Top Ten 1 Unit

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First name: Last name: I was born on


I live in


Back to school





WHO AM I? I am many things. I’m a Finn. I’m a student. I’m a friend. I’m a teenager. And I’m a member of my family. Sometimes I am happy, sometimes I am sad. Maybe I am talkative, maybe I am not – it depends, I guess. Am I right? Yes, often, but not always. In short: I’m me, that’s who I am.


Character and mood


”Pikes and popcorn”


liver, 13 years old, and his cousin Sarah from Canada, 14 years old, are sitting in the bus. They’re on their way to Helsinki to see the latest action film. Sarah has come to Finland for two weeks to visit Oliver and his family. This is her last evening in Finland and they’re discussing their time together. Sarah: These two weeks in Finland have been awesome! I can’t believe I have to go back to Toronto tomorrow! I’ll miss you guys so much! Especially Aunt Mikaela’s food… Oliver: Yeah, mum really knows how to cook. It has been great to have you here! Last Saturday at grandma’s place


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

in Turku was so funny. I can’t believe you fell from the boat (laughing)! Sarah: Please don’t remind me of that, Ollie (giggling). I didn’t know the Finnish fish were that strong! Oliver: I must say that I’m impressed, coz, the pike you got on your fishing rod was one the biggest I’ve ever seen! Sarah: Yup, and I didn’t lose my grip even though I fell into the lake and everything! And the look on your grandma’s face when we came back to her cottage with soaked clothes and this huge pike… I’ve never seen anybody that surprised before. Oliver: Well, I think the three of us, you, me and the pike, looked like some kind of sea monsters.

Sarah: The fish WAS a monster, but your grandpa made a wonderful dinner out of it! Oliver: Grandpa’s fish soup is famous, you know. Sarah: I understand why. It’s been great to get to know your whole family, Ollie. Next time, it’s your turn to come to Canada and meet mine! Oliver: Yeah, I’m looking forward to next summer already!

Fact file: Family grandparents morföräldrar; farföräldrar parents föräldrar mother = mum mamma, mor father = dad pappa, far aunt faster; moster uncle farbror; morbror cousin kusin wife fru, hustru, make husband man, make sister syster brother bror

The bus arrives at the station and the cousins get off. Oliver: Ok, let’s go! The theatre is just around the corner. Sarah: Action heroes, here we come! But first some popcorn and soda!

Glossary arrive at [əˈraɪv æt] • anlända till awesome [ˈɔːsəm] • grymt bra, häftig be on one’s way [biː ɒn wʌnz weɪ] • vara på väg cottage [ˈkɒtɪdʒ] • stuga coz (cousin) [kʌz] • kusin (vard.) dinner [ˈdɪnə(r)] • middag discuss [dɪˈskʌs] • diskutera even though [ˈiːv(ə)n ðəʊ] • även om famous [ˈfeɪməs] • berömd fishing rod [ˈfɪʃɪŋ rɒd] • fiskespö get off [ɡɛt ɒf] • stiga av huge [hjuːdʒ] • enorm, stor impressed [ɪmˈprɛst] • imponerad

lake [leɪk] • sjö look forward to [lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tə] • se fram emot lose one’s grip [luːz wʌnz ɡrɪp] • tappa greppet miss [mɪs] • sakna pike [paɪk] • gädda remind [rɪˈmaɪnd] • påminna say [seɪ] • säga sea monster [siːˈmɒnstə(r)] • havsmonster soaked [səʊkt] • genomblöt surprised [səˈpraɪzd] • överraskad the look on (someone’s) face [ðə lʊk ɒn (ˈsʌmwʌnz) feɪs] • (någons) min theatre [ˈθɪətə(r)] • biograf (också: teater) turn [tɜːn] • tur Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Exercise 1: Which words mean the same? Match the words to the words that mean the same. aunt








1) mum 2) grandma 3) dad 4) grandpa 5) mum and dad 6) the sister of my mother (or father) 7) the brother of my mother (or father) 8) coz

Exercise 2: Verbs! Fill in the verb. Use the right form. A 1) The train 2) Simon 3) He 4) He knows that his grandmother

(anländer) at the station. (stiger av) the train. (ser) forward to seeing his grandparents. (saknar) him a lot.

B 5) Ruth and Henry 6) Ruth 7) “Pike… awesome… ,” Henry 12

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

(diskuterar) what to cook for dinner. (påminner) Henry about the pike in the fridge. (säger).

Exercise 3: Down and across Solve the crossword puzzle. Across 2. se, titta 3. moster; faster; tant 4. imponerad 6. säga 7. middag 9. gädda 10. diskutera 12. berömd 14. påminna Down 1. överraskad 2. sjö 5. förälder 8. sakna 11. kusin





5 6 8

7 9





Exercise 4: Write! Write three sentences with the words below. Use at least two (2) of the words in each sentence. arrive at awesome family famous fishing rod

get off grandparent huge impressed lake

look forward to pike say surprised uncle Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the text Exercise 1: True or false? Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? If a statement is false, explain why! 1) Sarah is 13 years old. 2) Oliver and Sarah want to see an action film. 3) Sarah has been in Finland for two weeks. 4) Oliver’s grandma lives in Helsinki. 5) Sarah fell from a cliff. 6) Oliver’s grandpa made fish soup. 7) Oliver will go to Canada next summer.

Exercise 2: 1+1 Match the sentences with the right translations. 1) This is her last evening in Finland.


2) These two weeks have been awesome!


3) Mum really knows how to cook.


4) Please don’t remind me of that!


5) I didn’t lose my grip.


6) Your grandpa made a wonderful dinner.


7) I’m looking forward to next summer already! = A) Mamma vet verkligen hur man lagar mat. B) Jag tappade inte taget. C) Jag ser redan fram emot nästa sommar! D) Detta är hennes sista kväll i Finland. E) Var snäll och påminn mig inte om det! F) Dessa två veckor har varit grymt bra! G) Din morfar/farfar gjorde en underbar middag. 14

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Focus on irregular verbs I engelska är många vanliga verb oregelbundna. Det betyder att de inte har ändelsen -ed i gången tid. Jämför: Jag jobbade på kafét. Jag var på kafét.

I worked at the café. I was at the café.

Han kom ihåg det. Han gjorde det.

He remembered it. He did it.

Oregelbundna verb måste man lära sig utantill. De har tre temaformer: infinitiv, preteritum (imperfekt) och perfektparticip. Perfektparticip används till exempel i perfekt (I have gone = jag har gått) och pluskvamperfekt (she had seen = hon hade sett). Vi börjar här med åtta mycket vanliga oregelbundna verb.

Exercise 1: Eight small verbs Fill in the missing forms. Infinitiv









known seen

Svenska vara komma göra få; komma fram gå; åka, fara ha veta; kunna se

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Exercise 2: Gaps! Fill in the right forms. 1) When did Tom come home?

– He afternoon.

home at 2 o’clock in the

2) Did Susan know about it?

– I think she

about it.

3) Did you see the show this week? – No, but I 4) Who did it?

the show last week.

– The butler


5) Did you get the popcorn and the sweets? – No, I only

the popcorn.

6) Who has the tickets? Susan?

– I have them, Susan she gave them to me.

7) Where did you go?


8) Why are you so late?

– I have

them but

to the store. to the cinema.

Exercise 3: Make questions! Rewrite the sentences as question. For example: He did it. 1) The Robinson family got home last night. 2) They came on the last flight. 3) Susan saw them come home. 4) She knew they were coming. 5) She went over to greet them. 16

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Did he do it?

Find out more Family tree Draw your own family tree! It can be real or imaginary. Here are some other words that you can use:

step- stepfather stepmother

styvstyvpappa styvmor

half half-brother half-sister

halvhalvbror halvsyster

foster- fosterfoster-child fosterbarn foster-parents fosterföräldrar

Focus on grammar Bob is great. He likes to play. We have a lot of fun together, but he gets tired fast. I let him sleep when he needs to sleep. Jakande presens

Se sid. XXX.

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



School gear and desserts


liver, his little sister Linda and their dad are in the local shopping centre. It’s the weekend before school starts and the siblings need some new things. Linda will start first grade and Oliver seventh, so they are both very excited about going to a new school.

Dad: Alright, where should we go first? Linda, you wanted to look at school bags, and Ollie, was it a new jacket you needed? Oliver: Yeah, my old jacket is too small… Dad: I’m not surprised, you have grown a lot during the summer! Linda is pulling her dad’s sleeve. Dad: Linda, what is it? Linda: I want to go and look at the bags NOW! And I need pencils, crayons, erasers, a pencil case… Dad: Whoa, hold your horses, young lady! Let’s decide this together. I have a suggestion: We’ll go and look at bags in the shop over there. Ollie, you could go and look at some jackets on your own. Oliver: Ok, dad. I’ll call you when I’ve found something. Dad: Sounds good! See you in a bit. Linda: Come on, dad, let’s go! Dad laughs and walks away with Linda. Oliver goes to one of the clothing stores. An hour later the family is sitting in one of the restaurants in the shopping centre, enjoying a pizza. Linda proudly shows her new school bag to Oliver. Linda: Look, Ollie! What do you think of my new bag?


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Oliver: I think it’s perfect for you: it’s pink and has butterflies on it – as good as it gets in other words. Dad: We sure did some good shopping, Linda got her school bag and you got your jacket, Ollie. Linda: And I got all this school stuff! Dad, you’re the best! Dad: Well, thank you, sweetie. So, what do you want for dessert? Oliver: There’s dessert? Thanks, dad! Hmm, I’ll have a banana split. Linda: Me too. Dad: Ok, I’ll go to get that. Didn’t you know this is the official ’Dads spoiling their kids day’? Dad winks his left eye and gets up.

Oliver: I’ll make a note of this date, dad. Good to remember next year. Linda starts giggling and dad laughs out loud.

Glossary as good as it gets [æz ɡʊd æz ɪt gɛts] • så bra som det bara kan bli butterfly [ˈbʌtəflaɪ] • fjäril clothing store [ˈkləʊðɪŋ stɔː(r)] • klädaffär decide [dɪˈsaɪd] • bestämma dessert [dɪˈzɜːt] • efterrätt, dessrert enjoy [ɪnˈdʒɔɪ] • njuta av get up [ɡɛt ʌp] • resa sig, stiga upp excited [ɪkˈsaɪtɪd] • ivrig, se fram emot grade [ɡreɪd] • årskurs have grown [hæv ɡrəʊn] • har vuxit hold your horses [həʊld jɔː hɔːsɪz] • hejda dig; lugna dig in other words [ɪn ʌðə wɜːdz] • med andra ord jacket [ˈdʒækɪt] • jacka laugh out loud [lɑːf aʊt laʊd] • skratta högt

local [ˈləʊk(ə)l] • lokal make a note of [meɪk ə nəʊt əv] • anteckna on one’s own [ɒn wʌnz əʊn] • på egen hand proudly [ˈpraʊdli] • stolt pull someone’s sleeve [pʊl ˈsʌmwʌnz sliːv] • dra någon i ärmen remember [rɪˈmɛmbə(r)] • komma ihåg see you in a bit [siː juː ɪn ə bɪt] • ses om en stund shopping centre [ˈʃɒpɪŋ sɛntə(r)] • köpcentrum spoil [spɔɪl] • skämma bort stuff [stʌf] • grejer, saker suggestion [səˈdʒɛstʃ(ə)n] • förslag wink [wɪŋk] • blinka

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Fact file: School gear pencil coloured pencil eraser pen book notebook ruler calculator marker paper

blyertspenna färgpenna suddgummi bläckpenna book häfte linjal fickräknare märkpenna papper (också: uppsats)

Exercise 1: Down and across! Solve the crossword puzzle. Across 2. suddgummi 4. grejer, saker 6. skratta 8. bestämma 9. blyertspenna 10. blinka Down 1. stolt 3. centrum, center 4. förslag 5. skämma bort 7. årskurs 9. dra

1 2 3 4 5 6





Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Exercise 2: Opposites attract! Match the opposites. dessert



on one’s own


get up



1) bad 2) hate 3) sit down 4) not interested 5) global 6) forget 7) together 8) starter

Exercise 3: In your school bag! What school gear do you have in your school bag? Write the words here.

Exercise 4: Odd one out Which word does not belong to the group? Explain why, and translate the odd word out. 1) decide 2) grade 3) sibling 4) butterfly 5) suggestion

pull weekend pizza bird restaurant

sleeve summer dessert insect shopping centre

spoil year banana split stuff store Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the text Exercise 1: Where? Which? What? Answer the questions in English, please. 1) Where are Oliver and his family? 2) Which grades will Linda and Oliver start? 3) What does Oliver need and why? 4) Which things does Linda want? 5) What does Linda’s new school bag look like? 6) What do the siblings have for dessert?

Exercise 2: In Swedish, please. Translate the sentences into Swedish. 1) It’s the weekend before school starts. 2) Linda is pulling her dad’s sleeve. 3) Let’s decide this together. 4) The family is enjoying a pizza in the restaurant. 5) Good to remember next year. 22

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Focus on irregular verbs Exercise 1: Eight verbs Fill in the missing forms. You can find all the words below. Infinitiv



Svenska växa; odla veta; kunna rita ha med sig köpa tänka; tycka; tro fånga undervisa, lära

























Exercise 2: From present to past Write the sentences in the past tense (=preteritum). 1) The cat catches the mouse. 2) Mick teaches Mary to make banana split. 3) They buy school gear. 4) Dad brings the desserts to the children. 5) I know that… 6) Linda draws butterflies. 7) He grows carrots. 8) I think it’s safe. Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Find out more A new shopping centre Imagine that you got to design a new shopping centre. What kinds of stores and restaurants will it have? Will there be anything else, for example, a cinema or a bowling alley? Work together with a classmate or two. If you want to, you can draw a picture of the shopping centre as well. Be prepared to present you thoughts to the class!

Focus on grammar Bob looked different. He had a new hat, but there was something else too‌ His friends talked about it a lot. Bob just enjoyed his new look. Jakande preteritum


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Se sid. XXX.

Situational focus: At the café Imagine that you are at a café in London. You want to order something to drink and eat. What do you say to the waiter/waitress and what does he/she say to you? Create a dialogue with a classmate. Here are some useful expressions you can use: Waiter/waitress:


hh Hello!

hh Hello!

hh How can I help you?/What can I get you?

hh I’ll have a Coke, please.

hh Large or small?

hh Large/small, please.

hh Would you like ice with that?

hh No ice, please/Yes, please.

hh Would you like anything to eat?

hh Do you have any sandwiches?

hh Yes, we do. We’ve got tuna, ham and cheese and mozzarella and tomato.

hh I’ll have a tuna sandwich, please.

hh Anything else?

hh A packet of crisps, please.

hh What flavor would you like?

hh Salt and vinegar/Sour cream and onion, please.

hh That’ll be 6 pounds, please.

hh Here you are.

hh Thank you. Do you need a receipt?

hh No thanks.

hh Enjoy your meal!

hh Thank you!

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



Cooking at school and at home


oday, Oliver and his friends have their first cooking lesson in home economics. For many of them cooking isn’t anything new. Jill, for example, makes dinner every second Tuesday for her family. She started it last January, when she turned 13 years old. She mentioned that to her group when they were making a fruit salad. Oliver: How do you know what to cook? Jill: Mum has a whole shelf full of recipes. I just sit down and choose a recipe with only a few ingredients. Susan: Does any of you watch that new cooking show with Jamie Oliver? It started last month, I think. Mick: I do, and I made a pizza following one of his recipes last week. Mother didn’t believe her eyes when she came home from work and dinner was ready. Mary: What kind of pizza was it? Mick: It had tomato sauce, Italian sausages, garlic and broccoli. And lots of cheese, of course. Mary: Broccoli? That doesn’t sound very good… Mick: It was delicious! Oliver: Mick likes anything with sausage and garlic, you know. Later the class sits down to eat the food they made. Teacher: Class, while you’re eating I would like to talk a bit about school


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

dinners. I heard that someone mentioned Jamie Oliver. Did you know that he made a TV series called ”Jamie’s School Dinner”? Susan: Yes, it was very popular, wasn’t it? Teacher: Yes, it was. Why do you think he made the series? Susan: I think he wanted to teach people to feed children and young people real food instead of soda and hamburgers. Teacher: Yes, you’re right. He made people aware of school dinners and that the meals should be healthier and more appetising. And believe it or not, people started demanding more money for school meals. And they got more money! Now, let’s talk about school lunches here in Finland. We are lucky to have a cooked school lunch every day – very few countries have that. Finnish schools also cater for vegetarians and for students with allergies.

Mary (to Susan): Yes, I mustn’t eat nuts, for example. Super dangerous for me. Teacher: I brought a list of favourite school meals. I thought we could look at it together. Now, as you can see many students like macaroni casserole, lasagne and sausage soup. Mick: Sausage soup! Can we make that next week? Please!

Glossary allergy [ˈælədʒi] • allergi appetising [ˈæpɪtaɪzɪŋ] • tilltalande, lockande believe [bɪˈliːv] • tro bring [brɪŋ] • ha med sig cater for [ˈkeɪtə fɔː(r)] • tillgodose, ordna (åt), serva cook [kʊk] • laga mat, koka cooked [kʊkt] • här: varm (också: tillagad, kokt) cooking [ˈkʊkɪŋ] • matlagning demand [dɪˈmɑːnd] • kräva delicious [dɪˈlɪʃəs] • läcker, jättegod feed [fiːd] • mata few [fjuː] • få; (bara) några food [fuːd] • mat garlic [ˈɡɑːlɪk] • vitlök healthy [ˈhɛlθi] • hälsosam home economics [həʊm iːkəˈnɒmɪks] • huslig ekonomi ingredient [ɪnˈɡriːdɪənt] • ingrediens lesson [ˈlɛs(ə)n] • lektion

macaroni casserole [ˌmæk(ə)rˈəʊni ˈkæs(ə)rəʊl] • makaronilåda make aware of [meɪk əˈweər əv] • göra medveten om make dinner [meɪk ˈdɪnə(r)] • göra mat (middag) meal [miːl] • måltid mention [ˈmɛnʃ(ə)n] • nämna nut [nʌt] • nöt recipe [ˈrɛsɪpi] • recept salad [ˈsæləd] • sallad sauce [sɔːs] • sås sausage [ˈsɒsɪdʒ] • korv shelf [ʃɛlf] • hylla soda [ˈsəʊdə] • läsk soup [suːp] • soppa teach [tiːtʃ] • undervisa, lära turn (13) [tɜːn] • fylla/bli (13) watch [wɒtʃ] • titta på

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Exercise 1: Food search Go through the text on pages XX–XX and find all meals, food items and ingredients. Write them here.

Exercise 2: More food! Here are some other food items. Do you know the animal products, the dairy products, the berries, fruits and vegetables? Match the English and Swedish words.
















minced meat





sweet pepper


ice cream









Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



1) potatis

1) hallon

2) morot

2) blåbär

3) salladsblad

3) jordgubbe

4) paprika

4) lingon

5) lök

5) svarta vinbär

6) gurka

6) krusbär


Animal products

1) äpple

1) kött

2) banan

2) köttfärs

3) päron

3) skinka

4) ananas

4) kyckling

5) apelsin

5) biff

6) citron

6) ägg

Dairy products 1) mjölk 2) smör 3) grädde 4) ost 5) yoghurt 6) glass

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Exercise 3: 1 +1 = 1 Pair the words to get expressions from the text. Use all words only once. Make sure you understand what the expression means. aware










1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Exercise 4: Gaps! Fill in. You can find all the words in the word list on page X. Note! In 6–8 you need two words in each gap. 1) I don’t

this – I missed home economics! (tro)

2) Are you aware of the fact that we all should eat two hot

every day? (måltid)

3) I like difficult

with lots of ingredients. (recept)

4) Don’t 5) Only a

it, it’s no problem. (nämna) countries serve hot meals to all students. (några (få))

6) 7) The students went to their 8) Hamburgers and soda aren’t very 30

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

is often dangerous. (nötallergi) . (matlagningslektion) . (hälsosam mat)

Focus on the text Exercise 1: Questions Answer the questions based on the text. 1) What lesson are the students in? 2) How often does Jill make dinner for her family? 3) What are the students making? 4) What kind of pizza did Mick make? 5) Why did Jamie Oliver make a TV series called “Jamie Oliver’s School Dinner”? 6) Do many countries serve hot meals to all students? 7) What is Mary allergic to? 8) Which three favourite school meals does the teacher mention?

Exercise 2: In the text and almost in the text Translate the following sentences. The a) sentences are in the text. 1) a) Hur vet du vad du ska laga? b) Hur vet du vad du ska göra?

5) a) Vilken slags pizza var det? b) Vilken slags ost är det?

2) 6) a) Mamma har en hel hylla full med recept. a) Det (där) låter inte så bra… b) Jag har en hel hylla full med böcker. b) Det (där) låter mycket bra! 3) a) Tittar någon av er på det ny kockprogrammet med Jamie Oliver? b) Tittade någon av er på programmet? 4) a) Mamma trodde inte sina ögon. b) Jag trodde inte henne.

7) a) Ja, jag får inte äta nötter. b) Jag får inte äta potatis. 8) a) Jag har med mig en lista på populär skolmat. b) Har du med dig en lista?

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on irregular verbs Exercise 1: Eight verbs Fill in the missing forms. Infinitiv










välja få; komma fram sitta


ha med sig


undervisa, lära

Exercise 2: From question to statement Change the questions into statements. For example: Did you draw it? You drew it. 1) Did you see the cook? 2) Did he eat the casserole? 3) Did she give you the recipe? 4) Did they choose their favourite meals? 5) Did you get home on time? 6) Did it sit still? 7) Did we bring food for everyone? 8) Did they teach you how to eat healthily?



Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Find out more Favourite food! a) What is your favourite school dinner? Write down your Top Three.

b) What is your favourite food outside of school? Write down your Top Three.

c) Work in pairs and interview each other. Report to the class.

Focus on grammar – Where do you want to go? – I don’t know! You didn’t tell me there were so many alternatives! – Did you think it would be easy? – YES! Frågande och nekande presens Frågande och nekande preteritum

Se sid. XXX.

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



Friendship In a radio studio in Leeds. Lucy: Hello everyone and welcome to ”Teenager Corner” on Channel 4! My name is Lucy Jenkins and today I’ve got two guests in the studio. Our topic today is friendship. Could you start by introducing yourselves? Marcus: My name is Marcus Black and I’m 14 years old. Brenda: And my name is Brenda Williams and I’m 14 years old, as well. We go to the same school in Wakefield. Lucy: Oh, really? Can you tell us something about your school? Marcus: Well, our school isn’t that big we’ve got about 200 students. I like our school, the teachers are nice and I’ve become friends with lots of people.


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Lucy: Now that was a smooth transition to our actual topic today, which is friendship. Marcus, you said that you’ve got a lot of friends at school. Could you tell us more about it? Marcus: My family and I moved to Wakefield from London a couple of years ago, and I didn’t know anyone at school. On my first day I was supposed to tell my new class about myself, and so I told them about my school in London. I guess going to school in London sounded cool and exciting, so I got to answer a lot of questions afterwards, and that’s the way I got to know people. Brenda was one of the first ones to talk to me. Lucy: How wonderful! But how come, if I may ask?

Brenda: Well, I like meeting new people and I’m not afraid of asking questions and learning more about new people. I’m quite outgoing and sociable. Lucy: Two very nice qualities, if you ask me. How would you describe a good friend, Brenda? Brenda: Marcus could actually be described as a very good friend. He is honest, friendly and reliable. Marcus: Cheers, Brenda! Brenda is also honest and reliable, but very sociable as well, that’s how I got to know her in the first place. And she’s got a great sense of humour, she makes me laugh all the time! Lucy: Sounds like the two of you know each other very well and that you’ve got a great time together. Brenda: That’s true. But the most

important thing is that I know I can tell Marcus anything and he won’t gossip. Marcus: I have to agree, you can always trust Brenda. She knows more about me than my own mum, ha ha. (laughing). Lucy: Sharing secrets, that’s what friends are for, right? Brenda and Marcus, thank you for taking the time to visit our programme this Saturday morning. Marcus: Thank you for having us, Lucy. Brenda: Thank you, it was nice talking to you! Lucy: This is Lucy Jenkins for Channel 4, more about friendship after the, oh, so wonderful Queen and “Friends Will Be Friends”. Have a great Saturday, my friends!

Glossary a couple of [ə ˈkʌp(ə)l əv] • några actual [ˈæktʃuəl] • egentlig afterwards [ˈɑːftəwədz] • efteråt ago [əˈɡəʊ] • för… sedan ask [ɑːsk] • fråga corner [ˈkɔːnə(r)] • hörn, hörna describe [dɪˈskraɪb] • beskriva exciting [ɪkˈsaɪtɪŋ] • spännande friendly [ˈfrɛndli] • vänlig friendship [ˈfrɛndʃɪp] • vänskap gossip [ˈɡɒsɪp] • skvallra guest [ɡɛst] • gäst honest [ˈɒnɪst] • ärlig introduce [ˌɪntrəˈdjuːs] • presentera may [meɪ] • får move [muːv] • flytta

outgoing [ˌaʊtˈɡəʊɪŋ] • utåtriktad quality [ˈkwɒlɪti] • här: egenskap reliable [rɪˈlaɪəb(ə)l] • pålitlig sense of humour [sɛns əv ˈhjuːmə(r)] • (sinne för) humor smooth [smuːð] • mjuk, smidig sociable [ˈsəʊʃəb(ə)l] • social sound [saʊnd] • låta student [ˈstjuːd(ə)nt] • elev; studerande supposed to [səˈpəʊzd tə] • det var meningen att teenager [ˈtiːnˌeɪdʒə(r)] • tonåring tell [tɛl] • berätta (för) topic [ˈtɒpɪk] • ämne transition [trænˈzɪʃ(ə)n] • övergång, brygga trust [trʌst] • lita på

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Exercise 1: Perfect match! a) Match the English words with the words in Swedish. ask












1) beskriva 2) elev, studerande 3) flytta 4) fråga 5) gäst 6) låta 7) lita på 8) pålitlig 9) tonåring 10) vänlig 11) vänskap 12) ärlig

b) Put a V after the verbs and an A after the adjectives. After the rest put an N – they are all nouns (=substantiv).


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Exercise 2: Gaps Fill in the words in the right form. 1) We had

over the weekend. (gäster)

2) Let’s be

– he is not very reliable. (ärliga)

3) May I

my friend Markus? Markus, this is Sarah.

(presentera) 4) That

like a great idea! (låter)

5) Susanne

to Liverpool last year. (flyttade)

6) Where are

? (eleverna)

7) Why

them? (frågade du inte)

8) We

her to the police. (beskrev)

Exercise 3: Definitions Match the words to the definitions. Three words do not have definitions. Translate these three. afterwards













a person that visits you


not before


a part of the personality of someone


(someone) that you can trust


to be friendly, talk a lot and enjoy meeting people Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



to talk about other people’s private lives


what you talk or write about


what you ask someone


where two walls, lines or roads meet

Extra word 1:


Extra word 2:


Extra word 3:


Exercise 4: How does it end? Complete the sentences. Use two (2) words in the word list on page X in each sentence. 1) She is…

2) Can you…

3) It…


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Focus on the text Exercise 1: Explain! Why are the following things mentioned in the text? Explain in English or Swedish. 1) guests 2) 200 students 3) London 4) outgoing 5) friendly 6) a great sense of humour

Exercise 2: In English, please! Translate into English. 1) Vårt ämne idag är vänskap. 2) Jag har blivit vän med många. 3) Vi flyttade för ett par år sedan. 4) Jag är inte rädd för att fråga frågor. 5) Ni har det roligt tillsammans.

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Find out more That’s what friends are for Which qualities should a friend have according to you? Which qualities are not that good? Make some notes and discuss with a friend or two! Here are some qualities that describe people: friendly vänlig reliable pålitlig honest ärlig outgoing utåtriktad sociable social funny rolig caring någon som bryr sig mean elak gossiping ”skvallerbytta” untrustworthy opålitlig jealous avundsjuk boring tråkig egoistic egoistisk, självcentrerad

Focus on grammar – Are you sure you can lift us both? – Yes, I am! Just stand on him. – Okay… – See! It works! – Oh no, we are falling! – Don’t worry – lean on me! Personliga pronomen


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Se sid. XXX.

Focus on sounds The English alphabet A [eɪ] B [biː] C [si:] D [di:] E [i:] F [ɛf] G [dʒiː]

H [eɪtʃ] I [aɪ] J [dʒeɪ] K [keɪ] L [ɛl] M [ɛm] N [ɛn]

O [əʊ] P [pi:] Q [kju:] R [ɑ:] S [ɛs] T [ti:] U [ju:]

V [vi:] W [ˈdʌb(ə)ljuː] X [ɛks] Y [waɪ] Z [zɛd] [ziː]

The English alphabet does not have the “Scandinavian” letters Å, Ä and Ö. You have to describe them instead: Å A with a circle on top [eɪ wɪð ə ˈsɜːk(ə)l ɒn tɒp]. Ä A with two dots on top [eɪ wɪð tuː dɒts ɒn tɒp]. Ö O with two dots on top [əʊ wɪð tuː dɒts ɒn tɒp]. When you spell something, for example your name, you say: That’s [ti:] [əʊ] [ɛm], TOM. The name of the city is Åbo, that’s [eɪ wɪð ə ˈsɜːk(ə)l ɒn tɒp] [biː] [əʊ]. In Finnish it’s Turku. No, not Turkey – Turku, [ti:] [juː] [ɑ:] [keɪ] [juː].

Exercise 1: Who? What names are these? Write and then say the names. 1) [ˈdʌb(ə)ljuː] [aɪ] [ˈdʌb(ə)l ɛl] [aɪ] [eɪ] [ɛm]


2) [ɛs] [juː] [i:]


3) [eɪtʃ] [i:] [ɛl] [i:] [ɛn] [i:]


4) [eɪ] [ɛs] [eɪtʃ] [ti:] [əʊ] [ɛn]


5) [ti:] [waɪ] [ɑ:] [ˈdʌb(ə)l i:] [ɛs] [i:]


6) [vi:] [ae] [si:] [ti:] [əʊ] [ɑ:]


7) [dʒeɪ] [əʊ] [ɛn] [eɪ] [ti:] [eɪtʃ] [eɪ] [ɛn]


8) [dʒiː] [eɪ] [biː] [ɑ:] [aɪ] [i:] [ˈdʌb(ə)l ɛl] [eɪ]


9) [di:] [əʊ] [ɑ:] [aɪ] [ɛs]


10) [ɛm] [eɪ] [ɛks]

[mæks] Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Exercise 2: Spell it! Work in pairs. Spell the following for each other. Then check if you got it right. 1) your own middle name 2) the name of a singer 3) the name of an athlete (=idrottare) 4) an animal 5) the name of a village, city or area


My partner

1) middle name

2) singer

3) athlete

4) animal

5) place

The Animal Alphabet Apes, Birds, Cats, ’n’ Dogs Elephants, Frogs, Geese ’n’ Hens Indian Tigers, Jaguars, Koalas ’n’ Lions. Mice, Nutria, Oxen and Ponies Quolls, Rats, Snakes, Turtles ’n’ Unicorn fish, Vampire bats, Wombats, Xiphias [ˈzaɪfɪəs] Yaks and Zebras. The quoll lives in Australia, New Guinea and Tasmania.


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Situational focus: At the supermarket You are at a supermarket in England and need some help in finding certain items. After you’ve done the shopping, you naturally need to pay at the checkout (= kassan). What do you say to the clerk and what does he/say to you? Create a dialogue together with your partner. Here are some useful words and expressions you could use: Asking and finding items (att fråga och hitta saker) You:


hh Excuse me, could you tell me where the… bread counter/frozen food/ milk/butter/fruit and vegetable/ meat section is?

hh Of course, follow me please.

hh Thank you. hh I’d like… a family pack of peas/two pounds of apples/200 grams of ham/blue cheese, please. hh I’m sorry, but I can’t find the milk/ the blue cheese.

hh Here you are, this is the bread counter/frozen food section/… section. hh Is there anything specific you’d like? hh This is our finest blue cheese/family pack of peas/ham selection. hh You’re welcome.

hh Thank you so much!

At the checkout (vid kassan) Clerk:


hh That would be 42 pounds, please.

hh Here you are.

hh Do you have a loyalty card (= bonuskort)?

hh No, I don’t./Yes, I do.

hh And here’s your receipt.

hh Thank you. hh You, too! Bye!

hh Have a good day! hh Bye!

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends



“Clothes – important or not?”


i! My name is Laurel Smith and I write for the children’s page in our local newspaper. This time I decided to interview some young people about clothing. I asked each person three questions:

1) What kind of clothing do you like to wear? 2) Who buys your clothes? 3) How much do you think about what you wear? Helen Collins, 14 years old 1) My favourite kind of clothing would be jeans, a pair of Converse and a hoodie. I like comfy clothes! 2) My mum buys me the things I really need, for example, a new winter jacket. But if I find something nice that I fancy, I have to pay for it myself. 3) Not that much, but if there’s a special occasion, like a birthday party or such, I want to look good and then I think about what I wear. Liam Burton, 13 years old 1) I like wearing baggy trousers, a big T-shirt, a baseball cap and skate shoes, because skateboarding is my hobby and I also skate in our school yard. 2) I live with my grandma and she’s the one who pays for my clothes, but I choose them myself, of course. 3) I don’t want to wear the same clothes for two days in a row, so you could say that I think about what I wear to some extent at least. 44

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Mindy McNamara, 15 years old 1) My favourite outfit at the moment is a white dress with a pattern in many colours and a pair of sandals. I follow fashion trends, so if you asked me the same question in a few months you’d probably get a very different answer! 2) My dad and I often go shopping together. He buys me some things, but not everything I want. I spend most of my pocket money on clothes. 3) Quite a lot! I choose my daily outfit very carefully. Luckily, I have a big mirror in my room, so I don’t have to occupy the bathroom the whole morning…

Glossary at the moment [æt ðə ˈməʊm(ə)nt] • för tillfället, just nu baggy [ˈbæɡi] • säcking buy [baɪ] • köpa cap [kæp] • keps carefully [ˈkeəf(ə)li] • försiktigt choose [tʃuːz] • välja clothing [ˈkləʊðɪŋ] • kläder comfy [ˈkʌmfi] • bekväm decide [dɪˈsaɪd] • bestämma fancy [ˈfænsi] • gilla; vilja ha follow [ˈfɒləʊ] • följa have to [hæv tə] • måste hoodie [ˈhʊdi] • munkjacka interview [ˈɪntəvjuː] • intervjua luckily [ˈlʌkɪli] • lyckligtvis

mirror [ˈmɪrə(r)] • spegel newspaper [ˈnjuːzˌpeɪpər] • tidnings (morgon-, dagstidning) occupy [ˈɒkjʊpaɪ] • ockupera outfit [ˈaʊtfɪt] • kläder (helhet) pay [peɪ] • betala pocket money [ˈpɒkɪtˌmʌni] • fickpengar probably [ˈprɒbəbli] • troligen special occasion [ˈspɛʃ(ə)l əˈkeɪʒ(ə)n] • speciell händelse spend [spɛnd] • använda, spendera (pengar) to some extent [tə sʌm ɪkˈstɛnt] • i viss mån trousers [ˈtraʊzəz] • byxor wear [weə(r)] • ha på sig (kläder, smycken) what kind of [wɒt kaɪnd əv] • vilket slags, hurdan yard [jɑːd] • gård

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Fact file: Clothes

(a pair of) jeans

a T-shirt

a hoodie


a jumper

a jacket

(a pair of) shorts

a belt

a dress

(a pair of) trousers

a scarf

a skirt

a shirt

a jacket

Exercise 1: One _ = one letter Fill in the words. You can find all the words in the word list on the previous page. 1) 2) 3) 46

a set of clothes for an event or activity a small area of ground next to a building

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

a sweatshirt with a part that covers your head and neck






to ask someone questions, for example, for a newspaper or a job


to get something by paying money for it


to give someone money when buying it


to have a piece of clothing on your body


to want to have


very likely



Exercise 2: A pair or not? Which five pieces of clothing comes in “pairs”? Write “a pair of…” cap dress hoodie jacket jeans sandal shoe sock T-shirt trousers

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Exercise 3: Define! Work in pairs and define the following words. 1) mirror 2) newspaper 3) special occasion 4) pocket money 5) spend

Exercise 4: Write! Choose one word in each group and write a sentence with the words. Write three sentences. follow decide spend wear buy pay

pocket money newspaper trousers clothing cap outfit





Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

luckily probably to some extent at the moment what kind of carefully

Focus on the text Exercise 1: True or false? Are the following statements true or false? If false, explain why! 1) Helen likes comfy clothes. 2) Helen’s mum pays for all her clothes. 3) Liam’s hobby is football. 4) Liam lives with his grandma. 5) Mindy follows fashion trends. 6) Mindy’s dad buys her everything she wants. 7) Mindy chooses her outfit carefully.

Exercise 2: Who wears what? Match the right piece of clothing with the right owner!

nverse ir of Co

a pa

a hoodie

baggy trousers a cap

a big T-shirt


skate shoes




a pair of s a dr



Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on irregular verbs Exercise 1: Eight verbs Fill in the missing forms. Infinitiv








ha på sig




hitta; anse





spendera; tillbringa

Exercise 2: Today or yesterday? Underline the verbs in the sentences. Are the sentences in the present tense (=presens) or the past tense (=preteritum)? Tick the right box. Present tense Past tense 1) She spent a lot of money. 2) Dad always pays. 3) I bought a hoodie. 4) It was a special occasion. 5) You often wear black. 6) She chose white. 50

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

7) I choose black. 8) We found a nice cap. 9) You have a cool outfit. 10) No, I didn’t spend a lot of money. 11) I find that hard to believe. 12) You spend a lot on clothing.

Exercise 3: Rewrite! Six (6) of the sentences in Exercise 2 are in the present tense. Rewrite them in the past tense.

Find out more In our wardrobes Now it’s your turn to be the reporter! Ask your classmate the same questions as Laurel did, and write down his/her answers. Then he/she will ask you. Present your answers to the rest of your class!

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends




Once Upon a Time...

Once upon a time...” That’s how all fairy tales begin. You meet fantasy creatures like fairies, elves and trolls as well as ordinary human beings. Very often there is a stepmother, and in almost all cases she is evil. It is normal for the events in the tales to be repeated – three times in German and Danish stories and up to five times in the Russian versions. Three traditional fairy tales are hidden in the following texts. They have been both updated and shortened. Do you still recognise some of them? Once upon a time there was a small village behind a great forest. One day the door of one of the neat little houses along the main street opened and a little girl appeared. She was carrying a basket on her arm and you could see from the way she walked that she was in a hurry. And the basket looked really heavy. The little girl was on her way to see her grandmother, who was ill and needed food and medicine. The little girl did not return home that evening, but a wolf was walking around in the neighbourhood, its stomach aching because of something it had just eaten… Once upon a time there was a mirror that praised its owner for being the most beautiful woman in the world. One


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

day, however, it made the owner both disappointed and furious when it told her that somewhere there was a person who was more beautiful than she. So she went out to search for this person in the woods. Finally she found her, and after three attempts she thought she had succeeded in eliminating her for good. Bad luck, the mirror told her again that there was still a creature out there that was more beautiful than she. So she became desperate and took her own life. Her stepdaughter was last seen with seven dwarfs, disappearing into the forest… Once upon a time there was a small family of three, but the mother fell ill and died. The father and the daughter planted a memorial tree in the garden, under which the poor motherless child sat, crying out her grief. The father soon found a new wife, who brought her two daughters with her into the family. They were ugly and had been totally spoilt by their mother, who had never asked them to do anything in the home. The father was often away from home and the stepmother forced her stepdaughter to do the household chores for her and her daughters. As the poor girl had to be up early in the morning and never went to bed before

midnight, the stepmother thought she had better sleep by the fire in the kitchen.

Do you recognise the three fairy tales? Write down the names of the tales, in English if you know them.

But the fairy tale ended well; her Fairy Good Mother, a ball at the castle and a lost glass slipper gave the poor girl a new life. She got her prince and they lived happily ever after.

A. B. C.

Glossary ache [eɪk] • göra ont along [əˈlɒŋ] • längs appear [əˈpɪə(r)] • komma fram/ut; visa sig attempt [əˈtɛm(p)t] • försök bad luck [bæd lʌk] • otur basket [ˈbɑːskɪt] • korg be in a hurry [biː ɪn ə ˈhʌri] • ha bråttom case [keɪs] • fall creature [ˈkriːtʃə(r)] • varelse disappear [dɪsəˈpɪə(r)] • försvinna disappointed [ˌdɪsəˈpɔɪntɪd] • besviken dwarf [dwɔːf] • dvärg elf [ɛlf] • alv; tomtenisse eliminate [ɪˈlɪmɪneɪt] • eliminera event [ɪˈvɛnt] • händelse evil [ˈiːv(ə)l] • ond fairy [ˈfeəri] • älva fairy tale [ˈfeəriˌteɪl] • saga fall ill [fɔːl ɪl] • bli sjuk for good [fɔː ˈgʊd] • för alltid force [fɔːs] • tvinga forest [ˈfɒrɪst] • skog furious [ˈfjʊərɪəs] • rasande great [ɡreɪt] • stor; mäktig grief [ɡriːf] • sorg had better [hæd ˈbɛtə(r)] • det är bäst att

hidden [ˈhɪd(ə)n] • gömd household chores [ˈhaʊshəʊld tʃɔːz] • hushållssysslor human being [hjuːmənˈbiːɪŋ] • människa main street [meɪn striːt] • huvudgata memorial tree [mɪˈmɔːrɪəl triː] • minnesträd mirror [ˈmɪrə(r)] • spegel neat [niːt] • fin, prydlig neighbourhood [ˈneɪbəhʊd] • grannskap Once upon a time... [wʌns əˈpɒn ə taɪm] • Det var en gång… ordinary [ˈɔːdɪn(ə)ri] • vanlig poor [pɔː(r)] • stackars (också: fattig) praise [preɪz] • hylla recognise [ˈrɛkəɡnaɪz] • känna igen repeat [rɪˈpiːt] • upprepa return [rɪˈtɜːn] • komma tillbaka shortened [ˈʃɔːt(ə)nd] • förkortad sleep [sliːp] • sova spoilt [spɔɪlt] • bortskämd stepmother [ˈstɛpˌmʌðə(r)] • styvmor stomach [ˈstʌmək] • mage succeed in [səkˈsiːd ɪn] • lyckas (med) ugly [ˈʌɡli] • ful village [ˈvɪlɪdʒ] • by woods [wʊdz] • skog Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the words Exercise 1: In English? Fill in the words in English. Note the first letter. 1) mage


2) alv; tomtenisse E 3) försvinna


4) försök


5) stor


6) människa


7) återvända


8) en gång


Bonus words! 9) traditionell


10) tidigt


11) tid


12) eftersom


Exercise 2: Odd one out Which word does not belong? Explain why.


1) stepmother




2) forest




3) village




4) meet




5) fairy tale




Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Exercise 3: Please explain Explain the words in English. 1) stepmother 2) household chores 3) repeat 4) disappointed 5) neighbourhood 6) motherless 7) memorial 8) mirror

Focus on grammar How many guys are there in the picture? There are four guys in the picture. Is there a green guy there? Yes, there is. Is there a whole puzzle in the picture? No, there are only four pieces of a puzzle. There is, there are

Se sid. XXX.

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on the text Exercise 1: In the text and almost in the text Translate the following sentences. The a) sentences are in the text. 1) a) Du möter fantasivarelser som älvor, alver och troll. b) Du möter också vanliga människor. 2) a) Det är normalt att händelserna i sagorna upprepas. b) Det är normalt att upprepa saker. 3) a) Känner du fortfarande igen en del av dem? b) Kände du igen dem? 4) a) Det fanns en liten by bakom en stor skog. b) Finns det en by i skogen? 5) a) Hon hade bråttom. b) Varför hade hon bråttom? 6) a) Den lilla flickan kom inte hem den kvällen. b) Kom hon hem (igen)? 7) a) (Vilken) otur! b) Lycka till! 8) a) Modern blev sjuk och dog. b) Jag blev sjuk. 9) a) Styvmodern tvingade sin styvdotter att göra hushållssysslorna. b) Du kan inte tvinga mig.


Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

Exercise 2: Discuss Discuss the following: 1) Did your mother or father or anyone else read fairy tales to you when you were small? 2) Do you think it is important to read to children? Why? 3) Do you recognise any of the following fairy tales? What are they about? • Hansel and Gretel • Sleeping Beauty • The Emperor’s New Clothes • Rapunzel • Goldilocks and the Three Bears • The Little Mermaid

Find out more Your own fairy tale Write your own fairy tale. Use about 80 words. You can start by making a mind map. You can include, for example, the following information: • Who is the hero/heroine (=hjälte/hjältinna)? • Is there a villain (=skurk)? What does the villain do? • Where does the story take place (=äga rum)? • What kind of problem does the hero encounter (=stöta på)? • How does the hero solve the problem (=lösa problemet)? • Is there magic?

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


Focus on irregular verbs Exercise 1: NINE verbs Fill in the missing forms. You can find the infinitive forms below. Infinitiv



Svenska fånga undervisa; lära tänka; tycka; tro sitta spenderade; tillbringade

ha på sig rita växa; odla ät










Exercise 2: Question time! Use the verbs in Exercise 1. a) Write questions in the past tense (=preteritum). All questions must start with Who, What, Why, Where or When. 1) 2) 3) 58

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends

4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) b) Work in pairs. Ask your questions from your partner. Your partner must answer in complete sentences with the same verb as you used.

Unit 1 Who I am – me, my family and my friends


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