What to Do When You Have a Flat Tire You’re getting ready to go on a date. You are the one driving, and you are really excited. This is your first date with this person and you have been planning it for weeks. So you take your car and head out to go pick up your date. As you are arriving, you start to feel this thumping in your car; you dismiss the sounds and keep heading to your dates place. Everything is going well as you meet the parents, putting your best foot forward. Then you hit the road with your date and it happens! Your tire blows on the way! The timing is impeccable but getting a flat can happen anywhere and anytime. Here is what you need to do.
Hold on tight to the wheel You will notice as soon as the tire goes flat that your car starts to swerve or shake uncontrollably. This can lead to some serious steering challenges. Make sure that you are in control by holding tight to the wheel and keeping every car around you safe by steering slowly off the road.
Emergency lights Make sure that you put on your emergency lights as soon as you know you have a flat. This will notify everyone around you that there is something wrong. Make sure that you don’t slam on your breaks as this can cause a loss of control. It is much better to just slow down gradually. When you have completely pulled off the road, make sure that you put some triangle reflectors and keep your emergency lights on. This will keep people aware of where you are at (which is especially important when you are driving in the dark on the highway). It may take some extra planning in advance to have reflectors and other things to make sure people see you but when it comes down to it and you are having huge semis passing on your left, you are going to want to be noticed.
Change it If you have never changed a tire before and you are right off of the highway with speeding cars whizzing by, then you will probably be too stressed to do it right. This is not the time to be a hero so if you can call a tow truck or have Car Insurance from Frisco that covers it, make sure you do that instead. Really, even
though changing a tire can be easy, if you don’t have the right tools and tire then you will not be able to get it done. Make sure you have back up plans with your date. The truth is that you never know when a nail or something else will pop up and get your tires. It may seem like a simple thing but it can be devastating if you aren’t ready for it. For every time there is a moment like that, make sure you follow these sage tips and keep everyone else on the road as safe as possible.
Photo Credit: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/, http://farm3.staticflickr.com/