What are Pre-Existing Conditions? Being sick is one of the worst things known to man, and it is something that every man, woman, and child has to deal with at some time in their lives. Some of these sicknesses are short term, such as the flu, the common cold, or even a killer case of the kissing disease, mono. These short term illnesses are uncomfortable and not fun at all, but, you can take comfort that they will end, and you will be able to continue with your life. Some conditions, however, are long lasting, chronic, or cannot be completely healed. These conditions are varied and effect many different people every day. Some of these conditions may be deadly, while others may just be long lasting, but either way, long term illness is not fun, and those experiencing them do not necessarily have the same hope as people suffering from a case of the flu.
Living to the Fullest This being said, having a long term illness does not need to have an overarching negative effect on anyone’s life. Even though long term illness is uncomfortable and generally awful, it is extremely important for people experiencing these illnesses to find the things they enjoy most in life, and do those things. Living a full life with a long term illness is not impossible, in fact, if you make it a priority, it can be done fairly easily. Because illness can sometimes seem to overtake a life, it is extremely important for people with illnesses to find an outlet, and live their life to the fullest. Part of living life to the fullest means understanding your limitations, knowing what is safe and healthy to do, and what may cause you to be in danger. That being said, it is also important not to limit yourself too heavily. Find the things you can do, and find ways to adapt the things you cannot. One way or another, it is important to make your life as interesting and enjoyable as possible, even when you have an illness.
Overcoming Obstacles Some long term illnesses are more limiting than others, but when we look at the lives of heroic figures with long term medical issues, we can see the potential to live a full and impactful life even with trials. Look, for example, at Helen Keller. Though she was unable to see or hear for her entire life, she was still able to travel the world, inspire people, and most importantly, communicate.
Having a good network can help every life be more fulfilling and generally better. One of the difficulties of long term illness is finding insurance. Having insurance for these illnesses can be difficult but is extremely important. In 2014, the difficulties of insurance with pre-existing conditions will become less difficult as more insurance providers will be required to insure everyone. Beyond insurance, it is important to live life in a way that can make you happy. Some things are outside your control and can impede your happiness, and that is okay. It is okay to be dissatisfied with some aspects of your life, but finding the things you can be happy about will help you to be happier and live life more fully. Photo Credit: William Brawley, Shoot Film, Not Bullets