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In Brief
l WSOU 89.5 FM was nominated for 12 awards by the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System, following award wins in October and past recognition.
l A Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey grant allowed the College of Nursing to purchase a patient interaction simulation system for nurse practitioner students.
l The School of Diplomacy gained United Nations Economic and Social Council consultative status. This facilitates students’ and faculties’ provision of expert analysis at U.N. forums, monitoring of international agreements, as well as access to U.N. meetings.
l The Division of Continuing Education and Professional Studies has partnered with the UPCEA, a leader in professional, continuing and online (PCO) education. UPCEA serves members and promotes leadership in PCO education through conferences and other events.
l The Global Learning Center and the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures launched the Peer-Assisted Language Support program (PALS) which pairs students seeking conversation practice in the language they study with other student volunteers who are native or advanced speakers of that language.
l Gregory Wiedman, Ph.D., assistant professor of biochemistry and chemical biology, received a five-year National Institutes of Health Research Project Grant to alleviate drug resistance in fungi, particularly the highly drug resistant Cryptococcus neoformans, in collaboration with recipients from Rutgers.
l Immaculate Conception Seminary School of Theology offered its fifth year of Lenten reflections, this year titled “Reflections from the Holy Land,” from Ash Wednesday through Good Friday. Meditations authored by the seminary community explored locations from the Holy Land and invited participants to reflect of the saving mysteries and prepare for the Paschal Feast.
l On October 1, the Center for Diaconal Formation, welcomed more than 200 members of the diaconate, religious and clerical communities as well as men looking to become deacons for a presentation, “Aflame with the Eucharist: ‘We Cannot but Speak …,’” by author and speaker Deacon James Keating, Ph.D.
l Father Brian K. Muzás, assistant professor in the School of Diplomacy and International Relations, represented the Permanent Observer Mission of the Holy See to the U.N. as a peace and security expert during the Tenth Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons.