One, Two, Cha Cha Cha There is something liberating about dancing. Everyone likes to do it (even if sometimes it is just deep, deep down). It is one of the universal languages of life. Over the centuries, cultures have developed formal dances for parties, social events, performances, rites of passage, war, the weather, funerals, and so on. Many people have come up with their own victory dances. Almost all of the great singers incorporate some kind of dance into their vocal performances. People dance for money on the streets. It is something we all like to do and see. Some do it better than others, but that is a given. So why is dance so great? Let’s find out!
Dancing for Your Health First, dance is great for your health. It is exercise. Fun, rhythmic exercise. Professional dancers have some of the greatest bodies on earth. The endurance and skill required to control each part of your body so precisely, balancing, moving, and leaping while making it look effortless, takes some serious physical skill. They say dancing is all about sweat, blood, and tears. So, moral of the story – dancing is a great workout. But even beyond that, you get to know your body from fingertip to toe-tip. Understanding the bounds of each limb, the precise strength of your core, and feeling the rush of it all working together in harmony (not to mention endorphins) leaves you with a wonderful sense of physical and emotional confidence. This leads us to the second point – emotional well-being. It is widely acknowledged that physical health is closely related to emotional health. Everyone knows you just feel better right after you work out. Those feelings tend to linger throughout the day. Additionally, dancing is a great emotional outlet. It is an amazing way to express physically what you feel emotionally. Letting all that energy, anger, frustration, or joy, exhilaration, and excitement out through your body leaves you feeling satisfied.
Dancing to Meet People Finally, dancing is great for your social life. There are dances that require partners or groups. Formation dances require cooperation, practice, trust, and communication which lead communities to become one. It helps people come together to work for one common goal, and have fun in the process. Other
dances are just a way to get feeling good with a lot of people. Some are funny, others are cool. Dance simply brings us together. This is one of the reasons there are so many dancing movies and TV shows. Think of all the Step-Up movies, Dancing with the Stars, So You Think You Can Dance. These are exciting, emotional shows that satisfy body, mind, and spirit. After watching these shows you find yourself dancing down the hallways, around the kitchen stove, and in the shower. The only drawback is the possibility of slight humiliation and some physical injury. But if you learn to take care of your body, make sure you’ve got medical health insurance or family health insurance, and dance smart, you will be free to leap around expressing your feelings with your whole body. Photo Credit: Gueorgui, Andrew West