How to Burglar Proof Your Home

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How to Burglar Proof Your Home In these difficult economic times, people are often desperate for money to put food on the table. Some people may turn to robbery in order to make a few dollars. It may seem like it could be impossible to deter robbers from breaking into your home. You may think that if they want to get in, they’ll find a way to get in. This, however, is not a great attitude to have about protecting your home. There are definitely things you can do in order to more soundly burglar proof your home.

Make your home unappealing to thieves One of the main things you can do is make your home as unappealing to thieves as you can. Make sure that you don’t leave any garbage or boxes at the side of the street. If you have a box from your big flat-screen TV sitting on the edge of the street, that could give a thief a reason to break into your house. Keep any piece of garbage that says anything about you away from the street until right before the garbage is collected.

Mailboxes and names If your last name is printed on the side of your mailbox, it would be a good idea to paint over it or get a new mailbox. It can be easy for burglars to look up your name, find a phone number, and call to see if you’re home. It’s best to just avoid that possibility altogether. If you’re planning on going out of town or on vacation for any amount of time, there are important precautions to take. First, make sure that your mail doesn’t pile up in your mailbox or on your porch. This makes it very obvious to any passerby that you are out of town. Have a neighbor come and collect your mail and newspaper every day that you’re not at home. Another precaution you should take is to try to monitor your lights. You can purchase timers that go on your lamps that will turn them off and on at regular intervals. This makes it so it looks like someone is home.

Motion Sensor Lights You can also invest in motion-sensor lights, so that robbers will more likely be scared off when they approach the perimeter of your home. After taking all of these precautions, there is still a chance that a robber could choose your home to break into. If this happens, you’ll want to make sure that it is very difficult for them to get in. Try planting shrubs around places with windows so it makes it harder for them to enter your home. Make sure to close the blinds on all the windows when you’re not home so a burglar can’t look inside and see all of your belongings. You could even turn the ringer down on your phone so a burglar can’t listen in and know that you’re not home.

Insurance Purchasing reliable homeowners insurance is a great way to protect against robbers and thieves. If you need home insurance in Lawrenceville, GA, then Cowart Insurance is the company for you. Cowart Insurance provides affordable and reliable home insurance in Lawrenceville, GA and the surrounding area. Purchase your insurance with Cowart Insurance and you will not regret it. Photo credit: Johnny Grim, Loozrboy

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