J O S E P H E . N Y R E , P h . D.
A Vibrant Path Forward “When so rich a harvest is before us, why do we not gather it? All is in our hands if we will but use it.” S A INT EL IZA BET H A NN SET ON
eton Hall is at its best when we embody
will guide Seton Hall through the fluctuating higher
the knowledge, care and faith on which the
education landscape. For some time now, American
University was founded. Since 1856, we have
colleges and universities have been undergoing seismic
shown a continual desire to infuse those
changes. Many institutions are rightly concerned about
qualities more fully in our community. When we do,
shifting demographics. Competition for a shrinking
they blossom into treasures that benefit not only us,
pool of applicants leads to fewer incoming students.
but also the world around us.
This results in smaller budgets, rising debt and
Heeding the call of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, who encourages us to harvest our many treasures, we are excited to unveil the University’s new strategic
heretofore unseen regularity. This disruptive trend began well before COVID-19
plan: Harvest Our Treasures. It extols our traditional
arrived on our shores. Since then, the pandemic has
strengths, animates them in inspiring new ways, and
intensified the trend and forced many colleges to abandon
charts a vibrant path forward.
strategic planning and enter crisis-management mode.
What are the University’s treasures? First and
Thankfully, Seton Hall’s planning continued to evolve
foremost, they are the people in our Seton Hall family.
throughout the tumult of 2020. More than 140 faculty
The strategic plan speaks to all of us and sets a course
and staff members, students and clergy met through the
to strengthen each of us individually and collectively
spring and summer to prepare reopening plans guided by
as a diverse community.
strategic planning principles. Those principles informed
Our community comes together in a specific context
our decision-making as we avoided pandemic paralysis,
developed over 165 years of teaching, learning, wor-
envisioned a successful return to campus and achieved
shipping, serving and encouraging students to reach
a safe and healthy fall semester.
beyond their grasp. In this context, the plan establishes a framework to fortify Seton Hall’s academic enterprise, spiritual foundation and vibrant campus life, as well as vital experiential and physical resources. Writ large, the plan is a blueprint that will underpin all of Seton Hall’s decision-making for the next three years. Embedded in its approach is a dynamism that
instability that causes institutions to close with
The Board of Regents unanimously endorsed Harvest Our Treasures in December. Already the plan is bearing fruit. In line with the specific goals outlined in it, Seton Hall announced a major renovation of the University Center and has embarked on a master planning process for the South Orange and Newark campuses.