Bad Habits That Can Lower a Car’s Value In the early days of the automobile, there was a town in the central United States that had only two registered vehicles in the entire city limits. Even though these two cars were the only automobiles in the entire town, still, their owners managed to get in a car wreck with each other; and so it began, the long history of bad car habits and the seemingly never ending line of connected poor driving and lowered vehicle values.
Today’s Bad Habits There are many bad driving habits that people have picked up over the years since infamous two car pile-up of the early twentieth century. Some of the worst and most deadly include texting while driving, talking on the phone while driving, eating while driving, and, not surprisingly to those who commute to work with the masses, there is likewise the poor habit of getting ready in the car while driving, aka, shaving or putting on makeup while driving. But along with the poor and dangerous driving habits that some have fallen into over the years, there are likewise those poor vehicle ownership habits that are costing some the long term value of their cars. While it is widely known that a vehicle’s value begins to diminish the instant it is driven from the car lot, this does not mean that a car cannot lose further or lose faster its value through the careless poor ownership habits of is possessor. One of the main poor ownership habits that can lower a vehicles value is the habit retained by many of infrequently washing their vehicle. While this is more needful in the winter, the roadways of America harbor corrosive materials and dust that can, over time, eat away at the body of a car and lower its value with age. Another common habit that can lead to a car losing its value is the common practice of altering or modifying the vehicle. While many believe that the alterations they have made to the car will increase the value, the exact opposite is true. The application and installation of body kits and alterations to the engine or powertrain of the vehicle will greatly reduce the overall value of the vehicle. The most common alteration to vehicles seems to be the installation of custom mufflers or of body kits that include spoilers to the back of the car, but these likewise have the potential to lower the value of the vehicle and should be avoided.
The last common poor vehicle ownership habit that many, if not the vast majority, of people fall into is the bad habit of not keeping accurate records concerning the vehicle. Poor records can negatively affect the value of the car and should be kept up to date at all times. Auto Insurance in Philadelphia can help cover the cost of accidents related to another person’s bad driving habits, as well as to help protect the car’s value. A person who wishes to maintain the value of their vehicle should avoid the above mentioned poor driving tendencies and poor vehicle maintenance habits that many have fallen into and then secure for themselves a quality auto insurance policy in Philadelphia.
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