2 minute read


Welcome to the 2018 Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand Annual Conference at the University of Otago! Having held the past two conferences at the Avantidrome in Cambridge, we make a welcome return to the South Island this year and we are delighted that the team at the University of Otago agreed to host this year’s conference. We very much look forward to catching up with you at the conference over the next two days. Don’t forget to join us for a drink at the University of Otago Staff Club this evening (Friday) if you are free, from 6.30pm onwards.

As part of our continued work to develop links with international partners we are very fortunate, and delighted to welcome, Professor Kathryn Schmitz, President of the American College of Sports Medicine, Anita Hobson-Powell, CEO of Exercise and Sport Science Australia and Dr Keith Tolfrey, Chair ofthe British Association of Sport and Exercise Science as speakers at the conference, but also as highly valued colleagues and friends of Sport and Exercise Science New Zealand. It is with great pleasure that we can confirm that a signing ofMOUs between SESNZ and ACSM and SESNZ and BASES will also be part ofthe formal proceedings at the Conference. In addition, we will use our time with Anita to deepen and strengthen our partnership with ESSA. Thank you Katie, Anita and Keith for taking the time to join us!


We would like to take the opportunity to thank all of you as delegates for attending, whether you are presenting or attending to enjoy some of the excellent presentations that will be made during the two days. It is exciting to see the growth in attendance to the conference being made year on year and this year’s growth has meant that we are able to create interest streams due to the increasing popularity of the conference.

Good luck to all the presenters and don’t forget, if you are a student, to register for the student prizes –for the best oral presentation and poster presentation, which will be awarded on Saturday afternoon. A big thank you also goes to our sponsors and helpers who include: gbc Biomed, Australian Catholic University, High Performance Sport New Zealand and, our gratitude to Chris Button and the team at the School of Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Sciences at the University of Otago.

As a date for your diary, we are very pleased to confirm that the 2019 SESNZ Conference will be held at Massey University, Palmerston North on the 18 th and 19 th October 2019. Thank you very much to Andy Foskett, Toby Mündell and the team at Massey for agreeing to be our hosts in 2019, and we look forward to gathering again there next year.

It is always a team effort to make a conference run, so thank you to everyone involved at the University of Otago for their work behind the scenes to getting things ready for our annual get together. A warm welcome to all and please do not hesitate to contact any of the Board with feedback suggestions or ideas for the future. If you would like to get involved with the direct work of SESNZ and the Board we would be delighted to hear from you as well.

Nick Draper

Chair, SESNZ Executive Board

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