw 1988:63). Of course, the oneness being referred to slightly changes according to situational priorities: both the Christian, NSDAP and Communist mythologies had their distinctive images of that one famous primeval oneness, or a way to imagine the embodiment of the paradox of non-dualism.
According to some interpretations even Alexander - otherwise appropriately labeled as the Hitler or Napoleon of his age for the megalomania, paranoia and excess accompanying his military genius- becomes a benign visionary when his campaigns are seen through the prism of world government: he allegedly tried to unite mankind; he also set racial and cultural differences aside by favoring hybridity.
Fears2615 in fact hails Alexander as the heroic conqueror scoffing at collateral damage as he campaigns trying to bring about “the brotherhood of the human race”. Fears obviously sees Alexander – as he elsewhere sees characters from the Iliad, biblical Israel or rulers such as Trajan- as a sort of warped validation of what might resonate with Fears' ideal image of the USA, or with his boyish worship of W. Churchill:”He was one of the most successful authors of his day, who won the 2614
The same emotional claptrap can be indifferently (ab)used to pillory just about anything or anybody. There is a key witness who revealed off-the-record how so-and-so really had a heart of darkness, unspeakable allegiances or some other punchline that may allow the friendly listener to connect the dots. 2615 2011: Alexander The Great In History.
Nobel Prize for Literature. He was a painter, whose artistic work brought him a considerable income during his life and still hangs today in major museums. ”2616. Of course, the writing and painting man of destiny shtick was for a while applied to Hitler, too.
In other words, eminent academic (Chair History Of Liberty) Fears -much as any 'hobo with a cause'- 'runs away' with whatever he thinks might validate his politicized argument by helping himself to history -whether factual or novelized-, and pseudo-history alike: Romulus or Alexander; King Arthur or Trajan are indifferently recruited to serve 'the just cause'.
When we ransack the past for political profit—selecting the bits that can serve our purposes and recruiting history to teach opportunistic moral lessons—we get bad morality and bad history (Judt, cit. in Rieff 2016:44). Nothing could be easier than prostituting mythologized ancient history to contemporary commodious political priorities: Castro vowed 'proud Communist Cubans' would help the oppressed the world over; the “Brezhnev doctrine” (1968) wanted the USSR as world policeman of Social-Communist regimes; the USA apply a similar interventionist and adventurist foreign policy irrespective of the color of any regime they might target.
Once again, the vortexes of the human mind are the most powerful of all treatments apt to whitewash, ennoble and sanitize everyone and everything. While
the idea of world government is often associated with fantasies of hybridity and homogenization, French imperialism, English “White man's burden”, and German
Herrenfolk (master race, literally a lordly people) doctrines showed that world government -which the British Empire came so close to embody- could preserve hierarchy, and an eurocentric perspective equally well.
Inconsistent, omnipresent theories are a dime a dozen. Rousseau's rather catchy definition of general will may feel 'emotionally right', but remains highly dubious and eminently theological in nature, as in fact it was influenced by debates around whether god had a general will that implied the salvation of all, or a particular will that excluded some from salvation. Rousseau's sophism still lies at the heart of modern political theory. The general will is not the will of all: coercion shall be applied to insure general conformity.
What we find coming from under the powdered wigs of the divine philosopher is no other than the sophism of the primeval horde in fusion dancing around the totem pole, whereby unities dissolve to the advantage of mystical oneness, a supernatural collective soul channeled from some quintessential abode. Already Buddhism had espoused contract theories:
The climax of the story was the establishment of the kingship, the state. The decision was done after long discussion in assembly about the problem of rampant stealing. In order to look after their properties they should put one who can protect them, and the chosen one was called king. That is why the king was called “ Mahāsammata” (selected by many or all): mahājanasamtoti mahāsammato (When the people give their consents to him, he becomes king). They looked for the 2123
most qualified person; it means that they appointed the king among themselves. (Abeynayake, ME6208:Buddhist View Of The Origin And Evolution Of The Society) Kaiser Wilhelm - not exactly a partisan of the Jacobins and the enragésinvoked the same shamanic fusion at the beginning of World-War-One claiming he could see only Germans -with no distinction of political affiliation- reunited around him; the NSDAP and Bolshevik regimes all found the concept pretty useful.
Different epochs may tune in to different achronotopoi. The famous 1931 gangster movie The Public Enemy typecasts two brothers: one who sinks into crime, and a righteous patriot earning his keep honestly; the patriot comes home from WWI shell-shocked. The plight of neurasthenic soldiers, and the threat posed by gangsters was all the rage and very actual still in the 1930s, and so were “white Russians”2617.
Later, one had East-German spy syndicates and Soviet fifth-columnists trying to blow the world to pieces with a nuclear catastrophe. The early 1990s saw the rise of a new static foe: Russian mafia, while gangsters, shell-shocked soldiers and East-German spy syndicates, yesterday's hottest commodity, had already slipped out of fashion. By the 2010s syndicates of Islamist rogues had replaced the dull nods to Russian mafia. Although best counted by the hundreds, genocide-themed movies have been a safe bet these last decades; even third rate Italian comedians can thus pave their way to the international mainstream under a shower of prizes. 2617
Denoting Russians on the side of the royalists and conservatives during the civil war that followed the Bolshevik takeover.
Upon its release in 1946, It’s a Wonderful Life wasn’t quite the success it is today. Actually, it flopped. Soundly.-...- In 1974, the film’s copyright protection slipped. It became public domain. Now, television stations could air It’s a Wonderful Life for free. And air it they did.-...-Yet like many traditions, one might argue, this one succeeds not because it’s the highest-quality option, but because it’s the most familiar. Familiarity and repetition have turned the movie into a fascinating holiday message. We love It’s a Wonderful Life because, unlike the audiences in 1946, we know it. (Hogshead 2010:128). Popular culture and historiography often take the garb of schizophrenic -and schizogenic- contemporary period dramas. Michael Wood, the acclaimed UK presenter, routinely draws parallels between the matter at hand -such as the Trojan War- and contemporary talk of town topics such as Cold War nods at the time.
Nods to the spirit of the times aren't limited to movies. The medicalization (=a form of depersonalization of treatment) of sins started during the Enlightenment. Early luminaries such as French scientist Tissot -who had 'scientifically' condemned (L'Onanisme, 1760) autoerotism (hence sexuality) as possibly lethal practice- did really just swap metaphysical and physical foundations. Tissot is in the good company of immemorial Hindu laws of Manu, which also forbid masturbation and sexual activity to the young.
Seventh-day Adventist co-founder Ellen G. White (1827-1915) also fulminated against masturbation (which she called “secret” or “solitary vice”). White claimed masturbation killed “tens of thousands”, and caused innumerable illnesses such as cancer, mental retardation, rheumatism, etc.
All that served to reinforce “popular morality”, “free-floating folk beliefs”, “explanations or interpretations usually put forth”, “prevailing cultural trends”, “only an old Phoenician tale of what has often occurred before now in other places”, “the audience’s pre-established set of convictions”.
The very rarely cited Studies In Prejudice -the monumental series published by the American Jewish Committee- supplied the bulk of the nowadays trendy theoretical framework and polemic interface that is so omnipresent in social and political rhetoric and debate, although the blueprint -fully available online at no cost through the publisher- is unknown to most hecklers and pamphleteers recycling it endlessly.
It is especially entertaining when the very flexible model is applied to damn any and all groups, countries or agendas. Archetypes, obtuse allegories, petrified mythologies, and the traveling freak show of related characters (the heart of darkness, the maltreated yet forgiving savior-hero, the lamb without voice going to the slaughter etc) leave folklore behind to materialize in forensic FMRI scans, culture dish graphs, polygraph curves, psychoanalytic profiles and what not. Teaching Christian counseling at a seminary, Powlinson is adamant:”when we blow away [an author] as a false teacher, we are not going to blow away his observations and concerns, right? We are going to reinterpret those so we have a better way” 2618.
Trepid 'unbiased scientists' come then forward to indignantly remind 2618
1995: lecture 8.
how the prodigious model especially (only, predominantly...) applies to (predicts, exposes, unveils...) only (mostly, predominantly...) certain parties, groups, countries etc. It is highly interesting how “man's sinful proclivities” that Powlinson 2619 uses as pivot might work just as well. Biblical counselor Ed Welch 2620 regroups a series of psychological symptoms that secular psychologists file under mental disturbances as “feeling guilty before god”, “feeling like a failure”2621:
In 1950 Adorno et al .'s The Authoritarian Personality study warned that American society contained a minority of individuals whose characters made them prone to become fascists in certain circumstances and that this was a danger common to contemporary industrial society. After early acclaim critics argued that the main threat came from left-wing authoritarian individuals. But research in several countries failed to establish their existence. We trace and evaluate this debate, largely defending the original research. Subsequent argument suggested that the concept of authoritarianism was becoming outdated in post-industrial society, a view that we strongly challenge. While defending the diagnosis and purpose of the original research, we conclude by endorsing the argument that authoritarianism is better described in terms of attitude rather than personality. This gives a clearer psychological description of political movements of the far right and offers more direct measures for their reduction. (Roiser&Willig 2002:71, emphasis added). The Authoritarian Personality -...-assigned to anti-Semitism an extraordinary importance by arguing that critical attitudes toward Jews reveal a basic personality type that threatens the survival of democratic society (Higham 1984:153). Research showing that women commit high rates of intimate partner violence (IPV) against men has been controversial because IPV is typically framed as caused by the patriarchal construction of society and men’s domination over women. (Hines&Douglas 2010: no page, emphasis added). 2619 2620 2621
1995. In Powlinson 1995:lecture 23. Somewhat similar to Sartre's “hell is other people”.
There is really no difference between 'priests of science' in white lab coats telling one such and such is 'bad for their (mental) health', and 'priests of religion' in black robes telling such and such is 'bad for their soul'. U.S Biblical counselor Ed Welch is adamant: his theory of psychology matches his theological assumptions2622. Whether people like Welch follow the U.S Protestant Bible canon, or others follow the Freudian canon matters less.
If divine monarchs of bygone ages knew how negotiable the endorsement of the clergy might have been, people like Bernays surely know how negotiable the allegiance of the scientific community indeed is. After all, Marx believed his version of age-old Socialism to be scientific, and so did Freud with his version of equally age-old psychoanalytic paradigms.
Their versions mixed bits of science all the rage in their times with ageold eschatology, spiritualism, political advocacy and other highly subjective variables in the exact same way pre-existing phrenology, aliĂŠnisme, utopian, peasant or Christian Socialism had done. Few will question that Christian liberation theology advocates most often end up in a stance very similar -if not identical- to that of followers of Marxist doctrines, irrespective of any supposedly irreconcilable difference.
There definitely is insight in Marx and Freud; but there was as much insight in early thinkers they disparaged as wishful-thinkers and frauds. Their trick 2622
In Powlinson 1995: lecture 23.
was akin to that of proponents of a divine revelation held up as truth blasting other revelations as false. There certainly is a certain amount of technical jargon and neologisms in Marx and Freud, but that tells readers nothing more than UFO/paranormal narratives hiding behind quantum physics terminology.
In other words, is the idea of bodily ascent to heaven a disturbed dream when propounded in religious milieus, and a scientific breakthrough when propounded in terms of spaceships powered with anti-matter or zero-point energy systems? Perhaps with the anunnaki or the nephilim at the helm once they become visitors from another galaxy? Righteous U.S astronauts making a giant step for all mankind, perchance?
Furthermore, both Freud and Marx heavily depended on the XIX century/Victorian
(=clockwork universe etc). Capra explicitly draws a parallel between Newton, busy studying objects in space, and the laws that make their dynamics intelligible, and Freud, busy studying the objects in the human unconscious, and the laws that make their dynamics intelligible. The Newtonian sun set long ago, yet Marxism and Freudianism -based upon the same- are still held up as 'scientific'.
Psychoanalysis, for example, is a Newtonian conception of our psychological mechanismsand notice that we speak of unconscious mental mechanisms. We think of the libido in the same way as Ernst Hekel thought of the energy of the universe as blind or unconscious. Psychoanalysis is in a sense psychohydraulics, because of its analogy between psychic energy and the flow of water. In all this, the view of the nineteenth century is that the human psyche, 2129
the mind, the ego, the superego, the id, is all basically a mechanical functioning. (Watts 1996:20-21). Formerly sinners, homosexuals became 'mentally ill': now it's their turn to lobby to have so-called homophobia listed as mental illness: a culture-bound syndrome takes on the regalia of science. For example, gratuitously violent, questionable,
media/entertainment machine are 'crazy in a good sense' 2624, as artistic license and freedom of expression the discerning masses can easily see through without consequences.
Series upon series upon series to the Nth edition belabor upon, psychologize -and lionize- the exploits of serial killers and other brutish sociopaths, while pints of bodily fluids collected from orifices are analyzed in the lab, and truckloads of body bags and severed body parts act as decor for carbon-copied screenplays.
Violent sociopaths eager to imitate multimedia heroes are many. Times
Daily reports on March 10, 2000: “An ABC network study found 22 to 34 percent of young felons imprisoned for violent crimes said they had consciously imitated crime techniques learnt from watching television programs.”. A 2013 study 2625 controlled
The reference is to erotism and pornography outside the regulated 'adult' domain. The present writer's viewpoint is not that mental illness does not exist, as often attributed to Szasz, but that “ If there could be a precise definition of mental illness, it is possible that no psychiatrist or psychologist would be required to diagnose it; perhaps any intelligent person could do so. However, because mental illness is undefined, the person with the social responsibility for making this determination is asked, in effect, not to ascertain facts, but to create a definition and to exercise social control.” (Szasz 1991:76). 2625 Robertson et alii, cit. in Wilson 2014. 2624
for IQ and social class found an association between time spent watching TV at an early age (5-15yo) and antisocial behavior in both males and females.
Just before his death in 2000, TV luminary and show host Steve Allen warned the general public that “TV is leading children down a moral sewer ”. In the 1999 ad sponsored by conservative U.S pressure group Parents Television Council, Allen is adamant regarding:”the filth, vulgarity, sex and violence TV is sending into your homes”.
While it may be legitimate to thumb one's nose at those anal-retentive conservatives, it is equally expected such reports might not be commonplace among liberals, progressives, lefties and their cohort of homo- and xenophile minority media moguls for the same obvious reasons that see conservatives riding the charge.
The litmus test is -of course- whether 'open-minded' people on the left really care about all-out freedom of speech; or whether they are equally busy chastising homo- and xenophobia, ...ism etc. Of course, conservative truths are partisan, tribal truth, pre-cooked press-releases when seen from the left. The left -of course- wants one to believe that progressive truth is conversely what “a decent human being” would embrace.
A Parents Television Council report is unambiguous in a 2005 analysis of children's TV:
In the 443.5 hours of children’s programming analyzed by the PTC there were 3488 instances of violence – an average of 7.86 violent incidents per hour. Even when the innocent, “cartoony” violence most of us grew up with (e.g. an anvil falling on Wile E. Coyote’s head) is extracted, there were still 2794 instances of violence for an average of 6.30 violent incidents per hour. To put this figure in perspective, consider that in 2002 the six broadcast networks combined averaged only 4.71 instances of violence per hour of prime time programming (Wolves...2006:1). Consider, for example, in Pinker’s elegant exposition, the importance of the “cultural arbiter” as a conduit of ideological change. Traditionally, in days gone by, such arbiters would typically have been clergymen. Or philosophers. Or poets. Or even, in some cases, monarchs. Today, however, with society becoming ever more secularized, and with the exponential expansion of an infinitely virtual universe, they’re a different breed entirely: pop stars and actors and media and video game moguls, who, rather than disseminating the dictates of dignity, now offer them up on an altar of creative psychopathy.You’ve just got to turn on the television. (Dutton 2012:89). People can easily compare icons of masculinity from the 1930s with those of the 1980s. Modest handguns were gradually replaced with action movie arsenals as Schwarzenegger or Stallone characters operate grenade-launchers. The proxy for an erection shifted from Ulysses' puny bronze dagger (which he tames Circe with before a sexual encounter) to Rambo's pyrotechnical ordnance.
Notable cases include Cho Seung-Hui, whose ramblings read like the teleplay for some cable TV movie; “The Joker” who modeled his murderous rampage upon the movie character; Rod Ferrell, who brutally murdered two people in 1996 indulging his fantasy about being a vampire just like those fantastic faces on cable TV; or G.Pegoraro and his wild shooting spree modeled upon the Rambo movie 2626. 2626
On 2 July 2013 at Cardano (Italy), G. Pegoraro – a city police officer- shot two people. The heavily armed sociopath had laid down careful plans to 'settle scores' shooting a number of local public figures in order to later
21 yo Anton Lundin-Petterson leaves two people dead and two critically injured as he enters a school in Sweden with a samurai sword in hand, and a Star Wars Darth Vader mask on his face. He takes pictures with pupils before he goes on a murderous rampage. He dies after security forces shoot him 2627: he is berated as having possibly â&#x20AC;&#x153;likedâ&#x20AC;? extremist right-wing political sources online.
The biblical Book Of Revelation and the Beatles professedly inspired murderous sociopath Manson and his cronies; myths and yet more myths:
The most recent illustration of urban legend phenomenon paralleled in film and intensified by historical event occurred in 1978. On January 15 of that year, two women were murdered and three others beaten in a Florida State University sorority house by an assailant who had secretly entered the building in the early morning. Scheduled for national television viewing the following weekend was the movie Stranger in the House , a 1974 film unsuccessfully released in theatres under the titles Black Christmas and Silent Night, Evil Night. The thriller dealt with a story familiar to many folklorists. During the Christmas season, sorority house residents are frightened by obscene phone calls and then by a systematic attack on individual women in the residence. The National Broadcasting Company tactfully substituted another movie because of the previous weekendâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Florida murders. (Danielson in Koven 2008:128). Even middle-of-the-road SF can express mystical, if not gnostic, sentiments at times; in The Empire Strikes Back, the wizened Jedi guru Yoda gurgles to Luke Skywalker, "Luminous beings are we; not this crude matter." Hearing this line, it's hard not to imagine the acolytes of Heaven's Gate huddled around their TV set just weeks before their suicide run, silently cheering the old Muppet's confirmation of their most deeply held beliefs. (Davis 1999:247). retreat to the wilderness to live the fantasy of a manhunt and ensuing blood bath, possibly in imitation of the Rambo movie. 2627 Mailonline, October 22, 2015.
At Borgomanero (Italy), a woman keeps her deceased mother in a freezer for almost 4 years in order to pocket the mother's pension. Local media melt in nonjudgmental rapture contemplating the frail little creature's (supposed) suffering: she had lost her father when a teenager, and she was just suffering from solitude after losing her beloved doggie (=the puppy connection) 2628. A U.S series on air had given the opportunistic -or deranged- sociopath the idea of storing the corpse in the freezer2629. Such 'coincidences' shall be taken apart in the name of freedom of speech, and 'progressive' opposition to awful conservative double standards.
Even the foulest details of the otherwise tragicomic repertoire of human miseries and shortcomings can be glamorized in their graphic sordidness so that sponsors can bid to place a nice condom, espresso coffee or malt liquor infomercial as frazzled gawkers peek agog. R.L. Moore comments on new media productions that take pride in being “extreme” as ”a blatant appeal to unregulated archetypal energies”2630.
Confession shows unfold in a secular ritual: an anchor(wo)man serves as hierophant; cameramen as altar boys; TV viewers as congregation; espresso coffee, condom or malt liquor commercials as intermissions instead of psalms.
Courtroom shows are no different. Debates arose regarding the truthfulness of U.S courtroom shows. The 'authentic' people on screen busy pouring 2628
The 'secret cause' shtick. Giornale Di Arona, March 7, 2014:5. 2630 Moore 2001:part 6. 2629
their heart out as they whimper, groan, weep or shake fists are third-rate actors enacting a sentimentalized and prettified screenplay more or less loosely based upon more or less genuine news or courtroom stories.
Most have referred to Cho Seung-Hui's ramblings submitted as a student (the piece Richard McBeef2631) as “disturbing”, “eerie” etc etc. A simple examination of the work, however, presents a repertoire of mainstream U.S popular culture and obsessions that are pampered and cherished in our world:
1. Pedophilia, and mention of pedophile Catholic priests.
2. Molestation.
3. Michael Jackson as pedophile.
4. A deranged teenager angrily accusing his step-father.
5. Accusations of conspiracy and cover-up like the cases of John Lennon and Marilyn Monroe.
6. Possible love triangles.
7. A hysterical mother accusing his second husband of domestic violence and pedophilia, later brandishing a chainsaw at him.
8. Graphic references to sexuality. 2631
No date: no page.
9. Uncomplimentary portrait of the step-father as generally inadequate, a loser with a poor job etc.
10. The step-father finally murders the 13yo step-son.
11. (Potential) domestic violence/quarrell scenes.
What Korean immigrant Cho Seung-Hui wrote about was nothing different -whether by topic or by degree- from the tabloid or cable TV fodder the masses are served daily and delight in; from heated political debates uncovering a nest of outreaching '...ists', pedophiles and the like under every stone left unturned; from the endless discussion of the misdeeds of long-gone tyrants, whose discovery warrants the re-writing of history books. The futile ramblings of a cold-blooded murderer read just like yesterday's newspaper or last week's TV programs. The dysfunctional family he portrays is a close caricature of the stereotypical western family unit.
Grigoletto, a married Italian flight instructor on the verge of financial insolvency, meticulously and brutally murdered his Brazilian pregnant love-affair in 2013 after a few failed attempts. Grigoletto routinely bragged about being a “top gun”; about being a “commander” or an astrophysicist; about having flown over Afghan danger zones and so forth: friends were taken aback.
Italian Gabriele Defilippi murdered in 2016 an acquaintance after embezzling euro 187.000 from her. The disturbed 22yo had a homosexual paramour
but courted much older women as well in order to extract favors. The murdering graphomaniac loved to cross-dress and had several online identities as both male and female: image consultant, psychiatrist...
I had been seeing Mary, a shy, lonely, and physically collapsed young woman, for about three months in weekly psychotherapy, dealing with the ravages of her terrible history of early abuse. One day I opened the door to my waiting room and saw her standing there provocatively, dressed in a miniskirt, her hair dyed flaming red, with a cup of coffee in one hand and a snarl on her face. “You must be Dr. van der Kolk,” she said. “My name is Jane, and I came to warn you not to believe any the lies that Mary has been telling you. Can I come in and tell you about her?” I was stunned but fortunately kept myself from confronting “Jane” and instead heard her out. Over the course of our session I met not only Jane but also a hurt little girl and an angry male adolescent. That was the beginning of a long and productive treatment. Mary was my first encounter with dissociative identity disorder (DID), which at that time was called multiple personality disorder.(Van Der Kolk 2014:208). The masses relish these same Renaissance man, trickster stunts in their favorite politicians or gurus. Defilippi was in fact -as psychopaths are- bold and exuberant in the pursuit of a “vision”:”Non sono io che devo cercare lavoro, è il lavoro che verrà da me ” (It is not my problem to look for a job; a job shall come my way) he had written online2632.
Motivational speaker M.V. Hansen couldn't agree more:”just write it down, and schedule to be a millionaire in five years. Don't worry about how 'cause it'll constipate your mental system” 2633. A ruthless, sociopathic killer and con-man, and the writer of best-selling compilations of meek, uplifting glurge stories seem to 2632 2633
Quotidiano.net, February 21, 2016. 2010:part 2.
be one and the same.
Sociopath Breivik also loved (fake) military uniforms; he styled himself a Knight Templar, and had joined local Freemasonry: he gunned 92 (69, 76, 77 numbers vary in the press) people down at Oslo in 2011. Most sources link Breivik to right-wing extremism2634, whereas others claim he also joined gay pride events, and a host of nativist groups:
Friday the 13th’s Jason Voorhees is the hero of his own story and the villain of someone else’s. While the so-called final girl of a slasher movie is touted as the protagonist—and indeed, the general narrative arc of individual slasher films, even within franchise entries, follows the final girl from start to eponymous finish in a full arc that marks her as the witness to and survivor of the violence that has transpired—an application of Lord Raglan’s heroic mythic structure reveals that Jason Voorhees in particular fits Raglan’s heroic mold surprisingly well. Furthermore, when one takes both the full narrative arc of the Friday the 13th franchise and its hegemonic message into account, Jason Voorhees is the clear hero of his story, and while the audience may not be expected to cheer for him throughout each film, his consistent presence throughout the films and his status as an agent of the status quo that these films position as in dire need of defense marks him as a culturally heroic figure. (Ryan no date:1). When people "go through things together," they will often be synchronized right down to primal sighs of despair or shouts of joy. (Boothman 2000:77). ANSA and ANSA Brasil -November 18, 2013- report how Grigoletto tried to commit suicide while in prison. In January 2014 2635 an armed robbery at Cogliate (Italy) ends with hostages at gunpoint, and a final shootout. A policeman 2634
According to Reuters ( March 15, 2016) Breivik executes a “Nazi salute” as he enters the courts in 2016. He accuses Norway of subjecting him to “inhuman treatment” as he serves a 21 year prison term. 2635 ANSA, January 18, 2014.
and a criminal are wounded, whereas another criminal escapes. Media broadcast the picture of a policeman comforting the wounded bandit on a stretcher.
Shouldn't the horde in fusion afford the formerly murderous sociopath the benefit of the doubt, thus conferring upon him the status of frail little creature who needs to be brotherly nursed back to psychological health? Is the transgressor depraved or just deprived? Haven't fairy tales forewarned us about harsh judgments, and choices that entail suffering? Shouldn't the compassionate pouring of the dew of reconciliation sweeten new beginnings?
What if there is a 'secret cause' behind what the frail little creature did? A cause so justified and powerful that reconciliation shall unfold upon hearing it? Of course, some 'secret causes' are more (or less) justified following fleeting sociopolitical conjunctures, and adventitious details:”then I felt as though a hand had pushed my shoulder, and I found myself in his arms. He kissed me and said: No more quarrels between us! No, never! Never! Never! I answered.”.
It is quite (un)surprising how an array of more or less lethal garden variety sociopaths find an antidote to their quiet desperation in the preposterous and grotesque myths on cable TV. Readers shall individually determine the real difference between garden variety sociopaths, and the bumbling cartoon characters of action movies who have the crowd rise ecstatic to a standing ovation:”we are what we celebrate”.
On the 'wrong' side of history, as Fascist regimes' final doom approached, Hitler locked up in an underground bunker loved to listen to the biographies of great German leaders. On the 'right' side of history, myth is equally present:
it is a common marketing strategy of the American cinema to attempt to deal with controversial subject matter by having it both ways. so as nor to alienate segments of the mass audience who have strong feelings on one side or another of a particular issue . Patton offended neither doves nor hawks. since each group could read into the film (like a national Rorschach test) its own preconceived ideas about the World War II general and the then-raging Vietnam conflict. Indeed, one hawkish viewer of Patton, President Richard Nixonextnote, watched the film twice at Camp David. Nixon publicly stated, after watching the film that he realized that the solution to the Vietnam quagmire was strong, decisive military action, and he immediately ordered the invasion and bombing of Cambodia. (Tomasulo in Dittmar&Michaud 2000:147). finally, [President Truman] was a student and believer in the Bible since his youth. From his reading of the Old Testament he felt the Jews derived a legitimate historical right to Palestine, and he sometimes cited such biblical lines as Deuteronomy 1:8 [thus Truman decided to recognize the State of Israel as it was established] (Holbrooke 2008: no page). Many years later Reagan further blurred the issue by acknowledging to reporters that he had seen A Wing and a Prayer but also remembered "reading a citation" during his Army days that recommended a medal for a pilot who had ridden his plane down rather than leave a wounded crew member to face death alone. This "citation" may have been the account in Readers Digest, of which Reagan was a faithful reader. But Reagan's comforting comment to Charles McDowell , when the columnist told him a mythical story he believed to be true, suggests that Reagan recognized at some level that he told stories without regard for factual accuracy. After he left the White House, Reagan admitted as much. Discussing the military buildup he had pushed as a top priority, Reagan told Landon Parvin, "Maybe I had seen too many war movies, the heroics of which I sometimes confused with real lifeâ&#x20AC;?. (Cannon 1991:40). extnote
Nixon later denied such accounts any validity (note of this writer).
How's this for a political plot: Good-looking congressman in his mid40s, married with two young children, known for his inspirational speeches, comes from far behind to clinch the Democratic nomination and face an older, more experienced centrist Republican. If he wins, he's America's first non-Caucasian president. It's a drama that plays out each day in the papers and through nonstop cable-TV coverage. But some are beginning to notice that it's a rerun. The whole thing was broadcast a few years back on NBC's "The West Wing." -...-On [TV series] "The West Wing," Santos battles a White House insider, Vice President Bob Russell, played in real life by Hillary Clinton. A deadlocked Democratic convention finally nominates Santos, who selects an older, experienced Washington pro, Leo McGarry, as his running mate (Joe Biden?). Vinick, the GOP candidate, chooses the young West Virginia governor Ray Sullivan, who is a favorite of evangelicals (Mike Huckabee?). -...-David Axelrod exchanged e-mails for a year with Attie as the Santos character was developed and written. Santos was Attie's project, but Obama was Axelrod's project. So, to what degree did "The West Wing" create a test market for a minority candidate? By campaigning to have his guy portrayed in a network hit, did Axelrod soften up millions of Americans for the task of electing the first minority president? Attie says his latest e-mail from Axelrod includes the good news: "We're living your script." If the ending holds up, it may be Axelrod who deserves an Emmy. (Funt 2008:no page, emphasis added). Fringe '...ists', however, are 'crazy in a bad sense', and shall be the target of endless repressive laws and litigation (=so called lawfare, to cost opponents money facing a series of frivolous lawsuits in kangaroo courts) for the flimsy, irascible and unaccountable masses naively believe any lie fed to them. As Foucault argued in 1963, persecution unfolds through the coincident opposites of the labyrinth and the metamorphosis:
This way, one can say that the accused has not been convicted of a "special" crime designed to provide "special protections" to "special groups," but rather has been convicted of an ordinary crime -- only the punishment is to be more severe because of the circumstances surrounding it. No one is being convicted of a thought crime because of their values, opinions and beliefs, only sentenced to 2141
longer terms because of them.(Wilcox 1994:23). With verbs, you are not a victim of a mental illness; you are either the beneficiary of your own good choices or the victim of your own bad choices. You are not ill in the usual sense of having the flu or food poisoning.(Glasser 1998:104). No fuzzy logic and abstract lawyers' chatter is worth risking another episode of sparagmos:
My dissertation confirms and provides a detailed investigation of this idea. I will argue that the psychopathologists of anarchism provided a scientific and medical rationale for denying normal civil liberties to a radical group in a liberal political system. Government spokesmen, legislators, jurists, republican journalists, social commentators, and even cultural critics utilized criminological theories to justify severe measures of "social defense" against anarchism. By portraying anarchists as "born criminals," dangerous "degenerates," or contagious "microbes" threatening the health of the "social organism," the criminologists sanctioned the harshest state measures of "social hygiene." (Erickson 1998:2-3). These are the psychological slums which breed hate and destruction. These "slums" are definitely used as strategic positions in which to spread anti-Semitism; they need mental sanitation, just as tuberculosis and malaria must be combated (Simmel 1946:75)2636. should I not also have the right to eliminate millions of an inferior race that multiplies like vermin? (Attributed to Adolf Hitler by various authors). As the free action of the sunâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s rays is the most effective purifying and healing remedy against infections and disease germs, so the only healing and purifying sun is the revolution itself (Jewish-German Communist leader Rosa Luxemburg in 1918). Far from suggesting a world of flux and shifting appearance, metamorphosis, which is always to be located in the past, results in a firm natural and political order in the present. The human beings who 2636
Fascist regimes had justified their Judeophobic laws and repressive measures in the exact same terms of sanitation against infectious agents. Fascist propaganda portrayed Jews as rats spreading infectious diseases.
undergo metamorphosis, an emphatically final process that leaves no possibility of a return to their prior shape, do not lose the enduring aspects of their being, rather they take on a form that reveals them – an idea that closely resembles influential stoic accounts of identity (Hardie 2006:171, emphasis added). “Personality disorder” theories are very common. They often go hand in hand with other prepackaged sets of beliefs about various dysfunctional traits and conspiracy scenarios. Fr. J.J. Pasquini introduced “The Atheist Personality Disorder” in a 2009 book. A 'personality disorder' can concern either categories (atheists, fascists, religionists...), groups (Jews, Mormons...) or countries (Germany, Iran, Japan, Cuba...).
Studies (such as Inbar et alii, 2011; or Helzer&Pizarro, 2011) suggest that awareness of hygiene concerns and/or threats shift attitude in a conservative direction, meaning by that the “preservation of the social order”. Forensic concerns with hygiene can easily lead to politicized versions: Jews, Communists, homosexuals or Fascists become “germs”, “pests” or “vermin” to be “eradicated”. In other words, preservation of the social order applies to all political orientations, irrespective of whether Communists, Fascists or any other group happen to “be on top” at any given moment:
The rhetoric from some [Thai] ultra-royalists is increasingly alarming. One man posted bullet-ridden photos online of a famous anti-monarchist dissident, Aum Neko, who has been living in exile in France. A long-standing royalist witch-hunt group, “Rubbish Collection Organization,” has led calls for Aum to be hunted down. The name of the group implies those who disrespect the monarchy are “rubbish” to be “disposed of” — Aum has now fled to an undisclosed third country for her safety. (Buchanan 2016:no page). 2143
There is but a thin line between a personality trait and a personality disorder: the valiant patriot who serves the best of all causes because his mind is sound as he goes as far as required scoffing at collateral damage may at any moment be identified as a freakish mass-murderer with a disordered personality...
Bart Ehrman often mentions the “hundreds” or “thousands” (=surfeit that boggles the mind) of “serious scholars” he knows all over the world, who -quite naturally- happen to agree with his stance. When -in a 2009 debate with Christian apologist White- he gets countered by so-called “scholarly opinions” who disagree with his view, he accuses his opponent of pushing belief in authorities: on his website (April 27, 2014), Ehrman admits White “is that kind of fundamentalist who gets under my skin. ”, probably because White -of all the debates the present writer listened to, in which Ehrman sparred with a Christian- could hold his ground rather well.
On the same wavelength, Richard Carrier brags 2637 about how a paper of his changed the face of Hitler studies: almost everybody in the field is supposed to cite his paper. Google Scholar in May 2014, however, references Carrier's article (Hitler's Table Talk) as “cited by seven”: these specialists are full of many things beside knowledge.
Asked on which ground atheists might hate Jesus, self-proclaimed atheist-christian scholar Robert Price exclaimed: 2637
March 22, 2014, Skeptic Fence Show.
What is the problem with Jesus? We are not talking about Hitler. What is the problem with the Bible? There's a lot of barbaric stuff as you would expect in an ancient mythical book, but you know it's not Mein Kampf (Price 2005: no page). Of course, the mention of the 'bad' achronotopos ends the conversation, as raising doubts might be intended as making excuses for the 'bad guys', probably out of unspeakable sympathies. In reality, it is a cheap fideistic trick akin to a dirge in the background to trigger sullenness or sadness.
Price is accustomed to drawing eerie parallels between his fixations with WWII and whichever byzantine point he tries to make regarding the Christian Bible. Whoever might object to Price's elusive theological points, would be held accountable of violating his gross association fallacy (reductio ad Hitlerum) taboo.
Bart Ehrman in an audio interview also compares denying the historicity of Jesus to...Holocaust denial. If R.M. Price floats somewhat on the fringe of mainstream bible criticism, Bart Ehrman does not. Mainstream scholar Ehrman also peppers some of his talks with hefty WWII nods precisely for the same reason Price does: to hijack the mos in his favor.
R.M. Price hoists on his own WWII petard in a July 10, 2008 2638 debate with Christian apologist M. Fernandes. Fernandes compares Price's heterodox views about the Bible to...Holocaust denial, precisely because -according to FernandesPrice's views contradict those of a supposed overwhelming majority of Biblical
The Infidel Guy Show.
scholars. Again, Cialdini's principles are at work: consensus, authority, liking... Silver-tongued Price thus mumbles an incoherent rebuttal saying that even deniers deserve a fair hearing: a position he usually attacks.
Witty punchlines, bad taste comebacks and knee jerking is all that remains if one compares recent historical events attested in tons of proofs and evidence with religious dogma that rests on scant evidence and in-house sources (=Paul's letters as proof of Jesus' existence? 2639) nearly 2.000 years old. At any rate, 'you-know-what' proves to be a silver bullet, whoever uses it first.
Elsewhere, Price2640 defends the thesis the Bible is not Mein Kampf using three basic arguments:
1. Criticism of the Bible often comes from people who haven't read it, and/or are engaged in a political feud with -and on the terms of- fundamentalists.
2. Criticism should come only from people who have studied the Bible intensely for a long time.
3. The Bible is eminently allegorical, so even mentions of slaughter -and other immoralities- ought to be read to stand for something else of deeper significance.
The same precooked strategy can be applied to any and all cases: 2639
It is tantamount to taking documents issued from the Missouri (independent) branch of the Mormon Church as 'proof' of authenticity of the lore and doctrine of the LDS Church of Utah...Or to taking Christian Orthodox sources as validation of Catholic lore and doctrine... 2640 2010.
Not one of the individuals who allege ancient rabbinic racism is an expert in rabbinic literature or in ancient Jewish history. In fact, an examination of the modern “scholarship” paints a sorry picture of the academy, for it shows how academics and others venture into cultural fields they do not understand, deal with concepts, language, and literature they do not comprehend, and how they nevertheless readily devise theories, or repeat those of others, which are baseless and false. (Goldenberg no date:2). Even an unobservant bystander might notice eerie similarities between
Mein Kampf and R.M. Price's incarnation as “Church-going Republican” in 20142641:
But this will not work in preventing the kind of asymmetrical conflict we have with Islamist Jihadis. But this might. I am thinking about a policy of Retaliatory Assured Destruction , a response to any terror strikes on American soil provably linked to Al-Qaida and affiliated demons. In the wake of such a terror incident we would launch annihilating nuclear strikes on any of the countries known to harbor Al-Qaida and not already trying desperately to liquidate them. Such an announced policy might prompt Pakistan, Afghanistan, whomever, to get busy fast trying to exterminate the vermin lest they go down with them. And if they do go down with them, then they asked for it. I’m not talking about regime change. We’ve seen how futile that is. We train the armies of the new government only to have them turn around and shoot our trainers. To hell with that. To hell with them. We will have to play hardball once it’s the only game in town. Israel’s been in spring training for a long time now. We should be, too. Isn’t this barbaric? Yes, but I fear the world situation as it appears to be shaping up will leave us no other options. If we indulge our tender consciences, we will become accomplices in the demise of Western Civilization (pardon the redundancy). (2014:no page). It is hard to guess whether the above comes from R.M Price, a Biblical scholar with two doctorates, or a middle-school dropout who had been drinking 2641
In an audio interview with The Thinking Atheist published November 26, 2013, Price details his intermittent Church-going experience with various Churches, then concludes -as of November 2013- on a note that mentions “the absurdity” of Church-going experience. It is not a wild guess to suppose Price makes it as he goes along according to circumstances.
alcohol and smoking joints while enjoying re-runs of Reaganite Rambo copycat movies from the 1980s2642... That even beats ...ist leaders in matters of bad taste. Because Price is a very articulate, erudite man, odds are he's “faking it” rather than “feeling it” for whichever reason might be his: a “Castro effect”.
Often in distress, and (in)directly asking for donations 2643, Price -a selfproclaimed former fundamentalist- might be probing different niches to see which yields best, even taking a possible 'Castro effect' into account: negotiable honor or marketing strategy? Price might be alternatively carrying armbands of different colors to see how he fares in terms of speaking circuits, book sales and overall visibility. Each of his conflicting incarnations receives frantic accolades from delirious groupies across the political spectrum ( from skeptic atheists on the left to Church-going chauvinists on the right).
Another Dalai Lama of the composite “Jesus myth” cohort, Richard Carrier, is perfectly adamant in a radio interview 2644 about how things work. He claims his first serious grappling with the Jesus myth issue was when he was desperate to cope with his student loans, etc: he went to his acquaintances claiming he'd accept any project or assignment. 2642
In Price's case, that's probably a case of autobiographical inertia. This means that Price might have retained this sort of Reaganite slant from the good old days he avowedly used to be a fundamentalist Christian. Christ's divinity, Biblical inerrancy and miracles got jettisoned, but the Reaganite horn remained in operation. 2643 Examples over the internet run like this:”Dr. Price is in a very bad way, health-wise, right now. Any cash that anyone can spare would go along way to help. -...-Dr. Price is bedridden, and the bills are mounting. ” (http://freethoughtnation.com/dr-price-needs-our-help/). “[R.M.Price] and his family are chronically on the edge financially, without medical insurance, and scarcely able to pay monthly bills. Now their very old house is in urgent need of major repairs. Any help will be vastly appreciated. Even the heavenly minded need a roof overhead.” (http://www.gofundme.com/5uex70). 2644 Unbelievable UK radio show (n.110), December 15, 2012.
So they found opportune arrangements to raise US$ 20.000 so that Carrier -an atheist formerly opposed to Christ-myth theories- might write about how Jesus didn't allegedly exist as an historical figure. In another interview 2645, Carrier claims “I have been paid by some philanthropists in the atheist community”. Things -one ought to notice- are not that different in established academia.
It is difficult to see - in a light other than that of quantum leaps of fideism and cheap political advocacy- how any regime's misdeeds, any demagogue's monomania or addiction, any ideology's (un)intended ill consequences or any leader's foolishness might change the moral, natural or physical nature of another regime's misdeeds, another ideology's ill consequences and another leader's foolishness. There is also no limit but the human mind to what one might wishfully ethicize, whether it is the Ford Pinto case, the Bible, the misdeeds of selfproclaimed devout or atheist regimes...
This stratagem is very common: splitting hairs until the obvious makes no sense any longer. Across all provinces of the political spectrum the same tactics and fallacies are adopted: left-wingers making excuses for this dictator on the left read just like some 17-year old hobo making excuses for another dictator on the right; atheist and religionists plot the same trajectory:”Typically persuasion has a very positive connotation while manipulation does not.”2646.
A “Christian Think Tank” website gives the following list of conditions 2645 2646
March 22, 2014, Skeptic Fence Show. Lakhani 2005:15.
that would constitute an acceptable standard to justify ranking Jesus alongside mythical figures such as Adonis, Osiris, Thammuz and so forth:
Similarity of general motifs is not enough to "prove anything"; we must have "complex structures" (e.g., 'system of deities', 'narrative structure'). 1. Ideally, we would need to establish the historical link first, before looking for borrowings. 2. Differences between structures/stories/complexes do not disprove influence, as long as the parallels are 'too numerous' and 'too striking'. 3. Parallels must be 'striking' (i.e., unexpected, 'odd', difficult to account for). 4. Some/many parallels/parallel motifs are superficial (i.e., identical on the surface), and 'prove nothing'. 5. Parallels that can be used to support the possibility of influence need to be numerous. 6. Parallels that can be used to support the possibility of influence need to be complex (i.e., with multiple parts and interrelationships). 7. Parallels that can be used to support the possibility of influence need to be detailed. 8. The details in alleged parallels must have the same "conceptual usage" reflected in them (e.g., they must be used with the same meaning). 9. The parallels must have the same ' ideas underlying them'. 10.The similar ideas in alleged parallels must be 'central features' in the material--and not just isolated or peripheral elements. 11.Details which are completely unexpected (to the point of being unexplainable apart from borrowing) are strong evidence for borrowing 12.Details which are almost irrelevant to the new context, but which have function in the old context are strong evidence for borrowing (Good Question 2001: no page). It of course appears individual appraisal sets standards regarding whether a parallel is central, or not; whether a set of parallels constitutes numerousness, etc. It is enough to ponder how segments of the Mormon community still regard the contested Book Of Abraham as authentic. They contend the demystification was based upon insufficient or corrupt evidence either by accident or malice. Readers be the judge.
Yet the quintessential division that originated both absolute good and absolute evil in a mythologized past age is invariably posited as the evergreen foundation for the present order:”ancient events, which, as they were continually held up for emulation, were continually appropriated to serve new purposes in ever new contexts”.
Furthermore, such parting of evil from good is occasioned by betrayal or transgression (=going too far) on the enemy's part in his capacity of archetypal trickster: for example Germany's false pacifism or cold-blooded carnage; the Soviets and their fifth column of domestic agitators; internationalist Judaeo-masons, and their 'master plans' etc.
Any real or presumed incoherence -such as alliances or praise formerly directed to the enemy, ideologies, practices or postures associated therewith- shall be ignored on the basis of quintessential good faith and nature on the 'good guys'' part. The end title quote for Rambo III (1988) originally read “This film is dedicated to the brave Mujahideen fighters of Afghanistan ”, but was in recent years sanitized to refer to the “people of Afghanistan ”.
President Reagan himself referred2647 to Mujahideen fighters as “the moral equivalent of America's founding fathers”. Praised one day, reviled the next:”And to some of you who are really too young to remember this, even people around our country were calling [Fidel Castro] the George Washington of Cuba, and 2647
Some counter this by claiming Reagan made the statement about Nicaraguan, not Islamist, militias.
George rolled over in his grave. â&#x20AC;? declared Ronald Reagan in 1986.
How is the line between good and bad drawn?
According to the
moment's ebbing and flowing opportunism. Leaders of 'orange revolutions of freedom' -that boon to mankind- may be exposed as hoaxing profiteers, and imprisoned as soon as political tides turn; the same righteous rabble that had swept them into power shall soon forget them, and buy new bonnets of whichever color is 'in' this season.
Some U.S op-eds have already started to criticize the new 'Arab awakening' regimes as under the influence of Islamo-fascists, and/or fundamentalists keen on oppressing women and minorities. More often than not, the hoped for regimes of freedom and their tenors, then oppressed pariahs, whose life used to be in perpetual danger (which included the likes of Khomeini, Chavez, Mujica, Castro, Mao and others), reveal their dark side and rival with the berated systems they worked so hard to replace, as the post-communist world epitomized.
Of course, it is highly incoherent to judge friends according to 'the emotion it feels right', and foes counting beheaded bodies, burning stakes, stolen bullion or incinerated towns. The position of masters of acceptable discourse is optioned with the precise purpose of scrutinizing public narratives, to accredit some and discredit others. 'Free passes' and gratitude (or damnation) tokens are handed out plotting iffy politicized trajectories:â&#x20AC;?All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophreniaâ&#x20AC;?. 2152
Academic cronyism ensures the approved and sanitized version (for example history books) gets transferred down the public opinion chain as object of ritual worship, unless (or until) another regime decides in favor of another line of interpretation and/or sets of facts, as it was recently the case in Ukraine.
After all those muscled, heart-rending and chauvinistic Chuck Norris, Stallone and so forth movies about American prisoners of war supposedly left behind in Communist Vietnam, the normalization -on business grounds - of the relations between Vietnam and the U.S seeking a new economic Eldorado in SouthEast Asia brings it forth
that the POWs problem is quietly and gentlemanly
decommissioned into disappearance. Patriotic muscle-heads no longer storm the thick jungle of Indochina on screen to focus the horde's fusion around shared values:â&#x20AC;?This practice of creating circumstances and of creating pictures in the minds of millions of persons is very common.â&#x20AC;?.
Cronyism can take up many forms. In the 1980s, wrestling promotion WWF almost broke its bank account trying to foster wrestling -then a marginal event- into the mainstream. Personalities from all provinces of the celebrity spectrum were paid to show up at wrestling events, thus lending a veneer of respectability. From Muhammad Ali (boxe) to Bob Uecker (baseball) and Liberace (pianist); from Clara Peller (ad personality) to Cassandra Peterson (TV personality); from Danny De Vito (actor) to Cindy Lauper (rock star) and Morton Downey, jr. (TV show host), many faces dear to the U.S public flocked at ringside to enhance the
promotion's visibility. R.L. Moore comments on WWF wrestling:”this is a blatant appeal to unregulated archetypal energies”2648.
The Love Boat (1977-1986) was no different. With an impressive legion of guest-stars appearing on the romantic comedy show 2649, the public was led to believe that -somewhere, sometime- there really was this awesome cruise ship with this fantastic crew sailing the high seas to grant the lovelorn -even a celebrity one- a romantic happy ending: it had to be true because celebrities so-and-so appeared “as themselves” on the show.
Wrestling events transited from venues looking like the sporting hall of a third-rate mid-town middle school to posh stadiums and casinos that attracted a much bigger, mainstream U.S public, no longer limited to a handful of hillbillies:
By connecting the swoosh with women, everyday cool kids, and Michael Jordan, Nike uses celebrity in a healthy way. Ordinary people are encouraged to "feel like Mike." To help promote this image, Nike also featured Jordan in an ad in which he was rather unsuccessfully trying to play minor league baseball, thus making him seem more human and accessible than when he is showing such exceptional ability at basketball. Wearing Nikes, then, is aspirational: Consumers wear them not necessarily because they have the qualities of heroism, but because they want to have those qualities. (Mark&Pearson 2001:109). Just like the clothes we wear and the cars we drive, what we talk about influences how others see us. It’s social currency. Knowing about cool things— like a blender that can tear through an iPhone— makes people seem sharp and in the know. So to get people talking we need to craft messages that help them achieve these desired 2648 2649
Moore 2001:part 6. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_The_Love_Boat_guest_stars
impressions. We need to find our inner remarkability and make people feel like insiders. We need to leverage game mechanics to give people ways to achieve and provide visible symbols of status that they can show to others. -...- Virality is most valuable when the brand or product benefit is integral to the story. When it’s woven so deeply into the narrative that people can’t tell the story without mentioning it.(Berger 2013:18,101, emphasis added). Whereas fakelore is "the presentation of spurious or synthetic writings under the claim that they are genuine folklore," folklure is the calculated association of folkloristic concepts with manufactured products, usually through one form or another of the media, in the sole interest of commercial gain. -...- : is it so far-fetched to assume that the primitive, who because he considers the ferret very difficult to kill wears a replica of that animal as a charm against death; or the native, who wishing to be gifted with the strength and stamina of the vulture wears a wingbone from that animal, are so very different from the frustrated executive, who because he wishes to be swift, sleek, and virile is attracted to a three-hundred-horsepower Cougar, Wildcat, or Sting Ray? -...- the creators of folklure, like the original purveyors of fakelore, trade in only the more insipid materials or else busy themselves with "sentimentalizing and prettifying" everything that the public might find objectionable in traditional sources (Sullenberger 1974:53-63). While breakfast cereal tricksters are no where near as “violent” or devious as these traditional tricksters, they will still go to extremes, including stalking, stealing, and deceiving, in order to procure a bowl of the cereal they represent to satisfy their extreme appetite. -...-In a more contemporary version, these breakfast cereal tricksters also break taboos. -...-Additionally, tricksters are notorious for their shapeshifting and ability to disguise themselves to fool others. -...-Cereal marketers utilize this notion of disguise and deception, and apply it to their own characters. -...-there are no boundaries that these tricksters will not cross to achieve their goal of a hearty breakfast. -...-Like all the tricksters previously observed, the Trix Rabbit is driven by his incredible hunger, and uses this drive to do anything he can for it. It has become understood in these commercials that he will dress up in an effort to trick the children who are the keepers of the cereal. Depending on the audience and the era, he has disguised himself as an astronaut, an old lady, a breakdancer, and a karaoke singer, among other things. Yet, though these disguises pertain to a more contemporary audience, the same underlying actions are there. He changes his shape, and alters his outward appearance in order to fool 2155
those around him, just as traditional characters are known to do. (Nadelberg 2008:59-61). Global scale sanitation not only works for wrestling. Christian crusaders are thus depicted as barbaric hordes of unwashed zealots hiding their thirst for blood, conquest and wealth under paper-thin excuses, whereas Muslims are typically depicted as refined gentlemen who solved mathematical theorems, wrote poetry, built irrigation and sewer systems, practiced medicine and had built the greatest conquest empire of all by collecting modest taxes from willing populations they protected rather than exploit, seduced rather than forced to convert, thus taking away much less than what they were giving back.
Again, when massacres are concerned, if the culprit/originator is on the Muslim side, scholars typically melt away privileging the velvet glove aspects over the iron fist, for example claiming Muslims were provoked or outraged into committing the act, possibly a modest skirmish or reprisal critics with an ax to grind sensationalized into a massacre.
When a massacre's culprit/originator is on the Western/Christian side, the tune is inverted, the iron fist aspects come to the fore in a somber portrayal of gratuitous violence and irrational monomania, whose victims cannot even begin to be counted. Such contentions as the role of Muslim slave traders or owners -for example in East Africa- is best ignored if intercultural dialogue is to be fruitful.
Would one extend such courtesy to the Roman, French or British
Empires? No doubt there are apologists of such empires, but for most the emphasis is on spoliation, the annihilation of indigenous cultures and the establishment of foreign supremacy: such a nameless crime.
What about the Romano-Barbaric Kingdoms and Latin RomanoChristian culture Muslims obliterated in North-Africa, Spain and other parts of Europe? What about Buddhist culture they erased in Northern India? What about the Christian-Byzantine culture they wiped out in Egypt and the Middle East? Footnotes of history.
As the 2005 BBC boutique documentary When The Moors Ruled In
Europe argues in an endless, impassioned panegyric, such inept Kingdoms were collapsing into chaos and welcomed Muslims as saviors and restorers of order and civil life: a statement only “that kind of person” would extend to the French, the British, and so forth. Because consistency is to be least expected in the stupendous human soul, the same documentary also pompously indicts the Spanish Christian
reconquista as “the victors' version of history -...- a dishonorable and dirty war -...- a brutal system of protection racket emerged” 2650. Just to know how this little gem of unbiased academic insight registers with the masters of acceptable discourse, author and anchorwoman Bettany Hughes is pelted with prizes and recognition from all angles. 2650
It won't escape readers how in the documentary they refer to the Muslim takeover as providential restoration of civilization against modest taxes. Minutes later in the same footage, Christian takeover becomes an an extortionary protection racket based upon terrorist tactics. Then again this is why 'my guy' (with the right ax to grind) gets to make a documentary for prime-time TV and 'the other guy' (with the wrong chip on the wrong shoulder) doesn't.
Still speaking about slavery, asking inopportune questions about African chieftains supplying European slaveholders with captives may prove insensitive: all Blacks are brothers after all: they are not “the kind of person” that Europeans used to be:” [In the USA] There were almost 6,000 blacks killed by other blacks in 2015. By contrast, only 258 blacks were killed by police gunfire that year. ”2651. What about slavery in Maryland, Delaware, Kentucky and Missouri up until 1868 2652? The Unionist party liner may feel very uncomfortable: isn't such fact possibly driving a wedge into the eulogized picture of righteous Yankees who did not shy from war yet retained significant ambiguities on the very front that allegedly stood at their crusade's center?
What about 'the great man' himself? Apparently, Lincoln had in 1847 (the Matson case in Charleston) defended a slave-holder trying to recapture a fugitive slave woman and her children; equally, allegedly assisting Lincoln in 1847 was U. Linder who -as Illinois attorney general- had led a mob to lynch an abolitionist during the Alton riots of 1837: the wonderful human soul and its sweet unaccountability.
Quite (un)expectedly, Ben-Shahar2653 lionizes “honest Abe” (Lincoln) and his “morbid compulsion for honesty”, citing how Lincoln allegedly quit the courts as he realized one client was guilty. 2651
Bandler 2016:no page. For a graphic representation of the situation regarding slavery policies in the Civil War period:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:US_Secession_map_1865.svg 2653 2005-6a:lecture 20. 2652
on September 18, 1858, Lincoln made his position clear. “I will say then that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races,” he began, going on to say that he opposed blacks having the right to vote, to serve on juries, to hold office and to intermarry with whites. (Pruitt 2012: no page) I have no purpose, directly or indirectly, to interfere with the institution of slavery in the states where it exists. I believe I have no lawful right to do so, and I have no inclination to do so (A.Lincoln, 1860). My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union (A.Lincoln, 1862). Most of us—though certainly not all of us—remember Lincoln as a truly great and noble man who did remarkable things for his country. But he was not always thought of in that way. In his own day, Lincoln in fact was not seen as a great president. -...-Schwartz’s book tries to show that Lincoln did not come to be considered “great” until after his death, and even then his fortunes in memory rose and fell depending on what was happening more broadly in the country as a whole. Every turning point in American history led to a revised image of Lincoln, both who he was as a human being and what he tried to accomplish (and did accomplish). -...-That he explicitly opposed the idea of racial equality, in no small measure because he believed (in his words) that there was a “physical difference” between blacks and whites that would make it impossible. This is a memory of Lincoln that most of us have never had, and as incredible as it seems to us today, it is easy to document from Lincoln’s own speeches and writings. -...-The past is not a fixed entity back there in time. It is always being transformed in our minds, depending on what our minds are occupied with in the here and now. (Ehrman 2016:7-8). The white men of the South were aroused by the mere instinct of selfpreservation to rid themselves, by fair means or foul, of the intolerable burden of governments sustained by the votes of ignorant negroes and conducted in the interest of adventurers. (Democrat U.S President Wilson as a scholar).
How does Ben-Shahar reconcile things? Emphasizing the burden of leadership, of course. What if anyone would be in Lincoln's position (=refrain from hasty judgments; we are all as tainted as all possible transgressors...)? Castro, Wilson, Kennedy, Mao, Hitler, Bush, jr., Blair...'great men' lie all the time.
The National Public Radio show Radiolab devoted an episode to this particular [game] show. The hosts asked Ibrahim what he had been planning to do, and he said he was planning to steal right up until the last minute. The hosts reminded him that he had given an impassioned speech about his father telling him that a man is only as good as his word. “What about that?” the hosts asked, somewhat aghast at this revelation. “Oh, that,” Ibrahim said. “Actually, I never met my father. I just thought it would be an effective story.” People are interesting. (Thaler 2015:192). The history of liberty is the history of the limitation of government power (U.S President Wilson). Some are chastised as rogues, others hailed as saviors:”Keep in mind that most people are as eager as you are to establish rapport. They will generously give you the benefit of the doubt.”;“people wanted to be taken in”; “they wanted to believe”; “we did not have to tell a lie at all, because every time someone came out to justify it”.
With their powers of imagination in gear and focused on themselves, psychopaths appear amazingly unfazed by the possibility-or even by the certainty of being found out. When caught in a lie or challenged with the truth, they are seldom perplexed or embarrassed-they simply change their stories or attempt to rework the facts so that they appear to be consistent with the lie. The results are a series of contradictory statements and a thoroughly confused listener. -...-What makes psychopaths different from all others is the remarkable ease with which they lie, the pervasiveness of their deception, and the callousness with which they carry it out (Hare 1993:46,125). 2160
Other 'great men' act as arch-trickster: the pupils of an established regime, they turn tables on their friends to establish a politically divergent regime. Arminius, the mythologized Germanic warlord (18 BCE-21 CE), was Romanized 2654; he had served in the Roman army with such distinction to deserve not only Roman citizenship, but also the equestrian rank (Roman gentry) that enabled him to possibly serve even as a provincial governor. Arminius betrayed Rome; he chased the idea of becoming a nativist Pan-German chief; he rallied a constellation of enemy German tribes; he lured with treachery his Roman comrades into the bloody ambush at the Teutoburg forest in order to massacre them.
Spanish Fascist dictator Franco had expressly chosen Prince Juan-Carlos of Spain as his successor: Juan-Carlos dismantled the agonizing Fascist regime, and eschewed golpes in order to introduce western mass-democracy.
abdicates in June 2014: his health is in decline; he is rumored to be at the center of extramarital affairs, and his daughter Cristina is under investigation for allegedly embezzling euro 6 million of public money.
Louis-Napoleon Bonaparte was democratically elected President of the French Republic: he ushered in a conservative Empire, just as it happened in the
Star Wars movies. Former President Batista sabotaged the democratic election to bring about a dictatorship in Cuba; democratically elected President of Albania, Zog proclaimed himself King... Both F.D. Roosevelt and J. F. Kennedy were deemed by
He had been educated at Rome since his childhood.
many “traitors to their class” as left-wing Presidents. What are a few transgressions in exchange for delivering the great, ultimate boon that supersedes all?
Of course, reversals are often the arch-trickster's lot: Germanic traitors murder Arminius; Napoleon III, Batista and Zog die dejected in exile...Often, but not always, such is the case: Socialist icon (and former Labour UK Prime Minister) Tony Blair rakes in princely fees as a speaker traveling aboard a US$ 7.000-an-hour private jet2655 extolling the virtue of whichever version of the foolish utopias that might be his. He secures a UK£ 625.000 fee “in less than three hours by brokering late night talks between billionaire businessmen trying to save a £50billion mining deal.”2656. Former French President Sarkozy also pockets hefty speaking fees of up to US$ 325.000 per engagement2657. Another living room revolutionary, former Greek minister Varoufakis, pockets euro 1.000 per minute to grant interviews 2658.
'Great men' are usually followed by a dancing and clapping retinue of cronies:
Vice President Joe Biden’s youngest son Hunter Biden has joined the board of directors of Ukraine’s largest oil company at a time that the U.S. is urging Ukraine to develop energy independence from Russia and just days after the vice president visited Ukraine. -...- Biden, a graduate of Yale Law School, is a counsel to the New York-based law firm Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP and serves as an adjunct professor at Georgetown University’s School of Foreign Service. (ABC News, May 13, 2014). 2655 2656 2657 2658
Mailonline, September 29, 2013. Davies 2012: no page. International Business Times, June 27, 2013. Regarding the case of an Italian TV station, La Stampa, 29 October 2015.
A Snopes.com article attempting to discredit a Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group news story revealing that millions of Department of State tax dollars were sent to a charity created by Secretary of State John Kerry’s daughter was loaded with factual errors and omissions. The Peace Corps awarded more than $9 million of State Department money to Dr. Vanessa Kerry’s nonprofit for a program she established in conjunction with officials from both agencies. Most of those funds were awarded while Kerry’s father was the nation’s chief diplomat. (Barton 2016:no page). Chelsea Clinton is regularly paid sums as high as $75,000 to speak at events on behalf of the Clinton Foundation, it was revealed today. -...- The youngest member of the Clinton family doesn't attract as much cash for her speeches as her high-profile parents, who frequently charge $200,000 or more per appearance, but she is paid at a significantly higher rate than other political figures. The New York Times estimates that former Florida Governor Jeb Bush makes $50,000 a speech, and the news organization said former secretaries of state Colin Powell and Madeleine Albright are known to charge roughly the same amount. -...- Mother Jones estimates that Hillary Clinton has received more than $5 million for appearances since stepping down as Secretary of State a year and a half ago. Between 2001 and 2013 Bill Clinton was paid nearly $105 million for speeches. (Chambers 2014: no page). The charitable foundation run by Hillary Clinton and her family has received as much as $81m from wealthy international donors who were clients of HSBC’s controversial Swiss bank. -...-Hillary Clinton has expressed concern over growing economic inequality in the US and is expected to make the issue a cornerstone of her widely anticipated presidential campaign in 2016. However, political observers are increasingly asking whether the former secretary of state’s focus on wealth inequality sits uncomfortably with the close relationships she and her husband have nurtured with some of the world’s richest individuals. ( Clinton Foundation... 2015:no page). Homages to the 'great man' and his 'best of all causes', or unspeakable trading of princely tokens of favor and ensuing gratitude? Readers shall come to their own conclusions.
The opposite could chance to apply at any moment, however. In the famous 1979 interview with David Frost, Frost insinuates doubts that Persia's deposed Shah might have used purported charities -such as the Pahlavi Foundationas smokescreens to divert millions to members of the royal family, which the Shah disclaims: are readers going to believe in the honesty of the Pahlavi household as much they do in that of the Clinton family?
Is Ben-Shahar's the gem from an Harvard scholar, or isn't this rather the stale, petrified mythological figure of the swashbuckling, taboo-breaking culture hero-trickster? Naturally, who can prevent enthusiasts from playing the same card to the defense of any other leader?
That's because this whitewashing treatment is so effective that ritual defamation, lawfare and threats are a popular response against those who pick the wrong leader/cause to defend. Highly interesting is what the Cottingley witnesses thought about deceiving so many people for so long: “people wanted to be taken in”; “they wanted to believe”; “we did not have to tell a lie at all, because every time someone came out to justify it”2659.
The same applies when considering the convulsions, civil and military unrest and confrontation typical of most post-colonial situations. It is possible to belabor the eventual role of the newly founded administrations that formerly colonized peoples created for themselves after the collapse of the oppressive colonial 2659
Clarke 1985: Fairies, Phantoms And Fantastic Photographs.
In order to dodge the highly insensitive topic -and its possibly irritating conclusions-, 'invisible hands', ghost governments, secret societies, webs of interwoven threats, corruption, blackmail, and other elusive threats, are invoked, which underscore and dominate everything irrespective of any political superstructure that -all things considered- makes little to no difference: the contrary to what had been asserted saluting post-colonial movements, and loathing colonial empires.
The same goes when considering the issue of communities of White settlers 'encouraged' to emigrate from countries either newly independent, or undergoing regime change, which is typically considered acceptable under a majority rule.
When the same principle is invoked against other minorities of various kinds, the accent is on elusive fairness issues that in turn have activists emote their full repertory of sentimental chicanery. Jumping to conclusion about the inner nature of the peoples concerned (generic conclusions about Blackness, Africans, Hispanics or Arabism) based upon concrete situations -such as recurring massmurder and endemic civil warfare in Black Africa; warfare and fundamentalism in the Arab world; gang warfare among Hispanics- tells more about the author of such conclusions than it does about the situation. After all, we live in a world ruled by ideology as Marx intended it, and radical cultural pluralism. 2165
To somewhat make the case that the human mind is on a cusp between a psychotic and neurotic state, the same lot of homo- and xenophiles, lefties, progressives etc also claim that “homosexuals are just born like that” (=dispositional factor). In this case, Christian fundamentalists calling GLBT people “perverts” just apply ideology and cultural pluralism: “perversion” as one possible choice among many (=situational factors). The opposite here -for commodious political reasons again- might also apply at any moment. In fact, right-wing chauvinists claim people of color need to be subjected to the law's iron fist because “they are born like that” (=dispositional factors) irrespective of ideology and cultural pluralism (=situational factors).
All Blacks are brothers after all: they are not “the kind of person” that Europeans used to be. When atrocity campaigns -such as systematic pillage and mutilation taking place in Sierra Leone- unfold, the ultimate blame rests with Western customers in Belgium or the USA buying tainted diamonds coming from Black slave labor forced at gunpoint by Black guerillas to mine diamonds so that this or that Black insurrectionist force may finance itself.
Conversely, conclusions
about Eurocentrism, Whiteness, tell much about the situation and little about the authors: if the shoe fits...
The same story is applied across all special interest cults and persuasions: women are sisters, for example. Mothers-in-law may in many societies be an oppressive force in support of the status quo; women might have rallied behind
imperialist powers at various points in time. Should people connect the dots? Of course not: women remain 'sisters' (='born like that' flapdoodle= dispositional factors), yet some of them are misguided but well-meaning victims of yet another row of invisible hands and forces occultes (=situational factors): if the shoe fits...
Did enemies throw stones or arrows at Orpheus and Gautama Buddha? Did those stones/arrows/spears transform into flowers or dew when entering the savior's mystical field? Was Orpheus just playing the lyre or singing, too? The point isn't that, really: the point is the myth-makers and/or scribes want to insure we get Gautama Buddha's and Orpheus' divine grace:”When we have a legend of a man like this, it doesn't matter whether it's true or false. -...- it has nothing to do with fact. It has to do with the rendition in symbolic form of the sense of the doctrine ” 2660. The same applies to all the 'brotherhoods', 'sisterhoods' and other artificial kins.
Joseph Campbell relays his argument with a radio show host who argued myths to be lies, whereas Campbell argued myths were metaphors 2661. It turned out the radio host did not know what a metaphor was2662. The point seems moot: it all 2660
Campbell 1966. Campbell 1989:The Hero's Journey. 2662 “If you think that the metaphor is itself the reference, it would be like going to a restaurant, asking for the menu, seeing beefsteak written there, and starting to eat the menu. For example, Jesus ascended to heaven. The denotation would seem to be that somebody ascended to the sky. That's literally what is being said. But if that were really the meaning of the message, then we have to throw it away, because there would have been no such place for Jesus literally to go. We know that Jesus could not have ascended to heaven because there is no physical heaven anywhere in the universe. Even ascending at the speed of light, Jesus would still be in the galaxy. Astronomy and physics have simply eliminated that as a literal, physical possibility. But if you read "Jesus ascended to heaven" in terms of its metaphoric connotation, you see that he has gone inward -- not into outer space but into inward space, to the place from which all being comes, into the consciousness that is the source of all things, the kingdom of heaven within. The images are outward, but their reflection is inward. The point is that we should ascend with him by going inward. It is a metaphor of returning to the source, alpha and omega, of leaving the fixation on the body behind and going to the body's dynamic source. ” (Campbell&Moyers 1991:50-1). 2661
depends on which purpose the myth (metaphor, simile, allegory, folklore...) is recruited to serve. NLP and advertisement author Boothman quips that the human brain “feasts on metaphors”2663.
Folklure milled by advert professionals, or hoaxes by politicking conmen can be hardly described as true or authentic, or as reflecting more than the transient priority to goad the public into buying whatever product might be for sale, or into supporting whichever agenda may be in someone's interest.
Of course, today people are not exactly interested in how many stones were thrown at Orpheus; in the unnatural birth of this or that savior-hero; or in some other mythical paradox ancient scribes got into in order to adequately celebrate their worldview.
Nevertheless, scribes haven't remained idle and just updated their craft to cater to contemporary audiences. Associated Press on February 15, 1996 reports about Michael Born, “one of Germany's most prolific free-lance documentary producers”. Born's “vast hoax” unfolds; the supposed “local chapter of white-robed racists” he had exposed in one of his 1994 documentaries consisted of
some pals dress[ed] up as Klansmen because he knew the story would sell -...-. Investigators say he sold bogus documentaries to at least three cable TV networks and made at least $204,000 -...-.Mr. Born admits -...- many others do it, too -...- [as he] was encouraged to fake documentaries by one official at one of the networks -...- selling doctored news as they compete for ratings -...- In 1995, Born allegedly 2663
filmed an interview with Austrian fascists who had been sending letter bombs to politicians and celebrities. In reality, prosecutors allege, the people shown had nothing to do with the bombings, and were friends of Born who he enlisted to help.(Petty 1996:no page). Bialystok2664 mentions a famous documentary that recounted how a U.S unit of all Black soldiers had freed victims in German camps during WWII. “Following the film's release, it was discovered that all-Black battalions were not the first unit of Allied soldiers to enter the camps”, yet some claimed it served the commendable purpose of fostering dialogue between minorities 2665: so emotionally right; “What we have here, in short, is an effort to rewrite history to suit contemporary political purposes ” wrote a newspaper 2666. Another newspaper relayed:
The truth brand exploits our credulity—or perhaps we allow ourselves to be taken in by it—and we accept even the most preposterous of dramatic events because “it really happened that way.” (Feldman 2009:92). The Jewish and Black community were raging at each other -...- [over] the October acquittal of -...- the lone defendant in the 1991 murder of Yankel Rosenbaum -...-. A fantasy of Black-Jewish healing -...- but invention does seem to have played its part in this sad scenario of good intentions gone wrong (Dubner 1993:47ss). The end justifies the means, if good can be reached by deceit, well and good. They wrote forgeries [present in ancient New Testament literature] to promote the truth which were better than telling the truth. (Ehrman 2010:9). Despite the overwhelming evidence that Roots is not the historical document it claims to be, however, many still treat it as such. The Pulitzer Prize board has refused to reconsider taking away the Pulitzer 2664 2665 2666
1996:122ss. Ibid. Washington Times, 7 February 1993.
that Haley was awarded for Roots in 1977, and when the BBC produced a documentary in 1997 to expose Haley's work all U.S. networks banned the show. (Zemla 2002:no page). In 2008, WalesOnline reported:
THE US publisher of a disputed Holocaust memoir has cancelled the book after the author admitted his story of meeting his future wife at a Nazi concentration camp was a lie. -...- the latest in an increasingly long line of literary fakers, with his upcoming book, Angel At the Fence, hailed by Oprah Winfrey among other famous people. -...-. [The publisher] withdrew the memoir following allegations by scholars, friends and family members that Rosenblat’s tale was untrue. In a statement issued today through his agent, Andrea Hurst, Rosenblat, 79, said: “I wanted to bring happiness to people. “I brought hope to a lot of people. My motivation was to make good in this world.”. The Sydney Morning Herald wrote on July 24, 2004:
Her tragic story stole readers' hearts and triggered an international outcry. She became a best-selling author in the same league as J.K.Rowling and Michael Moore. She petitioned the United Nations personally, was published in 15 countries, and Australians voted her memoir into their favourite 100 books of all time. But Norma Khouri is a fake, and so is Forbidden Love. With Australian sales approaching 200,000, the book told of her lifelong friendship with a girl named Dalia in Amman, Jordan. In their 20s, Khouri wrote, she and Dalia started a hairdressing salon together. Dalia met and fell in love with Michael, a Christian army officer. When their chaste affair was discovered, Dalia was murdered - stabbed 12 times - by her father. Norma fled Jordan to Athens, where she said she wrote her book in internet cafes, and ultimately to Australia, where her publisher Random House sponsored her for a temporary residence visa. Khouri, now 34, spent much of 2003 retelling this story, reducing listeners to tears and anger, in interviews, book festivals, bookshops and other events. She toured the world with the story, from appearing on network television in the US to being selected for a citywide book club in Adelaide. -...- Khouri's hoax will take its place in a long Australian tradition of literary fraud, from Ern Malley to Helen Darville-Demidenko. But no other fraudulent book has had such wide sales or impact, and in Darville's case the deception only involved her 2170
persona, not her book. Khouri has misled the world both on the page and in person. (Knox 2004: no page, emphasis added)2667. On writing: "The most challenging thing was reliving all of the events, especially the days of [Dalia's] murder. I would become very emotional and upset, and would have to walk away from it for hours at a time to be able to cope with all of the emotions I was feeling." ¤ Fact: the events, as Khouri told them, never occurred. On life in the West: "Life in the West is wonderful, but I still feel guilty because I have these rights and the women that I know and love in Jordan still do not have access to these rights." Fact: Norma has always lived in the West, having left Jordan at three years of age. From an interview in The New York Times: "Sing to me," she tells her aunt, the only family member she dares to call in Jordan. "Let's sing the song we used to sing when we were together." And so the two women joined their voices as they had when life was happier, in an old ballad that now seems to have been written just for them. Fact: no such aunt exists. On Dalia: "I didn't agree with the fact that my family and her family expected me just to get on with my life and act as if she had never existed.". Fact: Dalia never existed. (Norma Khouri: no page, emphasis added). In the summer of last year al-Sabbagh and a colleague, Rana Husseini, set to work researching Khouri's claims. They found 73 errors and exaggerations in the book. Most damning, the unisex salon, which forms the focus for the book's action, set in the early and mid-1990s, could not exist by law and was not remembered by any Amman hairdressers or their union. On September 15 last year al-Sabbagh submitted this dossier of errors to Khouri's publishers in the United States and Australia. Random House Australia replied: "Following our discussions with Norma we are satisfied that, while some names and places have been changed to protect individuals' identities ... Forbidden Love is a true and honest account of her experiences." Khouri, who enclosed a letter to the commission, along with individual rebuttals of all 73 points. "Forbidden Love is not fiction," she wrote, going on to attack the commission. "Is it not enough that her father received nothing more than a slap on the wrist for her murder ... now you wish me to say that she never existed in the first place ... and for what ... the 'image of Jordan'. I am angered to see that you are more concerned for the 'image of Jordan' than for the many innocent victims of honour killings each year in your country.". Her responses to the commission's points were laced with emotion - "I was 2667
The article further details the author's bohemian and enigmatic past, double lives etc.
there" - but she conceded she had changed many names and places and altered timelines to "protect the innocent". ( The Lies Stripped Bare: no page, emphasis added). This happened at George Washington University in the District of Columbia in December 1990 when a student, Mariam Kashani, reported a rape incident which never occurred to the campus paper (appropriately named The Hatchet).She told of an incident in which two young black men "with particularly bad body odor" had raped a white female student at knifepoint -...-.Then, the day after the newspaper report, a lawyer for Mariam Kashani, the sophomore who said she knew the victim and was the newspaper’s main source of information about the attack, called the campus police to say she [Kashani] made up the report." Ms. Kashani, an active feminist who had been involved in rape crisis counseling at Tulane University (Wilcox 1994:96-7). Such dynamics are at work in all corners of the political spectrum. Martin2668 writes about the Great Ukrainian Famine of 1932-33, a disaster triggered in the wake of new Stalinist policies of collectivization, and reprisals against dissidents, in terms of “memory battle” between Russia and Ukraine. The tragedy that took countless lives in Ukraine is used as a battering ram against Russia, peaking under the Yushchenko regime:
In a country both politically and culturally divided such as Ukraine, where several conflicting historical narratives coexist and are often to be found in competition, this meant undertaking a gigantic campaign of promotion of the official interpretation of the Famine on a national level. The imperative was not just to perpetuate the memory of the tragedy, but rather the “right” memory of it. (Martin 2011:32). And being promptly laid to rest under the following regime.
'We are what we celebrate' is thus a fallacious maxim to go by, according
to the present writer:
However, the most symbolical initiative came a month later, on 27 April 2010, when the new Ukrainian President officially repudiated the Genocide Thesis in a speech before the Parliamentary Assembly to th Council of Europe (PACE) -...- Characteristic of the indignation of nationalistically‐minded Ukrainians was the reaction of Vladimir Volosjuk, a plain citizen who decided to sue the Ukrainian President for his denial of the genocidal nature of the Holodomor, expecting public apologies. Volosjuk could boast to have the law on his side, since Juščenko’s 2008 Holodomor Denial law was still in force, but he was nevertheless repeatedly denied satisfaction – a clear signal that the winds had changed in favor of “Holodomor deniers” -...-. In May 2010, the Minister announced that a new history textbook for teachers would be written jointly by the Russian and Ukrainian Academie of Sciences. What was at stake, in Tabačnik’s opinion, was to put an end to the “delirious hyperbolization of just one form of judgment”. (Ibid.:25-6). So rather than Piltdown being a black mark on the archaeological record, one could argue that it shows that the scientific method worked. The hoax was revealed and the error was corrected. (Johnston 2010:54). In 2014, after much turmoil, (pro-Russian) President Yanukovych is overthrown as organized mobs invade the streets once again. A(nother) pro-western establishment materializes in the name -this time- no longer of an elusive “orange thirst” for freedom, but of an equally vague “European choice”. In the usual reversal of roles routine, (former) rogues become (the moment’s) good guys, and (former) good guys become (the moment's) rogues: Yanukovych -still at large- is “wanted for mass murder”2669. Time will tell what sort of “memory effects” this new shift shall trigger.
Reuters, February 24, 2014.
In Egypt, the death penalty might also be meted out to deposed President Mursi, now detained. Having been in power only about a year (2012-13), Mursi is naturally not accused of mass-murder, but of being “a spy” operating on behalf of Hamas, Hezbollah and other terrorist groups. In Burkina Faso, military conspirators who deposed President Compaoré are in turn deposed literally hours after the fact.
The case of the Katyn massacre prompted the same theatrics, squabble, and number wars:”Sixty-five years ago, in April and May 1940, NKVD shot almost 22,000 Polish citizens -...-. Third, the statement of the Russian Chief Military Prosecutor who said the fact of killing only 1,803 people “has received absolute confirmation” requires explanation because it is common knowledge that more than 14,500 prisoners were killed. ”2670.
Portnoy also reports alleged developments related to 'matters of memory':
A report by Britain’s Department for Education and Skills notes that an increasing number of schools are dropping the teaching of the Holocaust from history lessons to avoid offending Muslim students. The report, titled Teaching Emotive and Controversial History, also observes that many teachers are reluctant to discuss the Crusades because the lessons frequently contradict what is taught in local mosques. (2012: no page). Telling forensically true or false stories really makes no difference: in any situation, and in the service of any cause. After all, 'the cause' is so legitimate, 2670
Statement 2009: no page.
“factualized” -and so 'emotionally true'- that clipping a few edges- and pushing a few facts aside- is of no importance. If at any point falsehood is proven to have entered the pictured, it shall be interpreted as “accidental falsehood”.
If we were fully rational about the beliefs we hold and the conclusions we reach, we’d always follow the insight of Thomas Bayes, who first proposed the Bayes theorem. He realized that to understand the likelihood of a given situation, we need to take into account the base rates—it’s not enough to consider confirmatory evidence.-...-The climate debate will go down in history as a prime example. For every new study demonstrating the link between human activity and climate change, deniers point to a data point or 2 showing that parts of the Earth are cooler now than they were in the past. This is a very human thing to do. (Viskontas 2017:83-84, emphasis added)2671. Of course, now and then some small fry may be thrown into the maws of scorn and exposure so that the big fry can keep up the pretense of truthfulness and accountability:
Freelance writer Rob Sgobbo's article "For-Profit Blues" was removed from the website after the Voice learned that Sgobbo had invented a character, "Tamicka Bourges," who claimed she had amassed a large debt at Berkeley College without obtaining a degree. We first learned that there might be a problem when Berkeley College denied that one of its spokespersons, Kelly Meisberger, had spoken to Sgobbo. Berkeley later added that it had no record of Bourges as a student. At about the same time, the GAO called to inform us that there was no spokesperson there named "Matt Fraser," whom the story quoted. 2671
Mainstream intellectual Viskontas -herself a campaigning atheist- is no different from Richard Carrier and other fringe figures. Of course, Viskontas and Carrier may use Bayes' theorem to “prove” secular (atheist, progressive, what have you) truths, whereas M.L.E. Andrews (university philosophy of science instructor) in a university paper claims how ”Thus, with Bayes’ Theorem applied to the historicity of the resurrection, there is a 72 percent likelihood that the resurrection [of Jesus as told in the Gospels] happened.” (2010:9). Tartuffery may be the norm. Viskontas pillories so-called “brain superfoods” that -in controlled studies- show little to no improvement: superfood fads are the result of exploitative merchants and gullible buyers who “cherry pick” studies to brag how superfoods really work (2017: Can Certain Foods Make You Smarter ). Woe betide serving all those lefty tartuffes a dose of their own medicine in matters of GLBT rights, climate change and other pet peeves of theirs.
(Ortega 2011: no page). Sgobbo, who graduated from the J-School last year, took the stage at the J-School’s end-of-the-year award ceremony for impressive work in education reporting. (Zhong 2012: no page, emphasis added). Glass, a 25-year-old rising star at The New Republic, wrote dozens of high-profile articles for a number of national publications in which he made things up. As 60 Minutes first reported in May, he made up people, places and events. He made up organizations and quotations. Sometimes, he made up entire articles. (Leung 2003b:no page). The New York Daily News also severed its ties with intern Sgobbo, who had more than 70 bylines with the journal; traces of such bylines are at present nowhere to be found. An anonymous internet reader commented thus on the Sgobbo affair2672:”the temptation to write stuff that you know is "essentially" true even if you can't provide the citation for it. ” 2673; “For some people, outrage is a pleasant emotion, and disseminating a rumor that breeds outrage can enhance one’s reputation, especially within certain social networks.” 2674;”We only wanted one thing from Jonah Lehrer [=hoaxing columnist]: a story. He told it so well that we forgave him almost everything. ”2675.
There are many venerated Moslems who actually are known to have succumbed to this temptation, some of them explicitly admitting that they did so. It is important to note, moreover, that in spite of the fact that these men were known as forgers, they were nevertheless revered as holy men because their lies were considered to be completely unobjectionable. It was a quasi-universal conviction that it was licit in the interest of encouraging virtue and 2672
In this particular case the squabble between non-profit and for-profit universities in the U.S. The fabricated article put a for-profit school in a bad light. 2673 Comment on a webpage:http://gawker.com/5727609/village-voice-caught-in-jayson-blair+style-fabricationscandal 2674 Sunstein 2014:39. 2675 Kachka 2012:no page.
submisssion to the law, to concoct and put into circulation sayings of the Prophet. (Smith, cit. in Price 1993:73-74). The same dynamic undergirds the formation of miracle traditions -whether Chinese Buddhist, Christian or otherwise- that basically tell amazing, improbable stories to get a doctrinal point across:”the temptation to write stuff that you know is "essentially" true even if you can't provide the citation for it. ”. If Sgobbo hadn't been caught, his fabricated bunk would probably have become common knowledge: another “rumor that breeds outrage [that] can enhance one’s reputation, especially within certain social networks.”.
People would rise their hands in agreement confirming how they indeed personally heard the same account from “Tamicka Bourges”, “Matt Fraser” and other eye-witnesses who have never walked this earth in the flesh:” [to] make people feel like insiders. ”;”he made up people, places and events. He made up organizations and quotations.”.
Contrary to popular belief, that's how “eye-witness testimonies” are often said to provide a story's bedrock: fake eye-witnesses to a fictional event:”What is someone going to tell my cousin, “No, I think you’re lying, there’s no way [that shop] would be that nice”? Hardly.”;”meetings that never occurred attended by people who didn't exist talking about events that never happened. ”.
If all else fails, and “eye-witnesses” cannot be conjured up, the narrator can act that part: s-he saw the shark-sized trout; s-he saw the Tibetan lama
levitating in mid-air; s-he was close up and personal as Pope Francis I, Obama, Berlusconi, etc performed a deed that “made history”; s-he saw the “one-in-five” child or the “one-in-three” woman who was mercilessly raped...Whether with their own eyes (as promoters affirm), or with “spiritual eyes” (as demoters emphasize) remains an open question.
This constitutes a secular counterpart of isnad, an Islamic procedure of authentication that traces items of faith back to Mohamed himself through a chain of witnesses (a series of handshakes that hark back to the great man).
(Un)surprisingly enough, Bible scholar Ehrman thinks the same about the authors of New Testament literature:”They wrote forgeries because they wanted people to hear them. ”2676. Regarding the Born video program hoaxes cited elsewhere, “Prosecutor Norbert Weise said Born usually chose topics that had an element of truth, then created his own scenarios so the stories would be more compelling.”2677: accidental falsehood?
If you still have doubts about the validity of the Pure Land teachings, please ask yourself the following: Believing in causality and understanding the teachings, how could any student of the Buddha write a sutra and claim it to be by the Buddha? This would be an outrageous breaking of the precept against lying and a betrayal of him. The effects of such an act would terrify anyone with a basic understanding of the teachings. Conversely, not believing in causality and lacking understanding of the teachings, how could any student of the Buddha, or anyone else, have written so many perfect teachings? How could any person without understanding have woven so perfectly all the threads of the Pure 2676 2677
2010:8. Petty 1996: no page.
Land teachings into the Buddhaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s tapestry of teachings? Accomplishing the unaccomplishableâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;ghostwriting a sutra. One simply does not sit down and write a sutra. How could anyone have managed to so flawlessly include the Pure Land teachings in so many sutras? (Wuling, February 5, 2009). Isn't this the moral behind all hoaxes? It helps to ponder how the perpetrators are not just random nobodies in the crowd having occasionally done something silly, but the chorus leaders:
After the Brawley hoax, an article in the Nation magazine argued that it "doesn't matter" whether Brawley was lying, since the pattern of whites abusing blacks is true. And when Rigoberta MenchĂş's famous account of class and ethnic warfare in Guatemala was revealed to be largely false, many professors said this didn't matter much because her book contained emotional truth. The blurring of the line between fact and fiction is far advanced in our university culture. Hoaxes are just one symptom of the truth problem (Leo 2000: no page, emphasis added). New York Post columnist Eric Breindel commented that radical attorney William Kunstler had said, concerning the Brawley case, "It makes no difference anymore whether the [1987] attack on Tawana really happened...a lot of black women are treated the way she says she was treated." (Wilcox 1994:45). This practice of creating circumstances and of creating pictures in the minds of millions of persons is very common. -...- regimenting the public mind every bit as much as an army regiments the bodies of its soldiers. So vast are the numbers of minds which can be regimented, and so tenacious are they when regimented (Bernays 1928: no page). The meaning of a brand is its most precious and irreplaceable asset. Whether you're selling a soft drink or a presidential candidate, what your brand means to people will be every bit as important as its function-if not more so-because it is meaning that tells us "this one feels right" or "this one's for me." Meaning speaks to the feeling or intuitive side of the public; it creates an emotional affinity, allowing the more rational arguments to be heard. (Mark&Pearson 2179
2001:10). But particular histories are both infinite, because of their great number, and without fixity, because the same facts are not recorded by all respecting the same person.-...-Thus, of an assumption which begins with a falsehood and is so multiform that it cannot be checked, and changes its shape at each man’s fancy, there can be no technical treatment. (Sextus Empiricus, Against the Professors 1.260–262, Bury trans.). Fantastic party liners milling preposterous re-editions of “what they know is "essentially" true even if they can't provide the citation for it” also helps to counter the “terror of history” that could shatter collective consciousness to pieces by relativizing, countering, debunking, or simply explaining the 'great truth' -whichever that might be- otherwise:”the world begins to be uninhabitable for you”. It also helps to ponder how proponents of UFO and paranormal doom, too, tell their stories detailing “what they know is "essentially" true even if they can't provide the citation for it”.
While their ultimate doom quickly approached, in late 1944 Fascist authorities in the portion of Italy occupied by Germany still commemorated their founding myths (D'Annunzio, the Ethiopian War, La Marcia Su Roma, the veteran's ethos etc ); Mussolini also granted an exceptionally liberal amnesty to those wishing to make unconditional amends, and to join the regime: signal values.
In Australia, 'For the Fallen' is now known as 'The Ode of Remembrance'. At many Anzac Day ceremonies, after the fourth stanza is declaimed, it is customary for those present to respond with the words 'Lest we forget', as if to an invocation in church, which, in a sense, of course it is. (Rieff 2011:5).
Environmental change creates this rigidity -...-. When a change takes place in the external environment, we perceive as a threat often. And threat seems to lead to this restriction of information and constriction and control in organizations: a rigid response on the part of people, groups and organizations. And typically, that rigid response entails a focus on well-learnt, dominant response pattern from the organization's past. And these well-learnt patterns of behavior may have been appropriate in the past, but they're typically not appropriate for the new environment. (Roberto 2011: Resistance And Reactions To Change). A doubting Mussolini enjoyed his last accolades preaching to the masses in Milan (December 1944), where the Fascist party had been officially banded in 1919. As the USSR disbanded, landmarks and Lenin's statues were the first to go. In Lisbon, the 1966 Salazar bridge changed name to 25 th of April bridge to commemorate a regime change after 1974.
30 October 2014, an angry mob torches the Parliament in Burkina Faso: after a 27 year rule, President CompaorĂŠ flies the country as mobs hunt his clan down, topple and desecrate his statues: signal values in reverse. In November 2014 at Brisbane (Australia) for the G20 reunion, flop house regulars and other kindred spirits jeer Russian President Putin, whose images are desecrated because of the infamous role Russia professedly plays in the orchestration of the Ukrainian crisis.
Only a few months after his last accolades (April 1945), Mussolini's dead body would be exposed to public furor and hung upside down 2678 right there in Milan. (Not so) oddly enough, Mussolini's last speech clearly pointed to the
achronotopos of the myth, when Italy used to be a powerful and respected nation 2678
At Piazzale Loreto, where earlier the bodies of executed antifascist activists had been left as an example, the bodies of executed Mussolini, Barracu, Pavolini, Farinacci, Starace and others were hung upside down.
before the 'good shepherd's' overthrow: a deluded lunatic clinging to his failed utopia. The manifesto of the 1991 USSR August golpe against Gorbachev repeated more or less the same things2679: the agonizing decommissioning of the possibly wrong but terribly romantic Soviet dream of a workers' paradise.
In 2013 the Italian, bipartisan Letta (politician from Partito Democratico, or the new designation of the Communist party) government sports a minister of color for the first time: what a giant step forward for all mankind. Emplotment (in the jargon of metahistory it includes romance, satire, comedy, tragedy) always pays dividends.
Again, in the achronotopos float the blurry remains of what once was historical past filtered through the prism of memory, aesthetic sense and situational constraints. In the movie The Last Action Hero (1993), set aside the improbable terms, many faddish, fossilized, grotesquely predictable and larger than life characters transit from the achronotopos of the movies they are embedded in to our real world with immense disappointment on their part.
In the fuzzy dimension of the achronotopos, it is the contingent, commodious priority of the activist-shaman that colors the mythologized past in a different garb according to the invocation's purpose:â&#x20AC;?Producing the plot is the most creative moment in the threefold process of mimesis. In the composition of the plot,
Almost all leaders of import used variations on this theme of the recapture of a bygone age of heroes/glory: Sun Yat-Sen, Hitler...
the essential thing is that the narrator is the maker of plots â&#x20AC;?2680.
Historians -who can bury one regime or individual under heaps of damning evidence forensically precise beyond doubt to the third decimal figure- are silent and powerless when requested to measure the impact of Terreur, noyades (mass drowning), the expeditionary massacre against royalist VendĂŠe during the French Revolution, or the fraudulent and recurring economic meltdowns that plague contemporary western mass-democracy...
Of course, some do put forward some estimates that -if significant enough to tarnish the reputation of 'the great ideas' or 'the great man'- are rejected as dubious, stemming from unspeakable sympathies (=transcendence=qualitative aspect=personalized=connotation=rapport). It turns out there is (or indeed: might be ) a papyrus, inscription, clay tablet, cablegram, eye-witness account, warehouse list, diary
personalized=denotation=facticity=report) etc 'good enough' (or 'bad enough') to (un)substantiate any thesis, person or event.
A fitting example is the ancient Chinese Shu (Book Of Documents) allegedly Confucius' work (V-VI century BCE) that mentions decrees and deeds of founding patriarchal Emperors Yao and Shun from the mist of time: they ought to have existed, then. Although Shu was passed off as an official chronicle for ages, various rows of scholars, both western and oriental, decree that Shu is a 2680
Heikkinen et alii 2000:no page, emphasis added.
preposterous jumble of forgeries from various epochs.
Multiple standards rule everywhere in a world supposedly busy kowtowing to moral codes and laws cast in stone in a mythical past. Mormons expressly state that the Christian bible is the word of god provided it is properly translated:
After years of remarkable inattention since the 1950s, Red Army rapes became in the early 1990s (provoked in part by the sexual violence associated with the conflicts in former Yugoslavia) the subject of vigorous scholarly and feminist debates on German women's role in the Third Reich. The sixtieth anniversary of war's end- with its new emphasis on public recognition of German suffering, combined with a growing global awareness of rape as a war crime in civil and ethnic conflicts-brought renewed public attention, albeit in a less carefully contextualized mannerextnote, to the story of German women's victimization." The numbers reported for these rapes vary wildly, from as few as 20,000 to almost 1 million or even 2 million altogether , as the Red Army pounded westward. A conservative estimate might be about 110,000 women raped, many more than once, of whom up to 10,000 died in the aftermath; others suggest that perhaps one out of every three of about 1.5 million women in Berlin fell victim to Soviet rapes. (Grossman 2007:49, emphasis added). At that point, any moralistic stance becomes little more than a “comedy of innocence”.
If the idea of revenge championed by Germany after the WWI seems to the contemporary reader an abomination leading inescapably to carnage, or a fig leaf for more mundane imperialism, the mythology shrouding the concept of revanche extnote
The scholar is here possibly urging the reader to thread his feelings according to prevailing cultural norms, mos and suchlike before starting to groan or scream as s-he learns about such horrible misdeeds. As readers make their uncompromising 'moral' decision, they -like infants- look over their shoulders to see which direction is the (political) wind blowing as “interpreting communities” officiate. (note of this writer).
(against the 1870 defeat at the hands of Prussia) had been at the core of French politics for decades before WWI, and 'accredited' historians cannot typically put it in a light good enough (as a righteous or legitimate reaction against 'German militarism', for example).
When the Ottoman Empire (allied with Germany and Austria) collapsed, victors occupied its territories. Soon thereafter, an insurrectionist government under the leadership of Mustafa Kemal, a war veteran Ottoman officer, rose denouncing the Sultan's (inept, corrupt...) government, and its acceptance of the vexatious peace conditions that shattered Turkey's sovereignty. Military confrontation thereafter ensued between the Kemal government and representative contingents of the occupying forces, until Turkey was freed from foreign occupation.
Ben-Shahar, too, lionizes Kemal, his patriotism and his ground-breaking reforms2681. While uncannily similar to German 'roll back' policies of the 1930s in the disavowal of the legitimate government having signed the peace treaties, and in the denunciation of the injurious conditions thereby imposed upon the people, generally generous reviews are reserved to the Turkish reaction (understandable, gallant, masculine...), when the situation is discussed in some length, and not simply set aside or exiled to footnotes: the folklore of the event changes drastically.
The same response sympathetic to possible Turkish sensitivities persists regarding the tragic Armenian question and ensuing responsibilities. Civilians that 2681
are generally believed to have been deliberately and systematically rounded up for elimination become -in the 'careful' version- mostly victims of epidemics, logistic collapse, shortages, famine and other haphazard ills and fateful accidents routinely associated with warfare.
The strategy that might see in other circumstances the incautious proponent as making excuses for a murderous regime (and thereby being guilty â&#x20AC;&#x201C; by at least a moral if not a legal standpoint- of the same horrendous crimes by way of guilt by association ) becomes championing freedom of speech in academia.
'Accredited' historians fence in the shades of gray of interpretation in order to avoid offending the Turkish nation with hasty verdicts, jousting with sources or facts that just might lend themselves to multiple interpretations 2682.
Jaspers insisted on the distinction between moral guilt based on what one has done and moral guilt based on who one is, and on the necessity not to conflate the two. But today, where collective memory is concerned, conflating the two is precisely what we are constantly being instructed that morality and ethics require us to do. Relying as it does on highly questionable notions of collective consciousness, it is a dubious demand intellectually and, insofar as it manumits those who believe themselves to have been wronged from distinguishing between those who have actually wronged them and those who did nothing, or did not do enough, to prevent that wrong from occurring, a dangerous one socially and politically, no matter how well intended.(Rieff 2016:42). In fact, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;offence to the Turkish nationâ&#x20AC;? (art.301) is punishable under Turkish criminal law (much as high courts enforced similar prohibitions in Italy to
As a mere example, see Stanley 2006.
defend the proud nation's honor), a sort of '...ism-censorship law' working counterclockwise, whose (ab)use to discipline deviationists has not diminished the fervor of the forgiving, sympathetic political alchemists who generously extend Europe's new frontier to Asian Anatolia.
Reuters reports (25 January 2009):
International calls to investigate Israel over alleged war crimes in the Gaza Strip prompted Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Sunday to promise military personnel state protection from foreign prosecution. -...- Last week, the military censor ordered local and foreign media in Israel not to publish names of army commanders in the Gaza war and to blur their faces in photos and video for fear they could be identified and arrested while traveling abroad. (Heller 2009: no page). The 'pure versus impure' dilemma does not apply if interpretive communities think it shouldn't, which means it might start to apply at any time as the current squabble between France and Turkey shows:â&#x20AC;?If you can write a nation's stories, you needn't worry about who makes its laws.â&#x20AC;?. That's the best way to appraise the eminently political -hence situational- nature of such maxima moralia championed by crusading politicians, emoting mountebanks and hecklers gasping for breath in distress.
Max Mosley -the racing executive with no conspicuous political activitysurfed unscathed for ages on the empathetic wave that prescribes not to judge the offspring for his ancestors' crimes. Then salesmen caught him in a presumed sex scandal that involved prostitutes acting fantasies out in NSDAP uniform. Prigs suddenly realized that Oswald Mosley - the uninfluential British politician and 2187
leader of noisy but negligible British Union Of Fascists in the 1930s– was after all Max's unforgivable father. Prigs' outrage in turn made dolts flip out in a orgy of sentimental display of fashionable loyalties: it was high time for Max - the equally unforgivable son- to fry. In late 2017 it's premier actor Kevin Spacey who fries under more or less similar accusations: a Nazi and pedophiliac father and huge sexual impropriety.
The same applied to de Man uncle (a Belgian Socialist leader brownnosing with the NSDAP regime) and nephew, later a famous literary theorist 2683 having apparently shared his uncle's 'impure' sympathies during WWII as he authored Fascist and judeophobic pieces. Famous Romanian scholar M. Eliade also shared far right-wing sympathies, and flirted with Romanian Fascism. If De Man's case arose only posthumously, Eliade's case never really presented itself: hecklers' grievances were gentlemanly discarded as background noise.
A recent case involves Richwine, who analyzed the interplay of IQ and ethnicity on U.S immigration in his 2009 Harvard doctoral thesis. In 2013 he was skewered as his dissertation -publicly available online since the beginning – was suddenly dissected as left-wing activists piled scorn upon him almost as fast as the conservative U.S foundation he worked for hastened to sever all ties with him. 2683
Hansen writes “Paul de Man is an even better exemplar. After his death it was discovered that he had collaborated with the Nazis in Belgium, and that he was a bigamist who abandoned his children. David Lehman’s revealing study Signs of the Times: Deconstruction and the Fall of Paul de Man reports that “When the twenty-eight-year-old de Man embarked for the United States in 1948, he left behind a crowd of angry creditors and the prospect of a lawsuit. He had ruined his father and had earned himself a local reputation for dishonesty. -...-The trickster archetype is striking, and the life of de Man confirms the aphorism that philosophy is largely autobiography.” (2001:273-4).
Before him, Prof. Deandre Poole, an Afro-american vice-chair of a county branch of the U.S democratic party, was skewered over running a peculiar experiment in his university class that involved walking over a piece of paper with the name of Jesus written upon. Conservatives and religionists rode on their high horses in town to the rescue: Poole was placed on administrative leave, and -with quite some reluctance- the university issued an apology.
Poole and Richwine met with harsher retribution than it was Eliade's or de Man's case: mysterium tremendum et fascinans. Just to show how society's pecking order works, Poole was suspended during the Spring, and reinstated during the Summer; not so for Richwine.
Richwine rationalizes his plight:
The reason for that is simple. The media were never interested in me or in the substance of my dissertation. They wanted only to use my work to embarrass the Heritage Foundation and, by extension, all opponents of [immigration] amnesty. It’s a familiar formula for “gotcha” journalism: Uncover an “extremist” associated with a mainstream organization, then demand to know how the organization could possibly associate itself with him. Keep turning up the pressure, hour after hour, with “shocking” new revelations. -...-Some students at Harvard are now using the same strategy to denounce my dissertation findings. An open letter signed by 23 ethnic student groups contains this gem: “Even if such claims had merit, the Kennedy School cannot ethically stand by this dissertation whose end result can only be furthering discrimination under the guise of academic discourse.” It would be difficult to find a more explicit embrace of censorship. (2013:no page). In terms of sheer effectiveness, nothing works quite as well as a racist or anti-Semitic incident to intimidate an institution, "sensitize" a population, polarize an issue or silence critics. Victimization, genuine 2189
or faked, can accomplish more in minutes than months of organizing, agitation and propaganda. (Wilcox 1994:33). What Richwine here muses upon is the divide between shame, which rises out of voluntary actions that deserve to be spotlighted and chastised, and embarrassment, which rises out of unintentional gaffes or slips that deserve to be either put in the right perspective, or promptly forgiven.
Another way to put it is: shame means that there is something wrong (= “that kind of person” shtick) with the person committing the act, whereas guilt means the person did something wrong (=guilty of murder, speeding etc=it might happen to everybody). As some put it, shame is the fear of impeding disconnection from the world at large, the horde, the collective. Of course, jousting parties are both trying to argue that whatever might be at stake is a matter of embarrassment (=unintentional,
depersonalized) on their part, and a matter of shame
(=dispositional traits= intentionality) on the adversary's part, and vice versa.
According to the press2684, magistrates offered Italian left-wing politician Marrazzo “un patto tra gentiluomini” (an agreement between gentlemen) as one sexual scandal was about to erupt. Magistrates offered to chalk the upcoming scandal up to private business, about which they would kept silent. What was Marrazzo supposed to offer in return for such favor is left to readers to determine. The scandal eventually exploded, and Marrazzo resigned. Leadership is coterminous with authenticity indeed. 2684
Sarzanini 2009: no page.
On the same wavelength, former PDL politician -and Milan's mayorAlbertini -now running on his own- forewarned PDL regional leader Formigoni -now Albertini's rival- that he'd better leave him alone, because “Se racconto quello che so lo metto definitivamente a terra e lui sa benissimo a cosa mi riferisco ” (If I go public with what I know, that is going to knock him out for good, and he knows what I am talking about)2685. In 2014, the judicial system impounds estates and bank accounts worth euro 49 million as Formigoni and his accomplices are investigated for corruption and wrongdoing in the operations of a purportedly no-profit hospital; Formigoni denies those estates and bank accounts belong to him 2686: he has only few personal possessions, and is avowedly on the verge of insolvency in spite of decades spent at the top of the political pyramid.
While all this goes on (not so) behind the curtain, politicians and their ilk keep on tantalizing the enraptured masses with xeroxed images of heroes, whose precious life hangs in the balance (”Then Elijah said to them, "I am the only one of the LORD's prophets left, but Baal has four hundred and fifty prophets.” 2687), yet who go ahead undaunted so that manifest destinies may unfold as they're torn apart in agony; of saviors so meek, disinterested, austere, pure, and honest the likes of which have never been seen: synchronicity, indeed.
Lastly, Italian Senators allegedly helped themselves to public money belonging to the their party Lega Nord (15 million over 5 years) for private expenses 2685 2686 2687
Albertini Va...2013: no page. ANSA, April 10, 2014. 1 Kings 18:22.
-such as rent and credit cards- and 'unofficial', 'parallel' salaries 2688. The scandal explodes in the press just in time to apparently 'convince' reluctant Lega Nord to enter in an electoral agreement with Berlusconi's party PDL for the upcoming national elections; new scandals soon push Lega Nord's on the press' back burner.
In April 2013, Lega Nord categorically announces no support would be given to the upcoming Letta government. According to news agency ANSA (30 April 2013), a scandal rocks the party's establishment once again, for a 2,5 million euro yacht -possibly acquired with tainted party money- belonging to the apparently austere son of the party's lider maximo is located in Tunisia: Lega Nord promptly reconsiders its attitude towards the Letta government.
In February 2013, the names of prominent Italian politicians Mario Monti (Prime Minister) and Mario Draghi (European Central Bank President) are promptly edited from a front-page newspaper article discussing international freemasonry -according to information coming directly from purported Masonic source Grande Oriente Democratico-, and its alleged role in the recent multibillionaire crack of bank MPS2689. Catholic exorcist Amorth has no doubt 2690 regarding Monti's miraculous political ascent: Head of State Napolitano ( a longterm Communist party executive, whom Amorth qualifies as a Mason) made such career possible. Monti sharply denies allegations2691. Lega Nord 2013: no page. Villa 2013: no page. 2690 Il Giornale, March 19, 2013. 2691 ANSA, January 22, 2013. 2688 2689
In 1989, U.S Spy Magazine ran an article detailing how some of the world's most powerful dignitaries frolicked around on private property under high security “dressed in pointed red hoods and red flowing robes” worshiping “This Owl [that] is the totem animal of Bohemia, found not only at the lake, but everywhere you go in the Grove, and on shot glasses, coffee cups, and stationery. ” with a corollary of “prostitution around the Grove ”2692.
Masonic aprons and secret society hoods then disappear so that 'mister homeland first', 'mister Demo-Christianity', 'mister Social-democracy', 'mister welfare' can serenade the mugwump with some - ethos oblige- homeland first; welfare; Socialist or Christian etc balderdash promising mountains made of polenta, lemonade oceans, massive subsidies alongside drastic tax cuts. Leadership scholars “have studied thousands of leaders -...- [and] they are all authentic”2693.
From November 2014, a scandal embroils the political scene at Rome. This time the spotlight is not on millionaire Freemasons or statesmen dressed in hoods. It appears that a rogue network of mobsters, hooligan ringleaders and mafiosi literally ran a huge segment of the political scene across the legislative spectrum. Once in office, political protegees would shower their occult masters with contracts and opportunities.
Left- and right-wing extremist mobsters divided the pie among themselves in good harmony pulling the strings of a row of charities destined to 2692 2693
Domhoff 2005:no page. Ben-Shahar 2005-6a:lecture 7.
relieve plights of all kinds: shelter for the refugee or the homeless; flood or earthquake relief...
away from the watchful eye of the media, the social practices of [U.S] Democrats and Republicans (however disparate their ideologies) are much closer than we think. This creates the conditions under which the unethical behavior of any congressman can extend beyond party lines and influence other members, regardless of their affiliation. (Ariely 2012:104). In the wake of a huge electoral success in early 2013, the populist party of Italian comedian Beppe Grillo started receiving coded messages from the press, which leaders of the Jewish community soon appropriated 2694. The party -and its representatives allegedly from mostly fringe left-wing milieus- were suddenly likened to foul historical antecedents such as Hitler, Fascism and so forth:”Five Star movement – which received 25 percent of the vote in last month's Italian elections, led by the Judeophobic Beppe Grillo ”2695.
Later, ghost insiders started an internet campaign hinting at presumed sexual scandals unnamed parliamentarians in Grillo's party may have been involved in. The scandal brews at just about the right moment: parliamentarians are about to vote in order for the new bipartisan Letta government to take office.
Italian news agency AGI (May 10, 2013) quotes Beppe Grillo warning
Pacifici 2013: no page. The very same day Pacifici -head of the Jewish community at Rome- denied having issued such statements. 2695 Pfeffer 2013: no page. Pfeffer explicitly mentions Pacifici -in his capacity of head of the Jewish community at Rome- to back his article up:”has led Pacifici to call upon his community to cash in their Jewish insurance policy and prepare for aliyah to Israel. Better now when the going is still good than in ten years when things will be much worse, he says ”. 2694
the press to think twice before gathering sensitive information about him and his retainers for possible later use, for they (Grillo and his retainers) could retaliate, and quips:”Non e' un consiglio, e' proprio una minaccia ” (This is a real threat, not just advice): “The person with the most information about the other holds the biggest set of cards in the game of persuasion.”. To appreciate the extent to which the strategy might be working is left to readers: in the most recent partial election in Italy (end May 2013), Grillo's electoral share already shrunk by about 50%.
Not even 24 hours from his election, Argentinian Pope Francis I, too, started receiving coded messages from the press, too, for he would have allegedly played a 'bad' role under the authoritarian Argentinian regime as hostile to leftwing theology of liberation.
According to Reuters2696, new EU Commission President Juncker, elected after grueling procedures, also starts receiving coded messages. As a Luxembourgian statesman, Juncker would have allegedly facilitated shady corporate financial operations that some qualify as tax evasion for ages. Only after Juncker's EU appointment does the 'free press' wake up to such possible wrongdoings (none could foresee, of course). Such explosive press-releases may be issued one day, and retracted the next; they may also flatly 'disappear' from online indexes overnight: quantum entanglement, indeed.
Alternatively, a poor 'daddy of three' might accidentally have poured his 2696
November 6, 2014.
well-deserved cup of coffee over the server storing the information: it could happen to anyone...No trace is apparently left of the seventy bylines Rob Sgobbo -the hoaxing journalist- had as “brilliant intern” at the New York Daily News.
As Communist China is busy policing its internet through gagging measures of various kinds, westerners rise in desecrated anger shaking fists in the name of free speech. In Italy, however, several websites sensitive by a commercial and/or political standpoint have been politely erased from the DNS tables of mainstream I.T providers -Google and “independent providers” included-, thus preventing access.
In April 2017, several politically unwelcome YOUTUBE popular shows have been “de-monetized”, that is advertisers see their response curbed from business with those shows that are selectively targeted in the name of fuzzy “family orientation”, “sensitivity” or “controversy” because they would be “too provocational”.
Vanilla conservatives and radicals alike are targeted: YOUTUBE blacklists a series named Jewish Control Over Buddhism by preventing access in several countries while author Ruhe is fired from his appointments as teacher of Buddhism. Jordan B. Peterson -on the other hand- could raise tens of thousands of dollars in donations and be all over the place in the media as he throws the gauntlet to a diverse crowd of lefty ultraists over the use of alternative gender pronouns.
Peterson is very aware of walking on a very tight and highly politicized rope. One mistake too many could land Peterson in the same section as the kook who deserves to be extradited to Germany to serve jail time for hate crimes; or to be fined by a human rights tribunal for denying you-know-who their civil rights: free speech my eye.
'Coded messages' may come in all sorts of formats for all sorts of reasons. British academic Fernandez-Armesto was caught jaywalking in Atlanta (USA) in 2007. He wasn't fined, but thrown to the ground, brutalized by police officers and arrested under US$ 1.000 bail: not what one expects might happen to an academic in suit exiting the Hilton Hotel; charges were later dropped in court. In 2014, Black Arizona State Professor Ore suffers the same fate when refusing to show her ID, and being argumentative with police after jaywalking2697: the next Rosa Parks?
Some of the various Irving, Richwine, Faurisson, Finkelstein, Zemmour, Zundel etc also saw nasty things happening in their lives, as any unwritten chapter of a mafioso novel would demand. Readers shall come to their own conclusions regarding what sort of â&#x20AC;&#x153;patto tra gentiluominiâ&#x20AC;? such 'messages', and/or press campaigns may help negotiate offstage: a word to the wise...
In it, the audience of the US television programme Sixty Minutes was presented with a bereft and distraught Kuwaiti nurse who stated that she had personally witnessed Iraqi troops throw new-born babies out of incubators in a hospital in Kuwait City. It was only later that this turned out to be a propaganda hoax, and the nurse none other than 2697
Fox23, June 30, 2014.
the daughter of the Kuwaiti ambassador to the United States (Gewald 2004:95). Media Manipulation has evolved considerably -...-. At least one crucial congressional hearing on Kuwait in the fall of 1990 was prompted by H[ill]&K[nowlton, PR firm], because of concerns within the Kuwaiti royal family that Americans just weren't â&#x20AC;&#x153;upset enoughâ&#x20AC;? by the invasion by Iraq (Mundy 1992:27). "I saw the Iraqi soldiers come into the hospital with guns. They took the babies out of the incubators ... and left the children to die on the cold floor." This was the story told by "Nayirah," the fifteen-year-old Kuwaiti girl who shocked a public hearing of Congress's Human Rights Caucus on October 10, 1990. -...- As many are now aware, the incubator story was the centerpiece of a massive public relations campaign conducted by Hill and Knowlton on behalf of a group called Citizens for a Free Kuwait, for a fee of $11.5 million. After the war, the group revealed that it was financed almost entirely by the Kuwaiti government. In addition to helping to cast and direct the hearing, H&K sent its own camera crew and produced its own film, which was promptly sent out as a video news release, or VNR, to Medialink, a firm that serves some 700 TV stations throughout the country. Portions of the VNR featuring Nayirah's testimony were used on the October 10 NBC Nightly News and eventually reached a total audience of 35 million - sufficient to win it fourth place on the top ten list of VNR successes in 1990 (Rowse 1992:28, emphasis added). Not only did the Belgian baby whose hands had been cut off by the Germans travel through the towns and villages of Great Britain, but it went through Western Europe and America, even into the Far West. No one paused to ask how long a baby would live were its hands cut off unless expert surgical aid were at hand to tie up the arteries (the answer being a very few minutes). Everyone wanted to believe the story, and many went so far as to say they had seen the baby. The lie was as universally accepted as the passage of the Russian troops through Britain. -...- Pictures of the baby without hands were very popular on the Continent, both in France and in Italy. Le Rive Rouge had a picture on September 18, 1915, and on July 26, 1916, made it still more lurid by depicting German soldiers eating the hands. Le Journal gave, on April 30, 1915, a photograph of a statue of a child without hands, but the most savage of all, which contained in it no elements of caricature, was issued by the Allies for propaganda purposes and published in Critica, in Buenos Ayres (reproduced in the Sphere, January 30, 1925). The heading of the picture was, "The Bible 2198
before All," and under it was written: "Suffer little children to come unto Me." The Kaiser is depicted standing behind a huge block with an axe, his hands darkly stained with blood. Round the block are piles of hands. He is beckoning to a woman to bring a number of children, who are clinging to her, some having had their hands cut off already. Babies not only had their hands cut off, but they were impaled on bayonets, and in one case nailed to a door. But everyone will remember the handless Belgian baby. It was loudly spoken of in buses and other public places, had been seen in a hospital, was now in the next parish, etc., and it was paraded, not as an isolated instance of an atrocity, but as a typical instance of a common practice. In Parliament there was the usual evasion, which suggested the story was true, although the only evidence given was "seen by witnesses." (Ponsonby 1928: chapter VIII, emphasis added, about a famous WWI wartime propaganda hoax). There has long been a consensus among scholars and theologians that the post-Constantinian passiones of the martyrs were the product of fertile literary imaginations, based in at least some instances on names remembered in undifferentiated lists of the martyred handed down through the churches. The details of these texts are in all likelihood the product of invention, a point recognized by the Bollandist attempts to sift 'fact' from 'fiction' in the lives of the Saints (Cooper no date:35, emphasis added). En 1984 et en 1985, le ministère des Affaires sociales du Québec a publié une série de statistiques sur la prévalence annuelle de la violence conjugale subie par les femmes au Québec, qu’il chiffrait à une hauteur proprement vertigineuse. L’évaluation du nombre annuel de victimes allait de 258 661 à près de 300 000, en passant par 256 000, dans une série de trois documents publiés sur une période dépassant à peine une quinzaine de mois. Le présent dossier fera la preuve que ces chiffres inquiétants étaient faux et montrera exactement comment ils ont pu être « fabriqués » de toute pièce, tout comme on dit qu’un faussaire « fabrique » de la fausse monnaie. L’après-rupture entend faire la lumière sur une fraude statistique en bonne et due forme perpétrée par le ministère des Affaires sociales au détriment de l’ensemble de la population du Québec. (Boucher et alii 2008: no page). These invariably politically authenticated narratives about sacrificed, slain or cannibalized children recur endlessly, from blood libel once leveled against
Jewish communities (of abducting and sacrificing Christian children), to Germans bayoneting or cannibalizing babies during WWI, to Comunisti che mangiano i
bambini (child-eating Communists) as famine erupted in the early period of the USSR, and real episodes of cannibalism assertedly took place.
It is then understandable how age-old blood libel could be tailored to fit the circumstances of any and all contemporary 'special interest' groups in their â&#x20AC;&#x153;quest for guiltâ&#x20AC;?:
Rejection of collective innocence and embracing of collective guilt have not invariably disspelled national myths that accompanied or sustained the myth of innocence. Inverting myths may be a way of preserving them. The quest for guilt continues to seek new and far flung frontiers. When things go wrong in the Third World -and sometimes even in the Second -we are now taught to look inward for the cause. (Vann Woodward 1981:31). A blurred picture of unknown origin took the internet by storm in 2011. Media catering to the the public's iffy fancies and volatile attention span had already binned the ecological disasters of the gulf of Mexico
(oil spillage), and Japan
(earthquake and radiation poisoning) they had pledged to cover for the sake of truthful information. In the picture, a White man in a paramilitary suit poses with a rifle while a Black child (=the usual child connection) lies on the ground in front of him.
What did people make of that? While avalanches of banners, pop-ups and other bells and whistles of the internet revenue machine kept ringing as the page displayed over and over, swarms of meek party liners climaxed in moral 2200
indignation in many languages, reciting their execration in as carbon-copied a form as any established religious ritual 2698. 'The bad guys are coming once again': people jostled for a good placement in the race to be on the 'right' side of myth.
Set aside the many issues with the picture itself, and the quantum leaps of faith to come to that kind of conclusions, the 'brand new' crime -which had politicians plead for 'special laws' and what not – had already been all the rage in 2007. In South Africa (the country where the picture was presumably shot) “an investigation will have to determine why the photograph resurfaced four years later. ”2699.
In 2012 there was the case of Afro-American Sharmeka Moffitt ”attacked and burned -...- by three men who wrote “KKK” on the hood of her car, and instead set herself afire.”. Newspapers the world over denounced 'you know who' up doing ' you know what' to 'you know who' again. Since details are never enough, hypothetical eye-witness sources alleged Moffitt had been assaulted because of her Obama T-shirt (or other sign of allegiance, descriptions varied).
Swarms of “psychotics who identify themselves with the mythological image” rushed to be on the good side of history; too bad that:”A 20-year-old Louisiana woman who was assertedly set on fire Sunday by three men, who afterwards scrawled racial slur on her car, admitted Tuesday evening that she made There are compelling reasons to believe a Tibetan 'Red Hat' ritual; a Catholic mass; a Muslim call to prayer etc shall unfold in pretty much the same way irrespective of ancillary facts, such as the Catholic mass taking place in Dublin, Quito or Taiwan; or the Muslim call to prayer in Jakarta, Milan or Mecca. 2699 Nair 2011: no page. 2698
up the attack. ”2700; it also turned out no Obama T-shirt, or other sign of allegiance, had ever been part of the picture.
Same story in 1992, 1995 and 2013:
Azalea Cooley, 40, a black lesbian, -...-On November 20, 1992, The Oregonian, a Portland daily, reported that Azalea Cooley had "confessed to staging the cross burnings, death threats and vandalism." Cooley admitted that "the hate crimes that happened at our home were my doing." (Wilcox 1994:46-7). It was labeled a hate crime and gave rise to a march and speeches against bigotry. But investigators grew suspicious as they looked more closely at Zhaleh Sarabakhsh's claim that she had been bound, slashed and left to die in a fire at her family's Middle Eastern restaurant. The slash wounds were too shallow, the bonds around her wrists too loose, investigators said. And the tape, as well as the jugs used to spread a flammable liquid in the blaze, were traced back to the Iranian woman herself. On Thursday, Sarabakhsh, a 38-year-old co-owner of the Kabob House restaurant, was arrested on suspicion of setting the fire herself. (Wheeler 1995: no page). One of the two students removed from Oberlin College earlier this year [2013] for allegedly circulating virulently racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages around campus is an ardent leftist and committed supporter of President Barack Obama, The Daily Caller News Foundation has learned. Dylan Bleier, one of the two students, organized a voter registration drive on behalf of Obama before the 2008 election. That voter drive is still listed on the website for Organizing for Action, the non-profit group whose mission is to advance Obama’s agenda. The Oberlin Police Department identified Bleier and his partner in the spree, Matt Alden, as two of the principal architects of a month-long spate of racist, anti-Jewish and anti-gay messages at the small, private campus. (Ross 2013:no page). Somali born Ayaan Hirsi Ali obtained asylum in Holland in 1992 telling her story as a “survivor”. Once in Holland, she quickly climbed the public arena,
Erhard 2012: no page, emphasis added.
joined the Liberal Party, was elected to Parliament, and was hailed as someone who had survived no less than five civil wars:”almost any book by or about a Negro was in great demand”, or melanocracy on the rise.
As this writing suggests, the row of indignities one has presumably suffered shall grow increasingly longer in order to attract pseudo-sanctity, or the surfeit motif. At some point, Ayaan Hirsi Ali came under strict police protection because of alleged threats coming to her as a result of her campaigns against Islam as she lobbied for women's rights.
It turned out her 'story' was another teleplay from some third-rate cable TV movie:
1. she hadn't come from Somali refugee camps, but from Kenya;
2. she had lied about her age, name and background:”Contaste-mo tu, ou terei sonhado que o contavas? [Did you tell me that for real, or was it in a dream that you told me about that?]”.
The persona of the formerly devout Muslim woman now campaigning liberal was too good to pass, though: in 2017, Ayaan Hirsi Ali is still at the top of her game. Is this any different from another pre-scripted 'reality show'? ”[The public] only wanted one thing from [a given public figure]: a story. He told it so well that we forgave him almost everything. ”; “[it] helped people to believe.”; We want -...- original
content regardless of its validity. We're here for the scare, not for the plausibility”.
Could the masters of acceptable discourse really not have known? Apparently not, according to Associated Press:
After Hirsi Ali announced Tuesday she was quitting parliament and leaving the Netherlands, [Dutch immigration minister] Verdonk was skewered by political foes and friends alike during a parliament debate lasting into the early hours of Wednesday morning. She was ridiculed when she claimed she had not known that Hirsi Ali had falsified her name and year of birth, even though the Somali refugee went public with that information four years ago when she was offered a parliament seat. (Sterling 2006: no page, emphasis added) Yes, they knew and they talked about it, church fathers talked about which ones were forged. Some books that made it in [ the Christian canon] were thought to be forgeries by some people (Ehrman 2010:9). Highly interesting is what the Cottingley witnesses thought about deceiving so many people for so long: “people wanted to be taken in”, “they wanted to believe”, “we did not have to tell a lie at all, because every time someone came out to justify it”2701. Isn't this scandal a carbon copy of so many scandals - at so many different points in time- discussed herein?
Even if it was all a hoax, people delighted to bare their 'beautiful soul' 2702, just as maniacs compulsively flash their private parts to strangers in public. The impalpable concept, however, is best justified by its doppelgaenger: the 'heart of darkness' – the innermost Zoroastrian conflict between good and evil- so often used to startle the unaware audience with images of mass-murdering brutes, insensitive 2701 2702
Clarke 1985: Fairies, Phantoms And Fantastic Photographs. The concept of 'beautiful soul' goes back to Plotinus but found a complete enunciation in Schiller who thus described the ideal presence of form and plenitude, fantasy and reason as gage of sentimental maturity.
bigots, and related paraphernalia.
Veteran Italian politician Marco Pannella, leader of left-wing Partito
Radicale (that elected porn star Ilona Staller to Parliament in the 1980s), esteemed the media weren't paying him and his party enough attention while an election was approaching. For a while, most media ignored or trivialized his grievances, so he started going around wearing a star of David the way victims had to under Fascist regimes. Immediately, he was fencing with emotionally devastated heavyweight party liners who imperiously demanded that he explain himself on the front page of prominent media: readers may safely guess he got the publicity he esteemed he deserved after all.
In November 2013, Berlusconi2703 resurrects the same imagery, with the equally foreseeable squabble that ensues.
Durant l'été 1993, un homme d'affaires, ministre apprécié de F. Mitterrand, Bernard Tapie, mis en examen par un magistrat de Valenciennes, s'écrie: « Je me sens comme un Juif traqué par la Gestapo. » Et quand de jeunes musulmans manifestent à Grenoble début 1994 pour protester contre l'interdiction du voile à l'école, ils arborent un brassard portant un croissant jaune avec la mention « A quand notre tour? » (Kaltenbach 1996:78). 'Reality shows' and their ilk offer the more serialized alternative dose of death, suffering, emotional devastation, sexuality, aberration...and often the 'real' people are just paid actors who look so authentic as they shiver on the brink of a colossal gastrointestinal, nervous fit or self-destruction; news casts are no different. 2703
ANSA, November 6,2013.
It acts out like an ongoing spoof along the lines of the various Police Academy or
Naked Gun movies.
If the mainstream, 'serious' international had 1965 Bond movie
Thunderball, in 1967 Italian producers released a farcical spoof: Operation Kid Brother. It is difficult to part “the real thing” from its grotesque doppelgaenger. Operation Kid Brother features a Connery, the “kid brother” of the more famous Sean, alongside actors/characters from the mainstream movie such as Adolfo Celi (the arch-villain), Lois Maxwell and Bernard Lee. The grimacing, the voice tones and the colossal attitudes remain, while the public is expected to laugh instead of 'listening to their hearts', thus having neurological or gastrointestinal syndromes out of sentimental oneness.
A show televising the framing of hypothetical pedophiles was criticized because real law enforcers cut many corners -alongside informers and professional showmen- to stage a sensational 'action' show that producers and sponsors could like; even worse, infiltrators were rumored to aggressively encourage people into illegal meetings. The mention of professional wrestling's antics is definitely not out of place in this context. It is possible to see that hoaxers often have connections: the 'dragon in a jar', NPD, 'Cottingley fairies', 'Piltdown man' and other cases discussed here couldn't be the work of some lone, desperate hoaxer.
Before the Quebec referendum in 1980, both parties in the contention recurred heavily to anticipated time-lines, foretelling the public what would 2206
ultimately happen (=epic mode): an independent, francophone Quebec welcome among nations; or the dissolution of 'sacred Canada'. Dewdrops, milk and honey poured on one side, fire and brimstone on the other; the new people of Quebec taking its finances in hand, or a spiral of hyperinflation, indebtedness, and collapsing welfare...
Incidentally, all the 'tricks' or chicaneries described herein, such as the manipulation of the time-line in the public's mind above, are aces up any storytellerâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s sleeve, as Harvey2704 indicates, no matter which story s-he chances to be telling:
Future pace what you want them to do and experience. When you have people in a peak emotional state, in person or in writing, have them move forward in time and experience what their life, their emotions, their existence will be like after having been doing whatever you are suggesting for a certain period of time. (Lakhani 2005:152). The world, only a year or two into the future, was a wonderful place to live in. -...-Once people started imagining, the most banal life events seemed to take a dramatic turn for the better, resulting in a life that was just a bit less ordinary. (Sharot 2011:8). But when we remember or imagine a temporally distant event, our brains seem to overlook the fact that details vanish with temporal distance, and they conclude instead that the distant events actually are as smooth and vague as we are imagining and remembering them. -...-We remember feeling as we believe we must have felt. The problem with this error of retrospection is that it can keep us from discovering our errors of prospection. -...-Apparently, prospections and retrospections can be in perfect agreement despite the fact that neither accurately describes our actual experience. -...-This makes it unusually difficult for us to discover that our 2704
predictions were wrong.(Gilbert 2006:69,124, emphasis added). [Mary says:]From now on all generations will call me blessed ( Luke 1:48). That's why -most often to the voters' surprise- this, that or another politician (from Margaret Thatcher to Adolf Hitler) takes lessons from voice, drama or acting professionals, beside hiring spin-doctors, make-up professionals, and ghost-writers:â&#x20AC;?make any necessary shifts that are required to have your full-blown persuasive persona out front for inspection by your prospects.â&#x20AC;?2705.
One of the aces up Ronald Reagan's sleeve was -as generally reputed- his ease and craft as former professional actor; other actors such as Clint Eastwood, Jesse Ventura, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Charlton Heston fared well in politics; Berlusconi, too, heavily profited from his capacity of broadcasting and media mogul; Beppe Grillo helms an Italian party who rakes in over 15% of votes: a failed professional comedian formerly convicted of triple manslaughter, of all things; Donald Trump became U.S president after decades as a TV celebrity and millionaire.
Several wrestling icons easily transited to the role of Christian preachers (Nikita Koloff; Tully Blanchard; Slick and others; Ted DiBiase founded his own Christian ministry in 1999). Wrestling legend Jesse Ventura had something else in mind: he became governor of Minnesota running as independent (1999-2003).
A concrete case -and as apolitical as possible- will help to clarify the
Lakhani 2005:165.
It is an article relating to the Sgobbo journalistic hoax mentioned
elsewhere in this writing.
1. The author2706 establishes himself as insider, yet keeping some distance not to give the impression his ties with the transgressor in need of another chance are too tight:”The last time I thought about Rob Sgobbo — before he was caught fabricating characters and quotes in a piece he wrote for the Village Voice this week — was on the day we both graduated from Columbia University's Graduate School of Journalism last year. ”. 2. Then he tries to establish the transgressor as a multidimensional, 'wonderfully human' figure while the actual transgression is forgotten:”Sgobbo was bounding up the stage at the end-of-the-year awards ceremony after winning an award for his education reporting. I didn't, and don't, know Sgobbo personally — I know him mostly as that friendly guy in the student lounge who always seem to dress really well — but I remember thinking at the moment, "I bet he'll go far."-...- As he climbed the stage at the award ceremony — something only the best student-reporters got to do — a large crowd cheered him on. The guy had obviously made a lot of friends”. Another transgressor might be a wonderful daddy; a third a gifted saxophone player... 3. He establishes common ground:”That doesn't excuse what Sgobbo did-...- as everyone piles their well-deserved scorn upon him, ”. 4. He portrays the transgressor's beautiful soul wriggling in agony before our very eyes:”he has, and will continue, to pay the price for his actions”. By this very inference people are led to ask themselves whether the punishment isn't excessive:"All right, but let the one who has never sinned throw the first stone!" (John 8:7). 5. After all, the transgressor is just a fellow artificial kin member sharing our beautiful humanity, as flimsy, erratic and unaccountable as it is in all of us:”My guess is that Sgobbo is as confounded about his actions today as the rest of us are. Sometimes people do things — and, yes, journalists are people, too — we know are wrong, things we understand will catch up to us later, even if we can't admit it at the time”. Another transgressor might have had a bad childhood; a third may have suffered rejection and slaughter in some faraway land... 6. He delivers the killer punchline to bring aesthetic arrest about, to have readers 2706
Anderson 2011: no page.
sulk while their mind goes still:”in the end, no one will be harder on Sgobbo than Sgobbo himself”. The strategy won't just work when applied to a thirdrate hoaxing journalist of no import...Beppe Grillo -the Italian comedian, whose populist party became an electoral sensation- had been convicted of triple manslaughter (omicidio colposo plurimo) in the aftermath of a traffic accident. When the matter is brought up, Grillo -who otherwise loves to rattle skeletons in other people's closets in the name of absolutes- sulks, or cracks jokes to deflect attention; enamored supporters emphasizes the same fate could befall everyone, a handy punchline that can be applied to mostly anything: rape, theft, murder...: we are all as tainted as the next transgressor after all. The Madoff scandal would hit some 16,000 investors, and many more indirectly through feeder funds, as well as charities that invested with Madoff. It would also badly shake investor confidence, already in tatters following the financial crisis. -...- Madoff, who is serving a 150-year sentence at a federal prison in Butner, N.C. Sorkin would not say when he last spoke to his client, but said, "He's OK. Under the circumstances, recognizing the fact that—he's not gonna leave prison—ever—alive— he deeply regrets what happened. He feels a great deal of—pain and— and—anguish over the pain that he caused.” (Cohn 2009: no page). Fellow artificial kin members may now worry about the transgressor's ultimate safety as they might just be pushing him too far... 7. Of course, he does not directly advocate that bygones be bygones, but what are artificial kin members to do? Shouldn't our soul scream in unison with the transgressor's? Isn't it high time for a big bear-hug, or (the social sacrament of) reconciliation? Mel Gibson and George Michael, once caught in compromising situations that could affect their careers negatively, admitted how distressed they were, and that 'the will to die' lurked behind their odd behavior. In 1980, acclaimed comedian of color R. Pryor set himself on fire during a psychotic fit induced by heavy doses of both drugs and spirits: he then ran down the street. Pryor -who was also married seven times- would rationalize his act later as a suicide attempt: cocaine-freebasing botch or the suffering of a frail little creature? Readers be the
A likely “secret cause”?
Mel Gibson’s 2004 film The Passion of the Christ, like Hemingway’s 1926 one-act play/short story "Today is Friday," is about the ways in which its creator believed that he had directly benefited from Christ’s suffering. Both Hemingway and Gibson were raised by religiously conservative, emotionally repressive fathers, and both declared themselves Catholics. Both men experienced suicidal depression as mature young men, and each found in Christ’s torment on the cross both a trope for his own battles with depression and an inspiration to survive his own emotional suffering. (Tyler 2007: no page). Italian left-wing politician Marrazzo, once caught in a web of cocaine, and lavishly paid adulterous transsexual paramours, sulked in religious retreat while his lawyers detailed his status as victim of circumstances on the brink of selfdestruction. While left- and right-wing coalitions jockeyed for electoral positions wielding their allegedly irreconcilable otherness based on the smoke and mirrors of absolute values, right-wing leader Berlusconi had gentlemanly forewarned ideological foe Marrazzo about the upcoming scandal2707.
After an intermission, in late 2013 Marrazzo is fit to resume his career as prime-time TV anchorman. The emphasis lies nowadays on the renewal through struggle he underwent as victim. The press gentlemanly stops stirring ethical dilemmas about how Marrazzo raised the hefty funds to pay for his sexual escapades and drug supplies, and nagging suspicions about three people involved in the Marrazzo affair who mysteriously chanced to lose their lives: it could happen to 2707
Sarzanini 2009: no page.
everybody. Truth is like pasta, which may come flavored with all sorts of sauces on top courtesy of free press' pen jockeys: carbonara, marinara, arrabbiata, puttanesca,
amatriciana...a completely different dish every time.
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Secret causesâ&#x20AC;? crop up all over, while the public's beautiful soul screams along with the disgraced artificial kin member, that stupendous, frail creature, whose suffering boggles one's mind: who could cast the first stone against the flimsy, unaccountable yet sweet humanity that is ours, too? As Sartre argued, however, emotions are strategies to evade, minimize or escape difficulties people encounter. Emotions -Sartre argues- are about something or someone.
Such strategies can even be socio-culturally sanctioned and codified:
How is the Waste Land going to be cured? The answer is by the spontaneous act of a noble heart, whose impulse is not of ego but of love - and love in the sense not of sexual love, but of compassion. That's the Grail problem. (Campbell 1989:In Search Of The Holy Grail). This idea of a gentle heart or, in another sense, the noble heart, is a basic one to twelfth and thirteenth century romance and is a very important thing. It represents a stage, you might say, of psychological transformation. -...-when that heart is a noble heart whose spontaneity is based on compassion rather than possession and conquest. (Campbell&Boa 1989:58-9). Casual underdogs and pencil-necked sweat-hogs are not the only likely candidates for mind-boggling abuse: the wealthy and powerful are, too: what a gage of common humanity (= suffering makes us one). U.S politician -whose career was destroyed once his adulterous homosexual affairs had been made public- wrote a 2212
gut-wrenching account explaining how he had been sexually assaulted as a child etc.
Berlusconi himself (December 16, 2012) censored his behavior regarding alleged sexual scandals, and explained:”Era un periodo che mi sentivo solo. Era morta mia madre, era morta mia sorella. Avevo divorziato. ” (I was feeling lonely in that period. My mother and my sister had died. I had recently divorced)2708.
Lapo Elkann, scion of billionaire Agnelli dynasty, and a favorite of tabloids for his bohemian lifestyle and dissoluteness, recounts how he had been sexually assaulted in his youth as he studied “in un collegio gesuita” (in a Jesuit boarding school)2709, and how a fellow victim had committed suicide in the recent past.
Refutations are immediate. It appears the bohemian and dissolute millionaire never studied at a Jesuit establishment in his life 2710; neither are people in agreement about who this elusive classmate might have been, if he existed at all:”In essence, people will tend to accept whatever you project “.
Reactions ensue:“ languid but good eyes and a frightened look with a voice trembling with indignation”. Elkann's anonymous partisans over the internet try to control damage. If no Jesuit establishment is involved, then “some Jesuit somewhere” has to be the culprit2711. Berlusconi 2012: no page. Gioia 2013: no page. 2710 Sarubbi 2013: no page. 2711 Popular Italian journalist Carosio (1907-1984) was accused of calling an Ethiopian referee “nigger” as he chronicled on air a soccer match between Italy and Israel in 1970. Carosio was immediately removed, and the 2708 2709
Striking while the iron is hot, once acclaimed soubrette Nina Moric also goes public: her father allegedly raped her in her childhood. In 1989, celebrity U.S TV show host Morton Downey, jr. was caught fabricating a hoax according to which racists would have assaulted him:
Downey later admitted that the incident "was publicity and it was prearranged." One of Downey’s former producers at NNOR-TV in San Francisco said, "Morton knew his show was in trouble and he was trying to make a splash in the San Francisco market." (Wilcox 1994:72). Simultaneously, the 12-step programs used in many support groups, which are based on mutual self-disclosure, have proliferated since the 1980s and 1990s. The 1990s have witnessed a cultural shift where celebrities and politicians, such as Oprah Winfrey, Kitty Dukakis, Elizabeth Taylor and Patty and Michael Reagan, have accustom the public to intimate and detailed confessions on national TV. At the same time, Oprah, Geraldo, Donahue and Roseanne -type shows have promoted extreme and often bizarre self-disclosure by people on TV in front of millions of strangers. In the new millennium so-called reality shows that promote uncensored voyeurism and uninhibited self-disclosure have burgeoned. (Zur 2011:no page). Some even lament the indignities Vlad Tepes (= Dracula the impaler, 1431-76) might have suffered. Tepes' obsession with impalement clearly shows how the frail little creature had very likely been sexually assaulted while a captive child at the Ottoman court. accusation provoked much uproar even in diplomatic circles. Decades later, the original tapes of that event were examined, and it was found out Carosio had never uttered that phrase. The nearly unanimous reaction is to say that “someone else” (no matter who as nobody knows) surely let the comment slip. ( Il Post, May 13, 2010). Some experts comment that “perhaps” anonymous comments during a radio broadcast – which had nothing to do with Carosio- might have fueled the indignation:”If an event is salient in our minds and we believe it to be true, we will act upon it regardless of its absolute validity.” (Sharot 2011:106);” but seldom do we find, or even seek after, reliable documentation. The lack of verification in no way diminishes the appeal urban legends have for us. We enjoy them merely as stories, and we tend at least to half-believe them as possibly accurate reports. (Brunvand 1981:11).”.
Vlad would have nailed (=piercing motif) turbans to the heads of foreign dignitaries who refused to show proper submission. The same tale is told of Reza Khan (1878-1944), first Pahlavi Shah of Persia: he would have ordered the “Pahlavi cap” nailed to the head of traditionalists, whom he -like Peter the Great in Russiaobliged to shave also in order to bring modernization about.
Tabloid celebrities and garden variety sociopaths might have a lot in common. David Koresh, the cult leader who led his fundamentalist Christian followers into a suicidal shoot-out with U.S security forces that left dozens of people dead, also claimed to have been gang-raped as a child.
Freud, too, originally succumbed to the charm of supposed child rape stories his patients would relay, only to gradually understand most of them were false to start with, which led him to formulate the Oedipus Complex as a way to get back on track after the embarrassing elated endorsement of such stories (“seduction error”):”this other, more important, primary thing had to be brought to pass within the labyrinth that we all know and visit in our dreams.”.
The frail, sweet little child subject to abuse sits alongside other cherished ghosts that obsess the human mind: the hero who comes back unrecognized with a vengeance; the maltreated savior in agony; the patriarchal figure who relishes to show either wrath or forgiveness as he makes things happen; the former tormentor and victim who hug on a pile of smoldering out corpses, etc.
Bitter opponents may also -in the best tradition of the Gilgamesh, Ip
Man or Rocky tradition- become best buddies in the end: former Fascist masses in Europe embrace formerly slaughtered pariahs in a never-ending atonement carousel as lawyers are as ready to serve dissidents as they were under Fascist regimes.
The same stale 'no grudges/ best buddies' guff can be applied well beyond chivalrous opponents beating one another up. A juvenile delinquent shots U.S policeman Steven MacDonald in 1986: he is left quadriplegic. Still, MacDonald chooses not only to forgive his attacker, but proposes to tour together to talk to people about higher goods: the attacker dies in an accident soon after being paroled.
Alex Maggio brutally murdered a jewelery shop owner at Saronno (Italy) in 2013. With the money he had stolen, he'd go on holiday, and fuel his passion for videopoker. Maggio claims2712 he murdered the shop owner because she looked like his mother, who had abandoned him as a child.
Only 'hearts of darkness' (=the kind of person nobody wants to be) would disbelieve such heart-rending accounts and swollen eyes: no histrionic liar or psychotic imposter could ever groan (weep, gasp...) like that. This amounts to “spiritually bypassing” all the filibustering flapdoodle and journalistic appeals in favor of “pictorial representations of psychic processes”, such as a sexual assault against a sweet child, and all this entails. A sweet soul that grabs a sick bucket to indulge his foul urges in a court of law simply cannot be a liar. 2712
Varese7Press, May 30, 2014.
It helps to ponder how spurious accounts of child abuse had deceived even Freud, the father of psychoanalysis. Professor of linguistics Tannen also quips that, although we may believe we can tell when someone's lying, in actuality we can't according to research:”Why do we like great actors and take them seriously when we know they're only speaking lines that someone else wrote? Because they're believable; because they are congruent”;”Despite promises to the contrary, voice detectors for lying have yet to show much accuracy higher than 62 percent: better than guessing but far from perfect. ”2713.
Should the justice system -or the public- coldly count body bags, stolen goods, embezzled millions, orgies and so forth, while ignoring the screams of the presumed sweet children, and their equally surmised predicaments? Forensic truth and verisimilitude matter little as the frail human soul freezes aghast in a tide of precious emotions.
Alternatively, the politician in his electioneering talkathon pledges to massive subsidies alongside drastic tax cuts, just like many before him. Holes in the story and miserable lies get “bypassed spiritually” in favor of other sets of “pictorial representations of psychic processes” such as the pride in one's country; or the belief that the Social-Communist, religious-patriotic, nativist or any other credo is truly a magic recipe to turn a debased country into the land of plenty, or anything of that sort.
Frank 2016:57.
Even among celebrities, frail little creatures who suffered so much are a dime a dozen...to the delight of both the public and the publisher's cash counter:“people wanted to be taken in”, “they wanted to believe”, “we did not have to tell a lie at all, because every time someone came out to justify it”,”Hence the incidents are fantastic and "unreal": they represent psychological, not physical, triumphs.”. Lenny Kravitz -rock star and once sex symbol born to a noted actress, and to a NBC producer- also bemoaned presumed indignities he had suffered in his life because of his mixed parentage2714.
“ Mos requires neither deliberation, nor judgment, but praise or blame”. The only thing that matters is whether readers feel like casting praise or blame upon the image of the sexually assaulted sweet child; all the rest, such as whether such thing really happened or not, where and how, are left to the pedant, whose 'heart of darkness' remains insensitive to the sweet child's screams, groans, whimpers and moans.
In Berlusconi's case, all readers ought to consider is whether someone might do something irrational out of feelings of loneliness after suffering a row of personal losses. The correct punchline is: wouldn't we all? Only a 'heart of darkness' would cast the first stone.
The script isn't very different from that of any informercial. Does one cast praise or blame upon the malt liquor that turns discriminating drinkers into 2714
Barna 2011:no page.
paladins at a medieval King's court? Upon the imagery of an aftershave lotion that renders one irresistible, or any example that might be used?
Have people forensically or chemically analyzed the malt liquor blend to determine its excellence? What would people know about it, anyway? Ads may portray hobos as irresistible go-getters once they buy the aftershave lotion; quite a lot in common with another group bent on an unending quest towards instant personal (sexual, financial or otherwise) gratification: socio- and psychopaths.
All people want is to make an emotionally supercharged statement about themselves. One is the medieval paladin, or the irresistible â&#x20AC;&#x153;kind of personâ&#x20AC;?: here is the malt liquor or aftershave lotion they bought in order to prove just that.
As the site Vanity Fair.it publishes 1 December 2011, Italian Senator (belonging to the Democratic party, or the new designation of the Communist party) boards a plane unmolested with a bottle of champagne flaunting all security checks, re-checks and counter-checks the 'all-seeing eye' of the nanny State designed for his unaccountable subjects' protection.
The policy maker later censors his possible oversight, but alleges the bottle had an affective value as a gift to celebrate the overcoming of a serious illness. The only mention of illness, oversight and affective value should be enough to have the public switch to the bear-hug mode of non-judgment in the celebration of our common humanity, and the wonderful emotions associated therewith.
It is a common strategy to invoke real -or most often presumed or fabricated- abuses and ill fate to justify about anything so that the transgressor becomes the hero, whose autograph is sought after on par with a rock star's; whose misdeeds have filmmakers fight over legal rights. The delightful human soul's divine paradoxes: one man's vandal is another man's graffiti guy or tagger; this man's coldblooded assassin is that man's tortured soul or 'just cause hero'; one man's persecution is another man's prosecution. Is a designated person a 'pervert' or just an 'alternative lifestyler'?
The role of emotions as strategies is also clear: after allegedly throwing a judeophobic temper tantrum in 2006 while being arrested for driving under the influence, Mel Gibson finds pathetic imagery (the will to die, alcoholism, past abuse and neglect...) all too useful as a form of damage control. A discredited politician can also try to turn tables on those who emphasize his disgraceful sexual promiscuity by telling stories of alleged child abuse that go on air at least a dozen times on cable TV every week.
That is not new. The Egyptian and the Tibetan books of the dead suggest standardized attitudes and responses that can magically 'rig' the process (of judgment of past misdeeds) so that the departed soul may eschew some or all possible negative retribution by simply saying a certain thing, believing another or posturing a particular way at any given moment. Mormon co-founder Brigham Young described the purpose of the Mormon Endowment ceremony:â&#x20AC;?the key
words, the signs and tokensâ&#x20AC;? necessary to go past angelic sentinels into the glory of Paradise:
Thus the Burmese proverb has it that: " if a monk observes one precept only, gods and men must worship him." Similarly, the Burmese say that although all gods and men must pay homage to the Lord Sekka (the king of the gods), He in tum must pay homage even to the lowliest novice, not to mention a fully ordained monk. Reverence for monks is expressed in other ways, as well. No layman may stand in the presence of a monk- it is an insult for a subordinate to be higher than his superordinate- nor may he sit with his feet pointed in the latter's direction. At public gatherings the monk sits above the laymen on a platform or dais; if this is not possible, he sits on a special mat which symbolically raises him higher than the laymen. Similarly, when during the monarchy the royal chaplain was invited to the palace, the king would offer him his own position on a raised carpet. (Spiro 1970:398). Like the Freemasons and other later secret societies, some Gnostics were apparently fond of doling out mysterious words, strange sigils, and mysterious hand gestures-information that the soul would need in its journey through the afterlife, which the Gnostics imagined as a kind of multileveled computer game inhabited by demonic gatekeepers and treacherous landscapes. (Davis 1999:95). The devotees of Hinduism chancing to die in the holy city of Benares shall have Shiva whisper the â&#x20AC;&#x153;ferryboat mantraâ&#x20AC;? ( Taraka Mantra, mantra of the crossing) to them, thus insuring their liberation irrespective of any previous learning, devotion or charity on their part. That brings back the dilemma posited in the beginning: is there any virtue in telling true versus false stories? The present writer offers the same answer: there is no difference, as far as the public reaction is concerned.
Somewhere Joseph Campbell complained that our society was disintegrating because of the loss of a mystical dimension to the profit of an ethical one, which is debatable. The present writer thinks the mystical dimension hasn't disappeared completely, but has been taken over and molded in the forms this writing discusses at least in part.
The shaman experiencing the sublime before the sky or a mountain has been replaced by prigs and dolts who flip out every time a salesman spoon-feeds them narratives of crucified Canadians, slain babies, mad cow disease, dragons in a jar, or when Hulk Hogan tears the shirt off his chest: the anoetic audience clamors for more every time.
Tribal mos has been subsumed under the grotesque guise of the acclaim frantically devoted to situations and figures that readily replace the demented Roman Emperors in their obsessive, circular monomania. Whoever was reported as either critical or not enthusiastically embracing the performances of Nero as Apollo the divine musician, poet and charioteer; or of Commodus as Hercules' actual incarnation did so at their own peril under the servile eyes of many 'mandatory reporters' ensuring the masses toed the right side of myth.
FBI founder and first director J. Edgar Hoover proclaimed the value of using U.S citizens as informants as early as 1925. Prior to that, the USA had been a fertile breeding ground for vigilante â&#x20AC;&#x153;patriotic leaguesâ&#x20AC;? and their web of lay informants especially active during WWI. 2222
During World War I, the United States fought a war of ideas with unprecedented ingenuity and organization. President Woodrow Wilson established the Committee on Public Information (CPI) to manage news and solicit widespread support for the war at home and abroad. -...-Creel organized the “Four Minute Men,” a virtual army of volunteers who gave brief speeches wherever they could get an audience—in movie theaters, churches, synagogues, and labor union, lodge, and grange halls. Creel claimed that his 75,000 amateur orators had delivered over 7.5 million speeches to more than 314 million people. CPI publications from the Four Minute Man crusade offered tips on developing and delivering a brief, effective speech—the predecessor to today’s “sound bite.” They also recognized diverse audiences, with reports of Yiddish speakers in theaters and workplaces, a Sioux Four Minute Man, and a speech called “The Meaning of America” delivered in seven languages. (Four Minute Men no date:no page). The assistant attorney general noted, with great satisfaction, that America had never been more effectively policed. In 1917 the APL [American Protective League] had branches in nearly six hundred cities and towns with a membership approaching a hundred thousand. By the following year, it had exceeded a quarter of a million. (Goldberg 2007:69). People would be hard-pressed to part the pervasive
network of
mandatory reporters Italian Fascism inaugurated from the equally omnipresent Cuban Committees For The Defence Of The Revolution. Under Stalin, lack of proper enthusiasm for the great man might lead to a kangaroo court or political assassination. Some believe Kirov, prominent Soviet apparatchik victim of Stalinist purges in 1934, was targeted not only because of his conciliatory stance towards opponents, but because his popularity threatened Stalin's.
Again, this is a deep psychical craving that religion and politics simply either exploit, or cater to: “At least five [Buddhist] monks were required to hold the
pravararta ceremony, held at the end of the three-month rainy season retreat to 2223
mark the dissolution of the order that had observed the retreat together. During the ceremony, monks pointed out any errors or questionable behavior they had observed in each other during the retreat and then confessed their faults to each other.â&#x20AC;?2715. Sects in religious Taoism, too, practice communal confessions:
I struggled with the simplicity of the 12-Step [alcohol abuse recovery] program. -...-"We admitted to God, to ourselves and to another, human being the exact nature of our wrongs" (Step 5). (Bradshaw 1988:128). From the social science perspective, religion has evolved in ways that can help society counteract potentially destructive tendencies, including the tendency to be dishonest. Religion and religious rituals remind people of their obligations to be moral in various ways -...-To the extent that such approaches are useful, we might think about creating related (albeit nonreligious) mechanisms in business and politics. Maybe we should get our public servants and businesspeople to take an oath, use a code of ethics, or even ask for forgiveness from time to time. Perhaps such secular versions of repentance and appeal for forgiveness would help potential cheaters pay attention to their own actions, turn a new page, and by doing so increase their moral adherence. (Ariely 2012:124). Today new-age and politicking hacks on the left bereft of a cause since the implosion of the Soviet block alike shun established religion: folkloric intoxication, and/or tribal hallucination.
Readers shall individually determine whether the myths and antics Nero and Commodus cherished were really worth laughs or contempt in comparison with many monomaniacal public obsessions of our days, and the individuals who embody them.
Hirakawa 1990:63-4.
To the medieval Christian, the figurae are words in God's divine poem, given to humanity within the fabric of reality for us to interpret. The exemplum, then, is humanity's conscious attempt to contribute to the poem, working within the preestablished parameters set by the figura. It is not prophecy, but rather an exercise of humanity's free will as it attempts to appropriate the truth obtained from prophecy (Hunt 2001:49). I suggested that metaphor should take its place as the core operation for the personal intelligences, since the articulation to oneself or others of how one 'feels and is', depends on this imagistic language. Without the vocabulary of image, we are imaginally illiterate and can neither contain nor elaborate the powers which otherwise sweep through us and use us as they will. (Angelo 1992:230). The “divine poem” hasn't disappeared, but has been overtaken by postmodern fixations, obsessions from world-wars and the 1960s and so forth: those are the “preestablished parameters” which govern our times. Sir Galahad hasn't disappeared completely: that chap in the ad who was judicious enough to choose the right brand of malt liquor replaced him. Is this explanation too stretched?
For the first time in human history, a shared mythos has broken down, and commercial messages are now taking the place of shared sacred stories. We know in our hearts that a profession designed to sell products cannot fill this gap. If we take the time to think of how many people are finding the only meaning they have in their lives from consumption of various sons, we do not feel proud; we feel sad, or even outraged. The field cannot be the fairy godmother of the culture, We do not really have magic wands, and, when it comes down to it, the bottom line is that we are paid to sell products. (Mark&Pearson 2001:359, emphasis added). Chaque marchandise déterminée lutte pour elle-même, ne peut pas reconnaître les autres, prétend s’imposer partout comme si elle était la seule. Le spectacle est alors le chant épique de cet affrontement, que la chute d’aucune Ilion ne pourrait conclure. Le spectacle ne chante pas les hommes et leurs armes, mais les marchandises et leurs passions. (Debord 1967: point 66).
A Santa Claus, folklure atmosphere has subsumed mysticism. Most know Santa Claus, this father-god, wise, all-knowing, immortal old man with the flowing beard figure does not exactly live in Finland, at the North Pole or any other place, whence he flies aboard his sleigh to deliver gifts to good children, and coal to bad ones (or whichever spin on that tradition). They think children would be hurt if the news broke out, however, so they politely turn the page to sports in the belief children will eventually grow up and find out for themselves about Santa Claus.
Akin to god, in many cultures the personification of Christmas is explicitly called “father”: Pai Natal; Babbo Natale; Père Noel...This father-figure also comes from the sky flying aboard his sleigh: a heavenly father? Parallels continue: if god has a retinue of supernatural creatures ministering to him (angels and so forth), so does Santa Claus with elves, fairies, and the like. Just as Jesus -and father god in some representations- even Père Noel dons a scarlet (red etc) robe as arch-patriarch.
As Chomsky put it, those are necessary illusions that often include other wise father figures with a flowing beard such as Karl Marx, Darwin, Garibaldi, Khomeini, Guevara or Fidel Castro. German Socialdemocratic parliamentarian and anarchist thinker Most also wore a dense beard, but gnosticism had no part in it: he had been disfigured in his youth.
Bumbling internet atheists -and their ivory column mentors a la Dawkins- in fact pillory the religionist because s-he builds altars to - and burns incense at the feet of - bearded prophets, gods and their ilk: folkloric intoxication. 2226
Atheists, on the other hand, build altars to -and burn incense at the feet of - another set of bearded figures equally believed to have brought about a revelation that changed the world, with or without a revealed book -such as Das Kapital or On The
Origin Of Species-: irony indeed.
As well, the Christian clone of the omnipotent Hebrew patriarchal god is often portrayed as holding the globe, symbol of all-encompassing power. His clones (monarchs and their ilk) display a globe as well. The Black Virgin of Montserrat holds a sphere, too. Mahayana Buddhist deity Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva also holds a sphere: the jewel of enlightenment; Wotan as well is often associated with a sphere.
This sphere can at times be equated with some miraculous stone of gnostic lore, whether it be the Grail, Jacob's pillow, or a gem from Lucifer's crown. In turn, gnostic bunkum can be construed as serving the deeds of the usual suspects: Freemasons, Jews, Judaeo-Masons, international capitalist moguls, Masonic Judaeocapitalists, racists of Atlantean persuasion...one and the same. Again, whether such deeds are to be construed as intrinsically good or evil (for example world government as either the establishment of human brotherhood or a Fascist garrison State) depends on politically authenticated narrative passwords.
Campbell also wished for seers and poets to weave together archetypal symbols and modernity to put humanity in accord with nature. There again, people optioning the position have been many: the various Paul Atreides and Luke Skywalker are the byproduct. Proponent of UFO and supernatural doom heaping 2227
the jargon of quantum physics or other esoteric science upon their theories aren't exactly few.
Going through the quadrants of Jungian mythology may -or may not- be this psychological panacea. Mythologies, however, were intended as path for those who successfully completed all the steps in the quadrants. Pittman cautions about what is going to happen otherwise, or the dangers of what Welwood terms “spiritual bypassing”:
All those tough guys who want to scare the world into seeing them as men, and who fill up the jails: all those men who aren't at home at home, who don't know how to be a man with a woman, only a brute or a boy, and who fill up the divorce courts; all those corporate raiders and rain-forest burners and war starters who want more in hopes that more will make them feel better: and all those masculopathic philanderers, contenders, and controllers who fill up my office-all of them are suffering from Father Hunger. They go through their puberty rituals day after day for a lifetime, waiting for a father to anoint them and say "Attaboy," to treat them as good enough to be considered a man. They call attention to their pain, getting into trouble, getting hurt, doing things that are bad for them, as if they are calling for a father to come take them in hand and straighten them out, or at least tell them how a grown man would handle the pain. (Pittman 1993:130). Not so much driven by the preoccupations of early psychoanalysts grappling with the individual therapeutic aspect of myth, Fears 2716 rhapsodizes about “higher truths” the great myths might convey through novelized versions of more or less presumed historical events lionizing swashbuckling hero-tricksters who -as the script of any cable TV action movie might require- go ahead undaunted scoffing at
collateral damage in their pursuit of the ultimate boon, whose price is always worth it. It helps to remember again how all dictators in history (from Nero to Hitler; from Pol Pot to Amin) thought exactly like that.
People enthusiastically announce that the Higgs field -hypothesized in the mystical, lunatic and transgressive 1960s - vindicates fictional Obi-wan Kenobi's theory of 'the force', a field that equally pervades the entire universe, in turn a likely carbon-copy of the notion of mystical Chi (China), Num (Ju people of the Kalahari), Mana ( Pacific island cultures), Musubi (Japan), HachĂŠ (Afro-Cuban
Santeria), Prana (India), Pneuma (Ancient Greece), Ain Sof (Hebrew Kabbalah) etc and -this is well-worth emphasizing- of the elusive ether 2717 that Victorian scientists posited, which ghosts, too, consisted of:
late-Victorian physicists who claimed that the extraordinary physical properties of the ether made it a possible mediator between matter and spirit, and a weapon in their fight against materialistic conceptions of the cosmos -...-.Many late nineteenth-century British physicists who were involved in psychical research. More physicists than representatives of other scientific disciplines reached senior positions during early decades of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR), that symbol of the late-Victorian intellectual preoccupation with the occult which was founded in 1882. -...- Connections between the ether and the kind of phenomena studied by late-Victorian psychical researchers certainly had some pedigree. From the midnineteenth century many spiritualists speculated that "spiritual" ethers or ethereal elements were involved in the production of clairvoyance, telekinesis, and the manifestation of spirits, and they championed physicists' conception of the ethereal basis of matter as a sign that science in general and physics in particular was becoming spiritualistic. (Noakes 2004:415). 2717
Spiritus (whence the English spirit) was another version of omnipresent stuff that interfaced mind and body, and was everywhere. Francis Bacon among others posited its existence following a Renaissance and hermetic tradition.
The conception of physical things and phenomena as transient manifestations of an underlying fundamental entity is not only a basic element of quantum field theory, but also a basic element of the Eastern world view. Like Einstein, the Eastern mystics consider this underlying entity as the only reality: all its phenomenal manifestations are seen as transitory and illusory. This reality of the Eastern mystic cannot be identified with the quantum field of the physicist because it is seen as the essence of all phenomena in this world and, consequently, is beyond all concepts and ideas. The quantum field, on the other hand, is a well-defined concept which only accounts for some of the physical phenomena. Nevertheless, the intuition behind the physicist’s interpretation of the subatomic world, in terms of the quantum field, is closely paralleled by that of the Eastern mystic who interprets his or her experience of the world in terms of an ultimate underlying reality. Subsequent to the emergence of the field concept, physicists have attempted to unify the various fields into a single fundamental field which would incorporate all physical phenomena. Einstein, in particular, spent the last years of his life searching for such a unified field. (Capra 1975:211). Forman's thesis creates a direct link between the early history of quantum mechanics and the context of Weimar republic. More precisely, Forman claimed that the Weimar physicists and mathematicians accommodated themselves to a Spenglerian point of view and, as a consequence, they rejected causality. Forman also claims that the unanimous attitude towards a rejection of causality is not due to any internal developments of physics (and, particularly, not the specificity of quantum theory). He wants to correlate the acausal features of quantum mechanics with external factors. (Solomon 2012:1). physicist Oliver Lodge’s religio-scientific worldview, beginning with his reticent attraction to metaphysics in the early 1880s to the full formulation of his “ether theology” in the late 1890s. Lodge undertook the study of psychical phenomena such as telepathy, telekinesis, and “ectoplasm” to further his scientific investigations of the ether, speculating that electrical and psychical manifestations were linked phenomena that described the deeper underlying structures of the universe, beneath and beyond matter. For Lodge, to fully understand the ether was to force from the universe an ultimate Revelation, and psychical research—as the most modern and probatory science—was poised to replace religion as the means of that disclosure ( Grean Raia 2007:19, emphasis added).
A ciência, paradoxalmente, conduz a uma experiência que podemos interpretar como espiritual ou gnóstica: a percepção de uma realidade além da atual. (Science paradoxically triggers an experience we may consider as spiritual or gnostic: the perception of a reality apart from the actual one) (Vieira Ferreira 2009:114). For in [god] we live and move and have our being.' As some of your own poets have said, 'We are his offspring.' (Acts 17:28). The fact that ether was believed to be the essential, omnipresent medium allowing the propagation of electromagnetic waves does not make the contention disappear regarding the existence of these all-pervasive fields easily cathected with mystical properties.
According to Hindu tradition, ether (=space) is called akasha. According to Belle Epoque theosophists, among which E. Cayce (1877-1945), the akashic record is a level of consciousness that contains a vibrational imprint of every soul and its journeys:
Revolutionary discoveries in behavioral science and technology in the last quarter of the nineteenth century, ironically, stimulated belief in “unseen forces” and their superhuman mastery. The empirical findings in brain chemistry, atomic physics, constitutional psychology, and, especially, wireless communication seemed to suggest— in the popular German imagination—that they were indeed invisible, virtually mystic, fields surrounding each individual body that, in turn, was dictated by solar or astral waves. International luminaries like Thomas Edison, Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Guglielmo Marconi, Marie Curie, Nikola Tesla, and Albert Einstein were heroes to both the scientific and psychic communities. Their baffling theories, Berlin parapsychologists claimed, were foretold by the nineteenth-century American Spiritualists and the Anglo-Indian Theosophists (Gordon 2006:194).
reminiscences go hand in hand to imbue ether (=mystical element) with spiritual meanings. Bohr -in turn- just repackaged vibrational theories well alive before his birth. Hartley (1705-57) had developed vibrational ether-based theories to account for the connection between physical and psychological facts (sensation, perception etc). Contemporary strands of string theory posit all subatomic particles as corresponding vibrational states of an underlying energy string.
After all, vibration (=movement) sits at the core of immemorial Hindu Upanishads (kshobha=disturbance=movement). In some Buddhist traditions, it becomes “the deathless element”2718; Aurobindo writes about “the superconscience may be compared to an ether -...- through that ether of superconscience, that we can pass to a supreme status, knowledge, experience” 2719. As every human being generates a peculiar magnetic field, quantum medicine also exploits vibrational theories applied to human well-being.
How soon dark energy and dark matter shall be enthroned as yet another version of omnipresent force field cathected with mystical properties is anyone's guess. Finally, vibrational medicine is a (controversial) province of alternative healing that includes any treatment supposed to interfere with hypothetical energy waves or pulsations: pranic healing; therapeutic touch; crystal therapy; voice therapy, etc. 2718 2719
Nibbana. MAISF001 no date:Sri Aurobindo And The Concept Of The Unconscious In Psychology.
Readers would be hard-pressed to find one single concept taken up as a totem in later times that wasn't already all the rage in the Victorian period. Many prominent intellectuals argued that aspects of reality formerly deemed absolute were after all relative in one way or another:
The first was Henri Bergson. Hailed as the greatest philosopher of his day, he anticipated Einstein by proposing a new way of looking at time. He said we shouldn’t think of it as successive moments but we should think of it as a construct that arises in our own minds and which we project onto events. In a way this is an even more radical rethinking of the nature of time from that proposed by Einstein. Bergson transformed it into an internal idea, part of the human mind -...-. This was James’s response to one of the oldest problems in philosophy—how do you tell truth from falsehood? His answer was that a proposition should be considered true in as much as it is useful. -...-So this wasn’t a doctrine about truth at all—it marginalizes and relativizes truth. -...- [De Saussure] said that language doesn’t function as a signifier of reality. Language is a matter of usage—when meaning is conveyed by language it’s the result of associations triggered by sequences of words. Many of Saussure’s readers concluded that language doesn’t tell you anything, except about itself. (FernandezArmesto 2004:70-1). It turned out popular culture couldn't lag far behind, as usual:
It’s no coincidence that in the wake of Einstein’s publication of the theory of relativity that cubism began to depict a shivered, atomized world jarred into fragments. (Ibid.). What about Einstein's supposed 'discovery' that space (and time) might follow a non-euclidean model as well?
This restructuring of thinking about vision to foreground inference and cognition is partly the result of the rise of psychology as a science in the second half of the nineteenth century, and partly a consequence of the favorable reception of Auguste Comte’s positivist method, 2233
which in Britain was constituent of a larger project (not always strictly Comtean) to articulate an empiricist and inductivist theory of knowledge. One is tempted to look for a clean break, a moment of paradigm-shifting proportions comparable to what we shall see in the case of non-Euclidean geometry -...-. By the 1870s the foundational premises of Euclidean geometry had convincingly been challenged by a number of prominent mathematicians, and Clifford elatedly describes the break from the Euclidean paradigm as a new Copernican revolution -...-. Non-Euclidean geometry was not a resounding success in Britain -...- [until] Helmholtz found non-Euclidean geometries serviceable to promoting his empiricist agenda and disproving intuitionism -...-. In the case of Helmholtz’s plane and sphere dwellers, the analogy did much more in the long run than simply package a complicated idea in a way that made it understandable to non-specialists. Despite his warning about confusing the imaginable and the unimaginable, in popular culture the multi-world analogy operated as bonding agent between non-Euclidean and what are called n-dimensional geometries (of more than three dimensions), and spurred interest in considering ways to apprehend the fourth dimension. -...- The ability to imagine three-dimensional nonEuclidean spaces was arguably enhanced in the late 1860s when the Italian mathematician Eugenio Beltrami constructed visual models of spherical and pseudospherical spaces -...-. the fourth dimension – by the end of the century a popular haunt of disembodied spirits and higher intelligences – harbors more dangers than attractions for the visionary explorer. -...- Mudge’s inter-dimensional travels hybridize levitation, traveling clairvoyance, exotic tourism, and non-Euclidean geometry (Smajic 2010:68,157,160,163,166, 194-5). It turns out non-euclidean paradigms and related inferences -such as the fourth dimension- had been already the province of not only scientists across various nationalities and degrees of fame -such as Riemann, German 2720; Lobachevsky, Russian; Bolyai, Hungarian; Poincaré, French; De Pretto, an Italian who in 1903 published a theory similar to Einstein's-, but of litterateurs of various persuasions as well, such as H.G. Wells, who introduced the fourth dimension in his
Time Machine (1895). 2720
“A critical precursor to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, Riemann’s ideas severed geometry from common sense, transforming it into a province of esoteric abstraction.” (Cohen 2007:164).
All this was rather common currency well before Einstein's birth (18791955). Just in case of doubts, Cohen here explains the overarching dynamics at work under the scientist's esoteric verbiage, as the present writer suggested it was the case with Darwinism:
Furthermore, non-Euclidean geometry had been around for many years before mathematicians seized on it and broadcast its supposed impact on the ideology of mathematics. Why was a nontranscendental mathematical philosophy so attractive in the late Victorian era, and why were mathematicians so eager to remove religious innuendoes from their works? Why did this shift in the philosophy of mathematics occur in the second half of the nineteenth century, and not earlier or later? Although this transformation certainly emerged in part for internal reasons related to mathematical research and forms an important chapter in the progression of modern scientific thought, the correlation between the ideological change and mathematical professionalization is conspicuous. (2007:138, emphasis added). “Length contraction” was the answer FitzGerald and Lorentz proposed to rescue the concept of ether from the damning results of the Michelson-Morley experiment. Such “contraction” model originally meant to salvage the concept of ether resurfaced later as posh time and space contractions tallying with Einstein's theories. Non-euclidean models of space were also commonly posited in the Muslim middle ages: a theological requirement to thwart the arguments of dualists along lines it is impossible to pursue here.
Explaining Maslow's health model based upon positive psychology (“illness as the absence of health”) as opposed to the standard allopathic model (“health as the absence of illness”), Ben-Shahar 2721 - at least to the present writer2721
2009: lecture 2.2.
seems to posit this elusive quality to be increased (=health in this case) on the same terms Goleman posits emotional intelligence, and traditional practitioners posit Chi, HachĂŠ, Ain Sof, Prana, Pneuma, Num, Mana, whose increase equals better health irrespective of other clinical parameters.
Belle Epoque scientists posited ether, another omnipresent, elusive substance cathected with mystical properties. Marx and Marxist theorists posit(ed) labour, this elusive thing that may be present in greater or lesser degrees in all that surrounds us (from manufactured objects and workers working on them to crude oil), equally cathected with mystical properties, just like Chi, HachĂŠ, Num, god's grace and so forth; or just like health in Maslow's model. Again, much as a decline in Num, Chi and so forth shall bring about illness and ultimately death, so Marx prophesied that profits would gradually decrease ushering in capitalism's demise.
The 'x force' (god's will, Chi, labour...) is the ultimate substratum to be finally found if one digs deep enough. Of course, if one really digs deep enough, 'x forces' are interchangeable because at such a great remove (or depth) from common reality, god's will, labor, the law of blood and soil (NSDAP), Chi etc can be the 'x factor' hiding under any stone left unturned.
Is this 'x force' an objective factor on par with a pound of bread, or isn't it rather human mind's eerie propensity to see 'invisible hands' at work manipulating 'invisible forces' following the swinging mood of 'invisible faces' the psychotic human mind is on the ongoing lookout for? 2236
Darwin was apparently no exception, his 'invisible hand' being natural selection:
Young finds the anthropomorphism and voluntarism throughout On the Origin of Species remarkable. Seventeenth-century science already had "banished purposes, intentions, and anthropomorphic expressions [and so] it is surprising to find such rank anthropomorphism at the heart of the most celebrated unifying theory in biology."The chapter on "Natural Selection," for example, makes natural selection a strict, tireless, benevolent person: "natural selection is daily and hourly scrutinizing, throughout the world, every variation, even the slightest; rejecting that which is bad, preserving and adding up all that is good; silently and insensibly working, whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the improvement of each organic being.â&#x20AC;? Elsewhere Darwin repeatedly refers to nature's "unerring skill" and calls nature a "powerful agent always ready to act and select." -...-Darwin defended his anthropomorphism with a standard response: it was a shorthand, not meant literally.(Guthrie 1993:173-4). Health, happiness, 'mind magic' or gnostic insight might not be one's cup of tea. Free energy/fuel might be preferred, or zero-point energy, another variation upon the same elusive, inexhaustible and omnipresent x-force, now interpreted according to quantum physics (vacuum energy etc). Just when 'the mood of the times' contemptuously discards one version, another variation on the same concept resurfaces to give the human mind just what it cannot do without, under the slightly different packaging personality coaches, gnostic physicists, spiritualists, religionists and others may provide.
Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard (Ph.D in molecular genetics) discloses in a taped interview how elite scientists -notably physicists- ended their interviews
with the Dalai Lama on the basis of agreement because -so says Ricard 2722immemorial Buddhist philosophies dovetailed perfectly with the newest scientific trends:
In Buddhism the deeper-lying monistic entity is the pure wisdom of the Supreme Unified Consciousness which can give rise to matter and/or mind. In scientific terms it is the quantum geometry at the tiniest level (Planck scale) of the universe, which is called the unified quantum field. (Vajra 2008:62723). In their study of people who had experienced “quantum change,” defined as “vivid, surprising, benevolent, and enduring personal transformation,” William Miller and Janet C’de Baca (2001) found that the majority experienced the feeling that they were in a holy presence that some defined as God, others defined in terms of other sacred entities, and still others could not put it into words. -...-Empirical studies bear this out. In their study of people who experienced quantum change, Miller and C’de Baca (2001) found that the five most highly valued personal characteristics for men shifted from “wealth, adventure, achievement, pleasure and be respected” before the change to “spirituality, personal peace, family, God’s will, and honesty” after the change. For women, the top five values changed from “family, independence, career, fitting in, and attractiveness” to “growth, selfesteem, spirituality, happiness, and generosity”(Pargament 2007:1245). Dr. J.M. Schwartz [JS](professor of psychiatry at UCLA ) discusses in an interview with David Hulme [DH]:
JS It turns out that quantum physics has a very coherent way of explaining how attention can change how the brain works—how attention can hold functioning brain circuits in place.-...- DH How does this compare with the use of negative reinforcement to treat compulsive disorders? JS Well, that never really worked. But there were other behaviorist approaches that were very effective, using a method called “exposure and response prevention.” My difficulty with 2722 2723
2003. It may prove highly instructive to visit the author's website at: http://www.mahavajra.be/
that was that it didn’t take advantage of people’s capacity to recognize that the symptoms are false messages from their brain; that the symptoms are really just caused by a medical condition. The mechanical behavioral interventions that behaviorism used, while effective, required the person to go through a lot of anxiety, so they were extremely difficult for people to do on their own. I explained to people with OCD that they could respond differently to those intrusive thoughts and urges. That would not only change their brain, it also would empower them to not be a slave to their brain. The word I use for the introspection part of the therapy is mindfulness — looking inside yourself with the rational, calm perspective of an outside, impartial, fair-minded observer. That allows you to get outside of the fear. DH Mindfulness is a Buddhist concept. Are you a Buddhist? JS No, I’m Jewish, but I am very serious about practicing Buddhist meditation. I’ve been doing it for going on 30 years. -...- It turns out that quantum physics has a very coherent way of explaining how attention can change how the brain works—how attention can hold functioning brain circuits in place. (Schwartz 2004: no page). A Theravada Buddhist master adds:
Although some people hold the view that life originates in matter alone, the greatest scientists have accepted that mind precedes matter in order for life to originate. In Buddhism, this concept is called 'relinking consciousness'. (Ven. K. Sri Dhammananda Maha Thera quoted in Somaratne, ME6101: Buddhist Concept Of Mind). The cosmologies woven by people having psychedelic experiences (for example using hallucinogenic vegetable concoctions) are also extremely similar if not identical to what has been discussed here. The application of scientific jargon to discourse is a mere allegory, a figure of speech and nothing more:”When there is a gap between one's real and one's declared aims, one turns as it were instinctively to long words and exhausted idioms, like a cuttlefish spurting out ink.”. Are those attempts really giving us a truly updated mythology that shall put us back in accord with nature, and reconcile science and mysticism? Hardly.
The present writer argues that simply seeding stale re-editions of immemorial obtuse allegories with the names of Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, Einstein; substituting elusive monads or pervasive mystical force-fields from age-old mythologies with bosons, neutrinos etc-; swapping the physicist's deep space cosmic rays with the mystical rays of theosophy cathected with spiritual properties isn't reconciling science and mysticism any more than the chap in the ad is giving us a new, coherent mythology because his choice of the right malt liquor brand has him transfigured into a sir Lancelot or Galahad-lookalike in the infomercial.
The tale that grands blonds or little grays may be harvesting bodily fluids from unaware humans they abducted on their spaceship to their high-tech underground fertility clinic in order to carry on a secret interbreeding program isn't really that much of an improvement over Anchises having sexual intercourse with Venus lying on a lion skin in his cabin.
The fabulous repository of our era's circular, psychotic obsessions may still serve us fertility clinic imagery, a mystery angle, the quest after one's unknown father, yet under a thick 'Black versus White' veneer as fertility clinics become mainstream: 1993 Made In America.
Certain fundamentalist Christians do not believe in UFOs, but postulate the faithful of dispensationalism shall -if not strictly be abducted- at least vanish to meet god in order to be spared the tribulations of the end of days. The fact that
Matrix messiah Neo is told by the computer intelligence that runs the world how 2240
he's just another Neo having arrived there after countless peers in bygone ages isn't really breaking away from the Hindu concept of circular returns, just because in the movie we got fashionistas and Blues Brothers characters who jump from one skyscraper to the next exchanging kung-fu chops in mid-air in the mind of a computer.
There are groups or individuals ready to do anything for their cause, even if it involves cutting a few corners. There is an entire 'industry' (in and outside film studios) running on the conniptions the public invariably gets into when the magic neuralgic spots of the human psyche are activated, perhaps out of conformity to avoid the 'evil eye' of the party liner, that is -all things considered- the proxy for the deity's all-seeing eye shepherding us, today perhaps replaced by uninterrupted camera surveillance, speed-traps, biometric and other devices in place to protect the oblivious, unaccountable, wimpy yet irascible masses basically from themselves 2724.:
For a long time this model of the camp, or at least its underlying principle, was found in urban development, in the construction of working class housing estates, hospitals, asylums, prisons, schools : the spatial "nesting" of hierarchized surveillance . The principle was one of "embedding"-...-The disciplinary institutions secreted a machinery of control that functioned like a microscope of conduct;the fine, analytical divisions that they created formed around men an apparatus of observation, recording, and training.-...- On the whole, therefore, one can speak of the formation of a disciplinary society in this movement that stretches from the enclosed disciplines, a sort of social "quarantine," to an indefinitely generalizable mechanism of 2724
People today may very likely be under camera surveillance while they negotiate an intersection; withdraw cash; shop for groceries; board planes or trains; stroll down the main avenues; it is a completely different history whether (and in which way) has crime decreased as a result, if any. The various contractors, personnel and technicians in charge of devising, installing, operating and maintaining such equipment are not likely to find faults with it.
"panopticism . "-...- making it possible to bring the effects of power to the most minute and distant elements -...- a central point from which a permanent gaze may control. (Foucault in Rabinow 1984:190-1, 2067,217,) By the middle of the second century CE, Rome had a population of 1.5 million; Alexandria, in Egypt, 500,000; and Londinium, in Briton, 30,000. Not counting locally recruited forces, this vast empire was subjugated and policed with only around twenty-five legions, or the equivalent of only three and a half times the entire police force of New York City. (Meineck 2005-1:5). This goes back to XVIII century penology, whereby reformers -whose gums bled for mankind- sought to transform prisons (=punitive) into penitentiaries (=rehabilitation=religious overtones) meant to bring about reconciliation between the offender and society2725 on the curve towards depersonalization. One famous model of penitentiary was Bentham's panopticon (=uninterrupted surveillance as a way to rebuild the offender's defective conscience) replicated in various countries.
Well into the first decades of the XX century, the western masses (then largely peasant) stricken by natural disasters (drought, floods etc, by all accounts endemic in some areas) would organize religious ceremonies; nowadays people are accustomed to filing forms to address governmental and para-governmental agencies and policy makers. No matter how many times the hoaxer is caught; no matter how preposterous the 'thing' might be; no matter how often the same old plot is staged over and over and over again, it never stops yielding dividends: whether harmful or not depends on who's assessing them. 2725
It won't escape readers how this dynamic is very similar -if not identical- to that presiding over the establishment of a new religion, whereby a kind savior-hero lures bottom-feeders, liminal figures and outcasts with the mirage of exceedingly lenient standards, and openness, which defy the established order.
It is crucial to emphasize that the importance of pondering what is being discussed in this writing stems from the unavoidable (ab)uses shrewd gamesmen, loud gasbags, the cohort of bankrollers and the chorus of more or less deranged, jittery hecklers and hoaxers may commit. As Joseph Campbell 2726 put it, myth(ologie)s are lies when applied to the 'real' world, and truth when applied to the inner, spiritual, psychic world; or -as he put it elsewhere- myth(ologie)s are to be considered as poems and not as news reports of eye-witness accounts 2727:”And so my belief is that one shouldn’t throw these things out, but reread them so that they do have valid spiritual rather than impossible historical references. ” 2728.
The problem never rests with the individual using myths, metaphors or allegories as mood-altering or trance-inducing devices for his own purposes (for example to overcome grief/obstacles etc); or as enlightening or enlivening stories getting the point across quickly, such as minding man's limits in the story of Bellerophon trying to reach Olympus.
At least some proof surfaces here to indicate how the poker-faced mountebank (spin-doctor, policy maker, filmmaker etc) is pushing the public's buttons in cold blood. Dissecting stale myth(ologie)s and petrified allegories may indeed amount to “destroy meaning” (as R.L. Moore says deconstructionism does).
Yet in the twin piles of ashes of camp inmates, and incinerated German 2726
1986. 1972. 2728 Campbell 1976:no page. 2727
towns at the end of WWII there wasn't much meaning after all. After a judge finally settles the umpteenth investment or relationship disaster at the participant's high financial and emotional cost, not much residual meaning is in sight, really. People involved may have nevertheless felt like a hero from one's favorite corporate climbing drama, romantic comedy or action movie: no question about this.
There is but a thin line, however, between Charlton Heston and John Wayne characters on one hand, and Abbott&Costello or Laurel&Hardy characters on the other. R.L. Moore would be the first at this point to emphasize deep psychological issues in need of remedial action at work here.
In an interview, Hulk Hogan admitted his shifting from his 'good guy' gimmick to his 'bad guy' one in the form of the NWO was exquisitely a marketing choice in spite of all the drama it unleashed: the public seemed to no longer respond to the old gimmick as strongly as it used to.
Like politicians, savior-heroes and other ventriloquists for higher goods, Hogan nonchalantly combined his now mainstream 'bad guy' act (dressed in black) with stints as his old 'good guy' character (dressed in yellow and red) as he performed for two competing wrestling promotions.
Napoleon III would have quipped2729:”L’Impératrice est légitimiste, Morny est orléaniste, le Prince Napoléon est républicain et je suis moi-même 2729
This boutade exists in different versions, with one or more elements missing (such as the reference to Socialism). The present writer esteems this to be the longest version.
socialiste. Il n’y a qu’un seul bonapartiste, c’est Persigny, et il est fou ” (The Empress is a legitimist, Morny is an Orleanist, the Prince Napoleon is a republican, and I personally am a Socialist. Only one Bonapartist remains, which is Persigny [French activist and statesman instrumental in Napoleon III's rise to power], a complete fool).
The material and psychological bankruptcy which the (ab)uses of mythmaking can plunge any civilization in are best epitomized by the Easter Island, El
Mirador (Guatemala) and Pagan ( Bagan, Burma) cases (the so-called “ecocide” thesis), not to mention regimes all across the political spectrum.
It is known that Easter Island plunged into an ecological catastrophe that ignited chronic scarcity, civil warfare and cannibalism. It appears that the root of all that was the deforestation stemming from a mad race among competing clans or tribes to build more and bigger giant stone statues, idols of ancestor-worship that angry mobs later toppled and blinded seeking retribution over demanding gods who had failed.
In Burma, the once fabulous city-temple of Pagan lies now in ruins towering over a barren natural landscape depleted to fuel the construction of so many Buddhist temples; the Burmese had the advantage over Eastern Islanders to be able to migrate elsewhere.
Mayan El Mirador (Guatemala) settlements also possibly succumbed to
an ecological crisis deforestation had brought about: local people allegedly burnt huge quantities of wood in order to produce special plaster for their temples. The primitive animist society devoted to stone idols and ancestral worship, the advanced Maya settlement, and the most refined Buddhist culture known for its complex spirituality sunk into the same excess because of out-of-control myth-making. This hadn't eluded some groups such as Bishnois living in the Indian Rajasthan desert. They follow 29 rules XV century sage founder Jambhaji instituted, which forbid the felling of trees.
Here the present writer has to be in sharp disagreement with Joseph Campbell over the value of pervasive collective myth-making. Campbell argues that:â&#x20AC;?to criticize mythology because it is irrational would be like criticizing the pouch of the kangaroo because it has no relationship to reason. Its main function is the development of a human creatureâ&#x20AC;?2730. This writing hopefully shows -at least in part- how telling forensically true or false stories makes no difference as far as public reaction is concerned.
There is no significant difference between the antics, pre-scripted storylines and orchestrated chicanery in professional wrestling (=a form of self-contained entertainment), and whichever purposeful myth-making may lie on the other end of the spectrum. Different people may hold different beliefs about what constitutes purpose; besides, the masses yearn for petrified mythologies and obtuse allegories
per se, irrespective of any higher good, outcome etc that may -or may notmaterialize as a consequence.
Finally, myth-making seems in the end mostly to write a blank cheque to the control freak and mass-murderer -on the bitter end of the spectrum-, or to the inept, squanderer, hoaxer and debauchee -on the sweet end of the spectrum, when the two don't overlap-:”there is always the danger of what is called inflation, and this is what happens to the psychotic: he identifies himself with the mythological image”2731.
Campbell also points out who the potential psychotics might be: “The latest incarnation of Oedipus, the continued romance of Beauty and the Beast, stand this afternoon on the corner of Forty-second Street and fifth Avenue, waiting for the traffic light to change.”2732;”Fairy stories are open to any number of interpretations. There’s one for each member of the audience.”2733.
Leadership scholar Gardner surprisingly borrows the same image for a different purpose:”Where are the Jeffersons and Lincolns today? The answer, I am convinced, is that they are among us. Out there in the settings with which we are all familiar are the unawakened leaders, feeling no overpowering call to lead and hardly aware of the potential within”2734;”a sense of split -...- he sees himself in two roles -...- the role of the clown, that's the outer role that he plays -...- inside he's the 2731
Campbell 1970. Campbell 1949:4. 2733 Attributed to documentary filmmaker K. Brownlow in 2006. 2734 1990:181. 2732
savior and he knows it”. The bastard and the conqueror, the clown and the savior, the fakir and the King of Kings, the arch-outcast and the moral vanguard keep taking turns: the looking-glass self.
A couple examples may convey the iffiness of the question at hand. Shakespeare penned Henry V around 1599, whereby he evoked the 1415 battle of Agincourt as “We few, we happy few, we band of brothers” had defeated the French. The “band of brothers” was evoked on film (2001) through a telepicture on WWII detailing the deeds of U.S soldiers who “feel strong about right and wrong, And don't take trouble for very long”.
Ghosts of the Agincourt bowmen (the supposed Angels Of Mons) assisted the English during WWI. No surprise, for ghostly or miraculous armies – such as Prester John's- were ready to ride to the 'good guys'' rescue at any moment.
In 323 CE in fact, Nazarius narrated that the Emperor Constantine had -early in his Italian campaign to defeat Maxentius- been helped by a celestial army led by Constantine's own deified father Constantius Clorus. It went back a long way in Roman history:
The battle of Lake Regillus in 499 BCE became a mythological metaphor for the struggles of the early Roman republic against its Latin neighbors. According to a well-known Roman myth, during the battle, two godlike men on horseback suddenly appeared and entered the battle on the side of the Romans, leading their cavalry against the Latin forces and ensuring victory. It was later reported in Rome that two beautiful young men appeared in the Forum and proceeded to wash down their 2248
magnificent horses at the spring of Juturna near the temple of Vesta. They attracted a large crowd and were asked for news of the battle. They spoke of a huge Roman victory and then left the Forum never to be seen again. The Romans concluded that these two young men must have been the divine twins, Castor and Pollux, the sons of Zeusâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the Dioscuri. (Meineck 2005-1:59). On a more modest level, in Brianza (Italy), the dead -this time neither deified monarchs, nor ghostly armies- could help peasants, whose carriages were bogged down.
The enthralled psychotic (=a behavioral, not clinical statement here) at one with mythological images waiting for the traffic light to change may indeed be a hero. Alternatively, the song Ich Hatt' Einen Kameraden (I had a comrade) so popular under the NSDAP regime possibly shows the damage potential of enthralled psychotics once let loose. Yet things are subject to change, as Ich Hatt' Einen
Kameraden was originally penned in 1809 when German militarism was on the good side of history as a reaction to Napoleonic hegemony. Such was the enthrallment that the song has been indifferently adopted -in translation- across decades and political regimes: French foreign legion; Spanish Republicans; Fascist regimes... In Italy in 2013, in the usual primordial soup of pre-election jockeying for political positions, a new party is born: Fratelli D'Italia (Italians are brothers): it may make as little sense as one wishes, yet it feels so 'emotionally right', for the average person at least.
Mythological images -like Rorschach inkblots- can become mostly what one sees fit. Huizinga describes here how the medieval knight -with his baggage2249
morphed into the modern gentleman:
Sooner or later intellectual progress demands a revision of this ideal. It does not disappear,however, it only sheds its too fantastic tendencies. Chivalry,far from being completely disavowed, drops its affectation of a quasi-religious perfection, and will be henceforth only a model of social life. The knight is transformed into the cavalier, who, though still keeping up a very severs code of honour and of glory, will no longer claim to be a defender of the Faith or a protector of the oppressed. The modern gentleman is still ideally linked with the medieval conception of chivalry. (1972:116). Mythological thinking and ensuing gnostic bunkum are a double-edged sword, indeed. In the 1990s, Mexican Hispanics became possibly the largest minority in Utah (USA). In May 1997, in a poor suburb of Salt Lake City, appeared on a tree (=sacred tree mytheme) what many identified as an image of Mexico's cherished Saint, the Virgin of Guadalupe; a sort of shrine was built, and miracles avowedly multiplied.
One may rightfully wonder which sort of exceptional events might have happened should the rising Utah minority have consisted of Tibetan Buddhists or Punjabi Sikhs. Evidence supplied to make the case for reincarnation is scant in western countries; it becomes much more robust, whatever one may want to make of it, in countries of Hindu and/or Buddhist tradition. Hundreds of people are routinely recognized as tulku -the reincarnation of a gifted sage from the past- in Tibetan Buddhism. As Tibetan Buddhism migrated westwards, even a few Western/non-Asian tulkus have been recognized: synchronicity, indeed.
At some points, Campbell recounts the fable of the tiger raised as a goat; 2250
a fable that some take as unequivocal license Campbell accords to mass-murder:
the gist of which was that we are not all mere mild grass-eating goats but, instead, are blood-thirsty, carnivorous tigers, who do well to prey upon whatever lower species of animal makes up our natural diet. When she heard Campbell tell this story, my correspondent was so upset by its ethical implications that, she writes, “I rose shaking from my chair and shouted, ‘What about the six million who were gassed during World War II?’ In response, Mr. Campbell simply shrugged and said ‘That’s your problem.’” (Konner et alii 1989: no page). Zimmer loved to recount an amusing animal-fable from India. It tells of a tigress, pregnant and starving, who comes upon a little flock of goats (Campbell 1991:82). Anyone with a memory of the tensions on some campuses during the 1950s should be sensitive to the issue of "McCarthyism," with its connotations of "subversive" ideas and thought crimes. One’s friends and associates, membership in organizations, personal habits, reading material, offhand comments, even the jokes one laughed at, could be grounds for suspicion of radical and un-American tendencies. Many of the government investigations undertaken during this period focused directly on the defendants state of mind. Any bit of ideological contamination required explanation. -...-A careless comment to the wrong person could be a costly mistake. (Wilcox 1994:27). The “tiger among men” was an attribute often linked to heroes of the great Hindu epics Mahabharata and Ramayana. More in keeping with Campbell's actual, recorded words, he explains the fable (another variation upon the theme of the broken image upon a rippling pond versus the unbroken image upon a still pond) thus:
the moral as I read it is: the social sciences cultivate our goat nature; mythology, religion, deep religion, mystical contemplation of the hearts introduces by way of the marga, the path to our tiger face...here it comes another problem...when you've found your tiger face, how do you live as a goat -...- we are mixed beings, we live at the interface 2251
(Campbell 1978). Now, of course, the moral is that we are all tigers living here as goats. The right hand path, the sociological department, is interested in cultivating our goat-nature. Mythology, properly understood as metaphor, will guide you to the recognition of your tiger face. (Campbell 1991:83). Not only does the Gita say that one must follow one’s own natural bent and this which would lead to an individual’s progress, but the Gita further firmly states that one’s own law of life is much superior to following or imitating another’s. This is something which has a very contemporary value in our lives. (Sarvadekar in MAISI015 no date: lecture 3:3). Campbell's purported indifference may thus prove more irksome than any foul allegiance: an Eliade, Jung or an Heidegger flirting openly with Fascist motifs -or serving Fascist regimes in official capacity- is much better than Campbell's alleged indifference as the usual “psychotic who identifies himself with the mythological image” plays his little operetta while the horde in fusion gasps, whimpers and screams in participatory rapture.
As the case requires, damning evidence against Campbell is supplied by either personal interpretations of byzantine references to obtuse myths that serve as “a Rorschach test of ever changing sensibilities”, or reported fuzzy exchanges with unidentified key witnesses that happened at some point long ago in time, or perhaps at another.
Let's just consider the fact most sources claim Eliade actually met Gandhi during his stay in India. Others claim he simply didn't:
I am now been informed by [philosophy professor] Douglas Allen of the University of Maine that Eliade does not seem to have actually met Gandhi in India, but he was rebuffed when he tried to make an appointment for an interview. Considering how easy it was for people to approach Gandhi (including his assassin in 1948), it is surprising that Eliade was unable to meet the man if he had really wanted to. Indeed, according to Professor Allen, "it's clear to me from my research that these were not Eliade's priorities. He did not want to get involved with the freedom movement activists, and, although he was interested in interviewing Gandhi, this was not one of his highest priorities." Also, the ease of access to Gandhi may have varied over time, so that Eliade might not have been able to just walk in on him as would have been possible later. As a model for a cultural revival for Romania, on the other hand, it is not clear to me what other inspiration Eliade would have had in India. (Ross 2014:no page). Indifference is thus invariably politicized, and interpreted to identify the dissident with the foulest anti-myths in their bloodiest variations, while at the same time
immaterial/immemorial -spiritual or otherwise- truths that can elicit the usual sentimental elation: deepities, or statements that sound supercharged with meaning but are intellectually hollow, faulty and/or ambiguous.
To the present writer, the answer is not in some more petrified myth(ologie)s or obtuse allegories slanted this or that way instead of another. The best answer to counter any â&#x20AC;&#x153;psychotic who identifies himself with the mythological imageâ&#x20AC;?, whichever the color of his/her armband, is to send him/her packing as soon as s-he starts spinning the same stale yarns this writing discusses at least in part; whether opium to chloroform the masses in waiting for glory in some other world to come, or as ether to enthuse them to set things straight here and now, long-term
results cannot be but disastrous.
In order to defeat ventriloquists for supposed higher good(s) and other Barnums, it is imperative to dispassionately recognize petrified mythologies and obtuse allegories for what they are; it is not only the other guy (party, regime...) over there's beliefs that are phony, immoral or otherwise.
Ventriloquists for higher good, whichever it might be, are just schlockmeisters accustomed to bargain sharply, whose honor is eminently negotiable. They may nevertheless throw a candy to the masses with the usual mimeographed flapdoodle about this 'great man' who was torn apart in agony screaming. He bore witnesses to eternal truths for our sake, while we in attendance did nothing to stop the scourging. It helps to ponder there is no shortage of 'great men' dying in the defense or proclamation of any 'great cause'.
The facts, hoaxes and episodes mentioned here have been widely discussed in the mainstream press. It would be too simple to explain it all away with fixations of circular mourning and worship. Yet it does not work all the time, but only when 'political' pre-conditions are in place, which have nothing soever to do with historical facts, plausibility, or the generic item of worship and mourning etc.
Il semble donc juste de dire que les manifestations de l'exception, dans l'évènementiel, tendent à l'effacement et à l'oubli du concept en tant que concept. -...- désintéressement marqué pour le principe de cohérence dans lequel se constitue la charge symbolique du concept (Olivier Nault 2009:14)2735. The exemplum and its sister figure, the exception, are two figures around which historical action revolves (Lowrie 2007:92). In 1755 le grand dérangement unfolded; between 1755 and 1763 Acadians (French settlers in today's Maritime Provinces in Canada) were deliberately rounded up en masse
by the British and deported to various
destinations ( Boston, Louisiana, France, Malvinas... ): a sizable percentage of deportees never made it anywhere and fell victim of epidemics, starvation, (preplanned) murder and drowning2736.
Longfellow's Evangeline, A Tale Of Acadie (1847) was the fictionalized, Free translation:in the realm of events, the exception takes the form of a tendency to erase and forget the concept as such -...- a strong lack of interest for the principle of coherence that embodies the concept's symbolic value. 2736 The bizarre practice was rather diffused. Suffice it to mention noyades (mass drowning) taking place in Lyon during French Revolution's Terreur (1793-4): people the Republic had blacklisted would be summarily executed (clergymen, royalists, girondins, 'tall poppies'... ). 2735
compassionate epic that memorialized the tragedy and thereafter came to play an important role in the collective memory of the Acadian community.
No better fate befell those who remained and sought refuge in the wilderness: legally stripped of their properties, they were chased and often killed under the provision of a British law rewarding the 'harvest' of Indian scalps ( Governor Lawrence's proclamation May 14, 1756: thirty Pounds reward per scalp ): “Les Acadiens s'accrochent à la raison politique. Les Anglais font la guerre”2737 (Acadians make political steps while the English make war); the 'harvest' of Acadian scalps even made it to the public2738:
The 5th of March Lieut. Hazzen of the Rangers came in from a Scout of 15 Days, with a Party of 16 Rangers, up the River St. John’s; he brought in with him six French Scalps and six Prisoners. Lieut. Hazzen reports, that he has been to St. Anne’s, which is 140 Miles up this River, from Fort Frederick, to where it was expected he would have found a strong Garrison of the Enemy; but on his Arrival he found the Town vacated, which he set Fire to (Ibidem, n.p. ). Benjamin Franklin in 1782 manufactured a hoax whereby a journal (Supplement to the Boston Independent Chronicle ) of his own denounced the misdeeds of Indians who -at Britain's behest- harvested American scalps on a mass basis to serve as war trophies for the English. As it is clearly visible here, a historical fact (the harvest of French scalps) takes up recurrently new shapes in the form of hoaxes.
2737 2738
Roy 1989:13 Colonial and Early American Newspaper Articles 2005.
The Shoah Resource Center (Yad Vashem, Israel) informs how:
[concentration camp commander] Koch was transferred to Majdanek in September 1941. During the couple's stay there, they amassed a collection of tattooed human skin and shrunken skulls. Before their extermination, Ilse would choose the living prisoners whose skin she coveted. In July 1942 Koch was removed from Majdanek in the wake of a mass prisoner escape. He was arrested in August 1943 for forgery, embezzlement, threatening officials, and other charges (including their skin collection). Ilse was arrested as an accomplice. In April 1945 Koch was executed by the SS; Ilse was acquitted. (Koch, no date:1). The 2013 documentary Tibet:The Truth alleges that even the Tibetan lamaist theocracy before the merciful Chinese takeover used to exploit, oppress, mutilate and torture its subjects en masse, not to mention dealing in human skin objects as the footage shows.
While the allusion had also been popular in traditional narratives ( god bestowing trials and tribulations on the faithful ), comparing the fate or condition of Acadians to that of Jewry became increasingly common 2739, in the outraged, distressed, acquisitive and at times menacing way peculiar to various contemporary strands of 'rhetoric of the pariah'; even the Moncton University -major achievement in Acadian history- was likened to a “université d'Hitler pour les Juifs” 2740.
This topos was popular across various -otherwise competing or enemy-
“En un sens, les Acadiens ressemblent aux Juifs. -...- Les Juifs ont maintenu leur identité -...-. Ils ne se laissent pas assimiler “ (Action Nationale 1977:202-203);” Il faut noter également que l'Université de l'Acadie à Dieppe se dénomme encore officiellement l'Université de Monkton. Le colonel Monkton fut un des leaders des armées anglaises qui massacrèrent et déportèrent des centaines et des milliers d'Acadiens au 18e siècle. Une "Université d'Hitler" pour les Juifs ne serait pas plus absurde. (Blanchard in Action Nationale 1977:814). 2740 Blanchard in Action Nationale 1977:814. 2739
groups in the attempt to shame Britain into first recognizing the genocide it had committed in the past, and then making up for it with hefty réparations2741; to get the point across, Joseph Goebbels was the term of comparison for the discrimination targeting Acadian groups2742; other measures of 'positive discrimination' were also demanded, such as more jobs reserved for Acadians2743.
Francophone thought made ample recourse to the “rhetoric of the pariah”. Pierre Vallières (1938-1998), the asserted ideologue of Front De Libération
Du Québec (FLQ, a terrorist left-wing group responsible for politicized terror attacks active between 1960 and 1970 2744) sentenced for subversive activities, also urged Quebecers to gain political independence forcefully by adopting a pariah mindset that fosters revolt under the spur of ressentiment. One of his capital works was Nègres Blancs D'Amérique (White Niggers2745 Of America, 1967).
Georg Ritter von Schonerer, whom Hitler followed closely and whom he later called a "profound thinker."-...-.von Schonerer was something of a product of Bismarck's Kulturkampf, insisting that Catholics convert to German Lutheranism and even suggesting that parents reject Christian names in favor of purely "Teutonic" ones and calling for a ban on interracial marriages in order to keep Slavs and Jews from spoiling the genetic stock. And if Germans couldn't unify into a single, racially pure German fatherland, the very least that could be done was to adopt a policy of racial preferences and affirmative action for Germans. (Goldberg 2007:41).
Nadeau 1992:161ss; Gaudet in Action Nationale 1977: 193ss. Nadeau 1992:32. 2743 Savoie 1981. 2744 Readers may notice the radical left-wing connection(“Québec Liberation Front”) typical of a post-colonial context. Radical FLQ militants found sanctuary either in Cuba, or amid radical Afro-American activists -such as the Black Panthers- in the USA. Connecting the dots couldn't be easier. 2745 Nègre in French is equivalent to Negro in English, not “Nigger”: the politicized move in translation is obvious. 2741 2742
It is easy to understand how the deportation came to play a dominant role and to haunt the Acadian community's collective identity ever since: only in 2003 would the British crown officially recognise the deportation 2746. At the same time, the document disclaimed all responsibility (“Attendu que Notre présente Proclamation ne constitue d'aucune façon une reconnaissance de responsabilité juridique ou financière de la part de la Couronne du chef du Canada et des provinces et qu'elle ne constitue d'aucune façon une reconnaissance d'un quelconque droit ou d'une quelconque obligation; “ Ibidem, n.p ); it relativized the event (“Attendu que la déportation du peuple acadien, communément appelée le Grand Dérangement, s'est poursuivie jusqu'en 1763 et a eu des conséquences tragiques, plusieurs milliers d'Acadiens ayant péri par suite de maladies, lors de naufrages, dans leurs lieux de refuge, dans les camps de prisonniers de la Nouvelle-Écosse et de l'Angleterre ainsi que dans les colonies britanniques en Amérique” ibid, n.p ) while urging Acadians to 'get over it' (“ Attendu que Nous souhaitons que les Acadiens puissent tourner la page sur cette période sombre de leur histoire“, ibid, n.p ).
An uninformed reader might wonder whether a similar official response - addressed to other groups victims of a similar treatment in more recent timeswould not trigger a chain reaction of court trials, frantic press coverage imperiously demanding 'special laws' to discipline the 'dangerous' thought pattern and campaigns by rightfully concerned and emotionally devastated pressure groups, thus cowing the culprit into remorseful submission and respectful atonement. 2746
Proclamation Royale 2003.
In spite of the magnitude of any past event, Acadians (or Quebecers) were never granted a position of 'moral' pre-eminence; they were never showered with the much sought after hefty réparations; their (real or presumed) distress level never became the supreme -albeit capricious- barometer of the socially acceptable: even if all the elements seemed to be in place for it to succeed, the “quest for guilt” strategy failed.
Salee noted:
Much of the modern nationalist movement in Quebec is premissed on the idea that, more than anyone else, French-speaking quebecers have a fundamental right to cry foul at the social and psychological injuries inflicted upon in the past. In this sense, Quebec nationalism is no stranger to "ressentiment", -...- political ethos of reproach, rancor, moralism and guilt. But francophones are no longer playing the victim game by themselves; others are playing it too, and have become quite deft at it, quick to portray Quebec nationalists as perpetrators of human rights against Quebec minorities, -...- shaming the majority into recognizing their unacceptable plight. When "mistreatement" is not real, or atrocious enough to draw attention, one's best chance of obtaining that piece of power or influence that eludes one, is to convince others that one is a symbolic victim. In the heightened individualism of our age, even the faintest, symbolic threat to the integrity of our fundamental and intimate individuality triggers offended reactions and calls for retribution (1997:6-23). It is possible to argue that 1755 was a long time ago, yet the same tactics can be used to pick apart any such event, no matter how historical and documented: it's enough to see the havoc and commotion at all levels when such 'tricks' misfire. Welch2747 picks apart estimates describing the possible number of Iraqi children fallen victims of embargoes:” a comedy of error-filled science, activism and 2747
journalism. ”.
Parenti picks apart the alleged plight of Tibetans under Chinese rule:
Both the Dalai Lama and his advisor and youngest brother, Tendzin Choegyal, claimed that “more than 1.2 million Tibetans are dead as a result of the Chinese occupation.” The official 1953 census--six years before the Chinese crackdown--recorded the entire population residing in Tibet at 1,274,000. Other census counts put the population within Tibet at about two million. If the Chinese killed 1.2 million in the early 1960s then almost all of Tibet, would have been depopulated, transformed into a killing field dotted with death camps and mass graves--of which we have no evidence. The thinly distributed Chinese force in Tibet could not have rounded up, hunted down, and exterminated that many people even if it had spent all its time doing nothing else. (2007:7). The Turkish Historical Society (Tu¨rk Tarih Kurumu, THS) recently published a “landmark” book [in 2004]-...-In fact, the book presents no new evidence to refute “claims” of genocide. Rather, by disputing the Armenian population figures before and after the deportation, the authors contend that most of the Armenians survived, and therefore, no systematic massacre could have occurred. The authors, however, do concede “that in the course of the events which transpired during the First World War, the Armenians suffered a total of some 200,000 deaths” -...-“the Tehcir, or government-directed deportation of the Armenian population of Anatolia was the state’s lawful right to selfdefense, and of course, ‘mistakes were made’”; because of “such causes as food shortages, the inability to control bandit gangs, and the incapacity to deal with outbreaks of contagious diseases” the Armenians experienced “a period full of sorrow” (p 179). The writers blame the Armenians for their own destruction (Akçam 2005:255257). Hypocrisy when it comes to death of children? In Oklahoma City, it was family convenience that explained the presence of a day-care center placed between street level and the law enforcement agencies which occupied the upper floors of the building. Yet when discussion shifts to Iraq, any day-care center in a government building instantly becomes "a shield." Think about that. (McVeigh 2748 1998 An Essay On 2748
Right-wing terrorist who perpetrated the bombing attack in Oklahoma City in 1995.
Hypocrisy). Unable to escape or alter the unbearable reality that their parent is in fact being unloving, cruel, or abusive, children alter it in their minds. The abuse is either walled off from conscious awareness and memory, so that in the child’s mind it did not really happen; or it is minimized, rationalized, and excused, so that whatever did happen was “not really abuse.” (Engel 2015:162). Solomonic Parenti is also keen to inform readers about one of his sources:”Heinrich Harrer (later revealed to have been a sergeant in Hitler’s SS) wrote a bestseller -...- sure evidence of the dreadful nature of the Chinese occupation”2749. It follows smoothly how a mass-murdering SS freak may think like.
Genocide denial comes in pre-packaged capsules no matter who spins it: the noble Turkish nation or some crypto-Nazi weirdo prosecutors the world over are trying to jail. Again, the difference in feedback between an hardcover edition by a university press, and a lawsuit following character assassination is just a matter of whom one attributes the deeds to:”All issues are political issues, and politics itself is a mass of lies, evasions, folly, hatred, and schizophrenia”.
Naturally, Parenti's own possible ulterior motives and agenda as politicking academic icon (the postmodern version of the lumpenproletariat) on all ranges of the red political spectrum bereft and aggrieved after the collapse of the Soviet system2750 are out of question: best of all causes oblige.
Parenti, however, is not alone in his uninhibited recourse to suites of 2749 2750
Parenti 2007:6. The topic of another of Parenti's articles.
arguments commonly (ab)used on both end of the political spectrum. Years ago, a book by Bacque sparked a controversy. Bacque argued -with sources to match according to him- how the Allied war administration in postwar Germany had deliberately and systematically let a significant number of German prisoners die in captivity, allegedly to â&#x20AC;&#x153;let Germany find out what it means to start a war â&#x20AC;?, as commanding officer Gen. Eisenhower had reportedly declared to the press describing the possibly critical situation in Germany2751.
Various estimates were put forth, and the denial of the general Socratic extenuating circumstances they entailed (deliberate and systematic=must have known) triggered an outraged reaction. The present writer is not professionally equipped -nor interested- in delving into the issue at length.
'Accredited' historian Ambrose clinched his rebuttal of Bacque's thesis thus:
Questions immediately arise. If there were a million dead, where are the bodies? Did Eisenhower have such vast power that he could order starvation on a mass scale and keep it a secret? Was the undoubted suffering in the camps, especially the transit camps along the Rhine, the result of Eisenhower's policy or the result of the chaotic conditions that prevailed in Europe in the spring and summer of 1945? Mr. Bacque, a Canadian novelist with no previous historical research or writing experience (1991: no page). People who wrote much milder pieces on similar subjects had their careers and credibility destroyed through ritual defamation and guilt by association
Policies&Principles...1945: no page.
because they allegedly 'caused (this, that or another group) emotional agony', and because they flaunted the norm that prescribes mournful respect in front of such events. That seems a pretty cogent logic in itself, plunging one in a web of unsolvable ethical dilemmas, but it proves easy to debunk: â&#x20AC;&#x153;the logic of the evidenceâ&#x20AC;? (as put forth in another case examined earlier) shall make no allowances for anybody: too bad for those who find it hard to swallow.
Of course, this too can be easily discredited claiming such is not 'truth', but the jaded, partisan finding of one party with vested interests in the defense of unspeakable connections/ideologies that have no place in polite company, and ought to be taken care of under this or that criminal law provision, precedent or statute. Torn between 'truth' and inflicting 'emotional agony' upon fellows sharing our 'common humanity', we shall know what is 'emotionally right' to do 2752.
Finally, who decides what constitutes a comedy of errors and what 'good journalism'? What is fine in polite company, and what might inflict 'emotional agony' upon anybody? The editor answerable to his superiors, political affiliates, shareholders, politicking lobbies, cosche mafiose, sponsors...?
Jimmy Guieu tried to buttress and document his cases of paranormal and UFO activity: we had the shocked eye-witness, the 'expert' giving a rational explanation, and so forth. But to blow it all apart, it was enough to remark how Guieu was a writer of science fiction making a dime as 'authority' on the subject 2752
Ayer's philosophical theory (emotivism) - now discarded on intellectual ground- already argued that ethical judgments are mere expressions of feelings.
(writing books, speaking circuits etc); how his witnesses and suchlike all shared connections with the field of occult/mystery (psychics, mediums, tarot readers, mythicists, alternative healers...), and/or with Guieu himself (one of the key witnesses in an 'alien implant' case was Guieu's ex-wife, now married to Guieu's graphic artist), or with one another (a radiosensitive friend of Guieu's bringing an acquaintance of his as witness in a paranormal case).
Connecting the dots to expose false pretenses, checkered reputations, closeted skeletons and vested interests can be either a moral duty when 'bad guys' are a target, or a shameful blow below the belt, outrageous off-topic, clumsy personal attack if the 'good guys' are concerned. ' Connecting the dots' about what this, that or another race, group or class may really be up to can be the first immoral step towards unfathomable collective sparagmos. People are thus guilty -by a moral if not legal standpoint- of complicity in the past horrors having befallen said groups.
Solemn prophets of doom with a sullen expression and red, swollen eyes finger-point a mountain of debris, and/or corpses: that's what lies just ahead if such attitude is permitted to continue. Unless, of course, one addresses the antics of the BRT (business round-table), an advocacy group uniting hundreds of the largest U.S corporations. The season is always open on super-capitalists and the forces occultes they unleash.
Of course, woe betide those trying to connect the 'polite' left (academics, living room revolutionaries...) with the horrors of Social-Communist regimes 2265
(Khmer Rouges, Bolsheviks...): a red herring used to avoid discussing the inequalities and wrongdoings those brave folks on the left denounce. Connecting the various radical left-wingers with a past as hooligans -such as Castro, Mandela, Mujica, Tsipras...- with famine, purges, summary executions and death camps is a non-issue.
What happened in Cambodia, the USSR or elsewhere is a local event to be solely left to local specialists to investigate. What happened in Cambodia in no way labels or predicts what can happen in Greece, Venezuela, Uruguay or elsewhere. Of course, if a right-wing radical regime would be the case in point, what once happened in Germany is a surefire blueprint for things to come soon.
Trying to reserve the same treatment to other advocacy groups, which are often as open, clannish and shameless in their pursuits (ACLU, NAACP, ACORN, AIPAC, JDL, ADL...) as their ideological foes, may see one threading on eggshells as the justice system lies in wait to put one through a kangaroo court for prompt retribution:
Cooperation between the ADL and the FBI increased enormously under President Reagan in 1981, and became formal with the issuance of a 1985 "memo" requiring all FBI field offices to develop formal liaison with some thirty ADL Field offices around the nation. This memo remained secret until it was uncovered in 1990 in a FOIA request to an FBI field office in Minnesota, where it was released to a journalist by mistake. (Wilcox 1994:13). I know firsthand that uncontrolled eruptions of emotion sabotage the safety that most of us are trying to create, whether in our families or our organizations. If it happens often enough, 2266
chandeliering leads to eggshell environments— fear-based settings where everyone is on edge. (Brown 2015:51). It is doubtful the same Socrates -or Antigone- shtick sorted any noticeable effect in the case of the various Irving, Richwine, MacDonald, Zemmour, Zundel, McGowan, Faurisson, Churchill, Strugnell etc. Alternatively, the same denunciation might represent the rational account of the state of affairs, whereas objections are discarded as priggish, self-serving or irrational.
Perhaps the most devastating theorist of terrorism was the German anarchist Johannes Most [1846-1906]. The entire elite, he argued, including their families, servants, and all who did business with them, were legitimate targets of armed struggle to be killed at any opportunity. Any innocent person caught in the crossfire was a valid sacrifice for a good cause. Most’s ideas anticipated the whole of the rest of the history of anarchist terrorism. (Fernandez-Armesto 2004:67). The advent of nationalism, and with it notions of statehood and citizenship based on the common identity of a people rather than the lineage of a royal family, were resulting in the unification and creation of new nation-states such as Germany and Italy. Meanwhile, the massive socioeconomic changes engendered by the Industrial Revolution were creating new “universalist” ideologies (such as communism/Marxism), born of the alienation and exploitative conditions of nineteenth-century capitalism. From this milieu a new era of terrorism emerged, in which the concept had gained many of the familiar revolutionary, antistate connotations of today. Its chief progenitor was arguably the Italian republican extremist Carlo Pisacane, who had forsaken his birthright as duke of San Giovanni only to perish in 1857 during an ill-fated revolt against Bourbon rule. A passionate advocate of federalism and mutualism, Pisacane is remembered less on this account than for the theory of “propaganda by deed,” which he is credited with defining—an idea that has exerted a compelling influence on rebels and terrorists alike ever since. “The propaganda of the idea is a chimera,” Pisacane wrote. “Ideas result from deeds, not the latter from the former, and the people will not be free when they are educated, but educated when they are free.” Violence, he argued,was necessary not only to draw attention to, or 2267
generate publicity for, a cause, but also to inform, educate, and ultimately rally the masses behind the revolution. The didactic purpose of violence, Pisacane argued, could never be effectively replaced by pamphlets, wall posters, or assemblies. Perhaps the first organization to put into practice Pisacane’s dictum was the Narodnaya Volya, or People’s Will (sometimes translated as “People’s Freedom”), a small group of Russian constitutionalists that had been founded in 1878 to challenge czarist rule. (Hoffman 2006:5). It help to ponder how Most – who then relocated to the USA to spread his ideas in cooperation with Russian-Jewish emigres Goldman and Berkmanwasn't exactly just another demented apostle filling his mouth with big words to enthuse the simpleton (notably “propaganda of the deed”) with mythical images of days of ultimate reckoning and redress. Most had in fact served as Socialdemocratic parliamentarian in Germany: the tip of the mainstream progressive iceberg.
Most was not alone. The freak show of violent (proactive...) progressives also included zealots working to topple totems other than the class one, such as slavery (for example John Brown2753 in the USA, whose abolitionist expeditions left several people dead). Famous Bolshevik Zinoviev 2754 once declared:”Let there be floods of blood of the bourgeois, more blood, as much as possible”, and he also “called for the annihilation of ten million anti-Bolsheviks” 2755.
Yezhov, chief of secret Soviet police NKVD, once declared:”'There will 2753
Brown plotted a trajectory similar to other 'great men' such as Gandhi, Pol Pot, Hitler and Lincoln. An eccentric, Brown fathered 20 children by two wives. He -again like Hitler, Pol Pot, Gandhi, Lincoln and othersfailed at several careers: tanner, wool dealer, land speculator, farmer. Brown's quirks included strong religiosity: he claimed his incursions were to be taken as divine retribution. Before going to the gallows, Brown equally prophesied that slavery would end in a blood bath. Transcendentalists eulogized him as a divine figure (Thoreau) and Christ-like (A.B. Alcott) figure, while historian Reynolds in our day posits him as originator of of the civil war and the civil right movement. The fact that Thoreau influenced Gandhi is no surprise at all. 2754 Pseudonym of Jewish-Russian thinker G.E. Apfelbaum. 2755 Lockhart 1967:95.
be some innocent victims in this fight against Fascist agents -...- We are launching a major attack on the Enemy; let there be no resentment if we bump someone with an elbow. Better that ten innocent people should suffer than one spy get away. When you chop wood, chips fly.'”2756.
Lenin apparently welcomed the great famines of the early periods -which took countless lives- thus:”famine would also destroy faith not only in the tsar but in god too”2757; or -writing to high officials in 1922- “our only hope is the despair engendered in the masses by the famine, which will cause them to look at us in a favorable light or, at the very least, with indifference ”2758.
Should the public 'connect the dots' and point at a pile of smoldering out corpses? Is it time for Zoroastrian dilemmas, or time for pragmatism, or lengthy academic investigations under the sign of disinterested relativism? Does this constitute quote-mining? Selective reading, perchance? Is one ready to extend the courtesy of historical relativism to one's least favored rulers or regimes? Or -in the case of a regime, ideology or ruler one doesn't like- “there is never a good reason to go that far”?
argued the Nuremberg Trials that
brought Nazi
perpetrators in the dock stood on a moral common ground that every decent human being shared. Given the evergreen amount of popularity Turkey enjoys 2756 2757 2758
Cit. in Sebag Montefiore 2004:222. Cit. in Courtois et alii 1999:124. Cit. in Courtois et alii 1999:125.
internationally in spite of the Armenian question seems to contradict Solzhenitsyn. Turkey is not “paying dues” now, nor was it paying them in the 1950s, 1940s or ever for that matter.
On July 8, 1940, Churchill declared that in order to defeat Hitler it was necessary to wage:”an absolutely devastating, exterminating attack by very heavy bombers on the Nazi homeland. ”2759; high-ranking U.S advisor D.T. Griggs advocated in 1944 a war effort “ directed to the disruption of [the] German economy and the terrorization of the German people”2760. Chief of staff Colin Powell gleefully announced as U.S troops invaded Iraq in 1991:”'I'm not telegraphing anything. I just want everybody to know that we have a toolbox that's full of lots of tools, and I brought them all to the party ” 2761. On the opposite side, Goebbels' threats against Jews and other fringe groups would detonate with surgical precision against millions of individuals:
If, at the beginning of the [First World] War and during the War, twelve or fifteen thousand of these Hebraic corrupters of the nation had been subjected to poison gas such as had to be endured in the field by hundreds of thousands of our very best German workers of all classes and professions, then the sacrifice of millions at the front would not have been in vain. (Hitler 1941:984). Nevertheless, the slaughter having befallen upper and middle classes; the persecution of dissidents, royalists, religionists and clergy; the wrongdoings of cultural revolutions under many 'good revolutions' (= 1789, 1917, 1949...) do not 2759 2760 2761
Cit. in Baker 2008:208. Cit. in Schaffer 1985:94, emphasis added. UPI, January 23, 1991.
seem to interfere with the evergreen polemics against said groups: 'if the shoe fits'...; or with the enthusiasm of elated partisans of the 'great ideas'.
After all, the end of the world is due every other fortnight: will an asteroid collide with Earth? Will a computer virus a rogue international syndicate surreptitiously planted worldwide detonate? Will ...ists march into town to do 'you know what' to 'you know who'? Is a tsunami, earthquake, nuclear strike going to...? Hasn't plentiful evidence been supplied already ( papyri, mystical vision, UFO transmission, clay tablets, secret service records, infiltrator's report...)?
Musing upon Goering's drug addiction is indeed fine, whereas mentioning that “Winston Churchill MP was sold cocaine hydroclohloric” 2762, or that “Winston Churchill also used amphetamines to help him through the long dark nights during the blackouts”2763 simply parades one's foul allegiances and stupidity in judging people of the past according to today's norms, 'quote mining', 'selective quotations', thus failing to recognize the bigger picture, the one that always puts a nice spin on things. Even Freud, the physician and father of psychoanalysis, recommended, and experimented enthusiastically with, cocaine for about a decade starting in 1884:”I am busy collecting the literature for a song of praise to this wonderful substance.”2764. He tried to excise this enthusiasm from his curriculum, though, as the effects of cocaine addiction soon became apparent: 2762
Wodak&Owens 1996:18. Jack Li 2006:161. It won't escape readers how the sentence is shrouded in terms of situational factors (=long dark nights, blackouts, war...) so that readers may avoid jumping to conclusions about traits (=dispositional factors). 2764 Freud in Jack Li 2006:209. 2763
The whole cocaine affair remains an ironic one in Freud's life. It brought him to the very brink of world fame at the early age of twentyeight and then left him, for all his troubles, with a tarnished medical reputation. At the same time, this episode reveals the first distinct sign of the spirited advocacy Freud was soon to bring to his development of psychoanalytic theory. (Sulloway 1992:28). Pondering Nietzsche's mental collapse (“ it becomes clear not only that Nietzsche was a despicable racist, but also that he wasn't a very good philosopher”2765); Nietzsche's possible syphilis 2766 -which he contracted in a brothel alternatively described as a homosexual brothel in Genoa, or a heterosexual bordello in Cologne; Goebbels' philandering, and so forth helps one to understand lots of things in the right perspective.
No ammunition shall lack to those wanting to 'connect the dots':
At one point on the FBI tapes of the Willard Hotel tryst, [civil rights leader M.L.] King is heard to cry out at the peak of sexual passion, “I’m fucking for God!” and “I’m not a Negro tonight.”-...These circumstances fueled King’s need for retreat. Sometimes he sought an interlude of solace in the creature comforts of the steam room followed by a massage from the blind man at the Auburn Avenue YMCA, a remnant of a safe boyhood where he had spent hours playing basketball and ping-pong. Another pleasure of the flesh drove King to repair to various mistresses’ apartments. A friend once raised “the subject of his compulsive sexual athleticism . . . after being prompted by a worried mutual acquaintance. ‘I’m away from home twenty-five to twenty-seven days a month,’ King answered. ‘Fucking’s a form of anxiety reduction.’” The need for escape prompted King’s jaunts to Grim 2005: A Genealogy Of My Morals. Solomon (2000:Nietzsche The Immoralist) takes an opposite approach, and heaps praise upon Nietzsche from all possible angles: an exemplary man. Equally credentialed, mainstream and established academics such as Grim and Solomon reach antithetical conclusions pondering the work of a philosopher deceased in 1900 as if they had been reading completely different materials. As this writing contends, it is up to readers to determine which agenda might be at work. 2766 He “almost certainly” contracted syphilis according to noted academic Foucault in 1966. Foucault argues that Nietzsche's illness was the transmission belt behind his work: the origin of the “suspicion”. 2765
Jamaica, the Bahamas, and Mexico. (Rieder 2008:62,78). The mafioso novel has an epilogue: in 1977 U.S judge J.L. Smith ordered all FBI surveillance files related to an already deceased M.L. King to be embargoed until 2027, much as the Francoist government routinely covered up racketeering and financial deals on Franco's family's part.
In 2016, both left and right in the Italian parliament vote to embargo leaks regarding Berlusconi's presumed raunchy and blackmailing phone calls with innumerable ballerine in his entourage. How could Berlusconi uphold his mystical image of transcendent embodiment of buongoverno (good governance) in an upcoming election should voters get privy to the sordid details of his bohemian lifestyle that rivals with Kennedy's and M.L. King's?
A Hawaii state health official who gained national attention when she released a copy of President Barack Obama's birth certificate in 2011 was killed in a plane crash off the island of Molokai, authorities said on Thursday. -...-The pilot and seven other passengers survived the crash with various injuries (Reuters, December 12, 2013). Even C.G. Jung - who confessed that a man had sexually attacked him as a boy- believed -according to Freud- that Nietzsche had contracted syphilis in a homosexual brothel, and that two of Jung's friends who followed Nietzsche were homosexuals, of whom one committed suicide, and the other lived on a quite peculiar life2767.
Bishop 1999:238, note 6.
One of the belligerent mahatmas of secular atheism, academic Dawkins -famous for his book The God Delusion- went public with curious information:
In a recent interview with the Times magazine, Richard Dawkins attempted to defend what he called “mild pedophilia,” which, he says, he personally experienced as a young child and does not believe causes “lasting harm.” Dawkins went on to say that one of his former school masters “pulled me on his knee and put his hand inside my shorts,” and that to condemn this “mild touching up” as sexual abuse today would somehow be unfair. -...-Plus, he added, though his other classmates also experienced abuse at the hands of this teacher, “I don’t think he did any of us lasting harm.” (McDonough 2013: no page, emphasis added). Are there dots to connect, perchance?
Sebag Montefiore delivers this charming portrait of Yezhov - one of the key masterminds of bloody Soviet purges under Stalin- that parallels last week's cable TV movie story-lines:
His humour was oafishly puerile: he presided over competitions to see which trouserless Commissar could fart away handfuls of cigarette ash. He cavorted at orgies with prostitutes, but was also an enthusiastic bisexual, having enjoyed avid encounters with his fellow tailoring apprentices, soldiers at the front and even high Bolsheviks like Filipp Goloshchekin, who had arranged the murder of the Romanovs. His only hobby apart from partying and fornicating was collecting and making model yachts. Unstable, sexually confused and highly strung, he was too weak to compete with bulldozers like Kaganovich, not to mention Stalin himself. Yezhov suffered constant nervous illnesses, including sores and itchy skin, TB, angina, sciatica, psoriasis (a nervous condition he probably shared with Stalin) and what they called 'neurasthenia'. He often sank into gloomy depression, drank too much and had to be nurtured by Stalin, just to keep him at work. (2004:174). Musing upon Foucault's radical left allegiances, homosexuality and 2274
AIDS-related death; J.F. Kennedy's bawdy adulterous escapades, and foreign policy adventurism; Rousseau abandoning his children to orphanages (thus almost insuring their demise); Roosevelt's disability; Martin Luther King's plagiarism, alleged encounters with prostitutes and so forth in order to explain anything 2768 just disqualifies one as harboring impure allegiances of one foul breed or another that polite company shuns:
Running for office as a devoted wife and mother of two sons besides Sunday school teacher, Amy Biviano’s campaign has been rocked by the revelation of her appearance in Playboy. -...- Biviano has worked hard to transform her image from a Yale educated anthropologist and self-avowed feminist into a suburban mom with an adoring husband. -...- she is now locked in a race to unseat conservative favorite Representative Matt Shea in the 4th Legislative District which stretches across the Spokane Valley. -...- Ironically, a central theme of her campaign has been repeated demands that Representative Shea tell all about his past. She is referring to Shea’s divorce from first wife Lisa. This is well-trod turf with Democrats and the local liberal media bringing up his divorce in every one of his earlier campaigns. They claim that the breakdown of his first marriage is fair game because Representative Shea is the Legislature’s biggest opponent of gay marriage. It is appropriate since she is demanding answers from Shea’s past that she fully disclose her own. She tells Playboy in the interview that accompanies the photo spread that she is a feminist, saying, “I wanted to pose for Playboy to show that we’re not asexual manhaters.” She also told Playboy that her future plans as an Anthropologist included a desire to study sex in other cultures around the globe. (Newseditor 2012: no page). In the primary election, State Rep. Matt Shea, R-Spokane Valley, dominated his Democratic challenger Amy Biviano, with 57 percent of the vote. His top finish came despite news that, in December, Shea waved an unlicensed firearm at a motorist. (Inlander, August 15, 2012). Charles Darwin was a deeply unhappy man whose theories, although 2768
Hansen (2001) lists a series of tasty factoids that bring to light the awkward personal side of many known public figures from James Randi to Jacques Lacan.
they were rigorously based on scientific data, were nonetheless influenced by the trajectory and tragedy of his own life. He had married his own cousin. Their children were sickly, and Darwin believed that he had condemned them to lives of evolutionary inferiority. (Fernandez-Armesto 2004:66). Gregor Mendel and Charles Darwin each struggled with depression (Polimeni 2012:93). A veteran University of Colorado Denver administrator is under investigation -...-The university began its probe this week after learning a CBS4 investigation would air into the moonlighting activities of Resa Cooper-Morning, the cultural diversity coordinator with UCD’s Ethnic Studies department. -...-“Maybe kiss my brown thighs,” suggests her phone sex site. -...-The prospect that the CU administrator has been engaging in paid phone sex at the same time she is being paid to work by taxpayers has administrators concerned. -...-In 2008, the University of Colorado honored Cooper-Morning for her service to her community and to CU. (Maass 2013: no page, emphasis added). The masses are (allowed to be) skeptical, jeer and mock the prophets of UFO and paranormal doom. The befuddled victims cast implausibilities and incongruities in their narratives aside; they cannot be bothered with fastidious questions on UFOs and paranormal phenomena that were in any case real because they went through it:
In 2003, Bader reported the results of his survey of alien abductees, which were consistent with previous research on new religious movements: abductees are not only much better educated than the general population, but also more likely to hold white-collar jobs -...- This sociological assessment of one sample from the hard-to-study alien abductee population is complemented by Clancy’s psychological research with another group of abductees. “There’s little evidence that this was a particularly psychopathological group,” she found. Abductees do tend to score highly in assessments of “fantasy proneness” (a normal personality type characterized by vivid imagination and high hypnotizability), and, intriguingly, Clancy’s research 2276
revealed that they are more prone to creating false memories under laboratory conditions than is the general population—but these are variations on normal functioning(Loxton&Prothero 2013:ch.7). The ACS also makes powerful use of another rhetorical tool by dubbing everyone who has ever had cancer a “survivor” regardless of the severity of the case -...-. An emotionally loaded word such as “survivor” lends an additional charge to the cause. We don’t use that word in connection with, say, asthma or osteoporosis.(Ariely 2010:115). In such cases it is fashionable in polite company to lampoon “prigs and dolts” despite their affected distress. Instead of the revered 'martyr with a story that must be true', it is possible to see the Hong Kong Phooey and his grotesque antics worth a laugh, if anything at all. “The logic of the evidence” makes no allowance for crooks. Extraordinary claims demand extraordinary proofs; compelling, scientific demonstrations have nothing to do with feelings, whimpers, screams and moans.
Silvio Usai (at the end of one of Guieu's documentaries 2769) sings his distress2770: nobody cares about inflicting emotional agony upon those who made it through alien or paranormal encounters:
One way of handling opposition could be termed the “mirror-image response”. Those positive traits that skeptics or mainstream scientists would like to associate with their project are in turn used by New Agers to describe their own position. As David Hess rightly remarks, New Age spokespersons regard themselves as the true skeptics, in their own way. They have debunked the limitations of the dogmatic 2769 2770
1991ss: Ovni-Ebe L'Invasion A Commencé “On nous ment on nous plonge dans des abîmes de mensonges. Fièvre média cache ton nom...crache crache… tu devras un jour cracher la vérité. Il y a ceux que l'on soupçonne, Il y a ceux que l'on bayonne. Ils racontent des histoires d'ovnis et et et on rit. Connaissez-vous la dernière en Arkansas en Australie ? Il y aurait sous terre des p'tits gris, des EBE Entités biologiques extraterrestres c'est comique ça fait passer un moment entre le foot et le Liban”.
materialism that they feel many of their opponents are burdened with. The more insistent the rejections from mainstream culture, the more intensely they work at constructing such an alternative view, in which the skeptical Others are interpreted as misguided by their materialistic preconceptions. (Hammer 2004:252). In a taped series, Jimmy Guieu told that -in his investigation of alien invasion conspiracies in New Mexico- he had been approached by one 'friendly CIA agent', in turn escorted by 'three Vietnam veterans ' 2771: the awful script of a thirdrate cable TV movie. Alternatively, henchmen of intergalactic cliques, world order posses and supernatural brotherhoods in Guieu's documentaries can take up the garb of shadow people, Men In Black or motorbike riders from another galaxy: readers might be hard-pressed to tell the real difference.
Jordan Maxwell in 2009 tells a story that pretty much matches Guieu's in the depiction of high-ranking protections and UFO interferences. It all reads just like the hackneyed script of a threadbare cable TV movie again, yet it is obvious to see at work there the omnipotent patriarch constellation stewing in sci-fi sauce. Still on the subject of UFOs, abductions and the like, French researcher Meheust 2772 concluded how such narratives are the byproduct of archaic myths with a technological slant; and how sci-fi earlier than the UFO craze had already depicted such situations in detail.
Meheust also interprets the row of UFO sightings in the USA in 1897 as baroque conflation of the times' actual technological mainstream -and dreams 2771 2772
1991ss: Ovni-Ebe L'invasion A CommencĂŠ 1992. For a concise yet dense presentation of religious and mythological aspects of UFO phenomena, see Viegas 2004, passim.
associated therewith- Jules Verne epitomized:
l'Albatros imaginé par Jules Verne en 1885, soit dix ans avant la grande vague américaine, est précisément ce type de synthèse baroque (et non viable) entre plusieurs modèles hétéroclites. Son étrave en pointe évoque irrésistiblement le chasse-pierres des locomotives du Far West de cette époque, mais aussi l'éperon des bateaux de guerre d'alors. -...- Si les apparitions de 1897 nous paraissent mériter le qualificatif de mimicry (mauvaise imitation, parodie), c'est que leur logique est celle du rêve, qu'elles reproduisent, concrètement, cette logique (1978:193). In his minute investigation, Meheust further shows how lore, imaginary and stories tend to morph back and forth into one another. The iconography of the quintessential round-shaped flying saucer hovering in mid-air could possibly be traced -according to Meheust- back to the image of a “future city on antigravitational stilts”:
Il est intéressant de le comparer à une illustration parue en février 1922 dans le magazine américain Science and invention. A noter que l'auteur n'avait pas en tête un vaisseau volant, mais une ville du futur établie sur des piliers d'énergie antigravitationnelle (1975:82). Carl Sagan2773 as well drew compelling comparisons between narratives of alien abduction and medieval stories of -broadly put- demonic possession (incubi, succubi etc). The present writer adds that at the core of many myths and esoteric beliefs stood the idea of terra cava (hollow Earth). The Earth is hollow and in its center exists a world inhabited by demi-gods (superhuman beings, etc) who have in a mythical past started civilization(s) on the surface: Shambala, Hiva, Agartha, Atlantis, Hyperborea...the NSDAP regime tried to locate it to recover the primeval 2773
Aryan purity. Genres could fusion. In 1908, W.G. Emerson published The Smoky
God, a novel in which proof is given that the garden of Eden is located within the terra cava: access is possible via monorail.
C.R. Teed (Koresh) wrote in 1898 Cellular Cosmogony, or Earth A
Concave Sphere:
Teed wrote a book called The Immortal Manhood, in which he taught that after his death he would rise to heaven and take all of his followers with him. Alas, when he died in 1908, nothing of the sort happened. After weeks, the county health officer finally had to step in to force the colony to bury the rotting body of their leader. Teed was buried in a tomb which was later washed out to sea in a hurricane in 1921. The Flaming Sword continued to be published until 1949, although it never mentioned that Teed had died. As a matter of fact, nowhere in this book is it mentioned that the author had been dead for fourteen years when it was published. The Cellular Cosmogony was Teed's magnum opus. Teed propounded that the surface of the earth is concave, not convex, and that the entire universe is contained within the 25,000 mile circumference of the inside-out earth. The Sun is in the exact center of the 'cosmic egg,' 4,000 miles away, and is actually a helix. However we never see this directly, only some kind of reflection of it. The Sun is dark on one side, which produces day and night. The moon is a reflection of the Earth, and Teed believed he could see outlines of the Earth's continents and seas on it! Other astronomical phenomena are essentially optical illusions. Besides geology, he also denounces the scientific method, the Copernican theory, the atomic theory, modern chemistry, conventional surveying techniques, and last but not least, optics. Truly, 'everything you know is wrong.' (Hare 2005:no page). Where does the 2011 documentary Secrets Of Alchemy situate the sanctuary where the more or less imminent end of the world is not going to reach? As the author unveils after minutely decoding both astro-theological and remote artistic cues, the sanctuary is a cave in Peru. At Marcahuasi (Peru) the Masma 2280
culture – which archeologist/esoterist Ruzo (also a master Freemason) posited in the mid-XX century- disseminated the Marcahuasi plateau – and the world- of megalithic sculptures from a time before time as they survived a flood hidden in subterranean chambers, just as Peruvian esoterist Astete had prophesied. Even some sects in religious Taoism -rising in the first centuries CE- posited the world was soon to end in a fire and flood catastrophe to do away with sinners and impurities alike: only a few chosen ones seeking sanctuary in designated caves would be spared.
Great Tibetan Buddhist Saints are also associated with designated caves. Both the writer of the Christian Apocalypse of John and Mohamed received revelations in a cave: Mohamed heard the angel Gabriel at Hira; John at Patmos (Greek island) heard god's voice from a cleft in a rock. Minos 2774 (the legendary Cretan King) descended into the Idaion Andron cave -where cult is attested since the neolithic- every 8 years2775 to converse with his father Zeus in order to renew his royal power. In Bali, the gaping mouth of a demon is the entrance of the elephant cave (Goa Gajah) where Hindu god Ganesha resides: an high place of Shivaism.
Some suggest Minos might have been a honorific title reserved to Cretan kings. Others extend this consideration to Jesus. Jesus, Joshua or variations of such a name, might have been generic titles reserved to a number of messianic Hebrew figures. “Nazarene” might also have been construed as a title, “holy one”. “What do You have to do with us, Jesus--Nazarene? Have You come to destroy us? I know who You are--the Holy One of God!" (Mark 1:24, it implies “Nazarene” as meaning “holy one of god”). “She will give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus, because he will save his people from their sins." ” (Matthew 1:21).Caesar was originally the name of a Roman general. It went on to identify emperors and royalties (Caesar Augustus; Claudius Caesar; Czar Nicholas II; Kaiser Wilhelm II...), and in some cultures it is still used as a first name. 2775 Some suggest it had astrotheological connections: 5 complete Venus cycles. Every 8 years, Athens sent youth to be fed to the Minotaur in the labyrinth. 2774
The cave constitutes the archetypal womb of the mother goddess, or alternatively the gateway to the underworld of mythology. Quite unsurprisingly, Guieu and his ilk believe that the underground is the abode of...little grays, a treacherous race of hostile aliens who conspire with corrupt high-ranking humans to take over the planet from their high-tech underground bases.
According to a 2009 interview, Jordan Maxwell and his ilk argue that the Vatican sits atop a big extraterrestrial base manned by reptilians:
The cave that holds you captive has no doors2776. I will give you hidden treasures, riches stored in secret places, so that you may know that I am the LORD, the God of Israel, who summons you by name. (Isaiah 45:3). The earth opened its mouth and swallowed the men, along with their households and all their followers who were standing with them, and everything they owned. They went down alive into the realm of the dead, with everything they owned; the earth closed over them, and they perished and were gone from the community (Numbers 16:32-3). For a fire will be kindled by my wrath, one that burns down to the realm of the dead below. It will devour the earth and its harvests and set afire the foundations of the mountains. (Deuteronomy 32:22). Little grays are often opposed to -or offered as alternative to- grands
blonds (tall blonds), a more sympathetic competing race of aliens. The same psychological need that once hypothesized a powerful and friendly Prester John somewhere around Japan, India or Ethiopia coming to the rescue, now situates
grands blonds in this, that or another distant galaxy. Space probes -as primitive as
Lyrics from Rocky IV (1985) soundtrack Hearts On Fire.
they may be- have in fact disproven the existence of advanced cultures in this stellar region. Campbell2777 refers to this as the unbound: the absence of an horizon space exploration brought forth.
Such narratives -as Vandiver suggests 2778- serve as esrsatz for the hazy frontiers that keep being pushed farther away. It is no longer possible to locate the mythical superlative otherness that threatens or bewilders us in the Black Sea region (as ancient Greeks did). The idea (as in the Odyssey) that hell is a physical place in the region of modern day Portugal; or that the Mesopotamian paradise ( Dilmun in the Epic of Gilgamesh) is a physical place in the region of modern day Bahrain is nowadays laughable at best.
Even colonial nowheres, exotic uncharted islands, mythical kingdoms lurking at the edge of merchant outposts no longer serve any purpose in the age of satellite prospecting:
the consequence of urgent technologies of the imaginary, among which the utopic impulse must be included. As a compromiseformation, utopia replicates the fetish in its logic, suspending its fantasizing reader between knowing and not knowing, between having and not having, and, in this way, it stages the possible (Uebel 2002:49). Yet the humanness of the indigenous people he encounters does not undermine Columbusâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s certainty that monsters do inhabit the surrounding islandsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;a fact that he was able to ascertain through communication with the Indians, whose gestures and signs confirmed (with remarkable accuracy) the existence of those very same creatures 2777 2778
1969-3. 2000:From Ovid To The Stars.
cited by the ancients, the saints, and the travelers. Thus, Columbus reports of an island inhabited only by warring women, one in which reside men who feast on human flesh, another where people have no hair, and yet another by the name of Avon, which is reported to be populated with human beings equipped with tailsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;and all of this is recorded in a single letter. -...-The vast repository of medieval monsters, pagan practices, cannibal feasts, and Golden Age innocence offered a self-referential medium between the new continent and the Christian canons, indigenous cultures, and ancient commentaries. -...Rather, ecclesiastical authorities and many of the learned men of the Renaissance sanctioned the existence of this eclectic assortment of characters. Indeed, as Arnold Davidson has suggested, the existence of wild men and monsters was entirely in keeping with, and an integral feature of, medieval and Renaissance reasoning. (Seth 2010:49,58,179) While the layman might think inconvenient to mix and match antipodal mythological narratives, it can work just as well.
a charismatic, middle-aged woman living in a large midwestern city who, in the early 1950s, claimed to be receiving messages from outer space. One evening in September, she received a message from the planet Clarion informing her that on December 21, the world would be destroyed by a great flood. The message went on to say that a fleet of flying saucers would come from Clarion to rescue her and those close to her. Mrs. Keech attracted a small but loyal group of followers who fervently believed in her prophecy and made a great many sacrifices consistent with this beliefâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;they quit their jobs; gave away their money, houses, and possessions (who needs money and possessions on the planet Clarion?); and withdrew from their friends. A few even left their spouses. -...-. On the morning of December 20, Mrs. Keech received a message from the planet Clarion instructing her group to be prepared to be picked up precisely at midnight. They were also told to remove all metal from their clothing. The group complied; zippers and clasps were dutifully removed from trousers, skirts, and blouses. When midnight passed and the spaceship did not arrive, the group became increasingly engulfed by feelings of anxiety and despair. By 4:00 a.m. the group was sitting in stunned silence. But then, at 4:45 a.m., Mrs. Keech's face suddenly took on a radiant glow; she had just received a message from Clarion to the effect that there was no longer any need for the flying saucers to descendâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;the world had been spared a cataclysm because of the unflagging faith of this small group of believers! The message went on to say that the little 2284
group, sitting all night long, had spread so much light that the God of Earth had decided to save the world from destruction. As you might imagine, the group was relieved and elated to hear this news. What the group did next aroused the curiosity of the social psychologists even more. Within twenty-four hours, the true believers—this group of quiet, reclusive, shy people—began calling newspapers and TV stations to talk about their prophecy and why it had failed. They made speeches at the drop of a hat and stood on street corners handing out leaflets trying very hard to attract followers. Apparently, the group suddenly found it of urgent importance to spread its message to as broad an audience as possible. Why? We would suggest that, after the initial elation, the group experienced some doubts; they had given up a great deal because of their belief in the imminent end of the world. The world had not ended, and they were now devoid of their homes, jobs, and possessions—even, a few of them, their spouses. How could they be certain that they had done the right thing? How could they convince themselves that their behavior had not been absurd? By convincing others, of course! (Pratkanis&Aronson 2001:ch.4, emphasis added). The earliest Christians, after Jesus’s day, also expected the imminent end of the world as they knew it. Paul thought Jesus would return in his own lifetime (e.g., see 1 Thess. 4:14–18 and 1 Cor. 15:5–53). So too, almost certainly, did the other apostles, including Jesus’s own disciples. But with the passing of time, that apocalyptic expectation began to fade. Jesus did not return; the Son of Man did not arrive; the end did not come. Some Christians then came up with other sayings they placed on Jesus’s lips, telling people to continue to look for him to come, even though there had been a delay—such as the parable of the Wise and Foolish Virgins mentioned already. Other Christians began to think that Jesus must never have said the end was coming soon, since, in fact, it had not come. As such Christians told traditions about Jesus’s teachings, they changed them accordingly. It is striking that in the last of the New Testament Gospels to be written, the Gospel of John, Jesus no longer preaches about the imminent end of the world, the coming of the Son of Man, and the arrival of the Kingdom of God. He no longer preaches about what will happen to the future of earth. He instead preaches about what will happen to people when they die. For John’s Gospel, Jesus’s message is no longer that the Kingdom of God is soon to arrive here on earth. It is that people can have eternal life above, up in heaven with God (John 14:2). Jesus now does not warn of the coming apocalypse. He teaches about having eternal life. (Ehrman 2016:105).
One knows unconsciously it's not true, and this unconscious knowledge moves them to try to convince everybody else that it is true so as to confirm themselves in their own nonsense. Then they see idolatry everywhere other than right in their own tradition where it really is. (Campbell&Boa 1989:41). Today we know that people try so hard to win converts for their point of view because it is more than merely an outlook on life: it is an immortality formula.(Becker 1973:255, emphasis added). Harvard neuroscientists Jason Mitchell and Diana Tamir found that disclosing information about the self is intrinsically rewarding. In one study, Mitchell and Tamir hooked subjects up to brain scanners and asked them to share either their own opinions and attitudes (“I like snowboarding”) or the opinions and attitudes of another person (“He likes puppies”). They found that sharing personal opinions activated the same brain circuits that respond to rewards like food and money. So talking about what you did this weekend might feel just as good as taking a delicious bite of double chocolate cake. (Berger 2013:23, emphasis added). The interpolation is even not limited to say salvation/damnation (aliens as gods) or ascent narratives: healing narratives as well can easily incorporate UFOs. Compassionate outer space visitors allegedly treated a young Brazilian terminally ill with cancer in 1957; Guieu as well repeatedly reported the healing and rejuvenating consequences of some UFO and paranormal encounters.
Age-old mythical scares of near-eastern tradition (MesopotamianEgyptian-Hebrew) are mixed with trendy UFO narratives: the bodily ascent to the heavens now takes place literally aboard a spaceship. New age atmosphere and -the present writer suggests- echoes of the controversies surrounding Velikovsky's work are also present, whereby the Jewish-Russian psychologist and intellectual weaved a mesmerizing narrative of ancient myths and interplanetary wonders and
catastrophes, floods included.
Popular culture may have retained Velikovsky's conjecture. That isn't exactly new. Supporters of Velikovsky's theories ran away with his (correct) prediction â&#x20AC;&#x153;The planet Jupiter is cold, yet its gases are in motion. It appears probable to me that it sends out radio noises as do the sun and the stars. I suggest that this be investigated. â&#x20AC;?2779 interpreting it to lend retrospective credit (= the myth becomes fact) to any and all aspects of his multifarious theories: another quantum leap of fideism.
Yet, most items were not new at all. In 1694, astronomer Halley had already argued that the cause of Noah's flood was the collision between Earth and a comet. French philosopher/scientist Buffon had -as early as 1788- argued -on the basis of his studies on cooling metals - how the Earth had been born after a collision between a comet and the Sun. Astronomer Herschel thought Uranus -which he had discovered in 1781- to be a comet.
Grody views at variance with the stereotypical image of the 'rational', tendentiously atheistic, scientist were also present. Newton -also a theologian and an alchemist- was convinced the world's end -as forecast in biblical literature, whose chronology he tried to reconstruct- would be brought about by a comet colliding with the sun, thus causing the sun to flare up incinerating the solar system; the apocalypse ought to unfold according to planetary motion between the year 2779
Velikovsky 1953: no page.
2060 and 2344.
In 1883, U.S politician Donnelly published the theosophical work
Ragnarok: a comet had hit Earth 12.000 years into the past unleashing a fire and brimstone apocalypse wiping advanced civilizations out. Comets -even in the heyday of modern cosmology in the XVII century- were considered not only celestial bodies, but agents of gnostic import. David Icke claims that in a bygone age Satan (with his abetters) hurled the Moon towards Earth, or the inverted screenplay of the second -yet never filmed- series of UK sci-fi epic UFO (aliens snap the Moon from Earth's orbit).
The various “planetary collision” movies ( Yosei Gorath, Pianeta Errante,
Meteor, Deep Impact, When Worlds Collide , etc etc) are in fact
“sentimentalized and prettified” cinematic version of Velikovsky's theories.
Already in 1909 “absent professor of astronomy at the MIT”, Percival Lowell, talked about planetary collisions galore: “between the Sun and a dark star”; “between Sun and Moon”2780:
The general thesis of Worlds in Collision [Velikovsky's 1950 book ] is that the Earth underwent vast cataclysms in early historic times. The planet Venus, says Velikovsky, is only 3500 years old. It was expelled as a comet from Jupiter, creating the Great Red Spot as a sort of Caesarian scar, then repeatedly passed close to Earth, stopping its rotation, re-starting it, changing its axial tilt, causing the Plagues of Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and other disasters chronicled in the world's mythologies. The geologic effects on the Earth were, as 2780
Boston Advertiser, February 26, 1909. In the Lowell Observatory collection.
one might imagine, immense: tsunamis, great movements of the crust, earthquakes, vast outpourings of lava. Organic chemicals drifted down from Venus to supply the Israelites with manna and fill the world's oil reservoirs. (Golda Meir, late Prime Minister of Israel, once remarked that it took Moses forty years to lead the Hebrews through the desert to the only place in the Middle East that had no oil!) Finally, Venus settled down into the most circular orbit of any of the planets. A few centuries later, Mars went on a smaller rampage, passing close to Earth and causing various disasters. Velikovsky developed these theories at length in Worlds in Collision and its sequels, Earth in Upheaval and Ages in Chaos. (Dutch 2011:no page). Velikovsky has laid down the main lines of his interpretation of this myth. He has identified Osiris as the planet Saturn, the Greek Cronos, and Horus as the planet Jupiter, the Greek Zeus. Saturn was fragmented by some kind of collision with Jupiter, and those fragmentary bodies which it did not reabsorb into itself caused disturbances through the rest of the solar system, both immediately and long after. The immediate disturbance effecting the earth was the deluge, caused by a watery cometary body of Saturnian origin. The principal later disturbance was caused by the instability of Jupiter, resulting from its absorption of Saturnian fragments. By a process of fissioning Jupiter generated the protoplanet Venus- in Greek myth Athene, and in the Egyptian Hathor (which means "house of Horus"), the goddess who over a millennium later destroyed mankind, as narrated in the principal Egyptian myth dealing with the events of -1500. Since Hathor is quite active in the Pyramid Texts, this is clear proof that Venus was visible and even menacing to mankind from a period not long after the deluge. -...- Catastrophes occur in time, and yet they also transform it, on the most literal level by changing the 1ength of the year and the paths of the celestial time-markers. The planetary agent of the change is then worshipped as lord of time or lord of the year. Equally, the planet during the course of the change often appears more brilliant than the sun; hence the planet is worshipped as lord of space or lord of the cosmos. (Mullen 1973: no page). Paco Rabanne is one celebrity who is taking such warnings seriously. He has decided to get out of Paris, as he believes the Russian Mir space station is going to fall there during the eclipse [in 1999]. (Armageddon...1999: no page2781). 2781
The article also lists a series of dates various prophets of doom had cast for the world to end before 1999. Dates given varied: 1919, 1955, 1969,1987,1988,1992, 1993, 1995, 1997... the multifarious array of prophets of doom included cult leaders, weathermen, artists, academics, NASA scientists, housewives...Just to gauge how
In more recent years, occultists and new-agers revived the same tradition made of intergalactic clouds and inter-stellar collisions, explosions and so forth, exchanging Velikovsky's galactic clouds with alternatives of theosophical flavor such as the photon belt of mythicists such as Tsarion or Icke.
People accepting the credo of UFO-related activities and conspiracies often proclaim that aliens target certain groups or families with particular consistency. It happens the same in ancient myth with -for example- noble Trojans and deities. Aphrodite (goddess of love) tells Trojan prince Anchises (in the
Homeric Hymn to Aphrodite) how the gods love Trojan nobility ( Zeus and Ganymede could be another good example): she will in fact bear a child to Anchises, Aeneas. Semele -the human mother of Dionysus Zeus fathered- was in fact Zeus' granddaughter. Judaeo-Christian lore likewise requires of various characters to be descendants of this or that patriarch, whom god had chosen.
This fact explains why Romans chose a Trojan demi-god (Aeneas) as mythical forefather: Troy offered -as Meineck suggests- the best of koiné Greek culture without being Greek, people the Roman despised as weak. Meineck omits Homeric hymns, but adds: profitable the doomsday business might be, H. E. Camping (a U.S engineer, 1921-2013) predicted the world would end May 21, 2011. When that failed, he reset the prediction to October 21, 2011 (the entire universe would end). That prediction revealed itself to be another hoax as well. The Family Radio California business Camping created was -in some estimates at some point- worth up to US$ 300 million: Family Radio raked in donations like hay. To inform Christian brethren (=Camping got his prediction as he mathematically deciphered the Bible) about the upcoming doomsday, “ Camping reads neither Hebrew nor Greek, the two main languages of the Bible, but insists his arithmetic is ironclad. -...- The former engineer has long predicted the apocalypse, most famously in 1994, but his new date — May 21, 2011 — has received unprecedented publicity. That is thanks to a a worldwide $100-million campaign of caravans and billboards, financed by the sale and swap of TV and radio stations. ” (Goffard 2011:no page)
In 280 BCE, the Greek city of Tarrentum appealed to a Greek ally to intervene and come to their aid. King Pyrrhus of Epirus joined the fray, sensing an opportunity to expand his imperial possessions. Pyrrhus cast his incursion as a new Trojan War—he believed he was descended from Achilles and was named for the son of Achilles, Neoptolemus, who was also called Pyrrhus and therefore was the natural leader of the combined Greek forces against the new Troy—Rome. After all, Rome had been founded by Aeneas. -...-In 196 BCE, the important Pan Hellenic shrine to Apollo at Delphi, the place the Greeks regarded as the center of the earth, acknowledged the Romans’ origins, calling them Aeneadae—the family of Aeneas. (Meineck 2005-1:30,32). Again (and again...and again) people believing in UFO-related interferences do stipulate that aliens (whether it be little grays or grands blonds) do interbreed with humans. However, Venus sleeping in Anchises' cabin is a droll image to the sci-fi-loving, tech-savvy public at UFO conventions, so aliens use futuristic equipment dabbling in genetic engineering that -alas- still requires bodily fluids to be harvested the good old way.
Mythicists as well think that the most wealthy and powerful ruling the Earth are all fifteenth degree cousins of both Prophet Mohamed, Pharaoh Akhenaton, the Queen of England and the Rothschild dynasty via the Kings of France and Portugal who -in turn- claimed to descend from Jesus in spite of all dynastic changes.
Two of Guieu's witnesses2782 -presented as people who actually saw the same bizarre creature from another dimension- give two completely different descriptions. A psychic (voyante) claims the humanoid was unlike anything she had 2782
Guieu 1991ss: Les Vortex.
ever seen; a self-proclaimed medical professional (whom Guieu had met thanks to a radiosensitive friend of his) simply states he saw whom he identifies possibly as a transvestite punk, probably sickly. He also gives in the same breath conflicting information about the time of the day the sighting is supposed to have taken place: 7 am, 11am or lastly 6pm.
but the differences between Matthew and Luke (the only Gospels that record them) are significant, not only because they give different nuances but actually represent very different ideas. In Matthew Jesus says, “Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt. 5:3); but in Luke he says, “Blessed are you poor, for yours is the Kingdom of God” (Luke 6:20). At first that might seem like an unimportant difference, but in fact it’s highly significant. There is a huge difference between being humble or lowly (poor in spirit) and being impoverished (poor). Of course the same person could be both, but many people are one or the other. Which one is blessed? Did Jesus say one of these things, or the other, or both? So too the later Beatitude in Matthew: “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied” (Matt. 5:6). But in Luke it is, “Blessed are you who hunger now, for you shall be satisfied” (Luke 6:20). It is very different to crave for righteousness in your life and to crave for food in your belly, as anyone who has not eaten for days will tell you. Which was Jesus concerned for and whom was Jesus blessing? As I’ve indicated, it is possible that the answer is “both.” -...-Storytellers—or the author of the Gospel himself—took accounts of Jesus’s words and of his deeds and made them coalesce into a seamless whole. (Ehrman 2016:100-101,112). This recurs in all hoaxes: in the rush to buttress the ca(u)se, any and all supposed evidence is thrown at the listener, even if close scrutiny reveals significant holes and inconsistencies in what is otherwise 'sold' as one and the same event(s), place(s) etc courtesy of various categories of eye-witnesses putting the story on ice. Politics is not a necessary ingredient, either, though it certainly may act as a
powerful catalyst. Different recipes are presented as the authentic way to cook Elvis Presley's fried chicken dish just the way “the king” loved it courtesy of eyewitnesses in Presley's inner circle.
The account of the first supernatural vision, one of the founding miracles of Mormonism, varies -according to founder Smith and other early Church witnesses- significantly. Keeping to the very basics in order to avoid tricky theological questions, to Smith appeared alternatively:
One divine being;
Two divine beings;
Two divine beings and many angels.
Official Mormon sources deal with this seeming inconsistency thus:
One person perceives harmony and interconnections while another overstates differences. Think of how you retell a vivid event in your life—marriage, first day on the job, or an automobile accident. A record of all your comments would include short and long versions, along with many bits and pieces. Only by blending these glimpses can an outsider reconstruct what originally happened. The biggest trap is comparing description in one report with silence in another. By assuming that what is not said is not known, some come up with arbitrary theories of an evolution in the Prophet’s story. Yet we often omit parts of an episode because of the chance of the moment, not having time to tell everything, or deliberately stressing only a part of the original event in a particular situation. This means that any First Vision account contains some fraction of the whole experience. Combining all reliable reports will recreate the basics of Joseph Smith’s quest and 2293
conversation with the Father and Son. (Anderson 1996: no page). Equally, it is not exclusively about 'small fry', the hopefuls, the possibly deranged, the informants strapped for cash and their ilk. No less than Paco Rabanne, the famous fashion designer, joins Guieu2783 describing how in a past life he lived as “Egypt's last Pharaoh -...-. This same friend aboard this atlantean capsule brought it to me saying listen I just saw you on a book's cover -...- the Chouraqui Bible” 2784.
The wealthy and powerful love to flirt with UFO and paranormal doom. On December 8, 2012, Russian statesman Medvedev2785 provides a joking allusion to Santa Claus alongside secret files on alien governments and Men In Black. Italian Euro-parliamentarian Borghezio2786 runs away with the item, and -left nativist charades and pseudo-pagan priorities behind- pledges to get the story out.
Borghezio's – or Rabanne's- cases aren't unique to bizarre artists, or attention-seeking politicians on the fringe. U.S physicist Alan Sokal in 1996 submitted an article that “argued that quantum physics, properly understood, dovetails with postmodern philosophy. ”; the religious undertones are visible: “properly understood” means that those who don't reach the same conclusions are not 'thinking properly', presumably because they lack 'faith' in the revelation that underscores that kind of social alchemy.
No wonder quantum theories are the 'sexed-up' carrier that allowed the 2783 2784 2785 2786
Guieu 1991ss: Les Vies Antérieures. Freely translated from French. Dmitry Medvedev...2012: no page. D'Esposito 2012: no page.
return in full glory of all those weird, panpsychical, unaccountable properties of matter that used to lie at the core of Aristotelian physics, discredited eons ago as a clumsy mixture of superstition, pseudo-science and childish philosophy. Everybody knows the idea of god is not a scientific concept, yet what about the posh concept of “god particle” (=Higgs' boson)? What a way to have one's cake, and eat it, too.
Jesuit theologian King also hijacks the dominant paradigm:”rumors of god”2787.
1. The Big Bang: rumors of a miracle;
2. The anthropic principle2788: rumors of a providence;
3. The development of life: rumors of a purpose.
For example, at the very core of matter lies the basic particle quark; quarks -according to recent accounts- come in groups of three only 2789. Isn't that another known concept? Father, son and holy ghost? Alternatively, Jesus on the cross alongside two thieves? Brahma, Shiva and Vishnu; or Devi (Shakti 2790), Shiva and Vishnu? The three Vajrayana Buddhist Tantric levels of consciusness (gross, subtle, more subtle); or the Buddhist Triple Gem (Buddha, Dharma, Sangha)? The
1994: God And Contemporary Science. Broadly put:” the universe is the way it is because we humans are observing it”. Slightly similar to Schroedinger's cat (http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/qt-measurement/#CatSin). 2789 More contemporary accounts seem to postulate six types of quarks, just like gnostic Christian emanations of god (aeons) come in pairs. 2790 Impersonal designation of the quintessential female energy principle. As with other Hindu gods, the great goddess (the great mother) has many faces and incarnations such as Kali, Durga and Parvati. 2787 2788
Taoist (three) Heavenly Worthies? One Buddha (pure nature) and two Bodhisattvas (wisdom and practice) of Mahayana Buddhism 2791? The “threefold truth” of Chinese Tiantai Buddhism? The three baskets that compose the Buddhist canon? The three vehicles that epitomize the Buddhist path? The three caverns ( Sandong) that identify the texts of the Taoist canon (V century CE)? The Three Saints of Cao Dai (V. Hugo, Sun Yat-Sen and Nguyen Binh Khiem, a XVI century Vietnamese poet)? The three gunas (temperaments) of traditional Hinduism?
Hindu god Ganesha is hailed as “whole” or “integral person” ( sarvatman). He has a trident -reminiscent of Shiva- on his forehead, and three wives: Buddhi (intelligent will); Siddhi (attainment); Riddhi (prosperity). As one might argue, the three stages of traditional Hindu life might be: student (=intelligence), householder (=prosperity), renunciate (=attainment).
Zeus, Hades and Poseidon who shared the world in the triple division? Alternatively, Rome's Capitoline Trinity (Jupiter, Juno and Minerva) 2792.
In Rome, Jupiter, Mars, and Quirinus are invoked together on certain solemn occasions and are represented by three priests, the flamen Dialis, the flamen Martialis, the flamen Quirinalis. For Dumézil, these two structures are exactly parallel and are to be explained as originating from an inherited model, which he calls “trifunctionality” (sovereign and priestly function, warrior function, productive and social function). The sovereign god (Jupiter) and the god of war (Mars) are the same in Gubbio and in Rome, but apparently the last term of the 2791 2792
The image may also represent the Trikaya, the “three bodies of a Buddha”. A temple to this trinity was built in 533 BCE and dedicated in 506 BCE. This trinity may have resented Orphic influences according to Graves: Juno (=Ishtar=physical nature), Jupiter (Sun=animating principle), Minerva (=Moon=universal wisdom).
equation is not so. In fact – and on this point Dumézil has enjoyed general agreement – Quirinus and Vofionus can be regarded as equivalents (Benveniste 1969). According to the generally accepted etymologies, Quirinus comes from *co-uirino, “(the god) of the community of the viri (men),” and Vofionus from *leudhyo-no, “(the god) of the people.” (Cazanove in Ruepke 2007:49). The Japanese art of ikebana also follows a trine principle (sky, heart, man). Three sips of sacred sake are drunk three times in a traditional Japanese Shinto marriage. The particles of the quantum zoo can also be divided according to three levels of energy.
Coakley applies to the Christian realm interpretations that have already been suggested regarding Sufism, for example:
The second thesis goes on from this, and is perhaps a little more surprising; it is that the close analysis of such prayer, and its implicitly trinitarian structure, makes the confrontation of a particular range of fundamental issues about sexuality unavoidable. (Note that I use `sexuality' in a wider sense than is often employed in North America--not restricting it to actual genital sexual activity.) The unavoidability of this confrontation seems to me to arise from the profound entanglement of our human sexual desires and our desire for God; and in any prayer of the sort in which we radically cede control to the Spirit there is an instant reminder of the close analogue between this ceding (to the trinitarian God), and the ekstasis of human sexual passion. Thus it is not a coincidence that intimate relationship is at the heart of both these matters. That the early Fathers were aware of this nexus of associations (between trinitarian conceptuality, prayer of a deep sort, and the--to them--dangerous connections with issues of sex and gender), I shall illustrate with a particular example from the third-century Alexandrian theologian, Origen. What will emerge from this second thesis, I hope, is that no renewed trinitarian spirituality can sidestep these profound issues of the nature of sexual desire, issues which now so divisively exercise us in the Church's life, and are, in turn, of course, fundamentally connected with gender themes about women's roles, women's 2297
capacity for empowerment, and for professional equality. (1998: no page). One assumption in aurobindonian mysticism reads thus:”It is the quality of the light or the quality of vibrations which, essentially, distinguishes one plane of consciousness from another. -...- fairly obscure vibratory knots, like a cloud of flies whirling around the heads of people”2793; it is difficult not to recall Bohr's atomic theories about vibrational states: they're here readily applied to philosophy and mysticism. Durkheim had written in 1915:”Thus the men of the clan and the things which are classified in it form by their union a solid system, all of whose parts are united and vibrate sympathetically. ”. All sorts of rays may be either a physicist's cosmic rays, or the theosophist's spiritual agents.
On the cusp between reality, intrigue, conspiracy and theosophy (=”psychodynamics of god” as some would have it), a freezing death ray imbued with various abilities was allegedly in development under the scrutiny of both Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937)2794, the famous Italian scientist and nationalist the Fascist regime courted; and Nikola Tesla (1856-1943), the eccentric SerbianAmerican scientist.
Rumors flew about mysterious Tibetan monks (=the theosophical connection) working undercover for the NSDAP to materialize a secret army from other dimensions. That's not much different from the Solomon lore. 2793 2794
MAISF001 no date :The Planes Of The Mind. Unconfirmed rumors from high-ranking informants -which Mussolini's daughter Edda reported- have it that Marconi's death ray was tested at least once.
Not only was the mythical Hebrew King a sage (=NSDAP and presumed theosophical knowledge), a builder (=NSDAP and the visionary postwar architecture) and a ruler (NSDAP and the great victorious war), but also a sorcerer who ( Testament Of Solomon, before IV century CE) obtained a magical ring -akin to Siegfried and to Chuck and Nancy the juvenile heroes of cartoon Shazzan (1967)2795- that allowed him to control the prince of demons and his retinue (NSDAP and 'magic' experiments).
As well, it is tempting to ponder to what degree such theories represent genuine spiritual advances based upon an alleged communion with the godhead, or simply a reworking and repainting of whichever theories used to be all the rage while the thinker was elaborating his. It shall also be emphasized how today such literary indebtedness, replication and similarities might just lie a few internet searches away, whereas in the past hints and proofs hid in very rare books written by obscure authors, whose very existence the average person ignored.
As in the case of the now discredited ether, a possible reply might be that findings at the electronic microscope or particle accelerator have nothing in common with the speculations of shamans taking entheogens.
It shall be emphasized how quantum theories are not the newest trend in science, but go back to Belle Epoque science and related preoccupations, and are 2795
Chuck and Nancy's ring is divided in half. They find it in a cave, and are thus transported to a magical world where they fly astride Caboobie the flying camel, and can summon Shazzan, a kind genius to assist them through their perilous hero's journey. Magic rings crop up all over in mythology, for example in Tolkien's books.
often coupled with Einstein-worship, although Einstein did not seem to think highly of such theories. Of course, it shall be possible to argue these conjectures rest on mere coincidences, sloppy seconds and poorly understood verbiage: the final verdict rests with the reader.
Sokal's article was published in the peer-reviewed Social Text, but later revealed to be a hoax the same Sokal had crafted to expose the (ab)use of scientific jargon by politicking intellectuals.
The lesson that troubles me most has to do with politics. Does subverting conventional notions of truth really have anything to do with being politically progressive? Many observers undoubtedly felt that this hoax administered a well-deserved comeuppance to a style of cultural politics that, whether inspired by poststructuralism, postmodernism, or multiculturalism, spends too much time on a misguided subversion of truth and not enough on making known the truth about social injustice. (Robbins2796 September/October 1996: no page). Yes, Social Text should have shown the article to a physicist--even though it wasn't, after all, a scholarly contribution to physics. And, pleased as we might be to publish a credentialled scientist who was critical of the science establishment (they aren't exactly beating down our doors), we should not have decided to let it pass as one physicist's opinion, philosophically and stylistically awkward but politically convenient. -...- Various people have wondered why so many Jews (myself included) have been involved on both sides of the Sokal affair. It's only a speculation, but perhaps the reason is that the "objective reality" that's really at stake here is not that troublingly complex problem faced by scientists and philosophers; here, objective reality is a figure for meritocracy. You don't know what merit is unless you have a standard, and for many people objectivity has seemed to be that standard. Without it, they fear that the whole edifice of merit will collapse-- a fear that many already associate with multiculturalism and academic reform. This fear has been especially 2796
One of the editors that published Sokal's faulty article.
acute for Jews, whose possibilities of upward mobility since World War II have depended disproportionately on the (new) policy of identity-blindness in education. But for some of us, being Jewish has been just as peremptory a reason to try to see beyond the artificial limits and subtle injustices of meritocracy, a reason to develop a larger and more generous sense of fairness. -...- These are not the family values I want my children to learn. Nor are they the values of the country at large. As Garry Wills observed recently, "Women are not going back to their status of three decades ago. Neither are blacks. Gays are not going back into the closet to shut up. White Western culture is not going to regain its monopoly in schools, museums, journals." (Robbins August 1996: no page, emphasis added.). What is university professor of English Robbins here trying to do, if not have the public cry and sympathize with him and like-minded people, whose only mistake was to bask into a “larger and more generous sense of fairness”? Isn't some minute inaccuracy such as the publication of “one physicist's opinion, philosophically and stylistically awkward but politically convenient” worth forgiving in the perspective of the achronotopos, of the eternal myth that never stops becoming fact? What's truth in comparison with the overwhelming feeling of emotional righteousness? Should the public not champion another meek Orpheus met with rejection, but whose sublime 'values' we all should take as our own moral compass?
'Bigots', 'bad guys' and their ilk pursue group strategies: here it is about 'universal values'...or what this or that party, individual or group mean by it at any point in time, subject to change. In 2010 an article appeared informing how
Wikipedia has become home base for a loose worldwide network of pedophiles who are campaigning to spin the popular online encyclopedia in their favor and are trying to lure more people into 2301
their world, an investigation by FoxNews.com confirms. -...“Pedophiles have campaigned to push their point of view that 'pedophilia is OK and doesn’t hurt children' on Wikipedia,” says Xavier Von Erck, director of the online pedophile watchdog organization Perverted Justice Foundation and Wikisposure.com, its offshoot project devoted to tracking pedophiles and pedophile activism on Wikipedia.“This has been a problem since Wikipedia started.”(Winter 2010: no page). Naturally, in this and all other such cases it is possible to identify both sides in the apocalyptic churning of the ocean of milk of human idiosyncrasies and doomsday fantasies. Parties with vested interests and a checkered reputation act for the proverbial three reasons 2797, out to make a dime on the public's awfully predictable reactions. As in many noir crime movies, the cop is often of the same alloy as the rogue; entrepreneurial grievance shoppers are just another player in the same game as the transgressors they can't loathe enough.
French news site Challenges2798 announces complete control of
Vkontakte (an equivalent of Facebook with 100 million members among Russian speakers across the Former Soviet Union) has been relinquished to moguls the release identifies as very close to Putin himself. Internet giant Yahoo admits in 2016 how undisclosed parties may have gained unspecified access to online email accounts; others accuse Yahoo itself of willingly surrendering the users' personal data to undisclosed governmental agencies.
As well, when enemy or loathed groups are spotlighted, it is easy to 2797
There are three reasons why people do something: the 'nice reason' they tell others, the reason they tell themselves and the real reason. 2798 April 22, 2014.
recognize the commodious, mafioso secret code that undergirds all flows of information exchange, whereby the code words are manipulation (=opinionleading) and cover-up (spinning, damage control). If manipulation and cover-up weren't the issue, nobody would fight for the control of the so-called 'free press'.
Ritual defamation is not necessarily an offense of being wrong or incorrect, but rather "insensitivity" and failing to observe social taboos -...-. Ritual defamation is an important means of social control (Wilcox 1990:42-43, emphasis added). In 2007 Nobel prize winner James Watson - famous for his trail-blazing DNA researches- scandalizes the mainstream alleging that Black people are less intelligent than Whites. The usual theatrics ensues: hecklers shout; prigs demand that the transgressor who threatens the horde with impurity be removed at once.
Put another way: guilty people fear punishment, shamed people fear abandonment. -...-Another distinction between guilt and shame is that shame comes from public exposure of oneâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s own vulnerability, while guilt is private, coming from a sense of failing to measure up to our own internal standards. (Engel 2015:20). As of 2014, the earth around Watson is still possibly so scorched (termination of speaking engagements and so forth according to some sources) that -as Reuters announces on November 24, 2014- Watson decided to put his Nobel prize medal and paraphernalia up for auction, a first time for a living recipient2799:â&#x20AC;?pollution rules can have another socially useful function â&#x20AC;&#x201C; that of marshalling moral disapproval when it lags. -...-Where, humanly speaking, the
Interpretations in the press vary. For some, Watson is strapped for cash; for others, he intends to donate proceeds to charities.
outrage is likely to go unpunished, pollution beliefs tend to be called in to supplement the lack of other sanctions.”2800;”Even if such claims had merit -...[people] cannot ethically stand by this [statement] whose end result can only be furthering discrimination under the guise of academic discourse.”;”A destroyer of faith-...- places himself in great spiritual jeopardy. He is serving the wrong master, and unless he repents, he will not be among the faithful in the eternities.”.
Isolation being a negative thing may be hardwired among us. After all, we’re social primates. We evolved in groups, tribes, and bands. And when we’re part of a group, to be separated from that group can be quite threatening. This is in part because we needed one another to survive in a hostile environment. -...-Sometimes being alone means feeling like a loser—feeling that lovable people aren’t alone and that only losers are alone. When we’re alone, the self can feel very threatened, in part because we think of ourselves as having been ostracized from the human family. (Siegel 2014:71). Jehovah's Witnesses are known -and generally berated- for their deliberate and systematic policy of emotional -and material if possible- 'scorched earth' (=disfellowship2801) around members who violate taboos, and/or are at odds with the hierarchy.
As Brené Brown2802 suggests, a situation that censors dissent does not constitute belonging. Society – the present writer adds, contrary to J.B. Peterson- is but a fraudulent membership scheme, where membership conditions are subject to change, and membership may be terminated at any moment with no prior notice, 2800
Douglas 1966:132-3. “[Jesus said:]If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. ” (Matthew 18:17). 2802 2017. 2801
just as it may be the case with a supermarket or airline fidelity card.
The generally apathetic, atheist and consumerist society at large has equivalent rituals, though: ritual defamation. Coteries of adolescents try the same hand against those who fail to wear the 'right' shoes; to have 'felicitous' looks; to follow the 'right' football club; or to profess 'cool' ideas: did they kill “the wrong swine” in that famous war or not? Scorched earth may be made around those who do not toe the party line. M.L. King also endorsed the same chicaneries:”to create such a crisis and foster such a tension that a community -...-is forced to confront the issue. It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.”.
Dolts go into conniptions; pedlars plan to capitalize on it with exposure and so forth; Watson himself grovels for forgiveness questioning himself. Of course, the fact that a pivotal expert in DNA research might -just might- step on the wrong side of the myth registered badly with the masters of acceptable discourse when DNA research was supposed to culminate in the end of all possible prejudices related to races, ethnic groups and other tribal hallucinations that just don't exist.
What matters here is that the polemic outburst tried to demolish Watson's persona from all angles. From reason's high-priest wearing the 'robe of reason' - or the white lab coat- sitting atop the pyramid of acceptable discourse, he slipped to the bottom of superstition: a senile crank heralding pseudo-science, gage of his unspeakable allegiances.
R.L. Moore2803 claims that when the contagion with evil agency occurs, tribal societies -or postmodern western harlequins for the matter- consider the victim “gone”. The person who's still around (the various Watson, Richwine, Faurisson, Zemmour...) “no longer is” (in a sort of Capgras syndrome) the individual we loved, but a shell “demonic powers” have irreversibly colonized.
Marigny2804 explains that the myth of Dracula has been used politically to denounce the Axis powers first, then domestic “red scares” and the Soviet block as well in the U.S. Foucault defines “madness” ( folie) as a situation of “dialogue rompu” (broken dialogue) with the fool (insensé) who has no “sense of history” ( le sens de
l'histoire). The “fool” is s-he, whose priorities are not “in proper order”.
Humor often banks on the concept. A 'racist' joke sees a Jewish grandmother who shakes fists at -and curses- heaven when a big wave takes her small grandchild into the sea at the beach. Her priorities seem so far more or less “in line” with contemporary society.
Tired of her abuse, heaven sends the small child back unarmed on another big wave. The old woman searches the boy, then resumes shaking fists at -and cursing- heaven because the boy had one dollar with him when the first wave took him: her priorities are now out of synchrony with society. A writer erupts in emotional diarrhea: s-he just discovered what “Mississippi wind chimes” really are, 2803
1989:part 2. For example “...ists” may set up shop in town. Sooner than one thinks, legions of you-know-who might be marching down central avenue. 2804 Le Vampire 1984:episode 5.
and cannot chastise evil enough. “Wind chimes” as a charming musical instrument take on an entirely new “sense” when Mississippi enters the frame.
There can be no dialogue with those who “deny” society's ultimate concern, “where history is going”, be it global warming, genocide, evolution etc. Libertines, pornographers, squanderers, protestants, mental patients were all often grouped under the term têtes perdues (lost souls) under the politics of exclusion of early Parisian Hôpital Général. In 1877, Italian minister of interior Nicotera defined
gente perduta (lost people) the members of an anarchist insurrection around Benevento.
Such seems to be Donald Trump's case. Elected to presidency for the right, Trump had however been a card-carrying, campaigning lefty (2001-2009). Befuddled liberals now berate him, their former icon, as a sort of new antichrist the demonic powers of climate change and vaccine denial have irreversibly colonized.
In Stoker's 1897 Dracula, Dracula has infected Lucy Westenra. Van Helsing2805 leads people to her grave to get rid of her as undead:
When Lucy—I call the thing that was before us Lucy because it bore her shape—saw us she drew back with an angry snarl, such as a cat gives when taken unawares; then her eyes ranged over us. Lucy’s eyes in form and colour; but Lucy’s eyes unclean and full of hell-fire, instead of the pure, gentle orbs we knew. At that moment the remnant of my love passed into hate and loathing; had she then to be killed, I could have done it with savage delight. As she looked, 2805
Possibly a nod to real-life dr. Van Swieten, envoy of Empress Maria-Theresa to Silesia, where he investigated the vampire phenomenon as a physician in 1755.
her eyes blazed with unholy light, and the face became wreathed with a voluptuous smile. -...-There was something diabolically sweet in her tones—something of the tingling of glass when struck —which rang through the brains even of us who heard the words addressed to another. One 1896 New York World clipping [about vampire hysteria in the U.S] even found its way into the papers of a London stage manager and aspiring novelist named Bram Stoker, whose theater company was touring the United States that same year. His gothic masterpiece, Dracula, was published in 1897. Some scholars have said that there wasn’t enough time for the news accounts to have influenced the Dracula manuscript. Yet others see Lena in the character of Lucy (her very name a tempting amalgam of “Lena” and “Mercy”), a consumptive-seeming teenage girl turned vampire, who is exhumed in one of the novel’s most memorable scenes. Fascinatingly, a medical doctor presides over Lucy’s disinterment, just as one oversaw Lena’s. (Tucker 2012:no page). Moore2806 also explains that encounters with the numinosum disable one's ability to resist and/or to disbelieve: that's why taboos were pivotal in tribal societies. A student in Moore's circle believed “he was Christ”; Sean Connery -the present writer adds- believed “he was James Bond”; Jesus proclaims:”I and the Father are one ”2807; politician so-and-so “really is homeland security” (the greatness of America; immigration amnesty; free trade...).
As professor of psychology Pennebacker points out, “performatives” (phrases like “let me assure you”, “let me be perfectly clear”, “I want you to know”, “verily I say unto you”) signal that the statement that follows cannot be judged as false or truthful: a lie is likely to ensue, or performatives as markers for deceit. That's a component of “word salads” mental patients, politicians, “men of truth”, 2806 2807
1989:part 5. John 10:30.
inveiglers, religionists etc use to get off the hook. It sounds a bit like the voces
magicae of antiquity, or the â&#x20AC;&#x153;speaking in tonguesâ&#x20AC;? of the Pentecostal: contextual but no logical sense.
Could dominant, postmodern interpretive communities, lefties and progressives hoist on the DNA petard?
Prof Bryan Sykes of Oxford University, who leads the DNA testing company, Oxford Ancestors, uses two basic kinds of test (Y chromosomes and mitochondrial DNA) to trace male and female ancestry respectively, so people can trace relatives and geographical origins. "We have never had a serious complaint about people being upset about the results, in tens of thousands of tests," he said yesterday. But he stressed that his company does not offer "racial profiling" because, as the Science paper points out, "these tests are based on scientifically invalid assumptions and we believe they can lead to potentially dangerous misunderstandings about racial purity." (Highfield 2007: no page). And perhaps most surprisingly, it has been reasonably estimated that around 5,000 years ago everybody who was alive was either the common ancestor of everybody alive today, or of nobody alive today; at this point in history we all share exactly the same set of ancestors. -...-But saying where, and in what ethnic group, that common ancestor lived is considerably more speculative. In the hands of "genetic ancestry testing" companies this speculation almost invariably comes from the murky world of interpretative phylogeography â&#x20AC;&#x201C; an approach to "reading" our genetic history that is easily steered by subjective biases, has never been scientifically shown to work and, in some forms, has been explicitly shown not to work.-...-Many of the commercial companies plant stories in the media that sound exciting and seem scientific. But very often they are trivial or wrong (Thomas2808 2013: no page, emphasis added). Could the concept of artificial kin groups and imaginary communities 2808
Billed as professor of evolutionary genetics at University College London.
based upon “hybrid” nations 2809 migrating out of mother Africa fall next? Priests of science in white-as-purity lab coats use stethoscopes as light sabers trying to win grotesque PR contests to see who gets to rewrite the history book first.
Of course, they have to revert to blurry accounts of hypothetical pithecanthropic Negroids possibly swarming out of Africa in a time before time, well beyond the reach of today's DNA technology. Nobody can really know who those people were, and the way they looked like, if they existed at all. Politicized guff is the only reason to have them look like Tiger Woods rather than like Errol Flynn, Toshiro Mifune or any other person.
The time before time scene might be equally well populated with the ghosts of other traditions: the nephilim of early Judaism; the anunnaki of Sumeria; Shambala, Hiva, Agartha, Atlantis, Hyperborea... Buddhist Porisada Jataka begins with these words:”a very long time ago, or even before that ”; another Buddhist tale begins thus:”Patachara was born one hundred thousand aeons (Kalpas) ago, during the time of Padumuttara Buddha in the city of Hansawati. ”, which is very similar to the opening of the original Star Wars movie:”a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away”. In Revelation (13:18), Jesus “was slaughtered before the creation of the 2809
Psychiatrist – and campaigning atheist- Andy Thomson from the Dawkins Foundation uses these terms in 2013 to describe hominids who swarmed out of Africa (of course!) as a genetic amalgam -which he refers to as scientifically proven- of various hominid species including Neanderthal. On one hand, pundits of acceptable discourse fence with stethoscopes as they 'demonstrate scientifically' how “people” (but they are essentially interested in impressing “Whites”) are issued from 'mongrel tribes' out of 'mother Africa'; on the other, they run titles like “To claim someone has 'Viking ancestors' is no better than astrology” (Thomas 2013. Thomas is professor of evolutionary genetics at University College London ) as they suggest that “DNA testing for the masses” is another bogus science that proves nothing as nothing can be proven. DNA can say little about presumed “Viking ancestors” from the Middle Ages, but can say all about hypothetical “hybrids” thousands of centuries ago.
world.”. Bon Jovi's Livin' On A Prayer begins with “once upon a time not so long ago”...
The human mind just loves the item.
According to Prof Thomas, this "has never been scientifically shown to work". Well, apart from the fact that the phylogeography of mitochondrial DNA predicted that modern humans had a recent African origin, about 200,000 years ago. This was in 1987, when most anthropologists believed that Homo sapiens had evolved in tandem across the Old World. Improved fossil dating methods soon began to confirm the new picture, and a new consensus was reached. This essentiallyextnote still stands, even though the recovery of ancient Neanderthal sequences now suggests that there was some interbreeding with archaic groups along the way. (Richards2810&Macaulay2811 2013: no page, emphasis added). The Open University 2001 documentary After The Genome delivers a set of interesting statements:”the blood groups show that there is no such thing as 'the' human genome -...- [as there are] too few [genes] to account for the apparent complexity of human beings -...-.'we are all about 99% monkeys, but it's worth remembering that we are about 50 or 60% bananas'(Steve Jones)”. Jones also uses the word “hype” to refer to the whole thing. For what is worth, even dogs are “99% wolf” (98, 96, 95...the exact percentage varies).
That goes beyond trivia, as in recent years a diverse crowd of animal right activists, grievance shoppers, theoretical philosophers and their ilk have extnote
It won't escape readers the use of weasel-words in order to avoid admitting how scientists tend to offer a new big picture, and new countercultural evidence every other fortnight. (note of this reader). 2810 Billed as professor of archaeogenetics at the University of Huddersfield. 2811 Billed as reader in statistics at the University of Glasgow.
literally expropriated the â&#x20AC;&#x153;99% monkeyâ&#x20AC;? item (98, 96, 95...the exact percentage varies) to perform the 1960s once again in order to extend civil rights to...monkeys, although some refer exclusively to big apes, and others disagree on the exact amount of rights to be granted.
The Open University documentary is also larded with wild expectations about stunningly new, impending cancer treatments. It also rhapsodizes about using viruses to rectify genetic anomalies, a method nowadays discredited after many failures.
Borrowing from image banks bound to keep contemporary audiences invariably on their seats, the battle of Berlin of genetics may or may not have taken place at the electronic microscope by mapping the entire human genome. Given the inconclusiveness of the results, however, the red flag is not justified to sit atop the Reichstag of possible prejudices and legends associated with hypothetical races, ethnic groups, and so on and so forth. This is just an(other) instance of science (ab)used to buttress political agendas and belief systems of this, that or the other group or category.
Readers also learn about John Strugnell, who â&#x20AC;&#x153;never completed his studies for a Ph.D. at Oxford, was appointed to the faculty of the Harvard Divinity School in 1966, becoming a professor of Christian origins. He was made editor in chief of the [Dead Sea] scrolls project in 1984 -...- Krister Stendahl, a former dean of
the divinity school, described Mr. Strugnell as “a linguistic prodigy “” 2812, “he displayed his enormous erudition, ready wit, and caring nature. ”2813.
Readers further learn that Strugnell “was forced to resign from his position in 1991, in the wake of a scandal brought on by mental illness. ” 2814;“his family and colleagues disclosed that he had been treated for manic depression and was struggling with alcoholism -...- for much of his life ”2815.
It is pertinent here to recall Szasz's appraisal of the role of mental health assessments: how could a chronic, manic-depressive alcoholic be appointed to the position of establishment's vanguard in the first place? “[his] tenure as the chief editor of the Dead Sea Scrolls ended in controversy over anti-Semitic remarks he made in an interview ”2816.
In April 2014, B.Eich -co-founder of Mozilla and inventor of Javascripthad to resign from his position of CEO at Mozilla, the popular developer of web applications. In 2008, Eich had donated US$ 1.000 to Proposition 8, a lobby opposed to gay marriage. Only in 2012 was the fact brought to public attention; only in 2014 had Mozilla been boycotted on that ground, notably by dating website OKCUPID. Eich was forced to resign under accusations of alleged homophobia: synchronicity, indeed.
2812 2813 2814 2815 2816
Wilford 2007:no page. Crawford 2007: no page. Crawford 2007: no page. Wilford 2007: no page. Wilford 2007: no page.
Although concerns had been made public in 2013 (The European Commissionâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Joint Research Centre) about presumed irregularities, only in 2015 did the Volkswagen group scandal explode regarding doctored motor-vehicle gas emissions.
A former pro-American Soviet dissident wrote:
His opinion and reports concerning human rights violations in the Soviet Union were featured numerous times by mass media around the world. Valdas' reports have frequently appeared in The New York Times, Boston Globe, The London Times and many other newspapers. He founded the chapter of the International Society for Human Rights in Lithuania, and served as a chairman of that organization, and also as editor of their newsletter. -...- I [=former dissident writes] had a portrait of U.S. President Ronald Reagan on my writing-desk in Lithuania. -...- It was the program for the 1990 U.S. Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington, D.C. -...- I was not only a participant, but one of the featured speakers at this conference, sideby-side with Newt Gingrich, Jesse Helms, Phil Gramm and others Readers may now think of equestrian statues dedicated to celebrate such vanguard of the party line; yet the same person also wrote:
The U.S. government, through the CIA and its other intermediaries such as Radio Liberty/Free Europe encouraged us to think that all our fundamental human rights were terribly violated by the Soviet system. It was sort of an inspirational hypnosis for us. As a result, we -- a handful of Soviet dissidents -- fought against often only imaginary injustices and violations of our rights. The American CIA was the conductor and orchestrator of many of such activities. They used us as an assault force in their psychological war against the Soviets. I don't want to claim that there wasn't any violation of human rights in the Soviet Union at all. And, of course, I'm not talking now about the Stalinist period of the Soviet history. I simply was born later and did not live through that. Of course, there were always some serious violations of people's political and civil rights such as, for example, freedom of speech or freedom of religion. Whenever the United States 2314
commented about human rights in the Soviet Union it was always with reference only to political rights. However, in my opinion, the right to have a guaranteed job and to make a decent living, the right to get free medical help when you are sick, the right to free education, housing, social security -- are all much more important material needs for the vast majority of people than political liberties or freedom of worship. When you get seriously sick, you need to see a doctor first, not a priest. (Valdas...1998:no page). Readers may be surprised that in the present day the former Soviet dissident- once climbing the gilded podiums to harangue the crowd as a party line vanguard- not only is no longer part of the establishment, but has sunk into oblivion. Furthermore, his name appears in lists of shame next to that of more or less notorious '...ists' and crackpots: the maladaptive ramblings of an(other) antisocial defective.
Ward Churchill's case presents similarities with Strugnell's. Originally affirmative action officer, prof. Churchill reached the position of tenured chair of the Ethnic Studies department (University of Colorado) without a doctorate. A selfproclaimed Native-American -and former Vietnam paratrooper-, Churchill was a prolific writer, and a vitriolic advocate of Indian rights: he denounced the genocide American-Indians had suffered.
Following the Twin Towers attack -which he allegedly considered a sort of just payback-, he berated U.S imperialism in an article ( On The Justice Of
Roosting Chickens2817); in 2003 a book by the same title followed. In a sort of liberation theology devoid of the Christian baggage, Churchill wasn't foreign to 2817
On September 12, 2001.
welcoming the entitlement of pariah communities to violent revolt against imperialism. In 19872818, he had assertedly claimed in an interview how he had taught a radical left-wing group ways to handle explosives.
Be it as it may, only in 2005 did the masters of acceptable discourse -who couldn't possibly have known earlier, of course- register what Churchill had been systematically arguing since 2001. He suddenly lost his job, appealed, was awarded a mock compensation, in turn vacated in court; in 2013 the U.S Supreme Court declined to hear his appeal: the time wasn't right for another row of judiciary redress of cosmic injustice.
Of course, the good folks in charge at the university of Colorado are not 'the kind of people' to have such a crackpot as Churchill serve as a professor. If Churchill did serve as a professor for about seventeen years it has to be because of something they couldn't possibly have known, in perfect Greek tragic style.
Churchill's publications were scrutinized, and purportedly found to consist in shameless cases of plagiarism; a scholarly article clinched:â&#x20AC;?the evidence of Churchill's plagiarism overwhelms any ambiguities, and that each of his twelve excuses fails to justify his plagiarism. â&#x20AC;?2819.
As the press hastened on Churchill's case, his persona was demolished from all angles. He had apparently never been a paratrooper in Vietnam after all, 2818 2819
Denver Post, 18 January. Brown 2007:1.
and his ancestors -according to census records- all showed up as “White”: so much for his Native-American heritage. Finally, Churchill's name started to appear in lists of shame next to that of more or less notorious '...ists' and crackpots: the maladaptive ramblings of an(other) antisocial defective.
In early 2015, Bill Cosby (the celebrity and Black community luminary) undergoes the same treatment as the earth gets scorched around him: universities he endowed, and the navy where he served in his youth, take their distance from a purported sex offender as gigs get canceled. In spite of a string of awards and degrees, Cosby might end up soon in a list of shame next to other antisocial defectives. Telling true or false stories makes no difference as far as the public's reaction is concerned: hyperreality steals the day.
Is plagiarism always wrong? Mostly, but it may always be the case the opposite applies (“the temptation to write stuff that you know is "essentially" true even if you can't provide the citation for it.” ), such as in the controversy related to Martin Luther King's alleged plagiarism 2820, which to some can be explained away in terms of customary “resources of black folk preaching. ” 2821; “John Cartwright, the university's Martin Luther King Professor of Social Ethics, said the panel had refrained from speculating about the reasons why Dr. King had not properly attributed material, ”2822; “We found that instances of textual appropriation can be “The four-member committee was appointed by the university a year ago to determine whether plagiarism charges against Dr. King that had recently surfaced were in fact true. ”, Boston U....1991: no page. 2821 Miller no date: no page. 2822 Boston U....1991: no page. 2820
seen in his earliest extant writings as well as his dissertation. The pattern is also noticeable in his speeches and sermons throughout his career. ”2823.
Seventh-Day Adventist co-founder Ellen G. White had also plagiarized materials in her extensive corpus. An attorney clinched on White's account in 1981:”Ellen White used the writings of others; but in the way she used them, she made them uniquely her own, ethically, as well as legally. And, interestingly, she invariably improved that which she “selected”! ”2824.
Cases of establishment vanguards revealed to be paper heroes are ubiquitous:
Williams taught anthropology, gender studies and history at USC, according to a university Web page that's since been taken down. The author and Fulbright Award winner received several accolades for his work, including the USC General Education Outstanding Teacher Award in 2006. He was also recognized for his work with the gay and lesbian Is this the portrait of an establishment vanguard? It looks like 'the real thing', until...
Walter Lee Williams, 64, became the 500th person named to the list, officials said. He faces charges of sexual exploitation of children, traveling with intent to engage in illicit sexual conduct and engaging in illicit sexual conduct in foreign places. Bureau officials said they had identified at least 10 alleged victims between the ages of 9 and 17. (Winton&Mather 2013: no page). We're truly as tainted as everybody else, apparently...What about the dancing chorus of enthusiastic cheerleaders? They couldn't possibly have known, of course... 2823 2824
Carson no date: no page. Understanding...no date:no page.
Marion Barry, Jr. ( Black Washington DC mayor and civil rights activist) was voted four times into office in spite of a slew of scandals ranging from drug abuse to traffic violations, sexual and financial misconduct.
Codevilla wrote in 2010 regarding another scandal to which the opposite chanced to apply. It shall be noted how Obama's 2825 name was also included in the article's early versions, being subsequently redacted for reasons readers shall individually appraise:
If, for example, you are Laurence Tribe in 1984, Harvard professor of law, leftist pillar of the establishment, you can "write" your magnum opus by using the products of your student assistant, Ron Klain. A decade later, after Klain admits to having written some parts of the book, and the other parts are found to be verbatim or paraphrases of a book published in 1974, you can claim (perhaps correctly) that your plagiarism was "inadvertent," and you can count on the Law School's dean, Elena Kagan, to appoint a committee including former and future Harvard president Derek Bok that issues a secret report that "closes" the incident. Incidentally, Kagan ends up a justice of the Supreme Court. Not one of these people did their jobs: the professor did not write the book himself, the assistant plagiarized instead of researching, the dean and the committee did not hold the professor accountable, and all ended up rewarded. (no page). Such cases aren't unique, either, but few in a long chain ( the various McGowan, Zemmour, Irving, Faurisson, Finkelstein, Richwine, MacDonald etc etc) of litterateurs accused of (ab)using the profession -in one way or another- to reach unacceptable (political) conclusions.
“This version corrects an error that appears the print edition of this article, which incorrectly lists Barack Obama as a research assistant to Laurence Tribe in 1984. He in fact was an assistant to Tribe in 1988-89. ” they added to the edited article. The previous mention of Obama used to occur thus:”you can 'write' your magnum opus by using the products of your student assistants Ron Klain and Barack Obama. -...- Incidentally, Obama ends up as president and Kagan a justice of the Supreme Court ”.
No 'serious scholar' would do that: it ensues either one is serious (but not a scholar), or a scholar (but not serious) to 'connect the dots' against the (academic) grain. The appointment to master of acceptable public discourse isn't irrevocable. The pendulum swings incessantly between categorical imperatives, absolute laws, and gentlemanly leniency that values the golden rule of compromise on emotional grounds.
Despite all protestations to the contrary, things haven't changed much since Giordano Bruno's times, or since Joe Paterno's times 2826. The only exception being that it is now not only permissible but fashionable to pillory at least some (religious) beliefs, whose untouchable status is now the privilege of other sets of beliefs guarded by other organized watchdogs.
Sokal's posited dilemma about the problematic relationship between science and politics is pertinent and doesn't just concern second or third fiddles on the fringe of obscure peer-reviewed journals few ever heard about anyways. Leading atheist scholar and Jesus mythicist Richard Carrier is convinced he located the perfect mathematical tool to determine invariably whether any historical argument is sound: a theorem Presbyterian minister Bayes invented in the XVIII century.
Of course, Carrier mathematically determines that religionists use faulty logic and propound fallacious arguments. The same Bayes theorem Carrier uses to deny Jesus' (presumed) historical existence is put to use by Stephen Unwin to 2826
U.S celebrity football coach, whose statue was removed from Penn State's Beaver stadium in the aftermath of a sexual abuse scandal that involved Paterno's right-hand man.
demonstrate the existence of (the Christian) god. Max L.E. Andrews clinches in a university paper:”Thus, with Bayes’ Theorem applied to the historicity of the resurrection, there is a 72 percent likelihood that the resurrection [of Jesus as told in the Gospels] happened.”2827. Carrier scoffs at such occurrences: “garbage in, garbage out”. This of course reduces the entire Bayesian affair to elusive matters of elusory “grace” one may (or may not) find oneself in at the moment.
Doesn't disagreeing with the social alchemist -whose gums bleed for what's wrong- amount to wanting 'you-know-who' (all of them with no exception counting down to the last one in all possible universes) on their knees or in their graves or closets? Isn't the risk of incurring 'guilt by association' too much to just 'turn the page to sports'? No matter how many corners were cut in the name of 'the good cause', the 'price was worth it' and always will be.
Someone wrote:
my thesis on Lenin’s missed chances -...- To claim that the demand for social ownership of the means of production is a crime is to say that modern left-wing thinking in its entirety has criminal roots – ultimately, it even means the Western social-democratic nationalizations were criminal.-...- So instead of worrying about my Leninism, it would be better for my critics to worry about real threats today. When, in December 2006, a group of Polish conservativenationalist members of Parliament seriously proposed to proclaim Jesus Christ the king of Poland -...-. Recently, a racist mob of »true« Slovenes stopped the car with the president of the republic who was on the way to visit a group of displaced Roma (Slovene citizens!) -...-. Consequently, to REPEAT Lenin does NOT mean a RETURN to Lenin - to repeat Lenin is to accept that "Lenin is dead," that his particular 2827
solution failed, even failed monstrously, but that there was a utopian spark in it worth saving (Zizek 2007:no page, emphasis added). It just reads like the footage from a video-game and the secret chats between juveniles at the console. It also appalls that this -irrespective of how alike it may sound- does not come from leftist hobos from a flop house, but from the Slavoj Zizek of international acclaim.
Using totem poles as light sabers, distressed intellectuals and grievanceshopping lobbies joust for the privilege of sending the masses into a fitful trance to have them rally on the right side of the myths of their choice. For each finger they point at others, five more fingers point back at them, yet it will at least provide the iota of bile to help protest-fatigued intellectuals digest the vegan food at the department brunch, or the more refined dishes served in the mansion of thoughtweary policy-makers.
Unless -of course!- it is some 'bad guy' adopting the same fallacies, situational ethics and so forth to push his unapproved version of the myth going invariably back to discredited epochs, regimes and mindsets. To him and his kin the public shall answer that “the logic of the evidence” makes no allowances for crooks, or some other punchline that could very well serve to introduce a new 'effortless weight loss treatment that really works', 'honest' credit scheme and so forth to the highly discerning patrons.
“Prigs and dolts” exert a bigger influence in everyone's lives than
generally believed. What is here exposed is no different from other illusions and tricks that prey upon the limitations of our context-sensitive perception. It is all a giant hollow mask trick (the brain identifies a face even in the hollow part of a rotating mask), or visual illusion trick (a tile of a given color appears to be of a different one) with the only addition of political spins.
This essay may have possibly provided more questions than answers. Yet, some rather awkward correlations seem to emerge. The point of departure was curiosity raised by certain strategies commonly deployed to persuade. It appears that such attitudes try to hit some secret 'nerve' in the human psyche, which almost invariably triggers a knee-jerk reaction sweeping recipients off their feet in an orgy of emotion, where (as it held true for Roman argumentation) it is not a question of judgment, but of casting praise or blame upon someone/thing.
While the masses cry, ire, covet, loathe, weep or laugh (according to the persuader's strategy), they are allowed to experience oneness and the feeling to be taking a highly philosophical/moral stance; in all cases there may be disbelievers and outcasts, but their presence won't change the general trend.
It is false to think that the investigation of droll myths sinking into the well of the past is something of no import best left to amblyopic savants or litterateurs in dusty libraries, whose knowledge of Greek, Latin, Hebrew or Sanskrit did not cause them to make it in the affluently mainstream legal, medical or financial professions; or â&#x20AC;&#x201C; at best- to third-rate entertainers competing for TV shares. Such obtuse allegories and petrified mythologies are constantly enacted, staged, spoofed, paraded, alluded to at the highest levels of contemporary policymaking and mainstream academia, where they circularly constitute foundational
truth, and ultimate reference points.
There is apparently little difference with the crowd attending wrestling matches, suffering when Hulk Hogan is hurting down on the canvas, and exploding when he all of a sudden recovers and starts hyperventilating (the visual signal he's going to win no matter what). Equally, there is apparently little difference between the crowd believing preposterous wrestling story-lines, and the crowd believing orchestrated scares and commodious, perfunctory explanations regarding 'the real world' the masters of acceptable discourse may offer; masters that so often turn out to be hoaxers, gamesmen, poker-faced policy makers reading from a circular script, informants or P.R people for hire and their ilk.
While the theory of 'psychic unity of mankind' helps to put things into perspective and offers some background (the same myths and stories recur all over the world), it is still left to assess why -exactly- people react like well-trained laboratory animals every time one of such 'buttons' is pressed; it may be the image of the savior-hero unjustly slain/tormented; the image of the prophet of doom, whom nobody believed but who had been right all along; the thunder of illumination strikes those who killed/tormented the meek savior-hero, and/or ignored the prophet of doom.
Now that regret festers and/or that another political regime is in place, hierophants offer to take the prophet's words as their sacred truth, and the slain/tortured savior as their deity (because it facilitates reconciliation according to 2325
Girard), in an endless feedback-loop of grief because they ought to have protected the 'divine' victim(s) from any torment(or)s at all costs; the motif can take all sorts of garbs as long as there is the specter of possible, unbearable remorse if the choice/judgment/action at hand reveals itself incorrect at any point later on.
Lakhani2828 urges business owners to instill in their customers the kind of anticipatory regret religious cults trigger as they brainwash people: even if one leaves for good, s-he shall be forever bugged by the nagging suspicion s-he may have made a fatal mistake.
In (online) dating scams, for example, the lovelorn male is asked to send money once again in order to live happily ever after with an online Dulcinea he “rescued” and who is “saving herself for him” 2829. What if he walks away and she is real and he really could have had a fairy tale love story? What if there really could have been a homeland for the stateless community? What if some overthrown West-African chieftain did really leave a financial fortune in gold ingot behind one might appropriate with a few hundreds dollars in mere shipping costs?
Both Pythagoras the Greek sage and Drukpa Kunle the Tibetan sage 2828 2829
2010:01. A story circulated in online dating around the year 2000. Distraught foreign (whether Colombian or Belarusian ) Dulcinea goes online in the desperate search for “true love” with a foreign beau from a wealthy country. She's “saving herself for him” because of her strong religious upbringing that was customary over here generations ago. She chats away online on credit courtesy of local miry godmother, the internet café guy. Many black-hearted men deceive her, and her debt with the internet café grows bigger by the day. At some point the internet café chap reveals his true colors as a mafioso: she is to be sold into sex slavery to “hairy Turkish men” (hair<-> sexuality) unless she pays her debt in full by next week. Her “one and only love” online Don Quixote is the “only one she can turn to”: will he wire those dad-blasted 300$ (1500$...)? If the lovelorn foreign inamorato does so (=one single kind act shtick), a fairy tale love story complete with legitimate children shall ensue. Of course, a scam-gang probably bilks several hopeful Don Quixotes at once.
( about twenty centuries apart) defended maltreated animals explaining how they recognized them as the current abode of a formerly human soul going through endless rebirths.
'Lessons' from age-old myths can be easily refurbished to match the postmodern cravings of the dull mass-man of today's welfare and nanny States. Confucian lore prescribes to â&#x20AC;&#x153;excuse others as you would excuse yourself, and blame yourself as you would blame othersâ&#x20AC;? (=I and the other are one). For those who shun popular wisdom, and age-old religions, there is always a spin that may make the same concept look scientific, factual and tested: cognitive reconstruction.
A fertility ritual of the Pacific islands seamlessly becomes bungeejumping. The fecal byproduct of the digestion of small animals is sold in posh eateries for up to 30/50$ a cup as assertedly the best coffee worldwide. It is possibly no great news that these very same stratagems constitute the 'secret ingredient' of pre-cooked news casts and press headlines when in the hands of poker-faced spindoctors, politicians and hecklers:
But the interesting thing was that when the odd condiments were offered in the fancy containers, the coffee drinkers were much more likely to tell us that they liked the coffee a lot, that they would be willing to pay well for it, and that they would recommend that we should start serving this new blend in the cafeteria. When the coffee ambience looked upscale, in other words, the coffee tasted upscale as well. (Ariely 2009:94). From there came the string of savior-hero-god figures that recur ceaselessly since the dawn of time, being adjusted as little as the sociopolitical 2327
climate and the times allow. The Hercules of yore may become the folk hero of the steel industry Joe Magarac; heroes-kings no longer exist, but Russian statesman Putin saved a TV crew from an Amur tiger, and so forth; the hero-trickster-liar of the wild west Davy Crockett is best left to black and white movies, but some hatecrime hoaxer may keep us on our seats.
The hero's journey worked well for Theseus or Hercules, but is still working pretty well with Star Trek and Knight Rider. Light sabers may replace bronze daggers; the superlative, quintessential 'other' (whether friend or foe) might no longer reside on mount Olympus or in the Black sea region, but in a faraway galaxy.
Equally, interbreeding with humans may no longer take place in a cabin or under a tree, but under the clumsily disguised medicalized imagery of today's fertility clinics. Doesn't it sound suspiciously like the petrified myths of the Book Of
Enoch (III century BCE), whereby fallen angels mate with women to produce savage cannibal giants? Isn't the clumsy image of savage cannibal giants the equivalent of Belle Epoque throwbacks in line with Darwinian eugenics foretelling the dangers of haywire (human) breeding?
The small-scale interbreeding program might -according to Jordan Maxwell and others in recent years- in reality unfold as a mutation program on a cosmic scale: Darwin meets UFO conspiracy theorists. Are extraterrestrial not one's cup of tea? What about cosmic rays? 2328
If all this didn't escape scholars in a dusty library, it did not elude massmarketers and propaganda experts, either. Some of whom -like trail-blazer Edward Bernays- transited from the role of Presidential advisers and undercover policy makers to the role of ad wizards. In their own words, the â&#x20AC;&#x153;stupidâ&#x20AC;? masses could be manipulated with the same wartime tactics applied to peacetime priorities.
Being convinced they needed a constant inflow of consumer goods to make highly charged statements about themselves, and/or as 'phallic projections'; or status ersatz (smoking women as the new statues of liberty) was no different from being convinced a war with a foreign country was needed for the greater good's sake.
The 'neuralgic points' of the human psyche didn't go unnoticed by hoaxers, cranks, carpet-baggers, cold salesmen and their ilk, either. Although probably nobody knows the inner workings in minute detail, the masses will instantly rise, ire, loathe, march, donate, demand or acquiesce to police state according to paper-thin stories, whose implausibility hides in the storm of melodrama, infantile sentimentalism, inconsistent concepts and attitudes based on 'the emotion it feels right'. Astute filmmakers and politicking activists can wrap a political manifesto in some age-old myths (for example the hero's journey, the choice-and-consequence routine, the Ulysses shtick...) and have the public swallow it all, hook, line and sinker.
Belle Epoque 2329
spiritualists, nationalists or Darwinists; hate crime
hoaxers; fraudulent charity mongers, and so forth all got their pound of public flesh (money, fame, war declarations, legal changes...) when 'myth became fact': they successfully 'sold' their next hoax, scam, political partisan truth that is far from universal.
In fact, both at the highest level of international policy making, and at the lowest level of the aspiring salesman, 'emotional intelligence' – a quality as elusive as that of mysterious force fields such as Chi, Mana, Haché, Pneuma, Prana, Num or the Victorian ether- teaches how to be in control of those neuralgic points of the human mind haunted by atavistic fears (such as that of contamination) and longing (such as that to believe) that -as the Greek tragedy exemplified- must climax so that the public may attain recognition (the comparison of one's own situation with the social norm/taboo etc unfolding before one's eyes) and purgation (release of frustrations, anger etc).
Befuddled masses in a perpetual state of latent psychosis (=a behavioral, not clinical statement here) are bombarded with contradictory and politically partisan streams of information in what constitutes:”therapeutic culture -...- an informal and almost inchoate aspect of our social experience, -...- organizing perception of self and others, autobiography, and interpersonal interaction”.
Because the neuralgic points of the human psyche are part and parcel of the human experience, they can be (mis)used to attack, condone, loathe or exalt about anything and anyone. Statistical probability, verisimilitude, truth or veracity 2330
are not necessary ingredients. All in all, there is no virtue in telling true stories as opposed to false ones, as far as the effect on the public is concerned.
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