The pursuit begins Theory
Dissolve | Evolve 3 Extreme Subnatures 4
Temporal Dust Scapes 5-7 Biblical Ark 8
Conceptual Dust Ark 9 Mine Tailing Dust Ark 10
Instability as Extreme 11 Extreme Revelation 12 Milieu Interieur 13 Dust Forms 14-16 Site
Tale of Tailings 17 Museum of Lost Tailings....................................................18 Landscape of Tailings 19 Besieged by Dust 20 Dissolve to Evolve 21 Mapping Instability 22 Taming the Extreme 23 Design
Site Phasing 24-25 Site & Ark Phasing 26-28 An Ark in Flux 29 Ark Siting 30
Building Stability 31 Ground Floor 32-33 Dust Ark 34
Lower Ground 35-36 First Floor 37-38
The Dust has Settled 39-40 Plant Tomb 41 Structural Logic 42 Seed Vault 43-46 Dust Collection 47-50
The End Pursuit 51
Extreme subnatures
Tension is present between artifacts that we deem valuable and deserving of protection over time, and dust - the omnipotent enemy which damages and corrodes history as it grows.
temporal dust scapes
Objects that we deem valuable and deserving of being kept in pristine condition are spatially separated from dust. Here dust is the enemy, kept at bay through glass shields, however it still pervades, occupying all non protected space, slowly accreting over time.
What if, instead of creating barriers, we were to embrace dust as a part of time, allowing it to naturally consume space?
temporal dust scapes
T aking it to the extreme, what if we were to leave dust to accrete, allowing it to become all encompassing ? Here, dust would become the exhibit, a marker of time of its own accretion and history.
temporal dust scapes
A forever fluctuating architecture - one in perpetual flux, where dust is not denied, but rather embraced as a marker of time and history.
dust ark
Mine Tailing Dust ark
Forming the Instability 1 Chronophotography
Forming the Instability 2 Chronophotography
Forming the Instability 3 Chronophotography Wind & Vortex Force
Each particle is spawned at the edge & undergoes physics simulations being drawn to the centre – moving along its stable and predictable trajectory. However, as more particles are added, the particles in the centre collide and converge, attracting one another, throwing each particle off its natural trajectory to create the chaos of the central ball of instability.
instability as extreme
A Zones of low collision and low frequencythis is the zone of the highest coalescence between expectation and reality
B | Zones of low collision & high frequencyarea of stability, that is, however very close to venturing towards the unstable
| Zone of high collision & high frequencyzone of the extreme – the darkest part of the overlay
| Zones of high collision & low frequency –the realm of subnatural extreme
dust forms
Predictive Dust Modeling
Model experiments were set up analysing the flow of dust, revealing how it moves through a variety of spatial apertures. As dust enters space, it forms in a non-uniform manner – leaving behind semi-circular arcs – initially free from dust accumulation.
The Growth form is a three dimensional study of how to funnel dust into those seemingly 'free' from dust, arcs.
dust forms
The negative space of the arcs remain, however this time, the dust accrued within these spaces actively helps in supporting the entire form and enhancing the overall stability of the structure.
Funnel channels dust into the negative space within, capturing it in a vessel once it enters inside.
dust forms
The resultant form is one of openness, yet containment. The large negative openings on the facade, representing the 'free' arc forms are designed to accumulate dust, slowly transforming the 'free' spaces into dust laden spaces.
tale of tailings
museum of lost tailings
Landscape of tailings
A West Rand Goldfield
B | Central Rand Goldfield
C | East Rand Goldfield
D Johannesburg City Centre
E | Area of Interest - Soweto & Riverlea
F | Chosen Site Tailing
All red tailings represent tailings that have been repossessed & re-mined - dissolved
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besieged by dust
Chosen Site Tailing F - directly north of Soweto
For Soweto’s residents the dust from the tailing to their North is overwhelming. As the tailings dissolve, so too do their livelihoods. The extreme is slowly but surely evolving itself to create a new landscape of existence – one where dust and destruction prevails.
mapping instability
A |Top of Tailing - the lightest part of the map; the zone with the least number of overlays and the area most likely to dissolve first.
B| Sheer Face – zones of high instability and likely to dissolve early in the life cycle. The sheer wall becomes darker at the base due to the accumulation of particles from above.
C| Lower Embankment – the zone of intermediate instability. Will dissolve after zone A, however as it in the path of particles from A, experiences higher levels of indirect accumulated instability.
D| Upper base of Tailing – the zone of high indirect instability accumulating the dust from the mound above, yet shielded from direct instability – being dissolved itself.
E| Base of Tailing – the darkest part of the map, the zone with the greatest number of overlays. These are the zones most fearful when experiencing dust from elsewhere, yet their actual grounding is stable and secure.
F | Snake Park – the community of Snake Park in Soweto slowly dissolving away
process of binding soil together takes roughly 18-60 months
taming the extreme
plants chosen need to withstand loose sand particles & toxicity toxins in loose soil
shoot toxin uptake undesirable bacterial precipitation of toxins
root precipitation of toxins roots aid in binding loose soil
The only species known to man that are capable of withstanding the extreme of dust are listed below: 7
Achillea Millefolium - Common Yarrow
Achnatherum Hymenoides - India Ricegrass
Artemisia Frigida - Prairie Sagewort
Artemisia Tridentata - Big Sagebush
Astralagus Spp - Milkvetch
Brassica Nigra - Black Mustard
Chenopodium Berlandieri - Pitseed Goosefoot
Elymus Trachycaulus - Slender Wheatgrass Festuca - Fescue
Gutierrezia Sarothrae - Broom Snakeweed
Hesperostipa Comata - Needle & Thread
Hordeum Jubatum - Foxtail Barley
Hordeum L - Barley
Nasella Viridula - Green Needlegrass
Opuntia Polyacantha - Plains Pricklypear
Pascopyrum Smithii - Western Wheatgrass
Plantago Patagonica - Wooly Plantain
Poa Ampla - Big Bluegrass
Poa Spp - Bluegrass
Polygonum Aviculare - Prostate Knotweed
Populus Tremuloides - Quaking Aspen
Potentilla L - Cinquefoil
Tragopogun Dubius - Yellow Salsify
Verbena Bracteata - Bigbract Verbena
Vicia Americana - American Vetch
Phase 1 Dust Arks | 2020-21
Dust arks placed on sites A-D with each site determined to be locations which will collect the most dust
site phasing
Phase 2 | Stability | 2021 - ?
Dust arks serve as hubs for dust collection and the dissemination of plants used for the phystostabilisation of the tailing
Phase 3 | Dissolve | 1 Year
When phytostabilisation is complete and funding is realised to re-mine the tailing to unlock the land below, the plants are taken off the tailing and brought back down to the arks to be processed
Phase 4 Evolve | 2-5 years
The tailing is re-mined, with the dust arks' locations being ideally sited to capture the dust during the final stages of the tailing's holistic existence
Phase 5 | Remedy | 50 years
Dust arks become hubs for the constant cycle of planting back into the toxic landscape, disseminating seeds and collecting and processing toxic plant matter
Phase 6 | Life | Perpetuity
Land is unlocked & natural development can accrue when the plants have absorbed all toxins on site
Phase 1 | Dust Arks | 2020 -2021
Dust arks are placed along the periphery of the mine tailing. The placement of the arks coincide with the sites predicted to receive the most dust, whilst being the most stable in physical footing.
ark phasing
Phase 2a Stability | 2021 - 2026
Phase 2b | Stability | 2026 - ?
Arks begin the process of seed distribution. Work gets underway on the sewing of seeds into the tailing landscape.
Phase 3 | Dissolve | 1 year
Arks take on a new life, becoming small processing plants for the safe grinding and 'bottling' of toxic plants into containers.
site & ark phasing
Phase 4 | Evolve 2 -5 years
The arks are precisely placed to return to become vessels for dust capture, minimising the associated risks during re-mining.
Phase 5 | Remedy | 50 years
The dust arks comes back into full operation, redistributing the same plants used during Phase 2 back into the scarred landscape.
site & ark phasing
Phase 6 | Life | Perpetuity
The arks become sites of catalyzation for future development - spatial anchors within the new urban morphology.
an ark in flux
ark siting
A, B, C, D | Four Dust Arks - Four dust arks are placed along the periphery of the mine tailing. They become hubs for dust collection & seed distribution.
E | Movement Corridor - Movement corridor for workers & machinery.
F, G, H Tailing Adjacency - The close proximity of the arks to the tailing embankments allow for maximum dust collection.
building stability
ground floor
ground floor
A | Protruding Dust Funnel
B | Concrete Base & Concave Dust Ark
C | Dust Accumulating within the Ark
D | Dust Being Funneled & Accumulating within the Plant Tomb
E | Museum Spaces with Views of Plant Tomb ( only opened in phase 6)
F | Toxic Plant Tube Storage Structure
lower ground
A | Cat Ladder up to Dust Filtration Tower
B | Entrance to First Floor Museum ( Only
Constructed in Phase 6)
C | Ramp up to Museum
| Milieu Interieur - Chamber of Museum
Only Opened up in Phase 6
E | View Out into Collected Dust Below
| Museum Spaces with Views of Plant Tomb
| Inaccessible Dust Chambers - Exhibits
Placed Here in Phase 1 & Become Buried in Dust Overtime
H Exit of Museum
first floor
the dust has settled
A | Seed Vault Winches -each seed vault is connected to its own mechanical winch.
B | Milieu Interieur- the interior chasm of the dust ark is forever closed off until stage 6.
C | Filtration Funnels -clean air ducts carrying clean air from the filtration towers.
D | Collected Dust- the concave form of the dust ark allows for dust to settle.
the dust has settled
What are the possibilities of re-purposing the architectural symbolism of the headgear? How can we envision an architecture within the extreme of dust that adopts the mining heritage of the city, by actively 'mining' the air around us, separating dust from air?
seed vault
A Researchers' Route to Seed Vault
Raised Seed Vault
Buried Seed Vault Chamber
D Farmers' Entrance to Seed Vault
Hoisting Wheel Platform
Dust from Filtration Process
Electrostatic Precipitators Dust Filtration
be stacked higher if need be)
Filtered Air Ducts
Active Seed Vault
A Movable Seed Vault - a mechanical wheel above, connected to a winch underneath the ark, allows for the vault to be raised at will.
B | Dust Filtration - electrostatic precipitators sit above the vault, with all the mechanical equipment stored in between, accessed via two cat ladders on either side of the vault.
seed vault
Inactive Seed Vault
A | Movable Seed Vault - when not in use, the seed vault is stored below the ground
B | Counterweight - acts as the notifier to the workers of the location of the vault within.
C | Pneumatic Felt Bubbles - the tower is covered in a electrically charged felt skin, a signifier of the levels of dust collected.
dust collection
Phase 1-2 | Dust Arks & Stability
Research Centre - dust researchers integral to the success of Phase 2.
Dust Ark & Plant Tomb - dust ark begins accruing dust and sand emanating from the tailing, settling at the base of the ark.
Dust Tower & Seed Vault - filters clean air & stores seeds used for phytostabilisation.
dust collection
Phase 3 -4 | Dissolve - Evolve
Research Centre & Processing Plant - research pivots to the processing & grinding down of toxic plants.
Dust Ark & Plant Tomb - forms used divert dust into the seed tomb.
Dust Tower & Seed Vault - the facade felt bubbles become a visual marker of dust levels.
Phase 5 | Remedy
Research Centre & Processing Plant - the grinding down of toxic plants intensifies as plants need to be cultivated every 18 months.
Dust Ark & Plant Tomb - collects the last remaining dust from the landscape
Dust Tower & Seed Vault - highly operational, regularly distributing seeds.
dust collection
Phase 6 | Life
Research Centre & Processing Plant - building is decommissioned
Dust Ark & Plant Tomb - ark facade is boarded up, sealing the dust & plants inside for perpetuity.
Dust Tower & Seed Vault - towers are decommissioned, with seed vaults remaining.
dust collection
Phase N |Flux
The ark is constantly in flux, be it short or long term -change is embraced & welcomed, with the ark adapting its form and program to the phase under way.
the end pursuit