UE Divine Design Booklet

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Discovering Your


“God has created you with a unique design that He wants to unleash in your life to change the world.” Dr. Kent Ingle President, Southeastern University


Finding the answer to this question is like walking a long, winding path without knowing exactly where it leads. It’s a journey filled with ups and downs and twists and turns, but it’s also one that is absolutely worth taking. So, we search for clues to help us find the right way. We search for connections to reveal our next steps. And bit by bit, step by step, along the journey we discover who we are and where our path is leading us. Why do we ask ourselves this question? Why do we search for our purpose? Why do we dare to take this journey? Simple…we want our lives to matter. We want to feel like we made an impact. We want to live a life of real meaning and purpose. We want to know that our lives count for something. Because deep down, we all want to make a difference in the world. If that sounds like you…if you want to find your purpose in life, read on...

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In 1870, an inventor named Thomas Adams was experimenting with chicle, the sap from a South American tree. He was trying to use this substance to create a substitute for rubber. After numerous failures, the dejected inventor popped a piece into his mouth. When he did, Adams found that he liked it. So, his research took a different turn. As a result, his discovery became the first mass-produced chewing gum in the world. Two engineers, Alfred Fielding and Marc Chavannes, invented bubble wrap. But when they created it, they intended to market this unique product as wallpaper. However, their bubbly wallpaper didn’t catch on, so the two engineers decided to switch directions and market their product instead as greenhouse insulation, which ultimately led to it becoming protective packing material that is also super fun to pop. ​​Using a wire cable system, a railway engineer named James Curran invented a way to transport bales of bananas around a loading dock. But when the owner of America’s first ski resort went looking for a solution

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for transporting skiers to the top of a mountain, Curran used the basic principles from his banana system to ultimately develop the first ski lift in 1936. What do each of these examples have in common? The inventors had one purpose in mind, but the real outcome of the discovery was something completely different. And that outcome had a much greater impact than what was originally intended.

AND SO IT IS WITH MANY OF US We often start out on one path only to be redirected to a different path that leads us to discover our real purpose in life. One that we never saw coming, but one that results in a life of significantly greater purpose...a purpose that is far greater than anything we can ask, think or imagine. But what is your greater purpose? If you don’t know yet, don’t worry...

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Moses had no clue about his God-given purpose when he was growing up in Egypt and watching his people being oppressed and enslaved while he was being raised in Pharaoh’s palace. But he knew something wasn’t right with what he saw. God placed a burden on his heart for his people who were being mistreated, and that burden was so strong that he killed an Egyptian guard—an act that forced Moses to escape to the rural countryside and live as a farmer and shepherd for forty years. In that time there was no way Moses could have known his greater purpose in life. But God was preparing him for his calling. Building his understanding of leading sheep so that he would be ready to lead people when the time was right. Strengthening his heart to serve and sacrifice for the welfare of his flock. Increasing his protective instincts to defend his flock. Why? Because God had bigger plans for Moses from the very beginning. God had designed Moses to be the shepherd of Israel who would one day lead millions of God’s people out of slavery and oppression.

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Joshua didn’t know his purpose either. He faithfully served as the assistant to Moses as they wandered

through the wilderness for forty years after leaving Egypt. Forty years…that’s a full career. But God was preparing Joshua for his true purpose. God used those forty years to mold and shape Joshua’s heart for people as they wandered through life. God strengthened Joshua’s faith as he walked side by side with Moses. And He refined Joshua’s character in a way that prepared him to stand firm when others walked away. Joshua’s divine design went well beyond being Moses’s right hand man. God’s real purpose for Joshua was to position him to lead the nation of Israel into the Promised Land after those forty years of wandering through the wilderness. And not only to enter the land, but to lead the people to possess it. To inspire people to see God’s promises for them. To instill courage in others to own God’s promises for them. And through Joshua’s leadership, God established His people as a nation.

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David was a shepherd boy. As the smallest in his family, David got the best chores around the farm. (Well, not really.) David got sheep duty. When his older brothers were out hunting or off fighting in the army, David was tending sheep. He probably felt frustrated with where he was. He likely thought that looking after sheep was his station in life. He may have even felt like he was invisible in his family of older brothers who were warriors serving in the king’s army. But God had His eyes on David from the beginning, and He had a plan to show His greatness through David’s meekness. And in his time tending sheep, God was preparing David for his true calling. He was building David’s courage as he fought the lions and bears that attacked the sheep. He was strengthening David’s faith to see that God was his shield and fortress. Because God had designed David to be a warrior who would slay giants and win battle after battle until there were no more battles to fight. And David would ultimately be the one to lead the nation of Israel to unity and peace and to experience the blessings of God.

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Esther was a peasant girl living among her people

in exile. Although she was beautiful, she felt she was a nobody with no purpose and no future. However,

when her beauty captured the attention of Xerxes, the Persian king, she found herself in the palace. Esther then prepared for a life as just one of the nameless, faceless women who would serve the king’s company. But God had a purpose for Esther beyond her beauty. He had positioned her for that specific time to be in that specific place with that specific king. Because a plot to exterminate God’s people had been hatched by the king’s advisors, and God needed her to be the voice of her people. God designed her so perfectly to be a woman of faith, kindness and character, and with the courage to stand with conviction and speak to the king on behalf of her people. And in that moment, Esther would save her people and fulfill her purpose in God’s greater plan.

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Nehemiah was a cupbearer for king Artaxerxes when the Israelites were in exile. It was a position of service to the king, pouring drinks and ensuring those drinks weren’t poisoned. Nehemiah had earned a position of confidence in the king’s eyes, and his path in life seemed set. But God placed a burden on Nehemiah’s heart. It was a burden for his people in Jerusalem who were living in disgrace. Who were being bullied day after day. Who had no protection because the walls around Jerusalem were in shambles. God had designed and positioned Nehemiah for something more…to lead the people of Jerusalem to rebuild the walls and restore their dignity as God’s people. Nehemiah wasn’t a builder, and he had no knowledge of construction. He had also never been to Jerusalem. But Nehemiah was a man of faith, conviction and courage, and the burden for his people compelled him to act despite what he didn’t know. And through Nehemiah, God would not only restore the dignity of His people, but He would restore their faith.

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Mary was a young woman who lived in a time when

women were second class. They were seen as less than

men and had no status in society. So, Mary likely did not envision much of a purpose for herself in the big picture. Friendly with a young man named Joseph, she saw her future as his wife. But she was also a young woman with great faith and humility, and God had His eye on her for a big assignment. You know the story. God was about to make His move. After 400 years of silence, the time had come for Him to put His plan into motion. God’s plan of salvation for the world had arrived, and He needed someone who would be steadfast in faith to walk down a path of the highest responsibility. God had His eyes on Mary from the very beginning and had personally chosen her to be the mother of Jesus. Far from being useless in the big picture, Mary fulfilled a calling that served the greatest purpose by delivering the Savior.

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GOD DESIGNED YOU FOR A GREATER PURPOSE What do these examples have in common? Each one of these people was living life according to who they were at the time. They all saw themselves and their path in life according to the culture and the perceptions of the people around them. But for each one, God had a plan for their life that went far beyond what they could see.

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Their eyes could only see life as an outcast in the fields, a shepherd tending sheep, or a peasant living in obscurity. But God designed each of them for much greater purposes. He designed them to be able to do more than they thought they could. He designed them with the strength and character that set them apart from the crowd. He designed them to be people of courage so they could walk on a new path in life. And He designed each of them to fulfill a calling that not only impacted nations, but ultimately whose purposes still echo today. Like Moses, David, Esther, or Mary, you may be wondering what life is really about, and you may be thinking that surely there is something more to life than what you see in front of you right now. Or you may be feeling as though you don’t have much to offer to the world. Or feeling like what you have to offer doesn’t make sense. But the truth is that you are wonderfully made, and you have been created by God for a purpose that He has designed especially for you.

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Ephesians 2:10 says, For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. You have been created to do things you may not see yet. And those things ahead will impact the world for God’s purpose. You are created for good works. Works that matter. Works that make a difference. Works that count. World-impacting, life-changing works. Like a uniquely-designed, handcrafted jar of clay, you have been molded and shaped exactly as the Potter envisioned. And you have been divinely designed for a very specific purpose that will enable God’s greater plan to come to life. So, although you may not know your specific purpose just yet, God does. You have been created to do astounding things in your lifetime. Things that go beyond anything you can ask or imagine. Things you don’t see yet. And those things ahead will impact the world for God’s purposes.

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HOW CAN I DISCOVER MY DIVINE DESIGN? Discovering your divine design isn’t a quick process. It’s a journey. It’s a winding path that takes you through valleys and up to the mountaintops. It’s a path that leads you into places of adventure that build your courage and faith. It’s a path that leads you to quiet places of reflection where you gain understanding of who you are. And it’s a path on which you will encounter people whom God will use to sharpen you for His greater


purposes. It’s a journey of discovery, and one that is worth the trek.

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HOW DO I GET STARTED ON THE JOURNEY? HAVE EYES TO SEE Moses saw his people being bullied and enslaved. Joshua saw the promises of God on the horizon. Nehemiah saw a city in shambles and his people in disgrace. They all saw what God had placed before them because they were seeing others how God saw them. They had eyes to see. When you look around, what do you see? There are people to free, giants to slay, and lives to be changed. And God designed you to see all of it the same way He sees. Are your eyes

DISCOVER YOUR DIVINE DESIGN open to see what’s out there?

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HAVE EARS TO HEAR God spoke directly to Moses through the burning bush. Samuel spoke directly to David when God chose him to be king of Israel. An angel spoke directly to Mary to inform her that she would give birth to God’s only son. What’s the point? God is always speaking to us, and He designed each of us to hear His voice. Are your ears open to hear what God is speaking to you? HAVE COURAGE TO SAY YES Here’s where the action is. Starting the journey means having the courage to get out there. Have courage to go beyond your comfort zone. Have courage to do things that you have never done before. And this adventure starts by saying yes to God. Yes to going where He leads. Yes to the opportunities that are presented to you. Moses said yes, and his divine design became clear. Joshua said yes and discovered who he really was in God’s plan. David said yes and allowed God’s design in him to inspire a nation. Esther, Nehemiah, Mary… they all said yes and all discovered their divine design and God’s purpose for their life.

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AM I READY TO SAY YES? God has had His eyes on you from the beginning. He created you for a powerful purpose that will truly change the world…a unique purpose that He wants you to discover. Your tremendous potential is just waiting to be released. Whether you can see it or not, God’s plan for your life has always been in motion. So, are you ready to say yes? Absolutely. You were born ready.

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WHERE DO I GO FROM HERE? This exciting journey is one that is best taken with others who will challenge you to reach the mountaintops, to encourage you through the twists and turns, and to celebrate the wins you experience along the way. It’s a promising journey that will expand your view of God, draw you nearer to Him, and open your eyes and ears to discovering His purposes for you. And it’s an inspiring journey that will ignite a passion for discovery in your heart and mind through education, spiritual growth, and leadership development. If you’re ready for this life-changing journey, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started!

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WHAT’S MY FIRST STEP? The first step on this journey is itself a step of discovery. It’s a step to learn more about the people, places and opportunities you’ll encounter along the way. And this step is all about discovering Southeastern University at _______________ Church. Since 1935, Southeastern University has been helping emerging leaders to grow in knowledge and faith as they discover God’s purposes for their life. Similarly, ___________ Church has a heart to build up the next generation of leaders to see them fulfill God’s potential within them and to impact the world. This unique partnership between SEU and ___________ Church creates an extraordinary experience for students which combines higher education, spiritual growth, and leadership development. It’s an experience that will get you fired up to discover and pursue God’s unique purposes for your life.

SO, WHAT IS YOUR FIRST STEP? Scan the QR code and start your journey!

22 | What’s my First Step?

For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. Ephesians 2:10

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