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Being Positive in the Present with Bart Peery
Positive in the Present
Beloved principal says goodbye to his school but continues to champion mental health
By Shellie Peterson
Peery initially had Peery is known for no desire to pursue his rigorous attention
Bart Peery, the administration. to the mental health of beloved principal at Sa- But he discovered af- his students. lem Hills High School ter getting administra- “We try to be very for more than 10 years, tive licensing through open about talking is saying goodbye this SUU and doing some about mental wellness. year to the students he internships that he When I first came has come to love. He is loved it. here, we had a suigoing to the Advanced When he was still cide about three years Learning Center, considering going into in and it rocked my which is located two administration, his world. So, we did some blocks from the high 5th-grade teacher told research and found school. him something that some stuff from Shawn
The Advanced Learn- would change his life: Achor who wrote The ing Center is where “As an [elementary Happiness Advantage,” students he said. from five “I’m a firm believer that we Pulling local high inspiraschools can change the world, and I tion from (Payson Shawn High think we can do that one per- Achor’s School, book, Maple son, or one student at a time.” Peery hours. to work to end the the school year and Moun- helped 3-Exercise. stigma of mental illness prepares to move on to tain High imple- 4-Meditate. and just talk to peo- the next opportunity School, - Bart Peery ment an 5-Do a conscientious ple,” Perry said. in his life, he wants to Salem initiative act of service. Peery encourages thank the students and Hills in Salem Peery explained that parents to talk to their parents at Salem Hills High School, school] teacher, I could Hills High School. doing these small kids about mental High School. Springville High influence 30 people, “We call it being pos- things can make a big health. He also urges “It’s been a marvelSchool, and Spanish but as a principal I can itive in the present,” he difference in mental students who know ous journey these past Fork High School) can influence the whole said. health. someone who’s strug- 10 and a half years come to take special- school.” As part of the ini- To help in this effort, gling with mental and they’ve helped me ized early college class- Peery realized that as tiative, each student Salem Hills High health or who are grow and I hope I’ve es (such as robotics, a high school teacher, is given a handbook School has hosted some struggling themselves helped them grow and aviation, and engineer- he could influence the and encouraged to parent wellness nights to talk to an adult. together we’re making). lives of 200 kids, but write down and do the over Zoom. Peery explains that ing the world a better
Peery is excited about as an administrator, following five things “I just think really it’s although he’s not qual- place. this new venture in his he had the potential every day: the culture that needs ified to help someone “I’m a firm believer life but will surely look to influence the lives 1-Write down three to change. If you break with mental health that we can change the back with nostalgia of 1,400 kids. That things they’re grateful your leg, you don’t try challenges, he can world, and I think we at his time with the thought helped him for. to hide that. And if serve as a liaison to can do that one perstudents and faculty make up his mind 2-Write down one your mind is broken, get them the help they son, or one student at at Salem Hills High about becoming a positive experience that we need to talk about need. a time.” (Peterson is a School. principal. happened in the last 24 that. I think we need As Peery closes out Serve Daily contributor.)
Courtesy photo
Principal Bart Peery (center) is honored with the Secondary Principal Crystal Owl Award 2021.
What is Decompression and How it Can Help You Reduce Pain
Decompression is a specific type of treatment that we use at Axcess Accident CenWter to empower your body to relieve pain and pressure along your spine and neck. It is part of our integrative care so that way you have what you need to live your extraordinary life.
How does Decompression Therapy work?
Decompression treatments utilize a very specific machine to slowly, gently and safely stretch your neck and back. This technique uses a specific table that begins to pull very gradually and intentionally to ensure that we are targeting the right area. This lengthens out your neck and back throughout your session taking pressure off of you joints and discs. There is a ramp cycle that increases the amount of pull gradually allowing your body to adapt and not resist the decompression of your joints. We start at a lower weight and increase gradually at each visit until we reach your target setting.
Why would you need decompression therapy?
Ultimately, this treatment is focused on relieving pain, especially radiating nerve pain caused by pinched nerves. It also promotes healing in the specific areas that are causing pain
Decompression therapy will create extra space by taking the pressure off your muscles and your joints which increases blood flow, nutrient rich fluids, including oxygen to go to the discs and areas you need to promote healing and alleviate pressure on the discs.
Discs in your neck and spine utilize a process called imbibition, through decompression you will let the pressure of the disc which will release toxins and fluids out of the disc while pulling in nutrients which hydrate the discs. You might be taller for a few minutes after getting off decompression, because your discs will have fresh nutrients to support your discs.
Pain and discomfort in your neck and back regardless of what initially gave you the injury can influence your ability to do and participate in the activities you love. This form of treatment is great because it is a more natural way to relieve pain rather than taking pain pills.

Decompression is great for addressing and reliving:
• Neck Pain • Back Pain (Low Back Included) • Sciatica • Degenerative Disc Disease • Pain Caused by Herniated Discs • Pinched Nerves • Spinal Stenosis • Facet Syndrome
Decompression has been shown to support joint function, aid in releasing tension, improve spinal flexibility, increase range of motion and more.
The biggest reason why people choose to use decompression is because they are looking for alternative options to surgery, pain pills and other traditional approaches that haven’t addressed their concern.
How often should you get this treatment?
Your treatment really depends on your symptoms and your Chiropractor will be able to customize your treatment to fit your needs. Each session can take anywhere from 15-30 minutes and we do encourage you to get a chiropractic adjustment with your decompression treatment to get the most benefit. After your evaluation, your doctor will recommend a treatment plan to ensure you are getting the recovery and the full results you need to address your pain long term.
Axcess Accident Center provides a variety of chiropractic treatments to make sure you have the treatment and support you need to live an extraordinary life. We want you to be empowered to be at the source of your health. We will share our knowledge and make sure you have all the tools and support you need to protect your greatest asset, your health.
We have worked for over a decade in here in Utah with the community to ensure individuals and families have the care they need after a car accident. We are seeing that everyone needs access to care and support to have an extraordinary life where your health and wellbeing is truly addressed. Whether you have been in an auto accident or want optimal health and wellbeing, we are here to help. You can find Axcess Accident Center here in Spanish Fork at 752 East 800 North or by calling us at 801-980-0432.

School is out, now what? 5 tips on how to enjoy summer with your children
By Arianne Brown
I’m not gonna lie. Summer is basically my favorite time of year, and not just because the sun stays up longer than I do, but because it means I have all of my kids home with me.
Yes, I’m one of those parents.
I don’t love the structure of the school days, and I loathe homework. I miss my kids when they’re gone, and I love endless summer days where they can be kids, and I can focus on being a mom without all the other distractions.
Perhaps you’re a mom like me, and perhaps you’re not. Regardless, summer is here, and we’re all in the same boat of figuring out how to fill the time. So, here are a few tips (from a mom of nine who is on her 13th official summer vacation) on how to enjoy the summer with your kids. 1. Wake up before they do.
Now, this may seem like an easy task. However, you may be surprised how early kids wake up when they don’t have to go to school. At my house, I have some very early risers ready to take on the day.
Waking up before the kids do, will help you be ready for the energy that is ready to blast you in the face. Trust me, you don’t want to be sleepy-eyed when this happens. 2. Fill your cup so you can fill theirs
Now that you have your kids with you fulltime, it is important to find time for yourself. Maybe it is 30 minutes reading a book, meditating, running, or going for a walk by yourself, make yourself a priority so that you can be the best version of yourself for your kids. 3. Don’t worry about the grand experiences
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I worry too much about the production of a family outing or trip, that the fun gets lost in all the worry. I have found that summer isn’t always about the big planned trips, but often the best memories are made on the fly.
Recently, in fact, I took my four youngest boys to a park for a few minutes to break up the monotony of the day. The park had a splash pad that we weren’t ready for, but we rolled up our pant legs, took off our shoes and played for hours. The next day, they wanted to go again, but I opted for a sprinkler under the trampoline and pizza.
What I learned was that the smiles are the same no matter the experience. 4. Movie nights are a great way to end the day
When there’s no pressure to wake up early, nothing ends the day better than a good family movie. When my older kids were little, we set up sleeping bags in the family room that stayed there all summer long. Nothing beats a movie night and camping out on the floor every night. 5. Let them be kids
I have learned over the years that summertime doesn’t need to be filled with activities and structure because that is what the school year is for. The summer is a chance for kids to be kids, and to play and forge friendships. It is a time to be carefree so that they can learn about themselves in the most pure of ways.
And what’s more pure than being a kid in summer? I can’t think of much else. (Brown is a Serve Daily contributor.)

About Us
Copies Plus Printing was founded in 1984 in Springville by Mike and Sharon Ewing as a small two copier operation. UTAH COUNTYDAILY H ERALD After steady growth the current building was constructed and we became more than a simple “Mom & Pop” copy center. Currently we are an industry leader for Digital & Offset Printing. Despite our growth, we at Copies Plus Printing still hold to the same “small-business” ideals, such as customer service and FOR OVER 34 YEARS! R EADERS’ C ICE AWARDS THE BESTOF UTAH VALLEY 201 8 genuine care for your business.