1 minute read


As noted at the outset, the State of New Jersey has been and continues to be a leader in the nation in fashioning a multi-faceted response to the worsening of the eviction crisis due to the pandemic. The Judiciary implemented comprehensive reforms, and the Executive and Legislative branches of state government took decisive action. Without these actions, the eviction crisis would have been much, much worse in New Jersey.

For the individuals and families who were meant to be protected but were not, however, the overall statistics give no comfort. We owe them, and others who may face an unjust eviction this year or in the future, no less than a whole-hearted commitment to examine the system, acknowledge failures when they occur, and make improvements and revisions when needed. We are compelled to engage in this analysis, so that barriers to equality are identified and eliminated, and access and fairness are assured for everyone who interacts with landlord-tenant courts in the state of New Jersey.

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