2017 SRTF Evening of Roses Ad Journal

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24th Annual

Sunday, May 7, 2017 To benefit The Annual Scholarship Fund and Work of The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies

Advancing the legacy of Sister Rose Thering by fostering understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education

The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies

“Since the spiritual patrimony common to Christians and Jews is thus so great, this sacred synod wants to foster and recommend that mutual understanding and respect which is the fruit, above all, of biblical and theological studies as well as of fraternal dialogues. Furthermore, in her rejection of every persecution against any person, the Church, mindful of the patrimony she shares with the Jews and moved not by political reasons but by the Gospel’s spiritual love, decries hatred, persecutions, displays of anti-Semitism, directed against Jews at any time and by anyone.” Nostra Aetate #4


NOSTRA AETATE Proclaimed By His Holiness Pope Paul VI on October 28, 1965

24TH ANNUAL EVENING OF ROSES MAY 7, 2017 • 2 P.M. WELCOME Deborah Lerner Duane Chairman, Board of Trustees, Sister Rose Thering Fund GREETINGS Mary J. Meehan Interim President, Seton Hall University REMARKS Peter W. Shoemaker Dean, College of Arts and Science, Seton Hall University PRESENTATION OF HONORS Robert Werbel Chairman Emeritus, Sister Rose Thering Fund

Luna Kaufman • Pearl Randall Lehrhoff • Hattie Segal MUSICAL PRESENTATION Cantor Perry Fine, Temple Beth Shalom

Karina Bruk, Piano

INTRODUCTION OF GUESTS AND STUDENTS David Bossman Executive Director, Sister Rose Thering Fund Remarks by Amy-Jill Levine Professor of New Testament and Jewish Studies, Vanderbilt University Kibwe Miller • Miki Fine • Derrick Edmundson PRESENTATION OF THE SISTER ROSE THERING FUND AWARD IN JEWISH-CHRISTIAN UNDERSTANDING Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi Vice President for Mission and Ministry, Seton Hall University

Father Lawrence E. Frizzell Remarks by Father Lawrence E. Frizzell Director and Associate Professor, Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program, Department of Religion, Seton Hall University CLOSING REMARKS Deborah Lerner Duane

Reception to follow in the Atrium, fourth floor.

The world of inter-religious relations has not been the same since the promulgation of Nostra aetate (“In our age”) in 1965 as the culmination of years of preparation, discussion, and documentation that emerged from the Second Vatican Council. St. Pope John XXIII had called for a council to bring about aggiornamento (renewal) in the Catholic Church. He asked Cardinal Bea to address the question of Catholic-Jewish relations in the light of the Holocaust. Cardinal Bea succeeded initiating a call for harmony among all peoples of religion. We are inspired by the direct engagement of Monsignor John Oesterreicher, founder of the David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Judaeo Christian Studies Department at Seton Hall, and the supportive research of Sister Rose whose doctoral dissertation detailed teachings of contempt against Jews in Catholic school text books, in this monumental achievement. Today we look back at that revolution and celebrate decades of subsequent progress in relations among Catholics, Protestants, Christian Orthodox, Jews, Muslims, and people of other religious traditions long left out of inter-religious consideration. We now witness the more widespread realization that belief in God should never divide people. It can and should be a reason to seek common purpose. Today’s Evening of Roses celebrates persons who have played key roles in bringing about better understanding, cooperative engagement, and rebuilding the world free of religious prejudice. The Reverend Lawrence E. Frizzell joined Seton Hall University in 1974 when he helped to design the curriculum for the Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program. This unique curriculum was the first of its kind in the world and continues to serve as a model for educating in ways to increase mutual understanding and harmony. Today Father Frizzell is the Director and Associate Professor of the Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program and the Director of the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies, a leading center of expertise committed to the mission of developing, encouraging and increasing the collaborative peace-building efforts of Jewish and Christian scholars, theologians, educators, and students. Hattie Segal is a stalwart Jewish supporter of inter-religious engagement, having personally sponsored the work of Sister Rose Thering with scholarships for educators taking courses in Jewish-Christian Studies. At the glorious age of one hundred years, she bears a powerful witness to a passion for never giving up in the pursuit of a more just world for all peoples of religion. None could be more articulate and effective in building a better world through education. Luna Kaufman, a Holocaust survivor with a history of spending four years in various camps, losing her family and friends but surviving alone with her mother, is a long-time friend of Sister Rose. See her compassionately pushing Sr. Rose in a wheel chair in the gallery of photos of Holocaust victims in the awardwinning documentary, “Sister Rose’s Passion.” She is a former chairman of the Sister Rose Thering Fund and in my mind a model of resilience. With heart-endearing synergy she presents herself as the Jewish

Sister Rose. She is both supporter and advocate with conviction and passion at the age of 90. Who could not celebrate Luna’s Life: A Journey of Triumph and Forgiveness, her autobiography, testifies eloquently to life beyond the horrors of the Holocaust. Pearl Randall Lehrhoff, also at 90 years of age, spells success in engaging Jews with Christians in a constructive and effective encounter. In the early days of the Sister Rose Thering Fund, we met at Pearl’s home in Newstead, South Orange. Once, when I asked her to support an initiative of the Fund, she smiled broadly and simply said, “David, I’m Pearl. Of course I will support the work of Sister Rose.” I’ll never forget that whole-hearted devotion. She also defended the rights of gays against those who would marginalize them, remembering how the Nazis had marginalized Jews. At the Maplewood/South Orange Interfaith Holocaust Remembrance annual gathering she insisted that the eleven million should always be taken together, never Jews and the others separately. These are our champions. If we do not celebrate them, the stones will cry out in their behalf. We do, indeed, celebrate Fr. Frizzell, Hattie Segal, Luna Kaufman, Pearl Lehrhoff as humanitarian champions in our midst.

David M. Bossman Professor of Jewish-Christian Studies Executive Director The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies


To advance the legacy of Sister Rose Thering by fostering understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education

Our differences shape our world. They separate us. They bind us together. They create conflict and they create love. Sometimes we embrace our differences. Too often we reject them. For more than 40 years, Seton Hall University’s graduate program in Jewish-Christian Studies has examined and analyzed these differences, its gifted faculty making it possible for their students to better understand them through history, theology, ethics and scriptures. Father Lawrence E. Frizzell, whom we honor today, is recognized worldwide Deborah Lerner Duane for engaging not only his students here at Seton Hall, but also other scholars, academics and religious leaders in this meaningful work. We congratulate Father Frizzell today for his role in advancing the cause of fostering Jewish-Christian relations. This afternoon, we will hear from Sister Rose Thering Fund teacher-scholars, each of whom has had the good fortune to spend time in Father Frizzell’s classroom. These educators will remind us how Father Frizzell has educated and encouraged hundreds of graduate students, inspiring them to commit themselves to justice and peace, and encouraging them to appreciate the similarities and differences among Christians and Jews. At this afternoon’s event, we will have the opportunity to also celebrate milestones in the lives of three Sister Rose Thering Fund founding trustees. The lifetime efforts of our own Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal have been instrumental in SRTF’s ability to achieve our goal of providing scholarship assistance to graduate students. Luna, Pearl and Hattie have exhibited a single-minded determination to bring Sister Rose Thering’s message to the community. Each has exhibited a solid resolve to encourage dialogue among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions. And, together, these remarkable women have shown courage and purpose in battling discrimination and bigotry. My personal admiration for Father Frizzell, Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal is considerable. I’m proud to have been a student of Father Frizzell. My friendships with Luna, Pearl and Hattie have also taught me – albeit not in a classroom. Please join me in congratulating and thanking our honored guests for their outstanding contributions to the mission and the vision of the Sister Rose Thering Fund. We applaud them for demonstrating how our differences make us all better together.

Deborah Lerner Duane Chairman Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies M.A., Jewish-Christian Studies, ’12

Reverend Lawrence E. Frizzell Recipient of the Sister Rose Thering Fund Award for Jewish-Christian Understanding

The Rev. Lawrence E. Frizzell, D.Phil. (Oxford University), S.S.L. (Pontifical Biblical Institute, Rome), S.T.L. (University of Ottawa) is a priest of the Edmonton Archdiocese in Alberta, Canada. He came to Seton Hall University in 1974 to help found the Master’s program, which in 1979 became the Department of Jewish-Christian Studies. He was also Associate Director of the Institute of JudaeoChristian Studies, founded in 1953 by Msgr. John M. Oesterreicher. Since 1993 he has been Director of this Institute, which promotes understanding of the Christian roots in the Jewish matrix of the Second Temple period and, through lectures and publications, strives to increase understanding and amity between Jewish and Christian communities. Principles of Jewish-Christian dialogue may be applied to other communities seeking justice, peace and greater mutual understanding. For decades Father Frizzell has developed a personal interest in peace studies and, in a limited way, an appreciation of the cultures of East and South-East Asia. His doctoral dissertation was on the theology of the community that produced the Dead Sea (Qumran) Scrolls. Besides publications in biblical and Jewish studies, he wrote entries for the World Encyclopedia of Peace (Oxford: Pergamon Press, 1986, revised 1999) and the Dictionary of Christian-Jewish Relations (Cambridge University Press, 2005). For further information about Department of Jewish-Christian Studies see: www.shu.edu/academics/ arts_sci/Graduate/jewish/index.html For information about the Institute of Judaeo-Christian Studies see: www.shu.edu/programs/jcs/ index.html

Luna Kaufman, a survivor of three Nazi work camps, met Sister Rose more than thirty years ago, became close friends through their common interests and trips to Israel, and eventually joined forces as the SRTF was beginning to develop. Luna had been involved in projects such as fund-raising for the Liberation Monument in Liberty State Park, and her own synagogue where she hired a young rabbinical student, Rabbi Ron Kronish, to direct the religious school. He later became a leader in the grass-roots movement in Israel to bring together Jews, Christians and Muslims. It was Sister Rose who encouraged Luna to speak about her personal survival and this led to the writing and publication of Luna’s Life, her remarkable memoir. Luna served for five years as chairman of the SRTF. Today, she has homes in N.Y.C. and N.J., and finds happiness and joy with her six grandchildren.

Pearl Randall Lehrhoff of Maplewood, was born in the Bronx and taught in elementary schools for a number of years. Once she retired, she and her late husband Max moved to New Jersey where she became a volunteer for many organizations including the Anti-Defamation League (Pearl still serves on its National Board) and B’nai B’rith Women. Pearl met Sister Rose thirty-six years ago when Rose delivered a homily to the newly formed South Orange/Maplewood Interfaith Holocaust Memorial group. Pearl helped Rose gather together a group of individuals that eventually formed the Sister Rose Thering Fund, and as Pearl puts it, “that made life meaningful and interesting.”

Hattie Segal, a native of Bayonne, N.J., moved to the South Orange area in 1945 where she and her late husband Arnold raised their three sons, all now married with children and grandchildren of their own! Hattie met Sister Rose when the latter spoke at Congregation Beth El where the Segals were founding members. Hattie has held national board positions in ADL and B’nai B’rith Women, always working for improved relations between races and religions. She also became deeply involved in helping the State of Israel and was chairman of the Women’s Division for Israel Bonds, and served in many positions for United Jewish Appeal. She and Arnold were founding members and active supporters of the N.J. Children’s Institute for more than fifty years.

Today we come together to celebrate lives well lived. Four is our perfect number. We have the three graces plus one. Father Lawrence E. Frizzell, a soft spoken gentleman, who is the Director of Seton Hall University’s Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program, is being honored for his longstanding leadership in the field of Jewish-Christian relations. He has also been recognized by Pope Benedict XVI in 2008 when he was appointed Consultor to the Commission Ann Burgmeyer Marilyn Rosenbaum for Religious Relations with the Jews in the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity. Pope Francis renewed his appointment in January 2014. He is a multitalented personality who is well known in many circles where he has been a regular columnist in the Archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic Advocate. Fr. Frizzell also hosts a weekly radio program on WSOU FM 89.5, The Kinship of Catholics & Jews. He has been a mentor, counsellor, and teacher not only to many Seton Hall students but well beyond in his academic and priestly ministry. The three graces references goddesses in Greek mythology who represents charity. This could not be more appropriate for our three honorees: Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff, and Hattie Segal. This year each one marked a milestone birthday. We not only celebrate these events but their many years devoted to the Sister Rose Thering Fund. Each was a founding member and remained faithful to our mission to advance the legacy of Sister Rose by fostering understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians, and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education. We applaud their enduring and unfailing support of the SRTF and honor them as steadfast friends. It has been our privilege to serve as Chairs of this Evening of Roses and to celebrate the legacy of Sister Rose and her lifework. We are most grateful today for your generous support. This will enable us to provide scholarship funds to teachers who will educate the next generation. We also hope to expand our efforts to sponsor other educational initiatives in the community to continue our mission. We will carry these and other ideas forward so that we can imagine a world without religious prejudice.

Ann Burgmeyer Co-Chair, Program Committee

Marilyn Rosenbaum Co-Chair, Program Committee

Dear Friends, Thank you supporting this year’s Sister Rose Thering Fund’s Evening of Roses. Once again, it has been an honor to work with my fellow trustees to raise awareness and support for our work and the legacy of Sister Rose. Our mission remains strong today, to foster understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of all religious traditions through advocacy and education. This year we gather to honor the dedication and scholarship of Father Lawrence Frizzell, Director and Associate Professor of the Jewish Christian Studies graduate program here at Seton Hall University. Father Frizzell is known to many of our SRTF scholarship recipients. Today we also recognize the commitment of three Wayne K. Hanlon beloved SRTF trustees- Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal. These special women exemplify the wisdom, courage and vision of Sister Rose and we are pleased to honor them. The work of the Sister Rose Thering Fund relies on the generosity and commitment of our donors and supporters and I thank you for partnering with us this year. Your contributions to this year’s Evening of Roses program journal allow us to perpetuate the legacy of Sister Rose by providing educational opportunities for today’s students. The Book of Proverbs (22:9) tells us “He who is generous will be blessed.” May you all be blessed for your generosity. Sincerely,

Wayne K. Hanlon Journal Chair

THE SISTER ROSE THERING FUND for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies

The concept of teaching about interfaith relations in this Catholic university dates back to the arrival in 1953 of Monsignor John M. Oesterreicher, who established the Institute for Judaeo-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ. Oesterreicher, a convert from Judaism to Catholicism in 1927, had been lecturing, doing research and creating publications for fifteen years when he sensed the need for a program coordinator to flesh out the work he was doing and bring his lessons to the wider community at Seton Hall. Therefore, in 1968 he advertised for someone to fill this position. As fate would have it, Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Ph.D., with her background in education and Jewish-Christian Studies and her keen interest in the Jewish roots of Christianity and the State of Israel, responded to his ad and was hired for the position. Its tasks included organizing summer trips to Israel for teachers and lay persons to learn about the Holy Land. The program was called the Menorah Institute. Its positive impact, both on Monsignor Oesterreicher and teachers, led to the establishment of a Master’s degree program, directed by Father Lawrence Frizzell, now offered in the Department of Religion. During the more than thirty years of her career as professor of higher education in the College of Education and Human Resources, Sister Rose continued to lead the Menorah Institute and became a close colleague of David M. Bossman, Ph.D. He had arrived at Seton Hall in 1985, served for a time as Provost and then as chair of the Department of Jewish-Christian Studies. Dr. Bossman and a group of close friends of Sister Rose wanted to offer teachers more courses in Jewish-Christian Studies, and eventually discussed the possibility of offering scholarships to teachers. The idea of developing a significant

fund to help defray costs of tuition led to the establishment in 1993 of such a fund and program. Originally called the Sister Rose Thering Endowment, later changed to the Sister Rose Thering Fund, it is overseen by an elected Board of Trustees who created a set of working by-laws. In 1994, the State of New Jersey, under then Governor Christine Todd Whitman, and urged on by Sister Rose and others, signed into law a mandate to teach about the Holocaust and Genocide in all public schools in New Jersey, grades K-12. This law created the mandate and was bolstered by the message of Pope John Paul II to Catholic schools to remember the Shoah, “Reflections on the Shoah” (March 1998). Sister Rose became a founding member of the New Jersey Commission on Holocaust Education, charged to carry out the Mandate, and served until her death in 2006. Today, the Fund offers scholarships annually and has reached some 400 educators in the course of its existence. It raises funds through donations received primarily at the Evening of Roses, held each spring, a program that has honored outstanding educators and individuals who have shown traits of compassion, altruism and courage in various endeavors. The Sister Rose Thering Fund and the graduate Program in Jewish-Christian Studies have been called “the hidden jewels” of Seton Hall University, but as Dr. Bosman has remarked, in reality they are no longer hidden but treasures found as the Fund contributes more than $60,000 annually in scholarship funding to the University. The Program continues to promote understanding and cooperation among Jews, Christians and people of other religious traditions through advocacy and education.

The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies TRUSTEES Officers

Sister Mary Gomolka, R.S.M.

Deborah Lerner Duane Chairman**

Melinda Hanlon

Susan Feinstein Vice Chairman

Louis Izzi**

Wayne Hanlon *Luna Kaufman

Alan Silberstein Treasurer

Reverend John F. Morley, Ph.D. Karan Oleckna

Ann Burgmeyer Secretary

*Kenneth Oleckna, Esq.

Board of Trustees

Marilyn Rosenbaum

Paula Becker Alexander, Ph.D.

Gary Survis

Honorable Cory A. Booker

Christine Aromando

Jason C. Tramm, D.M.A

Honorable Brendan T. Byrne

Gail H. Barry

*Robert Werbel, Esq.

Honorable Chris Christie

Andrea Bartoli, Ph.D.

Marcia Robbins Wilf, Ed.D.

Honorable Jon Corzine

Rabbi Alan Brill, Ph.D.

Robert D. Woog

Blu Greenberg

Ki Joo Choi, Ph.D.

Monsignor C. Anthony Ziccardi

Rabbi Irving Greenberg, Ph.D.

Monsignor Robert Coleman


Michal (Miki) Fine**

David M. Bossman, Ph.D. Executive Director

Reverend Lawrence Frizzell, D.Phil.

Clare M. Giangreco Program Manager

*Paul Gibbons


Honorable Thomas H. Kean Dr. Mary Meehan Honorable Robert Menendez Sister Maryann McMahon, O.P. Regina Townsend

ADVISORY COUNCIL Shirley Aidekman-Kaye

Rita Horowitz

Sylvia Orenstein

Julia Altholz

Allan Janoff

Teri & Ed Rosen

Jacqueline Berke

Michael Kogan, Ph.D.

Emmanuel Ruranga

Concetta Donvito, Ed.D.

Murray Laulicht, Esq.

Anthony Sciglitano, Ph.D.

Judith & Steven Elbaum

Pearl Randall Lehrhoff

Hattie Segal

Eugene Fisher, Ph.D.

Jacqueline & Howard Levine

Joseph Volker, Ph.D.

Kenneth Gaines

Przemyslaw Murczkiewicz**

Jane Wallerstein

Monsignor John J. Gilchrist

Robin Neuman

Michael Zeiger

*Chairmen emeriti

** M.A. Jewish-Christian Studies

Best Wishes to Everyone involved with The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian studies at Seton Hall University


With deep gratitude to

Father Lawrence E. Frizzell Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and

Hattie Segal for their extraordinary work in advancing Jewish-Christian relations

Deborah Lerner Duane and Daniel J. Duane

Congratulations Father Frizzell for continued success establishing Jewish-Christian relations worldwide!

Susan Feinstein

Carol and Alan Silberstein Honor Four Esteemed Pillars of our Interfaith Community

Father Lawrence Frizzell Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff Hattie Segal

“God has given us many faiths but only one world in which to co-exist. May your work help all of us cherish our commonalities and feel enlarged by our differences� Lord Jonathan Sacks

Celebrating The Rev. Dr. Lawrence Frizzell Honoree Hattie Segal Honoree Luna Kaufman Honoree Pearl Randall Lehrhoff Learn to do good; seek justice, rescue the oppressed, defend the orphan, plead for the widow. Isaiah 1:17 Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who lead many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3

We celebrate those who seek justice and show the way to righteousness through education, pursuing the vision of the Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies, A World Free of Religious Prejudice. -David M. Bossman Executive Director The Sister Rose Thering Fund for Education in Jewish-Christian Studies

In honor of Hattie Segal We are so proud of all you have done, and do, to better the world –

Thank you!

With all our love,

Stephen and Patty, Ken and Karen, Richard and Poppy, and all your grandchildren and great-grandchildren

With our heartfelt thanks and gratitude from the SRTF Board of Trustees for your ongoing commitment and generosity in supporting Holocaust Studies and Education to

The Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation With personal thanks to Peter Friedmann Debbie Friedmann Joey Friedmann Ben Friedmann Evi Meinhardt Edward Meinhardt

Congratulations, Father Frizzell, for a well-deserved award!

b In your honor and in Sister Rose's memory, may we, as advocates for understanding and tolerance pledge our support. Never has it been so important!

b Hattie Segal and Family

We join this tribute in memory of our friend Sister Rose Linda and Murray Laulicht

We honor and admire Father Frizzell and Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff Hattie Segal and all the women and men who follow in Sister Rose’s footsteps for many k r o rw e e h ue to com n i t May we con years

Karan and Ken Oleckna


Sigmund Rolat

With appreciation to Father Lawrence Frizzell Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal for their vision and dedication towards fulfilling the mission of our dear Sister Rose. The Werbel/Siegler Family and the Eleanor Siegler Family Fund

In appreciation for the exemplary leadership of Father Lawrence Frizzell in loving memory of Sister Rose, the mother of us all

Dr. Michael S. Kogan


With gratitude and great appreciation for the work of

Father Frizzell

Luna Kaufman

is proud to support The Sister Rose Thering Fund and Honor Father Lawrence Frizzell’s academic accomplishments, inspiring leadership and years of service

In memory of Kenneth W. Hanlon and the members of

In loving memory of

The U.S. Army 11th Armored Division econ HANLON Squadron 41 Calvary R KENNETH W. st

Wayne and Division Melinda Hanlon U.S. Army 11th Armored and WWII Liberator


Wayne and Melinda Hanlon

With deep appreciation to Father Frizzell and this year’s honorees In loving memory of Ellin Cohen

Fred Cohen & Family

 CONGRATULATIONS TO FATHER LAWRENCE E. FRIZZELL, S.T.L., S.S.L., D.Phil. On a lifetime of education and leadership in Jewish-Christian Studies

 And congratulations to the other honored trustees as well!

From the Chang Family Monica, David, Erica and Andrew

The Foundation for Judaeo-Christian Studies celebrates the commitment of Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal to the Jewish-Christian Studies program and the honor bestowed on Father Lawrence Frizzell.

To Father Lawrence Frizzell, priest and scholar and tireless champion of mutual Jewish-Christian understanding

Many Congratulations and Best Wishes! Monsignor Anthony Ziccardi and the Office of Mission and Ministry

Heartfelt Congratulations to

Father Lawrence Frizzell Director of the Judaeo-Christian Institute, Director and Associate Professor of Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program

We offer our thanks for your years of dedicated service to Seton Hall University and the Sister Rose Thering Fund and our prayers that our Lord will continue to bestow His abundant blessings upon you for many years. The Priest Community of Seton Hall University Rev. Msgr. Robert F. Coleman Minister to Priests

In loving memory of

David Altholz,

a co-founder of the Sister Rose Thering Fund and a strong supporter of its mission. Cherished husband, father, grandfather and friend, he always gave much more than he took.

In Loving Memory of DAVID ALTHOLZ

Our Sincere Gratitude to

Luna Kaufman for her support of the Prayer for Peace Concert and the School of Diplomacy and International Relations.

founding member of the Sister Rose Thering Fund

We take this opportunity to re-commit ourselves to Sister Rose’s vision and thank God for Father Lawrence Frizzell Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff Hattie Segal Paul and Mary Gibbons

Congratulations to

Father Lawrence Frizzell, a most deserving honoree and

Best Wishes to

Hattie, Pearl and Luna, colleagues and friends. I miss you all. Marilyn Zirl

Fr. Frizzell – Thank you for sharing your wisdom and compassion. Louis Izzi ’12

INSERT HEBREW HERE "Happy is he who performs a good deed: for he may tip the scales for himself and the world." Talmud, Kiddushin

Through your teachings and many acts of kindness, Father Frizzell, you embody the very best of Tikkun Olam, making the world a better place. Mazal Tov! You are in ‘deed’ a blessing! Mazal Tov, as well, to our special honored women, Hattie, Pearl and Luna! L'dor Va'dor, from generation to generation...

With love, Cantor Perry And Miki Fine

Congratulation to our honorees Father Lawrence Frizzell Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrloff Hattie Segal

Wish best wishes Ann and Marilyn


ongratulations to Father Frizzell and three outstanding women Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal. We admire all that you have done and continue to do.

With best wishes,

Temple B’nai Abraham Honors Our Dear Friend

Father Lawrence E. Frizzell Clifford M. Kulwin, Rabbi Faith Joy Dantowitz, Rabbi Bruce H. Greene, President Jessica F. Epstein, Cantor

Ruth and Aaron Bernstein

To honor and to thank Father Frizzell for sharing his brilliant intellect, unfailing kindness, inspiring faith, and love for his students and the world; and to honor and thank Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff, and Hattie Segal for their grace, undaunted spirits, and generosity to the students of the Sister Rose Thering Fund. Ellen Dester Hayes

In recognition of and with appreciation to Rev. Lawrence E. Frizzell, D.Phil., for being a founding member of Seton Hall University's graduate In recognition of program in Jewish-Christian Studies and for his nearly and with appreciation for 40 years of educating and encouraging the of “Women ofinValor” hundreds students this program. th

on the 10 Anniversary Commission would also like to ofThe Sister Rose Thering’s passing, specifically acknowledge the Commission Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff would like to specifically acknowledge and Hattie Segal, Mary Vazquez & Ellin Cohen, trustees and long-time Fund supporters two who have recently passed whotrustees, have been "upstanders" in advancing and Marilyn Zirl, understanding Administrator,and the cause of religious advocacy through education. on her upcoming retirement.

"Imagine a World without Religious Prejudice"

We Congratulate, Honor and Remember those who have this vision and have taken steps to show us how to make a difference! Recipient of the Sister Rose Thering Fund Award in Jewish-Christian Understanding Father Lawrence Frizzell Director and Associate Professor, Jewish-Christian Studies Graduate Program

Sister Rose Thering Fund Trustees Luna Kaufman Pearl Randall Lehrhoff Hattie Segal

I would like to thank and congratulate Father Lawrence Frizzell For all the years he has been lecturing and teaching about Jewish-Christian studies. His scholarship in helping Jews and Christians understand each other brings peace and makes us a little closer towards all.

Trustee of Blessed Memory, our friend Mary Vazquez With Appreciation Gail & Kevin Barry and Family

Best wishes

from Signature Creations Caterers at Deli-King of Linden

 Eddie Levy, Owner

Pearl Randall Lehrhoff

In honor of our very dear friend and esteemed board member, Susan Feinstein Patricia and James Fingeroth

We join millions of well-wishers to congratulate our friend and mentor, Fr. Frizzell! Bishop Joseph Danlami Bagobiri, Kafanchan Diocese, Northern Nigeria, Fr. Vincent Bulus, Ph.D., Fr. Julius Eyyazo, Fr. David K. Didam and all the priests from Kafanchan Diocese: Words cannot express how grateful we are. You gave us hope & dignity; you are a very kind man, an awesome priest generous by nature and considerate in spirit, excellent in all you put your mind and soul to. Thank you for sharing your time, talent and treasure with us all, your students and friends. You are a pillar of strength to students and staff, a priest, professor and leader with an unquenchable sense of duty and responsibility. God bless you!



Congratulations and Best Wishes from The Kaufman Family

to this year’s honorees

Sylvia Orenstein

Thomas P. Giblin Assemblyman - 34th District


Clifton • East Orange Montclair • Orange

Congratulations Father Lawrence E. Frizzell with very best wishes and gratitude Paula Alexander


Marilyn Ziemke IAT Heritage Tours, LLC Toll Free: 866-878-1600 Fax: 973-886-2330 Email: israeladvantage@hotmail.com P.O. Box 1936, Livingston, NJ 07039 www.iatheritagetours.com

In honor of a great Mom and Bubbe


Geoff, Adena, Lauren, Ari and Reid

With Gratitude to SRTF Edward Ahearn Catherine Alvarez Marissa Calfayan

Daniel Excellent Jeryl Maglio Karen Pomerantz

Vernon MosheiM and C.R. Friedman

Thank you, Father Lawrence Frizzell, from all your friends at American Jewish Committee

BEST WISHES Howard Levine

Congratulations to theHonorees In memory of Mary Vazquez

The Vazquez Family

TRIBUTES Richard and Thelma Florin

Rest in peace, Philip Bob Woog With a grateful heart, I send on my best wishes, Father Frizzell. I have been forever enriched by your teachings, instilling in me a love for scripture. Regina West Townsend In honor of Hattie Segal Bryna Ringel Lax The SOMA Interfaith Holocaust Committee honors Pearl Randall Lehrhoff

In honor of Msgr. John J. Gilchrist Hon. Thomas P. Giblin In memory of Bill and Jack McDermott; Thank you, Father, for your inspiration and dedication. Peggy McDermott, Michele McDermott, and Carol Snyder In honor of Father Frizzell’s devotion to scholarship and teaching Colleen Tambuscio In honor of Father Lawrence Frizzell, a gifted teacher and brilliant mentor Bruce London Best wishes and thank you! Gene R. Hoffman In memory of Wayne Melnik Rev. John F. Morley In memory of Rabbi Orenstein The Morning Minyan, Congregation Beth El In loving memory of Ellin Cohen and Saul Diamond Nancy Rubinstein In honor of Marilyn Rosenbaum Love, Linda & Kenny Father Frizzell, it is in this moment of joy and jubilation that we extend our gratitude to you for being our teacher and mentor of the Gospels of John and Paul. Monday’s Class Thank you for teaching the important lesson of tolerance. Linda Malanga

LISTINGS In honor of your support of Holocaust education and teachers Dr. Susan K. Leshnoff Thank you Father. I am forever changed from your knowledge and friendship. Donna Burkat Congratulations and thank you for continuing Sister Rose’s vision. God Bless. Mark Phillips, (nephew of Sister Rose) Mid-Atlantic Sisters of Mercy Gerald and Harriet Ritzer

With Gratitude, from the Memory Family Catherine and Robert Memory Harvey and Joan Bucholtz

Father - A well deserved honor to a mentor, teacher, friend. Ira and Ruth Melon Yasher koach! Fr. Frizzell and Luna have ensured Sr. Rose’s legacy. Dr. Harriet Sepinwall Thank you. You have been a great inspiration to me over all these years. Sr. Eileen Schuller, osu Institute for Jewish-Christian Understanding of Muhlenberg College

(Hebrew text provided) Dr. Mary J. Berger Drs. Susan and Bruce Greene

In honor of my friend, Marilyn, with all my love. Evi Meinhardt Thank you for your relentless efforts to mentor our minds and our souls. Your Tuesday Evening Class in Peace and War Congratulations, Father Frizzell and Hattie Segal! Thank you for all you’ve done. Jordyn Barry Blessings and congratulations to Fr. Frizzell, Hattie, Luna and Pearl! Clare Giangreco

DONATIONS Ms. Esther Bearg Ms. Alice Boyle Mr. David Crapo Ms. Carolyn Dorfman Mr. Charles Epstein Mr. Lane Feinstein Cantor Marcy and Paul Kadin

Mr. James Lynch Rev. John F. Morley Ms. Carol Raff Ms. Terri Randall Mr. Richard Sandler Ms. Ernestine Turkel

We acknowledge with deep gratitude donations received during the year through April 21, and apologize for any omissions or errors.

Thank you for attending the EVENING OF ROSES and for your continued support of the SISTER ROSE THERING FUND

Sister Rose Thering Fund Evening of Roses

1992 Drs. Charles and Gloria Steiner 1995 Rabbi Jehiel and Sylvia Orenstein 1997 Rev. Edward F. Flannery and Abraham Foxman 1998 Professor Elie Wiesel, Eva Fleischer and Murray Laulicht, Esq. 1999 Cynthia Ozick, Rabbi Israel Singer and Christophe Meili 2000 Sister Rose Thering, Archbishop Peter L. Gerety and Luna Kaufman 2001 Judith Banki, Anneke Burke-Kooistra and Nicholas and Margaret Pogany 2002 Sir Martin Gilbert, Rev. John F. Morley and Dr. Marcia Robbins-Wilf 2003 Dr. Nechama Tec, Theodore Bikel, David and Julia Altholz and Dr. David Bossman 2004 Dr. Eugene Fisher, Blu Greenberg and Dr. Aristides de Sousa Mendes do Amaral E Abranches (posthumously) 2005 Sylvia and David Steiner 2006 Karan and Kenneth Oleckna and Toby and Leon Cooperman 2007 Monsignor Robert Sheeran 2008 Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Seymour Lehrhoff 2009 Maud Dahme and Irena Sendler (posthumously) 2010

Joshua Bell


Ela Weissberger

2012 Drs. Charles and Gloria Steiner and Raoul Wallenberg (all posthumously) 2013 Dr. Paul B. Winkler 2014

Sister Rose Thering Fund Founders

2015 Holocaust Survivors and Liberators 2016

Our Women of Valor – Sister Rose Thering, O.P., Mary Vazquez, Ellin Cohen (all posthumously) and Marilyn Zirl


Father Lawrence Frizzell, Luna Kaufman, Pearl Randall Lehrhoff and Hattie Segal



FALL 2016 AND SPRING 2017 he following educators in the Sister Rose Thering Fund program in Jewish-Christian Studies

have been awarded sponsored scholarships during this academic year. Generous individuals from the Board of Trustees and the community at large have donated funding to cover tuition for a single course for each student thereby furthering the legacy of Sister Rose Thering's legacy of understanding and cooperation among Christian, Jews and people of other religions through education.

FALL 2016


EDWARD AHEARN Religious School Teacher Jewish-Christian Foundations For Social Service Sister Rose Thering Scholarship

CATHERINE ALVAREZ School Nurse, Paramus Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship

MICHAEL DURANTE Math, Science 7th grade teacher, Jersey City Jewish-Christian Foundations For Social Service Hattie and Arnold Segal Scholarship DERRICK EDMUNDSON Administration, Irvington Middle Schools Christian-Jewish Encounter Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf Scholarship DERRICK GIBBS Teaching Assistant, East Orange Christian-Jewish Encounter Sister Rose Thering Scholarship JANICE LINGAD-THABET Religious School Teacher Christian-Jewish Encounter Deborah Lerner Duane and Daniel Duane Scholarship KAREN POMERANTZ 2nd Grade, Paterson Lessons from the Holocaust Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship JOHN THOMPSON Special Education Teacher, Newark Christian-Jewish Encounter Sister Rose Thering Scholarship

MARISSA CALFAYAN Resource/English Teacher, Hackensack Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship LORI CHELBORG RAMOS School Nurse, Asbury Park Biblical Thought II: Paul & John Alan and Carol Silberstein Scholarship DANIEL EXCELLENT Personal Finance Teacher, Hackensack Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship JAMES HARRIS Teacher, Paramus Catholic High School Peace and War in Bible and Jewish Tradition Luna Kaufman 90th Birthday Scholarship JANICE LINGAD-THABET Religious School Teacher Peace and War in Bible and Jewish Tradition Scholarship Donated by Susan Feinstein & Hattie Segal JERYL MAGLIO Seton Hall University Senior Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship KAREN POMERANTZ 2nd Grade, Paterson Values for a Pluralistic Society Curt C. and Else Silberman Scholarship

THE SISTER ROSE THERING FUND SPONSORED SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM Begun in 2003, the SRTF Sponsored Scholarship Program has awarded 150 scholarships for one course per semester to selected teachers in our program. These awards are made by individual supporters of the Fund as a means of introducing the sponsor to a student, allowing them to learn about one another and enabling the sponsor to follow the student through his or her path of study. Students and their sponsors are honored at an annual Awards program held in the spring of each year. We gratefully acknowledge the following donors whose gifts and generosity have provided scholarships this year so the legacy of Sister Rose may live on: The Curt C. and Else Silberman Foundation Deborah Lerner Duane and Daniel Duane Hattie Segal Carol and Alan Silberstein Donations in honor of Luna Kaufman’s 90th Birthday Dr. Marcia Robbins Wilf Susan Feinstein We welcome scholarship donations in honor of or in memory of someone. If you would like to donate a Sponsored Scholarship, please contact us at 973-761-9006 or e-mail us at srtf@shu.edu.

Thank you www.shu.edu/go/sisterrose


Celebrating 25 years of Advocating Understanding Among All Religions Through Education 1993 – 2018

Join the Sister Rose Thering Fund beginning September 2017 for our 25th anniversary celebration. Exciting events and programs will be part of our year-long celebration as we pay homage to a woman who dedicated her life to fostering interreligious cooperation and understanding.

Don’t miss out! Join our e-mail list for updates or visit our website at www.shu.edu/go/sisterrose throughout the year to learn how you can participate and support the Fund during this milestone celebration.

Do you teach in a public, private or religious school, grades K-12? You can apply for a scholarship of more than $3,500 for a 3-credit course in the Jewish-Christian Studies Program on-line at www.shu.edu/go/sisterrose or by calling 973-761-9006 or emailing srtf@shu.edu.

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