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Your admission counselor
SEU is Now Test Optional
SEU has moved to new methods for determining academic scholarship awards . Students may choose to submit SAT, ACT, or CLT scores, however, these scores are not required for admission purposes or for receiving academic merit scholarships . **
If your student does not take or submit scores from the SAT, ACT, or CLT exam, their weighted high school GPA will determine their SEU academic scholarship tier . If your student does submit exam scores, a strong score will benefit their scholarship tier . Test scores will only be factored in if they help your student reach a higher tier .
**Scores should be requested via the test's website and are not required for transfer students.
Have questions about the admission process, financial aid, classes, or campus life? Your SEU admission counselor is your expert on all things SEU, so they’re a terrific resource for you and your student. Visit SEU.edu/admissioncounselors.