Seton Hall Law School Admissions Viewbook

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Your Journey Starts Here

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WELCOME MESSAGE FROM OUR DEAN You’ll be surprised to find out that choosing a law school is much easier than you think. Every school has a culture, and the key is to find the culture that reflects your values. I believe that law school should be a great experience. It should be a place where you thrive, and are your best self. The faculty and administration of Seton Hall Law steward an ethos that attends to the whole person, encourages you to balance the professional with the personal, and urges you to discover your passion. We also want you to make a difference.



Seton Hall prepares lawyers whose careers will have impact. — Dean Kathleen M. Boozang

Seton Hall prepares lawyers whose careers will have impact. No matter the pathway you choose, you will find faculty ready to prepare you, Career Services professionals with the experience to launch you, and alumni eager to welcome you. Our mantra, One Student at a Time, inspires us to support you in the pursuit of your aspirations. Seton Hall Lawyers can be found in the world’s largest law firms, in-house with Fortune 500 companies, and owners of their own firms. Seton Hall Law is proud of its strong legacy of alumni in public service -- as US Attorneys, Governor, Secretary of the VA, and federal and state judges. Legions of alumni have used their legal training to become part of the corporate C-Suite, finance executives, and key players in the sports, gaming and entertainment industries. Seton Hall Law has a strong reputation in health and life sciences, IP, privacy, and employment/labor law. But the Seton Hall Lawyer is something more. No matter their primary occupation, the Seton Hall Lawyer engages in service to others, whether it by representing indigent clients, serving on nonprofit boards, or sitting on their town council. Seton Hall Lawyers lead. They give back. They live to make a difference. That differentiation starts now. We are excited to introduce you to our faculty, students, and alumni. You will quickly see how our One Student at a Time approach makes the Seton Hall Law experience special.

I look forward to meeting you.

Warm regards,

Kathleen M. Boozang Dean and Professor of Law


JOIN THE FAMILY Noel Thomas Associate, Dentons US LLP Class of 2016

From an early age, Noel wanted to become a lawyer. “I wrote it down on an index card when I was in


One Student at a Time The phrase “student-centered” can mean many things. At Seton Hall Law, it describes our focus on each student as an individual — someone with their own history, responsibilities, and aspirations. Seton Hall Law focuses on the whole person, urging our students to balance their personal and professional lives. Seton Hall Law faculty and professional administrators partner with students to discover their passion in the law – both

middle school,” he says. So after earning his undergrad degree in finance, he knew what he wanted in a law school. “Job placement was number one,” he says. “But also proximity to the financial institutions in New York City — because I wanted to go into transactional law.” From his first visit, Noel recalls that Seton Hall Law felt like home. “I felt like part of the family,” he says. “My parents immigrated to the U.S. from India, so the vast

the area of law in which they want to

majority of my class

practice, and the context of practice that is

did not look like

the best fit – on either side of the Hudson


or Mississippi Rivers! We also support the aspirations of the increasing number of

Nevertheless, from the dean to the

students pursuing a law degree for

security desk staff,

careers in business, finance, privacy,

“everyone was

compliance, cybersecurity, and HR.

welcoming and supportive,” Noel

Our “one student at a time” ethos provides students an

says. “Faculty and fellow students

opportunity-rich environment in which to curate their

quickly became collaborators and

own educational and professional experience.

friends. I always felt that Seton Hall Law was my ally.”


Seton Hall Law


Faculty Engagement & Collaboration The Seton Hall Law faculty puts students first. This is most obviously evident in the high value we place on outstanding teaching and accessibility to students. Every One L student has a mid-term exam – we don’t believe your final exam should be your first exam experience. Every student then has an individual meeting with their

COLLABORATION AND CO-CREATION Michael Coenen Professor of Law

For professor Michael Coenen, the superior value of the Seton Hall Law experience comes from students’ tremendous intellectual energy, the school’s extraordinary commitment to the craft of teaching, and the intensely collaborative

professor to review the exam and receive

culture that

guidance before beginning to prepare for finals.

brings them all

The faculty’s tremendous scholarly productivity


means that classes cover legal questions arising

True to the

from new markets that haven’t yet been


considered by courts or legislatures. Seton Hall

“one student

Law professors are internationally recognized

at a time”

and highly regarded in their respective fields


of specialty including business and finance,


public interest and service, privacy and


cybersecurity, energy, gaming, sports and

worked with

entertainment, and health and life sciences

a student to

law. Dynamic, talented and accomplished,

develop a class-assigned paper

this diverse group of scholars and practitioners is unified

into a full-length law review article.

by a commitment to provide both academic excellence

“We’ve gone through five or

and professional mentorship — one student at a time —

six iterations of the paper, each

helping students to achieve their personal aspirations and ultimate career paths.

a substantial improvement over the previous one,” he says. “It’s been really satisfying to watch the evolution of a strong student paper into a genuine contribution to the academic literature.”


Student Organizations AND CO-CURRICULAR GROUPS

Seton Hall Law students can choose from more than 40 student organizations and groups representing a full spectrum of personal and professional interests. American Constitution Society (ACS) n Arab Law Students Association n Asian-Pacific American Law Students Association (APALSA) n Black Law Students’ Association (BLSA) n Corporate Law Society (CLS) n Criminal Law Society n Seton Hall Law Democratic Society n Dispute Resolution Society n Employment Law Forum (ELF) n Entertainment & Sports Law Society (ESLS) n Environmental Law Society (ELS) n Family Law Society n Federalist Society n First Generation Law Students Association n Health Law Forum n Immigration Law Society n Intellectual Property Law Association (IPLA) n International Law Society (ILS) n Interscholastic Moot Court Board n

Irish American Law Students Association (IALSA) Jewish Law Students Association (JLSA) n LAMBDA Law Alliance n Latin American Law Students Association (LALSA) n Master of Science in Jurisprudence Organization (MSJ) n Muslim Law Students Association (MLSA) n National Lawyers Guild n Phi Alpha Delta (PAD) n Public Interest Network (PIN) n Real Estate Law Society n Seton Hall Law Republicans n Rodino Society n Sports Club n St. Thomas More Society n Student Animal Legal Defense Fund (SALDF) n Student Bar Association n Student Veterans Association n Tax Law Society (TLS)x n Women’s Law Forum (WLF) n n

As a national authority on small business and federal employment tax policy – and former international tax attorney for PricewaterhouseCoopers – Professor Richard Winchester recognizes self-motivation and achievement. And he’s delighted to be surrounded by it at Seton Hall Law. “The students here are hungry,” he says. “They keep me on my toes.” He adds that it’s not purely self-interest at play. “The people here look out for each other — there’s a sense of shared purpose.” Perhaps in part that’s due to the emphasis on ethics, which Professor Winchester says


runs throughout the curriculum. “We’re not just training lawyers,” he says. “We’re training

Richard Winchester Professor of Law 6

Seton Hall Law

ethical lawyers who appreciate the social justice impact that their choices will have.”

The Seton Hall Law Network No matter where in the country you want to practice, or what your interest, the Seton Hall Law network will be there for you. The minute you identify as a Seton Hall Law student, you are embraced by a community of Seton Hall Lawyers whose loyalty is unmatched. The Seton Hall Law alumni are accessible to provide mentorship, facilitate networking, and to partner with you to strategize your career. You are welcomed for life into a community whose bonds support you through your entire career. Seton Hall Law hires Seton Hall Law.

Academic Success Offerings

Explore Newark

Through targeted workshops, academic coaching, and strategic advising, Seton Hall Law provides wide-ranging support to optimize students’ academic efforts.Topics include healthy study strategies, exam preparation, academic goals, time management and organization. Competence in these areas equips students for future success, both in academics and beyond.

Bar Examination Preparation

Seton Hall Law is located just 8 miles west of Manhattan in Newark, NJ. Newark is part of the largest legal market in the

Irrespective of whether a student plans on the long-term, post-graduate

nation and is home to federal,

goal of law practice or doing something else entirely with their law

state, and county courthouses

degree, Seton Hall Law urges every graduate to sit for the bar. As such,

and leading law firms. One of the

its curriculum incorporates substantial practical training and strategies for bar exam preparation. Students benefit from current, expert insights into

country’s largest transportation

bar exam process and format so that they fully understand how best to

hubs, the Northern New

prepare, study for, and successfully navigate this pivotal moment in their

Jersey region also houses top

legal careers.

global corporations across all

The effectiveness of bar preparation training at Seton Hall Law is evident

industries including healthcare,

in our bar passage rate of 90.4% (July 2019).

pharmaceuticals, financial services,

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion are Cornerstone Values

and technology.

Seton Hall Law is committed to producing lawyers from under-

Located in downtown Newark,

represented communities. We are invested in transforming our profession

the Law School is within a few

and value diversity in all its forms - cultural, religious, ethnic, and gender

short blocks of the Prudential

as well as thought and perspective. Diversity is the lens through which

Center, the Newark Museum,

we analyze both doctrine and our systems of justice. Engagement from

the New Jersey Center for

students of different economic and educational backgrounds, geographic regions, and perspectives enriches our understanding of the history of

Performing Arts, and the

the law, as well as its ability to achieve justice and equity. Creating a class

Ironbound — giving students

of students with different histories enables Seton Hall Law to produce

convenient access to sporting

lawyers who will come to their clients with empathy. Knowing that inequity

events, concerts, world-renowned

exists is the necessary condition precedent to reform. Understanding the human impact of injustice inspires the passion for change.

works of art, and wonderful food.


Outcome Focused One Student at a Time, we empower individuals to think beyond landing a job to launching a career.


Seton Hall Law proudly reports our



for first-time New York and New Jersey test-takers in July 2019



among New York law schools and

Number of hours Seton Hall Law students provided in clinics and other pro bono service through the Center for Social Justice in 2018-19



among New Jersey law schools for July 2019 Uniform Bar Exam, with a combined

94.26%* *115/122 first-time test takers passing.



Employment status as of 10 months after graduation.Total: 140 graduates with all reporting.

Information from 92 graduates in the Class of 2018 who clerked after graduation.

ABA EMPLOYMENT DATA - CLASS OF 2018 Employment status as of 10 months after graduation.Total: 167 graduates with all reporting.


The National Law Journal ranks Seton Hall Law



for graduate placement in state and local clerkships

For more information regarding employment data, please visit:


Seton Hall Law

Real Client Training CLINICS AND PRO BONO

Seton Hall Law offers students multiple opportunities to develop their practical skills and gain hands-on experience by working in real lawyering contexts. Through clinics, externships, and the pro bono program, students provide thousands of hours of service to individuals and the community.

Center for Social Justice Clinics and Programs:

Conflict Management Program:


Civil Litigation and Practice


Investor Advocacy Project


Equal Justice


District of New Jersey Representation


Family law

in Settlement Conference Practicum


Immigrants’ Rights/International Human Rights



Impact Litigation

Representation in Mediation Practicum


Health Justice – Medical Legal Partnership



Pro Bono Service Program


CSJ Scholars

Southern District of New York Last Resort Exoneration Project

Interested in child protection and welfare, Kerdesha spent a summer shadowing a sheriff ’s child protection investigator in Tampa, Florida. Seeing cases firsthand, she witnessed the complexity of issues involved — many of them legal. “I realized I could have greater impact and do more good working at the legal level.” Her interest in family law put Seton Hall Law on Kerdesha’s shortlist. “I was looking for public interest strength and bar passage,” she says. “but also smaller school size — they care to know you, and they care about helping you cultivate your profession.”

EXPLORATION WITH IMPACT Kerdesha Désir Rising 3rd year student, CSJ Scholar

Kerdesha describes the Seton Hall Law atmosphere as challenging, but not intimidating. “It’s OK not to know things,” she says. “The professors are happy to do foundational work.” And in doing so, she points out, “they prompt you to build on concepts and think beyond the classroom.” Beyond the campus itself, Kerdesha enjoys the Newark setting. “Professionally, being so close to NYC and the Seton Hall Law network is priceless,” she says, “but personally, I love the Newark neighborhoods — they’re dynamic, diverse and full of history.”



Defining the Cutting Edge of the Industry Intro to Lawyering

Joseph DiCarlo Associate, Paul Hastings LLP Class of 2018

Before deciding on a career in law, Joe considered becoming a

During 1L year, students take a six-credit year-long

meteorologist or possibly a tornado

Introduction to Lawyering course designed to provide

chaser. But, with a knack for the

students with opportunities to exercise and receive

liberal arts, speaking in front of

intensive feedback on a broad range of practical lawyering skills including

other people and negotiating, he was drawn to the possibilities of

research, writing, interviewing, counseling,

corporate law.

negotiation, and oral advocacy.

Accepted at seven

Throughout the course, Intro to

law schools, Joe

Lawyering professors continue to work

had a tough choice.

with students as they develop core legal

“It was the hardest

research, writing and communication skills. Students also explore issues

decision of my life,” he says. During that process, Joe visited

of cross-cultural humility within the

Seton Hall Law

legal profession: how cross-cultural

three times. “The

differences can impact the practice of

first time didn’t

law, and why building an awareness of cultural assumptions is essential to becoming a better counselor and advocate

seem real,” he says. “Everyone was so friendly, I couldn’t quite believe it — so I kept going back.” By the third visit, Joe says, he was getting to know

for your client.

the faculty, and already feeling like a

Business courses for lawyers

member of the community.

In their 2L year, students are required to complete two business-related courses: Financial Concepts for Lawyers

Two years since earning his law degree, Joe still values that community. “From faculty to

(1 credit) and Business Associations (4 credits). Given the

students to alumni, everyone wants

nature of contemporary legal practice, the Seton Hall Law

you to succeed,” he says. “Even

faculty believes these courses are necessary to equip all

now, in the professional setting, I

(continued on next page)



Seton Hall Law

appreciate the strength and support of the Seton Hall Law network.”


Father Gengaro performs the many standard duties of a chaplain but he serves the school community in other important ways, too. “I provide an understanding, neutral listening ear,” he says. “I represent the Gospel

future lawyers with basic business law knowledge and

by being attentive to people’s experience and how I may be of

an understanding of key financial concepts and tools.

service to them. Students come

Seton Hall also has a robust set of business, finance,

to me with issues of all types, from

and corporate law electives for those interested in

academic to relationships to overall

delving deeper into these areas.


life adjustments.” He points out that his support and counsel extends

As society has become more

to the entire school

complex, demand for specialists

community. “I’m here

has increased.To help students

for everyone — of all

prepare for today’s sophisticated legal landscape, Seton Hall Law offers

faiths and all beliefs,” he says. “I enjoy meeting people. Human beings

three concentrations – Health Law,

fascinate me.” He

Law and Technology (which includes

reinforces that notion

entertainment law and intellectual

with a quote from

property), and Compliance. Students can specialize in one of these designated areas of law by taking

his annual orientation address: “While this institution is proud of its Catholic

a core curriculum developed

identity … women and men of all

by Seton Hall Law faculty in

faiths, as well as individuals who

consultation with attorneys and government

profess no faith, are valued members

officials working in the field.

of the Law School community. Mutual respect tends toward unity and unity is what this world so sorely needs.”



Join our Community your Way Seton Hall Law offers an unparalleled legal

supports students in finding their unique professional

education complete with hands-on experiential

path through and then works to ensure that the

learning opportunities where students can take

student graduates into employment that aligns with

advantage of a curriculum designed by forward-

their aspirations. A Seton Hall Law degree offers

thinking professors and pursue a degree that fits

limitless opportunities.

their professional interests. From JD programs

Weekend JD Program:

to our online degree offering, Seton Hall Law provides students an array of options:

The part-time Weekend JD Program is an ABAaccredited hybrid program enabling professionals to

Full-Time JD Program:

balance work, life, and law school. Students spend

The full-time JD program is geared towards students

alternating weekends on campus each semester and

who want to make law school a priority. Our world-

engage in asynchronous online coursework while

class facility ensures our students have a space that is

off-campus. Weekend students

fully-equipped for them to succeed. Seton Hall Law

(continued on next page)

To describe the atmosphere of Seton Hall Law, Professor Margaret Lewis looks to the natural light that brightens the campus interiors. “There’s an illuminated openness,” she says, “that reflects the energy of the place, among both students and faculty.” That open, enlightened atmosphere fosters a distinctive positivity. “Law can be demanding and high-stress,” she says. “But Seton Hall Law is a nurturing community.” The support systems, she says, are academic as well as emotional. The school has a serious commitment to effective teaching. “Faculty aren’t just leading practitioners of law,” she says. “Seton Hall Law invests in making us better educators.”


Professor of Law


Seton Hall Law

A critical part of effective teaching, she says, is individuation. “Students are not generic,” she says. “Each is here for a reason — fully formed or not — and we’re here to help them find their path and advance along it.” The combination of law expertise, teaching skill and individual engagement results in a high-value education. “We will make you strong,” Maggie says. “We help give you the tools to be a lawyer with whom people want to work.”

have the same academic and co-curricular opportunities as full-time students.The program is designed to take four years, but may be accelerated. More information about the Weekend JD Program can be found at law.

LEO Fellows The Legal Education Opportunity (LEO) program provides a pathway and transition to law school for students who have demonstrated resiliency and perseverance in the face of social, economic, educational, or other challenges and who bring talent, determination, and leadership skills to the law school community. LEO’s success relies on mentoring opportunities, academic enrichment, and a support network for personal and professional growth. More information about the LEO Program can be found at

Non JD Offerings M.S.J. (Master of Science in Jurisprudence) Health and Hospital Law Pharmaceutical and Medical Device Law & Compliance Intellectual Property Law Financial Services Compliance Privacy Law Graduate Certificates Pharmaceutical & Medical Device Law & Compliance Health & Hospital Law Intellectual Property Law Financial Services Compliance Privacy Law and Cyber Security Compliance Programs Healthcare Compliance Certificate Gaming Law, Compliance, and Integrity Data Privacy Compliance LL.M. (Master of Laws)

WELCOME BACK – AND FORWARD Sandra Applebaum Class of 2020

Having practiced medicine for nearly 20 years, Sandra Applebaum, M.D., was ready for a change and a challenge. But she had some reservations about returning to a student role. “I hadn’t been in school for a long time,” she says, “so I wasn’t sure how I would fit in.” She was pleased to discover, however, a welcoming culture among both student and faculty. “I was treated with care,” she says. “Seton Hall Law does everything in their power to support your success.” With her medical background, Sandra thought medical malpractice would be an obvious fit. But through internships and coursework, she discovered a new passion. “I took a course in intellectual property,” she says, “and I loved it. Loved it. Loved it.” Now preparing for the bar, Sandra appreciates the high bar passage rate and career placement rankings of Seton Hall Law — but also the value of the school’s personally engaged faculty. “They teach you how to think,” she says. “They helped me understand the difference between thinking like a doctor and thinking like a lawyer.”


How to Apply First-year applications are considered for Fall

must be submitted through a valid Credential

Semester admission only. In order to apply, you must

Assembly Service (CAS) account.

have or plan to obtain a bachelor’s degree from

Admission to Seton Hall Law is selective and

a regionally accredited college or university or a

competitive with an entire student’s profile taken

foreign equivalent prior to your anticipated date of

into consideration including academic background,


professional expertise, personal statements, and

The application is available electronically at

standardized testing results., and all supporting documentation


April 1: General Admission and Financial Aid July 25: Transfer Application


April 1: Legal Education Opportunity Program (LEO)


Seton Hall Law

Having completed undergraduate studies in the early ‘00s, Lauren launched her banking career just in time for the mortgage crisis of 2008 — an experience which influenced her professional outlook. “I saw people being preyed upon,” she says. “I wished there was more I could do to help.” Earning her MBA through an evening program while working fulltime in finance, she decided to pursue a JD with a similar approach — and Seton Hall Law’s Weekend JD Program was a major draw. “I didn’t want to sacrifice the late nights and travel my job requires,” she says, “so weekend study was a priority.”

TIME WELL SPENT Lauren Kouser Rising 4th year student, Part-time Weekend JD Program

Now entering her fourth year, Lauren recognizes the school’s support of part-time students. “The faculty are rigorous, but really flexible,” she says. “They understand other obligations.” As a result, SHL makes sure part-timers have access to career-building opportunities. “You can absolutely be as involved as you want,” she says. “The faculty and administration are champions of the weekend program — they put us in a position to succeed.”


Financing your Education All applicants for admission are eligible for

The tuition and fees for the Law School are $58,174

merit scholarship awards — no separate

for incoming full-time students and $44,050 for

application is required for consideration.

incoming part-time students for the 2020-2021

Merit scholarships are selective awards based on

academic year.

outstanding LSAT scores, standardized test scores,

All students interested in applying for financial aid

undergraduate academic performance, and academic

(including student loans) must file a Free Application

promise and are renewable by maintaining required

for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).The FAFSA may

GPA standards or designated class rank.

be filed electronically at any time after

Seton Hall Law is proud to report

92% of

October 1, 2020 for the 2021-22 academic year.

incoming students in 2020 received scholarship

Seton Hall Law’s code: G09986. Seton Hall Law’s

funding; 75% - 85% of funded students typically

priority deadline is April 1, 2021.

renew scholarships after the first year.

Contact Information

To apply: Forms are electronically available by setting up a Law School Admissions Council (LSAC) account.

For more information about

For additional information about the application

Seton Hall Law, please visit

process, call 973-642-8747. To register for the or call us

LSAT or subscribe to the CAS, visit,

at 973-642-8747.

or call 215-968-1001.

Scholarship Information: Further information regarding scholarships and scholarship renewal may be found at

For more information, please visit: 16

Seton Hall Law

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Seton Hall University School of Law

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