Free Fitness Center and Sports Business Plans. If you go to the largest library in your area and ask for them they will have sample business plans on any kind of business you want to start. Your small local library may not have any or at least not very many so go to the larger ones.. Business Plan Template for Fitness Business Owners. sells a business plan for gyms -- not free though but their business plans are good. You will have to customize their plans however to suit your goals and objectives http:. sample business plan. 539.571.721.5.. where can i find a sample business plan on fitness and health centre. Gym Business Plan i need a business plan for a state of art gym. Workout Gym Business Plan Sample.My husband wants to open a gym or fitness center. He wants it to be very big, family operated (for the most part) anyway we kinda get what you have to have in order to have a successful gym.. I am a personal tra