The benefits of globes of the world This article can originally be found at The most basic information about this world is its physical form. Best way to understand and observe this world in its realistic form is by looking at an accurate globe. What most children don’t realise and what interests them the most in a globe is the shape of globe. Looking the earth in the form it truly exists is a fascinating experience, but there are many more benefits of having a globe, than its intriguing appearance. Gives a Realistic View - Globes of the world gives the most realistic view of earth, which makes tactile learning easier on globes. You can never understand the world from a map as you can on a globe. For example, in a standard map Canada and Australia are on vertical ends, but in a globe you can see, actually how close they are. Therefore, globes give better idea of the world and you must teach children using a globe. Even adults, who like to learn kinaesthetically, find it better to understand things on a globe. Good for Decoration - There are wide varieties in globes that are available. The difference is not just in size, but also in their make. You can choose from gemstone globes, classic desktop globes, floor globes that are extra-large in size, magnetic globe that floats in air, and motorised globes that are always rotating in an axis. All these globes show the earth not only in round shapes, but also tilted on its axis as it actually is. Enhances Learning in Children - When you have globes of the world in your home, then you kids have access to them all the time. Therefore, whenever they feel bored they can easily play with the globes, and also learn at the same time. Many kids love to play with the globes as they rotate on a fixed axis. This is an easy and fun way to teach your kids about various aspects of geography, history and even current world events. Takes less Space - If you want to look at a map, then the space you need is more than the space you would need for placing a globe. This is because map shows the world spread-out in a twodimensional space, but globes show the earth in a three-dimensional form, which makes sure that it needs less space. No Misinformation or Distortion - The shape of the countries that you look in a standard world globe is the most accurate form in representation. You will never find this accuracy in maps, as the skew with the shapes of the countries to make them displayable in flat form. Therefore, when you want to teach someone about world geography, then there is no better product than globes of the world. In the recent years the popularity of globes in the homes has increased immensely, and after reading the benefits of globes, it’s not difficult for you to understand why. This acceptance of globe is only going to increase in future as the variety in their sizes, colours, and styles are increasing. For good quality globes and maps visit