5 Weird Insurance Policies Have you ever wished you had that beloved cat that passed away insured? You could be being reimbursed for your loss right now if only you had had cat insurance. But, you think, of course there is no cat insurance. Well, you would be surprised what insurance companies would call insurance as long as customers are willing to put up the money for it. As long as there are people willing to pay good money in order to feel more protected, there will always be people that are willing to accept that money in exchange for an insurance policy they are not likely to have to cash in on. We have compiled a list of the four weirdest insurance policies that you could currently go out and buy, although we cannot say if we recommend it.
4. Runaway Bride Insurance You would think after spending so much money on a wedding, no one would want to spend any more on insurance covering whether it will go through or not. However, these days it has become more commonplace as weddings are becoming more and more expensive, and those that fund them are getting less and less back when the bride or groom to be gets cold feet. This kind of insurance only benefits the innocent investors and not the couple themselves and can only go into effect if it is cancelled 180 days or less before the wedding.
3. Improbability Insurance This insurance is less specific. It protects you in the case that something really improbable happens. For example, there is one couple that decided to take a gamble and buy insurance to reimburse them if they had twins and therefore had one extra mouth to feed. They did indeed have twins and collected their reimbursement, only to invest in it again and once again have twins. This insurance also covers businesses that have more than one person quit their jobs because they win the lottery, and various other improbabilities.
2. Meteor Insurance In the case that there is a meteor that hits earth so hard that it does devastating, what are the chances that you are going to be able to cash in on any insurance, health or otherwise? Well, that is a risk that some people are willing to take in order to protect themselves in the case of a deadly meteor shower.
1. Body Part Insurance How about instead of getting health insurance, you save money and invest in just one body part? That is what many famous stars are doing these days in order to protect their money-makers. For example,
America Ferrera, star of “Ugly Betty� whose trademark was her braces filled smile had it insured for 10 million dollars. Us regular Joes on the other hand, would find little to no reward in paying for insurance for just one body part that is just as likely to get injured as any other part of our body would that may be covered just as well by regular health insurance. Photo Credit: Sean Molin