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The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico could turn out to be Obama’s Katrina and BP’s Exxon Valdez. Already Obama is being criticized by some on the right for not having been on the scene on the same day of the oil rig explosion, though White House sources are quick to point out that initially, no one had any idea that the spill would grow to such proportions. As for BP, it has said in its defense that it doesn’t run the oil rig, that it simply buys the oil from the rig operator. All this has led many to wonder who will end up covering the estimated five-billion dollars it will take to clean up the spill. And that price tag assumes things don’t get any worse. The worst-case scenarios indicate that the entire Gulf coast, from Florida to Texas, could be awash in black sludge if efforts to contain the spill at the source aren’t successful. It’s virtually guaranteed that Louisiana, which has yet to fully recover from Hurricane Katrina and is still heavily dependent on seafood caught in the Gulf for much of its economy, will be hit hard by this disaster. The Republican governor of Louisiana and longtime Obama critic, Bobby Jindal, has, for the time being at least, put aside his differences with President Obama as they try to come up with a speedy solution in an effort to head off a potential environmental catastrophe.



1. This story is mainly about Hurricane Katrina and the Exxon Valdez disaster. 2. The oil rig that exploded in the Gulf of Mexico belongs to BP. 3. It can be inferred that, at first, it looked like the spill would be relatively easy to contain. 4. The five-billion dollar bill to clean up the spill is a worst-case estimate. 5. Louisiana has fully recovered from the effects of Hurricane Katrina. 6. What do you think “hit hard” (underlined) means? 7. Before this disaster, the governor of Louisiana and President Obama disagreed on most things. 8. What do you think the phrasal verb “head off” in the last sentence means?



X True False


X True False


X True False


X True False


X True False

Severely affected. 6. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 7.

X True False

To prevent or avoid. 8. .......................................................................... ..........................................................................






It took us five years to get used to this routine and now it’s all going to be changed. Now I’m going to have to draw up an entirely new set of specifications and present them to the Board, and who knows what they’ll say? I wish somebody had asked for my opinion a week ago, since I’m the one who’s going to be doing all the work. We’ll need to figure out the manufacturing tolerances first, and then come up with a way to reorganize the assembly process so as to minimize the impact on other operations. Let’s not forget this isn’t the only item we make over at the factory. If we pull too many resources from other assembly lines, those products will suffer. On the other hand, this is our best-selling product, so we have to make sure we get it right the first time. It would be disastrous if we had to recall products once they’re shipped out to retailers due to some kind of mass manufacturing defect. Things like that have brought down bigger companies than ours.



1. How long has this routine been in place? 2. Drawing up specifications probably requires someone who can draw well with pencil and paper.

Five years. 1. .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 2.

True False X

3. Who has to approve the new specifications?

The Board. 3. .......................................................................... ..........................................................................

4. What’s the first thing that has to be figured out?

The manufacturing tolerances. 4. .......................................................................... ..........................................................................

5. This is one of many products made at the factory. 6. This product is made on the same assembly line as other products. 7. Why is it important that the new manufacturing process be done right the first time?

X True False

5. 6.

X True False

Because it’s the best-selling product. 7. .......................................................................... ..........................................................................

8. What do you think the word “recall” (underlined) means?


To bring a product back to the .......................................................................... factory to fix a manufacturing .......................................................................... defect. ..........................................................................

9. Explain the last sentence in your own words.


Other companies have had to recall .......................................................................... products, which is a very expensive .......................................................................... process. If you have enough recalls, .......................................................................... then not only does that cost a lot of .......................................................................... money but consumer confidence in .......................................................................... your product suffers, which can lead .......................................................................... to bankruptcy. ..........................................................................







Of the estimated 700 species of spiders found in the continental United States, only two are known to be deadly to humans: the black widow and the brown recluse. The former is found throughout the lower 48 states, though it is more common to the milder climate of the south and west. The black widow is easily recognized by the red hourglass-shaped mark on its lower abdomen. This mark is more prevalent in females than in the smaller males, which usually just have a light stripe. The bite of the black widow is described as being incredibly painful, so much so that not even morphine is 100% effective in treating the pain. But despite its painful bite, the black widow is seldom deadly, though it can be fatal to small children or the elderly. The brown recluse’s bite, on the other hand, has no known treatment. This spider is found along the south and west of the country, and it is a fearsome arachnid indeed. Though, in keeping with its name, the species is rarely seen, it will bite if pressed against the skin, as might happen if the spider finds its way inside clothing or bedding. The brown recluse’s bite is frequently not felt, and it may only be after the appearance of a large wound (up to 25 centimeters in some cases) that the victim will even realize he or she was bitten. The wound will become painful within a few hours, with necrosis developing over the next few days.



1. A suitable title for this passage might be:

2. The brown recluse is found throughout the lower 48 states. 3. It can be inferred from the paragraph that

4. The bite of the black widow is more painful than that of the brown recluse. 5. It can be inferred from the paragraph that morphine

6. What do you think the expression “in keeping with its name” means? 7. The brown recluse will bite at the slightest provocation. 8. What is the first indication that someone has been bitten by a brown recluse? 9. How many symptoms of a brown recluse bite does the article list?


1. 2.

a) Deadly spiders in the United States, b) Treating the bite of the brown recluse, c) How to recognize a black widow, d) Symptoms of spider bites. True False X

3. a) female spiders are generally larger than males, b) only spiders with a color in their names are poisonous, c) the bite of the black widow should not be deadly to an average healthy adult, d) all spiders will bite if threatened. 4. X True False 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

a) is a painkiller, b) is only given to victims of black widow bites, c) is a controlled substance, d) is highly addictive.

Since the brown recluse is seldom .............................................................................. seen, then the name “recluse” is .............................................................................. appropriate for this spider. .............................................................................. True False X a) extreme pain, b) swelling, c) necrosis, d) a wound at the site of the bite. a) 1, b) 2, c) 3, d) 4.






Unfortunately, the significant increase we saw in sales in the last quarter was offset by the expenses stemming from charges for the fire at our Turkey plant. Although the plant was insured, so far the insurance company has only paid 20% of our claim. They are disputing the remaining 80%, though we are confident that in the long run they’ll fully reimburse us for the cost of repairing the damage, though the final settlement (pago de deudas) may take a few years. So far, we’ve had to pay some 10 million dollars in repairs. As a result of this fiasco, our bottom-line profit rose only by only 5% despite record sales in the last year. We are confident sales will continue to grow this year despite the widespread stagnation in the industry that has seen the profits of our competitors tumble. That we can boast such good results while the rest of the industry is in such dire straits is a testament to the hard work of each and every one of you. You all deserve to be congratulated.



1. Sales in the last quarter

2. The cost of the fire

3. The company

4. The financial situation is

5. The expression “dire straits” in the next-to-last sentence probably means 6. This message was probably


1. a) set a new record, b) were less than the amount lost in the fire, c) were probably higher than sales in the previous quarter, d) increased thanks to the company’s performance in Turkey. 2. a) was paid mostly by the company, b) was paid about equally by the company and the insurance, c) was greater than the amount made in sales, d) totaled 10 million dollars. 3. a) does not expect the insurance company to pay the rest of the claim, b) expects a quick settlement from the insurance company, c) has already rebuilt the plant in Turkey, d) still managed to make a profit in the last year. 4. a) forcing the company to cut prices, b) is proving to be difficult for the competition, c) forcing the company to lay off (despedir) workers, d) not having an effect on the industry. 5. a) in equal circumstances, b) in good conditions, c) in difficult conditions, d) out of business. 6. a) from an employee at the company to his wife, b) from the manager of the plant in Turkey to his staff, c) read at the company’s annual shareholder meeting, d) from the company’s president to the employees.






I just finished doing my tax return (declaración de renta) for this year. That is definitely one activity I do not look forward to doing, although if you have your records in order, which, as a freelancer (autónomo), is an absolute must for me, I suppose it’s not too bad. What frustrates me the most is the unnecessarily complex language used in the form. I would say that I am 98% fluent in Spanish, but when I do my taxes and I read some of the item descriptions, I feel like an idiot, and I have to wonder, “Does the average Spaniard really know what all of these things mean?” To which I can only conclude that the honest answer must be a resounding “No!” Why else would there be so many tax preparers in Spain? And what are the odds that those who do their own taxes are filling out the form 100% correctly? If I had to guess, I would say that at least 50% of all tax forms filed in Spain that are not prepared by professionals have at least one mistake that’s costing either the taxpayers or the government money. In my own case, I went to a professional three years ago after realizing that the instructions for filling out the form were just as complicated as the forms themselves. I’ve been using that tax return as a model ever since, hoping that I haven’t made any mistakes and that if I have, they haven’t, or won’t, cost me too much money. Of course there’s also the possibility that I’ve paid too much, although my financial situation is fairly straightforward since I’m not married and I don’t own a home.



1. The author probably

2. The author keeps good records because

3. The author understands that tax forms have to be complex 4. The author thinks there are so many tax preparers in Spain because

5. The author thinks that close to 100% of all tax forms that are not prepared by professionals are incorrect 6. The author went to a tax preparer three years ago.

7. The author is confident he hasn’t made any mistakes in his tax returns in the last two years. 8. You can probably infer from the story that


1. a) likes doing his taxes, b) has trouble understanding Spanish, c) feels like an idiot when he has to speak Spanish, d) believes the tax form should be simplified. 2. a) he’s a naturally organized person, b) he has a tax preparer keep his records for him, c) it’s a requirement for freelancers, d) it’s easier to prepare your taxes if you have organized records. 3. X True False 4.

a) it’s a profitable line of work, b) tax forms are so complicated, c) they are required by law, d) 50% of all tax forms in Spain are prepared by professionals. 5. X True False 6. a) because he didn’t speak Spanish then, b) because he didn’t understand the instructions, c) because he didn’t want to pay more than he owed, d) and has used the same preparer ever since. 7. X True False 8. a) the author will probably continue doing his own taxes as long as his situation doesn’t change, b) the author doesn’t want to buy a house because it would complicate his taxes, c) the author will probably go to a tax preparer next year, d) the author would not go to a tax preparer if he got married next year.






It would be no exaggeration to say that no disease has had a more devastating impact on the history of mankind than malaria. Consider the numbers: an estimated one to three million people are killed each year by the mosquito-borne illness, most of them young children in sub-Saharan Africa. It is likely that the Plasmodium parasite that causes malaria has been with mankind throughout its entire development as a species, especially since a close relative of the parasite that causes malaria in humans is common in chimpanzees. In ancient times, malaria was not limited to sub-tropical areas. It was common in Rome, and it may in fact have contributed to the decline of the mighty Roman Empire. The great armies of the Persian king Darius III could not defeat Alexander the Great, but malaria managed to stop his armies upon his arrival in India. There is even speculation that malaria may have ended the life of the great Macedonian ruler, who died under mysterious circumstances in 323 BC. But one need not turn the clock back so far to see the effects of malaria on the world’s events. As recently as World War II, malaria was responsible for the deaths of sixty thousand American soldiers in the Pacific campaigns, and American troops were still dying from the disease as they waged battle in Vietnam in the early 70s. But the most important effect is in Africa, where the disease continues to devastate entire villages that, due to their proximity to sources of water, serve an important function as the bread basket of Africa. By killing entire families of farmers, malaria is perpetuating the circle of poverty that makes eradicating the disease so hard in the first place.



1. This article is mainly about

2. According to the article, which of the following might represent the number of people killed by malaria each year? 3. In ancient times, malaria

4. The article implies that

5. The article establishes a link between malaria and the outcome of World War II. 6. What do you think the term “bread basket of Africa” (underlined) means?

7. The last sentence implies that poverty perpetuates malaria and vice versa. 8. The mood of the article is


1. a) the link between malaria and chimpanzees, b) the effect of malaria on the history of man, c) showing that malaria is the deadliest disease in the world, d) the effect of malaria on the outcome of wars. 2. a) 800 thousand, b) two million, c) four million, d) half a million. 3. a) was more widespread than it is now, b) killed more people than it does now, c) was limited to sub-tropical areas, d) was used as a weapon by armies. 4. a) Alexander the Great would have conquered India if not for malaria, b) poverty in Africa is the result of diseases like malaria, c) Darius III was unable to defeat Alexander the Great because of malaria, d) malaria had an effect on the course of human history. 5. True X False 6. a) this is talking about an area of Africa where baskets are made, b) it refers to Africa’s food-producing regions, c) these are stores where bread is made, d) it is a generic term used to refer to any area that is close to water. 7. X True False 8.

a) academic, b) somber, c) optimistic, d) literary.






Despite the many medical advances made in recent times, there is still no widely accepted theory on why we age. One hypothesis is that as we age, our internal organs gradually lose their ability to function effectively. Therefore, if our immune or nervous system degrades, the result could produce characteristics that we normally associate with aging. A related theory considers cell division, and states that our cells can only divide a limited number of times before dying. This has been proven with certain cells grown in culture in laboratories. Thus, it may be that as cells reach their reproductive limit and die, the body ages. This limit can also be affected by genetic mutations which can shorten the cell’s lifespan. The only exception to this is, unfortunately, cancer cells, which seem to be able to reproduce indefinitely. There is exciting research being conducted now that looks at how cancer cells reproduce. The aim, of course, is to find a cure for cancer, but if we could find a way to stimulate the body’s healthy cells to reproduce indefinitely, or at least extend the number of times they divide, then a side benefit of such research could be much longer, and healthier, lives.



1. This article is mainly about:

2. One theory is that aging occurs when the immune system attacks the body. 3. How many theories on aging does the author present? 4. Cancer cells:

1. 2.

a) cancer, b) aging, c) cell division, d) medical research. True False X

3. 4.

a) one, b) two, c) three, d) four. a) divide longer than normal cells and then die, b) cause aging, c) have a well-understood reproductive process, d) can divide indefinitely. a) the limited ability of healthy cells to divide, b) mutations, c) cancer, d) the breakdown of the body’s systems a) to cure cancer, b) to stop cells from dividing indefinitely, c) to extend reproductive cell processes, d) to stimulate the body’s defenses to stop unlimited cell division. a) optimistic, b) neutral, c) indifferent, d) puzzled. a) both affect the body’s internal organs, b) both involve a cell’s ability to reproduce, c) since cancer is a leading cause of death, then by stopping cancer we can extend people’s lives, d) research into aging might lead to a cure for cancer.

5. Which of the following is NOT a probable cause of aging? 6. The primary focus of cancer research is

7. How do you think the author feels about the link between cancer research and aging? 8. What is the link between cancer research and aging?

5. 6. 7. 8.







The Bruins was one of the best teams of the last century, despite having been founded in the early 30s. In only their second year in existence they made it to the third round of the playoffs (torneo final para decidir el campeón), only to be defeated by the eventual champions, who ended up winning their third title in a row. The following year, they made it one more round, to the final, but injuries to two of their key players in the first game kept what many felt was the best team from winning, and even then they took the opposing team to the seventh and deciding game. The next year, to no one’s surprise, they went all the way, vanquishing all of their opponents in an effortless display of skill and athleticism to claim the Calder Cup. That would be the first Bruin dynasty, and it lasted a further three years. The 40s would have been their best decade if not for the war years, which interrupted the season on four different occasions. The team’s fortune changed in the 50s, as many expansion teams were brought into the league, which not only increased competition but also drained the talent pool available to existing teams. In a rebuilding process that lasted over a decade, the team didn’t make it to their next final until 1962, which they lost in a heated and controversial affair to their cross-town rivals. They got the revenge the next year, taking back the championship trophy for the first time since 1949. In recent decades, the team has had highs and lows as it continues to build on a rich heritage of tradition.



1. The first line of this article implies that

2. The team was probably founded in

3. The Bruins probably first made it to the playoffs in 4. The team won the championship in their ............... year of existence: 5. When they finally won the championship, the Bruins made it look easy. 6. The playoffs in this league

7. In their first string of championship wins, the Bruins won the Calder Cup ............... times in a row: 8. The 40s was the best decade in Bruins history. 9. How many reasons are given for the decline of the Bruins in the 50s? 10. The Bruins didn’t win any championships in the 50s. 11. The Bruins’ rivals in the 1962 championship

12. The Bruins won the championship in 1963. 8 · COMPRENSIÓN ESCRITA · NIVEL AVANZADO

1. a) the Bruins was the first team to be founded, b) the Bruins would have been an even better team if it had been founded later, c) there was very little competition in the league, d) there were other teams already in existence when the Bruins was founded. 2. a) 1931, b) 1935, c) 1937, d) 1939. 3. a) the mid 30s, b) the late 30s, c) the early 40s, d) the mid 40s. 4. a) first, b) second, c) third, d) fourth. 5. X True False 6. a) have two teams from each division, b) have four rounds, c) involve playing seven games, d) are won by the first team to win four games in a row. 7. a) 2, b) 3, c) 4, d) 5. 8. True False X 9. a) 1, b) 2, c) 3, d) 4. 10. X True False 11. a) were from the other side of the country, b) played worse than the Bruins, c) had won the championship the year before, d) were from the same city as the Bruins. 12. X True False






When I first came to Spain, I didn’t speak a word of Spanish, I mean not one. Well, I suppose that’s not entirely true. I did know the basic greetings, but that was it. I didn’t even know how to conjugate the simplest of verbs. Whenever I went to a bar, I would always just use nouns, like cerveza, and use my fingers to indicate quantities, and I followed every sentence with gracias, and that was the extent of my knowledge. Well, that and whatever I found of use in my well-worn dictionary. When it was time to pay, I’d simply put a few euro coins on the table and hope that would be enough to cover the cost. And if not, it wasn’t difficult to interpret the bartender’s demands for more money! Needless to say, I didn’t make many friends at first despite my outgoing personality. I made a lot acquaintances with foreigners who spoke English natively or at least well enough to converse with, but most of those were just people traveling through Spain on their way to what, to my young mind, seemed like far-flung destinations I’d heard of but couldn’t find on a map. The only Spaniards I knew were those whose English was better than my Spanish. It was impossible to keep down a steady job without knowing the language, so I drifted from place to place, living off the kindness of strangers and occasionally, I’m a little ashamed to admit, by stealing fruit from open-air markets. I say “a little” because it really was a matter of survival. I got no thrill from doing it, and I did it as little as possible. So why, you may well ask, did I ever come to Spain in the first place if I had no job prospects and no money? Funny you should ask!



1. In the first sentence, the writer is exaggerating. 2. When he first came to Spain, the writer would have been to say “deme una cerveza por favor”. 3. In a bar,

4. If the writer didn’t pay enough, he probably ran out without paying. 5. The writer didn’t make friends at first because he was shy. 6. Most of the people the writer talked to at first were foreigners living in Spain. 7. The phrasal verb “keep down” (underlined) probably means 8. The writer lived in the same general area for long periods of time. 9. The writer

10. The next paragraph in this story will probably be about


1. X True 2.



X False

3. a) the writer asked for a bill to see what he owed, b) the writer used a phrase book to ask how much the bill was, c) the bartender used his fingers to indicate how much the writer owed, d) the writer paid what he thought would be enough to pay for his consumption. 4. X False True 5.


X False



X False

7. 8.

a) find, b) do well in, c) maintain, d) get training for. X False True

9. a) got a thrill out of stealing, b) stole to survive, c) was probably a menace to society, d) had no moral problems with stealing. 10. a) how the writer learned Spanish, b) how the writer found a job, c) why the writer came to Spain, d) why the writer left Spain.






Every day starts off with a production meeting, which is not quite what the name might lead you to believe. It’s more of an update-on-everything meeting, but that doesn’t sound quite as catchy. Anyway, the production meeting is attended by all of the department heads. They talk about any problems that may have come up during the night, but more importantly, they lay out the schedule for that day’s work. Work assignments are made and the supervisors are given the work packages for that day’s schedule. Meetings on Mondays usually go over one hour, so we try to start a little bit earlier so that people can get to their offices at a reasonable hour. The meeting is also held on weekends, though only emergency work goes on during weekends and supervisors only come in if there’s a serious problem, so the meetings tend to last just a few minutes. Sometimes they are a mere formality, little more than a social gathering for the night and day crews. A similar meeting is held at 4 pm for the day and swing crews, but it’s not attended by the department heads. Only the work crews go to that meeting, and they all know what’s going on, so it just lasts a few minutes.



1. The production meeting deals with production issues only. 2. The department heads attend the morning meeting but not the afternoon one.


X False

2. X True



3. The meeting is only held from Monday to Friday.



X False

4. The work crews know what they are going to be working on before the day’s production meeting.



X False

5. The meeting is held on weekends

5. a) so that the supervisors can make the work assignments, b) because emergency work is still in progress, c) between the day and swing crews, d) but usually lasts a few minutes.

6. The word “just” (underlined) means, in this context,


7. What’s the name of the crew that works in the afternoons, between the day and night crews?

a) exactly, b) fairly, c) simply, d) only.

the swing crew. 7. .............................................................................. ..............................................................................

8. The 4 pm meeting only lasts a few minutes because

8. a) those in attendance already know what’s going on, b) it’s not attended by the night crew, c) no emergency work is done on the afternoon shift, d) the work assignments were already made at the morning meeting.

9. Which of the following work environments might this article apply to?



a) a university, b) a power plant, c) a supermarket, d) a hotel.

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