Technical Data of 1 .6 to 2.0t0n counterbalance electric forklift truck (3wheel) Technical Data of 1 .5 to 3.0tcn counterbalance electric lorklift truck (4wheel) Characteristics
Dimension Frame
Power system
| Parlormance
Overall Dimension Total Wexghl
Load capacin | A1 lhe ram load cenlar Load center | Distance to vertical plans of fork mm
Power type | BuckidDiquGasolinMG Electricity Operahon type | Walkia'Slandmgl' Tyre type
Standard mast mounting Furk carriage Sitting Solid
3300 1411] Ground clearance
Ovarall bunglh Overall wmm
mm 1030 Overall helghloverhaad guardl
mm 2065 2100 Turning radius | Min. Ouulde mm 1355 Man Driving speed IFulilondINoluadl
Mamgradeability (NuioadiFull load] 350 12600 15111 Rear wheel
1450 Fare wheel
Wheel track Rear whim
mm 100
l 100 BaItery | VuliagerCapaciry
481500 . 11
Controlier B I a k e Ty p 9) Parking hrakeITypp]
ZAPI Hydraulicpedal MechanicalManual
Overall DImensionleWxHJ Tolat Welght 4850
Load capacity I the mad load center 1500 l 1750 | 2000 | 2 500 Load center
Operalmnlype | Waikial'Standing‘Sitting Characteristics Pneumalic Standard ma 5!
Fnrk carnage | ISO Slandrd I Performance Frame
3000 125 | 140
2200 [ 24 34 I 2650 Overall width
1070 | 1150 40112511079 151:12511070
2060 I 2300
Mininlarsecting aiste 2260 l 2500 2600
13512.5 I 14112 Speed Quantity of formal wheel Rear wheel
1370 l 1500 Fora wheel
1000 Wheel track
Rear wheer
Battery | VuliageICapacHy Traction motor
1.5 | 11 11
Efficiency ng motor 9.2 I 11
Power system
Controller BrakeujTy pe}
Hydraulicdpedal 13
Parking brake[Type] MechanicalManuat
Optional configuration list for SWFE three wheels series counterbalance electric forklift Optional configuration list for SWFE four wheels series counterbalance electric forklift Cabm Solid tyre Rearview mirrorfRear working light Tllling cylinder cover! | Battery | KingKuaiLeiZiBonporl accumulator
Con" mam" Windshield. Cabin Solid tyra Rearview mirrorfRear working lighthllling cyllnder COVBI'J' Bale clamp Booms 3!.
Carpet Poise 'Side shifler Double pallet handlers Roll over fork l I Steering cylinder coverr’Color MIMhmem I Extensionrcover Fork posiltonerfMultifunctional drum clamp Paper roll clamp Bale clamp Booms 8t Carpet Pulse’Side shifter. Double pallet handlers Roll over Iork Extension cover Fork positioner Multifunctional drum clamp Miachment
(Please goes to page 1718 for complete technical data)
Main technical data of SWLB series full electric stacker Full Electric Stacker small size‘ lightweight, flexible operation, simple. does not pollute the environment, and can adapt to the narrow passage into the lifts and floor use.
U.S. imported of Curtis etectrunic contra! system responsive‘
comfortabie handling, high reliabiiily. with regenerative braking and slepiess speed raverse iunction. Use hight.‘;ualiit3|r power unit. ensuring smooth lifting ofgoods. With compact size, high reiiabiiily. works steadily, (energyr saving. noise reduction, environmental protection and so on.
( Excellent performance of the driving wheel and reiiable disc brake system. strong power. stable performance. ( Large—capacitytraction battery.
charging convenient and iasting power. Ergonomicalby designed operating environment makes it very comfortable. ( Easy maintenance. low maintenance costs. ' aramete
19301180012002 I 2030::800x2062 Dimension
Total Welghl I Load capamty I Atthn rated load center
1200 1600 500 Dislanca to vertical plane of lurk
| Operation type WalkISlanding Drwing
Wheallype | Polyurethane Wheel Slandard
3000 l 4570 mast muuming Fork
Overall lengih ITIITI
1930 l 2030 External
Turning radius Min Outside 5010 1693
Mininlersecting aisle
1990 l 205G Frame Power system 110 l 110 Fore wheel Additional wheel
Minimum ground clearance Upgrade Controller Travel brake
Electromagnetic braking
inlmmm National Postdoctoral Scientific Research Station
About SUNWAHD HEW The meet complete and modernized manufacturer of compact construction machinery In China Developed trern the tntethgent Machinery Academy.I of Central South University. SUNWARD RED center is the group's shared T he btggeet manufacturer of piling machinery in Chma platform The R&D center currenlty has a slatt of 400 well tralned and excerleneed engmeers and research tetlews. Divided mte eight [8) in statutes The State accredited Enterprise R&D Center spectatlzed In dllferent product groups, the RM) center as equlpped wrth modern
desagn tools, which Inctude Dynamtc Mudehhg Tent, ED Assembly Nettcnat Post Scientltlc Research Station Simulation. Engmeenng Analysts Seltwere etc. Founded in 1999. an lnternahonaL public company Specialized in construction machinery“ located in Changsha Thainnovatlun systemis basedonihafourpnnciples:lnganiuusinnovalian.Inte gratedInnovaiinn,0panlnnovatiunandfiuminuousln nnva'liun.
NationaIEconomicB. Technicaldavelopmem Zone. As “‘12 group‘s compemive spree arrow. me new cenler has oblainad war 150 Chmese palems. completed over len (1m Government Sponsonzeu REID prqecls, and renewed a second Prlze ul Nahunal Scientific and Technological Progress. The RM) cemer l5 mm a State Accredlled
Corporale REED Genier and a State Accrem'lad Past—Doclnral Shrdy Cen1er. Moreover, is also an imarnational sclemific and1echnologtcalcooperanun base.
' SUNWARD rises rapidiy by ils core competitwenass: lndepenclenl R810, Lean manufacture. I SUNWARD has developed series of high quality and high performance producls with independenl inlellecloei properly rights. including largescale piling machinery. compact construction machinery, full series excavator, modern drilling equipmeni. vehicle, coal mining equipmenl, hoisting equipment. road equipmenl. hydraulic component,mililaryconstructionmachinery.g eneralavialionequipmenielc.SUNWARDbec omesaicpbrandin
China andafamousbrandin Europe.
I SUNWARD machines sell well all over Chma and batches axporlacl to more than 60 counlrias and areas. .1 #:11— 05111 I [I] data I." SUNWARD always regards achlevement ut the Lean manufactuan as the loundahon of the enterpnse. Its menutacture system composed of screntitrc. advanced. manufacturlng crafts. and a number of numerrcal controlled special equrpments are Drowning strong tabrreatmn abrlrty to guarantee the perfect present of the superexcellent design.
SUNWARD has set up more than 30 offices at. affiliates in China and about 100 dealers at distributors in the global markets. Nowadays SUNWARD construction
equipments work at more than 60 countries 8| regions in Europe, America, Oceania and Asia. NC doubtsamen Danny and NC deep hale boring milling machlne machine Bram
Waiding Workshop Precision machining cenliar Computerized heal 'iriaalmanl NC Laihes BCIUIPMBIII
Worldwide network for sales and service
Adva ntag Customized digital instrumenl' with self—diagnostic function ( Integrated central control case ensuring the reliability of electric system Load monitoring function {Optional} ( Auto—levelling function of fork (Optional) ( Highlow buffer of fark ensures the stability and security of
cargo (Optional)
Elegantly designed operating board makes ) forklift cleaner and more luxury. Modern industrial product design & unique ) and exquisite appearance.
( Strong power ensures the working efficiency and emission meets internationai standard.
Energy—saving hydraulic system decreases fuel consumption The use of LPG is pollulion—free.
Ergonomical forklifltruck makes) Operation Easier and more Convenient
( Engine emission meals CE requirements.
Reiiabilit ( Highprassureresistant hydraulic pipelines are provided with reliable seal and no 011 leakaga.Appiying international
standard l808434~1 fur pipelines. The electro—h draul'c sh'fl conlrol decreases Operator 5 Iagor intlens“; Antiblqwout safely cutoff value for pipes 8: selflocking device to '. meal from inclination Adjustable steeringwheel improves driver I I with Optima Operating condition Differentoptlonal pOWer: QC490.Yanmar4TNE98. Nissan K25. Isuzu 0240. Low noise
Suspension machine bodyI provides perfect damping 1 0
tional workin ' e I Hi I ITIBI'It capacity Ergonomicai fatigue—resistant seat largelyI reduces operator' 5 fatigue
( SDOOGUDOmm clearview mast, 40006000mm full flee lift mast. Side Soiid tires, Cabin, Positioner, Fork extension, Paper roiIclamp The serferr design meets CE requirements and secures the safety of property and persons at the most
( Safe operation, capabie for protecting operator from
( When the engine stops. it has protection against fork frontwtipptng.
Technical Data of Counterbalance Internal Combustion Forklift ( I J TQChnical Data Ofcounterbalance
lntemal Combustion Forklift ( H l mm = 500 2 lLoadcenter ELoad capacily 500
| Load cenlar Overall with | mm | 1150 Dimension
Outer dimension
mm I 2740 I am: | 2500 Performanca
Hooktraciion | KN I 16.5 18.8 i Huoklraction KN Wheelbase | mm I good Frame
Frame 1 2 Displacement L I 2 511 I 3.319 I 2.565 I 3. 168
Engine I Displacemem I L I 4. 33
Power system
Power syslem
Note: Engine and Engine 4105 belong to the same series.
Dimension chart of SWFD series Counterbalance Internal Combustion Forklift Total Weight kg 8000 1 0000 9300 9000 13000 '7 i V I Load capacity A: the rated lm cantor kg 5000 J 6000 t 7000 l 8000 10000
Power type Characterisllcs Standardmasl |Malhhmghelgm I mm I 3000
Fork carriage | ISO Standrd l l Level N Tilting angle of mast|
ForwardBackward I I I 6” 2 Overall with | mm | 2005 2132 | 2132
Dimension Outer dimension Performance Frame
l Bellan
Powm syslam
Optional Configuration of SWFD(G) Series Counterbaiance Internal Combustion Forklift Optional Configuration of Optional
Configuration of SWFD 40Hi‘45Hi'50H3 Engine WmdshieldlCabim'Solld tyreJRearview mirrurJ'Rear working IighU'THling cylinder coverfSleering cylinder coverIColor ran: double 1yre lnstaliaiinn
Japan Kubota V3600 48.6.1'2400 22111600 | 3.62 Installation Attachmeni
WindshieldfCabim'Sohd lyreIRearview mlrrorIRear workan thl {Front double lyre
ng cyllnder coverISteermg cylmder
coven'Color ngotatory clampl'Rnllvover fork Paperrcll eta mpFBale :Fa mpllBaoms & Carpet PulseerideshrftarJSingle Gnu hie ar iExtansiun cnvarlFalk pnsilicnerMullilunclion drum clamp
Optional Configuration of SWFD SOHISUHITOHISOH Optional Configuration of
SWFDIOOH [5 Brand Mada lnstaliltion Attachment
Engine Engine
WindshieldJCabinISQHd tyrafRearview mirmn'Rear working lighu'Tilling cylinder coverfSleering cylinder coven'flolor Paper roli clampIBale c1amp."Booms 8 Carpet PolsesISideshiHer!Single double arm llHinglRotatory ciampIRullovar fork IExtensmn covarJFurk pusitionerfh'lullilunction drum clamp