Issue 1.02, September 2013 Official Magazine of Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC
Over $120 million in recoveries.
25 Y.
25 Years of practice experience
In ThIs Issue Bullying
Sad Realities in a Psychological War Zone Pedal vs. Metal
Keeping Kids Safe on Bicycles 4 Dangerous Baby Products Tiny Kids, Big Accidents
The Kids Issue Newsletter
Bullying: Sad Realities in a Psychological War Zone Student apprehension concerning the transition from summer freedom to institutional learning may be less about academic performance and more about the social scene. Despite our best efforts to minimize social power imbalances, the return to the classroom often means the return of bullying.
pon recognition of this prevalent reality, our state legislature introduced the need for a definition of “bullying” with HB 1871. As of March 20th, 2013, the Code of Virginia states that if a student experiences harm, intimidation or humiliation as a result of repeated aggressive
and unwanted behavior, then he or she is a victim of bullying. Whether it be cyber (internet) bullying or old fashioned playground bullying, the effects are consistently negative for both the victim and the “bully” or aggressor. According to the US Department of Health & Human Services, victims are likely to experience feelings of depression, anxiety and loneliness that may persist into adulthood. Ways to identify if a child is being bullied include disinterest in enjoyable activities, changes in sleep and eating patterns, and a decline in academic performance. Bullies are often children who thrive off of social power. Although it appears counter-intuitive, aggressors also experience negative psychological effects
because of their behavioral patterns. An increase in aggressive tendencies and a nonchalant attitude toward academics are both signs that a child could be an aggressor in school. Bullies are more likely to abuse drugs, get into fights, vandalize property, and drop out of school. If you think your child is showing signs of being a victim or a bully, then you must act for the safety of all involved parties. Contacting the principal at the school is a great place to start. Public schools hold the responsibility of maintaining a bully-free environment that is conducive to learning. Depending on the situation, your child might need to talk with the school counselor or an independent therapist.
emember that Virginia laws are built to protect our citizens. Our firm serves those in the public who seek to validate their right to that protection.
Visit to read our recent article on bullying.
Children stay home from school each day fearing they will be bullied
1 in 7
Students in gradeds K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying
of kids have been bullied online
Pedal vs. Metal: Keeping Kids Safe on Bicycles
utdoor playtime becomes increasingly precious as classes pick back up, and kids begin to hop on their bikes for some last days of summer fun. Keeping kids active is important, and the Bikes Belong Foundation discovered that “adolescents who bicycle are 48% less likely to be overweight as adults.” Despite this promising statistic, a lot of parents are reasonably worried about having their kids out on the roads. Fortunately,
there are many ways to keep adolescents safe while biking. A program called Safe Kids Worldwide, founded by the Children’s National Medical Center, suggests many bike safety tips. They coined the catchy slogan “use your head, wear a helmet” to ensure that all bicyclists remember the importance of using one of the most effective pieces of bicycle protection. Teaching your child from an early age to use a helmet will create a habit that is likely to reach into adulthood. Most
cities and counties in Virginia require that individuals fourteen or younger wear a helmet when either riding or being carried on a bike. Although Virginia state laws require that motorists “share the road” with bicyclists, it is suggested that children under the age of ten stick to sidewalks and bike paths. The cognitive abilities of children under ten years of age are not always fully developed to determine the speed and distance of cars. For safety, parents should insist their children be able to demonstrate full knowledge of biking laws before taking them on the roads. The use of reflectors and lights on a bike is always a good idea. Choosing clothing with retro-
reflective materials also allows motorists to easily spot people on bikes. Even allowing children to bike in a local, low-traffic neighborhood is dangerous without proper equipment that makes them visible. Jamming out to music while biking may be uplifting and motivating, but wearing ear buds in both ears is illegal. Even on a short bike ride to school, encourage your kids to play the music aloud. Riding a bike is a fun way to instill exercising habits and to introduce an alternative form of transportation. Teaching your kids how to be safe while enjoying the benefits of biking gives them a healthy recreation that will last for the rest of their lives.
“... use your head, wear a helmet” 02 \\
Kids Newsletter Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC
Four Dangerous Baby Products By Attorney Emily Mapp Brannon
ommies are constantly bombarded by warnings about dangerous products as they relate to infants. As a defective product attorney, I am even more in tune with the most up to date recalls. My biggest fear as a mom and a lawyer is that mothers become so overwhelmed by the frequency of warnings that they stop paying attention to them.
n that vein, I decided to come up with a list of the top 4 dangerous products for babies. I have based this list on research and experience. Sometimes information just needs to be simple. It’s hard enough to read the details on the instructions for the Pack n’ Play. And don’t get me started on the disassembly of a double BOB stroller.
1. Bumbo Seats
3. Crib Bumpers These were a must have and now they are a must not have. Children can become suffocated by the fabric. As you know, when you put your little munchkin down for a nap or for the night, they move all over in their sleep. unfortunately, they can find a comfy spot right up against the bumper and hurt themselves. Find a mesh bumper so you and baby can rest easy. The silver lining is you don’t have to spend hundreds of dollars on that matching crib set anymore. Those mesh bumpers are more about function than form.
We all have one. They topped registry lists for your first baby’s shower. You have probably heard about the warnings. People were placing their infants, or even worse their toddlers, in the chairs and then apparently, they left the house. O.k. maybe it was just the room, but still. This one seems like a no brainer. The seat is designed in a way that a very small baby, somewhere between 3-5 months, can slouch into it and essentially not move. The idea behind the product is that it forces the baby to learn how to sit up. Remember, core strength is everything these days. The lesson is simple, the bumbo is not a babysitter.
2. Baby hammocks/sling Baby wearing mommies, don’t be upset with me. I love wearing my babies. I love holding them close. I do not love the use of a sling. The minute that baby gets in there, they seem to fall asleep. I’m all about them feeling like they are in the womb, BuT, they are now out of the womb and therefore, need to be able to breathe on their own.
Tiny Kids,
4. All things small
This really comes into play with second children. While we focused so heavily on our first baby, child proofing the house from top to bottom, washing everything, changing diapers the minute they became soiled, second baby gets the shaft. I have noticed that my older toddler gets presents from friends that include dangerously small pieces. Those pieces are so enticing to the baby. everything looks good when you have sustained yourself on milk for twelve months. Do yourself a favor, leave the Operation game at the store until your child is in medical school.
Big accidents
There’s nothing more heart-breaking than seeing a child get hurt. This is especially true when they’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence. Our firm cares about kids, and has represented tiny kids that have been hurt in big accidents for over 25 years. It often takes years for the nature and extent of childhood injuries to become apparent. For example, our young clients who have suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) have to be closely monitored as they grow up to look for new problems to appear. In school, kids first learn to read. As they progress, kids are expected to develop the ability to read to learn. Many TBIs do not manifest until these additional skills are
expected to be developing. Later on, kids are expected to learn abstract thinking (just try and help them with their pre-algebra homework for a good example!) Not surprisingly, new deficits can show up when these demands increase as well. Our firm has the patience, expertise, and discipline to work with you over time to fully assess the long term consequences when big accidents happen to tiny kids.
If you’re child has been hurt in any kind of accident that was someone else’s fault, contact us today 877-544-5323 // 03
580 East Main Street, Suite 310, Norfolk, VA 23510
The Kids Issue Newsletter
Issue 1.02, September 2013
SettlementS & CaSeS of IntereSt to our fIrm
580 East Main Street Suite 310 Norfolk, VA 23510 Phone
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The Kids Issue | Law Offices of Richard J. Serpe, PC
settlement for father and child tragically killed in a defective vehicle
verdict for brain damaged child in Portsmouth, Virginia
settlement for an infant that was bitten by a dog in Virginia Beach Disclaimer All cases are different and the results of one case cannot be used as an indication of what our firm may obtain for a similar case.