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| Awesome | November




urj Khalifa is the mega tall skyscraper with 163 floors claiming the position of being the tallest artificial structure in the world with height of 829.8 Metres. That fact makes Burj Khalifa own the elevator with the longest travel distance in the world. At 146th floor of the Burj Khalifa there is an office named Mara Group

The founder of Mara Group was once a refugee who had to drop out of school when he was 15 years old to support the family. This guy faced the wrath of Dictatorship regime of Iddi Amini, he faced the view of death from Rwanda genocide in

1994 and lived the life of not knowing what tomorrow will bring. This man is a fourth generation Ugandan. As of today, apart from having his headquarters at the tallest building in the world which makes him own one of the highest offices in the world, the group exist and operate in 25 countries and employs more than 11,000 staffs. They have businesses in sectors such as construction, manufacturing and finance. The group runs a

foundation supporting more 2,500 small businesses with a focus on young people and women. All this achievement started with a 5,000 USD loan, a dream of Mr Ashish Thakkar in the poor country, Uganda. Getting back to your life, you feel like not having a rich father or uncle, not having much education, not having good looks or not having luck contributing to put you where you are, let this simple story

remind you that the cost of your success is a dream and small start. If you did not know, America is the home of 30% of the world’s richest people and 25% of the world prisoners. Do not let your problems come between your dreams and success, as anonymous person said “Do what you can, with what you have, where you are”. By Rogers Emmanuel

Awesome | November | 5

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| Awesome | November



braham Lincoln was the 16th US president and John Kennedy was 35th US president, we all believe that sometimes history repeat itself, we do not know if these coincidences have meaning but we know that they are strange. Abraham Lincoln was elected to the House of Representative “Parliament” in 1846 while John Kennedy was elected in 1946. Abraham Lincoln was elected president in 1860 while John Kennedy was elected president in 1960.

Abraham Lincoln

Both their predecessors left office in their seventies and they both died before the end of the decade. Both their Vice Presidents and successors were Southern Democrats named Johnson (Andrew Johnson born in 1808 and Lyndon B. Johnson) born in 1908.

Both presidents were shot in the head on a Friday seated beside their wives. Both Fridays preceded a major holiday observed within the week.

Both presidents were accompanied by another couple. The male companion of the other couple was wounded by the assassin. Both presidents had a son die during his presidency.

John Kennedy

Both presidents’ wives died in their sixties after an untimely decline in health, during the administration of a president who had seen their

husbands in Washington, D.C. the same year as the assassination. Lincoln was shot by John Wilkes Booth at Ford’s Theatre; Kennedy was shot by Lee Harvey Oswald in a Lincoln automobile, made by Ford. Both presidents’ last names have 7 letters. After shooting Lincoln, Booth ran from a theatre to a warehouse; after shooting Kennedy, Oswald ran from a warehouse to a theatre.

Both Johnsons were succeeded as President in ‘69 by Republicans whose administrations were considered failures and whose mothers were named Hannah.

Both assassins died in the same month as their victim in a state adjacent to the state of their birth.

Both assassins were Southern white males born in the late ‘30s, who were in their mid-20s. Both assassins were killed before being tried, by men who were reared in the North, changed their name as adults, and were bachelors. Both assassins had 15 letters in their name.

Both assassins suffered injuries during escape.

Both had body guards named William, William H. Crook told Lincoln not to go the assassination point, William Greer drove JFK to the assassination point. By Rogers Emmanuel

Awesome | November | 7


| Awesome | November

What marketers can learn from the 2015 election campaigns


here’s little doubt that the line separating politics from marketing is fading with each campaign. The purpose of this article is not to comment on that dynamic, nor to offer commentary on the recent presidential election. Rather, it is to examine the aftermath of this campaign and see what lessons marketers can learn from these increasingly sophisticated and well-funded political campaigns, including smart data segmentation, rapid response, emotional storytelling, and influencer engagement.

Whether you’re voting for UKAWA or CCM, ACT or TLP (or anyone else for that matter) you will have been subjected to huge amounts of promotion from their campaigns and those campaigning on their behalf. You will have been able to gather a clear view of what the party’s manifesto is (a public declaration of policy and aims) and have a detailed brand image of that party and those running in the election; this is so by 25th October you know who you voted for and why. The use of marketing in Tanzania politics especially this 2015 election was dominant in all but mostly

the two major parties CDM and CCM It seems that traditional methods are favoured for political campaigns however there has been some move over to more advance methods such as the use of social media, however it’s crucial that what is being posted is how they want to be represented. If there is one thing that we’ve seen as a constant throughout the 2015 presidential campaign it is that social media has been the go-totool for engaging younger audiences and getting them to influence their friends. - Edward Lowassa has 36.7K followers on twitter and 475.4K likes on Facebook - Dr. John Pombe Magufuli has 34K followers on twitter and 10K likes on Facebook

There is a lot for marketers to learn from this campaign about engaging large audiences, managing reputations, and instilling passion. Here are the top five things we marketers learned from studying the 2015 Presidential Campaign: 1. It’s all about engagement Many of the lessons for brand marketers are the same whether we’re looking at presidential debates like Mikimiki or some other event. In an age where content is king, just having fans and followers isn’t enough. It’s increasingly important to know your audience and their preferred method of communication. As you can see in the graph below, for this election, younger voters were many as 57% of all registers voter who were much more likely to engage with political

Awesome | November | 9

material on social networks (promoting and reposting political materials and posting thoughts on issues). So in order to increase engagement across social networks, it’s important to post content that resonates with this younger age group.

AweSome Tip: In order to earn engagement, brands need to familiarize themselves with their audience and focus on topics of interest to that audience. 2. Passion is key to social media response Social media contributed a lot of buzz and activity leading up to and during the presidential campaign. Social media allows people to share their passions easily, and politics is one of those topics people are very passionate about. In the case of the campaigns and results follow ups , users created their own hashtags, memes, and fake Twitter, Instagram and Facebook profiles in response to lines from the candidates. These spread like wildfire throughout social media channels. AweSome Tip: Think of ways to tap into the passion of your followers or fans in the social media realm by using a simple catch phrase or hashtag that can be easily shared within social media channels and include those in your ads.

3. Prepare your defense Engage your audience when appropriate, but anticipate criticism beforehand and be ready to play defense. Brands tend to crawl under a rock as soon as they receive negative remarks on social channels. This year in particular, both candidates have taken a barrage of negative comments on social media sites. As you heard both Lowassa and Magufuli where criticized even to the point of being humiliated on social media. For Lowassa, negative comments outnumbered positive, though it demonstrated somewhat more fluidity from week to week. AweSome Tip: Be prepared to rally your supporters to defend your brand from critics and trolls when things get ugly.

4. Don’t forget the “human touch” Inspect social media data for measurable insights but stay aware of the limitations. Emotion analysis of social media data inevitably needs a human filter. No matter how well you train the software, it’s impossible to have 100% accuracy. AweSome Tip: Don’t forget the “human touch.” Read your users’ comments, post responses, and be engaged with the

community you are building. This community will return the favor by sharing their passion with others. When it comes to data, remember that the machine can’t do it all. Make sure the opinion analysis makes sense and adjust the numbers accordingly. 5. Don’t waste time and money by attempting to buy your opponents’ fans While this may work well for some consumer brands, people searching for a presidential candidate on social media or search engines likely don’t want an opponent to be the first to pop-up in their search results. AweSome Tip: Just because you can buy search results, doesn’t mean you should. Confusing people into looking at your content is a desperate strategy to gain fans.

Were there other tactics used in this year’s political campaigns that marketers should avoid using? What other lessons can marketers learn from this year’s elections? Send us your comments through:

By Seuri Kuoko


| Awesome | November

Awesome Jokes


are pirates’ great singers? A: Because they can hit high C’s

Q: What do you call an elephant that doesn’t matter? A: An irrelephant.

Q: What type of music are balloons scared of? A: Pop music

Q: Why did the picture go to jail? A: Because it was framed.


Q: What type of songs do the planets sing? A: Nep-tunes Q: Where did the music teacher leave the key? A: In the piano Q: What do you call a cow that plays a musical instrument? A: A moo-sician!

1- If you want to catch a squirrel just climb a tree and act like a nut.

5- Last night I almost had a threesome, I only needed two more people!

2- A blind man walks into a bar. And a table. And a chair.

6- Just went to an emotional wedding. Even the cake was in tiers.

3- What did Jay-Z call his girlfriend before they got married? Feyoncé 4- Why can’t a bike stand on its own? It’s two tired

7- What do you call a dinosaur with an extensive vocabulary? A thesaurus.

Q: What do you call a laughing motorcycle? A: A Yamahahaha Q: Who can shave 10 times a day and still have a beard? A: A barber. Q: What kind of key opens a banana? A: A monkey!

Awesome | November | 11

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PUBLISHED BY AweDin Group Limited Maembe Road, Kijitonyama near Mabatini Police Station P.O. Box 79422 Sales & Marketing Office: +255 688 569 169 Seuri Kuoko +255 712 011 332 Rogers Emmanuel +255 714 010 008 Email: Online publication at


| Awesome | November



eing a member of Harvard Business Review website ( gives me access to 15 articles free every month, this condition made me very selective on what I read, I need to understand, analyse and assess if the article I will read will be as interesting as the heading.

On my normal procedure of selection, I came up with the following heading “Japanese-Style Entrepreneurship: An interview with Softbank’s CEO, Masayoshi Son”. Before that heading I had never heard of Softbank or Masayoshi Son but I was curious about the so called JapaneseStyle Entrepreneurship so I had to open the article. From the article I managed to know that Masayoshi Son founded Softbank in 1981 and as of 05th October 2015 he is the second richest man in Japan, with net-worth of 14 Billion USD as per Forbes. The man holds a record of being the only person to lose 70 Billion USD in a single day. The thing that made me more in-

terested in Masayoshi Son is the vision and value of the company. The vision is to build a company that will keep growing for the NEXT 300 YEARS. Masayoshi Son have some few interesting stories worth sharing.

Upon his arrival to USA from Japan, he was enrolled to a high school, only after one week he went to the headmaster to ask if he can be made a junior, the headmaster arranged an exam for him which took 3 days, testing 2 tests per day. Having poor English he requested to be given unlimited time in completing the exams, he finished the last exam on the third day 11PM. You might guess, that he passed and was selected to join college. Masayoshi Son was working on the first talking translator, this made him to be late for his marriage more than 2 times. The last time he was late for more than 15 minutes, after being accepted he was told that to get married he need 2 witnesses to sign the

marriage register. He asked the court guard and female clerk who works on the court to be the witnesses and they accepted. He got married.

Masayoshi Son holds the history of being the man who lost the most money in history in a single day, he lost 70 billion USD in one day during the Dot com crush of 2000. According to Forbes, Masayoshi Son have been ranked as #2 richest man in Japan, #17 richest man in Tech (2015), #38 Powerful people (2014) and #75 Billionaires in the world (2015).

In 2014 Masayoshi Son invested in development of the first humanoid robot designed to live with human beings. Pepper robot is a social robot able to converse with you, recognize and react to your emotions, move and live autonomously. By Rogers Emmanuel

Awesome | November | 15

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