Evening of Roses Gala JUNE 4, 2019
Keeping the story alive for generations
In Loving Memory of Hattie Segal Founding Trustee, pillar, dear friend and a person who, like Sister Rose Thering, valued the role of teachers for building a better world.
A woman of valor, who can find? Her worth is far above jewels. She is robed in strength and dignity, and Cheerfully faces whatever may come. She opens her mouth with wisdom. Her tongue is guided by kindness. Many women have done superbly But you surpass them all. Excerpted from Proverbs 31
The Board of Trustees of The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies is proud to pay tribute to a true Woman of Valor
The SRTF Board of Trustees is indebted to Hattie for establishing The Hattie and Arnold Segal Endowed Fellowship in 2016 created as an enduring legacy to pay homage to her dear friend, Sister Rose Thering. With gratitude for this lasting and living gift but most especially for the great gift that Hattie has been to the Sister Rose Thering Fund. Her name is indeed a blessing for many.
26th Annual Evening of Roses PROGRAM WELCOME
Melinda Hanlon Chair, Board of Trustees, Sister Rose Thering Fund
Dr. Mary Meehan Interim President, Seton Hall University
Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi, S.T.D., S.S.L. Vice President for Mission and Ministry, and Secretary Designee to the Board of Regents, Seton Hall University
Elisha Wiesel Co-Chief Information Officer, Goldman Sachs Son of Marion and Elie Wiesel
The Evening of Roses musical program is directed by Dr. Jason Tramm, Assistant Professor and Director of Choral Activities, Seton Hall University; Trustee, Sister Rose Thering Fund
The Most Reverend Roberto Octavio Gonzรกlez Nieves, O.F.M., Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico
Heather Mecka, Sister Rose Thering Fund Teacher-Scholar
Susan Feinstein, Vice Chair, Sister Rose Thering Fund
Remarks by Deborah Lerner Duane
Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi, S.T.D., S.S.L. Luna Kaufman, Chair Emerita, Sister Rose Thering Fund
Remarks by David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Professor, Jewish-Christian Studies, Department of Religion, Seton Hall University and Founding Executive Director, Sister Rose Thering Fund
Cantor Perry Fine Temple Beth Shalom, Livingston, New Jersey
Let There Be Peace on Earth Soloist Manya Gaver
Melinda Hanlon and Susan Feinstein
Greetings from David M. Bossman, Ph.D., Executive Director Many people have a vision that inspires them from day to day, year to year. It serves, like the North Star, as a point of reference in life. The vision of the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies is a world without religious prejudice. The fact is that prejudice keeps us from experiencing others as they really are, a block in perception, an obstacle in relationships. Aspiring to a world without religious prejudice includes recognizing our own and then reaching out. Sister Rose inspired many with her vision for building a better world through education. The Fund named in her honor finds its inspiration and purpose in her vision as a means to eliminate prejudice among people of religion. She continually reminded us that teachings of contempt about others need to be curtailed, and building working relations with people of religions not our own is truly the only way to exercise religion. We focus on teacher education because teachers are principal guides in educating young people for social change beyond the obstacles of parochial prejudices. Teachers in our graduate courses come to learn and share their own experiences in their studies and their lives. They create a critical mass toward building a world informed by openness and appreciation of a larger world of peoples and cultures and their diverse religious beliefs. In retiring from teaching in the Graduate Program of Jewish-Christian Studies, I leave behind many rich classroom experiences dating back thirty-four years at Seton Hall. Students have always enriched my vision with their insights and real life narratives. This is what I will miss most, the rich conversations we have had in the light of our topical studies together. Teachers are the people who have helped to educate me, to expand my vision, to lessen my own limited views. I thank them most profoundly for enriching my world as they have done so beautifully, so richly, so truly. I will also miss the dedicated colleagues among the faculty and staff here at Seton Hall, people schooled in areas of specialization, eager to share and interact for common purpose. The Board of the Sister Rose Thering Fund is composed similarly of people rich in life experience, eager to share across religious denominations, eager to help teachers to engage in learning lessons from history. They are the enablers who support education and promote working together to build a more effective and harmonious society. We today honor all members of our community of learners whose dedication leads us forward toward expelling prejudice in favor of genuine human appreciation for the expanse of religious and human understanding. We honor the seekers and the enablers who make education possible with their team effort. We honor Sister Rose’s vision. I am grateful for having met Sister Rose. Most of all, I am grateful for all who work together to realize her vision.
David M. Bossman, Ph.D., Executive Director Professor, Jewish-Christion Studies
A Message from Melinda Hanlon Chair, SRTF Board of Trustees Dear Friends of the Sister Rose Thering Fund, On behalf of our SRTF Board of Trustees, I am delighted to welcome you here tonight to our 26th annual Evening of Roses Gala as we celebrate two dear friends, David M. Bossman, Ph.D. and Deborah Lerner Duane, for their service and dedication to the Sister Rose Thering Fund. Thank you for your presence and support of our mission. A founding member of the SRTF Board of Trustees, Dr. Bossman has served as the fund’s Executive Director since 1993. As Professor in the Jewish-Christian Studies program here at Seton Hall University, he has influenced the work of generations of teachers who in turn have shared the lessons from his courses to their classrooms. Dr. Bossman has been a member of the Seton Hall community for many years and is an accomplished and published academic. A contemporary of Sister Rose Thering, his life’s work has been dedicated to the pursuit of inter-religious dialogue and understanding. The SRTF Board of Trustees is pleased to present Dr. Bossman with the Sister Rose Thering Fund Lifetime Achievement Award. This evening we honor Deborah Lerner Duane, Chair Emerita of the SRTF Board of Trustees, for her extraordinary leadership and commitment to the mission of the Fund. Her tireless leadership and commitment brought a new level of organization to our Board and an increased awareness of the importance of our programs and work to the University community and beyond. A graduate of the JewishChristian Studies program here at Seton Hall, Ms. Duane is a lifelong learner who sees injustice and takes action. She is a true upstander in the tradition of Sister Rose and the SRTF Board of Trustees is pleased to present her with the Sister Rose Thering Fund Servant Leadership Award. Tonight we are honored to welcome two very special guest speakers to our program, Archbishop Roberto González Nieves, O. F.M., Archbishop of San Juan, Puerto Rico, and Mr. Elisha Wiesel, Co-Chief Information Officer, Goldman Sachs and son of Marion and Elie Wiesel. Both of these men are ambassadors of peace and understanding and we look forward to the messages they will share this evening. Our Evening of Roses program could not occur without the support and dedication of our volunteers, donors and supporters. On behalf of the Board of Trustees, thank you for all you have done to make this evening possible. A special word of thanks to our dinner co-chairs, Ann Burgmeyer and Marilyn Rosenbaum and to Deborah Lerner Duane for her work on tonight’s program. I am indebted to our Program Manager Clare Giangreco and to my co-chair Susan Feinstein for their energy and attention to every detail. It is good to be joined by many of our trustees tonight and I am grateful for their support. I hope you will have the opportunity to meet some of our teacher-scholars and learn more about the important work they are accomplishing in their classrooms every day. This is our mission, to transform our world through education as we advance the legacy of Sister Rose Thering. She believed in the power of teachers to stem the tide of ignorance in our schools and our society. Our work continues and we thank you for partnering with us as we strive to achieve “Tikkun Olam” and repair our world.
Melinda A. Hanlon
David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Sister Rose Thering Fund Lifetime Achievement Award David Bossman came to Seton Hall University in 1985 as Provost, following twelve years teaching at Siena College and three years serving as Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies at St. Bonaventure University. He holds the Ph.D. degree in Biblical Languages and Literature from St. Louis University. A member of Holy Name Franciscan Province of New York, he was ordained a priest in 1965 and served in pastoral ministry in San Juan, Puerto Rico. He began teaching at Siena College in 1966 and in 1968 began doctoral studies at St. Louis University, Union Theological Seminary, and Columbia University. His doctoral dissertation was a comparative study of Jewish midrash on identity “in Isaac” and the Christological formula “in Christ,” used exclusively in the Pauline epistles. Following completion of his dissertation in 1972 he was awarded a fellowship at the Ecumenical Institute for Advanced Theological Studies in Jerusalem for the academic year 1972-73. During that year he also enrolled in classes at Hebrew University. Upon returning to teaching at Siena College in 1973, he engaged in a pioneering program in Jewish-Catholic dialogue under the auspices of the Diocese of Albany, NY. Becoming friends with Rabbi Hayyim Kieval he participated in the founding at Siena College of the Hayyim and Esther Kieval Institute for Jewish-Christian Studies, which offers programs that advance mutual understanding and harmonious relationships between Jews and Christians at Siena and in the wider community. Following three years at St. Bonaventure University (1982-85) where he served as Professor of Religion and Dean of Graduate and Continuing Studies (1982-’85), he came to Seton Hall as Provost. He soon met Monsignor John M. Oesterreicher and Sister Rose Thering in conjunction with their shared engagement in Jewish and Christian studies. When Monsignor Oesterreicher invited him to serve as Professor in the Graduate Department of JewishChristian Studies he did so and in 1989 served as its chair for three years. At an event he hosted, honoring Sister Rose for her 50th anniversary as a Dominican Sister in 1990, a group of her colleagues and associates resolved to begin a fund honoring her for her career’s dedication and to continue her work in Jewish-Christian relations. Thus began what came to be known as the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies. In 1993, the first tuition scholarships were awarded to six teachers to take courses in the Graduate Department of Jewish-Christian Studies. With the enactment of the New Jersey Mandate for Holocaust and Genocide Studies (1994), he created a set of graduate courses for teachers to examine causative factors for the Holocaust along with the educational remedies needed today to assure that the Holocaust and genocides are not repeated. Professor Bossman is now completing thirty-four years at Seton Hall. He plans to relocate to Charleston, SC where he serves on the advisory board of the Charleston Interreligious Council and has served many summers as visiting professor at the College of Charleston. He will continue as Editor of Biblical Theology Bulletin: A Journal of Bible and Culture, a position he has held since 1981.
Deborah Lerner Duane, Chair Emerita Sister Rose Thering Fund Servant Leadership Award Deborah Lerner Duane is immediate past chair of the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies, having completed her fiveyear term in June 2018. She joined the Fund’s Board of Trustees in 2008. In 2012, Deborah received her master’s degree with distinction in JewishChristian Studies from Seton Hall. Her thesis examined the Jewish response to evangelical Christian Zionism. In her preface, she wrote, “As the Jewish-Christian dialogue continues, understanding and acceptance will only occur if we take the time to learn and appreciate the languages of our partners.” Deborah and her husband Dan have spent their married life sharing their own Jewish-Christian dialogue. Their three children, Michael, Laura and Brendan, grew up in a home that embraced the similarities and differences central to an interfaith family, a family that now includes Michael’s wife Molly and Laura’s husband Eric. Laura and Eric’s son Henry recently celebrated his first birthday. Following her 1973 graduation from Simmons College in Boston, Deborah began what ultimately became a 40-year communications career when she was hired as the PR assistant of the two-person public relations staff at the New England Conservatory of Music. In 1975 she joined the Prudential Insurance Company’s Northeastern Home Office in Boston, transferring four years later to the company’s New Jersey-based property and casualty subsidiary. In 1980 she moved to Prudential’s corporate headquarters in Newark, where she held various positions on the corporate public affairs staff. She was Director of Public Relations when she left the company in 1990 to form Lerner Duane Communication, Inc., a PR and marketing communications firm that until 2012 provided its expertise and counsel to nonprofit, small business and corporate clients. With her graduate degree complete and her business career behind her, Deborah picked up her pen to try a new creative direction in playwriting. Two of her works were selected as winners of the Luna Stage New Moon Short Play Festival in 2015 and 2016, respectively. A third short play was produced by the Heartland Theatre Company in 2015, making it possible for Deborah to become a member of the Dramatists Guild of America. In 2017, her play Bed and Breakfast was one of three finalists in the McLaren Comedy Festival in Midland, Texas. Deborah is on the New Jersey Governor’s Council on Mental Health Stigma, having been appointed by Governor Richard Codey in 2004. As members of Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel in South Orange, Deborah and Dan are the benefactors of the synagogue’s interfaith outreach endeavor. Deborah has served on both the synagogue’s board of trustees and its religious school board.
Evening of Roses Co-Chairs
Susan Feinstein
Melinda Hanlon
Dear Friends, In 1993, the fund that bears the name of Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Ph.D., was established. A pioneer in Jewish-Christian relations, Sister Rose made a historic difference within the Catholic Church and the world. Throughout her life, she was the voice of reconciliation and dialogue among Jews and Christians. Sister Rose believed in the power of teachers and her deepest wish was to provide scholarship support to educators enrolled in the Jewish-Christian studies program here at Seton Hall University. Today the members of the Sister Rose Thering Fund strive to continue her work and impact future generations of students. Our annual Evening of Roses program is an integral part of our fundraising efforts to provide scholarship monies to today’s teachers. On behalf of the SRTF Board of Trustees, thank you to tonight’s sponsors, donors, and attendees for your partnership and generous support for this year’s program. Tonight we honor two dear friends, David M. Bossman, Ph.D., retiring Executive Director and founding member of the SRTF Board and Deborah Lerner Duane, Chair Emerita of the SRTF Board of Trustees. Ms. Duane will receive the Sister Rose Thering Fund Servant Leadership Award and Dr. Bossman will be honored with the Sister Rose Thering Fund Lifetime Achievement Award. Dr. Bossman’s achievements read like a curriculum vitae of peacemaking and interreligious dialogue. A contemporary of Sister Rose here at Seton Hall University, he has impacted the lives and work of our teacher-scholars especially in the area of Holocaust studies. A graduate of the Jewish-Christian Studies program, Ms. Duane’s leadership of the SRTF Board was visionary. Through her efforts, the SRTF Board has become a more engaged and visible member of the University community. Sister Rose said, “Children, our young people, are our future. A major challenge of our times is to face resolutely the responsibility to future generations.” Today more than ever our children need our help to learn the way to peace. Thank you for joining with us to celebrate David and Deborah and continue the legacy of Sister Rose. Together let us reach for “Tikkun Olam”- to repair the world. Sincerely,
Susan Feinstein and Melinda Hanlon SRTF Trustees Co-Chairs 26th Annual Evening of Roses
THE SISTER ROSE THERING FUND for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies
Our History The concept of teaching about interfaith relations in this Catholic university dates back to the arrival in 1953 of Monsignor John M. Oesterreicher, who established the Institute for Judaeo-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ. Oesterreicher, a convert from Judaism to Catholicism in 1927, had been lecturing, doing research and creating publications for fifteen years when he sensed the need for a program coordinator to flesh out the work he was doing and bring his lessons to the wider community at Seton Hall. Therefore, in 1968 he advertised for someone to fill this position. As fate would have it, Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Ph.D., with her background in education and Jewish-Christian Studies and her keen interest in the Jewish roots of Christianity and the State of Israel, responded to his ad and was hired for the position. Its tasks included organizing summer trips to Israel for teachers and lay persons to learn about the Holy Land. The program was called the Menorah Institute. Its positive impact, both on Monsignor Oesterreicher and teachers, led to the establishment of a Master’s degree program, directed by Father Lawrence Frizzell, now offered in the Department of Religion. During the more than thirty years of her career as professor of higher education in the College of Education and Human Resources, Sister Rose continued to lead the Menorah Institute and became a close colleague of David M. Bossman, Ph.D. He had arrived at Seton Hall in 1985, served for a time as Provost and then as chair of the Department of Jewish-Christian Studies. Dr. Bossman and a group of close friends of Sister Rose wanted to offer teachers more courses in JewishChristian Studies, and eventually discussed the possibility of offering scholarships to teachers. The idea of developing a significant fund to help
defray costs of tuition led to the establishment in 1993 of such a fund and program. Originally called the Sister Rose Thering Endowment, later changed to the Sister Rose Thering Fund, it is overseen by an elected Board of Trustees who created a set of working by-laws. In 1994, the State of New Jersey, under then Governor Christine Todd Whitman, and urged on by Sister Rose and others, signed into law a mandate to teach about the Holocaust and Genocide in all public schools in New Jersey, grades K-12. This law created the mandate and was bolstered by the message of Pope John Paul II to Catholic schools to remember the Shoah, “Reflections on the Shoah” (March 1998). Sister Rose became a founding member of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, charged to carry out the Mandate, and served until her death in 2006. Today, the Fund offers scholarships annually and has reached some 400 educators in the course of its existence. It raises funds through donations received primarily at the Evening of Roses, held each spring, a program that has honored outstanding educators and individuals who have shown traits of compassion, altruism and courage in various endeavors. The Sister Rose Thering Fund and the graduate Program in Jewish-Christian Studies have been called “the hidden jewels” of Seton Hall University, but as Dr. Bosman has remarked, in reality they are no longer hidden but treasures found as the Fund contributes more than $60,000 annually in scholarship funding to the University. The Program continues to promote understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education.
With thanks to our Special Sponsors Rose Sponsors Deborah Lerner Duane & Daniel J. Duane Carol & Alan Silberstein
Upstander Sponsors Susan Feinstein Melinda and Wayne Hanlon
Dinner Underwriter Drs. Marcia Robbins Wilf and Perry Robins
Flowers Underwriter Alan Jones
The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies TRUSTEES Officers
*Paul Gibbons
Melinda Hanlon Chair
Sister Mary Gomolka, R.S.M.
Susan Feinstein Vice Chair
Louis Izzi**
Wayne Hanlon *Luna Kaufman
Alan Silberstein Treasurer
Reverend John F. Morley, Ph.D.
Ruth Loew Schildiner Secretary
Karan Oleckna *Kenneth Oleckna, Esq.
Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D. Rabbi Alan Brill, Ph.D. Ann Burgmeyer Ki Joo Choi, Ph.D. Monsignor Robert Coleman, J.C.D.
Rabbi Irving and Mrs. Blu Greenberg
Cherelle Tolor, Esq.
Honorable Thomas Kean
Jason C. Tramm, D.M.A.
Sister Maryann McMahon, O.P.
*Robert Werbel, Esq.
Mary J. Meehan, Ph.D., Interim President, Seton Hall University
Marcia Robbins Wilf, Ed.D. Robert D. Woog Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi, S.T.D., S.S.L.
*Deborah Lerner Duane** Piotr Dudek**
Honorable Jon Corzine
Gary Survis
Paula Becker Alexander, Ph.D. Gail H. Barry
Honorable Chris Christie
Marilyn Rosenbaum
Board of Trustees Christine Aromando
Senator Cory Booker
Senator Robert Menendez Honorable Phil Murphy Sister Sharon Simon, O.P. Regina Townsend
David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Executive Director Clare M. Giangreco Program Manager
Michal (Miki) Fine ** Reverend Lawrence Frizzell, D.Phil.
ADVISORY COUNCIL Shirley Aidekman-Kaye
Allan Janoff
Sylvia Orenstein, Esq.
Julia Altholtz
Michael Kogan, Ph.D.
Teri Rosen
Concetta Donvito, Ed.D.
Murray Laulicht, Esq.
Emmanuel Ruranga
Judith and Steven Elbaum
Pearl Randall Lehrhoff
Anthony Sciglitano, Ph.D.
Eugene Fisher, Ph.D.
Jacqueline and Howard Levine
Joseph Volker, Ph.D.
Kenneth Gaines
Przemyslzw Murczkiewicz**
Michael Zeiger
Monsignor John J. Gilchrist
Robin Neuman
*Chairmen emeriti
** M.A. Jewish-Christian Studies
Deborah & David  We honor your commitment to carrying on the legacy of Sister Rose  Carol & Alan Silberstein
Congratulations To Our Honorees:
David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Sister Rose Thering Fund Lifetime Achievement Award
Deborah Lerner Duane Sister Rose Thering Fund Servant Leadership Award
“Blessed are the peacemakers.� Matthew 5:9
Wayne and Melinda Hanlon
To Deborah and David — For your tireless devotion and dedication in promoting Sister Rose’s vision of peace and religious understanding Love always, Susan Feinstein
Congratulations to our dear friends and fellow trustees
Deborah Lerner Duane Sister Rose Thering Fund Servant Leadership Award And
David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Sister Rose Thering Fund Lifetime Achievement Award
“Do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8
—— May the spirit of tikkun olam (repairing the world) ever guide your journey “to do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”
With our love and gratitude, The Sister Rose Thering Fund Board of Trustees
With thanks and congratulations to fellow honoree DEBORAH LERNER DUANE Chair Emerita for her dedicated servant leadership to the Sister Rose Thering Fund and in appreciation for the Board of the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies for 26 years of promoting the legacy of Sister Rose, advancing teacher education in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and progressing toward building a world without religious prejudice through education. David M. Bossman Executive Director Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies ————— BOARD OF TRUSTEES ————— OFFICERS Melinda Hanlon, Chair Susan Feinstein, Vice Chair Alan Silberstein, Treasurer Ruth Loew Schildiner, Secretary
BOARD Paula Becker Alexander, Ph.D. Christine Aromando Gail H. Barry Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D. Rabbi Alan Brill, Ph.D. Ann Burgmeyer Ki Joo Choi, Ph.D. *Chairman Emeritus
Monsignor Robert Coleman, J.C.D. *Deborah Lerner Duane** Piotr Dudek** Michal (Miki) Fine ** Reverend Lawrence Frizzell, D.Phil. *Paul Gibbons Sister Mary Gomolka, R.S.M. Wayne Hanlon Louis Izzi** *Luna Kaufman Reverend John F. Morley, Ph.D. Karan Oleckna *Kenneth Oleckna, Esq.
Marilyn Rosenbaum Gary Survis Cherelle Tolor, Esq. Jason C. Tramm, D.M.A. *Robert Werbel, Esq. Marcia Robbins Wilf, Ed.D. Robert D. Woog Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi, S.T.D., S.S.L.
Clare Giangreco, Program Manager
**Jewish-Christian Studies Master’s Degree graduate
In honor of David Bossman, Ph.D. and Deborah Lerner Duane
Congratulations and best wishes. Thank you for all you have accomplished.
With admiration, The Family of Hattie Segal
With our heartfelt thanks and gratitude from the SRTF Board of Trustees for your ongoing commitment and generosity in supporting Holocaust Studies and Education to
The Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation With personal thanks to Peter Friedmann Debbie Friedmann Joey Friedmann Ben Friedmann Evi Meinhardt Edward Meinhardt
To David
With endless appreciation and best wishes for the next exciting adventure. Deborah and Dan Duane
In Honor of Professor David M. Bossman For his many Years Of Devoted Service and Brilliant Leadership in the cause of ReconCiliation between Christians and Jews
"Blessed are the Peacemakers" From DR. Michael S. Kogan
We honor and admire
Deborah Lerner Duane and
Dr. David Bossman and all the women and men who follow in Sister Rose’s footsteps
for many k r o er w m e h e u to co n i t n s o May we c year
Karan and Ken Oleckna
In memory of the unforgettable and indomitable
Sister Rose Thering and In honor of
David M. Bossman and
Deborah Lerner Duane who worked tirelessly to perpetuate Sister Rose's mission and message. Linda and Murray Laulicht
Best Wishes to David Bossman and Deborah Lerner Duane Love, Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf and Dr. Perry Robins
Dear David; Your legacy will inspire us for many years. Thank you for the devoted service to fighting prejudice. You will be greatly missed, especially by me. Dear Debbie; The leadership provided by you assured us that Sister Rose's mission will live in the future. Thanks for the wonderful years of your service.
Sigmund Rolat
With appreciation to David M. Bossman and Deborah Lerner Duane for their vision and dedication towards following the mission of our dear Sister Rose. The Werbel/Siegler Family and the Eleanor Siegler Family Fund
Congratulations Deborah Â
We feel blessed to be a part of your family! Â With love and admiration, Gail and Sonny Rapoport
Congratulations David and Deborah Thank you for all the great work you have done on behalf of Sister Rose Thering!
The Janoff Family and all your Friends at the Crystal Plaza
is proud to support The Sister Rose Thering Fund and honor Dr. David Bossman’s academic accomplishments, inspiring leadership, and years of service.
Imagine a world without religious prejudice... Heartfelt thanks to David Bossman, founding Executive Director of the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies, for his tireless dedication and service and to Deborah Lerner Duane, former Chairman of the Board, for bringing a renewed vitality to the mission of the Sister Rose Thering Fund.
Mazal Tov! Monsignor Anthony Ziccardi and The Office of Mission and Ministry
Congratulations to
David M. Bossman, Ph.D., for receiving the Sister Rose Thering Lifetime Achievement Award and
Deborah Lerner Duane, for receiving the Sister Rose Thering Servant Leadership Award
Best Wishes from
Mazel Tov To my incredible talented, caring, delightful friend
Deborah Lerner Duane •••••
Annette Littman
Melinda A. Hanlon, President www.holyangels.org
Tonight we honor two very special
and deserving people. Congratulations to David Bossman, Ph.D. and Deborah Lerner Duane for their dedication to Sister Rose Thering and the Sister Rose Thering Fund.
They dedicated themselves to making sure that Sister Rose’s philosophy on Holocaust education continues. Understanding Holocaust education and teaching it properly must continue. Your efforts have increased membership in the Fund and helped spread Holocaust information to many new areas. It is an honor to have them. Pearl Randall Lehrhoff
Mazal Tov to our most beloved leaders, Dr. David Bossman and Deborah Lerner Duane, :
“On three things the world stands: on the Torah, on the service and on acts of loving kindness.” Talmud, Pirkei Avot 1:2
You both are examples par excellence of the verse above: working tirelessly in making this world a better place, and we are forever grateful! Cantor Perry and Miki Fine
Congratulations to our honorees
David M. Bossman, Ph.D. and Deborah Lerner Duane on their well-deserved awards.
Thank you for all you have done and given on behalf of the Sister Rose Thering Fund.
Mazal Tov!
Ruth Loew Schildiner
To the best Mom and Bubbe Susan Feinstein In Honor Of All You Do For Sister Rose All Our Love, Geoff, Adena, Lane, Gayle, Lauryn, Ari, Reid, Lance, and Sophie
Congratulations In honor of our dear friend
Susan Feinstein and the important work of The Sister Rose Thering Fund
to our honorees and dear friends David Bossman Deborah Lerner Duane
Pamela and Jay Greenbaum
With best wishes Marilyn and Ann Heartfelt Congratulations to
David Bossman, Ph.D.
Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient and
Deborah Lerner Duane Servant Leadership Award Recipient
We offer our thanks for your years of dedicated service to Seton Hall University and the Sister Rose Thering Fund and our prayers that our Lord will continue to bestow His abundant blessings upon you for many years. The Priest Community of Seton Hall University Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Coleman Minister to Priests
In recognition of and with appreciation to Dr. David Bossman, for years of work in Seton Hall University’s graduate In program in Jewish-Christian recognition of Studiesand andwith for hisappreciation years of educating for and encouraging hundreds of of Valor” students in this the “Women th program. on retirement! on Congratulations the 10 Anniversary
of Sister Rose Thering’s passing, The Commission would also like to the Commission specifically acknowledge would like to specifically acknowledge Deborah Lerner Duane Mary Vazquez & Ellin Cohen, who has been an “upstander” in advancing two trustees, who have recently passed the cause of religious understanding and and Marilyn Zirl, Administrator, advocacy through education. on her upcoming retirement.
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Jews Christians Education Dialogue Peace Congratulations to Deborah, our sister, champion of all the above.
Deborah and David Thank you for all that you have done
With gratitude, Fred Cohen and Family
Congratulations Deborah Lerner Duane -mom, grammy, and an amazing honoree. We love you!
Love your children, Michael, Laura, and Brendan; your children-in-law, Molly and Eric; and your grandson, Henry
Congratulations to the honorees Â
OHEB SHALOM CONGREGATION honors the activism of David M. Bossman, Ph.D., Deborah Lerner Duane and our beloved Sister Rose.
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In honor of the work of
Luna Kaufman
Mark Kaplan We are extraordinarily proud of
Deborah Lerner Duane For her vision of community reflected through her service at Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel and the Sister Rose Thering Fund of Seton Hall University.
Congratulations & Best Wishes Dr. David Bossman & Deborah Lerner Duane Friends & Colleagues who are truly treasured! The Barry Family
Congratulations to theHonorees In memory of Mary Vazquez
The Vazquez Family
Tributes Thank you, Deborah and Sister Rose Ronnie Stern Deborah, congratulations on your well-deserved honor. Carrie & Alan Lemerman
Deborah, congratulations – so well deserved. Your enthusiasm inspires us all. Bob Woog David, best wishes for your next phase. Keep in touch, remember our threesome. Bob Woog
Congratulations, Deborah! All our Love, The Chandler Family
Congratulations to our friend, Deborah! Arnold and Irene Card
MAZEL TOV! To our friend, Deborah Lerner Duane Love, Bruce & Susan Creditor
Wishing you much success and may Sister Rose’s vision be fulfilled Kol Rina, An Independent Minyan in South Orange, NJ
Congratulations, Deborah, on receiving this prestigious award Robert Eskow, D.M.D.
Congratulations to Deborah — Friendship outstays the hurrying flight of years. Becky
Best wishes to this years award recipients Hon. Tom Giblin Assemblyman – 34th District No matter what divides us, what unites us is far greater. Thanks for leading the way. Anisa David and Deborah, many thanks for your years of service! Louis Izzi, M.A. ‘12 “All it takes is one good person to restore hope.” — Pope Francis We are doubly blessed! Thank you, Deborah and David! Pax et bonum! Clare Giangreco
Congratulations, David! A very happy retirement. All the very best, Anne Mullen Hohl In recognition of all you have done to further the mission of Sister Rose. Linda Malanga David and Deborah, Best wishes and heartiest congratulations on your accomplishments Evi Meinhardt
Donations Gerry & Bob Becker
Margaret McDermott
Francis Byrne & Jean Biggane
Anisa Mehdi
Colton Family Foundation
Barbara Moinester
Carolyn & Jay Conniff
Vernon Mosheim
Daniel & Rebecca Doty
Sharon Mineroff
Gail Duncan
Dr. Michael Och
Charles Epstein
Rabbi Amy and Gary Perlin
Karen Farkas
R. Mark Phillips
Bruce Fein
Michele Podell
Kenneth Gaines
William J. Reddick
Barbara Green
Bryna Ringel
Ruth Hochberg
Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf
Gene Hoffman
Susan Rothchild
Alan Jones
The Hattie and Arnold Segal Foundation
Cantor Marcy & Paul Kadin
Susan & Danny Stern
Melvin Kracov
Regina Townsend
Alvin & Mary Alice Kressler
Linda & Ken Wasserman
Claudia Levin
Louis Weiner
James Lynch
Samuel Wheeler
Sydne Marshall & Elliott Sommer
Raymond & Nora Wong
Thank you to all who have generously shared your treasure with us, gifts big and small, in support of the important mission of the Sister Rose Thering Fund. Throughout this journal we have tried to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to this event and gifts received through May 15. If somehow we missed your name, please know that how grateful we are for your support and apologize for any omissions or errors.
We are pleased to announce that a sponsored scholarship will be provided for the 2019-2020 academic year to a Sister Rose Thering Fund Teacher-Scholar
In Honor of Dr. David Bossman through the generosity of the following friends and supporters Piotr Dudek
Louis Izzi
Alan Silberstein
Susan Feinstein
Luna Kaufman
Laura Silva
Clare Giangreco
Deborah Lerner Duane
Maria Smelkova
Paul Gibbons
Przemek Murczkiewicz
Anne Toder
Sr. Mary Gomolka, RSM
Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf
Cherelle Tolor
Melinda and Wayne Hanlon
Shiri Rosenthal
Bob Woog
If you would like to make a gift toward this scholarship, we will continue to welcome any additional donations. Please send your donation with a check made payable to the Sister Rose Thering Fund to: The Sister Rose Thering Fund Seton Hall University 400 South Orange Avenue South Orange, NJ 07079
We tried to acknowledge on this page all gifts received by May 15. We’re sorry if you made a gift and your name is not listed. However we will publish a complete list of donors in a future publication.
Thank you for your support!
FALL 2018 AND SPRING 2019 he following educators in the Sister Rose Thering Fund program in Jewish-Christian Studies have
been awarded sponsored scholarships during this academic year. Generous individuals from the Board of Trustees and the community at large have donated funding to cover tuition for a single course for each student thereby furthering the legacy of Sister Rose Thering's legacy of understanding and cooperation among Christian, Jews and people of other religions through education. FALL 2018
Julian Acebo Lessons from the Holocaust Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Jacqueline Delatour Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Sarina Drummond Lessons from the Holocaust Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Daniel Excellent Christian-Jewish Encounter Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Janet Greve Lessons from the Holocaust Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Mary McGuire Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Heather Mecka Lessons from the Holocaust Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Robert Rubinson Christian-Jewish Encounter Hattie and Arnold Segal Endowed Fellowship Franklin Stebbins Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship Jessyca Villareal Christian-Jewish Encounter Sister Rose Thering Scholarship
Julian Acebo Personal Rights and Responsibilities Scholarship in Honor of Marilyn Rosenbaum, Ann Burgmeyer & Clare Giangreco donated by Dr. David Bossman and Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf Jacqueline Delatour Strategies for Healing Interreligious Relations Scholarship In Memory of Dr. Elaine Ognibene donated by Dr. David Bossman Sarina Drummond Personal Rights and Responsibilities Scholarship In Memory of Aaron Bernstein, M.D. donated by Ruth Bernstein and Scholarship in Memory of Elizabeth Kelly Volker donated by multiple donors Janet Greve Personal Rights and Responsibilities The Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf Scholarship Mary McGuire Personal Rights and Responsibilities Scholarship In Honor of Luna Kaufman Heather Mecka Personal Rights and Responsibilities The Deborah Lerner Duane And Daniel J. Duane Scholarship Robert Rubinson Personal Rights and Responsibilities Scholarship in Memory of Elie Wiesel Franklin Stebbins Personal Rights and Responsibilities The Carol and Alan Silberstein Scholarship
THE SISTER ROSE THERING FUND SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Begun in 2003, the SRTF Sponsored Scholarship Program has awarded 150 scholarships for one course per semester to selected teachers in our program. These awards are made by individual supporters of the Fund as a means of introducing the sponsor to a student, allowing them to learn about one another and enabling the sponsor to follow the student through his or her path of study. Students and their sponsors are honored at an annual Awards program held in the spring of each year. We gratefully acknowledge the following donors whose gifts and generosity have provided scholarships this year so the legacy of Sister Rose may live on: Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation Ruth Bernstein Dr. David Bossman Deborah Lerner Duane and Daniel J. Duane Luna Kaufman Hattie and Arnold Segal Endowed Fellowship Carol and Alan Silberstein In Memory of Elizabeth Kelly Volker Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf We welcome scholarship donations in honor of or in memory of someone. If you would like to donate a Sponsored Scholarship, please contact us at 973-761-9006 or e-mail us at srtf@shu.edu.
Thank you www.shu.edu/go/sisterrose
Past Honorees 1992
Drs. Charles and Gloria Steiner
Rabbi Jehiel and Sylvia Orenstein
Rev. Edward F. Flannery and Abraham Foxman
Professor Elie Wiesel, Eva Fleischer and Murray Laulicht, Esq.
Cynthia Ozick, Rabbi Israel Singer and Christophe Meili
Sister Rose Thering, Archbishop Peter L. Gerety and Luna Kaufman
Judith Banki, Anneke Burke-Kooistra and Nicholas and Margaret Pogany
Sir Martin Gilbert, Rev. John F. Morley and Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf
Dr. Nechama Tec, Theodore Bikel, David and Julia Altholz and Dr. David Bossman
Dr. Eugene Fisher, Blu Greenberg and Dr. Aristides de Sousa Mendes do Amaral E Abranches (posthumously)
Sylvia and David Steiner
Karan and Kenneth Oleckna and Toby and Leon Cooperman
Monsignor Robert Sheeran
Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Seymour Lehrhoff
Maud Dahme and Irena Sendler (posthumously)
Joshua Bell
Ela Weissberger
Drs. Charles and Gloria Steiner and Raoul Wallenberg (all posthumously)
Dr. Paul B. Winkler
Sister Rose Thering Fund Founders
Holocaust Survivors and Liberators
Our Women of Valor – Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Mary Vazquez, Ellin Cohen (all posthumously) and Marilyn Zirl
Father Lawrence Frizzell, Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal
Marilyn Rosenbaum and Darrell Terry, Sr.
of The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish -Christian Studies
To advance the legacy of Sister Rose Thering by fostering understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education
Let There Be Peace on Earth Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me Let there be peace on earth The peace that was meant to be. With God as our Father We are family Let us walk with each other In perfect harmony. Let peace begin with me Let this be the moment now. With every step I take Let this be my solemn vow To take each moment and live Each moment in peace eternally Let there be peace on earth And let it begin with me
Songwriters: JILL JACKSON, SY MILLER Š MCCG LLC For non-commercial use only. Data From: LyricFind
Teachers…. inspiring a world without prejudice
2018-2019 Sister Rose Thering Fund Scholarship Recipients “I know the power of teachers. It is my deepest wish that teachers in our public and parochial schools, with scholarship assistance, will be able to enroll in Jewish-Christian studies at Seton Hall University to stem the tide of ignorance in our schools and in society.” Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Ph.D.
Full-tuition scholarships available from the Sister Rose Thering Fund for teachers and educators from New Jersey public, private or religious-affiliated schools in grades K – 12 to enroll in graduate courses in Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University. Visit www.shu.edu/go/sisterrose E-mail: srtf@shu.edu or call 973-761-9006