Modernized tale

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Little Red Riding Hood:

Modernized tale

Marie Nataly Krumm & Kirke Marta S端ld

Modernized tale of Little Red Riding Hood There was once a young, beautiful girl, who lived with her mother in a small apartment in the center of the city. She was very lovely to her grandma who once gave her a beautiful red silky scarf, what she was now wearing all the time. One day the mother asked her daughter: “Could you please bring your granny medicine and food supplies? She is sick and weak and can’t go to the store by herself. Go on the bus and drive until the stop Valgemetsa. Then go down the narrow path until you reach a little white wooden house and don’t go out of the way. Make sure you take your mobile phone and don’t go anywhere with strangers!!” “Yeah, yeah I already understand, you don’t have to explain that much, I have been there before too,” the daughter replied.

Grandma lived in the forest, about an hour and a half away from the city. When the girl reached the forest, she noticed, that she is followed by a suspicious looking man. The girl didn’t really care about it and went on. “Hey, what are you doing here?” said the man. “Umm...hello?” “So where are you going?” “Well I’m not going to tell you about it.” “Come on, tell me.” “I’m just heading over to my granny’s house.”

“What do you have in that bag?” “Umm... some food and medicine, that’s all.” “What kind of medicine have you got there?” “I don’t know know, I’m in a hurry and I have to go!” The girl continued going and suddenly she heard someone rustling in the bushes and now she started to run faster to her granny’s house. “No need to hurry here, we have got plenty of time”, said the same man. „It is starting to get dark outside and I promised my mother that I will make it to my granny's house during the daytime,“ the girl replied. „Well have a nice day then, I hope we will meet again!“ he said. She continued walking until she was at her granny's house. But she couldn't guess that the same man had quietly followed her the whole way. She knocked the door and went in.

The girl and grandma had talked and eaten cake for a while. Grandma felt a little tired and she decided to take a little nap. Suddenly, someone ringed the doorbell and the girl went to see who it was. It was the same strange man. He asked the girl to come with him and that he wanted to show her something interesting. It came to the girl's mind that mom had forbidden her to go anywhere with strangers, but she couldn't sense the danger and decided to still go with the man.

They had walked about 10 minutes away from the granny's house, when the girl noticed an odd black car in front of them. Now she got a little scared. She didn't even realize when the man grabbed her and the next moment she was already in his car. She started to panic. „Make sure you don't do anything stupid here, understand? I'll be back in a minute!“ said the man and locked the car. During the time he was away, the girl had managed to call the police and when the man returned, the cops were already there. Luckily nothing bad happened on that day and it all ended well. Since then, that girl doesn't dare to talk with any strangers.

By: Marie Nataly Krumm and Kirke Marta SĂźld

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