How To Make Beaded Bracelets With Correct Wrist Measurements
How to make beaded bracelets with correct wrist measurements can be quite an interesting challenge. The best way to measure an individual for a beaded bracelet is to use a standard seamstress measuring tape and measure the intended wrist. Add an additional Ÿ to ½ inch allowance at each end of the bracelet in order that the final length includes the fastener when working with smaller beads. The larger chunky type beads will require more length, usually three times as much as they use more space when they encircle the wrist. Filler beads may cut down the measurement by an inch or less.
I do not know what type of handmade beaded jewelry you make, however, I do bead weaving. The most difficult challenge which I seem to face is being creative in the fastener department. I make my own fasteners. You may want to consider doing the same if you are having problems finding commercial fasteners to accommodate the style and design of the bracelet. I have hand beaded the lead chain on which the hook or clasp will latch onto. The hook or the clasp is tested to be certain it lies correctly between the beads in the beaded chain loop to insure the bracelet remains on the wrist. A touch of glue adds security.
The weave design offers challenges for creative threading for fasteners. I try to make it easy for the wearer to attach the bracelet to their wrist with one hand. It is a nuisance fighting a balancing act trying to stabilize the bracelet from falling away from the wrist as one tries to clasp the openings shut. The bracelet falling away from the wrist is probably the motivation for the wearer to prefer stretch bracelets. There are some beautiful stretch beaded bracelets to make.
The most common wrist measurement for women is seven inches. It has been my experience finding wrists to be larger than this measurement. Eight inches seems to be a safer measurement and easier to sell. You can make bracelets as long as ten inches. If you like making seven inches you may consider this size for children. Ribbon, leather, twine, and velvet or rope cord can be tie fasteners. The advantage for the wearer is mother or a family member is always available to tie the bracelet into place.
Ankle bracelets start at nine inches working up to eleven inches. It reminds me of sock sizes which are packaged as one size will fit 9-11. Again, unless you make several varieties of anklets in different sizes it would be to your advantage to also consider ties and stretch nylon. With my type of beading or because of my jewelry interests, I do not make bracelets for men. However, the wrists of men are usually one inch larger than the wrists of women. Their size starts at eight inches and enlarges up to eleven inches. When preparing for arts and crafts shows or other types of similar events there are some quick solutions as to how to make beaded bracelets with correct wrist measurements:
Make several of each size in order that the customer can find their proper fit. Make ties and extension leads with leather, cord, stretch elastic, chain, ribbon, or finished fabric and plastic strips. The extension choices are determined by the type of materials used in the bracelet construction. Measure the wrist of the customer. Make a simple bracelet for your customer while he or she shops. A good seller is to include their name or initials in the finished product. The customer will be very happy with a bracelet that was personally designed and assembled by a jewelry artist.
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