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Olympic lifting Masterclass

1John Wilson 1High Performance Sports New Zealand To stimulate the attendee to think there are other metrics to weightlifting that strictly load. This ‘masterclass’ is a mix between some alternative metrics for assessing Olympic lifting and a practical demonstrating my progressions for teaching the lifts and how certain cues can increase the desired outcome.


The science and practice of eccentric training.

1Angus Ross 1High Performance Sports New Zealand Talk will cover learnings from track cycling where world records continue to be broken by substantial margins and how the changes made in cycling have implications for other modalities. The intersection of biomechanics and physiology is relatively easily studied in cycling and can perhaps give us insights as to how sprint running could also be optimized. No definitive answers but some interesting anecdotal results from track and field world record holders that both align with the findings from cycling and suggest value in some unconventional training strategies.

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