5 Fun Outdoor Activities Don’t let the shiny glow of modern technology distract you from the great outdoors. There is a lot out there to discover, and you shouldn’t miss out on it. Everything from calm picnics to extreme sports can add a dimension of life that indoor activities just can’t replace. Here are five things you can do outside to enjoy the beauty and excitement of Mother Nature.
One – Picnic with a piñata. Piñata picnics are a great way to get in touch with your child. Papiermâché up some random shape (mustache perhaps?) and stuff it with your favorite candy. Pack up foods you loved as a kid (did someone say Squeeze-its and Twinkies?), grab a blanket, some friends, and head outdoors. Enjoy the fresh air, sunshine, and the craze that will overcome you when that candy starts pouring out.
Two – Ice-blocking. If you’ve never gone ice-blocking, you are missing out. All you need is a block of ice, a hill, and a towel and you are ready to go! If you miss snow sledding during the summer or if you live in a climate where snow just doesn’t accumulate, this is a great alternative to enjoy some slick, fast fun.
Three – Photo scavenger hunt. This is a great activity to do outdoors, especially somewhere with a lot of wildlife. Make a list of ten or fifteen plants, animals, and land formations and start snapping some photos. This is most ideally done in groups with a prize waiting for the quickest team. Add some nature to some raw human competition, and have the time of your life.
Four – Trail running. There is something about trail running that taps into the roots of human nature. No equipment needed - just your body and the trails becoming one. Not only is this an excellent form of exercising, but it is a great way to rejuvenate your spirit. Enjoy the beauties of nature as you run along and feel the fresh air cleaning out your worries. Go as long or as short, as fast or as slow as you want. There’s nothing to judge you out in the wild.
Five – Canopy camping. For those of you with a more adventurous spirit, try an extreme sport like canopy camping. Snoozing in the treetops is an exciting way to reach out to nature and experience life like our furry ape friends. If this is your activity
of choice, make sure you have all the proper equipment and are properly covered with affordable health care insurance. Be smart as you let your wild side free and enjoy a night of free living! No matter how you do it, spending time outside is a treasure of life we can’t let slip by and affordable health insurance is has got your back when you are ready to roam. Go simple or go extreme. Take an hour or take a month. The important thing is that we all take the time to enjoy the natural and beautiful world around us! Photo Credit: Barbara Nowak, Joshua Mayer