playbook For Response & Reopening
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UPDATED 8.6.20
Table of Contents
Pandemic Response Team
Health, Safety and Wellness
13 Outside Community 15
Residence Halls
Dining and Food Services
Student Experience
Athletic Events & Facilities
International and Domestic Travel
Operational Postures
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At Southeastern University, we are committed to creating a college experience for our students that is like none other. Although we recognize that life as we know it has changed, we believe that the oncampus experience is critical in the growth and development of our students. As we anticipate the return of students in the fall, our staff and faculty have worked diligently, dedicated to promote a healthy and safe environment for our SEU community. In the following pages, we will outline the measures we have taken. A SAFE PLACE FOR LEARNING
We acknowledge from the onset that the university cannot guarantee that individuals will not be exposed to or become infected by COVID-19 by virtue of being on campus. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. We do commit to providing enhanced safety precautions and preventive measures are being taken to make the campus as safe and healthy as reasonably possible for students, faculty, staff and guests. Our plans have been developed in accordance with the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Florida Health Department, the White House, local health departments and medical centers, and local government. We have strived to incorporate the best science, medical advice and public health practice to develop concrete plans for educating SEU students in the coming months. With the evolving circumstances, SEU will periodically update this playbook to follow the latest guidelines.
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Pandemic Response Team •
Implementing, monitoring and reporting on the COVID-10 control strategies.
To ensure the safety and health of the SEU community, the university has appointed the COVID-19 Recovery Task Force (CRT). The team is responsible for ensuring that a plan is in place in response to the pandemic. Comprised of 12 influential members of the university’s campus, the team works to create adaptive plans in accordance with the guidelines of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Florida Health Department, the White House, local health departments and medical centers, and local government. Members of the task force are responsible for implementing, monitoring and reporting on the COVID-19 control strategies. The CRT wants to be sure that our efforts are aligned with the state’s public health goals and that our approach to operations does not undermine progress to mitigate the spread of the virus in Florida. In addition, we feel a deep obligation to deliver the on-campus community-based living and learning that we believe works best for our students. The protocols we are developing are grounded in three essential principles: • The health, safety and well-being of students, faculty and staff. • The mitigation of the risk of spread of COVID-19 in our campus community. • The fulfillment of our institutional mission to provide an enriching community and an innovative and transformational learning experience. The foundational principles of our plans include: • Taking personal responsibility for monitoring health and not coming to work or class when sick. • Washing your hands often, and not touching your eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands. • Cleaning and disinfecting frequently touched surfaces. • Practicing social distancing. • Using a face mask around others in the classroom and when social distancing cannot be maintained.
Mike Alderman, Dr. Susie Tasker-Weaver & Megan Wagner
2. Employee Reintegration
Dr. Cody Lloyd
3. Academics
Dr. Meghan Griffin, Dr. Amy Bratten & Dr. Cody Lloyd
4. Housing
Dr. Bethany Thomas & Stephanie Garrison
5. Events
Drew Watson & Allie Cheek
6. Campus Life (Dining, Chapel, Student Life)
Dr. Bethany Thomas & Stephanie Garrison
7. Communication
Dana Davis & Sylvia Blackmon-Roberts
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Health, Safety and Wellness • Ensure the health, safety and well-being of students, staff and faculty. • Mitigate the risk that students, staff and faculty will be a conduit for community spread of the virus.
Our CRT is doing everything we can to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our students, staff and faculty. Our goal is to mitigate the risk that students, staff and faculty will be a conduit for community spread of the virus, while allowing the safe return of students to SEU’s learning environments. PREVENTION
To reduce the spread of COVID-19, the SEU community will be following CDC guidelines. This includes hygiene and respiratory etiquette. Community members are encouraged to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, hand sanitizer can also be used. When coughing or sneezing, it is encouraged for individuals to use tissues or the inside of their elbows. The CDC also highly recommends the use of cloth face coverings or masks. These should be used especially when physical distancing is difficult. Another essential step in preventing the spread of COVID-19 is staying at home, in the dorm room or self isolating when an individual is feeling unwell with symptoms of the virus. These symptoms include fever or chills, cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or running nose, nausea or vomiting or diarrhea. TRAINING AND COMMUNICATION
The CRT will provide scientifically sound training and communication to the SEU community on how to be Healthy Citizens. Extensive health and safety training is essential for the campus community. Components of training will address COVID-19 risk factors and protective behaviors along with specific campus policies and procedures (symptom monitoring, hygiene practices, physical distancing, testing, isolation, and quarantine procedures). Additionally the implementation of signage regarding hygiene practices, room/building capacity, distancing, masks and other public health measures will be in place throughout the campus. MASKS
SEU community members and visitors are expected to wear masks when physical distancing is not possible (at least 6 feet), particularly in indoor communal areas. Students, faculty and staff are not permitted to wear masks that are disruptive, offensive or promote illegal drug use. This includes, but not limited to, the use of profanity, inappropriate content (lettering, images, graphics, etc.) or any values that are contrary to the community covenant. CLEANING AND SANITIZATION OF CAMPUS
Prior to the return of students, the campus will be disinfected and certain areas will remain closed until the start of the semester to establish a sanitary baseline prior to reopening. Plans are in place to ensure the campus engages in ongoing cleaning and disinfection measures consistent with current CDC and EPA If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 7
guidance. This includes increased cleaning and disinfection of high-touch surfaces like door handles. Engineering controls, such as high efficiency air filters and sneeze/cough barriers, have been installed in critical areas. Hand sanitizing dispensers will be placed outside of all classrooms and in high traffic areas. PHYSICAL DISTANCING MEASURES
Where applicable, common spaces in buildings will be reconfigured to account for physical distancing. Signage will also be employed to promote physical distancing. Ground markings, signs and physical barriers will be utilized to avoid areas of congestion. Maximum occupancy will be posted in classrooms and other common areas. SYMPTOM MONITORING, TESTING & CONTACT TRACING
The CRT has worked with the local health department to determine best practices for the university to adopt in regard to symptom monitoring, testing and contact tracing. At this point, SEU community members are not required to be tested for COVID-19 prior to returning to campus. However, community members are expected to monitor their health and to follow CDC guidelines and to stay within their residence if they feel unwell. A system has been developed to self screen temperatures and check symptoms of students, staff and faculty. This will be recorded in an SEU internal tracking system. Visitors and employees without access to the tracking system will use checkpoints on campus. Plans have been developed to contact trace students through both classrooms, residence halls and Tuscana Ristorante. Classrooms will have seating charts and residence halls will be restricted to students who live in the respective building. This will aid in working with the local health department for contact tracing should there be an infection on campus and minimize the number of students who may be exposed and/or required to isolate. Consideration is being given to routinely testing athletes as a subgroup. Also discussions are underway about a partnership with Lakeland Regional Health (LRH) to run the campus clinic. LOCAL HEALTH DEPARTMENT
The university has developed points of contact with local public health officials and local healthcare centers in order to communicate, coordinate and execute plans to help mitigate the risk of a community outbreak. The university has also been working in collaboration with local hospitals. VENTILATION
In many of our campus HVAC systems, we have installed UV Lighting, which has been proven to kill mold spores and other microorganisms. We have also installed air ionizers to improve the air quality of our campus facilities and classrooms. We will be using state-of-the-art sterilizing fogging machines along with industrial antiviral solutions throughout the campus. WATER SYSTEMS
All water fountains are cleaned daily with sterilizing wipes. SEU community members are encouraged to use the contactless water dispensers on campus. CAMPUS HEALTH SERVICES
University health services are being upgraded with additional exam rooms, expanded services and increased staffing. Partnerships have been established with local healthcare providers to provide testing for students. If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 8
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Students • Allow the safe return of students to SEU’s learning environments. • Provide plans to prevent the spread of COVID-19 on campus.
At SEU, we are committed to providing Christian higher education designed to equip the next generation of leaders. As the university looks to welcome students back to campus this fall, there are several plans in place to provide a safe and healthy environment for our students to learn, live and grow. RETURNING TO CAMPUS
During Welcome Weekend students will check into residence halls by appointment only to allow for social distancing. Temperature and symptom checks will be done on all incoming students and families, with the plan of the families not returning to campus following check-in day. All students will receive a “welcome package” that will include face masks, a thermometer and other items to assist in promoting a healthy community and individual responsibility. MONITORING SYMPTOMS
Students will administer self-symptom checks on a daily basis and be required to record their data on our custom internal tracking system. QUARANTINE/ISOLATION PROTOCOL
Sick students showing symptoms of the coronavirus are encouraged to not return to in-person classes or use SEU facilities until they have been cleared by a medical professional. If students are feeling sick, it is advised that they go to the Health Services clinic to be screened. Health Services will refer students for COVID testing, if appropriate. Protocols have been established to provide appropriate isolation and quarantine space for residential students as needed. These plans have been established for both students who have tested positive for COVID-19 as well as for students who have been exposed. These plans take into consideration the provision of basic needs for those students, including food, laundry and other services. HIGH-RISK POPULATIONS AND STUDENTS IN QUARANTINE/ISOLATION
SEU is committed to providing uninterrupted education to its students. Plans are in place to provide virtual instruction options, real-time and/or recorded digital access to classes for students in isolation, quarantine or high-risk populations. Student support services including library materials, academic and career advising, tutoring and counseling will be made available online and in other formats, as practical. When a student is in isolation/quarantine, it is imperative that he/she notifies his/her professors. WELLNESS NEEDS
While faced with the changes this pandemic has brought, we recognize that it can lead to feelings of isolation. The Health & Wellness Office provides counseling for students who might feel alone during this season. Frequent communication will be sent to inform students about services provided for them on campus. STUDENT TRAINING PROGRAM
An all student meeting will be held when students return to review the university’s health and wellness protocols. Community health sessions will also be provided throughout the course of the academic year. If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 10
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Employees • Take preventative measures to ensure the health and safety of employees in office spaces and classrooms.
As our university has faced the unprecedented circumstances of COVID-19, our faculty and staff have worked diligently to provide a premier educational experience for our students. With the return of employees on campus, our goal is to continue to provide precautions and guidance for a safe work environment. PREVENTION
Employees are to conduct daily health screenings and record results in the SEU internal tracking system. Employees with temperatures that are higher than 100.4 or symptoms of the coronavirus will need to self isolate or be cleared by a medical professional before they return to work. Employees are required to wear face masks when social distancing cannot be maintained. Vulnerable populations are encouraged to work remotely, when able to do so. TRAININGS
All employees will go through prevention and wellness trainings. Community health sessions will be provided throughout the course of the academic year. MEETINGS ON CAMPUS
While on campus, employees are encouraged to replace in-person meetings with video- or tele-conference calls whenever possible. If meeting in person, employees should adhere to physical distancing guidelines, with at least 6 feet between people. If employees are not able to adhere to social distancing guidelines, they will need to wear masks. QUARANTINE/SELF-ISOLATION
Employees with COVID-19 symptoms (i.e., fever, cough, or shortness of breath) should notify their supervisor and stay home. Sick employees should follow the CDC recommended steps. Employees should not return to work until the criteria to discontinue home isolation are met, in consultation with healthcare providers and state and local health departments. Employees who are well but who have a sick family member at home with COVID-19 should notify their supervisor and follow CDC recommended precautions. SICK TIME/PAID TIME OFF
Depending on the circumstances, employees who have exhausted their sick time and all other paid time off may be entitled to a job-protected leave of absence under the Family and Medical Leave Act or the Americans with Disabilities Act. Placement on an unpaid personal leave for a specified period of time may also be an available option. CLEANING POLICIES
Employees are responsible for cleaning and maintaining their individual work spaces, including desks, chairs and computer equipment. Faculty will be responsible for cleaning any equipment they use within a classroom. Housekeeping will clean and disinfect high-touch surfaces within university offices and classroom spaces. If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 12
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Outside Community • Ensure the health and safety of our visitors. • Provide health and safety guidelines for students, staff and faculty while they represent the university in the local community.
SEU values the thousands of guests that travel from all around the nation to visit our campus. We are also committed to investing in our Lakeland community through student internships, ministry and other opportunities. Every year, SEU students spend thousands of hours giving back to the local community. VISITORS ON CAMPUS
In accordance with CDC recommendations, when visitors arrive on campus, an SEU team member will take the visitor’s temperature and ask a series of questions. Visitors are required to wear masks. The university will provide masks for visitors in need of them. VISIT EVENTS
All events on campus will follow CDC recommendations for the size of the group, social distancing and the recommended use of masks (depending upon the activity). Symptom checks will be conducted for visitors. Visit events will not include an overnight stay and various classroom options are being considered in lieu of attending a class with SEU students. Visitors will be provided with boxed lunches. SEU IN THE COMMUNITY
While in the Lakeland community, whether for internships, practicums or meetings, SEU members are encouraged to follow CDC guidelines, including practicing social distancing and wearing face masks. Students are able to complete internships as their employer or site allows. If students have questions about their internships, they can contact their academic advisors.
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Academics • Ensure a safe return to campus with community based-learning
and adaptive face-to-face instruction. • Provide faculty and staff with the development, training and technology to adapt to the changing conditions caused by the virus and the directives of state and local authorities. • Promote safety and well-being among all students, faculty and staff by ensuring proper physical distancing, disinfection strategies and preventative measures.
We believe that face-to-face instruction is paramount for the student experience. When the 2020-21 academic year commences in the fall, faculty will be providing face-to-face instruction along with virtual options as well. Faculty are working now to prepare courses that provide a seamless experience in and out of the classroom. HYBRID COURSES
During the fall 2020 semester, all traditional courses will be offered in a hybrid format. Hybrid refers to content both in MyFire and in physical classrooms. With hybrid course preparation, faculty will be able to accommodate social distancing and also flex as CDC guidelines, campus conditions or social distancing protocols are relaxed or restricted. To reduce viral spread, professors using a hybrid course preparation will ensure that social distancing practices are carried into the classroom environment. According to current CDC guidelines, students physically present in the classroom should maintain a minimum of 6 feet distance from other students. Based on classroom capacity, maintaining the recommended distance would require limiting physical presence to 50 percent of each room’s occupancy. As CDC guidelines on social distancing are updated, the percentage of students able to be physically present in the same room could increase or decrease. COURSE DELIVERY
To supplement face to face delivery, faculty will be loading course content into the MyFire online learning platform. Course content might include pre-recorded video lectures, recorded class meetings, articles, assignments, or even Zoom sessions for live class meetings. Every class has a course shell in MyFire which is where students access content, submit tasks, take assessments, and see grade updates. CLASSROOM SETTING
In keeping with CDC recommendations, our classrooms will provide adequate space while also allowing students to interact with one another, the professors and the class content. While the number of people physically present during any classroom meeting will vary with updates to CDC recommendations for social distancing, live instruction, access to professors and connection with classmates won’t change. With the CDC recommended 6 feet of space per student for social distancing, we will limit physical presence in each classroom to 50 percent of that standard room capacity. There will be signage in place to indicate the new occupancy numbers for each classroom. If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 16
Faculty will create a seating chart with the purpose of them seeing and documenting 50 percent occupancy and for tracking purposes. In the event that any student is diagnosed with COVID-19, the seating chart will assist with knowing who else was in the room for the purpose of notification. FACULTY OFFICE HOURS
Faculty members are encouraged to hold virtual office hours whenever possible. However, if faculty members wish to meet students in person, it is advised that they maintain strict distancing, wear masks and keep their office doors open for airflow. Departments should consider setting aside small conference rooms that can be used for these meetings. PREVENTION PROTOCOL
Currently, plans call for 6 feet of social distancing, which means 50 percent of the occupancy rate in some classrooms. This flexible approach will allow students to have access to our world-class faculty in person and at a safe distance. Inside of the classroom, students will be required to wear masks. Students are encouraged to not go to class if they are not feeling well, or are showing any symptoms of illness. Classes will be available to view from the comfort of a student’s room in the event of any illness. ABSENCE DUE TO ILLNESS
Faculty will be supportive and flexible with students who might not be feeling well. Course content will be available in MyFire for students who may not be able to attend classes. CLEANING POLICIES
All of the classrooms will provide disinfectant wipes. Hand sanitizer stations will be located outside of the classroom. All of the rooms will be cleaned and sterilized daily. We have also installed air ionizers to improve the air quality of our campus facilities and classrooms. Disinfectant stations will be placed in each campus classroom consisting of a spray bottle of Vital Oxide and a paper towel dispenser. This will be wall mounted for convenience. Course schedules will allow for maximum time between sections. In certain instances, classroom meeting times have been amended to accommodate additional cleaning. In all cases, faculty must strictly observe course end times to allow for safe classroom transitions and to accommodate cleaning and sanitization schedules. By taking this approach to fall courses we can better ensure the safety of our faculty, staff and students while minimizing disruption to schedules, student registration and course loads in the case of changing social distancing guidelines. Prior to fall course launch and dependent on CDC recommendations, additional information related to classroom sanitization, the spacing of desks and the use of masks during or between class periods will be clarified and shared. Alternate scenarios considered by the task force would have resulted in a rebuild of the fall schedule, repetition of academic advising, student course re-registration, and in many cases an increased number of sections for faculty and/or an increased teaching load.
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Residence Life • Ensure a safe return to on-campus living and learning in university housing.
We believe that building community is an essential part of the college experience. Residential living provides a unique experience of being in close proximity to students of varying personalities, interests and cultural backgrounds. This affords a wealth of learning and an opportunity for personal growth and relationship building. It is our goal to encourage social interactions while being able to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in student living spaces. Our residence life, health and wellness, and facilities teams have been working closely together to prevent, monitor and trace infection outbreak among resident students. SOCIAL INTERACTIONS
All social interactions are encouraged to be held outside or in a larger space. Residence halls will only be open to residents of those facilities. Visitors will not be allowed in residential rooms, and residential lobbies will have limited occupancy based on CDC recommendations. Additional inviting spaces will be created outdoors with permanent tents and activities, such as corn hole, spike ball, etc. Open dorms will be discontinued for the fall semester. CLEANING POLICIES
We are ensuring all residence halls will have dedicated housekeeping staff to take other health and safety measures in cleaning. Residents are also encouraged to frequently clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces. However, students can also play an essential role in maintaining a clean and safe environment within their dorm room. According to CDC guidelines, to mitigate the spread, students should stay at least 6 feet apart from each other in living spaces. Students are encouraged to not share dishes, drinking glasses, cups or utensils. Sinks can be a source for infection and students should avoid placing toothbrushes in the sinks. Totes can be used for personal items so that they do not touch the bathroom countertop. Residents are encouraged to wipe down bathroom surfaces before and after use. COMMON AREAS
University members are required to wear masks in common areas where they are not able to maintain 6 feet social distancing from one another. Within their residence halls, students are expected to wear masks while walking in indoor hallways and utilizing shared bathrooms. LAUNDRY FACILITIES
As with all of our facilities, students will be asked to continue to maintain social distancing (at least 6 feet apart). Within these facilities, students will be required to wear masks. The number of students who can access the facility will also be restricted. Disinfectant wipes will be provided in the laundry rooms in order for students to wipe down the appliances after each use.
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Dining Halls and Food Services • Provide dine-in and to-go options for students, faculty and staff.
SEU is working with Chartwells, its dining services vendor, to ensure that the health and safety of students, faculty and staff are being considered. When dine-in service is possible, it will include distance spacing between tables and seats. Increased dining opportunities will be provided on campus along with more to-go options at the food court and Portico. Self-service buffet options will be eliminated. Facilities will include extensive signage. A greater range of pre-made and to-go options will be made available to limit in-person contact. There will be increased hygiene for staff and cleaning of shared spaces.
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Student Experience • Create an unforgettable college experience while mitigating the spread of the coronavirus on campus.
The experience at SEU involves more than earning a degree. We pride ourselves in providing an unforgettable college experience through our on-campus events and chapel services. EVENTS ON CAMPUS
All events on campus will follow CDC recommendations and state and local mandates for the size of the group, social distancing and the recommended use of masks (depending upon the activity). Symptom checks will be conducted for visitors. CHAPEL SERVICES
On-campus students will still be required to earn spiritual formation credits. Adhering to CDC guidelines, the Department of Spiritual Formation will create multiple chapel experiences, including online devotionals, small groups, virtual sermons and watch parties. STUDENT CLUBS & ORGANIZATIONS
All student clubs and organizations will be asked to complete a re-registration of their organizations. The organizations are also encouraged to follow these policies: no communal food at events, record attendance at all in-person events, and plan virtual meetings and events whenever possible. Student clubs will need to follow CDC guidelines and university policies, including socially distancing and face mask wearing when social distancing is not possible.
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Athletic Events & Facilities • Develop protocols based on best practices as recommended by the CDC, State of Florida, NAIA and The Sun Conference.
Protocols for athletics are being developed in accordance with guidance from the NAIA and will take into consideration athletic training, travel and competition. Spectators at all athletic events will follow CDC guidelines for social distancing and capacity. INTRAMURALS
Intramurals will continue in the fall semester following the guidelines of the CDC. ATTENDING GAMES
SEU is in the process of determining what fan support will look like this fall in accordance with CDC guidelines. TAILGATING
SEU community members are welcome to tailgate in designated areas before football games. However, with the current circumstances, all meals must be served by individuals wearing masks and gloves. POOL & AQUATICS CENTER
The pool is open for on-campus students, staff/faculty and their immediate family members. The pool area is limited to a maximum of 40 people in the area at one time. Social distancing is required between family groups.
Student Athletes RETURN TO CAMPUS
Student-athletes will arrive on-campus in a phased approach throughout the month of August. Studentathletes will arrive on designated dates so that the university personnel will be able to effectively welcome them to campus. Coaches will provide specific information to each team’s reporting date and expectations surrounding move-in day. SOCIAL DISTANCING/PHYSICAL SEPARATION
While social distancing is not possible in sports, we have designed a plan within the athletic facilities to space out student-athletes as much as possible. For example, treatment tables and taping stations will be separated by six feet in the training rooms, and we will observe social distancing wherever possible in the Fitness Center. DISINFECTION AND SANITATION
All athletic facilities will be cleaned daily with approved disinfectants. This includes all shared equipment before and after it is used by a student-athlete. Hand sanitizer stations and fogging machine protocols are being implemented at athletic locations on campus.
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International & Domestic Travel • Provide guidance for SEU community members with international and domestic travel plans.
With a diverse student body, we understand that we will have students traveling from international countries and states located outside of Florida. To ensure the safety of our community, we will adhere to any guidance and guidelines given by the CDC, the White House and state government in reference to international and domestic travel. COMMUNITY TRAVEL
According to the CDC, travel increases the chance of getting or spreading the coronavirus. The CDC recommends that individuals stay home as much as possible, especially if a trip is not essential or if the individual is sick or travels with someone who is sick. The CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential international travel. In the state of Florida, Governor DeSantis has directed that all individuals entering the state of Florida from the New York Tri-State Area (Connecticut, New Jersey and New York) to isolate or quarantine for a period of 14 days from the time of entry into Florida or the duration of the individual’s presence in Florida, whichever is shorter. However, this executive order does not apply to students traveling for the purpose of academic work, internships, sports training and any other activity of program approved by the educational institution. MISSIONS TRIPS & STUDY ABROAD
All international study abroad programs have been canceled for the fall semester. Most domestic programs have been canceled for the entire year. International missions trips have been postponed for the fall semester. However, the university will continue to focus on local outreach opportunities.
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Operational Postures SEU’s operational postures define what is allowable across our people, places and programs. These five phases will be based on factors unique to the university, including cases on campus, adherence to health and safety guidelines and isolation beds. The university plans to open and operate under the “Go Fire” phase in the fall. NORMAL FIRE NORMAL FIRE
The university operates with prevention protocols in place. Being a Healthy Citizen Continue to enforce general measures for a healthy and safe environment: • Wash your hands frequently • Stay home when you are sick • Cover coughs and sneezes Academics & Campus Environment The university operates under normal conditions without any restrictions. • In-person classes • Social events and gatherings • Athletic games • Open dining GO FIRE
Most university operations continue with prevention protocols and some limitations in place. Being a Healthy Citizen Continue to enforce general measures for a healthy and safe environment: • Continue hygiene etiquette • Temperature checks and symptom monitoring • Frequent cleanings of high traffic areas and surfaces • Masks required in classes and university buildings • Social distancing required on campus Academics & Campus Environment Classes can continue with certain protocols. Events and social gatherings have limitations. • Hybrid instruction • 6 feet distancing between desks • 50 percent occupancy • Limited social events and gatherings • Certain protocols for athletic games PREVENT FIRE
Many university operations continue with prevention protocols and more limitations in place. Being a Healthy Citizen Continue to enforce general measures for a healthy and safe environment: • Continue hygiene etiquette • Temperature checks and symptom monitoring • Frequent cleanings of high traffic areas and surfaces • Masks required in classes and university buildings • Social distancing required on campus If you have any COVID-19 questions, please email 29
Academics & Campus Environment Classes can continue with certain protocols. Events and social gatherings have limitations. • Hybrid instruction • 6 feet distancing between desks • 50 percent occupancy • Limited social events and gatherings • Only residents allowed in dorms • Non-essential group meetings suspended • Further protocols for athletic games CONTAIN FIRE CONTAIN FIRE
The university closes the majority of operations in efforts to contain the virus on campus. Being • • • •
a Healthy Citizen Testing Contact tracing Isolation and quarantine Alerts sent to campus community
Academics & Campus Environment • University transitions to remote learning for isolation period • Campus dining only to-go options • Events and gatherings canceled HOME FIRE HOME FIRE
The university transitions to remote learning with closures to the majority of campus operations. Being a Healthy Citizen • Campus access restricted • Alerts sent to campus community Academics & Campus Environment • Remote/online instruction • Suspend campus activities • Dining and housing options for students who cannot return home • Majority of employees work remotely
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