Vajilla cookplay catalogo general

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Redefine the modern table / Redefinir la mesa moderna






SHELL LINE essence/esencia Its exquisite design accommodates the most essential dishes from the finest cuisine / Su diseño da cabida a los platos más esenciales de la buena cocina

YAYOI wellness/bienestar A dining set that invites you to eat in a healthy and creative way / Un set de menaje que invita a comer de una forma sana y creativa

JOMON diversity/diversidad An innovative and refreshing tableware system to give the table a shift / Un sistema de soportes fresco e innovador que revoluciona la mesa

Copyright © 2017 Cookplay Published by Cookplay All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photography, recording or any information storages and retrieval system without permission in writing from the publisher Publication Design by Ana Roquero Cover Photograph by Mikel Ponce Photographs by Mikel Ponce and Kathrin Koschitzki (pág. 29, 32, 33,34, 35) With special thanks to Chef Dani Lomana and Chef Carito Laurenço



Cookplay is a new-coming basque editor created by the designer Ana Roquero to redefine the modern table offering a more creative and refreshing tableware being nearest to the sensibility of the new food culture / Cookplay es una nueva editora vasca de menaje creada por la diseĂąadora Ana Roquero para redefinir la mesa moderna con propuestas creativas y refrescantes cercanas a la sensibilidad de la nueva food culture

SHELL LINE essence/esencia

ANA ROQUERO Designer and CEO of Cookplay



NEW! SHELL LINE The ability to capture the instant of thoughtfulness, where the chef encounters the plate, and a new-inspired creation is born / Captar ese momento de reflexiรณn donde el chef se encuentra con el plato y surge la creaciรณn

An essential glimpse of a daily scene that aspires to transform a simple dish into a culinary experience / Una mirada esencial en una escena cotidiana que aspira a convertir el plato en un placer culinario




SHELL LINE _ Deep Plate

The ergonomic, as well as delicate design of its four elements, allows a wide range of uses, whether traditional cuisine or the most modern conceptual presentations / El delicado diseĂąo ergonĂłmico de sus cuatro piezas da cabida a los platos mĂĄs esenciales de la buena cocina tanto tradicional como de vanguardia


Every menu finds its unique vessel, so it can express the art of its elaboration, and please everyone with its comfortable shapes and volumes / Cada menú encuentra el recipiente único para expresar su contenido y recrearse en sus formas amables y volumétricas

SHELL LINE _ Salad Bowl



SHELL LINE _ Dessert Plate

SHELL LINE _ Deep Plate

SHELL LINE _ Dinner Plate

FLY _ 80 cup



FLY COLLECTION l i g h t a n d v e r s a t i l e / l i g e ro y v e r s á t i l

NEW! FLY COLLECTION Airy, light, with shapes that express beauty and innovation in porcelain. Inviting and versatile pieces / Aérea, ligera, de bellas e innovadoras formas en porcelana, envolventes y delicadas piezas versátiles



FLY _ 80 cup

NEW! FLY COLLECTION Fusion of cultures, the world of Tea

FLY _ 80 saucer

and Coffee, Appetizers, Sauces and Garnishes... A design without handles that allows to feel its volumes and experience its texture and touch / Fusión de culturas del mundo del Té y el Café, Aperitivos, Salsas y Guarniciones... Un diseño sin asas, sintiendo su volumen y experimentando su tacto


SHELL LINE _ Dessert Plate


YAYOI wellness / bienestar

YAYOI Ana Roquero wanted to enter the world of scales and volumes to create a sensual collection tailored to the needs of a healthy and balanced diet / Ana Roquero ha querido adentrarse en el mundo de las escalas y volúmenes para crear una colección sensual adaptada a las necesidades de una alimentación sana y equilibrada



YAYOI is a dining set that invites you to eat in a healthy and creative way, offering four different pieces of porcelain designed to create your own table settings and more personal menus / YAYOI es un set de menaje que invita a comer de una forma creativa ofreciendo cuatro diferentes soportes diseñados para crear tu propia visión de la mesa y configurar tus menús más personales




The four plates are arranged freeform to inspire menus based on

Las cuatro unidades se disponen de una forma libre para configurar

eating «less quantity and more variety».

menús basados en comer «menos cantidad y más variedad».

With YAYOI you can eat in a more suited way to the needs of an

Con YAYOI tú puedes comer de una forma más adaptada a las

intelligent and tempting diet /

necesidades de una dieta inteligente y atractiva




JOMON Inspired in nature and going back to our origins with a pure essential form, Jōmon is a kind of shell which can be held in your hand to eat in a free way, sitting at the table, standing or lying down / Inspirado en la naturaleza y en la vuelta a nuestros orígenes, Jōmon con su forma pura y esencial es una concha que se posa en nuestra mano para comer de una forma libre, sentado en la mesa, de pie ó tumbado

JOMON diversity / diversidad





Jomon shares little moments with you every day and makes them unique, informal picnics and outdoor fun, the most unconcerned luxury in the most desirable table /


Jomon comparte contigo los pequeños momentos del día a día y los convierte en únicos, picnics al aire libre informales y divertidos, el lujo más desenfadado en la mesa más deseada del momento




An exquisite sushi placed in the most natural shapes, the most simple turns out to be the most sophisticated / Un exquisito sushi se posa en la mรกs natural de las formas, lo mรกs sencillo resulta ser lo mรกs sofisticado









A set of trays with reliefs where the

Un sistema de bandejas donde los

bowls can rest offer various dining

cuencos descansan, ofreciendo un

possibilities and its aim is to be

sinfín de posibilidades de presentación

the support of the most diverse

de la mesa. Su objetivo, ser el apoyo

gastronomy /

de la más diversa gastronomía



Jomon couldn´t fit better into my fvourite cabinet! / Jomon en mi alacena favorita, ¥no puede encajar mejor!






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PROJECTS WE LOVE COOKPLAY has managed to be present in the most exquisite places, the coolest taver ns, a worldly luxury... Our thanks to all gastronomic projects where Cookplay has helped bring art and together to achieved a more explorative dining experience / COOKPLAY ha conseguido estar presente en las mesas más exquisitas, las tascas más lujosas, el lujo más mundano. Nuestro agradecimiento a todos los proyectos gastronómicos donde Cookplay ha ayudado a aportar arte y creatividad para conseguir una mesa más explorativa


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FLY Collection

Porcelain Plates

Packaging 2 units


Fly 80 cup D 8,5 cm H 5,4cm Ref: 13003

Dinner plate Glazed 27,5 x 28,5 x 4 cm Ref: 12001

Deep plate Glazed 25 x 26 x 7 cm Ref: 12002

Dinner plate Matt 27,5 x 28,5 x 4 cm Ref: 12011

Deep plate Matt 25 x 26 5 x 7 cm Ref: 12012

Packaging 2 units

Fly 180 cup D 9,5 cm H 7,5cm Ref: 13005


Fly 80 saucer D 13 cm Ref: 13004

Fly 180 saucer D 15,5 cm Ref: 13006

Fly coffee set

Packaging 2 units

Packaging 2 units

Cup and saucer Fly 80 saucer Ref: 13001

Salad bowl Glazed 21,5 x 22 x 10 cm Ref: 12003

Salad bowl Matt 21,5 x 22,5 x 10 cm Ref: 12013

Dessert plate Glazed 19,5 x 20,5 x 4 cm Ref: 12004

Dessert plate Matt 19,5 x 20,5 x 4 cm Ref: 12014


Packaging 2 units

Fly tea set

Packaging 2 units

Cup and saucer Fly 180 saucer Ref: 13002




Porcelain Plates

Porcelain Sets

Yayoi Flat Glazed 23 x 20 x 3,5 cm Ref: 11004

Yayoi Flat Matt 23 x 20 x 3,5 cm Ref: 11014

Yayoi Set Glazed 4 Plates Ref: 11005

Yayoi Set Matt 4 Plates Ref: 11015

Packaging Set

Yayoi Deep Glazed 19 x 16 x 4 cm Ref: 11003

Yayoi Deep Matt 19 x 16 x 4 cm Ref: 11013

Yayoi Set Box

Yayoi Side Glazed 14 x 11 x 3 cm Ref: 11002

Yayoi Side Matt 14 x 11 x 3 cm Ref: 11012

Yayoi Appetizer Glazed 10 x 6 x 3,5 cm Ref: 11001

Yayoi Appetizer Matt 10 x 6 x 3,5 cm Ref: 11011

Bamboo Trays

Yayoi Small Tray 310 x 290 x 25 cm Ref: 11201


Yayoi Big Tray 430 x 360 x 25 cm Ref: 11202




Porcelain Bowls

Bamboo trays

Jomon mini White 10 x 8 x 5 cm Ref. 10201

Jomon mini Blue 10 x 8 x 5 cm Ref. 10202

Jomon mini Green 10 x 8 x 5 cm Ref. 10203

Jomon mini Black Jomon mini Gold 10 x 8 x 5 cm 10 x 8 x 5 cm Ref. 10206 Ref. 10204

Jomon mini Silver 10 x 8 x 5 cm Ref. 10205

Jo 8 Bamboo 44 x 20 x 1 cm Ref. 20204 Jomon S White 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10301

Jomon L White 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10501

Jomon S Blue 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10302

Jomon L Blue 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10502

Jomon S Green 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10303

Jomon L Green 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10503

Jomon S Black 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10306

Jomon L Black 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10506

Jomon S Gold 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10304

Jomon L Gold 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10504

Jo 5 Bamboo 29 x 20 x 1 cm Ref. 20203

Jomon S Silver 14 x 11 x 4 cm Ref. 10305

Jomon L Silver 18 x 14 x 9 cm Ref. 10505

Jo 2 Bamboo 29 x 10 x 1 cm Ref. 20202

Bamboo Base

Jo 1 Bamboo 7 x 8 x 1 cm Ref. 20201

Jo 12 Bamboo 52 x 22 x 1 cm Ref. 20205

Jomon Packs: Individual and 4 units. Porcelain tray

Jo Plate Glazed 29 x 15 x 2 cm Ref. 20103

Jo Plate Matt 29 x 15 x 2 cm Ref. 20113

Porcelain base Gift Packs

Jo 2 Glazed 29 x 10 x 1 cm Ref. 20102

Jo 2 Matt 29 x 10 x 1 cm Ref. 20112

Jo 1 Glazed 7 x 1 x 1 cm Ref. 20101

Jo 1 Matt 7 x 1 x 1 cm Ref. 20111

Sushi Pack


Duo Pack

Tapas Pack


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