Snoqualmie Valley Record March 28, 2012

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Halftime patrols for Tolt

After two years apart, district, North Bend and Snoqualmie agree on burden of growth

poll, still remembers the day— October 13, 1980—he approached Bill Weller and asked for a job. Weller, today manager for the North Bend QFC, hired Cleven, at 17, to work at what was then the North Bend IGA. Since then, Cleven has held down practically every role in the building. Every time he’s tried to leave, something’s kept him behind the registers at the downtown grocery store.

Three months into the year, Carnation has committed to a 2012-13 contract for police services, which slightly reduces the city’s overall coverage. The City Council voted 4-1 on March 6 to approve a contract that eliminates one full-time officer from the city’s police rotation, but Tolt cops allows for Carnation’s an addipolice budget tional few is $1.1 million hours of The new two“flex time,” year contract for officers will cost to respond $453,883 this to emeryear. gencies outside of 2.25 officers scheduled are assigned hours. to the city. “It provides roughly 50 percent coverage during the week… The actual times may vary,” said City Manager Ken Carter, when he presented the new contract. Carter was directed by the council to negotiate the reduced contract in December, when councilmembers resigned themselves to a reduced police services budget. Carnation, with an annual budget of about $1.1 million, buys police services from the city of Duvall, and was anticipating a 2012 cost of $512,000 for police services alone.



Carnation OKs smaller police contract, gets sign-off from Duvall BY CAROL LADWIG Staff Reporter



Staff Reporter

Senior Brian Copeland hits hard on the field, and in the books Page 4


Vol. 98, No. 44

Within a few weeks, the Snoqualmie Valley School District should be on the same calendar page RYAN STOKES Snoqualmie Schools with Snoqualmie and North Bend, Business Services ending a two-year Director discrepancy with the cities. The district’s board of directors voted Thursday, March 22, to adopt a contract amendment that added new language, holding each city harmless from litigation BOB JEANS in its collection of Snoqualmie City school impact fees Councilman for the district. The contract amendments will be forwarded on to the two city councils for review and adoption. The Snoqualmie City Council unanimously approved the contract Monday, March 26. North Bend will discuss it Tuesday, April 3. Since the new language complies with the cities’ request for protection from any lawsuits that might arise from an error of the school district’s, SEE IMPACT FEES, 6

Seth Truscott/Staff Photo

Ready to help customers at the self-check-out aisle, Roger Cleven, cashier at the North Bend QFC, has held just about every job, starting as a box boy, at the local supermarket since starting there at age 17. He was voted ‘Best Cashier’ in the Valley Record’s latest “Best of the Valley” poll.

Smile for the customers

30 years goes by fast behind the grocery counter for Roger Cleven, voted ‘Best Cashier’ BY SETH TRUSCOTT Editor

Roger Cleven has been working in the same building, for the same boss, for 30 years. And he is perfectly happy about it. Cleven, named best cashier in the Valley by readers in the Valley Record’s annual “Best of the Valley”


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Look inside to see your voting results!

Meeting of minds on school impact fees?

2 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation Benefit

Vision for education Carol Ladwig/Staff Photo

Staff Reporter

New partners, new programs, and the tale of a 1920s movie dog were highlighted at the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation’s annual fundraising luncheon Thursday, March 22. The dog, Rin Tin Tin, was the metaphor that keynote speaker Sandi Everlove used to illustrate the principles of, and need for, science, technology, engineering, and math (or STEM)-based learning in Washington. From his rescue as a puppy in 1922 Germany and his rise to stardom, to his impact on the relationships between people and their dogs today, Rin Tin Tin, Everlove says, represents STEM’s path from conception to implementation in increasing numbers of classrooms. Washington STEM (www.washingtonstem. org), where Everlove serves as Chief Learning Officer and interim CEO, has awarded nearly $3 million in funding for STEM programs, reaching nearly 16,000 students since its creation in March 2011, Everlove said. The organization hopes to make that number $100 million within 10 years, in part, because it has to. “We are literally a STEM-fueled state,” said Everlove, with fully 80 percent of today’s jobs in Washington today requiring STEM skills. That

Elementary Educator of the Year Elizabeth Cronin STORIES AND PHOTOS BY CAROL LADWIG

Joel Aune, left, and Carmen Villanueva flank Schools Foundation educators of the year Elizabeth Cronin, Tina Longwell, Jenny Foster and Dave Bettine. BY CAROL LADWIG

Making education ‘awesome’

C trend will continue, she notes. “It’s only going to get better if you’re a STEM person,” Everlove said. She commended the Snoqualmie Valley School District for the STEM work it’s already done, highlighted in a video showing some of the foundation-funded school projects of the past year, and gave examples of other teachers throughout the state doing similar work. A third grade teacher in Pasco, Wash., set out to discover why her students hated doing math – an informal survey revealed that most of them would prefer taking out the trash to doing their math homework, Everlove said. Using video cameras and other technology, she was able to spark her students’ interest in math, so much that they have now created videos teaching other students, and teachers, how to do algebra. “You are already the visionaries,” she told the audience, then encouraged them to hold another vision in their minds, of a student being truly engaged at school by what she’s learning, because of the opportunities they provided her. More than 200 people attended the event, which raised more than $80,000 for school projects.

Staff Reporter

ake, balloons, and a video camera coming through her classroom door were enough to make fourth-grade teacher Elizabeth Cronin pause a beat, but not enough to throw her off the day’s subject matter. “Do crayfish like cake?” she asked her excited students at Cascade View Elementary School. They had to think for a moment, then agreed that no, crayfish probably didn’t eat much cake. They all had cake though, with members of the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation, who surprised Cronin with the announcement that she’d been selected their 2012 Elementary Educator of the Year. The kids also got the thrill of being interviewed on-camera for a video to be shown at Thursday’s Schools Foundation luncheon. “This is so awesome!” one girl squealed, clasping hands with a friend. Awesome, yes; educational, maybe not in a strict sense, but Cronin found a teaching opportunity in the experience, (“I was just

Carol Ladwig/Staff Photo

Sharing a hug, Elizabeth Cronin of Cascade View is Elementary Educator of the Year. making sure that we got science in,” she said) and the memorable event helped with her main goal. “I tell my kids, ‘I want you to want to learn,’” she said, a few days after the excitement. She’d just said good-bye to her class for the day, getting (and giving) a hug, a handshake, or a high-five from each one of them, as their required “exit pass.” “It’s just my way of connecting with kids before they leave, having some positive interaction with

them,” Cronin explained, going on to list a couple of the secret handshakes her students have created to share with her. That individual interaction is so important, Cronin says, and it can be so difficult to achieve every day with 23 to 27 students in a room. She makes sure to celebrate their successes in the classroom, and really appreciates the parents and volunteers that “will do anything and everything,” for her class. SEE ‘AWESOME’, 7


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Listen, learn, repeat

Opstad’s own ‘Miss Tina’

Middle School Educator of the Year Dave Bettine


e says it in such a matterof-fact way, you might think you misheard Dave Bettine, talking about an afterschool project some of his eighth graders are working on. “We’re trying to launch this thing into space,” says Bettine, a math teacher at Twin Falls Middle School. Yes, outer space, 120,000 feet up, in fact, and Bettine credits the students with doing most of the work to get it there. He ticks off the list of their accomplishments: “They’ve done all the research… from weather patterns to flight paths of commercial and military aircraft, and the geography of ‘ok, where are we going to launch this, and what are our chances of retrieving it?,’ and they did the entire telemetry package inside… ‘we don’t want to just take a picture, we want to take live pictures, and send them back realtime,’” he explained. This project is doing for 10 students what Bettine, recently named the 2012 Middle School Educator of the Year, sets out to do every day for the 130 eighth graders he teaches. That’s to make math interesting, relevant, and even safe. Bettine often talks about the

DAVE BETTINE “safety net” it’s his job to provide for his algebra, pre-algebra, and math enrichment students. “The one thing they lack so much of is not the ability to do it, but the confidence to try to do it,” he said. “You have to make sure they understand it’s OK to not be right all the time.” Strange as that sounds, Bettine said, it’s true. Students want to get everything right, and they struggle when that doesn’t happen. Sometimes, they give up, he said,

Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 3

Classified Staff Member of the Year Tina Longwell


so “it’s important to model, ‘OK, what I did wasn’t right, or it didn’t work. I’ll try it again.’” Bettine’s 15-year teaching career is the result of his having the confidence (and “an understanding spouse!”) to try it again when, at age 40, he decided to change jobs. He’d been working as an operations manager for an automotive distribution company in Oklahoma, and wondering what kind of job might give him the same fulfillment he got from coaching his two sons, Sean and Taylor, in Little League. “I just really enjoyed being around the younger kids, and the energy that they provide,” he said. “They’re just little sponges, wanting to learn everything possible… ‘teach us, teach us, teach us!’” A favorite teacher from high school, Sue Campbell, had already set the example for him. Bettine said Campbell’s teaching got him through “arguably the toughest course” in college for first-year students, freshman composition. “She set me up for success,” he said. “I did well in (the class)… it made sense to me, the way she taught it.”

nly slightly breathless, an intent little girl explains to Tina Longwell in great detail how she scraped her knees at recess, and exactly why she needs not one, but two bandages. As the child zips around the corner to the nurse’s office, Longwell lets out the smile she had to suppress during the retelling. It’s a skill she’s had to learn during her four-plus years as the secretary/ registrar at Opstad Elementary School, not letting on how cute —and funny—kids are when they’re being so serious. Her devotion is one of the attributes that earned Longwell the title of 2012 Classified Staff Member of the Year from the Snoqualmie Valley Schools Foundation, and she was formally recognized at the foundation luncheon Thursday, March 22. Nominated by the public, the foundation’s Educators of the Year are chosen for their passion and influence in the classroom.

Kid talk “There are kids who say things, and sometimes, you just have to look away,” admits Longwell. Her colleagues in the school office nodded agreement.


Carol Ladwig/Staff Photo

Tina Longwell, a.k.a. “Miss Tina”, with some of the students who nominated her for classifed staffer of the year: Dawson Schneider, Brody Dawson, Sophie Himka, and Kameron Marenco. Miss Tina, as the students call her, was not expecting that particular challenge when she joined the Opstad school staff four and a half years ago. She had been managing a dental office for 19 years, but her hours got longer, and she wanted to spend more time at home with her youngest son, then in fourth grade at Opstad. She applied for a spot in the office, thinking it would be a simple desk job, managing attendance and enrollment, call-

ing parents when children have unexplained absences, registering Kindergarteners, and other paperwork. “I didn’t realize it was going to be as much hands-on working with the kids as it was,” she said, but that’s not a complaint. “I love it. I don’t think of it as a job. I get to come to work every day.” SEE SECRETARY, 7

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4 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record




Blood, sweat and rain Never-say-die Mount Si soccer team sends Patriots packing, ties with Skyline BY SETH TRUSCOTT Editor

Shred-A-Thon benefit at the Summit



Above: Seth Truscott/Staff Photo; Right, Photo by Calder Productions

Mount Si’s Kody Clearman, left, pushes past Liberty during a second-half drive on Tuesday, March 20. The Wildcats, on goals by Matt Eichler (pictured putting the ball in at right), Clearman and Alex Censullo, came from behind for a hard-fought win.


Brian Copeland’s triple threat MIT dreams coming true for Mount Si lineman, thrower Brian Copeland Appropriately, it was Pi Day— Wednesday, March 14—when Brian Copeland logged into the admissions website for the brainy Massachusetts Institute of Technology and got the message he was waiting for. “’You have been accepted,’” Copeland said. “I was really happy when I first saw it.” Copeland, who was a starting lineman for the Wildcats last fall, now gets his chance to play foot-

ball with the MIT Beavers, while pursuing a degree in theoretical physics. “It definitely takes off the weight of college—where will I go?” Copeland said. “Now it’s a new weight of paying for it, getting scholarships.” Copeland’s sports skills are balanced by his academic achievements. His standing as a National Merit Finalist undoubtedly helped in MIT’s decision, as they only accept 7 percent of applicants. He is excited to have the opportunity to pursue his three loves, football, math and physics, and is grateful to all his teachers and coaches who helped make this journey possible.

The six-foot-two Copeland played right tackle for the Mount Si football team. Last fall, he focused on his assignments for every single play, protecting from defensive ends on pass plays, blocking his man on runs. At college, he’s pondering whether he’ll wind up as a guard for the Beavers.

Track thrower In the meantime, Copeland’s keeping in condition on the Mount Si track team, where he is a fourth-year varsity hurler, showing others the ropes. SEE THREAT, 23

Seth Truscott/Staff Photo

Signing with the MIT, Mount Si’s Brian Copeland makes an impact on the gridiron and in the varsity throwing arena this spring.

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The Summit at Snoqualmie ski resort hosts its first Chill Foundation ski and snowboarding Shred-a-thon on Saturday, March 31. The competition raises funds to support the on-going efforts being made by Chill to provide opportunities for at-risk and underserved youth to build self-esteem and life skills through boardsports. Participants race to gain the most vertical height throughout the day. An award ceremony at the end of the day will give prizes for most vertical gains and most money raised. Sponsors will be hosting giveaways and a gear demo event, and the day ends with a big raffle. Lift tickets are free to anyone who raises $125 or more; other participant tickets are $35. Participants sign up online at

Resiliency paid off in the 60th minute of a dark and stormy soccer game for Alex Censullo. The junior and his fellow Mount Si boys soccer squad had spent the first half of a firgid Tuesday, March 20, home match against Liberty under pressure from the Patriots. Then, it was time for payback. Coming up from a 1-2 deficit and seeking goal opportunities left and right, Wildcat tenacity paid off. Junior midfielder Erik Stai fed a ball to Censullo, who cut across the Liberty keeper to put it away, eliciting cheers from a wellbundled crowd. “In the second half, we really took it to them,” Censullo said. “In the second, we were skilled. We finished a lot.”

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Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 5



Church leaders, it’s time to speak up

Letters to the Editor The Snoqualmie Valley Record welcomes letters to the editor. Letters should be 250 words or fewer, signed and include a city of residence and a daytime phone number for verification. The Record reserves the right to edit letters for length, content and potentially libelous material. Letters should be addressed to:

Letters to the Editor The Snoqualmie Valley Record PO Box 300, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 or email to Opinions expressed are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the position of the Snoqualmie Valley Record.


Given the recent comments in the Valley Record regarding marriage rights and how faith communities are approaching this, it would be very illuminating to find out more about the churches in or near the Valley that are so-called “welcoming” churches—churches who accept and welcome people regardless of sexual orientation (most seem to be Methodist, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Church of Christ, Episcopalian and Unitarian). I would like to hear more from local church leaders regarding their interpretation of God’s teaching. I’m not persuaded by selected Bible verses that seem to condemn homosexuality. Many quote Leviticus 20:13 (which I choose not to), but ignore many other verses in the same section that are obviously obsolete and no longer (or never were) meaningful. For example Leviticus 20:9 – “If anyone curses his father or mother, he must be put to death.” As long as there have been teenagers, that’s made no sense. Or Leviticus 25:44 – “Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves.” Can a chapter with advice on procuring slaves really be cited as the last word on proper human relations? There are numerous similar examples. For Christians, I believe the question isn’t answered by a few select verses, and focusing on these misses the point. It really comes down to believing in the central themes of the Bible: Love, acceptance, inclusion and forgiveness rather than judgment, fear, condemnation and exclusion. I am an occasional church-goer and have visited several area churches, and although I am not gay, I would not feel comfortable in a church community that felt it necessary to pass judgment on those who are. Dwight Hutchinson Snoqualmie

Fall City minister: Congregations are rising to courage I appreciate recent coverage that encourages respectful dialogue concerning the lives and rights of people with minority sexual identities. It’s especially notable to me how spiritually faithful people can reach such different conclusions in this arena. My own thrilling years as a follower of Jesus and student of the Bible have broadened my perspective and inspired a commitment to radical inclusiveness. As a United Methodist pastor, I’m so sorry that “Church” on the whole has a reputation for judging and excluding rather than embracing and affirming homosexual disciples. What a loss for those of us in the mainstream pew. I’m grateful for a number of congregations across many denominations who transcend that reputation, and

I’m heartened by the faith-full courage of those of every stripe who dare to become who they fully are. Lee Carney Hartman North Bend

What are McKenna, Inslee’s gun views? Both Attorney General Rob McKenna and Representative Jay Inslee want to become govenor of Washington state this coming November. But so far I haven’t heard either one of them speak out in regards to holding gun owners more accountable if they leave a loaded firearm lying around unsecured—and it’s used by someone else to wound or kill an innocent person, like we’ve all seen happen to young children here in the Puget Sound region these past three weeks. Jim Curtis North Bend

OUT of the


Thursday, March 26, 1987: Kirk

Whitcombe’s huge painting of an upsidedown U.S. flag on the side of This week in Pit in Valley history Goliath’s Carnation has gotten lots of attention, but violates city sign code. • Sno-Valley Eagles 3529 broke ground last week for a new building in Snoqualmie.

Thursday, March 29, 1962:

County officials including local commissioner Scott Wallace, Auditor A.J. Steen, and Planning Commission Director Ed Sands toured the Snoqualmie Tree Farm, Weyerhauser lumber mills and Tolt Dam last week, to learn get a firsthand look at the area’s economic drivers.

Publisher William Shaw

Editor Seth Truscott

Reporter Carol Ladwig

Should North Bend keep County, or hire Snoqualmie police?

Creative Design Wendy Fried

Advertising David Hamilton Account Executive Circulation/ Patricia Hase Distribution Mail PO Box 300, Snoqualmie, WA 98065 Phone 425.888.2311 Fax 425.888.2427 Classified Advertising: 800.388.2527 Subscriptions: $29.95 per year in King County, $35 per year elsewhere Circulation: 425.453.4250 or 1.888.838.3000 The Snoqualmie Valley Record is the legal newspaper for the cities of Snoqualmie, North Bend and Carnation. Written permission from the publisher is required for reproduction of any part of this publication. Letters, columns and guest columns do not necessarily reflect the views of the Snoqualmie Record. PROUD SUPPORTER OF SNOQUALMIE VALLEY HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, SNOQUALMIE VALLEY SCHOOLS FOUNDATION, ENCOMPASS, MOUNT SI HELPING HAND FOOD BANK

“I would lean toward it being easier to coordinate between the two towns, to have one police department.”

“I need to find out more, so I can make an informed decision, but I don’t have any complaints about the services we have now.”

“I think it’s a great idea. You get to know the officers better, and I’m a true believer in the officers and the community being friendly.”

“I’m pretty happy with the county. I know several of the guys. I don’t know any of them in Snoqualmie.”

Tamara Aaltonen North Bend

Scott Seymour North Bend

Diane Fitton North Bend

Dale Larson North Bend

6 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record

IMPACT FEES FROM 1 both cities are expected to approve the amendments. If they do so, both will begin collecting the impact fees on new development, as stated in the district’s 2011 capital facilities plan, $8,504 per single-family home, and $2,742 per multi-family unit. For North Bend, the new fees represent a small increase for single-family homes, and a small decrease for multi-family units. The city has been collecting impact fees of $8,140 and $3,252 since 2011, but did not adopt the 2012 fee, because of concerns over the district’s failed bond measures in February and April 2011. For Snoqualmie, the new fees will more than triple. Since 2010, Snoqualmie has been collecting $2,687 per single-family home, and $1,033 per multi-family unit. When presented with the school district’s 2010 capital facilities plan proposing the dramatic increase for 2011, Snoqualmie’s council balked. Mayor Matt Larson said the depressed housing market in Snoqualmie, and therefore the city’s real estate excise tax revenue, would suffer from the fee increase, and suggested delaying action on the fee until the school district passed its planned bond for a new


middle school. The middle school bond failed twice, and Snoqualmie continued collecting the old fees. Is there any way for the school district to recoup the estimated $500,000 or more that the district didn’t receive due to the lower fees collected? No, Ryan Stokes, district business services director, “It’s just going forward.” Councilman Bob Jeans attended the school board meeting, and told board members he thought his fellow councilmen would be satisfied with the amendments. The amendments were developed over several months of discussion with the Snoqualmie City Council. Negotiations began after the board began considering the 2011 capital facilities plan, with its single-family home fee increase last May. During that discussion, several board members expressed frustration about the city of Snoqualmie’s position, saying a specific indemnification was not necessary since it was already included in the interlocal agreement between the two entities. Board member Scott Hodgins wistfully suggested asking the city to implement a building moratorium until it began collecting the currentyear fees, too. Impact fees are a tax on new construction that school districts are empowered to charge to pay for new school capacity in anticipation of enrollment increases.

Asked why he stays, Cleven thinks for a moment. His first thought is the ease of a fiveminute commute to work. The next moment, he considers the people moving all around him, every day. “It’s great people,” he says. “Working with good people and serving great people.” Grocery store clerks, like anyone, have good days and bad. The job has its stresses, and cashiering is hard on your back and your feet, clerks say. Most customers are friendly, but there are always exceptions. A good clerk always has a friendly face for everybody, regardless of the attitude on the other side of the checkout stand. “You work through it, and keep a smile on your face,” Cleven said. “On occasion, people ask, ‘How come you’re always smiling?’ Well, talk to my wife and kids. They say I’m always smiling,” too. “Roger’s probably one of the most efficient guys we have around here,” said Weller. “He knows everybody. He’s made a lot of longtime, meaningful customer relationships, which is really important.” Cleven’s been a department head, managed, been on the night crew—“He’s pretty much done it all, except cut meat,” Weller said. The grocery industry, like most, has its changes. Cleven recalls the era when he started, before everything went digital. Clerks stuck price stick-

Cops FROM 1 597329

Including court costs, the public safety budget would have exceeded $600,000. An attempted levy lid lift failed by 30 votes in November,

ers on all the goods, then had the unmissed job of peeling them off every time there was a price change. In the 1980s, the cash registers were just that. Computers and scanners came later, as the IGA gave way to QFC, and three store remodels after that. Soon, locals can expect the North Bend QFC’s video rental aisle to give way to an automated rental machine. “There is always something new on the horizon,” Cleven said. Cleven is a true hometown resident. He went to school at North Bend Elementary, graduating from Mount Si High School in 1981. He more than flirted with the idea of doing something else—Cleven got his master’s degree in education by working nights, and did some substitute teaching for a while in the late 1990s and early 2000s, but ultimately redonned his apron back at the QFC. “I had so any years here,” he said. “It’s a lot of work here, but when I go home, I can be with the family, not thinking of planning lessons.” His family are wife Rachelle and two children, teen daughter Erika and son Jacob. He runs a mobile DJ service in his spare time. Today, Roger prefers the early shift, and you can catch him mornings at the QFC, usually ready to lend a helping hand and a smile alongside the self-checkout aisle, one of the newer innovations to hit local grocery stores. Times change, but some things go in cycles. Today, there’s another Cleven on the job at QFC. Roger’s daughter Erika is working weekends. “She’s the same age I was when I started,” he said.

leaving the council to debate how to proceed. After much discussion, they budgeted $474,098, and asked Carter to negotiate a new contract for police services, preserving coverage without exceeding the budget. The contract

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as approved will cost the city $453,883, about $20,000 less than budgeted. This allows the city a cushion against possible police salary increases in 2013. The contract includes 2.25 full-time officers to patrol the city, with another half-position for administrative issues. It does not detail other items the city is obligated to buy, for the shared use of the Carnation-Duvall Police Department, including a new bulletproof vest this year, and potentially a new car next year. Asked why the items weren’t in the proposed contract, Carter pointed out that the city had already gone two months without a contract, and said it might be possible that the city would not have to buy a car next year. One of the questions the city will have to ask at that time, he said, is “Is it fair for us to provide three cars, with this level of manpower?” None of the council were happy about voting to reduce police services, especially in light of recent break-ins in the area. A neighborhood watch is being considered.

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Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 7


Riding ‘round North Bend BETTINE FROM 3

“I think I’ve found my calling in life,” Bettine said. The family moved to the Valley 16 years ago, and Bettine took his first full-time teaching post at Snoqualmie Middle School, moving to Twin Falls in 2008 for the challenge of opening a new school. He’d always had an interest in math, so he knew he wanted to teach that subject, and he had an affinity for eighth graders. “They’re at that spot on the fence where they’re walking away from


Teaching became the obvious choice, so Bettine went back to school to get his teaching certificate, and then, while he was there, he earned a master’s degree in instructional technology. During that same time, his wife, Sheri, was pursuing her MBA, so it was often challenging for the young family. It has definitely paid off, however.

Photo by Mary Miller

Men’s collegiate-level riders cruise the streets of North Bend Sunday morning, March 25, on the second day criterion event of a University of Washington Cycling Team-hosted race. Men’s and women’s college and pro-level cyclists cruised Valley roads and a blocked-off section of downtown streets over the weekend.

childhood, but they’re not an adult yet… they’re testing where the boundaries are, but they still need that strong grasp on the past.” He helps them find that, and prepares them for success at the high school, by reminding them: “Here are those things that worked well for you in the past…. Don’t abandon those because you’re moving on to a different playing field.” After all, it’s what he did.

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Earlier in the day, a parent was helping one of her students with fractions while the majority of the class worked on the big milestone of long division. A few days before that, another parent sat down with a student who needed help with his reading skills, allowing Cronin to focus on a different subject. “That someone is willing to come in, take time out of their busy schedule, and read with a kid, is amazing,” she said. Having that extra help is invaluable. “It changes your teaching.” Cronin has known for a long time that she was going to be a teacher. “My mom is a teacher, and I just assumed that I would teach when I grew up,” she said. Her students, though, were always going to be younger than her mom’s ninth graders. “I have always loved kids, even when I was a kid,” she said, “I loved being around kids younger than me.” Although she’s taught, and enjoyed teaching several grades, and actually started as a third-grade teacher in the district at Snoqualmie Elementary School, Cronin especially enjoys teaching the fourth grade. “They are a little more capable at this age. They’re eager to learn, and … between third and fourth grade, there’s a shift in responsibility,” she said. “They’ll do things without it being an assignment, because they’re interested in it.” This year’s class is particularly special to her, she says, for their empathy and kindness, too. They lost a beloved classmate in January, a girl who felt lucky just to be at school, and whose gratitude affected her whole outlook on life. Her death affected them all deeply, as well as Cronin, who had an additional burden. “As a teacher, you have to be able to help each child move on from that grief,” she said. With a classroom exercise based on the book “The Invisible String” by Patrice Karst, she illustrated for her students how they could honor and remember their friend. They each in turn passed a string to one of their friends, creating a web in the classroom, representing their connections to each other and their classmate. It’s a lesson Cronin has learned well, but she already knew it. “You need to make each and every one of them feel special,” she said.

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Although she wasn’t entirely sure she’d have the patience for the job when she started, Longwell now sees her 540-some charges as the best part of her day. “I really love working with the kids,” she said. As much as they teach her, (Longwell says she learns something new every day) the kids also learn from her. “I just treat everybody like family, treat everybody with respect,” she said. “If you want kids to show respect, you’ve got to show respect, too.” Mostly, though, she says, “I try to let kids know that they can talk to me, that I want to help. If I can just make a difference in one child’s life…” She sighs, then adds that all the staff at Opstad does a great job of looking out for the students, which is why she said she’s “humbled by this award.” Informally, she’s already been crowned the “Queen of All Things,” with a construction paper crown ornamented with all of the things a school secretary has handy, courtesy of a Kindergarten teacher. She won’t wear it, but she proudly displays it on her desk. “There’s my Band-Aids, and rubber band, and staples, and a cotton swab,” she points out. Bandages and other medical supplies are a surprisingly large part of Longwell’s job, since she’s also the backup staffer when her friend Carol Ganning, the school nurse, is unavailable. “The blood and guts,” don’t bother her she said, but she makes it very clear “I don’t do well with critters, anything dead.” She shudders as Ganning reminds her of the time someone left a container of crawdads on her desk. Then they both recall another work story, “the shark bite!” Longwell said it happened several years ago. For show-and-tell, someone had brought a complete shark’s jaw to class, and as it was being passed around, it fell. One student grabbed for it, and cut open his hand on the still-sharp teeth, “so we had to fill out an accident report for a shark bite.” As the little girl with the skinned knees was getting cleaned up, Longwell fielded requests for computer support, tracked down the IT person, took a couple of calls and answered some e-mail. Then the child was ready to go back out for recess. Longwell looked up from her desk to make sure she knew the way. She did. “I know it, I know the way,” she said. “Just think, if I can get here right from recess, then I can sure find my way back!” After sending her off with a thank-you, Longwell looked back at her stack of Kindergarten registration forms, smiling. “And you have to be able to multi-task,” she said.

8 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record

Leisure Time returns to Center Stage with ‘Billy Dupree Show’ Join the cast and crew of a small radio station — KORK Radio, as they produce a live broadcast for the fictitious Leisure Time Soap company. In its fifth installment of the “Leisure Time” series, a satirical take on the radio shows of the 1940s, Valley Center Stage presents the “The Billy Dupree Show” for one weekend only. Shows are Friday and Saturday, March 30 and 31, at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are 12.50 for adults and $10 for seniors and students. The show is hosted by an Orson Welles wannabee, Billy Dupree. Along with his announcer, band leader, faithful sound effects man, and some strange guest stars, Billy


Moose Easter egg hunt at Si View 600039

Seeking information from anyone who worked at the Weyerhaeuser Lumber Mill in Snoqualmie, Washington during the 1940's.

stumbles through the show keeping to that old saying “the show must go on.” There are spoofs of old radio serials and commercials and musical numbers by the station’s songstress Rhonda Reeter, accompanied by band leader John Chmaj and his Chmabees. The cast includes Greg Lucas as Billy Dupree, Gary Schwartz as a hammy old time thespian with Robin Walbeck-Forrest as his equally dingy actress wife, actresssinger Kathy Roche Zujko plays the lovely warbler, Rhonda Reeter, Craig Ewing is the announcer, and Fred and Becky Rappin round out the cast and crew of KORK radio. The show is written by local playwright Jamie Gower with music by the Cascade Jazz Trio (performing as John Chmaj and the Chmajbees). Valley Center Stage has run “Leisure Time” shows since 2006. Valley Center Stage is located at 119 W. North Bend Way, in North Bend, on the second floor of the Masonic Lodge. For more information and tickets go to or call (425) 831-5667.

Please call Joe Zuar toll free 1-866-734-5291.

All youngsters are welcome at the Snoqualmie Valley Moose Lodge’s annual Easter egg hunt, 9 a.m. sharp Saturday, April 7, at the Si View Park in North Bend. This hunt is divided into four age groups so everyone gets a chance to grab candy-filled eggs. A complimentary breakfast follows at the Moose Lodge, 108 Sydney Ave..


See answers, page 23








































Difficulty level: 16











































Crossword puzzle

PUBLIC NOTICES PUBLIC NOTICE #598689 LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF CARNATION -NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARINGNOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Carnation City Council will hold a Public Hearing to receive public comment regarding a proposed ordinance amending Chapter 15.40 CMC Permissible Uses; amending the City’s Table of Permissible Uses to reclassify nursery, garden center and farm supply stores as outright permitted uses within the Service Commercial (SC) zoning district. The hearing will be conducted at the regular meeting of the Carnation City Council on April 3, 2012, at 7:00 PM or soon thereafter, in the Council Chambers at Carnation City Hall located at 4621 Tolt Avenue in Carnation. The hearing may be continued to subsequent City Council meetings. The hearing is open to the public. All persons wishing to comment on the proposed ordinance may submit comment in writing or verbally at the scheduled public hearing. The full text of the proposed ordinance will be available for public review during normal business hours after Thursday, March 29, 2012, from the city clerk at Carnation City Hall. It is possible that substantial changes in the proposed amendments may be made following the public hearing. This notice is published pursuant to CMC 1.14.010 & 15.100.040(B). CITY OF CARNATION Mary Otness, City Clerk Published in Snoqualmie Valley Record March 21, 2012 and March 28, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE #598850 Ole Cedar Mill Mini Storage North Bend, Washington 98045 NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE Notice is hereby given that the undersigned will sell by sealed bidding on the below stated day at the below stated time on the premises where said property has been stored. OLE CEDAR MILL MINI STORAGE 44800 S.E. North Bend Way North Bend, WA 98045

April 5, 2012 Bids will be taken for two days prior to sale dates, April 3, 2012 and April 4, 2012. Purchases must be paid for with cash only and paid for at the time of sale. All purchased goods are sold as is and must be removed at the time of sale. Sale subject to prior cancellation in the event of settlement between Landlord and obligated party. Published in the Snoqualmie Valley Record on March 21, 2012 and March 28, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE #600897 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 811 of the City of Carnation, Washington On the 20th day of March, 2012, the City Council of the City of Carnation, passed Ordinance No. 811. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARNATION, WASHINGTON, AMENDING CHAPTER 3.08 CMC DEPOSIT AND INVESTMENT OF FUNDS; ESTABLISHING RESTRICTIONS AND REPORTING AND REVIEW REQUIREMENTS FOR THE CITY’S FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND ESTABLISHING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 21st day of March, 2012. CITY CLERK, MARY OTNESS Published in the Snoqualmie Valley Record on March 28, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE #601762 The Snoqualmie Valley School District Board of Directors will hold a Work Session for the purpose of discussing the 2012-13 Expenditure Reduction Plan. The Work Session will take place on Thursday, April 12, 2012, 6:00-7:15 p.m. in the District Administration Office Boardroom located at 8001 Silva Ave. SE, Snoqualmie, WA. Published in the Snoqualmie Valley Record on March 28, 2012 and April 4, 2012.

PUBLIC NOTICE #600907 SUMMARY OF ORDINANCE NO. 812 of the City of Carnation, Washington On the 20th day of March, 2012, the City Council of the City of Carnation, passed Ordinance No. 812. A summary of the content of said ordinance, consisting of the title, provides as follows: AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF CARNATION, WASHINGTON AMENDING SECTION TWO OF ORDINANCE NO. 805 AND THE ADOPTED 2012 ANNUAL BUDGET OF THE CITY; AND PROVIDING FOR SUMMARY PUBLICATION. The full text of this Ordinance will be mailed upon request. DATED this 21st day of March, 2012. CITY CLERK, MARY OTNESS Published in the Snoqualmie Valley Record on March 28, 2012. PUBLIC NOTICE #600952 LEGAL NOTICE CITY OF NORTH BEND King County, Washington Notice is hereby given that the North Bend City Council at its March 20, 2012 City Council Meeting adopted the following Ordinance. The summary title is as follows: Ordinance No. 1452


PUBLIC NOTICES To place a Legal Notice, please call 253-234-3506 or e-mail


Across 1. Pie chart, for one 6. Kuwaiti, e.g. 10. “___ Smile” (1976 hit) 14. Scalawag 15. Pith helmet 16. Airy 17. Small, long-tailed Old World tropics lizard 18. Black mineral, MnO(OH) 20. Small bell-shaped bomb 22. Cold cuts, e.g. 23. Branch 24. As fast as possible (music) 26. “Flying Down to ___” 27. Balaam’s mount 28. “Dig in!” 29. Wanton 31. Boredom 33. “Cast Away” setting 34. Decorative handicraft and design (3 wd) 39. Particular, for short 40. Antipasto morsel 41. Male sheep 45. “Wheel of Fortune” buy (2 wd) 46. Telekinesis, e.g.

49. “To ___ is human ...” 50. Fertilization 53. Pilot’s announcement, briefly 54. Comparative word 55. Unsaturated alcohol 56. Power 59. About to explode 60. Coastal raptor 61. Antares, for one 62. Santa’s reindeer, e.g. 63. Medical advice, often 64. Ballyhoo 65. Demands

Down 1. Italian brandy 2. Ginger ___, dancer 3. Playing marbles 4. Cougars 5. Encourages 6. Store convenience, for short 7. Drifts 8. Pertaining to the temporary cessation of breathing 9. Having two spouses simultaneously 10. “My boy”

11. Beekeeper 12. Courtroom do-overs 13. Buttercup family member 19. Above 21. Goddess of the hunt 25. Bowl over 30. Abounding 31. Carve in stone 32. Altar avowal (2 wd) 34. Crack 35. Teaches new skills 36. The Kennedys, e.g. 37. Hard outer layer of cheese (pl.) 38. Science of flying planes 39. Carpet cleaner 42. New newts 43. Discuss again 44. Lean 46. Plagiarist 47. Covered with fine black carbon particles 48. Coastal features 51. Open, as a bottle 52. Third canonical hour 57. Undertake, with “out” 58. “... ___ he drove out of sight”


Best of Snoqualmie Valley Look inside to see your voting results!

A supplement to the Snoqualmie Valley Record

10 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Busy hands, purposeful life

For Best Volunteer Nels Melgaard, life is about activity, helping others BY SETH TRUSCOTT Editor

Nels Melgaard was staffing Sallal Grange’s Dairy Drive table at the North Bend QFC, as he’s wont to do on Tuesday evenings, when a woman approached and decided to help. Collecting basics like cheese and butter for the local food bank, Melgaard and fellow Grange volunteers also set out a little cash drawer, and passersby had dropped in a few five and ten-dollar bills. When the woman, who he didn’t know, dropped in a folded check, Melgaard thanked her and thought nothing of it until the end of their shift, when they counted the money. Unfolded, the check was made out for $500. “You know, you just don’t know,” Melgaard says, recounting the incident. Melgaard can still be surprised by local generosity, and he’d be the one to know, given the sheer amount of volunteer work the man does in the Valley. This month, Melgaard was named “Best Volunteer” by newspaper readers in the Valley Record’s “Best of the Valley” poll. Before that, he was the 2011 Citizen of the Year for North Bend. He’s an active Grange member, longtime volunteer for the Snoqualmie Valley Wrestling Club, highly active on a personal level helping others with substance abuse, and also connected and helpful to other local

efforts, such as North Bend’s downtown Block Party. A 16-year Valley resident, Melgaard is owner of The Nursery at Mount Si in North Bend, and is married to wife Anne; they have two sons, Wilkins, 16, and Christian, 12. As he explains it, his community service is a product of his upbringing, and his own itch to accomplish. “An idle mind and an idle body is dangerous,” Melgaard says. “I can’t sit still… In all things in life, the only way you keep what you have is by giving it away. What you put out comes back to you.” He credits his parents—father Paul, who died two years ago, and mother Marilynn, who lives in the Midwest—with inspiring a life of activity. “I had an example growing up,” he said. “My parents were involved with a lot of things, whether it was planning commission, city council.” Elected office isn’t really his thing, but as Melgaard says, “There is plenty to do.” Sallal Grange, which closed briefly after a long local history, re-opened thanks to the efforts of Melgaard and others to bring it back with a new, younger focus on music and families. Melgaard is humbled by the recognition. “People say, ‘So what are you going to do now?’ I go, ‘Nothing, that was last year. Someone else is going to be running it.’” To Melgaard, that anonymous Dairy Drive donation shows how easy it can be to make a difference. “If you’re not there, it’s out of sight and out of mind,” he says. “When people want to contribute, make it convenient for them, and they will step up.”

Seth Truscott/Staff Photo

Life is about being busy for North Bend’s Nels Melgaard. Tending plants at his business, the Nursery at Mount Si, Melgaard is active with Sallal Grange, youth wrestling, and other activities. He says it’s easy to get involved in your community, if the avenues are visible.

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Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 11

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Sno Falls Credit Union named Best Place to Work for second year We asked Valley Record readers to tell us which Valley business was the best place to work at. At the top of the list: Sno Falls Credit Union, the Snoqualmie-based union with

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Celebrating her 25th year with the credit union this February, Linda Trombley rose from being a teller to becoming a branch manager and loan officer. Sno Falls has invested in her career, and she is equally invested in the business on a personal level. A North Bend resident, Trombley is one of those lucky locals who are deeply connected to their hometown, where they live and work. At Sno Falls, we are community-chartered,” she said. “I’ve been able to move up, but I’m staying in our community.” “For me, it’s in the community where I have grown up. Our members are people that I know. There’s a connection with the community.” She also likes the atmosphere— “I’ve always enjoyed my coworkers... they’re generally community people, too.” Ian Rillios, a 19-year-old Fall City resident, took a job at Sno Falls’ Wildcat Branch as part of his accounting studies at Mount Si High School. He’s now working full time at the credit union. Rillios is translating that original part-time experience into a career. He loves the financial field, and is continuing his studies in finance. From the student job, “I just kept progressing, learning more stuff,” said Rillios. For him, the best part of the job is that “You keep learning, every single day.”


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12 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Spirit, mind and body Snoqualmie Valley YMCA named Best Organization to Join According to Dave Mayer, director of the Snoqualmie Valley YMCA, the Y’s mission is to build a community where all people, especially the young, are encouraged to develop their fullest potential in spirit, mind and body. “At the Y, strengthening community is our cause,” he said. “We do this intentionally with programs that center around youth development, healthy living and social responsibility. We work side-byside with our neighbors throughout the Snoqualmie Valley to help kids and families thrive—and apply their positive behaviors and goals at home, school, the workplace and beyond.” Seth Truscott/Staff Photo

Dave Mayer, founding director of Snoqualmie Valley YMCA, voted “Best Organization to Join” for 2012, said the Y helps build values and skills in young people.

Youth development “We believe the values and skills learned early on are vital building blocks for life,” Mayer said.

Being healthy means more than simply being physically active, Mayer says. It’s about maintaining a balanced spirit, mind and body. To date, nearly 2,800 people have joined the local Y, said Mayer, who anwered the following questions about the organization:

How are you connecting with families and children? We are connecting with families by bringing them together in a community environment where they can interact with each other in a healthy and positive setting. Families have the opportunity to play basketball, go on a hike, take a group exercise class and just have fun with each other on a day-to-day basis through engaging programs. Kids are connected through a variety of youth and teen programs like After Zone (for teens) and Kids University (school-age children). They have the ability to get a

youth fitness orientation, participate as a volunteer and have fun playing dodge ball in the gym. We also give parents the opportunity to get a great workout in and take a class while their kids are cared for in our free Kids Zone Care where great staff keep them safe and have fun!

What does the future hold for the Snoqualmie Y? We are looking forward to our first full summer and all the great programs and activities that go along with that. We have an array of summer programs that parents can check out at or stopping in at the branch. We are also looking forward to developing programs for preschool age children and getting our youth sports programs going. We will also be releasing “Get Outside with the Y” for some fun and interactive outdoor activities during the summer months that the whole community can be involved with. We will continue to hold focus groups to make sure we engage our community the right way with programs and activities.”

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Best of Snoqualmie Valley


Hair Salon


Winner: Ty Olson-Ty’s Handyman

Finalists: Gavin Black Handyman Services, Mr. K’s Construction

Home Cleaning Services

Individual Real Estate Agent

Winner: David Cook

Finalists: Tessa Wyrsch, Monica Antone/Karin Ayling

Real Estate Agency

Winner: John L. Scott North Bend Finalists: Cook Real Estate Services, Cascade Team

Financial Services

Winner: Sno-Falls Credit Union

Finalists: Edward D. Jones Chris Bruntz Agency, Jeff Warren State Farm

Tax Preparation

Winner: Lisa Cole and Associates Finalists: Krona and Krona, H and R Block North Bend

Insurance Agency

Winner: Kevin Hauglie Farmers Insurance Finalists: Jeff Warren State Farm Insurance, Ken Rustad State Farm Insurance

Storage Facility

Winner: David Cook

Winner: Encompass

Finalists: Acacia Spa and Salon, Studio 202 Salon

Finalists: Chris Garcia/Charles Peterson, Bob Jeans

Finalists: Mount Si Helping Hand Food Bank, YMCA of Snoqualmie

Nail Salon

Winner: Diamond Nails

Finalists: Snoqualmie Nails, North Bend Nails


Winner: Mary J. Miller

Finalists: Brenda Huckle Photography, Photography by Joy/Joy Hoffman-Baunsgard


Senior Care

Winner: Red Oak

Finalists: Mt. Si Senior Center, Sno-Valley Senior Center

Physical Therapist

Winner: Peak Sports Physical Therapy Finalist: North Bend Physical Therapy

Massage Practitioner

Winner: Heathar Ryan

Finalists: Kendra Gudz, Nicole Braithwaite


Winner: Brad Kaasa

Finalists: Jill Massengill, Snoqualmie Ridge Chiropractic


Winner: Snoqualmie Ridge Storage

Winner: Dr. Maurice Doerfleur

Finalists: Ole Cedar Mill, Cascade Heated Storage

Finalists: Dr. Mary Lambe, Dr. Dean Steele



Winner: Birches Habitat

Winner: Dr. Carson Calderwood

Finalists: ACE Hardware North Bend, Selah Gifts

Finalists: Dr. Kelly Garwood, Dr. James Browning



Automotive Service

Winner: North Bend Automotive

Finalists: Chaplins North Bend Chevrolet Service Dept., Model Garage

Service Station

Winner: Wyrsch’s Shell (North Bend) Finalists: Gateway Gas and Deli Shell, Safeway of North Bend

Law Firm

Winner: Brown Sterling

Finalists: Pearson Law Firm, Law Offices of David G. Speikers


Winner: Snoqualmie Ridge Veterinary Hospital/Dr. Robert Nadell Finalists: North Bend Animal Clinic, Dr. Mike Treuting

Pet Grooming

Winner: U Dirty Dog

Finalists: Snoquamie Valley Pet Parlor, Mt. Si Pet Salon

Local Non-Profit

Winner: Bella Vita Spa and Salon

Winner: The Cleaning Authority

Finalists: ELF Home Services, Northwest Premium Services (Louise Wall)

City Councillor

Reader’s choice awards: winners & finalists

Store Owner

Winner: Shelly Woodward/Selah Gifts Finalists: Steve and Nancy Wray-Birches Habitat, Wendy Thomas and Brian Woolsey-Carmichael’s Hardware/Bill Weller-QFC

Grocery Store

Winner: North Bend QFC

Finalists: Snoqualmie Ridge IGA, North Bend Safeway

Grocery Store Cashier

Winner: Roger Cleven-QFC

Finalists: Ahmed at Safeway, Silvia at Safeway

Police Officer

Winner: Sean Absher/Snoqualmie Finalists: Chief Mark Toner/North Bend, Chief Jim Shaeffer/Snoqualmie


Winner: Darby Summers

Finalists: Brian Busby, Kelly Gall/Bob Venera


Winner: Alan Tepper

Finalists: Dawn Roberts, Eric Goldhammer

City Employee

Winner: Gina Estep/North Bend Finalists: Ken Hearing/North Bend, Tom Meagher/ North Bend

Community Volunteer

Winner: Nels Melgaard

Finalists: Chris Garcia, Geoff Doy

Food and Entertainment Best Place for Coffee

Winner: Starbucks Snoqualmie Finalists: Huxdotter Coffee, Toads

Best Place for Dessert

Winner: Scott’s Dairy Freeze



Winner: North Bend Montessori

Finalists: Encompass, Mount Si Montessori

Place of Worship

Winner: Snoqualmie Valley Alliance Finalists: Our Lady of Sorrows, Church on the Ridge

Place to Work

Winner: Sno-Falls Credit Union Finalists: Snoqualmie YMCA, Frankies Pizza

Fitness venue

Winner: Mt. Si Sport + Fitness Finalists: Snoqualmie YMCA, Ridge Fitness

Local farm

Winner: Fall City Farms

Finalists: Full Circle Farms, Nursery at Mt. Si


Finalists: George’s Bakery, Boxley’s

Best Hamburger

Winner: Scott’s Dairy Freeze

Finalists: North Bend Bar and Grill, Herfy’s Hamburgers-Snoqualmie

Best Pizza

Winner: Frankies Pizza

Finalists: Uncle Si’s Pizza, Sahara Pizza

Best Restaurant

Winner: North Bend Bar and Grill Finalists: Boxley’s, Ana’s Mexican Restaurant

Best International Cuisine

Winner: C.C.Thai

Finalists: Got Rice, Ana’s Mexican Restaurant

Best Brunch

Winner: Woodman Lodge

Finalists: Salish Lodge, North Bend Bar and Grill

Place for a Family Outing

Winner: Rattlesnake Lake Park

Finalists: Snoqualmie Falls, Remlinger Farms, Northwest Railroad Museum


Winner: E.J. Roberts

Finalists: Centennial Fields, Rattlesnake Lake Park

Kid’s Activity

Winner: Kidz Bounce in Preston Finalists: Si View Community Center, Snoqualmie YMCA

Golf Course

Winner: Mt. Si Golf Course

Finalists: Cascade Golf Course, TPC Snoqualmie Ridge


Valley Event

Winner: Festival at Mt. Si

Finalists: Snoqualmie Railroad Days, North Bend Block Party

Organization to Join

Winner: Snoqualmie YMCA

Finalists: Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce, Rotary Club of Snoqualmie Valley/Kiwanis Club of Snoqualmie Valley (tie)

Best Bar

Winner: The Pour House

Finalists: North Bend Bar and Grill, Finaghty’s Irish Pub

Best Happy Hour

Winner: Finaghty’s Irish Pub Finalists: Boxley’s, Pourhouse

Best Live Music

Winner: Boxley’s

Finalists: Finaghty’s Irish Pub, Sliders in Carnation/ Black Dog in Snoqualmie

Unique Gifts

Winner: Birches Habitat

Finalists: Selah Gifts, Millers in Carnation


Best Romantic Place

Winner: Salish Lodge and Spa Finalists: Boxley’s, Woodman Lodge

Local ‘National Treasure’

Winner: Snoqualmie Falls

Finalists: Mount Si, Rattlesnake Lake/Ledge Cover photo by Danny Raphael

I interact with the public on many levels and enjoy it very much. Our economic development and city planning efforts have created a number of volunteer community based committees that ultimately include more than 50-plus volunteers. All of these volunteer groups are the backbone to North Bend’s economic and planning successes. The successes the City of North Bend has seen in the past five to 10 years is a result of all these volunteer efforts and community support.

How does growth help your city? Economic growth that builds and strengthens the city’s goals, vision and character enables and strengthens a healthy economic atmosphere and most importantly

I truly enjoy community development. Helping a city grow or progress in a

What might locals not understand about your line of work?

City planning touches almost every aspect of the city from economic development to community programs down to the smallest detail of urban design, such as sidewalk look and feel.

Best of the Valley 2012 “Thank you for your votes in the ‘Best of the Valley’ and 14 years of Loyal Support!” ~ The NBBG crew


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Thank you, Snoqualmie Valley, for voting the Northwest Railway Museum one of the three best places for a family outing in the Valley! Day Out With Thomas™ tickets go on sale to Valley Residents April 18. 601462


How do you interact with residents?

The hardest part: It seems there’s never enough time in the day.

What keeps you doing this job?

smart, healthy and sustainable manner is fun.


“Thank you for voting for us as Best Store Owner, Best Unique Gifts, and Best Retailer” “We sincerely appreciate your votes!”

• • • • • • •

Nursery & Garden Center Lawn & Landscape Paint & Sundries Thank you Sporting Goods Pet Supplies for voting Hardware for us! Much More!


North Bend’s Gina Estep, the community and economic development director for the city, was voted Best City Employee in the Valley by Record readers. We asked Estep to share her thoughts on what it means to work for the people, promoting growth and her community.

What’s the hardest part of your job? Most satisfying?

The most satisfying: The people. I love working with the citizens and business owners to help ensure we realize North Bend’s long term vision and economic potential.


North Bend’s Gina Estep is Best City Employee

,lays the foundation for additional economic growth by building and growing desirability to invest in North Bend, live in North Bend and visit North Bend.

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14 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Darby Summers is Valley’s Best Firefighter

2001. He is also certified as an EMT and a Swiftwater Rescue Swimmer. Summers and Absher Snoqualmie firefighter were both involved in the Darby Summers let out dangerous rescue last May a cheer when he learned of Lynsey Grennan, who got caught in that he was voted the Snoqualmie Best Firefighter River’s current by Valley Record when she tried to readers this year. rescue her fiance. “That’s aweSummers grabbed some!” he said, a life vest and but he was even jumped into the more excited current to help the to hear that his friend, Snoqualmie DARBY SUMMERS woman, whose strength was flagPolice Officer Sean ging. Absher, while not Absher, was again chosen dispatched to the incident, Best Police Officer. “He deserves it. He’s my was on the riverbank, waitfavorite cop and a good ing to pull them both to guy,” said Summers, who safety. “That guy goes above and has been a full-time firebeyond. Seeing Sean on the fighter with the Snoqualmie Department since Jan. 1, shore with his throw bag

in May of last year, was a heavy moment in my life,” Summers said. “If anyone deserves a ‘best’ category, it’s that guy.” Summers received a Medal of Valor from the city for the rescue, and Absher received a Medal of Merit. Although he was on vacation last week, Summers took some time to answer a few questions about his work.

What made you become a firefighter? I ended up in this line of work because I love helping people. My parents were always quick to jump in and help someone in need, and I learned early on not to just drive by someone who

needed help. I was a volunteer firefighter for two years before I got hired and I was hooked….I should probably think about moving up in my career but I’m happy with my duties and have a lot of pride in what I do. I’d much rather be in harm’s way than order someone else to do it.

they are my world. I live right here in Snoqualmie with my girlfriend, Nicole, who is also a volunteer firefighter and EMT. We spend most of our time raising the boys and try to spend our free time in the outdoors. We love rock climbing and find our solace up in the mountains.

You’re a genuine hero to a lot of people. Who were your heroes in life?

What’s the best part about working in Snoqualmie?

We have a great group of firefighters in this city. I’d still be volunteering if I didn’t get hired full time. Living in the community that I work in means a lot to me, this is my hometown. I love my job. This acknowledgement means a lot, too, as it comes from the folks of the community I serve. It’s a real honor. • Learn more about the Snoqualmie Fire Department at www.


There are some awesome firefighters in Snoqualmie, Fall City and North Bend, many of whom I grew up looking up to.

I would like to thank you for voting for me in the category of Best City Councilor. This is a very humbling honor as all of the people who serve our cities in this capacity are extremely dedicated and hard working. I truly appreciate this honor and will strive to improve my performance to move the City of North Bend and the entire Snoqualmie Valley forward in the years to come.

How do you relax, with such a stressful job? I have two busy little boys who I call my men! Hunter is 4 and Caiden is 7, and

~ Chris Garcia

Kiwanis Club of Snoqualmie Valley

Thank you for voting for us in the Best of the Valley! serviNg the valley




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Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 15

16 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Best of the Valley 2012

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Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 17

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Gregory Malcolm, Encompass executive director, and Dick Ryon, Encompass emeritus board member, hold a 45th anniversary cake at a March 1 reception at Rock Creek Ridge Clubhouse in North Bend. The event had a reunion atmosphere, as many attendees had not seen each other in decades. Current and former board members and executive directors attending the reception were: (back row, from left) Joe Reinert, David Piper, Ken Heikkila, Will Ibershof, John Tedeschi and Steve Weaver; (middle rows, from left) Rosanne Zemp, Aleena Schneider, Nancy Whitaker, Monica Antone, Jane Ellen Seymour, Joellen Monson, Becky Kitz, Katherine Ross, Debby McGrath, Chelley Patterson, John House, Kevin Haggerty, Marcia Bennett-Reinert, Sheila Hunter, Adair Truman, Jane Danforth Koser, Jan Palmeter, Mary Loop and Linda Lentgis; (front rows, from left) Pepper Schwartz, Pat L Bohan, Rhonda Ender, Elaine Weber, John Castle and Rudy Edwards; (kneeling, from left) Malcolm and Ryon.

Established in 1966 with a specific mission—to nurture children, enrich families and inspire community—Encompass preschool today has spread from the Snoqualmie Valley to Issaquah, Sammamish and the Greater Eastside. Encompass is a preschool, but it’s also much more than than that, say the people behind the organization. According to Executive Director Gregory Malcolm, Encompass programs nurture both the typical children and those who are developmentally challenged, enriching families from all walks of life and inspiring community. Encompass was voted “Best Local Non-Profit” in the Best of the Valley poll. Below, Malcolm answered questions on Encompass success, vision and draw:

What makes Encompass successful? The inspirational Encompass mission, the expertise, passion and dedication of staff to execute the mission and the deep and longstanding support of our thousands of program participants (especially parents and other caregivers of children), financial and in-kind donors, volunteers and others in the communities we serve. This support is especially important and heartwarming in the midst of our 45th anniversary year.

What’s something about Encompass that most folks around may not know? Many in the communities we serve are familiar with one or two of our programs and services, but often they do not realize the wideranging breadth of our offerings, from nationally accredited preschool to therapy for all ages of children with speech, motor and other developmental challenges, from parenting workshops and one-on-one coaching to Family Nights and a Childcare Co-op, from an imaginative array of summer camps and enrichment classes to support and advocacy for families in need. Also, many do not know that everything we do is evidence-based – in other words, has been proven successful by studies in other settings. In addition, some do not know that we have programs for parents of middle-school-age children and older, from Super Sitters to a Camp Assistant Training Program. Some do not understand that we serve families from all walks of life. Specific developments, of which many may not be aware, include:

Ty Olson


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How can others get involved?

We are both proud and humbled by this distinction, and we are deeply grateful for the vital support of the communities we serve.


Mount Si Fish and Game Club

It is no secret that, even in this difficult economy, the Snoqualmie Valley, Issaquah, Sammamish and the greater Eastside are growing by leaps and bounds. With this growth comes a growing need for programs to serve children, families and their communities. In planning for the future, our staff and board are standing on the shoulders of giants who foresaw the need to build facilities, staff and programs to fulfill our mission. We are indebted to this legacy in succeeding in an economic climate during which other nonprofits are struggling, and we are moving forward in enhancing our facilities, staff and programs in ways that serve our growing and changing communities and ensure our sustainability.

How does it feel to be selected as Best Non-profit?

NO JOB TOO SMALL!!! Trim • Carpentry Dry Wall • Painting Tile • Home Repairs Remodels • Etc.

Home: 425-888-1289 Cell: 425-417-7697

What does the future hold for Encompass?

Avenues for involvement abound. You can come and tour Encompass, volunteer your time and talents. We have opportunities that fit all needs and desires. You can attend a fundraising event. The two listed above (“Dream with Me” Spring Gala and SipFest) are right around the corner. You can also visit our website,, and our Facebook page, learn about our wide-ranging slate of workshops and activities and sign up for one. Or, drop in anytime during weekday business hours and encourage others to do so.


“Voted Best Handyman 2011”


‘Best Nonprofit’ Encompass helps children from all walks of life grow their potential

Ty’s Handyman Service

Adult-$7, Seniors and Kids under 12-$5



Nurturing the future

• The opening in fall 2011 of two new sites—Encompass Downtown North Bend at 209 Main Ave. S., and Encompass Issaquah in Blakely Hall in the Issaquah Highlands—to augment our main campus at 1407 Boalch Ave. N.W., North Bend. • The expansion in fall 2012 of our Monday-throughWednesday preschool program to Thursdays and Fridays. • The enhancement of our volunteer program that is leading to enhanced recruitment, training and retention of those contributing their time and talents on behalf of Encompass. • The launch of a groundbreaking, four-part Parenting Counts workshop series, developed by the Talaris Institute, at Swedish Issaquah starting this May. • The growth of our new Social Skills Groups and the launch of two classes (“Feeding 101” and “I Have a Picky Eater”) in May, all for parents of young children. • Two high-profile spring events that this year are geared to our 45th anniversary: the “Dream with Me” Spring Gala on Saturday, April 21, at The Golf Club at Newcastle, and SipFest on Friday, May 18, at Historic Pickering Barn in Issaquah. These events provide support that is crucial to our sustainability.


401 Ballarat Avenue North Suite 204, North Bend

new location

18 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


Behind the lens

Staff Reporter

You’ve probably seen her at many local events, but didn’t recognize her behind a camera. A North Bend resident for 20 years, Mary Miller loves photographing the Valley and its residents, and has recently written her first in a series of books, capturing the images of the area. Miller is the owner and operator of Mary Miller Photography, with a studio in ZO home, downtown North Bend, and she is the Valley’s choice for Best Photographer.

“I laugh as often and as hard as I work.”

I moved into the Valley in 1992 to start our family. I fell in love with the area, its beauty, and the variety of people I met from all walks of life. I love the Valley communities and the uniqueness of each town and its people within such a diverse region.

How did you get your start in photos? I began as a student at Michigan State University, 32 years ago, working as a staff photographer for a 45,000-circulation daily publication. I was Photo Editor as a senior and then shot for the Lansing State Journal. The experience of stepping out into the world with the camera as my tool, changed me forever... Afterwards, it was off to Los Angeles and freelancing for years, from architectural imagery to portraiture.

What is your favorite subject matter to photograph? I have long said, “all people, places, things I love.” This is part of the reason why I enjoy freelancing. But, I do love the challenge of a subject that stretches me in a direction I never saw coming. Sometimes, as professionals, we can’t control all the elements, but I continue to endlessly hone my skills to roll with the moment, and the atmosphere around me. I recently met Annie Liebovitz, probably the most

How does it feel to be chosen the best by your community? It is a complete privilege and honor to be selected by the community. I see the world around me with a joyous eye. Working each and every day with integrity, and respect is important to me. I am community-driven, a relationship-nurturing embracer of positivity and supportiveness in other businesses, ultimately celebrating all our successes. What a huge gift to hold to, and I am so grateful.

What would people be surprised to learn about you?

A self-portait of Mary Miller, voted best photographer by Record readers.


The Snoqualmie Valley Chamber of Commerce's March After Hours event celebrates the local silver screen. The Wednesday, March 28, After Hours will be held in the lobby of the historic North Bend Theatre, 125 Bendigo Blvd., in North Bend. Participants will be able to party in the lobby and — as an added bonus — watch the big screen showing of “The Hunger Games” at 7 p.m. Admission to the movie will be discounted to $5 for After Hours attendees, Walker said. Those who don't want to see the movie, but want to stay and network can visit Walker's adjacent business, Emerald City Smoothie. After Hours is held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. Cost is $10 for members; $15 for non-members. RSVP at www.snovalley. org or 888-6362.

Snoqualmie Valley

Places of Worship

Kenneth Richard Benden Kenneth Richard Benden “Sarg”, 72, passed on March 14, 2012. He is survived by his wife, Ursula J. Benden and their five children. Please see www. for an expanded obituary.

A church for the entire vAlley Join us at our new DT Snoqualmie location

8086 Railroad Ave. SE


Mass Schedule

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Rocky (Keith) Bentley Rocky (Keith) Bentley, owner of Rocky’s Pizza in Fall City, passed away at age 90 on March 15, 2012. He was born July 29, 1921 in Halifax Canada. He was pre-deceased by his beloved second wife, Kay, two sisters and his parents. He leaves his beloved friend, Bonnie Bissell.Thanks to Betty and Chris Connors, all at the firehouse (his second home), and to Fall City, a place he was proud to call home. He is survived by family and friends that will remember this badger of a guy who spoke his mind, loved his dogs, and had a good heart.

Mass at St. Anthony Church, Carnation. Sundays at 9:30am. Spanish Mass at 6pm every 4th Sunday 425-333-4930 •

Mount Si Lutheran Church

411 NE 8th St., North Bend Pastor Mark Griffith • 425 888-1322

Sunday Worship: 8:15 a.m. Traditional, 10:45 a.m. Praise Sunday School/Fellowship 9:30-10:30 a.m.

Please contact church offices for additional information

Dir., Family & Youth Ministry – Lauren Frerichs “Like” us on Facebook – Mt. Si Lutheran Youth


I worked as a forensic photographer for the East Lansing Police Department while in college. That one job made me see that humor can be used to relieve stress to all those around, even the photographer. I laugh as often and as hard as I work to this day!

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Joseph Edgar Busser

Joseph Edgar Busser, age 92, died March 18, 2012 in Monroe, WA. He was born June 4, 1919 in Port Blakely, WA. Joseph was preceded in death by his loving wife Thora and his brothers Sid and Peter. He is survived by his three daughters Bonnie Anderson, Beverlie Preston, Karen Tourangeau, his brother Alvin “Bud” (Pat) Busser, by his sister Caroline Main, by his grandchildren, great-grandchildren,

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many nieces and nephews. A Memorial Service will be held on Friday March 30th, 2012 @ 1:00pm at Purdy & Kerr w/Dawson Funeral Home in Monroe, WA. Please visit for additional information.

Give the the gift gift of of Give financial strength. strength. financial



What’s your backstory?

Theatre, Smoothie, ‘Hunger Games’ on Chamber tour

To place a paid obituary, call Linda at 253.234.3506 All notices are subject to verification.

Photo Here Photo Here

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The Snoqualmie Valley School District will host a community e-meeting Thursday, March 29, at 7 p.m., to provide an update on the school district’s budget planning. The online meeting will be available at www.svsd410. org/districtinfo/E-Meetings/Live.asp at the scheduled time. Particpants will be asked to sign in, and will be able to type questions during the audio presentation. People interested in listening but unavailable during the e-meeting can sign up and listen to a recording of the presentation later.


‘Best Photographer’ is North Bend’s Mary Miller

influential female photographer of my generation, while in Seattle at her book-signing. She inspired me … Although, I have had the opportunity to photograph people of fame and notoriety through the years, she was a ‘mentor’ as far back as my childhood . . . It is how I hope to relate to people that has grown deeper with maturity and time in the art. It is that part of the art that is compelling and partly the reason why I feel more passionate than ever about doing what I do, the way I am able to do it. Photography has changed so much through the years but you have to find your own way to relate with your subject, Mary Miller, releasing judgcreating Photographer ment, ultimately your own style, no matter who or what it may be. I love my career and I believe you can create your happiness, personally and professionally.

District to discuss budget challenges in e-meeting Thurs.

Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 21

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22 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record


ON THE SCANNER North Bend Sheriff



VANDALISM: At 12:17 p.m., an officer on patrol found fresh graffiti drawn in green ink on the sign to the men’s room of a park building in the area of McClellan and Ballarat.

CLEANING LATE: At 11:12 p.m., police received a complaint from a resident in the 34900 block of Southeast Kinsey Street, about a loud pressure washer operating in the 7300 block of Center Boulevard. An officer contacted the operators and warned them about the noise ordinance, but let them finish their job, since they were almost done. INTOXICATED DRIVER: At 2:05 a.m., an officer saw a vehicle just driving away from the area of Southeast River Street and Southeast Silva Street and followed it as it made erratic maneuvers. He stopped the car and the driver had a Washington ID card, but not a valid driver’s license. He appeared confused and intoxicated and predicted that his breath sample would be over the legal limit. It was, and he was cited and booked into jail.

MONDAY, MARCH 19 STOLEN TRUCK: At 9:07 a.m., a caller reported her vehicle stolen from her home in the 500 block of Ogle Avenue. The victim stated that she’d parked the vehicle on the gravel shoulder of the road. She’d left the door unlocked, and several items belonging to her boyfriend were inside the vehicle when it was stolen.

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THWARTED: At 4:25 p.m., security staff at a business in the 400 block of South Fork Avenue contacted police about a suspected shoplifter. The subject was verbally abusive to store staff and began trying on shoes. He never left the store, but store staff members said two of his friends drove away when the King County Sheriff ’s cars arrived at the store.

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WINDOWS SHOT: At 7:15 p.m., officers responded to a call from a vandalism victim. The woman said she’d parked her vehicle in the 45500 block of Southeast North Bend Way at around 4:30 p.m. the previous day, and got a ride home that night. When she returned to her vehicle around 12:30 p.m., she found that someone had shot the windows out with a BB gun.









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Snoqualmie Police

SUNDAY, MARCH 18 SEARCH: At 1:39 p.m., Snoqualmie Police were asked to assist the Sammamish Police Department in locating a possibly suicidal subject, who’d quit his job and had begun closing accounts. A signal check on his cell phone placed him in the 7300 block of Heather Avenue Southeast but officers could not locate him. They also checked the area of Snoqualmie Falls. ASSISTANCE: At 12:54 a.m., a driver called police to report that an older man with white hair had been standing on the road at Snoqualmie Parkway and Southeast Jacobia Street, signalling for her to stop. The intoxicated man was given a ride home.


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MAMMOGRAMS: Swedish mobile mammography coach will visit Mount Si Senior Center COMMUNITY NETWORK: Board meeting is 6:30 p.m. in the Riverview School District boardroom. TALES: Pajamarama Story Time is 6:30 p.m. at the North Bend Library; young children are welcome with an adult. STUDY ZONE: Teens can drop in for free homework help at 4 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Library and 7 p.m. at North Bend Library.

TAX HELP: AARP Tax-Aide volunteers can help prepare your basic return, 10 a.m. at North Bend Library. COMPUTER HELP: Get extra help on the computer with volunteer assistance, 1 p.m. at North Bend Library. TALES: Young Toddler Story Time is 9:30 a.m. at the Snoqualmie Library. COMPUTER HELP: 6:30 p.m. at Fall City Library.

THURSDAY, MARCH 29 LIVE MUSIC: Open mic is 7 p.m. at Sliders Cafe, Carnation.

WWW.VALLEYRECORD.COM STUDY ZONE: Teens and children can drop in for free homework help at 4 p.m. at the North Bend Library and 5 p.m. at the Fall City Library. PLAY CHESS: Snoqualmie Valley Chess Club meets at 7 p.m. at the North Bend Library. Learn to play chess or get a game going. All ages and skill levels welcome.

FRIDAY, MARCH 30 VALLEY IDOL: Fourteen singers perform at Sno Valley Idol Junior Finals, 6 p.m. at Mount Si High School Auditorium. GAME ON: Teens can play video games at the North Bend Library, 3 p.m. GO DIGITAL WITH BOOKS: Learn about e-book digital down-

Snoqualmie Valley Record • March 28, 2012 • 23


loads at a demonstration, 1 p.m. at Fall City Library.


For Censullo, Tuesday’s wellfought win was about toughness, “scrapping out a game that we probably should have won a lot easier. But… a win’s a win.” It was Liberty who applied pressure in the first half. The Patriots got on the board first in the seventh minute with a quick rebound of a kick stopped by Wildcat keeper Hunter Malberg. Five minutes later, Mount Si’s Matt Eichler replied with the first Wildcat goal. A Mount Si foul gave Liberty a penalty kick at minute 21, and Patriot Josh Johnson found the net, making it 1-2 Cats entering the half. The rain never let up, but neither did the Wildcats. About 14 minutes into the second 40-minute half, Mount Si’s Kody Clearman evened the score on a pass from Censullo, paving the way for the winning goal a few moments later. For Censullo, resilience comes from being a team in which many if not most players have spent years on club teams together. “We’ve built up a lot of chemistry,” Censullo said. “We’re all good friends… You could see that in the second goal.”

RELAY FUNDRAISER: Dy-NoMites Relay for Life team dinner and auction is 5 p.m. at Snoqualmie Eagles lodge; $10; (425) 888-0616. PLANT TREES: Volunteers needed to plant trees at Three Forks Park, Snoqualmie; LIVE MUSIC: Ravinwolf plays at 8 p.m. at the Snoqualmie Falls Brewery Taproom. LIVE MUSIC: Bluegrass jam is 2 to 5 p.m. at Sliders Cafe, Carnation. SWAP MEET: Sallal Grange swap is 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 12912 432nd Ave. S.E., North Bend.

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Putting the shot, Copeland took sixth at districts last year, one place away from state. He was an alternate to districts at discus. “This year, I am definitely aiming for state,” the senior said. “When I’m in practice, I’m trying to work on what the coaches are telling us to do,” he added. “When I’m competing,


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Clearman was fast on his feet, too, zipping around the flanks of Liberty defenders through much of the second half. “I was trying to get in open spaces and make things happen,” he said. Clearman praised Stai and senior Davis Karaica for going all-out on the field. “Stai worked hard, he went for balls 100 percent,” Clearman said. “We had more skill. We underestimated them for a little bit, but we came back like a good team should, and pulled it out.” Following the match, coach Darren Brown huddled the boys under the still-falling rain, praising their ability to play through blood, sweat and tears, and urging them to keep bringing it all to the field. He wants to see wins for the rest of the season. “There is a high bar of excellence we’re setting forth. They know that,” he said. In Mount Si’s first game of the season on March 15, Mount Si battled Issaquah to a 1-1 tie at home. Senior Chace Carlson had the Wildcats’ sole goal of the game. Mount Si next plays at Lake Washington on Wednesday, March 28, then heads to Juanita on Friday, March 30, 7:30 p.m.

I’m thinking about throwing hard and far.” This senior tells new Mount Si throwers to stick with it and improve their game. “If this is their first year, getting better is the most important thing,” Copeland said. “If they make it to league, good for them… It’s basically improving and learning the basics, hopefully coming back next year, bolstering the team in future years.” Copeland tests his field skills when Mount Si hosts Lake Washington and Sammamish on Thursday, March 29.


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24 • March 28, 2012 • Snoqualmie Valley Record

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