August (Elul 6th month) Month of Repentance

Page 1 August: (Elul 6th month) Month of Repentance In the Hebrew calendar, Elul is the sixth month and falls on our calendar in August. Six is preparation day for the Sabbath Rest – a day of man and the double blessing of manna. Nisan, the month of Passover, is the first month and Elul is the sixth month of “preparation” for the high holy days in the seventh month of Tishri. This 6th month is placed between the two great sins past and the coming judgment future. The 6th month Elul follows the Golden Calf incident (Idolatry) in 4th month of Tammuz and the 12 Spies evil report in the 5th month of Av. (Faithless Unbelief) The future Trumpets and Atonement follow in 7th month of Tishri when judgment comes.

the way by which you went. Return, O virgin of Israel, Return to these your cities. Repentance and Selichot

This ritual for the new moon of Elul incorporates the practice of blowing the Shofar (ram’s horn) during Elul. The blowing Shofar is a wake-up call to sleepers, designed to rouse us from our complacency. It is a call to repentance. As the month of Elul draws to a close, the mood of repentance becomes more urgent. Prayers for forgiveness called Selichot are added to religious services. The entire community, including men, women and older children, attend the first Selichot service, and the rabbi gives a sermon.

A fundamental part of the Selichot service is the One derivation of the word “Elul” means “search” or recitation of the “Thirteen Attributes,” a list of God’s thirteen attributes of mercy that were revealed “inspect”, alluding to the nature of our task during to Moses after the sin of the golden calf (Ex 34:6–7): this month. Another rabbinical interpretation of Lord [1], The Lord [2], God [3], merciful [4], and “Elul”: “Elul” means “returned with,” specifically gracious [5], long-suffering [6], abundant in goodness with those Jews who returned to Israel after the 70[7] and truth [8], keeping mercy unto the thousandth year Exile in Babylonia/Repentance. It is this meaning that ties to the Temple rebuilding of the month of generation [9], forgiving iniquity [10] and transgresElul, as well as Gods commands to Haggai during the sion [11] and sin [12], who cleanses [13]. month of Elul. Occurrences of the A-L-V-L (Elul) in Scripture This month Elul, whose constellation is the Maiden, commonly called Virgo, is set aside for Repentance or spiritual return. Rebecca is the first one called in scripture as a “Betulah” a virgin — whom no man had known. In Genesis 24:16. The First mention in scripture of anything defines its use and meaning. This first mention of a future bride of Isaac, a type of Messiah, holds huge significance for the church today. Our theology was written in Genesis and the Gentile bride of the Messiah was no mystery.

The letters are Aleph — Lamed –Vav– Lamed Occur 4x as acrostics and 1x as a named month. What starts out as a lesson in Repentance in Torah ends with union and restoration with the King in Song of Songs. Repentance/deliverance from sin nature

1) Deut 30:6 And the LORD thy God will circumcise thy heart, and the heart of thy seed, to love the LORD thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy The scripture that the sages related to the Maiden is “…Return, O Maiden of Israel, return to these cities soul, that thou mayest live. Those 4 words start with of yours!” (Jeremiah 31:20) The call to the virgin is E-L-U-L and the context is of a time after God drove Go back – the road markers will point out where she Israel into the nations. A new nature is promised them and we are partakers through Yeshua of that promise left the path and guide her back to her beloved. Jer when we are given a new heart. He did not come to 31 v 21 Set up for yourself road marks, Place for yourself guideposts; Direct your mind to the highway, make bad men good but make dead men live. Repentance/deliverance for unintentional sin P.O. Box 39082 Lakewood WA 98496

Page 1 2) Ex 21:13 And if a man lie not in wait, but God deliver him into his hand; then I will appoint thee a place whither he shall flee. E-L-U-L spelt again. (A reference to the cities of refuge established for the unintentional man slaughterer – forgiveness for unintentional sin. The Cities of refuge are an escape of the coming wrath and judgment, so repentance is an escape of judgment. “Father forgive them for they know not what they do” ….are the words that transform the murder of our Savior into manslaughter. So we have the opportunity to repent and flee to Him our City of refuge, for He is our refuge. Soon He is to return as the Avenger of blood.

The King is in His field — The month is described as preparation for the divine coronation on the Feast of Trumpets: It is like a king who, before he enters the city, the people of the city go out to greet him in the field. There, everyone who so desires is permitted to meet him; he receives them all with a cheerful countenance and shows a smiling face to them all. And when he goes to the city, they follow him there. Later, however, after he enters his royal palace, none can enter into his presence except by appointment, and only special people and select individuals. So, too, by analogy, the month of Elul is when we meet God in the field.

Reconciliation between an errant Bride and the King of the Harvest

Also, during Elul, Psalm 27 is recited after prayers in the synagogue. “A psalm of David — the Lord is my light and my salvation… for he will hide me in his tent.” ((During up the coming judgment)) By implication we need to have already found light and salvation to be hidden in His tent during judgment.

3) The name of the month (spelled ELUL = Alef Lamed Vav Lamed) is said to be an acronym of “Ani l’dodi v’dodi li,” “I am my Beloved’s and my Beloved is mine,” a quote from Song of Songs 6:3. In Aramaic (the vernacular of the Jewish people at the time that the month names were adopted), the word “Elul” means “search,” which is appropriate, because this is a time of year we should seek Him, while He may be found. The whole book of the Song of Songs is about the King in the field//harvest and a sleepy bride who needs to repent and come to work with Him in a summer harvest.. This is the month that the “King is in His field” and can be approached before He is on His throne and court is in session. For too soon comes the fall judgments – The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved. Jer.8v20. Notice the summer is the grain harvest and in the fall God will turn His attention to Israel, that vineyard and the fig tree which He planted. This is the time when the Eternal King leaves the heavenly throne and descends to inspect this world. This is the period when we are closest to God, and God is most receptive to our prayers. We look to the words of the prophet Isaiah, who said, “Seek God when He is at hand; Call upon Him when He is near” (Is 55:6). P.O. Box 39082 Lakewood WA 98496

4) Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the Lord. They said: I will sing = E L UL in the Hebrew. (Exodus 15:1) Purpose for Israel’s deliverance was to worship God! (Ex. 7:16; 8:1; 8:20; 9:1; 9:13) So after the Baptism//Repentance of Israel into the sea and coming out of and the separation from Egypt (the world) they broke out in song and worship. Dates of Elul in Scripture Start of Temple Re-building and the Finishing the Wall that set apart Jerusalem Haggai 1v 14 And the Lord stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, governor of Judah, and the spirit of Yeshua the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked at the house of Jehovah of hosts, their God, (15) In the four and twentieth day of the sixth month, (ELUL) in the second year of Darius the king. Temple rebuilding started in Elul. That same worship echoed in Jerusalem after the sanctification and the setting apart of Jerusalem was completed in the month of Elul. As we read in Nehemiah, “The wall was completed on the twentyPage 2 fifth of Elul (sixth month) after fifty-two days. It happened that when all our enemies heard this, and all the nations around us saw, they fell greatly in their own eyes, for they realized that this work was accomplished by our G-d.” (Nehemiah 6:15–16)

started a worldwide revival that influenced the Wesley’s. The revival spilled on the shores of the USA in 1730 under the preaching of Whitefield and Edwards. This swept the North East of the USA. 70 years went by….

It was a time of desiring truth (8:1) Ne 8:1 And all the people gathered themselves together as one man into the broad place that was before the water gate; and they spake unto Ezra the scribe to bring the book of the law of Moses.

August 1831 – Second Great Awakening (1830’s and 1850’s) Church membership in 1800 Kentucky was only five percent of the population and on the frontier; immoral activities appeared nearly as rampant as they do today. Ministers of the day lamented It was a time of separation (9:2) Ne 9:2 And the the profaning of the Sabbath, prevalence of vulgarity seed of Israel separated themselves from all foreignin speech and action, rampant fraud, drunkenness, ers, and stood and confessed their sins, and the iniqui- gambling, lewdness, and an overall disinterest in spirties of their fathers itual matters. Travelers began arriving on Friday, August 6, 1801 amidst a downpour of rain. About It was a time of true worship (9:3) Ne 9:3 And they 12,000 persons, 125 wagons, 8 carriages, 900 communicants. Patterson writes, “suppose so large a stood up in their place, and read in the book of the law of Jehovah their God a fourth part of the day; and congregation assembled in the woods, ministers preaching day and night; the camp illuminated with another fourth part they confessed, and worshiped candles, on trees, at wagons, and at the tents….. Jehovah their God. August 1801 — Cane Ridge Revival that transformed the frontier and created what we call the Bible Belt. Those are the reforms that will come to the people called “Christian” who are by His name according to Between 1800 and 1803, the Kentucky Baptists gained nearly 10,000 new members while the His purpose. Methodists reached more than 6,000 in just two years. There is a month of E.L.U.L still coming — one last This swept the South and West of the USA. (Hint.… the NW has not yet been touched by historical Great Revival – for the first fruits. A people reconrevival) ciled to their God called to fellowship and to again sing a song of Moses. The king is still in the field but 210 (3x70) years went by … a short time. So let us look if we can see any Repentance and Revivals marking the Month of Elul in history. Luther nailed his 95 thesis to Wittenberg in 1517 and in 1520 published “The Babylonian Captivity of the Church” which forever split him from Rome.

Now it has been another 210 years…… since the 2nd Great Awakening (3x70) ….or 490 (7x70) years since Luther to 2010. The 1st Great Awakening prepared a nation for the Revolutionary war the 2nd Great Awakening prepared us for the Civil War…..There is one more Great move of God left to prepare a remnant for the future numbers of our dead.

210 (3 x 70) years went by… So the design looks like this: th

August 13 1727 Moravians and by 1730 in the • (A) 1520 – Luther – Babylonian captivity of USA — The one I discussed in detail two months ago the church… under UNITY is the Moravian Revival which started the First Great Awakening (1730’s and 1740’s) . 210 years The Holy Spirit filled a prayer meeting of 300 and P.O. Box 39082 Lakewood WA 98496

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(b)1730 – 1st Great Awakening

foundation of the old but work was stopped after two years.

70 Years •


(b)1800 — 2 Great Awakening

210 years •

(A) 2010 It has been 490 (70x7) years since Luther. Time to restore all things. A-b-b-A Design

Worldwide Move of God was followed by two minor moves and now a Worldwide Move is due…. It has been 490 years since Luther wrote The Babylonian Captivity of the Church. Like an Ezra who took 49,700 out of Babylon, Luther led a remnant out of Rome. He planted an altar of Grace, and “Saved by Faith” in the Sacrifice of Yeshua as the only altar, with baptism and communion our only sacraments. Luther was anti-Semitic so we inherited his flaws:

It was another August, another month of Elul, that the word of the Lord came to Haggai. It is time to finish the house. It is time to restore all things. We need to look past the changes of Constantine in 325. A.D. and restore the faith taught and practiced by the Apostles with only “Solo Scriptura” for our guide. Haggai 1v 2 — These are the words of the Lord of armies: This people say, the time has not come for building the Lord’s house. Let us not be “This people” but may He call us “My People”… Let us return to the Lord with the prayers of Ps 27 and Ps 51 during the month of August (Elul) Ps 27:4 One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life, to behold the beauty of the LORD, and to inquire in His temple. David said I live in Cedar and God dwells in a tent. His heart was right. Do you live 24 hours a day for you and God gets 10 minutes of sleepy prayer time?

1) Replacement Theology (Church replaces Israel) denies Romans 9–11. This leads to bad Eschatology for Yeshua never fulfills the promises made to God has judged our McMansions and all the work of Abraham and never sits on David’s throne and His our hands and found them wanting….. Kingdom is never established on this earth. Rome Hag 1:9 You looked for much, and, lo, it came too litis left to rule the earth. tle; and when ye brought it home, I did blow upon it. Why? Saith the LORD of hosts. Because of mine 2) Use and validity of Law as done away with. house that is waste, and ye run every man unto his Leads to Anti-Nomianism. own house. And by my order no rain came on the land or on the mountains or the grain or the wine or 3) Sabbath and the Holy Days of God are still a the oil or the produce of the earth or on men or cattle mystery to the Reformed church at large. or on any work of man’s hands… The Reformation cried “Solo Scriptura” but Rome laughs as we continue to observe changes they made. It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of an angry God. Our obedience to their changes of scripture is proof we acknowledge their authority to change scripture and the clear teachings of God. The altar Luther built The bride needs to make herself ready. Yeshua is a city of refuge all of us who through sin have His has stood now 490 years as an incomplete work. As blood on our hands. God bless you in this most in Ezra’s day the altar stood alone. It was built on a solemn month as we prepare for our soon coming King. Seek Him now for He is in the field. P.O. Box 39082 Lakewood WA 98496

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