The Pros and Cons of Solar Panels There are many individuals and homeowners that think of solar power and solar technology, solar panels especially, as futurist ideals of clean energy. Even more numerous are the individuals and homeowners that believe solar power and solar energy for the home would be a good idea eventually, but only if the technology advances further to make the applications more realistic. But the truth is that both mindsets are not entirely true. While solar power and solar energy use in homes is limited in numbers across the country, the technology that makes solar energy use in the home is ready for widespread usage and can be incorporated into the home itself with extreme efficiency.
Pros of Solar Tile Mounting So not only is solar power ready for large-scale use in homes across the nation, but likewise the practical applications of solar panels on the home can become a benefit to those homeowners who invest in the technology. There are, however, drawbacks to using solar power in the home, so before a homeowner makes the investment on new solar paneling for their home’s energy they should first take the time to learn all they can about both the positives and the negatives of solar panels on the home. First, one can consider the con to owning and installing solar panels on the home. The initial costs of installing the solar panels on the home, which can be expensive even in favorable conditions, sticks out as the primary drawback to using solar power in the home for many homeowners. The exact cost of installing solar panels on the home will vary from home to home and is dependent upon several factors including the home itself, the location, and the size of the system being installed. Another drawback to having solar panels on the home is the fact that while after installation the power produced and stored by the solar panels is free, the power source itself can be inconsistent. Because there are very few inhabited places on earth that have direct sunlight every day of the year, the reality of solar powered homes is that at times they will be short on power. The costs of maintenance
for the solar panels is low, but maintenance for the entire solar power system can be seen as a draw back for some as there are near constant maintenance duties.
Price of Home Solar Mounting Systems So the cons for solar panels include its initial high costs and regular maintenance requirements, but for many these negatives to owning solar panels do not outweigh the multiple benefits. First and foremost, those with solar panels on their home are essentially free from the monthly power bills thanks to their solar power. With their solar tile mounts and solar panels installed, the costs for powering the home plummet as the home produces free and clean energy on its own. In addition to the free power for the home and the clean energy, those with solar panels on the home may become eligible for incentives offered by federal, state, and local governments including grants and tax breaks. Photo Credit: Wayne National Forest, Tony Buser