Growing Up Without Health Insurance Some people out there get nervous when they hear about “affordable health insurance”. The idea of having health insurance can be a new concept for many as they didn’t grow up with it. Growing up without health insurance does not seem like that big of a deal. When you hurt yourself you try and work it out at home and besides, you figure that everyone else is doing the same thing when they get home with a hurt back or leg. The truth is that it becomes a source of pride for some as they think of going to the doctors as the “sissy way” of dealing with things. As time goes on they realize that some of the problems that they faced when they manned up probably should have been taken care of by a professional. Parents who really want to protect their children and provide the best for them will see health insurance not as a burden but as a protection for their kids. It only takes one major accident and all of the careful planning and safety protocols you gave your kids will do nothing. They will be heading to the hospital and it will be coming straight out of your pocket or the governments if you are like many who will need assistance. Coping is acceptable until there is an accident. When the time comes to save a child parents are willing to give up everything but in order to prevent all of the risk involved in the saving parents aren’t willing to do near as much.
Are we Just Gambling? Are we all just gambling with lives and living each day without planning for the future? People who do this with their finances fail nine times out of ten and they have little helpful experience to show for it. To gamble with money is one thing, to do it with someone’s life is completely inexcusable.
Some may ask “how am I gambling with someone’s life if I don’t get health insurance?” The fact is that parents without health insurance don’t just do a one-time gamble. They often become compulsive gamblers with their children’s lives. For instance your son may come home with a spider bite on his arm that is only swelling a little. It is easy to self-diagnose and magically become the doctor of the home but when you find it was a very deadly spider and that it will have permanent effects on your child’s nervous system, you panic! Gambling, such as this, is just gambling to stay at status quo. You aren’t gambling to make your children healthier. The gambling starts when they get hurt or start having problems that you think you can fix at home. When you think about it, there really isn’t much rational behind it. Then again these same people often say the same thing about paying for something they won‘t use. The answer to this problem is, use it! Your children are worth affordable health insurance and it can save you a lot of trouble in the end. Photo Credit: Conorwithonen, Chris Potter