KICHUMBA By Seth Thuita
A piece of free standing furniture product I have designed, that has storage facility within its design, ideal for tight rooms spaces I have named it "Kichumba“ – (A swahili word for a small Shelter), My brief interpretation of a Sit + Store product design. This is because i in tend it to provide a tranquil space where one can sit and relax with all his needs within his reach.
INTRODUCTION This module looks at developing the physical and virtual digital skills used in Interior and architectural environments
Skills used as communication medium that explore the inter face between the digital and physical world.
And although the focus lies on language used, I find it dif ficult not to talk about the actual design, my stimulants and the final product, as I would do in a real presentation scenario.
Mind map The brief was to designs a Sit + Store furniture.
Although “sit + store” was a new word to me,
Mind mapping on the word and associated images was my best starting point.
So as to expound on the briefs expectations and derive a model product.
This is my interpretation of the word Sit + Store.
inspiration It is intellectually proven that visual stimulus is a major design recourses used to trigger a design process.
DEVELOPMENT The de sign p ro cess In volve d various ske tche s ra ngin g f rom the fo rm , ergo no m e tric prop ortion s to sca led d ra wing s a nd 3 D cap abiliti es.
The animation
FINAL PRODUCT Seth Thuita Interactive Design Institute BA Interior and Architectural Design Level 5 – 2014 Communication 3; Digital Skills 2 (MODULE CODE: 5FTC1103)