How to Prepare For a Tornado Tornadoes can be very devastating natural disasters. They often strike without warning, leaving thousands of dollars of damages in their wake. If you live in a tornado-prone area, it is essential that you learn how to be prepared when a tornado strikes your city or town. The most important thing to do is to first know if you live in a tornado-prone area. Do some research on the internet and find out if your city or town has a history of tornado activity or any other natural disasters. If your area experiences annual tornado activity, now is the time to start preparing. Preparation is Key
A key part of preparation is knowledge. Be aware of what tornado weather patterns are and know what warning signs to look for. Some of the signs are: dark or greenish looking clouds that are low-lying, rotating clouds, hail, or a low roar. Make sure that each member of your family is able to recognize the warning signs of a tornado and know what your local tornado sirens sound like. With that being said, it is important to know that tornadoes can strike quickly and with little warning. Oftentimes you will not be able to see a tornado coming, and then all of a sudden it will be upon you. Make sure that you have a 72-hour emergency kit somewhere in your house. This kit should be easily accessible and packed with food and water, bedding and clothing, and a number of other essential items so your family can survive if there is an emergency. Create a family communications plan. Discuss with your family what each of you will do in the event of a tornado or other emergency. Your plan could include meeting up at a previously decided location, or
calling a certain relative to check in and tell them you are okay. It is up to each family to decide upon an emergency plan that fits their situation and family structure. Safety Within the Home
It is often a good idea to designate a safe room within your own house so that you and your family know exactly where to go when a tornado strikes. Safe rooms are usually in the basements of houses, so they can be anchored and not lifted off the ground by the tornado. If there is no basement, go to the lowest level and stay in the room or place that has the least amount of windows, doors, and exterior walls. Frequently bathrooms and hallways are the best if you don't have a basement. Crouch under a sturdy table or desk and use your arms to protect your head and neck. You may also use mattresses to line the walls and if the tornado hits, cover yourselves with the mattresses. If your home sustains damage from a tornado, having adequate homeowners insurance is a must. If you're looking for homeowners insurance in Magnolia, look no further. Prodigy Insurance can cover all of your homeowners insurance needs. Getting homeowners insurance in Magnolia has never been easier with Prodigy Insurance. Photo Credit: Niccolò Ubalducci, EJP Photo, Photo Dean