Essays On The Foundations Of Mathematics By Moritz Pasch
Translator's Introduction.- 1: Fundamental Questions of Geometry.- 2: The Decidability Requirement.- 3: The Origin of the Concept of Number.- 4: Implicit Definition and the Proper Grounding of Mathematics.- 5: Rigid Bodies in Geometry.- 6: Prelude to Geometry: the Essential Ideas.- 7: Physical and Mathematical Geometry.- 8: Natural Geometry.- 9: The Concept of the Differentail.- 10: Reflections on the Proper Grounding of Mathematics I.- 11: Concepts and Proofs in Mathematics.- 12 Dimension and Space in Mathematics.- 13: Reflections on the proper Grounding of Mathematics II.- 14: The Axiomatic Method in Modern Mathematics.- Index EAN/ISBN : 9789048194162 Publisher(s): Springer Netherlands, Springer Science & Business Media Discussed keywords: Mathematik, Pasch, Moritz, Wissenschaftsphilosophie Format: ePub/PDF Author(s): Pollard, Stephen
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