Why You Shouldn't Rub Your Eyes We all have had moments where our eyes have been irritated and we felt like there was nothing we could do but rub them. The temporary relief we feel from this action could lead to more serious problems later on. The reality of the situation is that we could have some serious contaminants on our hands and not even know it. The act of rubbing our eyes could spread what’s on our hands to our eyes, leading to more serious complications than we could have previously anticipated. It doesn’t matter if we wash our hands on a regular basis.
Washing Your Hands Regularly In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, we often lose track of our hygiene. Subtracting little hygienic exercises can save us some time, but in the end, it’s not worth it. You have to deal with the consequences later on when some part of your body ends up infected. When you go to wash your hands, you need to do so for an extended period of time while also using soap and water in the process. It’s important to establish a habit of washing your hands to ensure that there won’t be any gaps in your hygiene.
Taking Care of Your Glasses Glasses have a tendency to get dirty. They collect much of the dirt and bacteria from your face. Your vision health insurance should be able to step in and allow for you buy new frames after a certain period of time. In the meantime, you should clean your glasses with something a little stronger than water. Perhaps you should try a cleansing solution using a heavily diluted mixture involving alcohol. Avoid any abrasive cleaning supplies as they could seriously damage the glass part of your frames. Some people use window cleaning liquid because it’s strong enough to kill bacteria, but not so strong that it destroys the frames.
Switching Out Your Contacts Contacts seem like a much easier option than glasses. On the contrary, the maintenance associated with these implements is far more complex. Most vision health plans provide you with the luxury of buying several sets of contacts during the course of any given month. You should cash in this opportunity with your insurance for vision care. You have to throw out your contacts every couple months in the interest of keeping them hygienic. There are certain things that you should absolutely avoid doing when you have contacts.
What Not To Do You might feel tempted to clean your contacts with nothing more than water. The reality of the situation is that your eyes are more sensitive than any other part of you. If you subject them to the minerals in unfiltered water, you will notice some serious consequences. You should avoid putting them in water period and invest in the cleansing solution that’s devoted to cleaning contacts. Your contacts should be able to last for an extended period of time. At some point, you have to know that they have reached the end of their lifespan. Photo Credit: birdbrain, celiece