How to improve your vision

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How to Improve Your Vision Those of us who enjoy the blessing of perfect eyesight take for granted the blessing that it is. Only when we find that the detail of our world has started to blur do we realize how precious our eyesight is. But once your eyesight begins to slip, can the damage be reversed? In some cases, the answer is no, well, not without major surgery. But for many of us, we can work to improve our vision by making a few select changes to our daily routines. Additionally, there are a few exercises that can be done to help strengthen our eyes which are, after all muscles.

Simple Changes The first and most obvious thing to make sure you are doing is protecting your eyes. UV rays can be extremely damaging to your eyes and the simple act of wearing sunglasses can save your eyes from a significant amount of damage. Along the same lines, take care if you work for extended hours at a computer. Turn the brightness down on your screen and on your other mobile devices. And keep your monitor positioned so that you are not fighting to see past any reflections on the screen as they make your eyes work twice as hard to focus on what you need to see. Take regular breaks from staring at a screen. Even 10 minutes every one or two hours can go a long way toward protecting your eyes. Giving your eyes the time to rest and heal from the rigors of daily use is vital to maintaining your eyesight. Work to make sure you get enough sleep and reduce the amount of stress in your life as these things can cause added strain on your eyes. Also, keep your eyes moisturized. Remember to blink often when staring at a screen for extended periods of time and use eye drops if necessary.

Additional Exercises On top of working to protect your eyes and prevent vision loss, there are a few things you can do to actually improve and strengthen your vision. Start by taking a few minutes to research and actually learn how the eye works. This will give you a solid foundation to build on as you work to make your eyes stronger. Find a way to track your progress. The easiest way to do this is to find an eye chart online and print it out. Regularly return to it to measure any progress. Now that you know exactly how your eyes work and you have a way to track progress, you can get started on some strengthening exercises. Lots of different exercises and activities can be researched online to help you strengthen different aspects of your vision, but to get you started, you want to begin by relaxing your eyes. Close your eyes and massage around your eye, allowing the muscles to relax. Next, work your muscles by doing focus and flexibility exercises.

Again, these things may not solve all your vision problems, but many of them can prevent you from having any issues with your vision. Getting a good vision healthcare plan and getting your eyes checked regularly by an eye doctor will also help keep your eyes strong and working well throughout your life. Photo Credit: elementa1, mzacha

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