Why Some People have Low Self Esteem With all of the diseases and health related problems associated with depression and low self-esteem it is a good idea to have a plan of action or else an affordable health insurance for all the pills you might end up taking. So here are some things that lead to self-esteem problems. First—comparing yourself to others. We know that we hardly ever give ourselves the benefit of the doubt so why compare yourself with others? Its never going to be a fair race because you will always choose the amazing qualities of others and focus on those when comparing yourself with them. It is better to know who you are and where you are so you can develop a strategy to take on the these selfdestructive sentiment that can arise. Second—Not taking time to yourself. There are so many people out there and we may be the most gregarious of them all but if we don’t take time to ourselves then we slowly forget who we really are and we may end up going down paths we don’t really want to go down. Third—Taking criticism and complaints personally can lead to some austere ends. The old saying of letting the rocks and bricks that people throw at you be your foundation rather than your destruction should hold true in our lives. We have to honestly know who we are and what we are worth in order to really make criticism constructive in our lives. Fourth—Focusing to much on ourselves can, in time, create a self-depreciating monster in us all. Focusing on others and loving them, regardless of their mistakes, helps us realize that when we make mistakes that there are those who still love us and will give us the benefit of the doubt. Fifth—Having to high of expectations of ourselves may seem like something that could help us improve more substantially but may, en lieu create a discouraging cycle in our lives. It is much better to set smaller more achievable goals. Yes, we should shoot for the stars but we mustn’t forget that it is by climbing tall mountains or through endless trials of rocket ships that we reach our destination. Sixth— Sometimes it is the friends that we choose to assimilate to. They may have the most pessimistic outlooks on life and yet because they want us around we stay. If we really want to overcome the bleak and
gloomy outlooks on life then we have to either leave them or help them change the way we interact with them. Seventh—Maybe we just take life to dang serious! It is, after all is said and done, something to enjoy and laugh about. Half the times when we have problems they can be a source of comic relief if we look at them from the right angle. Eighth—Too much pressure can make diamonds out of coal but sometimes with people it can really break them down into pieces. It is important to find outlets and ways to alleviate pressure in our lives before we actually have to start using our affordable health insurance. Photo Pin: Gwyneth Jones, Fernando Urban, Luca Argalia