Home Insurance Discounts In today’s economy everyone is trying to save a few dollars where they can. Insurance can be expensive and can seem like a substantial financial drain each month when it is deducted from your bank account. Wouldn’t it be great if you could shave that total down to a more manageable sum? Luckily, it is possible to reduce the cost of your insurance. Home improvements, increased security, and other updates to your home allow your insurance agency to feel more secure in insuring you. These things often reduce the cost of claims and insurance companies are willing to pass the savings on to you as the insured.
Home Improvements Upgrades and improvements made to your home not only increase the value of your residence, they may also save you some money every year on your insurance. Some minor improvements like better locks on your doors or better exterior lighting may save you a few dollars. Other major improvements will cost some money to install, but can save you hundreds or even thousands of dollars in insurance premiums over the life of your home. Repairs to your roof, upgraded wiring, and better windows and doors are among some of the primary improvements that may save you some money. You may also consider installing or upgrading your security system and including a monitoring system. Good monitoring systems not only alert you in the event of a home intrusion, they can also detect leaks and turn off the source before your home is flooded or filled with gas.
Additional Savers Do you live in a gated community? Are you a member of a homeowner’s association or HOA? Frequently, insurance companies provide discounts to their customers who reside in gated communities and participate in an HOA. These provide an added level of security and protection, and insurance companies are willing to cut your rates because of that security. Some insurance providers reduce premiums for customers who do not file claims. The longer you go without filing a claim, the more likely you are to see some savings. They prefer to not pay claims and can pass their savings on to you as you continue to save them money. Are you a smoker? Consider quitting, as non-smokers are more likely to get a price cut than those who smoke. Smoking is considered a fire hazard and insurance companies may likely
increase your premiums to cover the potential hazard.
Just Ask Whatever your situation, the best way to get a discount is to actually speak to your insurance agent about your policy. Frequently, insurance companies have discounts and savings available, but only if you ask for them. Discuss your options and ask about potential savings from bundling your various insurance policies. Lauber & Will provide quality home insurance in Cincinnati. Come by our office, visit our website, or give us a call today. Put us to work for you and we will help you find the perfect policy for your needs and get you the discounts that you deserve. Photo Credit: creoleindc.typepad.com, Lawyersandsettlements