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Ensure a safe return to campus with community based-learning and adaptive face-to-face instruction.

Provide faculty and staff with the development, training and technology to adapt to the changing conditions caused by the virus and the directives of state and local authorities.

Promote safety and well-being among all students, faculty and staff by ensuring proper physical distancing, disinfection strategies and preventative measures.

We believe that face-to-face instruction is paramount for the student experience. When the 2020-21 academic year commences in the fall, faculty will be providing face-to-face instruction along with virtual options as well. Faculty are working now to prepare courses that provide a seamless experience in and out of the classroom.


During the fall 2020 semester, all traditional courses will be offered in a hybrid format. Hybrid refers to content both in MyFire and in physical classrooms. With hybrid course preparation, faculty will be able to accommodate social distancing and also flex as CDC guidelines, campus conditions or social distancing protocols are relaxed or restricted. To reduce viral spread, professors using a hybrid course preparation will ensure that social distancing practices are carried into the classroom environment.

According to current CDC guidelines, students physically present in the classroom should maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance from other students. Based on classroom capacity, maintaining the recommended distance would require limiting physical presence to 50 percent of each room’s occupancy. As CDC guidelines on social distancing are updated, the percentage of students able to be physically present in the same room could increase or decrease.


To supplement face to face delivery, faculty will be loading course content into the MyFire online learning platform. Course content might include pre-recorded video lectures, recorded class meetings, articles, assignments, or even Zoom sessions for live class meetings. Every class has a course shell in MyFire which is where students access content, submit tasks, take assessments, and see grade updates.


In keeping with CDC recommendations, our classrooms will provide adequate space while also allowing students to interact with one another, the professors and the class content. While the number of people physically present during any classroom meeting will vary with updates to CDC recommendations for social distancing, live instruction, access to professors and connection with classmates won’t change.

With the CDC recommended 6 feet of space per student for social distancing, we will limit physical presence in each classroom to 50 percent of that standard room capacity. There will be signage in place to indicate the new occupancy numbers for each classroom.


Faculty will create a seating chart with the purpose of them seeing and documenting 50 percent occupancy and for tracking purposes. In the event that any student is diagnosed with COVID-19, the seating chart will assist with knowing who else was in the room for the purpose of notification.


Faculty members are encouraged to hold virtual office hours whenever possible. However, if faculty members wish to meet students in person, it is advised that they maintain strict distancing, wear masks and keep their office doors open for airflow. Departments should consider setting aside small conference rooms that can be used for these meetings.


Currently, plans call for 6 feet of social distancing, which means 50 percent of the occupancy rate in some classrooms. This flexible approach will allow students to have access to our world-class faculty in person and at a safe distance. Inside of the classroom, students will be required to wear masks.

Students are encouraged to not go to class if they are not feeling well, or are showing any symptoms of illness. Classes will be available to view from the comfort of a student’s room in the event of any illness.


Faculty will be supportive and flexible with students who might not be feeling well. Course content will be available in MyFire for students who may not be able to attend classes.


All of the classrooms will provide disinfectant wipes. Hand sanitizer stations will be located outside of the classroom. All of the rooms will be cleaned and sterilized daily. We have also installed air ionizers to improve the air quality of our campus facilities and classrooms. Disinfectant stations will be placed in each campus classroom consisting of a spray bottle of Vital Oxide and a paper towel dispenser. This will be wall mounted for convenience.

Course schedules will allow for maximum time between sections. In certain instances, classroom meeting times have been amended to accommodate additional cleaning. In all cases, faculty must strictly observe course end times to allow for safe classroom transitions and to accommodate cleaning and sanitization schedules.

By taking this approach to fall courses we can better ensure the safety of our faculty, staff and students while minimizing disruption to schedules, student registration and course loads in the case of changing social distancing guidelines. Prior to fall course launch and dependent on CDC recommendations, additional information related to classroom sanitization, the spacing of desks and the use of masks during or between class periods will be clarified and shared. Alternate scenarios considered by the task force would have resulted in a rebuild of the fall schedule, repetition of academic advising, student course re-registration, and in many cases an increased number of sections for faculty and/or an increased teaching load.

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